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Detailed outcrop studies at the flanks of Al Kufrah Basin, Libya, reveal the nature of glacially-related sedimentation and post-depositional deformation styles produced in association with the Late Ordovician glaciation, during which ice sheets expanded northward over North Africa to deposit the Mamuniyat Formation. At the SE basin flank (Jabal Azbah), the Mamuniyat Formation is sand-dominated, and incises interfingering braidplain and shallow marine deposits of the Hawaz Formation. The glacially-related sediments include intercalations of mud-chip bearing tabular sandstones and intraformational conglomerates, which are interpreted as turbidite and debrite facies respectively. These record aggradation of an extensive sediment wedge in front of a stable former ice margin. An increase in mudstone content northward is accompanied by the occurrence of more evolved turbidites. A widespread surface, bearing streamlined NW–SE striking ridges and grooves, punctuates this succession. The structures on the surface are interpreted to have formed during a regional north-westward ice advance. Above, siltstones bearing Arthrophycus burrows, and Orthocone-bearing sandstones beneath tidal bars testify to glaciomarine conditions for deposition of the underflow deposits beneath. By contrast, the northern basin margin (Jabal az-Zalmah) is appreciably different in recording shallower water/paralic sedimentation styles and major glaciotectonic deformation features, although facies analysis also reveals northward deepening. Here, a siltstone wedging from 8 to 50 m toward the north was deposited (lower delta plain), succeeded by climbing ripple cross-laminated sandstones up to 60 m in thickness (distal through proximal delta mouth bar deposits) with occasional diamictite interbeds. These rocks are deformed by thrusts and > 50 m amplitude fault-propagation folds, the deformation locally sealed by a diamictite then overlain by conglomeratic lag during ultimate deglaciation. Integrating observations from both basin margins, a model of fluvial-dominated delta systems feeding a pulsed debrite and turbidite fan system in a shallow proglacial shelf is proposed.  相似文献   

In recent years, the Neoproterozoic Huqf Supergroup formations of the Oman Salt Basins have been the target for oil exploration. The present study maps the surficial exposure of the Huqf Supergroup in and around Khufai Dome of the Huqf area in the Sultanate of Oman using low-cost multi-spectral remotely sensed satellite data and image processing methods such as decorrelation stretching, principal component analysis (PCA) and spectral angle mapper (SAM), as alternative to expensive and time-consuming tools, which have the capability and potential to be used by geoscientists for oil exploration. In this research, the study of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) spectral bands 8, 3 and 1 by decorrelation stretching well discriminated the Masirah Bay, the Khufai, the Shuram and the Buah Formations of the Nafun Group, the source rocks of Huqf Supergroup with the Quaternary deposits. The analysis of visible and near infrared–shortwave infrared spectral bands of ASTER by PCA clearly showed the occurrence and spatial distribution of such formations in the RGB principal component images (R:PC1, G:PC2, B:PC3). The spatial distributions of such formations are assessed by confusion matrix after using maximum likelihood (ML), spectral angle mapper (SAM) and spectral information divergence (SID) algorithms. The matrix of ML algorithm has provided the best overall accuracy of 92.93% and kappa coefficient of 0.92. The minerals of the formations were detected by SAM. Further, the detection of such mineral groups was confirmed through the ASTER thermal infrared (TIR) spectral indices image developed using the carbonate index (CI), quartz index (QI), and mafic index (MI). All results of image analyses are evaluated in the field and laboratory studies. The study also evaluates the satellite data and image processing methods for the formations of Jabal Akhdar, the equivalent formations of the Khufai Dome, to show the sensor capability and the use of the image processing methods to study the source rocks. The results of the study provided similar discriminations comparable to the Khufai Dome. Therefore, the data and the techniques are recommended to the exploration geologists for use in similar regions of the world.  相似文献   

Discontinuous outcrops of diamictites and siltstones are found above post-Marinoan carbonates from the Araras Formation and represent the record of a second glaciation in the northern Paraguay belt, Brazil. This new stratigraphic unit, named the Serra Azul Formation, varies in thickness between 250 and 300 m; it lies on top of dolomites of the Araras Group and is overlain by sandstones of the Raizama Formation. Massive diamictite, approximately 70 m thick, composes the basal unit (Unit A), followed by 200 m thick laminated siltstones (Unit B), which contain sparse intercalations of very fine-grained sandstone lenses. This new diamictite level is probably related to the Gaskiers Glaciation, with an age of approximately 580 Ma, and represents the youngest Neoproterozoic glacial event recorded in South America.  相似文献   

