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The sediment-hosted copper deposits according to the authors‘ study were formed from connate formation water during the post-sedimentary or diagenetic stage while the sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits are unanimously considered to be of post-sedimentary hydrothermal origin.Therefore,apart from their own individulities.These two types of deposits must share some characters in common.Comparisons are attempted,in this paper,between the sediment-hosted copper deposits in southwest China and the Triassic sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits in the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi Triangle in terms of geological and geochemical features.  相似文献   

The Dongchuan-type copper deposits have long been studied and well reported because of their great economic significance.The present paper proposes a “sedimentation-reworking“ origin for this type of deposits to challenge the current “sedimentation-metamorphism“ model which has been widely asscpted since 1970s.According to the new idea,orebodies were not directly deposited in the Luoxue dolomite where they are hosted.Instead,copper was preliminarily concentrated in the Yinmin Formation.During or after diagenesis,copper in the Yinmin Formation was mobilized and leached by hydrothermal solutions derived from the interstitial water of sediments under the high geothermal gradient of rift environment,Thus,copper was transported from the source bed(the Yinmin Formation)upward to the Luoxue algal dolomite where sulfur was produced by the reduction of sulfates.The copper sulfides were formed through replacement of initial sulfides by Cu-bearing solutions.  相似文献   

The Chahe copper deposit occurs in the Early Proterozoic metamorphic series in the area of Chahe and its chalcopyrite yielded a Pb−Pb isochron age of 951±36 Ma, providing evidence for copper mineralization at the early stage of the Jinning movement. The ore-forming material came from terrestrial clastic sediments and marine volcanic eruption and the ores were deposited in a relatively open beach environment. The Jinning movement led to folding and metamorphism of country strata, as well as to the rebomilization and transport of copper, resulting in ore deposition in structurally weak locations. This deposit is a volcano-sedimentary metamorphic deposit.  相似文献   

There are two main types of iron deposits in the Middle-Lower Yangtze Valley district.Both of them underwent post-magmatic hydrothermal processes during ore formation.Iron in the hydrothermal ore bodies was derived largely through mobilization from substantially consolidated diroitic intrusives.Wall-roch alteration zonation indicates that iron-mobilizing hydrothermal fluids evolved in a trend of decreasing alkalinity,which is suggested by regularly distributed wall-rock alterations formed by iron-mobilizing hydrothermal fluids and is in contradiction with the current chloride,chloride complex and bicarbonate models for iron mobilization.The close association of carbonatization with iron ores and the high concentrations of reduced gases such as CO,CH4 and H2 in fluid inclusions suggest that iron is most probably transported in the form of iron carbonyls during post-magmatic hydrothermal processes. In the light of the iron carbonyl mobilization model,explanations are made of the constraints on ores of some geologic factors such as melanocratic alteration,carbonatization,carbonate strata,structural fractures,cyptoexplosive pipes and embryo ores.  相似文献   

Fine disseminated gold deposits occurring along the southeastern margin of the Yangtze Plate belong to the epithermal type resulting from different systems of ore-forming fluids.According to their sources, the ore-forming fluids can be divided into four systems: a)meteoric water system; b)oil-brine system; c)basin-brine system;and d)magmatic-formation water system.The four hydrothermal systems are responsible for four types of gold deposits, respectively.The meteoric water system produces hot spring gold deposits. The basin-brines,which are derived from fissure water, structural water and absorbed water sealed up in strata, are responsible for the absin-brine-type deposits.The oil-brine system, having the same source as the bain-brines ,is characterized by the involvement of organic matter and is responsible for the oil-brine-type deposits. Inclusion fluid data show that there are obvious differences in chemical composition and carbon, oxygen,hydrogen and sulfur isotopes for these hydrothermal systems.Different metallogenic provinces, in which one of the four systems is dominant, can be recognized in the region.  相似文献   

