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This paper considers the issues of research ‘relevance’ and ‘use’ to reflect upon a cultural geography research project on bushfire that did not begin with any specific aim of being useful to policy makers but which has garnered considerable and ongoing interest from a broad audience. It provides an example of how the integration of quantitative and qualitative research methods and data can enhance research into cultural aspects of natural hazards whilst simultaneously playing a key role in ensuring that the research results are of interest to a wide range of groups. Using a mixed-methods research approach was found to provide insight into complex factors that influence attitudes and actions towards bushfire amongst diverse landholders in rural–urban interface areas in south-east Australia. We argue that mixed-methods research is a powerful tool in building and enhancing a cultural geography that has policy relevance, retains analytical depth, and is acceptable to risk managers. The ability of cultural geography through mixed-methods research to illuminate how socio-cultural processes are central to environmental attitudes and preparedness behaviour has direct relevance to recent international discussions of how to manage the vulnerability of the growing number of people living in bushfire-prone rural–urban interface areas.  相似文献   

Ponga, Glass and Concrete   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In accepting that Aotearoa is no-longer a rural nation there are exciting possibilities for the study of urban socio-cultural geography - the effects of urbanisation on the lives ofNewZealanders. Contemporary social geographical theories have combined with postmodernism, poststructuralism, postcolonialism and feminism toproducea ‘new cultural geography’. We argue that this new cultural geography couldprovide important theoretical avenues for the development of an ‘indigenous’ New Zealand urban socio-cultural geography.  相似文献   

西方乡村性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在梳理20世纪60年代以来乡村性研究的社会、学术背景的基础上,聚焦于乡村性的社会建构流派及其对中国乡村转型与乡村地理研究的启示。社会建构流派将乡村性看作是社会、文化建构的过程与产物而非先存的事实,重点关注乡村转型过程中的权力关系与差异性。由描述性流派、乡土流派向社会建构流派的过渡可以看作是从关注乡村性物质层面转向想象层面,由追求乡村性的本体、核心机制向探索乡村性的认识论问题,也就是从追求“乡村性是什么”到研究“不同社会群体如何认识乡村性”“不同社会群体多样化的乡村性话语和体验”。而目前的中国乡村性研究主要关注乡村性指标及其模型建构,相关研究对于各级政府全面地了解现存的乡村问题并合理地制定乡村发展、复兴政策规划具有重要的实践意义。在西方乡村研究中,乡村性指标由于暗含线性发展观、无法解读乡村变迁的机制和过程而饱受批判。在中国乡村急剧变迁的今天,现代化乡村发展话语占据着主导地位,而在这一过程中不公平的权力关系和霸权话语对部分农村、农民的边缘化基本没有提及。在这种社会与学术背景下,乡村性社会建构流派对于解构乡村性主导话语、揭示乡村变迁过程中的权力关系及不同社会群体间利益冲突与协商具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Attitudes to Geography in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports on an initial study in Australia of attitudes to geography held by members of the community at large. The study focused on perceptions of the role of geography in contributing to wider social goals relating to lifelong learning and living. Groups of business people, government representatives, professional people, educators and members of the general public were surveyed. The results focus on the perceptions of the importance of geography to Australian society; important knowledge, skills and values that are learned while doing geography; and the importance of geography for work. The generally positive appreciation of geography that is held by the wider community needs to be promoted carefully in the education sectors and in society at large if geography is to live up to the importance that is ascribed to it.  相似文献   

权力的空间意象——《癌症楼》的新文化地理解读   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
叶超  谢瑜莺 《地理科学》2015,35(12):1585-1590
近年来,新文化地理学逐渐被中国人文地理学者所关注,空间与权力的关系受到关注,并产生跨学科效应。国内对此的研究多集中于现实空间层面,尚未重视文本的空间意象。从地理学的空间尺度入手,运用文本解构法,从宏观和微观拆解经典文本《癌症楼》中的空间-权力互动机制。宏观尺度的不同空间有其权力象征,集中反映出中心与边缘的对立,并形成时空交错的社会关系;微观尺度空间既以显性和隐性的方式彰显强大的权力对社会空间的控制,也存在对应的反抗空间以及微渺的自由与希望空间。《癌症楼》透射出对以所谓崇高目的为外表的强权的批判,空间既是这种权力生发的工具,同时也驱动了规训与反抗的过程。  相似文献   