The upper portion of the Virgelle Member (Upper Cretaceous Milk River Formation) at Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park of southern Alberta preserves evidence of tidal processes along an otherwise wave-dominated, progradational shoreline in the Cretaceous Interior Seaway of North America. The upper Virgelle Member is underlain by offshore transition to lower shoreface deposits of the Telegraph Creek Member and the lower Virgelle Member, respectively, and is overlain by the non-marine shales and sandstones of the Deadhorse Coulee Member. The sediments of the upper Virgelle Member were deposited along a prograding shoreline and are interpreted here as those of a tidal-inlet complex. Most inlet sections consist of an erosional base overlain by a shale-pebble conglomerate, followed by cross-bedded sandstones which become finer-grained and decrease in scale upwards. Indicators of tidal processes include palaeocurrent distributions, mud couplets, tidal bundles, re-activation surfaces and herringbone cross-beds. The sequence through the tidal-inlet complex can be differentiated, according to prevalent palaeoflow directions and sedimentary structures, as ebb-dominated, flood-dominated, or mixed-tidal influence. Ebb-dominated sections commonly contain lateral accretion surfaces whereas flood-dominated sections contain tidal-ramp deposits. Back-barrier lagoon deposits are dominated by sandstones of an extensive flood-tidal delta with only thin shales preserved locally at the top of the inlet complex. Deposits of ebb-tidal deltas are absent, presumably due to the effective sediment dispersal by waves and wave-induced longshore currents acting on the regionally wave-dominated shoreline.  相似文献   

U–Pb detrital zircon ages are reported from Puncoviscana Formation (late Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian) and Mesón Group (Late Cambrian) greywackes of northwest Argentina, to constrain provenance and depositional environment.The new data are combined with previously-published detrital zircon ages, to show that Puncoviscana Formation age patterns contain two broad groups: late Mesoproterozoic–early Neoproterozoic (1150–850 Ma) and late Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian (650–520 Ma); with their relative proportions varying inversely with youngest component age. The 1150–850 Ma age components are dominant in greywackes with oldest late Neoproterozoic components > 600 Ma. The former diminish considerably when late Neoproteozoic components become dominant and younger, to 520 Ma. A northernmost greywacke sample from Purmamarca, Jujuy, is distinctive: whilst its zircon age pattern partly resembles other Puncoviscana Formation samples, it contains no Cambrian–late Neoproterozoic ages, the youngest ages being early Neoproterozoic. This may reflect an early, Neoproterozoic, passive-margin depocentre for the Formation, or an older (early Neoproterozoic) succession within it, which may predate the Brasiliano orogeny in Brazil. The youngest age components, c. 520 Ma, in a greywacke from Rancagua (Cachi, Salta province), dominate an almost unimodal pattern suggestive of contemporary volcanic sources at a late Early Cambrian depocentre. Detrital zircon age patterns of the Mesón Group (Lizoite Formation) have major Cambrian–latest Neoproterozoic components resembling those of the Puncoviscana Formation, but its Mesoproterozoic component is diminished, and there are no significant age components of this age. Small youngest components at c. 500 Ma suggest a maximum Late Cambrian stratigraphic age. The Puncoviscana Formation detrital zircon patterns suggest a provenance in a continental hinterland having a stabilised, extensive late Mesoproterozoic orogen (with minor Paleoproterozoic and Archean precursors), and a more variable late Neoproterozoic orogen containing an evolving sequence of less extensive subcomponents. A direct relationship with the Brazilian Shield is suggested; with sediment supplies originating within active-margin orogens of the interior and collisional orogens at the suture between African and South American cratons, but ultimate deposition in passive-margin environments of western Gondwanaland.  相似文献   

