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Integrated petrological and structural investigations of eclogites from the eclogite zone of the Voltri Massif (Ligurian Alps) have been used to reconstruct a complete Alpine P–T deformation path from burial by subduction to subsequent exhumation. The early metamorphic evolution of the eclogites has been unravelled by correlating garnet zonation trends with the chemical variations in inclusions found in the different garnet domains. Garnet in massive eclogites displays typical growth zoning, whereas garnet in foliated eclogites shows rim‐ward resorption, likely related to re‐equilibration during retrogressive evolution. Garnet inclusions are distinctly different from core to rim, consisting primarily of Ca‐, Na/Ca‐amphibole, epidote, paragonite and talc in garnet cores and of clinopyroxene ± talc in the outer garnet domains. Quantitative thermobarometry on the inclusion assemblages in the garnet cores defines an initial greenschist‐to‐amphibolite facies metamorphic stage (M1 stage) at c. 450–500 °C and 5–8 kbar. Coexistence of omphacite + talc + katophorite inclusion assemblage in the outer garnet domains indicate c. 550 °C and 20 kbar, conditions which were considered as minimum P–T estimates for the M2 eclogitic stage. The early phase of retrograde reactions is polyphase and equilibrated under epidote–blueschist facies (M3 stage), characterized by the development of composite reaction textures (garnet necklaces and fluid‐assisted Na‐amphibole‐bearing symplectites) produced at the expense of the primary M2 garnet‐clinopyroxene assemblage. The blueschist retrogression is contemporaneous with the development of a penetrative deformation (D3) that resulted in a non‐coaxial fabric, with dominant top‐to‐the‐N sense of shear during rock exhumation. All of that is overprinted by a texturally late amphibolite/greenschist facies assemblages (M4 & M5 stages), which are not associated with a penetrative structural fabric. The combined P–T deformation data are consistent with an overall counter‐clockwise path, from the greenschist/amphibolite, through the eclogite, the blueschist to the greenschist facies. These new results provide insights into the dynamic evolution of the Tertiary oceanic subduction processes leading to the building up of the Alpine orogen and the mechanisms involved in the exhumation of its high‐pressure roots.  相似文献   

Summary In the Cazadero area, northern California, Lawsonite-bearing eclogitic metabasites occur in association with glaucophane schists. Lawsonite-bearing eclogitic metabasites are coarse-grained, and characteristically lack albite. Representative mineral assemblages are; (1) garnet + omphacite + Lawsonite + epidote + glaucophane + chlorite + quartz, (2) garnet -F- omphacite + Lawsonite + pumpellyite + glaucophane + actinolite + quartz, (3) garnet + omphacite + Lawsonite + pumpellyite + epidote + glaucophane + quartz. They can be represented on an A12O3-Fe2O3-MgO-Na2O diagram in which all minerals are projected from quartz, Lawsonite, almandine garnet, and H2O-predominant fluid. On the basis of the garnet-clinopyroxene geothermometry and phase relations, the metamorphic conditions for the formation of Lawsonite-bearing eclogitic metabasites are estimated at 360-445 °C and more than 9 ± 1 kbar. Lawsonite-bearing eclogitic metabasites formed near the univariant curve albite = jadeite +quartz. A petrogenetic grid constructed by Schreinemakers' method shows that the Lawsonite-bearing eclogitic metabasites in the Cazadero area formed under transitional P-T conditions between those of the garnet-bearing glaucophane schists in New Caledonia and lawsonitebearing eclogitic metabasites in Corsica.Zusammenfassung Im Gebiet um Cazadero, Nordkalifornien, kommen Lawsonit-führende eklogitische Metabasite in Assoziation mit Glaukophanschiefern vor. Den grobkörnigen Lawsonitführenden Metabasiten fehlt charakteristischerweise Albit. Repräsentative Mineralparagenesen sind: (1) Granat + Omphacit + Lawsonit + Epidot + Glaukophan + Chlorit + Quarz, (2) Granat + Omphacit + Lawsonit + Pumpellyit + Glaukophan + Aktinolith + Quarz, (3) Granat + Omphacit +Lawsonit + Pumpellyit + Epidot + Glaukophan + Quarz. Sie lassen sich in einem A12O3-Fe2O3-MgO-Na2O Diagramm, in dem alle Minerale von Quarz, Lawsonit, Almandin-reichem Granat und einem H2O-dominierten Fluid projiziert werden, darstellen. Die Metamorphosebedingungen der Lawsonitführenden eklogitischen Metabasite werden auf Grund von Granat-Klinopyroxenthermometrie und der Phasenbeziehungen mit 360-445°C und mehr als 9 ± 1 kbar abgeschätzt. Die Lawsonit-führenden eklogitischen Metabasite bildeten sich nahe der univarianten Reaktion Albit = Jadeit +Quarz. Ein petrogenetisches Netz, konstruiert nach der Schreinemakers Methode, zeigt, daß die P-T Bedingungen der Lawsonitführenden eklogitischen Metabasite im Gebiet von Cazadero im übergangsbereich zwischen jenen von Granat-führenden Glaukophanschiefern in Neukaledonien und Lawsonit-führenden eklogitischen Metabasiten in Korsika liegen.
Lawsonit-führende eklogitische Metabasite im Gebiet um Cazadero, Nordkalifornien