旅游地居民感知与态度研究是旅游地理学研究的重要主题之一, 居民感知的跨区域、 跨文化的共时性分析是该领域研究未来努力的方向之一。选择世界遗产地西递和九寨沟为研 究案例, 进行旅游地居民旅游影响感知的比较研究。结果显示: ① 两地居民对旅游发展均表 现出积极态度, 但九寨沟居民的响应程度和支持程度更为强烈, 其旅游经济收入上要远高于 西递。② 九寨沟居民在旅游经济收益、旅游社会文化影响、旅游环境影响的上的感知均明显 强于西递, 同时在旅游经济成本感知上也明显强于西递。③ 相关分析和回归分析分别从样本 基本特征中识别了西递和九寨沟居民支持旅游发展态度的相关因素和判别指标。分析结果表 明, 不同类型的旅游地具有不同的旅游社区特征, 在旅游地性质、对旅游业的依赖程度、经 济发展水平、旅游资源产权归属、旅游管理体制、主客文化差异等社区特征上不同的东道主 社区应该有着不同的旅游感知。按照社会交换理论, 无论是从资产的收益权还是从受干扰补 偿方面, 西递古村落居民相对九寨沟风景区居民具有更高的收益期望, 这也导致了其实际获 益远低于期望收益, 故相对九寨沟居民, 西递表现出低估旅游经济收益、社会收益而高估社 会成本的倾向。  相似文献   

肖潇  张捷  卢俊宇 《地理科学进展》2012,31(8):1080-1086
文化地理学作为人文地理学的重要分支, 是学者们广泛关注的热点, 但鲜有研究涉及居民对文化景观的感知和认同问题。本文选取了中国传统文化代表--书法景观为研究切入点, 根据地方感理论构建了假设模型, 提出了17 个假设影响路径。根据遵义会议会址景区及周围红色旅游商业街中书法景观的居民感知调查数据, 构建了居民书法景观感知的结构方程模型。分析结果验证了居民感知态度与文化认同的递进性, 拒绝了部分研究假设。同时, 在书法景观功能感知的5 个维度:经济获益、环境审美、场所识别、景观原真性和行为导向中, 经济获益和景观原真性是居民文化认同的决定性因素。研究结果体现了原真性元素在城市文化景观中的核心地位, 验证文化景观对城市经济建设不可或缺的推动作用, 对城市文化景观保护和规划管理具有重要的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Loss of biological diversity is among the most pressing environmental problems facing modern societies. Whereas today much is known about peoples' opinions on climate change, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding how people asses the issue of biological diversity. The article represents a step towards a better understanding of public opinions on the issue of biodiversity, and hence also of the prerequisites and possibilities for a more or less vigorous or legitimate policy on this issue. The analyses show that social background matters for concern about biodiversity, but only to a certain extent: women are less negative towards biodiversity protection than men, the older segments of the population, at least in Norway, are less concerned with biodiversity, and education has only a marginal effect. Hence, to a large extent, political attitudes matter and indicate that concern for biodiversity seems to work by various types of available heuristics whereby a given case is linked to political understandings of other and similar and/or familiar issues. The inclusion of other political variables (local decision-making) and what the authors label ‘cultural variables’ (e.g. view of nature and trust in science) seem also to matter decisively for attitudes towards biodiversity.  相似文献   

空间认同:城市空间研究转向中的知识前沿、趋势与启发   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
郭文 《地理科学》2019,39(4):587-595
中国城市化进程的快速发展,促使人们不断解构、调整和重构对城市空间的认同,这是城市化发展中不容忽视的新问题。以Web of Science(WoS)为数据源,对国外城市空间认同研究进行了分析和知识再现。研究发现:城市空间认同是人们对城市发展中社会经济认同、文化认同、集体认同、身份认同与情感认同的集合。作为重要的国民意识,城市空间认同主题是国外学者关注的重要领域,对该领域研究的本质上是对城市空间实践中人文主义空间诉求的知识表征; 在2008~2017年的国外城市空间认同研究中,美国、英国、澳大利亚等国家具有明显优势,国际合作研究网络主要在美洲-欧洲、欧洲-澳洲,以及澳洲-欧美之间;国外城市空间认同研究高被引文献注重对“空间多中心性”“地方与连续性”“城市社区”“城市公民身份”“空间绅士化”“地方主义”等方面的讨论。 未来研究更加倾向在“认同”“空间”“城市”“地理”“政治”“地方”,以及“社区”等新主题方面。相比较而言,国内对城市空间认同的研究较为欠缺,随着中国城市空间实践不断推向纵深阶段,需要强化城市空间认同研究的“理论自觉”。  相似文献   

万蕙  唐雪琼 《地理科学》2017,37(4):595-602
以广西龙州县边境乡村的法式民居景观为例,从历史的角度分析法式民居景观兴盛的缘由,并探讨其象征意义及认同建构。研究发现,法式民居景观作为承载文化意义的符号,是财富和社会地位的象征;又因其宫殿式形态,成为当地人幻想更大权欲以获得自我满足的源泉。此外,法式民居景观强化了当地村民对自身身份的认同建构,并唤起了他们对历史的缅怀、对家的归属感和对地方的认同感。研究既是对新文化地理学关于景观研究向社会文化意义转向的例证,也是对新文化地理学中关于地方、景观与认同关系研究的回应。  相似文献   