The South Oman Salt Basin (SOSB) is host to the world’s oldest known commercial deposits. Most of the South Oman oils have been proven to be associated with the source rocks of the Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Huqf Supergroup, but the assignment of oils to specific Huqf intervals or facies has been hampered by the geochemical similarity of the organic matter across the entire Huqf sequence, possibly as a consequence of limited change in the local palaeoenvironment and biota over the time of its deposition. This study was conducted to establish improved correlations between organic-rich rock units and reservoir fluids in the SOSB through detailed molecular and isotopic analysis of the Huqf Supergroup, with special emphasis directed towards understanding the Ara carbonate stringer play.Unusual biomarkers, tentatively identified as A-norsteranes, show distinctive patterns among carbonate stringer oils and rocks different from those observed in Nafun sediments and Ara rocks from the Athel basin. These putative A-norsteranes form the basis for new oil-source correlations in the SOSB and provide for the first time geochemical evidence of a self-charging mechanism for the carbonate stringer play. The paucity of markers specific to the Nafun Group (Shuram, Buah and Masirah Bay formations) confounds attempts to quantify their respective contributions to Huqf oil accumulations. Nafun inputs can only be determined on the basis of subtle differences between Nafun and Ara biomarker ratios. The most useful geochemical characteristics delineating Nafun Group organic matter from Ara Group intra-salt source rocks included: low relative abundance of mid-chain monomethyl alkanes (X-compounds); low relative abundance of gammacerane, 28,30-dinorhopane, 25,28,30-trinorhopane and 2-methylhopanes; low C22T/C21T and high C23T/C24T cheilanthanes ratio values. Based on these parameters, molecular evidence for major contributions of liquid hydrocarbons from Nafun Group sediments (Shuram, Buah and Masirah Bay formations) is lacking. Our results suggest that the majority of SOSB hydrocarbon accumulations originate from within the Ara group, either from the carbonate stringers or from the package of sediments that comprises the Thuleilat, Athel Silicilyte and U shale formations. Subtle aspects of the composition of some carbonate stringer and post-salt Huqf oils could suggest some degree of sourcing from the Nafun rocks but stronger evidence is needed to confirm this.  相似文献   

The Marwar Supergroup refers to a 1000–2000 m thick marine and coastal sequence that covers a vast area of Rajasthan in NW–India. The Marwar Basin uncomformably overlies the ∼750–770 Ma rocks of the Malani Igneous Suite and is therefore considered Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian in age. Upper Vindhyan basinal sediments (Bhander and Rewa Groups), exposed in the east and separated by the Aravalli–Delhi Fold Belt, have long been assumed to coeval with the Marwar Supergroup. Recent studies based on detrital zircon populations of the Marwar and Upper Vindhyan sequences show some similarity in the older populations, but the Vindhyan sequence shows no zircons younger than 1000 Ma whereas samples taken from the Marwar Basin show distinctly younger zircons. This observation led to speculation that the Upper Vindhyan and Marwar sequences did not develop coevally.While there are alternative explanations for why the two basins may differ in their detrital zircon populations, paleomagnetic studies may provide independent evidence for differences/similarities between the assumed coeval basins. We have collected samples in the Marwar Basin and present the paleomagnetic results. Previous paleomagnetic studies of Marwar basinal sediments were misinterpreted as being indistinguishable from the Upper Vindhyan sequence. The vast majority of our samples show directional characteristics similar to the previously published studies. We interpret these results to be a recent overprint. A small subset of hematite-bearing rocks from the Jodhpur Formation (basal Marwar) exhibit directional data (Dec = 89° Inc = −1° α95 = 9°) that are distinct from the Upper Vindhyan pole and may offer additional support for temporally distinct episodes of sedimentation in these proximal regions. A VGP based upon our directional data is reported at 1°S 344°E (dp = 5°, dm = 9°). We conclude that the Marwar Supergroup developed near the close of the Ediacaran Period and is part of a larger group of sedimentary basins that include the Huqf Supergroup (Oman), the Salt-Range (Pakistan), the Krol–Tal belt (Himalayas) and perhaps the Molo Supergroup (Madagascar).  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2010,18(4):653-661
There is widespread interest in the Neoproterozoic period of the Earth's history (1000 to 542 Ma) because of unprecedented δ13C fluctuations to <  10‰ PDB through thick (> 1000 m) succession of stratigraphically complex sedimentary rocks deposited during tens of millions of years. In contrast, Phanerozoic large negative C-isotope excursions have been interpreted as the result of diagenetic fluid mixing during carbonate stabilization and burial and are less enigmatic due to the excellent biostratigraphic control on their timing and duration.The Ediacaran Nafun Group of Oman (part of the Huqf Supergroup spanning the Cryogenian–Early Cambrian) contains a large δ13C negative excursion (the Shuram excursion) reaching values as negative as − 12‰ at the base of the Shuram Formation. A steady recovery to positive values occurs over the entire Shuram and half through the overlying Buah Formation, suggesting a duration on the order of tens of My. Based on trace metal, chemostratigraphic and sedimentological analyses, the carbon isotope record obtained from the Buah Formation of northern Oman indicates a systematic and reproducible shift of δ13C values from − 6‰ to + 1‰ in 1 — a demonstrably diagenetic altered carbonate-cemented siliciclastic facies, and 2 — a least diagenetically altered stromatolitic facies. The identical reproducible isotopic pattern in these time-equivalent sections combined to the presence of exceptionally preserved δ18O values around − 2 to + 1‰ associated with the most negative δ13C values rules out isotopic resetting by diagenetic fluids as a mechanism to explain these values.It is concluded that it is possible to retain depositional δ13C values in demonstrably diagenetically altered carbonates. This raises the issue of the ability to recognize diagenetic alteration of C-isotopic values in Neoproterozoic rocks where a robust time frame to support reproducibility is not available. The results of this study provide strong support to a non diagenetic origin of the negative Shuram C-isotope excursion, believed to be the most profound (in terms of amplitude and duration) in the Earth's history.  相似文献   