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

Eclogites from the Onodani area in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt of central Shikoku occur as layers or lenticular bodies within basic schists. These eclogites experienced three different metamorphic episodes during multiple burial and exhumation cycles. The early prograde stage of the first metamorphic event is recorded by relict eclogite facies inclusions within garnet cores (XSps 0.80–0.24, XAlm 0–0.47). These inclusions consist of relatively almandine‐rich garnet (XSps 0.13–0.24, XAlm 0.36–0.45), aegirine‐augite/omphacite (XJd 0.08–0.28), epidote, amphiboles (e.g. actinolite, winchite, barroisite and taramite), albite, phengite, chlorite, calcite, titanite, hematite and quartz. The garnet cores also contain polyphase inclusions consisting of almandine‐rich garnet, omphacite (XJd 0.27–0.28), amphiboles (e.g. actinolite, winchite, barroisite, taramite and katophorite) and phengite. The peak P–T conditions of the first eclogite facies metamorphism are estimated to be 530–590 °C and 19–21 kbar succeeded by retrogression into greenschist facies. The second prograde metamorphism began at greenschist facies conditions. The peak metamorphic conditions are defined by schistosity‐forming omphacites (XJd ≤ 49) and garnet rims containing inclusions of barroisitic amphibole, phengite, rutile and quartz. The estimated peak metamorphic conditions are 630–680 °C and 20–22 kbar followed by a clockwise retrograde P–T path with nearly isothermal decompression to 8–12 kbar. In veins cross‐cutting the eclogite schistosity, resorbed barroisite/Mg‐katophorite occurs as inclusions in glaucophane which is zoned to barroisite, suggesting a prograde metamorphism of the third metamorphic event. The peak P–T conditions of this metamorphic event are estimated to be 540–600 °C and 6.5–8 kbar. These metamorphic conditions are correlated with those of the surrounding non‐eclogitic Sambagawa schists. The Onodani eclogites were formed by subduction of an oceanic plate, and metamorphism occurred beneath an accretionary prism. These high‐P/T type metamorphic events took place in a very short time span between 100 and 90 Ma. Plate reconstructions indicate highly oblique subduction of the Izanagi plate beneath the Eurasian continent at a high spreading rate. This probably resulted in multiple burial and exhumation movements of eclogite bodies, causing plural metamorphic events. The eclogite body was juxtaposed with non‐eclogitic Sambagawa schists at glaucophane stability field conditions. The amalgamated metamorphic sequence including the Onodani eclogites were exhumed to shallow crustal/surface levels in early Eocene times (c. 50 Ma).  相似文献   

