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Soil-structure interaction in shield tunnelling in soft soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development and extension of large cities creates a need for multiple shallow tunnels in the soft ground of building areas. Prediction of the ground settlement caused by the tunnel excavation is a major engineering challenge. A numerical simulation using a finite element method was implemented in the aim of developing a procedure to predict the movement induced by shield tunnelling in soft soil. This study describes a two-dimensional modelling and compares two procedures. The first procedure is done in a simple way (called “deconfinement modelling”) simulating the excavation using a stress decrease vector exerted on the excavation boundary (inside the tunnel) described by a stress release scalar parameter λ (named the “deconfinement factor”). The second procedure is composed of a complete stage of modelling (called “phase modelling”) taking into account different phases which simulate the different kinds of interactions between the tunnel and the soil (deconfinement, lining installation, pore pressure applied on the lining, and weight of the lining). Using a shallow lined tunnel with homogeneous soil conditions, the two procedures are analysed and compared. Then, the second modelling procedure is applied to the case of the metro of Lyon where field data have been obtained. Observations of the results and comparison with the experimental data demonstrate that the proposed modelling is adequate for the analyses of settlement induced by tunnelling in soft soil.  相似文献   

梁禹  阳军生  王树英  曾学艺 《岩土力学》2015,36(12):3373-3380
在盾构管片壁后注浆时,由于浆液渗透压的存在,浆液会向外渗透,浆体本身逐渐固结,作用在管片上的注浆压力逐渐消散。考虑到浆液往周边地层渗透过程中由于黏度的变化会引起地层渗透系数的变化,推导了基于浆液黏度时变性的浆体固结变形方程和浆液压力消散方程,分析了浆液固结、消散及浆液压力沿管片外壁分布规律,为精细化分析施工阶段管片受力提供了计算依据。计算结果表明:浆液从注浆口喷出后,浆液黏性的增大使浆液流动性减小,注浆压力消散幅度减小,浆液消散持续时间变短。浆液配比与围岩渗透系数变化对注浆压力消散幅度及消散持续时间存在一定影响。现场实测结果与理论计算结果较为一致。在进行壁后注浆时,应充分考虑时变作用下浆液消散作用的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, a numerical simulation method for evaluating tunnelling-induced ground movement is presented. The method involves discrete element simulation of TBM slurry shield advancement and considers explicitly soil excavation from the face, effects of varying face support pressure, and the influence of tunnel cover depth. For the cases studied, it is found that for tunnel cover depths (C/D) between 0.7 and 2.1, ground deformations inducing by the tunnelling can be controlled within a certain extent and tunnel face stability can ensured, provided the support pressure ratio (N) lies between 0.8 and 1.5. The proposed method is reasonably benefited to modeling the face stability in shield-driven tunnels in soft soils.  相似文献   

Pulse discharge technology (PDT) is an innovative construction method used to enhance the bearing capacity of piles and the resisting capacity of anchors by underreaming using a high-pressure shockwave induced by an underwater electric discharge. This study numerically analyzes the pullout behavior of a grout anchor underreamed by PDT. A series of finite element analyses were performed to examine the pullout behavior of the anchor based on successive simulations from underreaming to subsequent pullout tests. The electric blasting and shockwave generation by PDT was equivalently modeled using the underwater explosion (UNDEX) model, and the appropriate UNDEX parameters were determined by benchmarking the laboratory PDT tests. Full-scale PDT underreaming and the subsequent pullout tests in dry sand deposits reported in the literature were then simulated on the basis of fluid–structure interaction (FSI) analyses and static uplift analyses. The predicted expansion of the borehole and the pullout behaviors were compared with field test results to validate the numerical model. Moreover, the results from a parametric study conducted to investigate the influence of soil and anchor characteristics on the uplift behavior of the PDT underreamed anchor are discussed.  相似文献   

