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Statelessness, displacement and exile, far from being particular moments in history, continue to affect the lives of Palestinians living in Sydney, in the maintenance of national identity and community formation. The impacts that displacement and subsequent ‘statelessness’ have had on the ways in which Palestinians maintain a sense of national identity have similarities with those of other ‘displaced’ peoples. Without the recognition of national boundaries to secure national sovereignty (Palestine) and accommodate the continuation of a shared and inherited history, the most significant element through which Palestinian identity is kept ‘alive’ is the one thing that all Palestinians share: a communal sense of injustice which involves being denied the right to live in, or return to, their homeland. Statelessness, nationalism and the now ‘imagined community’ of Palestine are more crucial for Palestinians living in Sydney than more primordial elements of identity, such as language or local community. Statelessness and exile in Australia have constructed a particular sense of Palestinian nationalism. The continuity of Palestinian identity as a primarily political phenomenon is a situation analogous to that of other diasporic refugee communities.  相似文献   

The period 1996-2001 has witnessed a refocusing of population growth on Sydney and Melbourne as both cities have developed significant concentrations of so-called 'new economy' jobs and taken on, to greater or lesser extents, the characteristics of global cities. The consequence of these trends, for Sydney most particularly, is population growth. This paper establishes this demographic reality by describing recent demographic trends in Sydney and possible future scenarios for Sydney's population, given differing levels of fertility, internal migration and international migration. A related future trend is also traced--that the number of households in Sydney will grow more rapidly than the population due to changes in household structure. This raises the issue of how and where these households will be accommodated, given the relative land shortage in the Sydney Statistical Division and given that there is no doubt that planners in New South Wales will be attempting to maintain and enhance Sydney's status as a global city. In sum, the paper argues that Sydney planners should be preparing for growth of around one million people in the next 20 years and a further one million in the following 30 years. To maintain that potential future residents of Sydney can be redirected to other parts of New South Wales is a vain hope.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation based on the testimonies of ethnic Bamar or Burman women migrant workers in the ethnically diverse 'borderland' town of Tachilek, Myanmar and interviews with their relatives in the home village in the central Burman heartlands. We examine how the concept of relational places, here involving a village in the central Mandalay Division and a town in the Myanmar–Thailand borderland, is related to differential power relations affecting the women migrants. We focus on the ways that gender identity and social position are limited by the relational places of community elders and the migrant women themselves, and suggest that the relational places of migrants in Myanmar are constructed through the nexus of varied forms of state control in both the central Burman heartlands and the multiethnic borderlands of the country.  相似文献   

在城市化进程中工业用地转型背景下,选择广钢新城为案例进行实证分析,从地理想象的视角,探讨周边村民、旧广钢职工以及新进入者等主体对广钢新城地方意义和文化内涵进行解构和重构的过程,并进一步解析地方建构与身份认同的联系。研究发现:1)由于主观性和空间实践体验的差异,不同社会群体对于广钢的地方意义有着截然不同的想象;2)周边村民、广钢旧厂职工集体记忆的嬗变,反映了空间形态、社会结构变化与在地群体的想象构建以及身份认同的耦合关系;3)新进入者的地方身份认同建立在排除在地群体的地方文化想象之上,二者对于广钢新城的地方意义和身份认同是断裂的,2个社会群体对于地方意义的感知与认同在未来还需要进一步的交流与融合;4)在社会话语构建的文化冲击以及权力和资本的支配下,外界群体逐渐产生对广钢新城地方文化意义的多元想象。广钢片区的大规模空间重塑以及由此衍生的地方意义重构说明经济、社会和文化因素对地方建构具有直接而深刻的影响。  相似文献   