In situ eclogitic schist lenses occur in the coherent low-gradeepidote-zone Ward Creek metabasite unit of the Central Franciscanbelt. They contain almandine garnet, clinopyroxene, and rutile.They have slightly higher Mn content (0–5–1–0wt.%) than the coexisting Type III metabasites (0–12–0–25wt%) which contain epidote + glaucophane + actinolite + chlorite+ omphacite + quartz + sphene ? aragonite? lawsonite ? pumpellyite+ albite. The in situ eclogitic schists (130–140 Ma) canbe distinguished from older tectonic eclogites (150–160Ma) in Ward Creek as follows: (1) they are medium grained, whereasType IV tectonic eclogites are coarse grained; (2) they haveunaltered spessartine-rich idioblastic (0–4–10 mm)garnets, whereas Type IV tectonic eclogites have larger xenoblasticto hypidiomorphic spessartine-poor garnets which were corrodedand chloritized along the rim during retrograde metamorphism;(3) clinopyroxenes are chloromelanite in in situ eclogitic schistsbut omphacite in Type IV tectonic eclogites; (4) barroisiticamphiboles occur both as inclusions in garnets and as matrixminerals in Type IV tectonic eclogites but not in in situ eclogiticschists; (5) albite is present in in situ eclogitic schistsbut not in Type IV tectonic eclogites; and (6) the estimatedP-T condition of in situ eclogitic schists is 290 ?C < T<350 ?C, P = 8–9 kb, whereas that of Ward Creek Type IVtectonic eclogites is 500?C< r<540?C, P< 10–11–5kb. Medium-grained eclogites occur as individual blocks in WardCreek; they are different from Type IV tectonic eclogites butare very similar to in situ eclogitic schists. They have unalteredidioblastic garnet with high almandine and spessartine content(Alm47Sp23Gr20Py10), and they have chloromel-anitic clinopyroxeneand quartz but no barroisite. Paragonite is also stable in theseeclogites. The blocks formed at 380 ?C< r<400?C, and 9–5kb<P< 14 kb. They are presumably in situ eclogites formedat the highest-temperature part of the Ward Creek metabasiteunit and may be younger than Type IV tectonic eclogites. Such low-temperature occurrences of eclogitic assemblages aredue to the compositional effect on reactions between blueschistand eclogite that are insensitive to pressure and shift towardslower temperatures as bulk-rock MnO content and XFe/(Fe+Mg)increase. The Mn/(Mn + Fe) ratio of bulk rock is an importantfactor in controlling the P-T positions of these reactions attemperatures below 450 ?C, whereas the Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio ofbulk-rock becomes important at temperatures higher than 450?C.  相似文献   

Western Alpine rocks feature prominently among the polished stone implements of the Southern French Neolithic. Detailed petrographic examination of about 2600 artifacts from that area and neighboring regions in France, Italy, and Switzerland, coupled with field investigation of both primary and detrital outcrops, now provides conclusive evidence that (i) only selected rocks were used, (ii) specific rock resources were traded east to west across the Western Alps, and (iii) Ligurian rocks from the Voltri Massif were an important part of such circulation. Exploited Alpine rocks were glaucophane schists, eclogites sensu lato, and jadeitites. Serpentinites were only used in Switzerland and the Jura. A regional network for glaucophane schists in French Provence can be contrasted with long-distance circulation of eclogites, based on primary and/or secondary “quarry” areas in Liguria and Piedmont in northwestern Italy. A preliminary discussion is made of exchange and circulation models for raw materials, blanks, or finished tools, among Neolithic societies around and across the Western Alps. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

1.Introduction TheQinlingDabieorogenicbeltwasformedbycollisionbetweentheNorthChinaandYangtzeblocks.Thecorepartoftheorogenicbeltconsistsofseveralmetamorphicrockgroups,includingtheDabie(Tongbai)complex,Hong’an(Susong)group,SujiahegroupandSuixian(Yao…  相似文献   

Eclogites of the D'Entrecasteaux Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eclogitic rocks of the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea, are of three types: true eclogites of omphacite-garnet-rutile; retrogressed or S-stage eclogites in which some omphacite has altered to symplectites of albite and less-jadeitic clinopyroxene (or amphibole); and rocks that are eclogites in all respects except that clinopyroxene is jadeitic diopside (Jd<20) rather than omphacite. The rocks of the third group equilibrated in eclogite facies P-T conditions and, we conclude, are Na-poor eclogites, rather than granulites; i.e., low Na in the bulk rock is the reason for low jadeite content of clinopyroxene. Bulk rock chemical data confirm low Na and Si. Other prograde phases in the ecologitic rocks are kyanite, quartz, epidote group minerals and phengite and, in the low-Na group, orthopyroxene. Post-eclogite phases are amphibole, epidote group minerals, phengite and albite and, in the Na-poor eclogites, late phlogopite, calcic plagioclase, rare scapolite, and sulfides. The eclogitic rocks occur as lenticular boudins and small concordant tabular bodies within a 2–3 km thick sequence of migmatitic gneisses and, less commonly, in granodiorite. The gneiss sequence is bounded by detachment faults above and by younger granodiorite below, and is folded into broad antiforms. The three types of eclogite equilibrated at temperatures ranging from 530 to 840°C and pressures of 12 to 24 kbar. The metamorphic complex developed during Early Cenozoic subduction and arc-continent collison, and was elevated and exposed during Mid and Late Cenozoic crustal extension. The thermal gradient during subduction averaged 10°C/km and remained low during initial uplift, increasing to 18°C/km subsequently. Uplift averaged about 1 mMa-1 from 60 to 5 Ma, then about 4 mMa-1.  相似文献   