注浆加固是解决岛礁钙质砂地基不均匀沉降问题的有效措施之一。根据钙质砂特性,选用超细硅酸盐水泥作为主体胶凝成分,纳米硅溶胶、粉煤灰和硫酸钙晶须作为辅料,依据单因素试验和正交试验的要求,制备了不同配比的注浆材料,测试了其凝结时间和相应固结体的力学性能。采用响应曲面法对试验结果进行模拟,探究各组分对各性能指标的影响,确定注浆材料最优配比。结果表明:将3种辅料按适当比例单独加入浆材中,均可提高不同龄期钙质砂固结体的抗压强度;当水泥掺量固定时,水灰比是影响浆液凝结时间和固结体强度的最主要因素;与水泥浆液相比,以最佳配比掺入辅料配制的注浆浆液能够更好地填充在钙质砂颗粒间,从而改变固结体的密实性,使其抗压强度明显增长。研究成果可为增强钙质砂地基注浆加固效果提供参考。  相似文献   

邱浩浩 《地质与勘探》2020,56(6):1272-1277
黏土水泥浆材是采空区处治的优选注浆材料,但目前关于优化浆材配比的研究较少。针对毕威高速公路水塘隧道出口段采空区处治工程,提出采用黏土水泥浆液进行注浆处理,并进行室内试验研究,得到了不同配比浆液的凝结时间、结石率、结石密度、结石体抗压强度、渗透系数及冲蚀率等性能指标。试验结果表明,固相比较低的浆液凝结时间较短,抗压强度较高,渗透系数较大;随原浆比重增加,浆液的凝结时间缩短,强度提高且渗透系数降低;偏铝酸钠可有效缩短浆液的凝结时间;最终确定了黏土水泥浆材的配比和原浆比重。本次研究可为高速公路下伏采空区的注浆治理提供设计依据。  相似文献   

盾构法施工对地层扰动的试验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用静力触探试验来研究盾构推进这种动态施工对地层扰动的影响,通过对土层力学参数的试验数据进行整理分析,总结了盾构法施工对周围地层扰动的一般影响规律,并初步定量地描述了这种变化情况。  相似文献   

为分析隧道盾构开挖引起的地表沉降规律,本文以武汉地铁三号线为工程背景,采用现场监测和数值模拟计算相结合的方法,综合分析了土质地层盾构开挖时隧道的纵向、横向地表沉降特征,探讨了不同注浆半径条件下地表沉降变化规律,结果表明:数值计算结果与现场监测数据相吻合;开挖过程中盾首上方地表沉降迅速,盾构穿过后沉降减缓,注浆后回弹,最终趋于平稳;隧道拱顶沉降值最大,平均沉降值约40 mm,离隧道轴线越远沉降值越小,形成沉陷槽,沉陷槽宽度约30 m;注浆半径越大,沉降值越小,施工时可根据技术要求和经济条件选择最优注浆半径。  相似文献   

This paper introduces an intelligent framework for predicting the advancing speed during earth pressure balance(EPB) shield tunnelling. Five artificial intelligence(AI) models based on machine and deep learning techniques—back-propagation neural network(BPNN), extreme learning machine(ELM), support vector machine(SVM),long-short term memory(LSTM), and gated recurrent unit(GRU)—are used. Five geological and nine operational parameters that influence the advancing speed are considered. A field case of shield tunnelling in Shenzhen City,China is analyzed using the developed models. A total of 1000 field datasets are adopted to establish intelligent models. The prediction performance of the five models is ranked as GRU LSTM SVM ELM BPNN. Moreover, the Pearson correlation coefficient(PCC) is adopted for sensitivity analysis. The results reveal that the main thrust(MT), penetration(P), foam volume(FV), and grouting volume(GV) have strong correlations with advancing speed(AS). An empirical formula is constructed based on the high-correlation influential factors and their corresponding field datasets. Finally, the prediction performances of the intelligent models and the empirical method are compared. The results reveal that all the intelligent models perform better than the empirical method.  相似文献   

齐静静  徐日庆  魏纲 《岩土力学》2009,30(6):1665-1670
对隧道周围土体采用椭圆形非等量径向位移模式,在镜像法基本原理基础是推导了土体损失引起的附加应力计算公式;结合弹性力学Mindlin解得到的正面附加推力和摩擦力引起的附加应力,得到三者共同作用下总的附加应力公式,并通过算例分析了各影响因素下水平平行隧道上附加荷载的分布规律,重点探讨了土体损失引起的附加荷载在相邻隧道上的分布,分析结果对平行隧道施工具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

