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高质量和高分辨率的降水产品在天气预报,数值模式模拟和气象防灾减灾方面起着重要的作用.本文利用四川地区高密度的地面降水传感器观测数据,比较CMPAS四种不同时空尺度的降水实况分析产品,评估CMPAS的融合准确性与在四川地区的适用性.研究表明:四种CMPAS降水产品都在四川盆地内精度较高,攀西地区和川西高原次之.随着降水量...  相似文献   

基于时空结构指标的中国融合降水资料质量评估   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
江志红  卢尧  丁裕国 《气象学报》2013,71(5):891-900
引入空间、时间技巧评分以及结构函数3种指标,通过对比中国国家气象信息中心研制的逐日融合降水资料和美国国家海洋大气局(NOAA)气候预测中心卫星反演降水资料(CMORPH)、热带测雨卫星反演降水资料(TRMM)在中国区域的适用性和误差分布,着重考察融合降水资料的质量。结果表明,中国区域平均的融合降水资料时空精度远高于CMORPH和TRMM卫星降水资料,且融合资料和卫星资料在夏季的质量优于冬季;在中国东南区域的模拟精度普遍好于西部地区,融合降水质量最高的两个区域为江淮和华南,较差的区域则在青藏高原和西北地区。融合后降水资料比融合前CMORPH卫星降水在空间及时间技巧评分均有较大提高,其提高幅度冬季大于夏季。通过计算结构函数,发现在中国江淮、华南、华北和东北等地区,随着网格区域内任意两点距离的增大,融合产品与观测降水的结构函数曲线始终十分接近。在西北、青藏高原等区域,融合产品与观测降水的结构函数则偏离较大。西南地区地形复杂,卫星资料无法精确反映实际降水情况,高密度观测资料尤为重要。江淮、华南、华北地区的融合降水结构函数曲线增长率大于东北,也从侧面反映江淮、华南、华北地区降水分布的非均一性比东北强,降水可能受中小尺度天气系统影响较大。  相似文献   

Theoretical and Applied Climatology - In this study, we compared the following four different gridded monthly precipitation products: the National Centers for Environmental Prediction version 2...  相似文献   

Extreme climate events have been increasing over much of the world, and dynamical models predict further increases in response to enhanced greenhouse forcing. We examine the ability of a high-resolution nested climate model, RegCM3, to capture the statistics of daily-scale temperature and precipitation events over the conterminous United States, using observational and reanalysis data for comparison. Our analyses reveal that RegCM3 captures the pattern of mean, interannual variability, and trend in the tails of the daily temperature and precipitation distributions. However, consistent biases do exist, including wet biases in the topographically-complex regions of the western United States and hot biases in the southern and central United States. The biases in heavy precipitation in the western United States are associated with excessively strong surface and low-level winds. The biases in daily-scale temperature and precipitation in the southcentral United States are at least partially driven by biases in circulation and moisture fields. Further, the areas of agreement and disagreement with the observational data are not intuitive from analyzing the simulated mean seasonal temperature and precipitation fields alone. Our evaluation should enable more informed application and improvement of high-resolution climate models for the study of future changes in socially- and economically-relevant temperature and precipitation events.  相似文献   