The carbonate sediments from the Vendian–Cambrian shelf of the Tuva-Mongolian microcontinent were dated by Sr and C isotope chemostratigraphy. Analysis of the Sr-isotopic characteristics (0.70725–0.70873) and δ13C variations (+ 10.5 to –3.5‰), as well as their comparison with the data on the key sections of Siberia, Africa, Central Asia, Australia, South America, and Spitsbergen, showed that the carbonate sedimentary cover of the Tuva-Mongolian microcontinent accumulated at 600–520 Ma and the carbonate sediments of the Muren Formation and the basal beds of the Bokson Group near the Ukha-Gol River are the oldest. Their sedimentation followed the Marinoan global glaciation.  相似文献   

This work presents the first detailed facies analysis of the upper Nyalau Formation exposed around Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia. The Lower Miocene Nyalau Formation exposures in NW Sarawak represent one of the closest sedimentological outcrop analogues to the age equivalent, hydrocarbon-bearing, offshore deposits of the Balingian Province. Nine types of facies associations are recognised in the Nyalau Formation, which form elements of larger-scale facies successions. Wave-dominated shoreface facies successions display coarsening upward trends from Offshore, into Lower Shoreface and Upper Shoreface Facies Associations. Fluvio-tidal channel facies successions consist of multi-storey stacks of Fluvial-Dominated, Tide-Influenced and Tide-Dominated Channel Facies Associations interbedded with minor Bay and Mangrove Facies Associations. Estuarine bay facies successions are composed of Tidal Bar and Bay Facies Associations with minor Mangrove Facies Associations. Tide-dominated delta facies successions coarsen upward from an Offshore into the Tidal Bar Facies Association. The Nyalau Formation is interpreted as a mixed wave- and tide-influenced coastal depositional system, with an offshore wave-dominated barrier shoreface being incised by laterally migrating tidal channels and offshore migrating tidal bars. Stratigraphic successions in the Nyalau Formation form repetitive high frequency, regressive–transgressive cycles bounded by flooding surfaces, consisting of a basal coarsening upward, wave-dominated shoreface facies succession (representing a prograding barrier shoreface and/or beach-strandplain) which is sharply overlain by fluvio-tidal channel, estuarine bay or tide-dominated delta facies successions (representing more inshore, tide-influenced coastal depositional environments). An erosion surface separates the underlying wave-dominated facies succession from overlying tidal facies successions in each regressive–transgressive cycle. These erosion surfaces are interpreted as unconformities formed when base level fall resulted in deep incision of barrier shorefaces. Inshore, fluvio-tidal successions above the unconformity display upward increase in marine influence and are interpreted as transgressive incised valley fills.  相似文献   