针对盾构掘进中、离开后施工阶段,依据土体弹塑性应力-应变关系进行分析,准确预测地表变形量及影响范围具有重要的理论意义和工程应用价值。在导出隧道周围土体塑性松动圈范围的基础上,提出了盾构掘进中、离开后土体内产生的复合滑动面平面段与水平面夹角分别成45°-φ/2和45°+φ/2(φ为内摩擦角)的结论,推导了土体呈主动、被动状态复合滑动面安全系数Fs公式,并利用随机搜索法,找出可能的滑动面,量化确定盾构掘进、离开阶段横向扰动影响范围。盾构掘进中,地表隆起因盾构上部土体发生剪切位移引起,通过直剪试验曲线中控制应力τ1、τ2、τ3及不同阶段剪切模量Ge、Gp1、Gp2,并依据τ-l曲线控制应力τ1、τ2、τm及相对应的距离l1、l2、lm。推导出剪切位移公式,预测地表隆起量;盾构离开后,地表沉降由盾构上部土体卸荷产...  相似文献   

新疆冬春季积雪及温度对冻土深度的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
利用新疆64个气象台站1960-2010年的气象资料,分析了新疆50 a来冻土深度的变化趋势,并讨论了温度(平均地温、平均气温)、降水(冬春季年降水、平均积雪深度)与冻土深度(平均冻土深度、最大冻土深度)的相关关系. 结果表明:以10 a时段的年代际变化分析,新疆50 a来平均冻土深度和最大冻土深度均呈明显减小趋势. 50 a来平均冻土深度全疆、北疆、南疆分别减小了约7 cm、10 cm、4 cm,最大冻土深度则分别减小了约11 cm、16 cm、9 cm. 新疆50 a来平均气温和平均地温均呈波动上升趋势,且与冻土深度均有着良好的相关性,其与平均冻土深度的相关系数分别达到了-0.67、-0.77,与最大冻土深度的相关系数也分别达到了-0.51、-0.65,地温与气温的上升对应着冻土深度的减小. 新疆冬春季年降水与冻土深度有着较好的相关性,其与平均冻土深度、最大冻土深度的相关系数分别达到了-0.40、-0.37. 新疆的平均积雪深度与冻土深度也有着一定的弱相关,其原因与积雪对地面的保温作用有关.  相似文献   

朱训国  陈枫  徐孟林  赵德深 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z1):148-154
以大连市地铁2号线202标段工程为研究对象,通过相似材料模型试验绘制不同地层随时间沉降曲线,即同一时刻不同地层沉降槽曲线和不同地层水平位移曲线,得到盾构隧道施工地层移动规律。试验结果表明,不同地层各测点的垂直位移随时间的变化可用以时间为自变量的负指数函数表示;先行隧道施工对地层产生扰动,引起地层软化,导致两条隧道之间地表沉降明显叠加,沉降较大;隧道开挖时,若存在地下结构或管线,其将受到附加剪切作用,易出现裂缝,在施工中必须做好切实可行的防护措施。  相似文献   

沈建文  刘力 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):709-714
随着城市内地铁盾构区间隧道临近城市道路桥桩工程的增多,急需研究盾构隧道临近桥桩施工对桥桩的变形影响问题。采用有限元数值计算方法,结合盾构隧道穿越桥桩实际工程,建立了盾构隧道施工对临近桥桩影响的数值分析模型,模拟盾构隧道施工,对盾构隧道穿越临近桥桩的桩体沉降、桩体侧移、地表沉降进行了数值分析研究,盾构隧道穿越时及穿越后桩体沉降、桩体侧移、地表沉降控制结果较为理想,桩体处于稳定状态。结合现场监测成果,对数值计算结果和监测结果进行对比分析,表明采用的数值分析计算模型、参数取值对盾构隧道施工对临近桥桩影响的模拟是可靠的,可以运用文中的数值计算方法预测后续盾构隧道施工引起临近桥桩沉降、桩体侧移和地表沉降结果。  相似文献   