国外教育地理研究回顾与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育地理研究作为地理学和教育学的交叉研究出现于20世纪中叶,早期教育地理研究主要是借助地理学的视角和工具解决教育的空间问题,包括教育规划、教育土地利用、学校选择以及与居住地相关的教育机会和结果差异等;1990年代以来的教育地理研究注重从社会空间的角度来解析教育,关注教育与社会、经济、政治和文化等的内在联系,并建立起了以尺度为框架的研究体系。在最初的研究中,教育空间被当作既定的客观空间;1990年代以来,受社会科学空间转向的影响,教育空间被看成是与经济、社会、文化、政治等相互塑造的空间。当前,教育地理研究已经建立起了知识体系和研究框架,研究尺度包括微观(学习者、学习空间、学校与社区等)、中观(区域、国家等)和宏观(国际)的空间尺度研究,教育地理的研究范围得到扩展。国内教育地理研究可以从不同尺度上加强空间的研究以及空间之间的联系讨论,扩展非正式教育这一广阔的领域,加强教育公平的社会空间解释。  相似文献   

International tourist flows to Australia are examined from the perspective of globalisation. The factors influencing such flows are identified and their geographical impact outlined. Inbound tourism is shown to be growing quickly in both absolute and relative terms and to have a metropolitan emphasis that contrasts with the non‐metropolitan focus of domestic tourism. Tourism illustrates many of the social and cultural changes occurring in contemporary society; the nature of tourism is changing as society changes with a result that new forms of tourism are emerging. Particularly noteworthy is the shift from mass to ‘new tourism’. The nature and likely impact of these changes in Australia is assessed. The paper concludes that growth rates comparable with those achieved in the past might not be sustainable.  相似文献   

This exercise in a type of applied historiography begins by annotating aspects of reform in Western education from the 1880s to the 1930s, an interval which exhibits the responses of ‘new’ subjects to political and social demands for improved civics education, and encompasses the inauguration of a recognisably ‘academic’ geography in Australia. Designedly, since the nominated period also incorporates the early life and career of pioneering geographer Griffith Taylor, the discussion probes beneath the strata of obfuscatory generalisation to relate one individual's engagement with the vortex of change. More specifically, it extracts a few lessons from Taylor's approach to ‘Nation‐Planning’ to suggest an appropriate orientation to current reformism in Australian education. It is argued that, while this trend questions the civic utility of established disciplines, it has been badly served by a disturbing ignorance of the social and intellectual heritage of the subjects under challenge.  相似文献   

The recent ‘cultural turn’ in human geography has neglected music and its impact in the construction and understanding of landscape and the politics of place. Using the songs of the rockgroup U2 to show how geographic imagery is used for political purposes, this paper attempts to ‘breakthe silence’ of contemporary cultural geography.  相似文献   

Many geographers, past and present, have addressed public policy issues facing nations and peoples and in the process offered solutions to highly complex problems. Three ‘sentinels’ of the discipline, Halford Mackinder, Carl Sauer and Thomas Griffith Taylor, served as protectors of geography speaking up for the science in a way often confronting public officials, politicians and others. They contributed significantly to the development of geography in Britain, the USA, Australia and Canada, while engaging in public policy debates on topics such as geopolitics, geographical constraints on land use and natural resource management. All three were advocates for the unity of geography, stressing how an understanding of the interconnectedness of natural and human phenomena can assist in decision making. They were often frustrated by what they saw as ill-informed policies which did not respect geographic realities. Given their varied contributions, it is difficult to fully assess their impact both during their long and productive lifetimes, and subsequently, especially given the interdisciplinary and contested nature of their research. Today, academic geographers are faced with having to increasingly ‘prove the impact’ of their research, something beyond the comprehension of previous generations. Lessons from an analysis of the work of these ‘sentinels’, as well as my own experience, show how difficult a task this will be.  相似文献   


In this century Chinese tourists in Australia have rapidly become the most numerous national source. Relatively little is known about their socio-economic status, their geographical origins and expectations of tourism, and their attitudes to and perceptions of Australia, although every Australian state has devised a specific Chinese tourism strategy to tap into this market. Chinese tourism is concentrated in metropolitan areas in the eastern states, has evolved from group tours to individual plans, and is relatively high spending. Unless geographical and tourism research on Chinese tourism aligns with contemporary theoretical developments in tourism studies, the type of knowledge being produced will be limited. Whilst there is value in extending existing knowledge, important social insights into the Chinese tourists’ experience of Australia will not emerge. Although Chinese tourism is similar to earlier waves from East Asia, it constitutes a distinct component of the contemporary Australian market. A deeper understanding of this phenomenon requires the adoption of practice theories that privilege social practices as the entry point for theorising and conducting research. In advocating such an approach, we highlight challenges of linguistic and cultural differences, scale and governmentality in providing a qualitative research agenda for geographical and tourism studies’ engagements with Chinese tourism.  相似文献   