Eclogite facies metamorphic rocks have been discovered from the Bizan area of eastern Shikoku, Sambagawa metamorphic belt. The eclogitic jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists occur as lenticular or sheet‐like bodies in the pelitic schist matrix, with the peak mineral assemblage of garnet + glaucophane + jadeite + phengite + quartz. The jadeitic clinopyroxene (XJd 0.46–0.75) is found exclusively as inclusions in porphyroblastic garnet. The eclogite metamorphism is characterized by prograde development from epidote–blueschist to eclogite facies. Metamorphic P–T conditions estimated using pseudosection modelling are 580–600 °C and 18–20 kbar for eclogite facies. Compared with common mafic eclogites, the jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists have low CaO (4.4–4.5 wt%) and MgO (2.1–2.3 wt%) bulk‐rock compositions. The P–T– pseudosections show that low XCa bulk‐rock compositions favour the appearance of jadeite instead of omphacite under eclogite facies conditions. This is a unique example of low XCa bulk‐rock composition triggered to form jadeite at eclogite facies conditions. Two significant types of eclogitic metamorphism have been distinguished in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, that is, a low‐T type and subsequent high‐T type eclogitic metamorphic events. The jadeite–garnet glaucophane schists experienced low‐T type eclogite facies metamorphism, and the P–T path is similar to lawsonite‐bearing eclogites recently reported from the Kotsu area in eastern Shikoku. During subduction of the oceanic plate (Izanagi plate), the hangingwall cooled gradually, and the geothermal gradient along the subduction zone progressively decreased and formed low‐T type eclogitic metamorphic rocks. A subsequent warm subduction event associated with an approaching spreading ridge caused the high‐T type eclogitic metamorphism within a single subduction zone.  相似文献   

Zhang Zeming  Xu Zhiqin  Xu Huifen 《Lithos》2000,52(1-4):35-50
The 558-m-deep ZK703 drillhole located near Donghai in the southern part of the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt, eastern China, penetrates alternating layers of eclogites, gneisses, jadeite quartzites, garnet peridotites, phengite–quartz schists, and kyanite quartzites. The preservation of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic minerals and their relics, together with the contact relationship and protolith types of the various rocks indicates that these are metamorphic supracrustal rocks and mafic-ultramafic rock assemblages that have experienced in-situ ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. The eclogites can be divided into five types based on accessory minerals: rutile eclogite, phengite eclogite, kyanite–phengite eclogite, quartz eclogite, and common eclogite with rare minor minerals. Rutile eclogite forms a thick layer in the drillhole that contains sufficient rutile for potential mining. Two retrograde assemblages are observed in the eclogites: the first stage is characterized by the formation of sodic plagioclase+amphibole symplectite or symplectitic coronas after omphacite and garnet, plagioclase+biotite after garnet or phengite, and plagioclase coronas after kyanite; the second stage involved total replacement of omphacite and garnet by amphibole+albite+epidote+quartz. Peak metamorphic PT conditions of the eclogites were around 32 to 40 kbar and 720°C to 880°C. The retrograde PT path of the eclogites is characterized by rapidly decreasing pressure with slightly decreasing temperature. Micro-textures and compositional variations in symplectitic minerals suggest that the decompression breakdown of ultrahigh-pressure minerals is a domainal equilibrium reaction or disequilibrium reaction. The composition of the original minerals and the diffusion rate of elements involved in these reactions controlled the symplectitic mineral compositions.  相似文献   

