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We analysed mixed-layer seasonal and interannual variability in phytoplankton biomass and macronutrient (NO3 and Si(OH)4) concentrations from three decades of observations, and nitrogen uptake rates from the 1990s along Line P in the NE subarctic Pacific. Chlorophyll a concentrations near 0.35 mg m−3 were observed year-round along Line P except at the nearshore station (P4) where chlorophyll a concentrations in spring were on average 2.4 times the winter values. In contrast, the temporal variability in carbon-to-chlorophyll ratios at the two main end members of Line P (P4 and OSP) was high. Large seasonal and interannual variability in NO3 and Si(OH)4 concentration were observed along Line P. Highest upper mixed-layer (top 15 m) nutrient concentrations occurred on the continental shelf in late summer and early fall due to seasonal coastal upwelling. Beyond the shelf, maximum nutrient concentrations increased gradually offshore, and were highest in late winter and early spring due to mixing by winter storms. Interannual variations in upper mixed-layer nutrient concentrations beyond the shelf (>128°W) were correlated with E-W winds and the PDO since 1988 but were not correlated with either climate index between 1973 and 1981. Despite differences in nutrient concentration, nutrient utilization (ΔNO3 and ΔSi(OH)4) during the growing season were about 7.5 μM at all offshore stations. Variations in ΔNO3 were correlated with those of ΔSi(OH)4. The annual cycle of absolute NO3 uptake (ρNO3) and NH4 uptake (ρNH4) rates by phytoplankton in the upper mixed-layer showed a weak increasing trend from winter to spring/summer for the period 1992-1997. Rates were more variable at the nearshore station (P4). Rates of ρNO3 were low along the entire line despite abundant NO3 and low iron (Fe), at the offshore portion of Line P and sufficient Fe at the nearshore station (P4). As a result, new production contributed on average to only 32 ± 15% of the total nitrogen (N) uptake along Line P. NO3 utilization in the NE subarctic Pacific is probably controlled by a combination of environmental variables, including Fe, light and ambient NH4 levels. Elevated ambient NH4 concentrations seem to decrease the rates of new production (and f-ratios) in surface waters of the oceanic subarctic NE Pacific. Contrary to expectation, phytoplankton biomass, nutrient utilization (ΔNO3 and ΔSi(OH)4), and nitrogen uptake (ρNO3 + ρNH4) varied relatively little along Line P, despite significant differences in the factors controlling phytoplankton composition assemblages and production. Future studies would benefit from including other variables, especially light limitation, to improve our understanding of the seasonal and interannual variability in phytoplankton biomass and nutrients in this region.  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual variability of chlorophyll a concentration in the Japan/East Sea (JES) was detected spatially by ocean color satellite remote sensing. Start timing of the spring bloom was different spatially. The spring bloom started at the subpolar front and southward of it in March, northward of subpolar front, along the Primorye coast and off Hokkaido in April and in the middle of the Japan Basin in May. The start of the spring bloom showed interannual variability that corresponded with the wind speed in the area. The spring bloom in 1998 and 2002 appeared about four weeks earlier than in 1997, 1999 and 2001, and it corresponded with weak winds that can lead to an early development of the thermocline. The bloom was late in 1999 and 2001 in the Japan Basin and along the Primorye coast, and in the southern area in 2000. It corresponded with stronger wind stress that delayed seasonal thermocline formation. The bloom along the Primorye coast appeared later in 1999, and it corresponded with stronger wind stress, and at the same time, it seemed to be related with the delay of melting of sea ice in Mamiya Strait. The fall bloom appeared from early October to early December, and it did not have a clear temporal transition. The area where chlorophyll a concentration exceeded 0.8 μg l−1 was wider in the western area than in the eastern area every year. The magnitude of the fall bloom was different between years, but it did not show a correlation with average wind speed in fall. Those results indicated that the timing of the seasonal bloom in the JES is largely affected by the variability of global climate such as ENSO events.  相似文献   

