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通过对三山岛岸段冬夏重复的地形测量和表层沉积物的粒度分析,研究了其地貌特征与地形变化规律、沉积物类型、粒度特征、运移趋势,并探讨了沉积物运移的动力机制。结果表明:该岸段可根据1985黄海高程-1.2m(低潮水位)和-6.5m(闭合深度)平面划分为海滩、水下岸坡和浅海陆架三个地貌单元,各地貌单元表层沉积物分布规律与地形变化特征区别显著。其中水下岸坡和浅海陆架地貌单元主要受潮流作用,海滩地貌单元主要受波浪作用。在西向落潮流和西南向潮余流的作用下,水下岸坡地貌单元发育一个中等规模潮流通道-沙脊沉积系统。表层沉积物以向西运移的趋势为主,少数滞留于西部潮流沙脊处,与地形"东侵西淤"的变化规律相符,这些西向运移的沉积物最终离开研究区,补给莱州浅滩。 相似文献
以2013年莱州三山岛黄金海岸海滩剖面等实测资料为基础,结合海图和遥感影像等历史资料,利用数值模拟、泥沙起动流速计算和沿岸输沙计算等方法对研究区的冲淤特征进行了研究,并在此基础上初步探讨了影响冲淤演变的主要因素。结果表明,2009—2012年期间王河口至黄金海岸东端之间岸线保持平衡,黄金海岸岸线全线后退,处于侵蚀状态,黄金海岸西段至刁龙嘴之间岸段由于养殖池建设部分岸线向海推进;1984—2004年期间研究区整体处于侵蚀状态,等深线呈不同程度后退;2004—2013年期间研究区整体呈侵蚀状态,近岸海域侵蚀量在0.5~1 m之间,7 m等深线以深海域呈微淤积状态,淤积量>0.5 m;人类活动是影响研究区近期冲淤变化的根本因素。 相似文献
海滩养护过程和工程技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
海滩养护是根据设计方案,向海滩大量抛沙,或者同时辅以硬工程,使受蚀海滩增宽和稳足的工程,是抵御海岸侵袭灾害的最佳措施。上世纪末发达国家已普遍开展,我国目前尚属起步,但近年发展迅速。该工程分调查,重建和修补3个阶段,三者相互补充和制约。重建前必须充分调查目标岸段,以为设计养护方案提供依据;重建阶段应注重抛沙位置、沙成分、抛沙量和沙源选择等工序;重建后应进行多年的剖面监测和再抛沙的修补。在那些浪大,沙少和岩礁裸露的侵蚀岸段,应辅以丁坝或岸外潜坝等硬工程加以抵浪,维持所填沙的稳定。 相似文献
由于自然因素和人类活动的影响等原因,世界很多海滩经受着侵蚀和破坏。而利用人工养护工程来保护和恢复海滩具有养护效果较明显、干滩面积明显增加以及不破坏环境景观的优点,目前得到越来越多国家的认可。国外由于养滩历史较久,养滩工程后的监测和质量评价不仅开展得早,而且已经成为工程的一个重要部分。评价指标已经比较完善,甚至有些国家已经将养滩效果评价列入法规框架之中。我国的海滩养护工程在十几年前才开始,虽然工程量逐年增长,但是对海滩养护工程施工后的工程监测和工程评价却较少涉及。本文对美国、荷兰、英国、丹麦以及我国等国家的海滩养护工程的工程评价工作进行总结,从而提出适用于我国工程特点的养滩工程质量评价因子和方法。 相似文献
莱州湾海域水文特征及冲淤变化分析 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
研究了莱州湾海域水文、泥沙特征及沉积状况,分析了莱州湾海域不同等深线的冲淤变化。结果表明,莱州湾海域具有显著的大陆性气候特征,潮汐类型属于不正规混合半日潮,海岸泥沙主要来源于支脉河的径流和涨潮流携带来的海相泥沙;0 m等深线1991—1993年是向海淤进,其余年段均为蚀退,蚀退速率与黄河口来沙量和口门入海位置有一定关系;两个断面上不同等深线的淤进(淤积)和蚀退(侵蚀)交替进行,0~2 m等深线总体为蚀退(侵蚀);大于2 m等深线总体为淤进(淤积);两个断面上坡度2~5 m等深线之间最陡,随着水深加大,坡度逐渐变缓,不同年份趋势基本一致。 相似文献
Coastal shoreline protection and beach nourishment are significant issues for coastal states along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. In some areas, there is a critical need to identify suitable sources of sand for possible use in public works projects for coastal protection. The continental shelf contains large resources of sand and gravel that could be used to support such projects. The U.S. Department of the Interior's (DOI) Minerals Management Service (MMS) provides policy direction and guidance for development of the resources located on the federal portion of the continental shelf. This article highlights the MMS's Sand Program, focusing on its cooperative resource and environmental studies with several coastal states, significant milestones and accomplishments, and anticipated activities in 1998 and beyond. Management of sand resources on the federal portion of the continental shelf has been made easier by a federal state partnership concept. Using this cooperative concept, joint projects are being conducted to investigate offshore sand resources, potential sites, extraction methods, and related environmental conditions. The MMS has procedures for negotiating sand agreements under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) and ensuring that the resources are developed in an environ mentally sound manner. The authority to negotiate with project sponsors, an important recent change in the OCSLA, also resides with the MMS. This 1992 change in OCSLA facilitates the use of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)resources for public projects. Further, the MMS is authorized to assess a fee based on the value of the resource and the public interest served. The MMS has worked with local sponsors and authorized the use of OCS sand for two projects. However, additional resource and environmental projects, as well as negotiated agreements, are anticipated within the near future with states and local governments along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. 相似文献