The prograde amphibole that coexists with chlorite, epidote, muscovite, albite, quartz and hematite in Sanbagawa schists was examined to investigate the relationship between the prograde P-T paths of individual rocks and the metamorphic field gradient in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, central Shikoku. The amphibole changes from actinolite, through ferri-winchite and crossite, to barroisite and hornblende with increasing grade along the metamorphic field gradient. However, the sequence of prograde amphibole compositions in each sample varies in different mineral zones. The general scheme can be summarized as: magnesioriebeckite-riebeckite crossite in the upper chlorite zone of lower-grade rocks; crossite or glaucophane barroisite in the garnet zone of medium-grade rocks; and actinolite or winchite barroisite hornblende in the albite-biotite zone of higher-grade rocks. Changes of amphibole composition indicate that the prograde P-T path recorded in the higher-grade rocks was situated on the higher-temperature side of that of the lower-grade rocks and on the lower-pressure side of the metamorphic field gradient. The systematic change of P-T paths implies an increasing d P /d T during continuous subduction. These features can be interpreted as documenting prograde metamorphism within a young subduction zone that has a non-steady-state geotherm.  相似文献   

Abstract Two blueschist belts in the North Qilian Mountains occur in Middle Cambrian and Lower Ordovician strata and strike N30–35°W for about 500 km along the Caledonian fold belt on the south-west margin of the Sino-Korean plate. The styles of metamorphism and deformation are quite different in the two belts. The Middle Cambrian to Ordovician rocks in the high-grade belt are mainly blueschists and C-type eclogites in which six phases of lower and upper crustal deformation have been recognized. The rocks contain glaucophane, phengite, epidote, clinozoisite, chlorite, garnet, stilpnomelane, piedmontite, albite, titanite and quartz. The estimated P–T conditions of eclogites are 340 ± 10°C, 8 ± 1 kbar and, of blueschist, >380°C, 6–7 kbar. The Ordovician rocks in the low-grade belt are characterized by ductile to brittle deformation in the middle to upper crust. The low-grade blueschists contain glaucophane, lawsonite, pumpellyite, aragonite, albite and chlorite. The estimated P–T conditions are 150–250°C and 4–7 kbar.
K–Ar and 39Ar/40Ar geochronology on glaucophane and phengite from the high-grade blueschist belt suggest two stages of metamorphism at 460–440 and 400–380 Ma, which may represent the times of subduction and orogeny. The subduction metamorphism of the northern low-grade blueschist belt took place approximately at the end of the Ordovician.  相似文献   

A nappe of amphibolite-facies metamorphic rocks of pre-Permian age in the southern Vanoise massif (the Arpont schist) has been affected by an Alpine HP/LT metamorphism. The first mesoscopically recognizable deformation (D1) post-dated the high-pressure peak (jadeitic pyroxene + quartz, glaucophane + ?lawsonite), and was associated with glaucophane + epidote. D1 produced a flat-lying schistosity and a NW-trending glaucophane lineation, and was probably associated with nappe displacement involving NW-directed subhorizontal shear. D2 formed small-scale folds and a foliation associated with chlorite + albite. The changing parageneses during the period pre-D1 to D1 to D2 suggest decreasing pressure, so that the deformation appears to have been related to the uplift history, rather than to the process of tectonic burial. D2 was followed by a static metamorphism (green biotite + chlorite + albite), possibly of Lepontine age. SE-directed backthrusting and folding (D3), and later differential uplift along steep faults, took place under low-grade conditions.  相似文献   

The high-pressure (HP) eclogite in the western Dabie Mountain encloses numerous hornblendes,mostly barroisite.Opinions on the peak metamorphic P-T condition,PT path and mineral paragenesis of it are still in dispute.Generally,HP eclogite involves garnet,omphacite, hornblendes and quartz,with or without glaucophane,zoisite and phengite.The garnet has compositional zoning with X_(Mg) increase,X_(Ca) and X_(Mn) decrease from core to rim,which indicates a progressive metamorphism.The phase equilibria of the ...  相似文献   