The Jinman deposit is a Ag-bearing copper vein deposit located at the north margin of the Lanping-Simao back-arc basin in West Yunnan. Systematic studies of fluid inclusions and stable isotopes are presented in this paper. The filling-replacement stage and the boiling-exhalative precipitation stage of mineralization took place atT 1 = 140–280°3 andT 2 = 94–204°C under pressure of (600 – 1200) x 105 Pa. The salinity of ore-forming solutions ranges from 5 wt% –20.8 wt% (NaCl). Sulphide δ34S(CDT) values are in the range of -9.6%.– +11.03%. with a range of 22. 66%. showing an apparent “pagoda”-shaped distribution in histogram. Meanwhile, the δ34S values of the various sulphides are consistent with the characters of isotope equilibrium fractionation, i.e., δ34 SPy34SCp34SBn. The TS/TOC ratios of the ores are widely variable between 0.16 and 5.54 with no correlation of any kind can be established. According to the model of Ohmoto, the oxidation-reduction ratios of sulfur species in ore-forming solutions at the two mineralization stages were calculated to be R′1 = 2.16 x 10-17 and R′2 = 1.55 x 104. δ13Coo2(PDB) values obtained from fluid inclusions in calcite and quartz are between -8.12%.-3.18%., averaging -5.26%., which are comparable with the isotopic composition of mantle-derived CO2. Inclusions in quartz yield δ13CCH4 (PEB) between -32. 11%. and -22.04%. (averaging -26.69%.), similar to that of methane in modern geothermal gases. For the ore-forming solutions, δ18 OH2O (SMOW) values are between -10.57%. and +9.77%. and δDH2O (SMOW) are between -51%. and -135%. Considering the effect of isotope exchange during water-rock reactions, most of the data are plotted along or close to the line defined by the reaction of meteoric water with clastic rocks, while a small part of the points fall near the reaction line of magmatic water with clastic rocks. In δ13C vs. δ18O diagram, the ore-forming solutions are plotted for the most part into the mixing area between the meteoric fluid and the deep-seated fluid and partially on the mixing line of P = 1. This project was founded by the “Eighth Five-Year Plan Period” State Key Program (85–901) and the Open Lab. of Ore Deposit Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Dating of metallic ore deposits has been one of the problems concerned with by ore geologists for many years.The establishment of the Re-Os Isotope Laboratory at the Institute of Rock and Mineral Analysis,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, has provided us with a new technique to carry out geochronological studies of molybdenum ores.As one of the most important Re-bearing minerals, molybdenite contains almost no common osmium, but ^187Os was derived completely from decay of ^187Re, with ^187Os content as the function of Re content in the mineral .An ID-ICP-MS technique has been used in this study,and Re-Os isotopic ages of several large molybdenum deposits of differ-ent types from the East Qinling molybdenum belt have been determined.It is indicated that the Huanglongpu carbonatite vein-type molybdenum-(lead) deposit has a Re-Os age corresponding to Indosinian,while the rest porphyry-type molybdenum deposits and porphyry-skarn-type molybdenum-(tungsten) deposits have Re-Os ages corresponding to Yenshanian.  相似文献   

The new type of copper deposits concerned with in this paper are vein copper deposits found in the Lanping-Simao Rift Basin, Yunnan,China. As is indicated by H,O,C,S,Pb and Sr isotopes, water and mineralizers in the ore-forming fluids were derived from heated meteoric water and mantle, respectively.The metallic elements(Cu,Ag,Pb,Zn,As,Sb,Fe,REE,etc.)are characterized by a mixed source from the crust and the mantle.  相似文献   

Gold deposits in intrusive masses include the veinlet dissemination,quartz vein and veinlet dissemination vein types,They are distributed in fracture zones along the endocontact zone of a batholith or in the centre and edge of a stock.The metallogenic epochs are Yenshanian,Hercynian,Archean,Proterozoic and Himalayan,The gold deposits are characterized by a big difference in time span between gold mineralization and the formation of host masses Ore-forming materials were derived from the masses and auriferous strata and ore-forming fluids came from meteoric and formation waters.When circulating water was heated by ascending heat flow,gold would be extracted,concentrated and transported from auriferous rocks and then precipitated in the masses during the late tectonic movement,Finally gold deposits were formed in the intrusive masses.  相似文献   