Sedimentological and palynological studies on a series of slimes taken from a drill-well in the central part of the Kathmandu Basin and the Lukundol Formation at the southern margin of the basin indicate that the depositional environments of the Paleo-Kathmandu Lake changed at around 1 Ma. In the central part of the basin, the abrupt appearance of a fossiliferous 4 m thick sand bed, containing abundant fish teeth and gastropod opercula, and shell fragments, in an otherwise open-lacustrine mud sequence, suggests that a lowering of the water level occurred at about 1 Ma. The common occurrence of the green alga Pediastrum in the overlying mud beds implies that the lake remained shallow after the deposition of the sand bed. Changes in the depositional system of the Paleo-Kathmandu Lake at about 1 Ma are also recorded in the Lukundol Formation. Granitic gravel and detrital muscovite flakes, which are common in the Lower and Middle Members, disappear from the Upper Member. Paleocurrent directions in the Lower and Middle Members show flow from the north and east, whilst in the Upper Member they change to flow from the south. Sedimentary facies change from marginal lacustrine in the Middle Member, to a braided river facies in the Upper Member. These changes occurred at around 1 Ma, at the base of the Upper Member. They seem to have been caused by the initiation of rapid uplift of the Mahabharat Lekh, which was due to faulting and underthrusting along the Main Boundary Thrust System.  相似文献   

The late Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic Kalahari Copperbelt (KCB) in Namibia and Botswana is widely covered by Kalahari sand, which precludes direct correlations between known stratabound sediment-hosted Cu–Ag districts. We use a combination of review of literature data, and newly processed and interpreted high-resolution aeromagnetic maps in both countries to provide a new correlative cross-border interpretation. Lithostratigraphic control on the aeromagnetic response allows detailed indirect mapping of the Kalahari Copperbelt lithotectonic domains below the sand cover. This enabled us to redefine the width and lateral extent of the KCB as two continuous magnetic domains (the Rehoboth and Ghanzi–Chobe domains) extending from central Namibia to northern Botswana, and helped in resolving problems of stratigraphic correlations across the international border.The Rehoboth magnetic domain, in the western part of the KCB in Namibia, records continental arc magmatism at ~ 1200 Ma during orogenic events along the northwestern edge of the Kalahari Craton. This was followed at 1110–1090 Ma by widespread magmatism, identified within the entire KCB, and related to the 1112–1106 Ma Umkondo Large Igneous Province. The basal parts of the Tsumis Group in Namibia and Ghanzi Group in Botswana were deposited in shallow-water environments after a period of erosion and peneplanation. Subsequently, and prior to the Sturtian glaciation, the host-rocks of the Cu–Ag deposits formed by the deposition of chemically reduced shales and siltstones that formed in deeper water and overlie chemically oxidised shallow-water sandstones. This regional interface, which is both a permeability barrier and redox boundary, played a critical role in the formation of the stratabound sediment-hosted Cu–Ag deposits of the Kalahari Copperbelt, and the interface, with its strong magnetic contrast, can be followed through the entire Ghanzi–Chobe magnetic domain of the copperbelt. The whole KCB was affected by the Damara Orogeny during early Cambrian times, which resulted in the formation of a NE–SW trending ~ 250 km-wide fold-and-thrust belt.  相似文献   