北祁连山硬柱石蓝片岩p-T条件相平衡计算及其岩石学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北祁连硬柱石蓝片岩主要分布在甘肃省肃南县九个泉一带,是目前中国唯一报道的、确切地含有硬柱石的蓝片岩。文中在详细的岩石学和矿物学研究基础上,根据矿物共生组合的不同,将北祁连低温蓝片岩进一步划分为绿纤石蓝片岩、硬柱石蓝片岩和绿帘石蓝片岩。绿纤石蓝片岩的特征变质矿物组合为蓝闪石(>40%)+绿纤石(30%)+绿泥石(10%)+钠长石(8%)+石英(5%)+硬柱石(<3%)±方解石/文石(<1%)。硬柱石蓝片岩的矿物组合为蓝闪石(35%~40%)+硬柱石(35%~40%)+绿泥石(10%)+钠长石(10%)+石榴石(1%~2%)+黝帘石/斜黝帘石(<2%)+石英(<1%),副矿物有磷灰石和榍石,总含量小于2%。绿帘石蓝片岩的矿物组合为蓝闪石(30%~35%)+黝帘石/斜黝帘石/绿帘石(~30%)+绿泥石(15%)+钠长石(15%)+石榴石(2%)+石英(<2%),副矿物有金红石、磷灰石和磁铁矿,总含量小于2%。利用矿物内部一致性热力学数据和Domino/Theriak软件计算了这三种类型的蓝片岩形成的峰期温压条件,它们分别是绿纤石蓝片岩为320~350℃,0.75~0.85GPa;硬柱石蓝片岩为335~355℃,0.8~0.95GPa;绿帘石蓝片岩为345~375℃;0.75~0.85GPa。北祁连低温蓝片岩带由硬柱石蓝片岩相到绿帘石蓝片岩相的转化代表了俯冲变质过程中的递进变质过程。  相似文献   

Glaucophane‐bearing ultrahigh pressure (UHP) eclogites from the western Dabieshan terrane consist of garnet, omphacite, glaucophane, kyanite, epidote, phengite, quartz/coesite and rutile with or without talc and paragonite. Some garnet porphyroblasts exhibit a core–mantle zoning profile with slight increase in pyrope content and minor or slight decrease in grossular and a mantle–rim zoning profile characterized by a pronounced increase in pyrope and rapid decrease in grossular. Omphacite is usually zoned with a core–rim decrease in j(o) [=Na/(Ca + Na)]. Glaucophane occurs as porphyroblasts in some samples and contains inclusions of garnet, omphacite and epidote. Pseudosections calculated in the NCKMnFMASHO system for five representative samples, combined with petrographic observations suggest that the UHP eclogites record four stages of metamorphism. (i) The prograde stage, on the basis of modelling of garnet zoning and inclusions in garnet, involves PT vectors dominated by heating with a slight increase in pressure, suggesting an early slow subduction process, and PT vectors dominated by a pronounced increase in pressure and slight heating, pointing to a late fast subduction process. The prograde metamorphism is predominated by dehydration of glaucophane and, to a lesser extent, chlorite, epidote and paragonite, releasing ~27 wt% water that was bound in the hydrous minerals. (ii) The peak stage is represented by garnet rim compositions with maximum pyrope and minimum grossular contents, and PT conditions of 28.2–31.8 kbar and 605–613 °C, with the modelled peak‐stage mineral assemblage mostly involving garnet + omphacite + lawsonite + talc + phengite + coesite ± glaucophane ± kyanite. (iii) The early decompression stage is characterized by dehydration of lawsonite, releasing ~70–90 wt% water bound in the peak mineral assemblages, which results in the growth of glaucophane, j(o) decrease in omphacite and formation of epidote. And, (iv) The late retrograde stage is characterized by the mineral assemblage of hornblendic amphibole + epidote + albite/oligoclase + quartz developed in the margins or strongly foliated domains of eclogite blocks due to fluid infiltration at P–T conditions of 5–10 kbar and 500–580 °C. The proposed metamorphic stages for the UHP eclogites are consistent with the petrological observations, but considerably different from those presented in the previous studies.  相似文献   

Abstract In the Su-Lu ultrahigh- P terrane, eastern China, many coesite-bearing eclogite pods and layers within biotite gneiss occur together with interlayered metasediments now represented by garnet-quartz-jadeite rock and kyanite quartzite. In addition to garnet + omphacite + rutile + coesite, other peak-stage minerals in some eclogites include kyanite, phengite, epidote, zoisite, talc, nyböite and high-Al titanite. The garnet-quartz-jadeite rock and kyanite quartzite contain jadeite + quartz + garnet + rutile ± zoisite ± apatite and quartz + kyanite + garnet + epidote + phengite + rutile ± omphacite assemblages, respectively. Coesite and quartz pseudomorphs after coesite occur as inclusions in garnet, omphacite, jadeite, kyanite and epidote from both eclogites and metasediments. Study of major elements indicates that the protolith of the garnet-quartz jadeite rock and the kyanite quartzite was supracrustal sediments. Most eclogites have basaltic composition; some have experienced variable 'crustal'contamination or metasomatism, and others may have had a basaltic tuff or pyroclastic rock protolith.
The Su-Lu ultrahigh- P rocks have been subjected to multi-stage recrystallization and exhibit a clockwise P-T path. Inclusion assemblages within garnet record a pre-eclogite epidote amphibolite facies metamorphic event. Ultrahigh- P peak metamorphism took place at 700–890° C and P >28 kbar at c . 210–230 Ma. The symplectitic assemblage plagioclase + hornblende ± epidote ± biotite + titanite implies amphibolite facies retrogressive metamorphism during exhumation at c . 180–200 Ma. Metasedimentary and metamafic lithologies have similar P-T paths. Several lines of evidence indicate that the supracrustal rocks were subducted to mantle depths and experienced in-situ ultrahigh- P metamorphism during the Triassic collision between the Sino-Korean and Yangtze cratons.  相似文献   

