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《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(6):783-792
Gross sedimentation rates (GSRs) were monitored together with meteorological data and the main biochemical characteristics of the collected material (i.e. organic content, C, N, total proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and available proteins) over a three year cycle at a shallow station (18 m) of the Bay of Banyuls, France. GSRs were between 0.26 (l 1/04/ 92) and 317.75 gDW m−2 d−1 (18/02/94). They followed an annual cycle with low and relatively constant values during spring and summer and high, variable values during fall and winter. During the study GSRs correlated poorly (state of the sea, precipitation) or even non-significantly (wind speed) with the main meteorological parameters. GSRs correlated negatively with the organic content of the material collected within the sediment traps suggesting the importance of resuspension in controlling GSRs. This hypothesis is consistent with the fact that, among all the measured biochemical parameters, available proteins (i.e. enzymatically hydrolizable proteins) are the most negatively correlated with GSRs. Available proteins showed important temporal changes that are only partly described by changes in carbon and nitrogen contents. These results are discussed in relation to the conceptualisation and the modelling of benthic trophic networks. The major objectives of our research group within the framework of the second phase of the French “Programme National d'Océanographie Côtière” are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The influence ofNoctiluca's predation on theAcartia population in Ise Bay was examined by taking samples at 27 stations once a month from May to December, 1974.The copepod eggs were found inNoctiluca mainly in May and June. Considering from various spawning types of copepods, the eggs were presumed to beAcartia, the most numerous species of all copepods in the bay.Noctiluca was dominant plankton in May and June whenAcartia was abundantly distributed.Acartia eggs were found in 33.2–39.3% of individuals ofNoctiluca in May and June.Noctiluca was more frequently observed to contain one egg ofAcartia per individual. It was suggested that 55.0 eggs perAcartia female per day were eaten by theNoctiluca population in May wherease 3.5 eggs in June. It was deduced that 74% of the eggs produced byAcartia was preyed on byNoctiluca (about 5% in June). The predation byNoctiluca as well as that by the sand-eel must influence greatly to the production ofAcartia in the bay.  相似文献   

本文研究了南极普里兹湾海域悬浮颗粒物中的天然15N丰度,并就δ15N与POC、PON等生化要素之间的相关性进行了讨论,对δ15N含量分布特征的形成机制及其与物理、生物学过程的耦合进行了探讨,给出了南极普里兹湾悬浮颗粒物中的δ15N与POC、PON含量呈负相关关系;表层水中δ15N、POC和PON的分布和δ15N的垂直分布可能与涡流有关.  相似文献   

Hudson Bay is a large, estuarine, shelf-like sea at the southern margin of the Arctic, where changes in seasonal ice cover and river discharge appear already to be underway. Here we present lignin data for dated sediments from eleven box cores and evaluate sources of terrigenous carbon, transport pathways, and whether terrigenous organic matter has been influenced by recent environmental change. Lignin yields (0.04 to 1.46 mg/100 mg organic carbon) decreased from the margin to the interior and from south to north, broadly reflecting the distribution of river inputs. Lignin compositional patterns indicated distinct regional sources with boreal forest (woody gymnosperm) vegetation an important source in the south, vs. tundra (non-woody angiosperm) in the north. Lignin patterns suggest redistribution of a fine-grained, mineral-associated fraction of the southern-derived terrigenous carbon to the northeast part of the Bay and ultimately into west Hudson Strait with the Bay's cyclonic coastal circulation. A small component of the carbon makes it to the central basins of Hudson Bay but most of the terrigenous organic material in that area appears to derive from resuspension of older, isostatically-rebounding coastal and inner shelf deposits. Most modern plant debris appears to be retained near river mouths due to hydrodynamic sorting, with the exception of the southwest inner shelf, where these materials extend > 30 km from shore. Temporal changes in the composition of terrigenous organic carbon recorded in most of the southern Hudson Bay cores perhaps reflect increases in erosion and cross-shelf transport from coastal deposits, possibly mediated by change in ice climate. In contrast, temporal changes in the northwest may relate to changes in the supply of modern plant debris under recent warmer conditions. On the western shelf, changes may relate to ice climate and the distribution of northern coastal water and/or changes in the delivery of materials by the Churchill River due to water diversion. Although the cores show evidence of change related to the ice climate, there is little evidence that ice itself transports terrigenous organic carbon within the system.  相似文献   