The Tongshan copper deposit at Guichi can be considered as a skarn-type copper deposit. Multi-stage carbonatization was well developed in the skarn zone and copper-bearing orebodies. Mineralogy, mineral chemistry and stable isotope data allow it to be divided into five stages: (1) carbonatization of single calcite crystals in the skarn stage; (2) calcite carbonatization in the oxide stage; (3) carbonatization in the early sulfide stage; (4) carbonatization in the late sulfide stage; and (5) carbonatization in the post-sulfide stage. Carbonatization in the early sulfide stage is, among other things, closely related to copper mineralization and is one of the alteration indicators of copper mineralization of this type. C. O, Rb and Sr isotopic studies indicate that the calcites of skarn and oxide stages were formed from hydrothermal solutions predominated by magmatic water, and those of sulfide stage were formed from hydrothermal solutions mainly involving heated meteoric water. The former was formed in the environment wherefO 2 (fO 2 < 10−33 and 10−33< fO2>10−36)(pH = 7–8) is high as compared with the latter (10−35< fO2< 10−38; pH = 5–7).  相似文献   

Chromite deposits in China and their origin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The major chromite resources of China occur in ophiolites and continental intrusions. Podiform chromite deposits are mainly developed in the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ophiolitic mantle sequences. They occur as tabular, lenticular, or irregular masses hosted by dunite lithologies, or dunite lenses, or harzburgite associated with dunite lenses. Main stratiform deposits occur within the Archean Northern China craton and are named as the Gaosi-type deposits, which are contained in intrusions similar to their Alaskan-type counterparts and are characterised by their ring-shaped ores. Stratiform deposits are also found in Phanerozoic ophiolites. Chromites in the ophiolites are chemically divided into high-A1 and high-Cr types, both of which plot in the alpine type field. Chromites from the Gaosi-type deposits belong to high-Fe type, possessing uniform Al contents. The podiform chromitites were generated from magmatic pockets in the mantle sequences, whereas those deposits (such as the Dadao deposit) in cumulate sequences had a similar origin but crystallized at shallower depths. Stratiform Gaosi-type deposits should have formed by accumulation of chromites which were in equilibrium with an ultramafic magma with a uniform Al content.  相似文献   

叠加成矿系统与多成因矿床研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
漫长复杂成矿地质过程中多次成矿事件的叠加常形成叠加成矿系统,它是产生多成因矿床的主要原因。中国大陆独特的大地构造时-空特征和特殊的结构组成,造成了中国叠加成矿系统的发育,是中国区域成矿的一个特色。文章回顾了叠加成矿研究历史,分析了长江中下游成矿带等地的叠加成矿作用,探讨了叠加成矿的效应(形成大矿富矿、复杂成分矿石等)、形成机制和控制因素(稳定的地球化学场、重叠的构造带、同生断层多期活动、早期矿层的地球化学障作用),提出了叠加成矿系统的组合类型,其中以广义沉积型-岩浆热液型二者的叠加最为常见,且多形成大矿。随着矿产勘查和矿山开发的深入将可能发现更多叠加成矿现象。叠加成矿研究对于深入认识区域成矿特征和指导找矿勘查有重要理论意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

斑岩铜矿作为一种岩浆热液型矿床,其形成过程与Cu在熔体与流体间的迁移密切相关。而大量研究表明Cl在这一过程中起到了至关重要的作用,因此岩浆中Cl含量的高低或直接决定了岩浆的成矿潜力。俯冲型斑岩铜矿成矿所需的Cl主要来自于俯冲大洋板片,而碰撞型斑岩铜矿形成时则缺乏洋片俯冲,因此其Cl的来源尚不确定。为了进一步推进对上述科学问题的探究,文章总结了常见含Cl岩浆矿物的富Cl特性及岩浆Cl逸度计的使用方法,并利用磷灰石估算了碰撞型斑岩铜矿成矿岩浆中的Cl含量;计算了新生下地壳角闪石与熔体间Cl和OH的交换系数,以此对冈底斯碰撞型斑岩铜Cl的来源进行讨论。研究显示:(1)成矿岩浆演化过程中结晶的磷灰石、角闪石和黑云母中的Cl含量可以指示岩浆或流体中的Cl逸度;(2)碰撞型斑岩铜矿的成矿岩浆Cl含量明显低于俯冲型斑岩铜矿;(3)冈底斯出露的新生下地壳作为弧岩浆固结的产物,其中的角闪石可能继承了弧岩浆的高Cl含量特征;(4)印度陆壳俯冲过程中诱发地幔楔部分熔融所形成的超钾质岩浆可能含有较高的Cl含量。同时,幔源超钾质岩浆的加入将促进成矿岩浆中角闪石的大量结晶分异,有利于Cl在残余熔体中富集。  相似文献   