We present new U–Pb isotopic age data for detrital zircons from 16 deformed sandstones of the Ross Supergroup in north Victoria Land, Antarctica. Zircon U/Th ratios primarily point to dominantly igneous parent rocks with subordinate contributions from metamorphic sources. Comparative analysis of detrital zircon age populations indicates that inboard stratigraphic successions (Wilson Terrane) and those located outboard of the East Antarctic craton (the Bowers and Robertson Bay terranes) have similar ~ 1200–950 Ma (Mesoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic) and ~ 700–490 Ma (late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian, Furongian) age populations. The affinity of the age populations of the sandstones to each other, as well as Gondwana sources and Pacific-Gondwana marginal stratigraphic belts, challenges the notion that the outboard successions form exotic terranes that docked with Gondwana during the Ross orogeny and instead places the terranes in proximity to each other and within the peri-Gondwana realm during the late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian. The cumulative zircon age suite from north Victoria Land yields a polymodal age spectra with a younger, primary 700–480 Ma age population that peaks at ~ 580 Ma. Cumulative analysis of zircons with elevated U/Th ratios (> 20) indicating metamorphic heritage yield ~ 657–532 Ma age probability peaks, which overlap with the younger dominantly igneous zircon population. The data are interpreted to give important new evidence that is consistent with ongoing convergent arc magmatism by ~ 626 Ma, which provided the dominant zircon-rich igneous rocks and subordinate metamorphic rocks. Maximum depositional ages as young as ~ 493–481 Ma yielded by deformed sequences in the outboard Bowers and Robertson Bay terrane samples provide new support for late Cambrian to Ordovician deformation in outboard sectors of the orogen, consistent with tectonic models that call for cyclic phases of contraction along the north Victoria Land sector of the Ross–Delamerian orogen.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(3):1027-1044
The Neoproterozoic and Cambrian were two of the most dramatic periods in the history of the Earth, because large multi-cellular animals first appeared then in the so-called “Cambrian Explosion”. To better understand this event, many paleontological and geochemical studies now focus on rocks in South China, because of the fossiliferous succession and good exposure. Since the recognition of the Yangtze Gorges and Chengjiang area as type localities of the Sinian (Ediacaran) and Meishucunian (Early Cambrian) Systems, both sections have been intensively investigated. In order to decipher the relationships between the evolution of life and surface environmental changes, it is necessary to understand their paleontological, geochemical and geo-chronological constraints.This study presents new chronological constraints for the Cryogenian to Cambrian rocks in the Three Gorges, Weng'an and Chengjiang areas, South China. We discovered two tuff layers, one at the base of the Shuijingtuo Fm at Three Gorges and the other at the bottom of the Dahai Member in Chengjiang. In addition, we collected sandstones from Neoproterozoic strata in the Three Gorges, Chengjiang and Weng'an areas for provenance analysis. Zircons, separated from the tuff layers, provide new Nano-SIMS U–Pb ages of 526.4 ± 5.4 Ma at the base of the Shuijingtuo Fm, and 523.9 ± 6.7 Ma at the bottom of the Dahai Member. The tuffaceous beds occur at an unconformity, and nodules are common in the Three Gorges, Meishucun and Taoying sections, indicating that major and relatively wide-scale volcanic and sedimentological events occurred at ca. 525 Ma. Moreover, carbonate carbon isotope chemostratigraphies at Morocco, Siberia, Three Gorges and Meishucun display different characteristics during the Tommotian. One possibility is that the South China Ocean was separated from an outer ocean at that time. Detrital zircons in sandstones have age populations at ca. 2.7, 1.8, 1.6, 1.0 and from 0.9 to 0.75 Ga. indicating that the paleo-hinterland of the Nanhua and Kangdian rift basins was geologically complex. Despite the lack of ca. 1.6 Ga rocks in the Yangtze and Cathaysia Blocks, these data are nevertheless interpreted to indicate derivation of the zircons from basement rocks in the Yangtze craton.  相似文献   

The Ad Dawadimi Terrane is an Ediacaran basin of the Arabian Nubian Shield (ANS), Saudi Arabia. This basin terrane is situated in the far eastern part of the ANS and represents the youngest accretion event of the exposed ANS. Therefore, the timing of events within the basin is key to understanding both the closure of the Mozambique Ocean and the amalgamation of Gondwana along the northern East African Orogen. Here we present U/Pb detrital zircon data for the Abt Formation, the principle basin sediments of the Ad Dawadimi Terrane, along with 40Ar/39Ar ages on muscovite and whole rock Sm/Nd data. These data indicate that deep-water deposition in the Abt Basin did not end until after ca. 620 Ma and that deformation and greenschist-facies metamorphism of the Abt Formation occurred at 620 ± 3 (2σ) Ma along an active margin. This is the youngest terrane amalgamation event reported so far in the Arabian–Nubian Shield, but we suggest even younger sutures lie further east beneath the Phanerozoic cover of eastern Saudi Arabia. Our results suggest that the Ediacaran basins of the eastern ANS were not part of the Huqf basin in Oman, which was instead part of a passive margin of Neoproterozoic India, separated from the active margin of Africa by the Mozambique Ocean that probably did not close until the late Ediacaran or early Cambrian.  相似文献   