施丽娟  冯婉悦  雷勇  王智敏  郑清 《气象》2022,48(11):1428-1438
以中国2423个地面气象站点的降水传感器观测数据为基准,采用定量统计指标(相关系数R、均方根误差RMSE、平均绝对误差MAE、相对误差RE)以及分类统计指标(探测率POD、误报率FAR、虚报漏报率Bias、风险评分ETS),从不同空间尺度、不同时间尺度和不同降水强度三个维度,分析了GPM降水产品的观测准确性,以探究GPM卫星降水产品在中国大陆的适用性。结果表明:从不同空间尺度特征看,GPM降水在全国范围均呈现较高的观测准确性,72%的站点R值超过0.7,在华东地区最好,西北区相对较差;全国大部分区域都为正的相对误差,各区RE集中分布在0~20%。不同高程带内的准确性显示,GPM产品对降水的高估情况在低海拔(<2000 m)、高海拔(>4000 m)地区较为明显,在中海拔地区(2000~4000 m)GPM降水数据适用性相对较好。从不同时间尺度特征看,GPM降水产品与降水传感器实测降水年总量分布上较为一致,两者的R为0.75,但在量值上存在一定程度的偏差,RMSE为6.15 mm·d-1。从逐月结果看,GPM降水产品与地面降水传感器的一致性在1—10月表现较好,R均在0.7以上,11、12月略低,夏季误差值比冬季大。从不同降水强度特征看,POD随着降水强度的增加而降低,GPM降水产品对“中雨”强度降水事件的整体探测能力较优,而在“小雨”和“暴雨”的探测能力稍弱。  相似文献   

A dataset of air temperature and precipitation time series (1959?C2008) from 61 stations across Shanxi, China is used to analyze the climate change. The monotonic trends and step (abrupt) trends for annual and seasonal series data of mean air temperature and total precipitation are tested by using Mann?CKendall test and Mann?CWhitney test, respectively. The results show that annual mean air temperature has increased by 1.20°C during the past 50?years. Winter, spring, and autumn have experienced a significant increase in air temperature. The step trend for annual mean air temperature is different from, but closely related with, those for seasonal mean air temperature. Spatially, there is an enhanced warming trend from south to north in Shanxi, and the most remarkable warming occurs in northern Shanxi. Annual precipitation has decreased by 99.20?mm during the past half century. The decrease is mainly caused by precipitation decline in rainy season (June?CSeptember), though precipitation in post-rainy season (October?CNovember) also tended to decrease. An abrupt decrease in precipitation has occurred since late 1970s. Decrease in precipitation is highest in central Shanxi and in the area along the west fringe between Sanchuan River and Fenhe River in western Shanxi.  相似文献   

最近,NASA发布了一套基于CMIP5 21个耦合模式输出的高分辨率降尺度逐日数据集,简称NEX-GDDP。本文评估了NEX-GDDP对中国极端降水的模拟性能。研究发现:(1)相比CMIP5直接输出结果,NEX-GDDP能够更好刻画中国极端降水的空间分布;(2)未来中国极端降水事件明显增多、强度增强,NEX-GDDP在区域尺度上给出了更多的气候变化信息;(3)NEXGDDP预估的中国未来极端降水变化的不确定性范围相比CMIP5直接输出结果明显减少,使得预估结果更加可靠.  相似文献   

潘旸  谷军霞  师春香  王正 《气象学报》2022,80(6):953-966
为了考察不同来源降水产品在中国北方冬季(特别是固态降水)的精度和可用性,优化融合降水产品质量,利用2019年12月—2020年2月美国CMORPH和IMERGE卫星反演降水、日本GSMaP、中国气象局雷达定量估测降水(MOC-QPE)、CMA-MESO模式预报以及地面观测插值等不同来源分析的降水产品,以地面站观测逐小时降水量数据为基准,从KGE评分、相关系数、平均误差和均方根误差等精度统计指标以及命中率(FOD)、虚警率(FAR)和TS评分等降水事件发生角度开展评估,结果表明:中国区域单源降水产品中地面插值分析产品对冬季降水描述精度最高也最稳定,但存在明显的系统偏低;其次是MOC-QPE和IMERG卫星产品,对中国北方偏南部地区的降水有一定的描述能力,但对北方高纬度地区固态降水的反映能力较差;卫星产品中IMERG精度最高,CMORPH则基本没有反演能力;CMA-MSEO模式产品虽然误差较大但与地面站观测的降水特别是固态降水存在较高相关,明显优于雷达和IMERG、GSMaP等卫星产品。采用BMA技术融合雷达、模式、卫星降水形成优化背景场,评估逐步引入不同的数据源对融合降水在冬季的精度影响,引入IMERG卫星和CMA-MESO模式产品均能提升高分辨率融合产品的质量,其中模式产品的改进效果最显著。   相似文献   

