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DistributionofbiomassofzooplanktonintheKuroshioareaoftheEastChinaSea¥MengFan;ChenShiqunandWuBaoling(FirstinstituteOfOceanogra...  相似文献   

东海黑潮温盐与中国东部气温和降水的相互关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用东海黑湖主流段长时间序列的实测温盐资料,研究了东海黑潮上层温度、上层盐度的变化及其与中国东部降水和地面气温的关系。结果表明,在过去50年内,东海黑潮上层海温呈上升趋势,而上层盐度略呈下降趋势。东海黑潮上层海温和我国东部地面气温的关系在冬季十分密切,呈现出大面积显著的正相关,这与冬季南下冷空气的整体降温作用有关。夏季,长江中下游江水的增多致使大量长江冲淡水入海,导致黑潮上层水盐度下降,此时东海黑潮上层盐度与我国大陆东部降水呈负相关。  相似文献   

在对海流和地质背景分析的基础上将源区黑潮划分为3个区域,即北赤道流区、吕宋岛以东海区和台湾东部黑潮主干区,归纳总结了其沉积物矿物组成、元素组分特征和物源研究结论,探讨了黑潮输入对东海沉积物的影响。总体看来,黑潮源区沉积物的主要外来源是菲律宾群岛、菲律宾岛弧、台湾河流输入和亚洲大陆风尘的输入。黑潮源区沉积物矿物分布受菲律宾海沟的阻隔、北赤道流与黑潮的营力作用、海底火山热液活动和水深影响较大,常量元素组成主要与海底地形和水深有关,稀土元素组成表现出具有明显陆源输入的边缘海沉积特征,Sr、Nd同位素组成的研究在该区主要用于追踪亚洲风尘输入。由于黑潮入侵东海多分支的复杂性,东海黑潮对陆架沉积物的影响尚需深入研究。进一步研究应在台湾东部沉积物物源分析、黑潮输入对东海沉积物影响的历史变化、多指标整合的综合分析方法、有效物源识别端元的构建等方面展开。深入研究黑潮源区沉积特征及物源可有效揭示黑潮流域变化、构造活动和气候变化等,且探明黑潮输入对东海陆架沉积物分布的影响有利于揭示东海生态环境变化和海洋资源环境的可持续利用。  相似文献   

Surface distribution and seasonal variation of alkalinity and specific alkalinity in Kuroshio area of the East ChinaSea and their application to the water mass tracing are discussed in this paper. Results show a distinct seasonal variation of the alkalinity, which is concerned with the process of vertical mixing. Different specific alkalinity in various water masses has been found. On the basis of the difference of the specific alkalinity and the distribution of alkalinity, two water fronts in summer season, located at 27°-30°N and 124°-1 27°E, (Ⅰ), and at the northern waters about one latitude from the Taiwan Island, (Ⅱ); one in winter season at about one longitude from coast of mainland of China and 26°-30°N were found. In summer season, about 1-2 longitudes eastward shift of front (Ⅰ) is found by comparison of data in May and August. And the high alkalinity of the northern East China Sea in summer season may be caused by the Huanghe River runoff flowing southward along with the Huanghai Sea  相似文献   

Variability of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea in 1995   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
INTRODUCTIONTherearemanyresearchworksabbottheKUrOShioVTanditSSeaSOnalvacationintheEastChinaho(GUan,1988;Nishizawaetal.,1982;TangandTaShiro,1993;SunandKaneko,1993;Yuanetal.,1990;Yuanetal.,1993;Yuanetal.,1994;Yuanetal.,1995;LiuandYuan,1997a,b).~previou...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONMostofpreviousstudiesshowthatthedynamicmethodswereoftenusedtocomputethevelocityandVToftheKuroshiointheEastChinaSea(Guan,1988;Nishizawaetal.,1982;SunandKaneko,1993).Duringrecentyearsdifferentkindsofinversemethodshavebeentriedby*ThisprojectwassupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChinaundercontractNo.49776287.1.Secondinstituteofoceanography,StateOceanicAdministration,Hangzhou310012,ChinaYuanetul(1988,1991,1992a,1992b,1993,1994,1995).Theircalculatedresultsshowt…  相似文献   

1992年东海黑潮的变异   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
基于1992年4个航次的水文调查资料,运用改进逆方法计算了东海黑潮的流速、流量和热通量.计算结果表明:(1)PN断面黑潮在春季和秋季都有两个流核,冬季和夏季则只有一个流核.主核心皆位于坡折处.Vmax值春季最大,冬季和夏季次之,而秋季最小.黑潮以东及以下都存在逆流.(2)TK断面黑潮在冬季为两核,春、夏季为3核.海峡南端及海峡深处存在西向逆流.(3)通过A断面的对马暖流Vmax值在秋季最大,冬季最小.黄海暖流位于其西侧,相对较弱.(4)通过PN断面净北向流量夏季最大,秋季最小,而冬、春季介于上述二者之间,1992年四季平均值为28.0×106m3/s;TK断面的净东向流量也是在夏季最大;A断面净北向流量则在秋季最大.(5)PN断面4个航次的平均热通量为2.03×1015W.TK断面3个航次的平均热通量为2.00×1015W.(6)在计算海区,冬、春和秋季都是由海洋向大气放热;夏季则从大气吸热.冬季海面上热交换率最大,而夏季热交换率最小.关键词##4东海;;黑潮;;季节变化  相似文献   