Deposits of the “porphyry” family (essentially porphyry copper and gold-porphyry copper, gold-bearing porphyry molybdenum-copper, gold-containing porphyry copper-molybdenum and porphyry molybdenum deposits) are associated in time and space with granitoid magmatism mainly in Phaerozoic volcano-plutonic belts. Whatever their age, the deposits belong to two types of belts: basaltic belts, representing axial zones of island arcs, or andesitic belts formed within active continental (Andean-type) margins.The petrochemistry of ore-bearing magmatism related to the nature of the substratum of volcano-plutonic belts, reveals a number of essential characteristics, both in composition and zonation of wallrock alteration and ore mineralization. These characterisics enabled previous researchers to establish four models of porphyry copper deposits based on their lithologic associations, e.g., “diorite”, “granodiorite”, “monzonite” and “granite”.Pophyry copper deposits are thought to be the product of self-generating “two-fluid mixing” ore-magmatic systems. Porphyry intrusions are pathways for energy and metals from deep-seated magma chambers, of which the upper mineralized parts are accessible for observation. The relationship between magmatic fluids and meteoric water participating in the ore-forming processes (dependent on the structural-petrophysical conditions of formation), provide a subdivision for the porphyry copper ore-magmatic systems into three types: “open”, “closed” and “transitional”.Concurrently, a common trend in the evolution of the systems has been established, from a nearly autoclave regime of structural-and ore-forming processes to a gradual increase in the importance of hydrothermal recycling. The completeness of the OMS (ore-magmatic system) development according to this scheme, which determines the existence of various OMS types, depends on many factors, the most important being the depth of formation of porphyry intrusive bodies, the petrophysical peculiarities of the host rocks and the palaeohydrogeological conditions of ore deposition.Although rock fracturing (especially defluidization: second boiling) and contraction are caused by the same mechanisms, the stockwork growth in “open” and “closed” systems, relative to the wall rock, takes place in opposite directions, primarily due to different petrophysical parameters of the near-stock environment.In “open” systems structural and ore metasomatic processes are finalized. Fractures extend progressively from porhyry stocks into the marginal parts of the intrusive framework and extension of large-scale recycling of magmatic and activated meteoric water, in the same direction, result in the formation of ore-bearing stockworks. These are large in all dimensions, cover mainly hanging-wall zones and are characterized by clearly defined concentric mineral zoning and extensive geochemical haloes.In a “closed” OMS with centripetal growing fractures, hydrothermal convection is stunted. The vertical extension of recycling cells is restricted and the volume of meteoric water involved in circulation during the period of ore deposition is relatively small. As a result, relatively small intra-intrusive lenticular stockworks are developed which are characterized by close co-existence of several generations of mineralization with fragmentary preservation of the earliest ones. These are characterized by the elements of “reverse” zoning, increased density of the veinlets and metal content, as well as poorly developed hanging-wall dispersion haloes.  相似文献   

对存在于赣东北东乡铜矿地层中的一种被当地称为Kcd的金属矿岩溶堆积形态的特征和成因进行了研究。Kcd是一种层间松散堆积物,呈带状分布于金属硫化矿体附近。岩性主要为铁锰质含量高的中、细砂、粉土、粉质粘土等,富含碎石和块石,局部为泥砾、泥砂混合物,性状松散、饱水、色杂。根据岩性、产出形态和现代矿区水文地质条件分析,认为Kcd应是白云岩围岩在硫化矿物氧化带硫酸水作用下产生的白云岩粉(砂)和围岩崩落的碎石、块石,以及由水流携带的粘性土共同堆积而形成的一种沉积形态,并且现在仍在发生和发展中。它是一种金属矿岩溶堆积形态的新类型。Kcd常形成井下突泥,给矿山施工带来极大危害。   相似文献   