The Qianlishan granite complex, situated 16 km southeast of Chenzhou City, Hunan Province, China, hosts the Shizhuyuan W–Sn–Bi–Mo deposit. This complex, which intruded the Protozoic metasedimentary rocks and the Devonian clastic sedimentary and carbonate rocks, consists of mainly medium- to coarse-grained biotite granites and minor amounts of fine-grained biotite granite in addition to granite and quartz porphyry. K–Ar ages suggest three episodes of plutonism: the medium- to coarse-grained biotite granite (before 152 Ma), the fine-grained biotite granite (137 Ma), and the granite porphyry (129–131 Ma). Muscovite ages of the greisen are 145–148 Ma, suggesting that the W–Sn–Bi–Mo mineralization was related to the main, medium- to coarse-grained biotite granites. The K–Ar age of the hydrothermal vein mineralization is 92 Ma and is probably related to the porphyries.  相似文献   

Major eustatic fall has been invoked to explain Lower–Middle Cambrian boundary sandstones and faunal replacements on a number of Cambrian palaeocontinents. This proposal has been tested on the Moroccan and Spanish margins of West Gondwana and found to be inadequate to explain stratigraphical developments. In these regions, sandstone intervals long presumed to be regressive and late Early Cambrian in age are now shown to be early Middle Cambrian, and composed of a lower regressive and an overlying transgressive sandstone separated by a regional unconformity. Only the lower tidalites (i.e. Tazlaft Formation in Morocco and lower Daroca sandstones in Spain) record the Hawke Bay eustatic regression in West Gondwana. The Tazlaft is overlain by a newly recognized, unconformably overlying sandstone (Talelt Formation) that onlapped southern Morocco with reactivation of a pull‐apart or transcurrent regime. Up to 150 m of erosion on uplifted blocks in the High Atlas range and foundering of the Souss Basin to the south preceded onlap and deposition of the volcanic‐rich Tatelt, the correlative and depositional analogue of the upper Daroca and lower Valdemides Formations in northern Spain. With folding and erosion, a type 1 depositional sequence boundary also caps the Tatelt at its contact with an overlying, lower Middle Cambrian mudstone‐dominated succession. This unconformity probably occurs in Spain within the Valdemiedes Formation and corresponds to a faunal discontinuity called the ‘Valdemiedes geoevent’. The Iberian ‘Daroca regression’ and Moroccan ‘Asrir regression’ are misnomers, as the sandstones on which they are based are composite units with a lower regressive interval that records eustatic fall and an upper transgressive unit that records epeirogenically driven onlap.  相似文献   

Eclogites discovered in the eastern part of the East Kunlun Mountains, Western China, are primarily composed of garnet + omphacite + quartz + rutile. The garnets show end-member components of 48–55% almandine, 1–2% spessartine, 19–29% grossularite and 16–29% pyrope, and the omphacite has a jadeite content of 21–63%. The peak-metamorphic assemblage of eclogites records a P–T condition of > 1.6 GPa and 590 °C–650 °C. Zircon U–Pb dating of the inherited magmatic zircons from fine-grained eclogite reveals a Neoproterozoic age of 934 Ma, representing the protolith age of the eclogite. Zircons from the coarse-grained eclogite contain inclusions of garnet, omphacite and rutile, and yield a weighted mean age of 428 Ma, indicating the metamorphic age of eclogite. The eclogites, together with the Late Cambrian (508 Ma) high-pressure granulite to the west, constitute an Early Paleozoic high-pressure metamorphic belt in the East Kunlun.  相似文献   