Particulate fluxes were determined by two methods to elucidate the behavior of settling particles in seawater. One method involves direct observation of fluxes with sediment traps, while in the other method flux is indirectly calculated from the radioactive disequilibrium between U-238 and Th-234 in seawater, which gives net flux. Observations were carried out several times throughout a year in Funka Bay. When linearly extrapolated, the observed gross fluxes of Th-234 did not converge to zero at the surface. In the subsurface water the difference between the observed and calculated fluxes showed a seasonal variation. The observed fluxes roughly coincided with the calculated net fluxes in the summer stratified water but the observedfluxes were much larger than the calculated ones in the convective winter water. Conversely the observed fluxes were smaller than the calculated ones in spring when the water was exchanging. These results suggest that we can apply this two approach method to get information not only on the behavior of settling particles in seawater but also on the physical stability of water.  相似文献   

In tropical and subtropical zones, coastal lagoons are surrounded by mangrove communities which are a source of high quantity organic matter that enters the aquatic system through litter fall. This organic matter decomposes, becoming a source of nutrients and other substances such as tannins, fulvic acids and humic acids that may affect the composition and productivity of phytoplankton communities. Sontecomapan is a coastal lagoon located in the southern Gulf of Mexico, which receives abundant litter fall from mangrove. To study the phytoplankton composition and its variation in this lagoon from October 2002 to October 2003, we evaluated the concentrations of dissolved folin phenol active substances (FPAS) as a measure of plant organic matter, salinity, temperature, pH, O2, N-NH4+, N-NO3, P-PO43−, Si-SiO2, and phytoplanktonic cell density in different mangrove influence zones including the three main rivers that feed the lagoon. Nutrients concentrations depended on freshwater from rivers, however these varied seasonally. Concentrations of P-PO43−, N-NH4+ and FPAS were the highest in the dry season, when maximum mangrove litter fall is reported. Variation of these nutrients seemed to depend on the internal biogeochemical processes of the lagoon. Blooms of diatoms (Skeletonema spp., Cyclotella spp. and Chaetoceros holsaticus) and dinoflagellates (Peridinium aff. quinquecorne, Prorocentrum cordatum) occurred seasonally and in the different mangrove influence zones. The high cell densities in these zones and the occurrence of certain species and its ordination along gradient of FPAS in a canonical correspondence analysis, suggest that plant organic matter (i.e. mangrove influence) may contribute to phytoplankton dynamics in Sontecomapan lagoon.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic bacterial and phytoplankton biomass, production, specific growth rates, and growth efficiencies were studied in the Northern region of the Cananéia–Iguape estuarine system, which has recently experienced an intense eutrophication due to anthropogenic causes. Two surveys were carried out during spring and neap tide periods of the dry season of 2005 and the rainy season of 2006. This region receives large freshwater inputs with organic seston and phosphate concentrations that reach as high as 1.0 mg l−1 and 20.0 μM, respectively. Strong decreasing gradients of seston and dissolved inorganic nutrients were observed from the river/estuary boundary to the estuary/coastal interface. Gradients were also observed in phytoplankton and bacterial production rates. The production rates of phytoplankton were 5.6-fold higher (mean 8.5 μg C l−1 h−1) during the dry season. Primary production rates (PP) positively correlated with salinity and euphotic depth, indicating that phytoplankton productivity was light-limited. On the other hand, bacterial biomass (BB) and production rates (BP) were 1.9- and 3.7-fold higher, respectively, during the rainy season, with mean values of up to 40.4 μg C l−1 and 7.9 μg C l−1 h−1, respectively. Despite such a high BP, bacterial abundance remained <2 × 106 cells ml−1, indicating that bacterial production and removal were coupled. Mean specific growth rates ranged between 0.9 and 5.5 d−1. BP was inversely correlated with salinity and positively correlated with temperature, organic matter, exopolymer particles, and particulate-attached bacteria; this last accounted for as much as 89.6% of the total abundance. During the rainy season, BP was generally much higher than PP, and values of BP/PP > 20 were registered during high freshwater input, suggesting that under these conditions, bacterial activity was predominantly supported by allochthonous inputs of organic carbon. In addition, BB probably represented the main pathway for the synthesis of high-quality (low C:N) biomass that may have been available to the heterotrophic components of the plankton food web, particularly nanoheterotrophs.  相似文献   