Coastal shoreline protection and beach nourishment are significant issues for coastal states along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. In some areas, there is a critical need to identify suitable sources of sand for possible use in public works projects for coastal protection. The continental shelf contains large resources of sand and gravel that could be used to support such projects. The U.S. Department of the Interior's (DOI) Minerals Management Service (MMS) provides policy direction and guidance for development of the resources located on the federal portion of the continental shelf. This article highlights the MMS's Sand Program, focusing on its cooperative resource and environmental studies with several coastal states, significant milestones and accomplishments, and anticipated activities in 1998 and beyond. Management of sand resources on the federal portion of the continental shelf has been made easier by a federal state partnership concept. Using this cooperative concept, joint projects are being conducted to investigate offshore sand resources, potential sites, extraction methods, and related environmental conditions. The MMS has procedures for negotiating sand agreements under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) and ensuring that the resources are developed in an environ mentally sound manner. The authority to negotiate with project sponsors, an important recent change in the OCSLA, also resides with the MMS. This 1992 change in OCSLA facilitates the use of Outer Continental Shelf (OCS)resources for public projects. Further, the MMS is authorized to assess a fee based on the value of the resource and the public interest served. The MMS has worked with local sponsors and authorized the use of OCS sand for two projects. However, additional resource and environmental projects, as well as negotiated agreements, are anticipated within the near future with states and local governments along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. 相似文献
Shoreline Change Modeling on Emergency Beach Nourishment Project on West Beach of Beidaihe, China 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
By use of a shoreline-change numerical model (GENESIS) based on one-line theory, a preliminary modeling study on shoreline changes caused by a beach nourishment project in Beidaihe, China, is presented in this paper. Firstly, the GENESIS model is verified and model sensitivity to the major parameter changes is discussed by simulating a hydraulic model test. The beach nourishment project, after that the shoreline change is kept being monitored, is a small-scale emergency one carried out to use two bathing places on the west beach in the summer, 2008. In this paper the shoreline changes caused by the beach nourishment project are modeled by the GENESIS model, and the computed results fit well with the measured shorelines. With the same model and parameters, a long-term performance of the project is predicted, and the result shows that the bathing places only can be suitable for bathing in 2 to 3 years without subsequence nourishment project. Therefore, it is proposed to nourish the beaches in time to keep the service life of the beach in recent years and carry out the beach nourishment project for the whole west beach as soon as possible. 相似文献
海岸侵蚀已成为砂质海岸重要灾害之一,世界各国都致力于海滩防护。荷兰由于地势低洼,在护滩工程中进行大量尝试,于2011年在代尔夫兰海岸开展创新性人工育滩工程即Sand Motor,单个工程补沙总量达2.15×107 m3。持续监测结果显示,工程建成后的沙滩形态与模拟结果基本吻合,沙量损失速度低于预期。阶段性评价结果表明,Sand Motor通过波浪、海流等向海滩缓慢输沙,稳定海岸沙滩和海岸沙丘,具有防护效果显著、成本较低、使用寿命长、增加海岸利用等优点,值得我国借鉴。 相似文献
对埕岛油田典型平台周边多年的水深地形资料进行分析对比,研究平台桩基周围冲刷过程,探讨桩柱周围形成冲刷坑的冲刷深度、几何形态和分布特征,分析其冲刷机理。结果表明,平台建成初期桩基冲刷剧烈,周围海底形成以平台为中心的盆状地形,经历近1年的时间逐步达到冲淤平衡。冲刷坑形态特征主要由水动力条件控制。 相似文献