铁氧化物-铜-金(Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold,IOCG)矿床是Hitzman et al.(1992)提出的一个新矿床类型。该概念的提出与澳大利亚Olympic Dam超大型矿床的发现有关,一定程度上促进了世界上同类新矿床的发现,引起工业界和学术界的广泛关注。中国IOCG矿床的研究起步较晚,在IOCG概念提出后很长一段时间内,并没有国内外公认的IOCG矿床报道。近年来,通过对一些Fe-Cu矿床的实例研究,目前已初步确立中国西南康滇地区、东准噶尔北缘和东天山阿齐山-雅满苏等Fe-Cu成矿带具有类似于IOCG的成矿特征,并且在矿床形成时代、机制及构造背景等成因问题上取得诸多进展。成矿时代上,康滇Fe-Cu成矿省形成于元古代,包括有~1. 65和~1. 0Ga两期主成矿事件,分别对应于区域上的两期板内岩浆作用,说明Fe-Cu矿化与大陆裂谷背景相关。东准噶尔北缘和东天山阿齐山-雅满苏成矿带均形成于古生代,分别为295~320Ma和~380Ma,被认为可能与陆缘盆地闭合有关。三个成矿带中Fe-Cu矿床围岩均为火山-沉积地层、均具有早期Fe矿化和晚期Cu矿化为主的特征且大部分矿床与同期侵入岩体没有明显空间关系,但在蚀变矿物组合及金属元素富集程度、流体特征等方面仍存在一些差别。例如康滇成矿省的蚀变组合以成矿前区域Na化、Fe矿化期Fe-Na-(Ca)化及铜矿化期K化和碳酸盐化等为特点;矿体在空间上常与大小不等的热液角砾岩筒共生;各矿床不同程度地富集REE、Mo、Au、Co等金属;成矿流体上早期以高温、中高盐度的岩浆热液为主,而成矿晚期则有更多非岩浆流体(盆地水、地层水或大气降水等)的加入。这些特点与世界上典型的IOCG矿床(特别是前寒武纪矿床)基本一致,因此目前为止,康滇成矿省作为中国的典型IOCG矿床而受国内外认可的程度相对较高。东准噶尔北缘与东天山阿齐山-雅满苏成矿带矿化特征较为相似,最新研究显示这些矿床中非岩浆流体(如盆地卤水、地层水等)对Fe-Cu矿化的贡献更大、成矿发生于陆缘盆地闭合期等,可能与南美中安第斯成矿带IOCG矿床更为类似。但是,部分矿床在成矿前均显示有明显的矽卡岩化,甚至个别矿床中矿体、岩体和矽卡岩具紧密时空关系而类似于矽卡岩矿床;多数矿床除Fe和Cu外,所含金属元素比较单一。这些特点一定程度上导致这两个矿带Fe-Cu矿床归属于矽卡岩还是IOCG矿床的问题上仍存在不少争议,尚待进一步的探索和讨论。基于目前的研究现状,本文也对中国IOCG矿床今后研究中值得关注的问题提出了一些设想和展望,包括不少矿床Fe-Cu矿化空间上分离的原因、不同地球化学行为差异较大的成矿元素(如Co、Ni与REE、U、Mo等)在矿床中均有富集的原因等方面。  相似文献   

The primary halos of porphyry copper deposits are characterized by compositional zoning in three dimensions. Two ideal zoning patterns can be divided in accordance with the shape of primary halos in space: bell-shaped and anticline-shaped. In the process of alteration-mineralization, K, Si, (OH), Fe, Cu, Mo, Ag, S, Ba, Rb, Pb, Zn, As, etc. were imported, while Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, Ti, Mn, V, Co, Sr, Pb, Zn, etc. were exported or became activated, and then transported and reprecipitated. Both import and export of Fe, Pb and Zn may have taken place. The fundamental factors controlling the zoning of primary halos are: the stability of complexes and the activity of elements; pH, Eh, the behaviour of sulfur and the sulphophile character of elements; the concentration of components and the regularities of isomorphism; temperature and pressure; and tectonic setting and lithological characters of wallrocks. The authors consider that the zoning patterns of primary halos in porphyry copper deposits are the outcome of integrated effects of various factors.  相似文献   