The Mesoproterozoic successions in the North China Craton (NCC) and the Qinling–Qilian–Kunlun Orogens have been revised using the new and highly reliable age data. Many Proterozoic strata in the Qinling–Qilian–Kunlun Orogens, such as the Qinling, Jinshuikou and Beidahe groups that have been ascribed to be Paleoproterozoic are actually of Mesoproterozoic Era. The most significant advances are recent geochronological studies on the Mesoproterozoic stratigraphy and magmatic events in the NCC. The boundary age between the Dahongyu Formation and the overlying Gaoyuzhuang Formation is well constrained to be ∼1600 Ma, corresponding to the boundary age between Statherian and Calymmian. The boundary between the Tieling Formation and the overlying Xiamaling Formation is best positioned at ∼1400 Ma, which is coeval with the boundary between Calymmian and Ectasian, and is about 400 Myrs older than the conventional value of 1000 Ma originally defined by the All China Commission of Stratigraphy. Hence the Jixianian System, including the Gaoyuzhuang, Yangzhuang, Wumishan, Hongshuizhuang and Tieling formations in ascending order, is comparable with the Calymmian System in the International Stratigraphic Chart. The lower boundary of the Changchengian System, the first system of the Mesoproterozoic in China Regional Stratigraphic Chart, also needs revision from the conventional 1800 Ma to ∼1650 Ma well constrained by the zircon U–Pb ages 1673 ± 10 Ma (LA-MC-ICP-MS) and 1669 ± 20 Ma (SHRIMP) of a granite-porphyry dike that was overlain unconformably by the basal conglomerate of the Changzhougou Formation, the first formation of the Changchengian System. Therefore, the earliest Mesoproterozoic sequence in the NCC represented by the Changchengian and Jixianian Systems in the Yanliao Aulacogen is identical to that of the Vindhyan Supergroup in Central Indian and the Riphean Series in Russia. On the other hand, a series of 1.8–1.6 Ga anorogenic magmatic records were well-preserved around the NCC, which marked the initial rifting of the Columbia Supercontinent in the NCC. The magmatic events can thus be subdivided into three phases with peaks at ca 1.77 Ga, ca 1.70 Ga and ca 1.63 Ga, respectively. In addition to 1.8–1.6 Ga magmatic events, some minor volcanic eruptions at ca 1.56 Ga and 1.44 Ga, and wide-spread bi-modal magmatic intrusions at 1.35–1.32 Ga have been recognized in the northern NCC, marking the continued rifting of the Columbia Supercontinent since ∼1.8 Ga.  相似文献   

The lithologic composition of basalts from the most complex sections of the Koltogory-Urengoi Rift is considered, and their 40Ar/39Ar ages are given: basalts from the lower section of Nikol'skaya BH-1 (Bergamak Formation)  272.9 ± 10.5 and 249.5 ± 3.0 Ma, basalts from the uppermost section (Voinov Formation)  247.5 ± 2.9 Ma, and basalts from the lower section of Tyumenskaya SDB-6 (Korotchaevo Formation)  251.2 ± 2.0 Ma. According to these and the paleomagnetic data, trap magmatism began in the Koltogory-Urengoi Rift in the Permian and ended in the Early Triassic, whereas the paleontological data suggest its beginning in the Early Triassic and its termination in the late Middle Triassic.In Tyumenskaya SDB-6 we have recognized both low-K tholeiitic and medium- to high-K subalkalic and calc-alkalic basalts, which form large alternating packets up to 480 m thick. This section is juxtaposed to the anomalous sections of the Siberian Platform trap formation near the margins of the Tunguska syneclise. The section of Nikol'skaya BH-1 is composed mainly of medium- and high-K subalkaline basalts with scarce flows of low-K ones. The low-K basalts differ from the medium- and high-K varieties in having lower contents of TiO2, P2O5, Ba, Rb, Th, and ΣLREE.The Tyumenskaya SDB-6 basalts are characterized by paleohypergene alterations, up to the development of more than five levels of alumina-ferruginous cuirasses, as well as superposed chloritization, sericitization (hydromication), carbonatization, zeolitization, silicification, and epidotization, whereas the Nikol'skaya BH-1 basalts are subjected mainly to carbonatization, chloritization, and hydromication. We have concluded that the existence of a vast mega-arch above the superplume within the West Siberian geosyneclise in the Permo-Triassic was complicated by the Koltogory-Urengoi Rift. The Triassic rift deposits are both continental and marine sediments (sandstones and siltstones with glauconite, coccolith oozes, spherulitic lavas, and hyaloclastites). The basic volcanism within the rift showed the features of both rift and flood basalts as well as E-MORB.  相似文献   

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