为考察GPM卫星降水产品IMERG在梅雨极端降水期的适用性,以中国自动气象站观测数据与CMORPH降水产品融合的逐时降水量网格数据集资料作为参考,采用均方根误差RMSE和平均绝对误差MAE统计指标,对IMERG卫星降水产品在长江中下游地区2020年梅雨极端降水期的适用性进行评估。结果表明:IMERG卫星降水产品整体上与实测结果趋势一致,对于12 h和24 h累计降水,在强降水区域易出现高估。反演的3 h累计降水与实际降水一致性较好,累计降水量大于20、50、80、100 mm四种情况下的RMSE和MAE平均值均为10 mm左右。  相似文献   

Validation of satellite rainfall products over Greece   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Six widely available satellite precipitation products were extensively validated and intercompared on monthly-to-seasonal timescales and various spatial scales, for the period 1998–2006, using a dense station network over Greece. Satellite products were divided into three groups according to their spatial resolution. The first group had high spatial (0.5°) resolution and consists only of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) products: the TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) precipitation product (3A12) and the TRMM multisatellite precipitation analysis products (3B42 and 3B43). The second group comprised products with medium spatial (1°) resolution. These products included the TRMM 3B42 and 3B43 estimates (remapped to 1° resolution) and the Global Precipitation Climatology Project one-degree daily (GPCP-1DD) analysis. The third group consisted of low spatial (2.5°) resolution products and included the 3B43 product (remapped to 2.5° resolution), the GPCP Satellite and Gauge (GPCP-SG) product, and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center (NOAA-CPC) Merged Analysis (CMAP). Rain gauge data were first gridded and then compared with monthly and seasonal precipitation totals as well as with long-term averages of the six satellite products at different spatial resolutions (2.5°, 1°, and 0.5°). The results demonstrated the excellent performance of the 3B43 product over Greece in all three spatial scales. 3B42 from the first and second group and CMAP from the third exhibited a reasonable skill.  相似文献   

Summary Meteorological and glaciological analyses are integrated to examine the precipitation trends during the last three decades over the ice sheets covering Antarctica and Greenland. For Antarctica, the best data source is provided by glaciologically-measured trends of snow accumulation, and for limited sectors of East Antarctica consistency with precipitation amounts calculated from the atmospheric water balance equation is obtained. For Greenland, precipitation rates parameterized from atmospheric analyses yield the only comprehensive depiction. The precipitation rate over Antarctica appears to have increased by about 5% over a time period spanning the accumulation means for the 1955–65 to 1965–75 periods, while over Greenland it has decreased by about 15% since 1983 with a secondary increase over the southern part of the ice sheet starting in 1977. At the end of the 10-year overlapping period, the global sea-level impact of the precipitation changes over Antarctica dominates that for Greenland and yields a net ice-sheet precipitation contribution of roughly 0.02 mm yr–1. These changes are likely due to marked variations in the cyclonic forcing affecting the ice sheets, but are only weakly reflected in the temperature regime, consistent with the episodic nature of cyclonic precipitation. These conclusions are not founded on high quality data bases. The importance of such changes for understanding global sea-level variations argues for a modest research effort to collect simultaneous meteorological and glaciological observations in order to describe and understand the current precipitation variations over both ice sheets. Some suggestions are offered for steps that could be taken.With 8 Figures  相似文献   