The dynamics controlling the response of the Baltic Sea to changed atmospheric and hydrologic forcing are reviewed and demonstrated using simple models. The response time for salt is 30 times longer than for heat in the Baltic Sea. In the course of a year, the Baltic Sea renews most of its heat but only about 3% of its salt. On the seasonal scale, surface temperature and ice-coverage are controlled by the atmospheric conditions over the Baltic Sea as demonstrated by e.g. the strong inter-annual variations in winter temperature and ice-coverage due to variations in dominating wind directions causing alternating mild and cold winters. The response of surface temperature and ice-coverage in the Baltic Sea to modest climate change may therefore be predicted using existing statistics. Due to the long response time in combination with complicated dynamics, the response of the salinity of the Baltic Sea cannot be predicted using existing statistics but has to be computed from mechanistic models. Salinity changes primarily through changes in the two major forcing factors: the supply of freshwater and the low-frequency sea level fluctuations in the Kattegat. The sensitivity of Baltic Sea salinity to changed freshwater supply is investigated using a simple mechanistic steady-state model that includes baroclinic geostrophic outflow from the Kattegat, the major dynamical factor controlling the freshwater content in the Kattegat and thereby the salinity of water flowing into the Baltic Sea. The computed sensitivity of Baltic Sea surface salinity to changes of freshwater supply is similar to earlier published estimates from time-dependent dynamical models with higher resolution. According to the model, the Baltic Sea would become fresh at a mean freshwater supply of about 60 000 m3 s−1, i.e. a 300% increase of the contemporary supply. If the freshwater supply in the different basins increased in proportion to the present-day supply, the Bothnian Bay would become fresh already at a freshwater supply of about 37 000 m3 s−1 and the Bothnian Sea at a supply of about 45 000 m3 s−1. The assumption of baroclinic geostrophic outflow from the Kattegat, crucial for the salinity response of the Baltic Sea to changed freshwater supply, is validated using daily salinity profiles for the period 1931–1977 from lightship Läsö Nord.  相似文献   

本文利用简单海洋模式同化再分析产品等资料,阐述了阿拉伯海与赤道西印度洋,阿拉伯海与阿曼湾之间淡水输运量的季节变化特征,揭示了阿拉伯海淡水输运量的基本平衡和季节变化特征。结果表明,阿拉伯海得到的淡水输运量(包括来自赤道西印度洋、河流)和失去的淡水输运量(包括降水量减蒸发量、向阿曼湾输运)基本相当。阿拉伯海通过海气交换失去的淡水(降水量减蒸发量)主要由来自赤道西印度洋(包括孟加拉湾)的淡水输运来补偿,赤道西印度洋向阿拉伯海的淡水输运对维持阿拉伯海的盐度基本平衡起到至关重要的作用。阿拉伯海的淡水输运量在1?6月和12月为负值,失去淡水;7?11月为正值,9月最大,得到淡水。阿拉伯海的净淡水输运量的季节变化特征表现为单峰现象。阿拉伯海与赤道西印度洋(9°N断面)的淡水输运量主要出现在表层至约200 m层,多年平均约为0.1×106 m3/s,向阿拉伯海输运。从10月至翌年3月,来自孟加拉湾的低盐水向阿拉伯海输运,该输运主要出现在印度半岛西南端近海约60 m层以浅区域。夏季和秋季,出现在索马里半岛东部海域的涡旋(大回旋)引起的输运(涡旋的西部低盐水向北输运,东部高盐水向南输运),不仅输运量是一年当中最大的,而且影响的深度可达约300 m。该输运从6月开始形成,8?9月最强,11月迅速减弱。阿拉伯海与阿曼湾的淡水输运量较小,其垂直分布呈现3层结构,表层至10 m层,高盐水向阿拉伯海输运;15~170 m层,低盐水向阿曼湾输运;175~400 m层,高盐水向阿拉伯海输运。阿曼湾湾口断面多年平均淡水输运量约为0.39×104 m3/s,向阿曼湾输运。  相似文献   

Seasonal development of Calanus finmarchicus was studied in relation to the physical environment and phytoplankton bloom dynamics in the Norwegian Sea during eight basin-scale surveys from March to August 1995. Our main objective was to gain new knowledge about the life cycle of C. finmarchicus and its adaptation to the physical and biological environment of the Norwegian Sea. Time of spawning, estimated by temperature-dependent back-calculations from the occurrences of copepodite stage 1 (CIs), varied by water mass and occurred mainly during the phytoplankton pre-bloom and bloom periods. Recruitment to CI of the year's first generation (G1) generally occurred during the bloom and late bloom. The seasonal development of C. finmarchicus was progressively delayed from Coastal to Atlantic and to Arctic water, and from south to north within Atlantic and Arctic waters. This delay was partly linked to the phytoplankton bloom development that followed the same pattern, but development of C. finmarchicus also showed an increasing tendency to lag behind the phytoplankton development in colder waters. This may explain why C. finmarchicus are less successful in colder water. The consumption of nitrate was used as proxy for the seasonal history of phytoplankton development to aid interpretation of the lifecycle of C. finmarchicus. This approach allows us to align phytoplankton bloom and copepod development sequences despite temporal and geographical variation in bloom development, which otherwise tend to cause variability in quasi-synoptic and large-scale data. Two generations of C. finmarchicus were found in southern and northern regions of Coastal Water, and in southern Atlantic Water. In northern Atlantic Water and in Arctic Water, one generation was observed.  相似文献   