As a consequence of changing immigration policy over the past 50 years, contemporary Australia has a culturally diverse population. Focusing on Brisbane, one of Australia's smaller immigrant-receiving cities but where some 19 per cent of the population is born overseas, this study examines attitudes to and perceptions of culturally different ethnic (non-Anglo) immigrant groups. Emphasis is placed on patterns of tolerance and intolerance for the city as a whole, both in areas of contact and in areas of minimal contact. Findings show that variations in attitudes vary somewhat from commonly accepted socio-economic and age-based correlations (the lower the status or the older people are the less tolerant), depending on the particular mix of ethnic birthplace groups present. They also show levels of intolerance in areas of minimal contact, which is implicitly attributed to mass media influences. In light of these findings, a concluding plea is made for anti-intolerance strategies to be developed for cities that pay regard to the geography of attitude-forming contexts.  相似文献   

郭文 《地理研究》2020,39(3):508-526
近年来,西方社会文化地理学新范式在中国地理学界受到“热捧”,但也有学者对此存有分歧、质疑、困惑和焦虑,认为新范式“缺少地理味”“跑偏了”。在梳理西方人文地理学派思想及其范式演变的基础上,对新范式的出场背景、基本议题和内涵及意义进行了剖析。研究认为:① 西方社会文化地理学新范式倡导的“人之主观意念”“理论转向”“空间间性关联”“伦理道德及本体生成”,既是对以计量革命为特征的实证主义和空间科学,以及伯克利学派“文化超有机体”的反思,也是对第二次世界大战以来日益凸显的增长全球化和全球本土化,引致的复杂社会空间和文化认知的新阐释。② 在研究视角和对象上,新范式倡导“人之主观意念”,并确立“人”在地理学中的位置和对“地”的人文主义说明;通过社会文化等“理论转向”滤镜,预见社会空间的可能性,以及社会文化的意义和价值;通过“空间间性关联”滤镜,引导人们对多种空间,尤其是空间关系的关注;通过“伦理道德及本体生成”滤镜,强化社会文化地理的道德实践和人性提升,重构人与自我、人与社会、人与自然环境的和谐共生;③ 新范式用一种独特的方式,阐释地理环境和人类活动空间进程和交织的社会经济及文化发生动因,是人类对社会文化和自然环境实践认知演变中的一次重大变革,代表一种新的地理学哲学观和思维观。④ 中国学术界对新范式之所以存在不同声音,原因之一是研究者对新旧人文地理学范式的哲学认知缺乏深度对话,另一原因是学术界针对新范式的理论阐释不足。未来社会文化地理学的中国学派,需要主动拥抱并吸收西方前沿理论的合理内容,在此基础上参与建构新的学科范式,积极回应反映时代中国和世界的重大问题。  相似文献   

跨学科视角下“地缘政治”概念及其研究范式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
安宁  蔡晓梅 《地理科学》2020,40(9):1412-1420
分析1982—2019年中国核心学术刊物和著作,梳理地理学和政治学对于"地缘政治"概念和研究范式的不同理解。研究发现:①地理学和政治学有很多相似之处,包括对"地缘战略"等概念的关注,对"大国安全与崛起"等议题的探讨,以及在分析框架中对案例和质性分析方法的强调等;②地理学和政治学有各具特色,地理学衍生"地缘环境"等概念,政治学也衍生"地缘安全"等概念;地理学在议题上更具空间和系统思维,对海洋地缘政治等话题更偏好,而政治学更强调时事性,侧重于分析时事政治及其地缘政治逻辑等;在分析框架上,地理学受计量革命的影响深远,对质性和定量分析都有所关注,而政治学对案例分析和质性分析的依赖度更高。这些发现说明了当前学科分工并没有改变地理学中的"地缘政治"概念和政治学中的"地缘政治"概念源出一脉的事实,同时也发现,其中的差异正是学科壁垒形成关键所在。  相似文献   

This article draws from the recent relational turn in geography to develop a model of relational racialization. It argues that racism functions through the legal and discursive production of linked, interdependent, and unequal places. By comparing two social movements in Los Angeles, the South Central Farmers and the Shadow Hills homeowners, I examine two spatial discourses through which race is relationally reproduced: unequal abilities to mobilize the entitlements of “property rights” and unequal claims to represent hegemonic forms of local heritage. When materialized and naturalized in land use policy, these discourses re-create racial disparities in wealth and poverty and reproduce the qualitative nature of the physical places on which racism depends.  相似文献   

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