杨立国  刘沛林  林琳 《地理科学》2015,35(5):593-598
将侗族传统村落景观基因识别为鼓楼、萨坛、围鼓楼布局、杉山溪田等的基础上,建构结构方程模型,通过对通道芋头、黎平肇兴、三江高定3个侗寨的272份调查数据分析发现:① 侗寨景观的4个基因均对地方认同建构产生积极作用,且呈现“萨坛>围鼓楼布局>杉山溪田>鼓楼”强弱顺序;② 景观基因在地方认同建构中的作用效应是意向认同>情感认同>认知认同;③ 在地方认同测量模型中,居住时间、出生地、职业、收入、村落发展、教育程度、居民类型、鼓楼、萨坛、围鼓楼布局、杉山溪田等因素对地方认同的影响明显;④ 在个人特征、社会经济、景观基因3个测量模型中,居住时间对个人特征影响最明显,村落发展对社会经济影响最强,萨坛对景观基因感知贡献最大;⑤ 个人特征、社会经济因素共变后通过景观基因感知对地方认同产生间接效应。  相似文献   

Chris Gibson 《Area》1999,31(1):19-33
Summary 'Rave' subcultures have emerged over the last ten years in Sydney, mobilizing spatial practices and dance styles that originated in Europe and North America. As these dance cultures diversify and fragment, the internet is increasingly being used as a means of organizing rave activities, publishing information about artists, DJs and record labels, and, in more radicalized fragments of the scene, is imbued with meaning—as a 'web' to support illegal appropriations of urban space for dance venues. Hakim Bey's 'Temporary Autonomous Zone', a left-anarchist spatial philosophy, underlies this rhetorical use of new computer technology, and is central to debates about youth subcultures, music and space, which I examine throughout this paper.  相似文献   

Migration and remittances characterise many small Pacific islands, where local livelihoods are limited, and the need for money has increased. A majority of Paamese have left the island of Paama, in the central island chain of Vanuatu, and more now live in the capital city, Port Vila, than on Paama. Remittances are bidirectional, between the island and Vila, a duality that has rarely been discussed in Melanesia. Almost every household on Paama and in Vila is involved in sending and receiving remittances. Remittances usually involve food: ‘modern’ foods (such as rice) flowing from Vila, and island foods (yams and laplap) travelling to Vila. While such transfers make little formal economic sense, they emphasise a constant process of negotiating and manipulating social relationships. Food, as an expression of identity and locality, is a powerful and repetitive reminder of moral obligations and rural–urban kinship connections. The material significance of exchange is thus less than its affective significance, within the field of reciprocity that structures kin relationships. Food and remittances have become metaphors for defining the experience of migration, as their meaning and function are more than to merely provide a source of nutrition. They have also become the means of structuring a translocal moral economy.  相似文献   

This paper examines social, political and economic processes within the former KaNgwane bantustan to understand the changing relationships between society and space in the post-apartheid era. Research on rural development and reconstruction in South Africa attest to the spatial legacy of apartheid while suggesting that dynamic transformations are occurring within the former bantustans. A central concern of this paper is the ways the apartheid government constructed and presented KaNgwane as a development project in order to justify racial segregation and control. While the bantustans have been effectively erased from the popular imagination, these spaces continue to be framed developmentally in ways that provide limited attention to local context and change. In order to consider the shifts in environment and development discourses within these territories, a case study is employed to evaluate livelihood production systems, environmental change, and governance institutions. It is argued that these patterns reveal the simultaneously static and dynamic nature of the bantustans while demonstrating that their reincorporation will remain an ongoing process in the post-apartheid era.  相似文献   

Non‐recognition is one of the key modes of re‐inscribing the Other. In Sydney's anti‐mosque politics this form of oppression was manifest as a discourse of absence. Sydney Muslims have been portrayed as non‐existent within, or external to, localities where mosques have been proposed. In these circumstances claims to belonging and citizenship by Sydney Muslims have been fundamentally injured. Census data are used to challenge the historical and contemporary constructions of Islamic absence in Australia. Sydney Muslims are a culturally diverse and somewhat disparate faith group. They are increasingly present in areas outside of the initial zones of residential focus. This diversity and dynamism is a substantial challenge for Islamic community building (Ummah) in Sydney and presents rich foci for further research.  相似文献   