石永红  林伟  王清晨 《地质科学》2007,42(3):518-531
依据对大别山太湖地区宿松变质杂岩中的石榴斜长角闪岩的岩相学、矿物成份分析和P-T条件评价,将变质作用分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ4个阶段,其中Ⅰ、Ⅱ阶段经历了绿帘角闪岩相的变质;Ⅲ阶段为峰期变质,变质条件为T=580℃,P=1.31GPa,为角闪石—榴辉岩相变质;Ⅳ阶段为绿片岩相变质。构建的P-T轨迹显示了顺时针的演化特征,反映了宿松变质杂岩分阶段的、不等速的俯冲和折返过程:早期短暂的迅速俯冲→峰期缓慢俯冲→晚期可能的相对缓慢抬升。研究表明宿松变质杂岩的峰期变质条件偏离“俯冲梯度”线,显示了大幅增温、压力变化轻微的特征,这一增温可能是由于受到扰动的热结构恢复所致。结合前人对高压榴辉岩的峰期变质条件的研究,认为宿松变质杂岩与高压-超高压榴辉岩单元至少有0.5GPa的压力差,约15km厚的地壳损失,两者为太湖—马庙断层(F2)所分隔。  相似文献   

High-pressuremetamorphiceclogite,asawindowofstudyfordepthleveloflowermostcrustandmantle,hasanimportantindicatingsignificancet...  相似文献   

通过对澜沧江杂岩带小黑江-上允地区蓝片岩的岩相学、地球化学、成因矿物学以及相平衡模拟的综合研究,阐述蓝片岩的原岩以及变质演化过程。地球化学分析结果显示,蓝片岩具有一致的稀土元素配分模式,具弱Eu正或负异常,稀土元素和微量元素特征与OIB相似,其原岩可能为OIB型玄武岩。详细矿物学研究表明,本区蓝片岩记录了俯冲峰期蓝片岩相变质和峰期后绿片岩相变质两个变质阶段,其矿物组合分别为蓝闪石+钠长石+多硅白云母+绿泥石+绿帘石和蓝闪石+钠长石±阳起石+绿泥石+绿帘石。通过Na_2O-Ca O-Fe O-MgO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2-H_2O-O体系相平衡计算,得到两个阶段的压力范围分别约为0.95 GPa和0.40 GPa。  相似文献   

Abstract Crystal-chemical relationships between coexisting sodic and calcic amphiboles have been studied in eclogitic metagabbros from the Aosta Valley, Western Alps. Textural analysis gives evidence of three successive high-pressure parageneses:
1. Pre-kinematic high-grade blueschist assemblages, preserved as polymineralic inclusions in garnet cores and made of glaucophane and actinolite (stage A).
2. Synkinematic eclogite assemblages, composed of garnet + omphacite + glaucophane ± actinolite ± white mica ° Clinozoisite + quartz + rutile (stage B).
3. Post-kinematic epitactic overgrowths of barroisitic amphibole on glaucophane and actinolite (stage C).
P–T conditions of the eclogitic metamorphism have been estimated at around 500–550°C, 16 kbar.
Glaucophane and actinolite coexist as discrete grains in stage A and B assemblages. This texture and the chemistry of the amphiboles unambiguously denotes the existence of a miscibility gap between sodic and calcic amphiboles (from NaM4= 0.80 in actinolite to NaM4= 1.70 in glaucophane at T = 500–550°C). A comparison with published analyses allows a new solvus along the glaucophane–actinolite join to be drawn.
The later barroisitic amphibole (stage C) exhibits strong chemical zonation indicating disequilibrium growth. This amphibole cannot either be used to define a miscibility gap with glaucophane or actinolite or be considered as an intermediate stage between these two end-members.  相似文献   

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