Submerged rooted macrophytes and drift algae were studied in shallow (0–1 m) brackish soft-bottom bays in the Åland Islands, N Baltic Sea, in 1997–2000. The study was performed by aerial photography and ground-truth sampling and the compatibility of the methods was evaluated. The study provided quantitative results on seasonal and inter-annual variation in growth, distribution and biomass of submerged macrophytes and drift algae.On an average, 18 submerged macrophyte species occurred in the studied bays. The most common species, by weight and occurrence, were Chara aspera, Cladophora glomerata, Pilayella littoralis and Potamogeton pectinatus. Filamentous green algae constituted 45–70% of the biomass, charophytes 25–40% and vascular plants 3–18%. A seasonal pattern with a peak in biomass in July–August was found and the mean biomass was negatively correlated with exposure. There were statistically significant differences in coverage among years, and among levels of exposure. The coverage was highest when exposure was low. Both sheltered and exposed bays were influenced by drift algae (30 and 60% occurrence in July–August) and there was a positive correlation between exposure and occurrence of algal accumulations. At exposed sites, most of the algae had drifted in from other areas, while at sheltered ones they were mainly of local origin.Data obtained by aerial photography and ground-truth sampling showed a high concordance, but aerial photography gave a 9% higher estimate than the ground-truth samples. The results can be applied in planning of monitoring and management strategies for shallow soft-bottom areas under potential threat of drift algae.  相似文献   

The Stockholm archipelago spans roughly a semicircular area with a radius of approximately 60 km, traditionally partitioned into three parts: the inner, the middle and the outer archipelago. This subdivision coincides with differing water exchange regimes. The inner and middle archipelagos are characterised by comparatively larger basins which are interconnected by a limited number of straits. This configuration is well suited for a discrete basin (DB-) model approach by partitioning the area into a set of sub-basins that are only resolved vertically. The advantage of this approach over 3D-models is the possibility for enhanced vertical resolution and improved strait exchange formulation, outweighing the disadvantage of neglected horizontal gradients within the basins. In the inner archipelago the dominating exchange process is estuarine circulation, induced by the marked freshwater discharge and the vertical mixing. In the outer and middle archipelagos the density fluctuations due to Ekman pumping along the Baltic boundary interface produce another type of baroclinic process that clearly dominates. Measurements to adequately resolve these density variations do not exist. Missing forcing data are provided by linking the middle archipelago's boundary straits to a 3D-model of the Baltic with a grid resolution of 0.5 nautical miles (n.m.). This fine resolution model (FR-domain) is in turn driven by the atmospheric forcing and the density variation at the rectangular boundary of the FR-domain which acceptably resolves both the interfacial straits and the outer archipelago's complex hypsography. Massive computing resources would be demanded if the FR-domain were extended to comprise the entire Baltic. The FR-domain is thus interfaced with an existing coarse resolution model of the entire Baltic (CR-domain) with a grid size of 5 n.m., the open boundary of which is located in the Kattegat. This 3-fold model set-up has been run for one whole year (1992) with a one-year spin-up time to make up for the lack of initial data. The model concept is at this stage to be regarded as a framework for further development in anticipation of improved formulations, particularly for the strait exchange formulation. Therefore only primary validation experiments and a few sensitivity analyses have been performed.  相似文献   