The scale of segregation: ancestral groups in Sydney, 2011   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Most studies of urban residential segregation analyse it at a single-scale only, usually the smallest for which relevant census data are available. Following a recent argument that such segregation is multiscalar, this paper reports on multilevel modelling of the segregation of 42 ancestral groups in Sydney, Australia, looking at its intensity at four separate scales in which segregation at each scale is presented nett of its intensity at all higher-level scales. Most groups are more segregated at the macro- and micro-scales than at two intermediate meso-scales, with variations across them reflecting their size, recency of arrival in Australia and cultural differences from the host society. The findings are used as the basis for developing a multiscale appreciation of residential patterning.  相似文献   

Qi  Wei  Yi  Jiawei 《地理学报(英文版)》2021,31(2):215-230
As one of the most ecologically sensitive issues in the world,migration now plays an important role in population growth on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.To promote sustainable development in the world's third pole,it is necessary to investigate population migration on the Plateau.Using 2010 census data,a spatial database of county-level migrants on the Plateau was constructed,and migrants were divided into short-distance and long-distance migrants according to the hukou-registered origins.Measuring migration intensity allowed the spatial pattern of population migration on the Plateau to be ascertained.The driving factors were identified using spatial regression models,and the main conclusions are as follows:(1)In 2010,there were 1.23 million inter-county migrants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,and the overall migration intensity reached 10.50%.There existed significant spatial differences in population migration intensity on the Plateau at that time,and the provincial or prefectural capitals were attractive destinations for migrants.Northwestern Qinghai,which boasted min-ing industries,constituted a significant spatial cluster with a relatively high migration intensity.However,most areas on the Plateau attracted relatively few migrants,especially in western and northern parts of Tibet,which were sparsely populated and uninhabitable.(2)There were 0.95 million short-distance migrants and 0.28 million long-distance migrants.The short-dis-tance migration intensity was 8.14%,while the long-distance migration intensity was only 2.36%.Short-distance migration was the main form of population migration,with a pattern similar to the layout of overall population migration intensity.Only a few county-level units strongly attracted long-distance migrants,which were mostly distributed in northwestern Qinghai.(3)Economic factors were considered fundamental drivers for migrants to live on the Plateau.Destinations with high levels of economic development and more opportunities in non-agricultural jobs proved more attractive for migrants.For short-distance migrants,ur-banization level also proved a considerable driving factor for in-migration.However,long-distance migrants were mainly affected by the job chances of the secondary industry on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

蔡晓梅  朱竑 《地理学报》2012,67(8):1057-1068
全球化是当今世界最重要的特征之一。有关跨国移民对城市景观的感知和跨文化认同研究也得到越来越多的关注。在文献回顾的基础上, 以广州高星级酒店外籍管理者作为研究对象, 通过定性研究进行数据的收集和分析, 构建了外籍管理者对城市地方景观感知和跨文化认同的形成演变机制, 并得出以下结论:① 在职业影响下, 外籍管理者对迁入城市产生了被动的地方认同, 进而形成了被迫同化的跨文化认同模式;② 外籍管理者基于身份构建对城市地方景观进行感知, 对反映“他者”、“我者”和“世界人”身份的景观感知度较高, 反映出他们对故乡和迁入城市的地方认同, 从而产生了同时具有整合和边缘特征的跨文化认同模式;③ 外籍管理者通过迁入城市的地方景观感知而产生地方意义的解读, 基于对迁入城市正面的地方意义解读, 对城市产生了地方认同和整合的跨文化认同模式, 基于对迁入城市负面的地方意义解读, 对城市产生了地方不认同和分隔的跨文化模式。研究结论丰富了城市景观研究和跨文化认同研究的相关理论成果, 并为中国跨国移民政策和国际化城市建设提供了可供借鉴的实践参考。  相似文献   

I.IntroductionTheEuropeanscientistshavelongagorecognizedtheimportantvalueofthesystematiclandscapestudyandapplieditsuccessfullytoanumberoflocalandnationalplanningpolicies.TheWorkingGroupofLandscapeEcoplanningwhichwasestablishedbyIALE(InternationalAssoc…  相似文献   