Variability of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea in 1993 and 1994   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
INTRODUCTIONTherearemanyworksabouttheKuroshioVTintheEastChinaSeaanditsseasonalvariabil*ThisprojectwassupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChinaundercontractNo.49776287.1.SecondinstituteofOceanography,StateOceanicAdministration,Hangzhou310012,Chinaity(Guan,1988;Nishizawaetal.,1982;SunandKaneko,1993;Yuanetal.,1990,1993,1994,1995).Thecomputationmethodusedtobethedynamicmethod(Guan,1988;Nishizawaetal.,1982;SunandKaneko,1993),butrecentlytheinverseandthemodifiedinversemetho…  相似文献   

To investigate the fluctuation of the Kuroshio front, moored current meters were deployed near the shelf break and on the continental slope in the East China Sea, northwest of Okinawa Island, during a period from 25 June to 22 July 1984. Two mooring arrays were deployed on the slope of about 800 m water depth (under the Kuroshio), about 30 km apart along the path of the Kuroshio. Another two arrays were set near the shelf break of about 300 m water depth. The fluctuation of current on the slope is found to have a predominant period of 11–14 days and a were length of 300–350 km, propagating toward the downstream direction of the Kuroshio with a phase velocity of about 30 cm sec?1. When the Kuroshio front approaches the shelf break and the crest of the meander covers the mooring site, the current direction moves toward the downstream direction of the Kuroshio and the water temperature increases. On the other hand, when the trough of the meander covers the mooring site, the current direction changes off-shoreward across the Kuroshio or in the upstream direction of the Kuroshio, and the water temperature decreases. Three-dimensional distributions of water temperature and salinity around the mooring site were observed with a CTD twice at 5.5 days intervals, which indicate the meanders of the front is about 180° out of phase. This coincides with a period of 11–14 days obtained with the moored current meters. Wave lengths of the dominant meander of the front in the satellite thermal images were about 350 km and 100–200 km, which also coincides with results obtained with the moored current meters.  相似文献   

本文基于历史资料(1934~1988)和近期中、日黑潮合作调查结果分析指出,东海黑潮锋在其三维结构和季节变化等方面皆存在较明显的区域性差异.初步研究表明,地形效应是导致上述差异的主导因素.同时,季风和海面冷却在产生东海黑潮锋的区域性差异中亦起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

结合卫星遥感海表温度、三维再分析温度资料和数值模拟结果,研究了东海黑潮温度锋从海表到底层的三维结构特征.结果 表明:东海黑潮海表温度锋在冬季和春季较强,秋季次之,夏季消失.多年平均的东海黑潮海表温度锋区范围主要在70~700m水深区域,温度锋的中心线与黑潮的流轴大致平行,在济州岛以南的黑潮中段区域有北上的分支.受台湾暖...  相似文献   

作者运用简化的η坐标 POM模式数值研究了地形对东海黑潮锋面弯曲的产生与成长的影响。平底时 ,小扰动迅速发展导致锋面出现大弯曲。考虑到地形因素和黑潮流核远离陆架的情况 ,因其锋区正处在陡的陆坡之上 ,斜压不稳定被减小 ,其锋面不会出现如观测所示的弯曲。结果表明 ,在该实验条件下 ,地形对锋面起到稳定作用  相似文献   

Basic patterns of the reversal of the Kuroshio water toward the shelf, intrusion of the shelf mixed waterinto the Kuroshio and uplifting of the near-bottom nutrient-rich water into the upper layer by the pumping of the frontal eddy are analyzed on the basis of satellite infrared images and hydrologic, chemical and biological observations. Results show that the Kuroshio frontal eddies play a very important role in the exchange between the shelf water and the Kuroshio water. The estimation of the average volume transports for three frontal eddy events indicates that the shelf mixed water entrained by an eddy into Kuroshio is 0.44×10~6 m3/s and the reversal Kuroshio water onto the shelf region only 0.04×10~6 m3/s. Along the whole shelf edge, the volume transport of the shelf mixed water entrained by the eddies into the Kuroshio is 1.8×10~6 m3/s. The nutrient (NO3-N) flux pumped to the euphotic zone and input to the continental shelf through a column with 1 m wide is 974 μmol/(s·m) when there is frontal eddy and only 79 μmol/(s·m) in the case of no frontal eddy. Yearly nutrient (NO3-N) flux input to the shelf area caused by the frontal eddy is 1.7×10~5 t/a.  相似文献   

东海北部黑潮区的浮游桡足类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1987年夏季、冬季和1989年春季、秋季采自东海北部黑潮区的浮游生物样品,鉴定出浮游桡足类227种,其中1种为我国海区新记录,21种为东海区新记录.文中还描述了浮游桡足类的总个体密度和主要优势种的分布,并对其与海洋环境的关系进行了讨论.  相似文献   