A set of phytoplankton pigment measurements collected on eight quarterly transects from France to New Caledonia is analyzed in order to identify the main assemblages of phytoplankton and to relate their occurrence to oceanic conditions. Pigment concentrations are first divided by the sum [monovinyl chlorophyll a plus divinyl chlorophyll a] to remove the effect of biomass, and second are normalized to give an equal weight to all pigments. The resulting 17 pigments × 799 observations matrix is then classified into 10 clusters using neural methodology. Eight out of these 10 clusters have a well marked regional or seasonal character, thus evidencing adapted responses of the phytoplankton communities. The main gradient opposes two clusters with high fucoxanthin and chlorophyll c1+2 in the North Atlantic in January, April and July, to three clusters in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre with high divinyl chlorophyll a, zeaxanthin and phycoerythrin. One of the clusters in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre has relatively high zeaxanthin and phycoerythrin contents and dominates in November and February (austral summer), while another with relatively high divinyl chlorophylls a and b dominates in May and August (austral winter). The third one in the South Pacific is characterized by high carotene concentration and its occurrence peaks in February and May. In the equatorial current system, one cluster, rich in chlorophylls b and c1+2, is strictly located in a narrow zone centred at the equator, while another with relatively high violaxanthin concentration is restricted to the high nutrient - low chlorophyll waters in only the southern part of the South Equatorial Current. One cluster with relatively high prasinoxanthin content has a spatial distribution spanning the entire South Equatorial Current. Two clusters have a ubiquitous distribution: one in the equatorial Pacific, the Carribbean Sea and the North Atlantic during summer has pigment concentrations close to the average of the entire dataset, and the other in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre, the Carribbean Sea and the North Atlantic during autumn clearly has an oligotrophic character. Many of the differences between clusters are caused by diagnostic pigments of nano- or picoflagellates. While the space and time characteristics of the clusters are well marked and might correspond to differences in physical and chemical forcing, knowledge of the ecological requirements of these flagellates is generally lacking to explain how the variability of the environment triggers these clusters.  相似文献   

Changes in the biomass and species composition of phytoplankton may reflect major shifts in environmental conditions. We investigated relationships between the late summer biomass of different phytoplankton taxa and environmental factors, and their long-term (1979–2003) trends in two areas of the Baltic Sea, the northern Baltic proper (NBP) and the Gulf of Finland (GF), with statistical analyses. An increasing trend was found in late summer temperature and chlorophyll a of the surface water layer (0–10 m) in both areas. There was also a significant decrease in summer salinity and an increase in winter dissolved inorganic nitrogen to phosphorus (DIN:DIP) ratio in the NBP, as well as increases in winter DIN concentrations and DIN:SiO4 ratio in the GF. Simultaneously, the biomass of chrysophytes and chlorophytes increased in both areas. In the NBP, also the biomass of dinophytes increased and that of euglenophytes decreased, whereas in the GF, cyanobacteria increased and cryptophytes decreased. Redundancy analysis (RDA) indicated that summer temperature and winter DIN concentration were the most important factors with respect to changes in the phytoplankton community structure. Thus, the phytoplankton communities seem to reflect both hydrographic changes and the ongoing eutrophication process in the northern Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

In the current study, low-background γ-spectrometry was employed to determine the 228Ra/226Ra activity ratio and 137Cs activity of 84 coastal water samples collected at six sites along the main island of Japan (Honshu Island) within the Sea of Japan, including the Tsushima Strait, and two other representative sites on Honshu Island (a Pacific shore and the Tsugaru Strait) at 1-month intervals in 2006.The 228Ra/226Ra ratio of coastal waters in the Sea of Japan exhibited similar patterns of seasonal variation, with minimum values during early summer (228Ra/226Ra = 0.6–0.8), maximum values during autumn (228Ra/226Ra = 1.5–3), and a time lag in their temporal changes ( 2.5 months and over  1300 km distance). However, the 2 other sites represented no clear periodic variation.In contrast to the positive correlation between 137Cs activity (0.6–1.7 mBq/L) and salinity (15–35), the 228Ra/226Ra ratio of coastal water samples from the Sea of Japan was not observed to correlate with salinity, and the increase in the 228Ra/226Ra ratio was not as marked (0.5–1; May–June 2004 and 2005) during the migration along Honshu Island. The input of land-derived water and/or the diffusion of radium from coastal sediments is unlikely to have affected the wide seasonal variation in the 228Ra/226Ra ratio observed in these water samples.The seasonal variation in the 228Ra/226Ra ratio recorded for the coastal waters of the Sea of Japan is considered to be mainly controlled by the remarkable changes in the mixing ratio of the 228Ra-poor Kuroshio and the 228Ra-rich continental shelf waters within the East China Sea (ECS). After passing through the Tsushima Strait, this water mass moves northeast along the coastline of the Sea of Japan as the Tsushima Coastal Branch Current (TCBC).  相似文献   