由于软土地区深部地层超孔隙水压等因素存在,调整盾构参数对土体位移的影响往往具有一定的滞后性,该时段施工参数调整效应并不完全发生在当前时段,更多影响该断面土体的后期位移。在上海软土地区盾构施工现场设置两相同断面监测土体位移,在盾构施工不同阶段调整关键施工参数,分析各参数对土体位移扰动的时效性。在盾构靠近监测断面前调整土仓压力,穿越断面时调整掘进速度,在盾尾脱出时调整注浆量。通过监测数据以及关联系数时间效应分析得知,在盾构穿越断面时土体位移受前期调整的土仓压力的扰动影响,盾尾脱出时的土体位移体现穿越断面掘进速度所引起挤土效应改变,而后期固结阶段土体位移量体现出盾尾脱出时注浆量增大所带来稳定控制效应。因此,施工时不仅需关注当前土体变形,还应对参数调整后土体变形趋势预测给以足够重视,以避免因忽略滞后效应而导致事故发生。  相似文献   

白廷辉  刘树佳  廖少明 《岩土力学》2016,37(7):2040-2046
针对上海软土地区盾构隧道工程,在盾构穿越监测断面全过程调整掘进速度,观察监测断面的水、土压力以及地层稳定性变化。根据实测并结合土体固结比、承压水等地层土性影响,运用土体扰动机制综合评定掘进速度改变的影响规律。分析表明,盾构在软土地区4倍直径(D=6.2 m)埋深地层中施工,在盾构土舱压力、注浆量等参数均不变的条件下,仅调整千斤顶推进速度变化对土体压力及变形的扰动效应有较大影响。盾构推进速度降低会使水、土压力的扰动空间范围减小、扰动所产生的压力增量减小,也使地表隆沉变化值更稳定。相应变化值由埋深和推速降低比例决定。试验为今后判断软土地区4D埋深盾构掘进速度扰动效应提供参考。  相似文献   

Two numerical models, one for the vadose zone and the other for the aquifer system, are utilized to predict nitrate pollution potential in groundwater. Transport by dispersion and convection of mobile species of nitrogen, ammonium ion exchange, first order nitrogen transformations, and nitrogen plant uptake are included in the formulation for the vadose zone. Transport of nitrate in the aquifer is assumed to be affected only by dispersion-convection phenomena. Justifications for one-dimensional conceptualization of flow in the vadose zone and two-dimensional representation for the aquifer, under various field conditions, are presented. To illustrate the concept, a simple hypothetical problem is solved. The approach presented here provides an efficient means of long-term simulation of large-scale field problems.  相似文献   

李雪  周顺华  王培鑫  李晓龙 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z1):235-240
针对饱和砂土地区盾构隧道超近接高铁桥墩摩擦桩的工程问题,采用钻孔灌注桩及高压旋喷桩组合隔断隧桩间位移。分别对钻孔灌注桩、高压旋喷桩及盾构上下行线近接高铁桥梁桩基引起的高铁桩基的变形及变位开展现场试验,对现场实测数据及规律进行分析。结果表明,钻孔灌注桩施工使高铁桥墩产生沉降,占施工过程最大沉降量的 75%~125%;高压旋喷桩施工导致桥墩产生隆起,占施工过程最大沉降量的-50%,旋喷桩施工完成后将持续一段时间;盾构施工对高铁桥墩竖向变形产生影响,距离高铁桩基越近影响越大,同时累计沉降跟盾构施工控制有较大关系。  相似文献   

A method for the numerical simulation of diffusive transport with moving boundaries is developed and tested. The variable domain is mapped onto a fixed region, which introduces a term of convective form to the transformed governing equation. The resulting convection/diffusion equation is solved by a finite-difference method. An ‘Immersed Interface’ Method (IIM) is introduced in order to retain second-order accuracy near discontinuities in material properties, where the solution is not smooth. The method performs well in benchmark calculations against an analytical solution. The IIM scheme is capable of treating a strong discontinuity in the gradient, and it is readily extended to two or three dimensions. The methods are illustrated through a calculation for the temperature profile in a growing continental ice sheet, in which the thermal properties are discontinuous at the rock/ice interface. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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