We investigated the geographical variations in abundance and biomass of the major taxonomic groups of micro- and net-zooplankton along a transect through Ise Bay, central Japan, and neighboring Pacific Ocean in February 1995. The results were used to estimate their secondary and tertiary production rates and assess their trophic roles in this eutrophic embayment in winter. Ise Bay nourished a much higher biomass of both micro- and net-zooplankton (mean: 3.79 and 13.9 mg C m–3, respectively) than the offshore area (mean: 0.76 and 4.47 mg C m–3, respectively). In the bay, tintinnid ciliates, naked ciliates and copepod nauplii accounted for, on average, 69, 18 and 13% of the microzooplankton biomass, respectively. Of net-zooplankton biomass, copepods (i.e. Acartia, Calanus, Centropages, Microsetella and Paracalanus) formed the majority (mean: 63%). Average secondary production rates of micro- and net-zooplankton in the bay were 1.19 and 1.87 mg C m–3d–1 (or 23.1 and 36.4 mg C m–2d–1), respectively, and average tertiary production rate of net-zooplankton was 0.75 mg C m–3d–1 (or 14.6 mg C m–2d–1). Available data approximated average phytoplankton primary production rate as 1000 mg C m–2d–1 during our study period. The transfer efficiency from primary production to zooplankton secondary production was 6.0%, and the efficiency from secondary production to tertiary production was 25%. The amount of food required to support the zooplankton secondary production corresponded to 18% of the phytoplankton primary production or only 1.7% of the phytoplankton biomass, demonstrating that the grazing impact of herbivorous zooplankton was minor in Ise Bay in winter.  相似文献   

Based on our long-term data from megabenthos sampling from 1993 to 2002 in Ise Bay, central Japan, we examined spatio-temporal variations in taxon composition, species richness and its distribution of megabenthos in the bay in relation to the occurrence of the oxygen-poor water (i.e. oxygen content less than 3 ppm) in bottom waters of the bay. A total of 261 species were identified including 6 cnidarians, 1 tentaculate, 5 annelids, 71 molluscs, 72 crustaceans, 16 echinoderms, 12 urochordates and 78 pisces. Of the most abundant 10 megabenthos species, the following 4 species of echinoderms made up more than the half of megabenthos biomass: Luidia quinaria, Echinocardium cordatum, Asterias amurensis and Astropecten scoparius. Species richness of megabenthos varied significantly between seasons and among stations. The severity and period of occurrence of the oxygen-poor water developing every summer play an important role in determining spatial distributions of species richness in the bay.  相似文献   

依托中国第29次南极科学考察航次开展了南大洋普里兹湾及其邻近海域悬浮颗粒有机物碳同位素组成(δ13CPOC)的研究,结合温度、盐度、营养盐和溶解CO_2的数据,揭示了影响研究海域颗粒有机物碳同位素组成的主控因素,计算出混合层中浮游植物吸收无机碳过程的碳同位素分馏因子。结果表明,普里兹湾及其邻近海域的δ13CPOC介于-28.5‰~-21.1‰,平均值为-24.6‰,表现出湾内大于湾外的特征。浮游植物同化吸收CO_2过程的碳同位素分馏是影响研究海域混合层δ13 CPOC的主要因素,根据δ13CPOC和1/[CO_2(aq)]的线性拟合关系,计算出浮游植物同化吸收CO2过程的碳同位素分馏因子εp为23.4‰。δ13CPOC的垂直分布随深度增加而增大,反映出颗粒有机物垂向输送过程中颗粒有机物再矿化过程同位素分馏作用的影响。  相似文献   