We have developed and run a model with sufficiently high resolution (9 km and 45 levels) and a large enough spatial domain to allow for realistic representation of flow through the narrow and shallow straits in the northern Bering Sea. This is potentially important for quantification of long-term mean and time-dependent ocean circulation, and water mass and property exchanges between the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. Over a 23 year interval (1979–2001), mean transport through Bering Strait is estimated to be 0.65 Sv. Comparison of our model results with published observations indicates that ocean circulation is not only variable at seasonal to interdecadal scales but it is also responsive to short-term atmospheric forcing. One of such events occurred during the winter of 2000–2001 with reversed oceanic flow in some areas and much reduced sea-ice cover. Analyses of eddy kinetic energy fields identify some high biological productivity regions of the Chirikov Basin coincident with persistent high energy (up to 2700 cm2 s−2 in the surface layer and up to 2600 cm2 s−2 at mid-depth) throughout the annual cycle. Model output in the Bering Strait region is validated against several time series of moored observations of water mass properties. Comparison with shipboard observations of near-bottom salinity from late winter through autumn indicates that the model reasonably represents the major water-mass properties in the region. The modeled vertical water-column structure in the northern Bering Sea allows increased understanding of the mechanisms of water transformation and transport northward through Bering Strait into the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. We conclude that the long-term model results for the northern Bering Sea provide important insights into the ocean circulation and fluxes and they are a useful frame of reference for limited observations that are short-term and/or cover only a small geographic region.  相似文献   

Observations of the spatial distribution of salinity and tidal salinity fluctuations along the length of the Fleet are presented and different structures are identified with different freshwater runoff conditions. The salinity distribution appears to be the result of a balance between weak tidal flushing and a small freshwater input. A tidal exchange box model is developed to represent this weak balance and is able to reproduce the semidiurnal, fortnightly and seasonal fluctuations of salinity. By use of the tuned model, estimates are made of the flushing times of different segments of the lagoon, the distribution of water from particular stream inputs, and hence their polluting potential, and the likely effect on the salinity structure of changes in the tidal regime which could result from sediment deposition.  相似文献   

黄海冷水团海域浮游植物磷胁迫的季节变动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Yellow Sea is located between the China Mainland and the Korean Peninsula, representing a typical shallow epicontinental sea. The Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(YSCWM) is one of the most important physical features in the Yellow Sea. The characteristics of vertical profiles and seasonal variations of biogenic elements in the YSCWM may lead the variations of nutrient availability(e.g., phosphorus) and phosphorus stress of phytoplankton. In this study, the authors surveyed the seasonal variations of phytoplankton phosphorus stress with emphasis on the effect of the YSCWM during the four cruises in April and October 2006, March and August 2007. Using both bulk and single-cell alkaline phosphatase activity(APA) assays, this study evaluated phosphorus status of phytoplankton community, succession of phytoplankton community and ecophysiological responses of phytoplankton to phosphorus in the typical region of the YSCWM. With the occurrence of the YSCWM, especially the variations of concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphorus(DIP), the results of bulk APA appeared corresponding seasonal variations. Along Transects A and B, the mean APA in August was the highest, and that in March was the lowest. According to the ELF-labeled assay's results, seasonal variations of the ELF-labeled percentages within dominant species indicated that diatoms were dominant in March, April and October, while dinoflagellates were dominant in August. During the four cruises, the ELF-labeled percentages of diatoms except Paralia sulcata showed that diatoms were not phosphorus deficient in April 2006 at all, but suffered from severe phosphorus stress in August 2007. In comparison, the ELF-labeled percentages of dinoflagellates were all above 50% during the four time series, which meant dinoflagellates such as Alexandrium and Scrippsiella, sustained perennial phosphorus stress.  相似文献   

Based upon four decades of observations in the northwestern part of the Japan Sea, the seasonal and inter-annual variations of zooplankton abundance and species composition in the epipelagic layer are considered. Seasonal characteristics of the zooplankton community are described in detail for five domains that occur within this part of the Japan Sea. Inter-decadal variation was not significant, but inter-annual variation was considerable and generally opposite to water temperature changes in the upper layer. Exceptional years such as 1996 were noted when a maximum abundance of zooplankton in summer occurred along with a slowing of the seasonal pattern of succession.  相似文献   

为了解黄骅港海域浮游动物群落结构的季节变化特征及其与环境因子的相关关系,分别于2014年2月(冬季)、5月(春季)、8月(夏季)和11月(秋季)对该海域进行4个航次的浮游动物和环境因子调查,采用优势度指数、物种多样性和聚类分析等方法分析该海域浮游动物的群落结构特征及其季节变化,采用冗余分析探究引起浮游动物群落结构变动的...  相似文献   