National Centers for Environmental Prediction recently upgraded its operational seasonal forecast system to the fully coupled climate modeling system referred to as CFSv2. CFSv2 has been used to make seasonal climate forecast retrospectively between 1982 and 2009 before it became operational. In this study, we evaluate the model’s ability to predict the summer temperature and precipitation over China using the 120 9-month reforecast runs initialized between January 1 and May 26 during each year of the reforecast period. These 120 reforecast runs are evaluated as an ensemble forecast using both deterministic and probabilistic metrics. The overall forecast skill for summer temperature is high while that for summer precipitation is much lower. The ensemble mean reforecasts have reduced spatial variability of the climatology. For temperature, the reforecast bias is lead time-dependent, i.e., reforecast JJA temperature become warmer when lead time is shorter. The lead time dependent bias suggests that the initial condition of temperature is somehow biased towards a warmer condition. CFSv2 is able to predict the summer temperature anomaly in China, although there is an obvious upward trend in both the observation and the reforecast. Forecasts of summer precipitation with dynamical models like CFSv2 at the seasonal time scale and a catchment scale still remain challenge, so it is necessary to improve the model physics and parameterizations for better prediction of Asian monsoon rainfall. The probabilistic skills of temperature and precipitation are quite limited. Only the spatially averaged quantities such as averaged summer temperature over the Northeast China of CFSv2 show higher forecast skill, of which is able to discriminate between event and non-event for three categorical forecasts. The potential forecast skill shows that the above and below normal events can be better forecasted than normal events. Although the shorter the forecast lead time is, the higher deterministic prediction skill appears, the probabilistic prediction skill does not increase with decreased lead time. The ensemble size does not play a significant role in affecting the overall probabilistic forecast skill although adding more members improves the probabilistic forecast skill slightly.  相似文献   

对三套再分析资料中国大陆地区夏季降水量的评估分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李建  宇如聪  陈昊明  原韦华 《气象》2010,36(12):1-9
以中国台站降水为参照,评估分析了三套再分析资料(NCEP/DOE,ERA和JRA)对中国夏季降水场的再现能力。结果显示,三套资料均能基本再现夏季降水量分布的主要特征,亦能较好刻画大部分地区降水的年际和季节内变化特征,但同时也存在诸多问题:NCEP资料在青藏高原东坡存在一个虚假降水中心,且对中西部和西南地区夏季降水的季节内演变特征再现能力较差;ERA资料降水量系统性偏小,且不能合理描述中西部地区降水的年际变化;JRA资料高估了华南沿海地区的降水量。三套资料均存在高估弱降水、低估强降水的问题。对日降水量≥0.1 mm的降水事件进行TS、BS评分,三套资料的TS评分在0.6左右,BS评分在1.5左右;随着参与评分的降水等级的提升,两项评分都迅速下降,三套资料对暴雨的预报评分都非常低。通过分析可了解当前较先进的数值预报模式在基本真实的环流场强迫下对我国夏季降水的预报能力,认识模式中物理参数化过程导致的模拟偏差,为模式发展和评估提供参照。  相似文献   

中国区域高分辨率多源降水观测产品的融合方法试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高质量、高分辨率降水产品研制对于数值天气模式检验、水文陆面模拟、山洪地质灾害监测有着重要意义。利用中国近4万自动气象站逐时降水资料、中国雷达定量降水估计和CMORPH卫星反演降水产品,开展0.05°×0.05°和0.01°×0.01°两种高分辨率下的三源降水融合方法研究试验,探讨如何有效引入雷达高分辨率信息来提高降水产品质量。一方面,在0.05°分辨率上,先以自动气象站观测降水数据为基准,采用概率密度函数(PDF)匹配法订正雷达和卫星估测降水产品的系统偏差,将雷达降水产品的偏差从-0.05 mm/h降至-0.008 mm/h;再采用贝叶斯模型平均(BMA)方法融合雷达和卫星降水产品,形成0.05°分辨率的中国区域覆盖完整且最优的联合降水背景场。此外,在0.01°分辨率上,以0.05°分辨率的卫星-雷达贝叶斯模型平均联合降水产品为背景,采用1 km雷达估测降水的空间结构信息进行降尺度,亦能有效提高0.01°分辨率背景场的质量。然后,分别以不同分辨率的卫星-雷达联合降水产品为背景,采用统计方法量化误差估计,再采用最优插值方法融入地面观测。通过2419个中国国家级气象台站的独立样本检验,评估了多种类型的降水资料及融合试验产品在中国地区的质量。结果表明,两种分辨率的三源融合试验产品的精度均优于任何单一来源的降水产品,特别是在站点稀疏地区,降水精度均较融合前有显著提高,达到了较好的融合效果,其中在0.05°分辨率上采用“概率密度函数+贝叶斯模型平均+最优插值”方法的三源融合降水产品整体质量最好,而0.01°分辨率上基于“概率密度函数+贝叶斯模型平均+降尺度+最优插值”方法的三源融合降水产品在强降水监测上更有优势。   相似文献   