Ni、Cu和PGE具有不同于其他微量元素的特殊的地球化学性质,这些特殊的性质使得它们在幔源岩浆起源和演化以及岩浆硫化物矿床的成因研究中具有不可替代的作用。在S不饱和的条件下,Ni、Os、Ir和Ru具有相容元素的特性,而Cu和Pd是强不相容元素,因此,它们在玄武岩浆分离结晶过程中常常发生分异。一旦体系达到S饱和,这些元素则会强烈地进入硫化物熔浆,特别是PGE具有极高的硫化物熔浆/硅酸盐熔浆分配系数,极微量的硫化物熔离便可导致残余岩浆中PGE的显著亏损,因此,PGE是玄武岩浆硫化物熔离作用最敏感的示踪元素。硫化物熔离和成矿实质上是幔源岩浆特殊演化过程的结果,所以,Ni,Cu和PGE的特殊性质可用来探讨岩浆硫化物成矿的关键控制因素。Ni、Cu和PGE具有不同的单硫化物固溶体/硫化物熔浆分配系数,因此,它们也是硫化物熔浆结晶分异的重要示踪元素。本文试图从Ni、Cu和PGE地球化学性质和行为入手,并借助一些研究实例,对它们在幔源岩浆起源和演化以及岩浆硫化物矿床成因研究中的示踪意义进行系统介绍。  相似文献   

Livingstonite is the principal ore mineral in the deposits of the Huitzuco District in the State of Guerrero, Mexico. The ore is found in the lower part of the Morelos Formation, which consists of a thick bed of sedimentary anhydrite containing lenses of dolomite and dolomite breccia. In the unweathered ore practically all the mercury is in the livingstonite, whereas the antimony occurs partly in the livingstonite and partly in stibnite. Native sulfur forms pockets as much as 30 centimeters in diameter in the ore and is also found in gypsum on the surface away from the ore.It appears that the deposition of livingstonite, rather than of the combination of cinnabar and stibnite that is more usual in other districts, was caused by the native sulfur present in considerable quantity scattered through the sedimentary dolomite and anhydrite above, below, and in the ore. Since the formula of livingstonite is actually HgSb4S8 (not HgSb4S7 as was previously supposed), it is not stable in solutions containing only HgS, Sb2S3, Na2S, and H2O. It has been proved by one of us, experimentally, that in order to form livingstonite, the solutions must contain elemental sulfur in addition to HgS, Sb2S3, Na2S, and H2O. In such solutions the solubility of mercuric sulfide is extremely low. However, the problem of transport is overcome if the elemental sulfur is already present in the wall rock. In that case, the reaction of the elemental sulfur with a solution containing mercuric sulfide and antimony sulfide, but not saturated with either, would precipitate livingstonite, as was proved by our experimental work.  相似文献   

斑岩型铜、金、钼矿床成岩成矿特征差异的原因和意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中简要总结了斑岩型金矿、铜矿和钼矿在产出的构造环境,岩石地球化学特征和出溶流体的温度、压力、盐度、蚀变等方面的异同点,重点从元素的地球化学性质、岩浆的源区和过程(熔体和流体演化)3个方面解释了上述差异。Au、Cu和Mo在地球化学性质尤其是亲硫性上的差异决定了元素在不同的大地构造环境下的岩浆作用过程中的分布、迁移和富集特征,最终控制了矿床的分布。岩浆的源区及其温压条件、熔体上升过程中矿物的分离结晶和中上地壳岩浆房内的演化程度控制了成矿岩浆的地球化学特征,进而影响其就位时的压力和温度,从而导致出溶流体在p-T-X上的变化。结合岩浆岩中大离子亲石元素和SiO2的含量,可以评估斑岩型矿床的类型:高的Rb含量是斑岩型钼矿的特征,高的Ba含量是斑岩型钼+铜矿的特征,高的Sr含量是斑岩型铜+金矿的特征。相对于俯冲环境,后俯冲环境下的成矿岩体具有更高的大离子亲石元素含量。矿区中酸性岩石的结构(斑状、似斑状、不等粒和等粒结构)可以用来初步指示成矿的潜力。  相似文献   

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