Produced over the past decade, monuments and museums dedicated to the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s have desegregated America's memorial landscape. Tracing a broad arc across the US South, the material elements of this landscape — historic markers, monuments, parks, registered buildings, and museums — present a distinct challenge to representations of an elite, white American past. This challenge, however, is offered in a distinctly gendered manner, inasmuch as the role of women in organizing and leading the movement is obscured. Further, the historical narratives concretized at these sites are mediated by conventions associated with civil rights historiography and the tourism development industry. The result is a complex, sometimes ironic landscape. Via the narratives they embed and the crowds they attract, these landscapes are co‐constitutive with contemporary politics of representing the past in the United States. This paper offers an overview of current memorial practices and representations of the Civil Rights movement found at the country's major memorial landscapes.  相似文献   

Produced over the past decade, monuments and museums dedicated to the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s have desegregated America's memorial landscape. Tracing a broad arc across the US South, the material elements of this landscape — historic markers, monuments, parks, registered buildings, and museums — present a distinct challenge to representations of an elite, white American past. This challenge, however, is offered in a distinctly gendered manner, inasmuch as the role of women in organizing and leading the movement is obscured. Further, the historical narratives concretized at these sites are mediated by conventions associated with civil rights historiography and the tourism development industry. The result is a complex, sometimes ironic landscape. Via the narratives they embed and the crowds they attract, these landscapes are co-constitutive with contemporary politics of representing the past in the United States. This paper offers an overview of current memorial practices and representations of the Civil Rights movement found at the country's major memorial landscapes.  相似文献   

Hao Wang  Wei Li 《Urban geography》2017,38(10):1497-1516
The growing knowledge-based and service economies in megacities like Beijing and Shanghai have attracted large numbers of highly educated migrants, whereas their living conditions have drawn plenty of attention. In examining these issues, we conducted an empirical study regarding the precarity among highly educated migrants in Beijing. There are some structural and institutional factors underneath the highly educated migrants’ precarity, as the household registration (hukou) system still plays a significant role in accessing social welfare (urban public housing) and job opportunities in Beijing. Although the new urban poverty has occurred in the city as a result of the questionable policies regarding social distribution and welfare, it can also be argued that some of these migrants view temporary precarity as a strategy toward future upward social mobility – the hope of doing better over the long term.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate whether marriage‐related migration promotes socioeconomic mobility and how class belonging and educational background affects Thai women's migration experience and socioeconomic mobility. Drawing on qualitative interviews, supported by a questionnaire survey with Thai women living in Austria and who are in a relationship with a Western male citizen, we seek to dismantle simplistic notions about hypergamy and question common assumption about marrying up or down in migration contexts. We compare socioeconomic indicators such as formal education, occupation, and income before and after the migration and analyse migrants’ experiences in Austria. The results show a complex picture of upward and downward socioeconomic mobilities. Two distinct scenarios of paradoxical mobilities have been identified. On the one hand, some migrants feel empowered (when experiencing economic downward mobility) as they enjoy the freedom of living in Austria, while on the other hand, those migrants experiencing upward mobility feel a loss of their personal autonomy.  相似文献   


The study focuses on residential mobility propensities of Vietnamese immigrants in the city of Brisbane, Australia, as a principal force contributing to the persistence or change of ethnic residential segregation over time. Using 1990 survey data, discrete-time logit models are estimated to assess the effects of locational, contextual, and personal characteristics on the likelihood of changing residence within the city. The results indicate that locational variables operate in such a way that the most dominant Vietnamese neighborhood in Brisbane increases its prominence even further, while secondary Vietnamese clusters are likely to weaken. The results also indicate that initial settlement conditions are important for the first move only, whereas personal attributes contribute to variations in mobility propensities primarily in the second move. This implies that the composition of the immigrant population potentially influences the speed at which changes in ethnic residential patterns will occur in urban areas.  相似文献   

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