在过去的60年中,全球气候经历了快速变暖和短暂的变暖停滞,而中国的区域降水也经历了多样而复杂的变化.本文分析了1961年至2014年外强迫因子对青藏高原和中国西南地区夏季降水趋势的影响.观测数据显示,青藏高原的夏季降水呈增加趋势,而中国西南地区的夏季降水呈减少趋势,这两个相邻地区的夏季降水变化趋势相反.利用CMIP6数据,本文研究了不同外强迫因子对两个区域夏季降水趋势的影响.结果表明,温室气体对青藏高原夏季降水的增加具有显著影响,而气溶胶在中国西南地区夏季降水减少中起主要作用.  相似文献   

Scaling behaviors of precipitation over China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Scaling behaviors in the precipitation time series derived from 1951 to 2009 over China are investigated by detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) method. The results show that there exists long-term memory for the precipitation time series in some stations, where the values of the scaling exponent α are less than 0.62, implying weak persistence characteristics. The values of scaling exponent in other stations indicate random behaviors. In addition, the scaling exponent α in precipitation records varies from station to station over China. A numerical test is made to verify the significance in DFA exponents by shuffling the data records many times. We think it is significant when the values of scaling exponent before shuffled precipitation records are larger than the interval threshold for 95 % confidence level after shuffling precipitation records many times. By comparison, the daily precipitation records exhibit weak positively long-range correlation in a power law fashion mainly at the stations taking on zonal distributions in south China, upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, northern part of northeast China. This may be related to the subtropical high. Furthermore, the values of scaling exponent which cannot pass the significance test do not show a clear distribution pattern. It seems that the stations are mainly distributed in coastal areas, southwest China, and southern part of north China. In fact, many complicated factors may affect the scaling behaviors of precipitation such as the system of the east and south Asian monsoon, the interaction between sea and land, and the big landform of the Tibetan Plateau. These results may provide a better prerequisite to long-term predictor of precipitation time series for different regions over China.  相似文献   


利用2015-2017年GPM-IMERG逐日降水产品与内蒙古119个气象站点降水数据进行对比,分析GPM-IMERG的适用性,为其在内蒙古地区的应用研究提供科学依据。分析表明:(1)GPM-IMERG捕捉降水日的准确度为74.3%,忽略非降水日的准确度为85.5%,对晴雨判别的总体误差随纬度增加而增加。(2)GPM-IMERG在内蒙古地区平均误差为正和为负的站点数量大体相当,平均绝对误差为4.1 mm,空间上呈现出自东南向西北递减分布。(3)GPM-IMERG在少量降水时存在对降水量的高估,而在较大量级降水时存在对降水量的低估。当降水量大于等于25 mm时,GPM-IMERG比气象站点降水平均偏少30%以上。(4)各盟市GPM-IMERG与站点降水的相关系数均能通过0.01的显著性水平检验,其中赤峰市的相关系数最高、乌海市最低。不同季节中,夏季的相关系数最高而春季的相关系数最低。对于不同植被类型来说,高植被覆盖区的GPM-IMERG与站点降水的斜率更加接近1,且相关系数也更高。


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