The decomposition characteristics of particulate organic matter (POM) sampled with plankton nets in Hiroshima Bay were investigated under aerobic conditions in a laboratory experiment.The POM derived from plankton consisted of both a labile fraction (70–80 % of the whole) and a refractory fraction (20–30%). The labile fraction was completely decomposed within 40 days at 20°C. Although the concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC) decreased gradually with time, an apparent lag phase was recognized in the decomposition of particulate phosphorus (PP) at an early stage, which might result from a specific uptake of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) by bacteria. A comparison of the metabolic activity between dissolved organic matter (DOM) and POM by measuring ATP contents showed that the former was one order of magnitude larger than the latter.On the other hand, there was no significant difference among the decomposition rates of POM collected at various depths. The change of the first-order rate constant (k) for the POM decomposition by temperature was expressed ask=0.0329 exp(0.0644T), and the Q10 value was 1.94. There were fairly large variances ink values obtained from the various plankton species. Thek values averaged 0.144 day–1 and ranged from 0.078 to 0.20 day–1 at 20°C.  相似文献   

Nontidal sea level changes generated in Hiroshima Bay of the Seto-Inland Sea in Japan are studied over various time scales, from the sub-tidal (2 d to 1 month) to inter-annual scales (〉2 years). The total sea level variation produces a standard deviation (STD) of 12.5 cm. The inter-annual component of the sea level variation in Hiroshima Bay oscillates with a STD of 3.4 cm, forming a long-term trend of 4.9 mm/a. The STD of the sea level variation is 9.8 cm for the seasonal component (8 months to 2 years) and 4.7 cm for the intra-seasonal one (1 month to 8 months). Significant sea level variations with a STD of 4.2 cm also occur in the sub-tidal range. Special attention is paid to the sub-tidal sea level changes. It is found that the upwelling and associated transient sea level changes generated along the north coast of Hiroshima Bay (opened southward) by the strong northerly wind, play a significant role in sub-tidal sea level changes. The transient sea level changes are over 10 cm in most cases when caused by typhoons that pass through the Pacific Ocean offthe Kii Peninsula, located at about 400 km east of Hiroshima Bay. Reasonable sea level changes are evaluated by the balance of pressure forces at the onshore and offshore boundary of the study domain.  相似文献   

During the 29 th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition, spatial variations in nitrogen isotopic composition of particulate nitrogen(δ15NPN) and their controlling factors were examined in detail with regard to nitrate drawdown by phytoplankton and particulate nitrogen(PN) remineralization in the Prydz Bay and its adjacent areas. To better constrain the nitrogen transformations, the physical and chemical parameters, including temperature, salinity, nutrients, PN and ...  相似文献   

筼筜湖绿潮期间颗粒有机物及沉积有机物的来源研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以原子碳氮比Cat/Nat、TOC/Chl a、δ13C和δ15N等为指标,分析了筼筜湖绿潮爆发期间悬浮颗粒有机物(POM)和沉积有机物(SOM)的来源。结果显示,筼筜湖的POM主要以外源输入为主。在靠近海水入口的引水渠,POM主要来自厦门西海域的陆源有机碎屑;位于筼筜湖上游的干渠,生活污水及餐饮业废水的有机质是其POM的主要贡献者;内、外湖POM的Cat/Nat(6.94~7.08)与浮游植物接近,但它们并不以浮游植物为主,而主要来自引水渠和干渠有机质的输入。以内湖为例,它们对内湖POM的联合贡献高达54%~97%。筼筜湖SOM的潜在来源多样,但不同湖区差异显著:在大型海藻覆盖区,主要以大型海藻和POM为主,而在无海藻覆盖的区域,则主要来自POM的自然沉降或与底栖微藻的联合贡献。结果表明,在来源复杂的潟湖系统,有机物的化学组成并不能很好的指示有机物的来源和成因,它在有机质的示踪方面并不如稳定同位素来得有效可靠。不过,基于多种指标的分析结果可能更准确。  相似文献   

Spatial variation of suspended particulate matter in the Yellow Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