渤海环流与输运季节变化的数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
渤海的风和温度层结有明显的季节变化 ,因而其环流与输运亦有明显的季节信号。以季节平均的海面气象条件和开边界的潮波系统驱动三维斜压水动力模型———HAMSOM ,模拟了渤海冬、夏季的总环流。渤海环流冬强夏弱 ,表层风漂流常被下层逆风流所补偿。深度平均环流 ,即水柱内的输运 ,流型有显著的季节变化 :冬季在渤海中部沿逆时针方向旋转 ,辽东湾顶有一个顺时针流涡 ,阻碍了湾顶水与外海水的交换 ;夏季则为一个大的贴岸的顺时针流环 ,内嵌许多局地涡旋。这些与渤黄东海海洋水文图集中给出的多年观测的环流基本相同 ,同时也被水文要素分布及耐盐浮游动物的出现所佐证。风的季节变化决定了渤海大部分海区、特别是海峡附近环流的季节变化 ,但辽东湾东岸众多的岬角涡旋却不随季节变化 ,因为它们是由潮波系统与岬角岸型变化的非线性相互作用产生的。  相似文献   

A three-dimensional numerical model is used to simulate sea level and velocity variations in the South China Sea for 1992–1995. The model is driven by daily wind and daily sea surface temperature fields derived from the NCEP/NCAR 40-year reanalysis project. The four-year model outputs are analyzed using time-domain Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF). Spatial and temporal variations of the first two modes from the simulation compare favorably with those derived from satellite altimetry. Mode 1, which is associated with a southern gyre, shows symmetric seasonal reversal. Mode 2, which contributes to a northern gyre, is responsible for the asymmetric seasonal and interannual variations. In winter, the southern and northern cyclonic gyres combine into a strong basin-wide cyclonic gyre. In summer, a cyclonic northern gyre and an anticyclonic southern gyre form a dipole with a jet leaving the coast of Vietnam. Interannual variations are particularly noticeable during El Niño. The winter gyre is generally weakened and confined to the southern basin, and the summer dipole structure does not form. Vertical motions weaken accordingly with the basin-wide circulation. Variations of the wind stress curl in the first two EOF modes coincide with those of the model-derived sea level and horizontal velocities. The mode 1 wind stress curl, significant in the southern basin, coincides with the reversal of the southern gyre. The mode 2 curl, large in the central basin, is responsible for the asymmetry in the winter and summer gyres. Lack of the mode 2 contribution during El Niño events weakens the circulation. The agreement indicates that changes in the wind stress curl contribute to the seasonal and interannual variations in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

南黄海表层沉积物粒度特征季节变化及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
卢健  李安春 《海洋科学》2015,39(3):48-58
通过对南黄海春季和秋季27个相同站位表层沉积物的粒度分析,并结合水文观测资料,研究了南黄海表层沉积物粒度的季节变化,参考文献资料初步讨论了粒度变化的影响因素。研究结果显示,按照Folk分类,南黄海表层沉积物可以分为粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂、粉砂和泥四种类型。秋季与春季相比,总体上砂和粉砂的含量增加,黏土含量降低,相应地平均粒径相对变粗,分选系数和峰态的变化较小,而偏态表现为更加正偏。季节性变化还表现出明显的区域差异,主要是受环流系统、河流来沙及波浪的季节性变化的影响。  相似文献   

Temporal variations in water mass properties and the composition of phytoplankton pigments in the central part of Sagami Bay were investigated by monthly observations from June 2002 to May 2004. Eleven pigments were quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) from 100%, 20%, and 5% light depths relative to the surface; the class-specific composition of phytoplankton community was then obtained by CHEMTAX analysis. The study area was influenced by the Kuroshio water for most of the observation period. The mean contribution of diatoms in all samples was relatively low (29%), while that of flagellates, mainly chlorophytes or cryptophytes, was quite high (60%). The phytoplankton composition at the three depths was uniform throughout the observation period, indicating that the vertical structure of the phytoplankton community did not develop significantly over time. A distinct temporal pattern was observed: flagellates dominated during the summer of 2002 and the winters of 2002–2003 and 2003–2004, while diatoms dominated during the summer of 2003. This pattern was associated with water mass changes. The community in the summer of 2003 was influenced by coastal water. While no distinct spring bloom of phytoplankton was observed, a weak increase in chlorophyll a was observed during the spring of 2004. Ocean color satellite data showed that fluctuations in chlorophyll a concentrations at time scales much shorter than a month occurred during the spring of 2003 and that the elevations in chlorophyll a levels were not continuous. The fluctuations were probably associated with rapid flushing by the Kuroshio water, which has low chlorophyll a content.  相似文献   

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