本文根据1988年10月20~24日“向阳红09号”调查船在奄美大岛以西海区进行调查时,在陆架斜坡上的表均温层的底部,即50m附近的深层上,出现一个黑潮锋面涡。不论在平面上形成的特点,还是在断面上水系配置的形式,它与春季黑潮锋面涡的特征极为相似。说明秋季东海同样存在陆架水与黑潮水在水平方向交换与混合。  相似文献   

On the basis of the data of zooplankton biomass and three major taxa—— Copepoda, Chaetognatha andSiphonophora of May-June 1986, July-August and December 1987, the distributional patterns and the indicator species of zooplankton in the Kuroshio and adjacent waters of the East China Sea are preliminarily studied. The results are as follows:The horizontal distribution of zooplankton biomass and the abundance of copepods, chaetognaths and siphonophores arecurred in the continent area northwest of Taiwan and the south-centre section of the East China Sea continent, which are the mix front of different waters. Zooplankton in the water area inside of Ryukyu Islands presented low abundance and high diversity. There are clear seasonal variations in zooplankton biomass and abundance in the study area. The strength or weakness of different water masses and fronts is the basic reason for the variations of zooplankton biomass and abundance.The species composition of zooplankton in the study area is complex and var  相似文献   

A marine survey was conducted from 18 May to 13 June 2014 in the East China Sea (ECS) and its adjacent Kuroshio Current to examine the spatial distribution and biogeochemical characteristics of dissolved oxygen (DO) in spring. Waters were sampled at 10?25 m intervals within 100 m depth, and at 25?500 m beyond 100 m. The depth, temperature, salinity, and density (sigma- t ) were measured in situ with a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor. DO concentrations were determined on board using traditional Winkler titration method. The results show that in the Kuroshio Current, DO content was the highest in the euphotic layer, then decreased sharply with depth to about 1 000 m, and increased with depth gradually thereafter. While in the ECS continental shelf area, DO content had high values in the coastal surface water and low values in the near-bottom water. In addition, a low-DO zone off the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary was found in spring 2014, and it was formed under the combined influence of many factors, including water stratification, high primary productivity in the euphotic layers, high accumulation/ sedimentation of organic matter below the euphotic layers, and mixing/transport of oceanic current waters on the shelf. Most notable among these is the Kuroshio intruded water, an oceanic current water which carried rich dissolved oxygen onto the continental shelf and alleviated the oxygen deficit phenomenon in the ECS, could impact the position, range, and intensity, thus the formation/destruction of the ECS Hypoxia Zone.  相似文献   

利用高分辨率遥感海表温度和海表面风场数据,通过经验正交分解(EOF)和合成分析等方法对春季(3—5月)东海黑潮海温暖舌和海表面风场的年代际变化特征进行分析。结果表明:春季黑潮海温暖舌存在明显的年代际变化特征,在1996/1997年发生由弱到强的位相转换,该年代际变化主要受到北太平洋涡旋振荡(NPGO)的调制。进一步研究表明,与气候态相反,春季黑潮海表温度和风场散度在年代际尺度上表现出显著的负相关关系,合成分析表明,该现象主要是由黑潮西侧东海陆架海域海温的异常增暖所造成。  相似文献   

采用东海黑潮主流段长时间序列的实测温盐资料,研究了东海黑潮上层温度、上层盐度的变化及其与中国东部降水和地面气温的关系.结果表明,在过去50 a内,东海黑潮上层海温呈上升趋势,而上层盐度略呈下降趋势.东海黑潮上层海温和我国东部地面气温的关系在冬季十分密切,呈现出大面积显著的正相关,这与冬季南下冷空气的整体降温作用有关.夏季,长江中下游江水的增多致使大量长江冲淡水入海,可能是导致黑潮上层水盐度下降的一个原因,此时东海黑潮上层盐度与我国大陆东部降水呈负相关.  相似文献   

利用卫星高度计资料和再分析资料,本文分析研究了东海黑潮强度与东亚冬季风的关系,并初步探讨了二者相互作用的可能机制。结果表明,位置相近的断面,其流强变化具有相似的特征;在年际尺度上,冬季风与东海黑潮存在相互作用。当冬季风偏强,将削弱次年2-4月SC、SD断面的流强,弱冬季风年的情况相反。冬季风对流强影响的动力过程主要通过改变Ekman输送来实现;热力过程则表现为强(弱)冬季风增大(减少)了黑潮向大气释放的热通量,从而削弱(增强)流强,这一过程主要为冬季风对黑潮的影响。当冬季风偏强时,次年10-12月黑潮中下游流强偏弱,弱冬季风年的情况相反。这一过程与2-4月情况不同,其热力过程主要表现为黑潮对冬季风的影响。强冬季风通过准两年振荡对次年冬季的黑潮流强产生影响,由此构成了一个包含海洋和大气耦合过程的正反馈机制。黑潮流域的海气相互作用过程可能受冬季风和黑潮流强相对强弱的调制,海洋过程和大气过程主导一方的转换中存在一个“临界值”。  相似文献   

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