2015年夏季开展了大亚湾悬浮颗粒有机物碳(POC)、氮含量(PN)及其同位素组成的研究,结果表明,δ13CPOC和δ15NPN的变化范围分别为-25.7‰~-17.4‰和-6.3‰~10.4‰,平均值分别为-20.2‰和8.2‰。大亚湾悬浮颗粒有机物含量及其碳氮同位素组成的空间变化反映了不同有机质来源的影响:喜洲岛附近海域表现出高POC、PN、δ13CPOC和δ15NPN的特征,指征着浮游植物水华的主导贡献;东北部范和港附近海域具有高POC、PN、低δ13CPOC和高δ15NPN的特征,反映了河流/河口水生有机物的影响;湾顶白寿湾附近海域的δ13CPOC和δ15NPN出现低值,体现了陆源有机质和人类污水排放的影响。借助δ13CPOC和δ15NPN的三端元混合模型,定量出海洋自生有机质、陆源有机质、河流/河口水生有机质等3个来源的贡献平均分别为70%、13%和17%,其中海洋自生有机质是夏季大亚湾悬浮颗粒有机物的最主要来源。从这3种来源颗粒有机物含量的空间变化看,海洋自生有机质含量由湾内向湾外减少,与初级生产力的空间变化相对应;河流/河口水生有机质含量在大亚湾东北部出现高值;陆源有机质含量在表、底层出现不同态势,表层陆源有机物含量在湾中部海域最低,而底层则呈现出自湾内向湾口增加的趋势,主要受控于离岸距离和珠江冲淡水、粤东沿岸上升流输送的影响。  相似文献   

To understand the role that physical processes play on the biogeochemical cycles of estuaries, we conducted intense field studies of the turbidity maximum region within a partially mixed estuary (Winyah Bay, SC, USA) under contrasting conditions of river discharge, tides and wind. Water samples and hydrographic data were collected at different depths and locations along the main channel over several tidal cycles during several cruises to Winyah Bay. Tidal variations in current speed, salinity, total suspended solid concentrations were measured within each cruise and were consistent with estuarine circulation processes. Salinity and total suspended solid concentrations ranged from 0 to 32 and from 20 to over 500 mg L−1, respectively, with the highest salinity and total suspended solid values measured during periods of low river discharge. In fact, comparison of tidally averaged salinity and total suspended solid concentrations revealed marked differences among cruises that were negatively correlated to river discharge and SW wind speed. Moreover, significant contrasts in the chemical compositions of suspended particles were evident among periods of contrasting river discharge and wind regime. For example, the weight percent organic carbon content of suspended particles ranged from 1 to over 6% and displayed a positive correlation with river discharge. Similarly, both the molar carbon to nitrogen ratios (10 to 20 mol:mol) and stable carbon isotopic compositions (−25 to −29%) of the suspended organic matter varied significantly as a function of discharge and wind. Such trends indicate that in Winyah Bay low river discharge and steady SW winds promote resuspension of bed sediments from shallow regions of the estuary. These materials contain highly altered organic matter and their incorporation into the water column leads to the observed trends in suspended particle concentrations and compositions. Furthermore, these conditions result in net landward fluxes of salt, sediment and particulate organic matter throughout most of the water column, promoting efficient trapping of materials within the estuary. Our results illustrate the fundamental connection between physical forcings, such as discharge and wind, sediment transport processes and the cycling of biogeochemical materials in estuarine environments.  相似文献   

南极普里兹湾海域颗粒有机碳的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Short-term flow fluctuations in the southern central part of Onagawa Bay were examined using long-term mooring and hydrographic data observed during the period from May 2013 to April 2014. The short-term flow fluctuations were dominant in the periodic bands of 15–27 days and shorter than 10 days. The principal and minor components of these flow fluctuations were respectively along and across the local isobaths, which are almost parallel in the north direction. The northward flow fluctuations along the local isobaths were correlated with the northeastward wind fluctuations in both periodic bands, and these correlations were more evident from fall to winter. On the basis of these results, the northward flows are regarded as wind-induced barotropic coastal jets. On other hand, the eastward flow fluctuations across the local isobaths were related to inflow and outflow via the bay mouth or the Izushima Channel. Inflow and outflow with reverse flow at lower depths formed in summer, but those with vertically uniform flow tended to form in winter. The main summertime inflow and outflow were driven by horizontal gradients in density. These permit us to regard the main summertime inflow and outflow as gravitational circulation. Also, the summertime inflow can be intermittently caused by internal waves.  相似文献   

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