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结构参数未知条件下的地震动反演研究 总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29
本文运用复合反演的观点研究结构参数未知条件下的地震动反演问题。根据地震作用的力学特性,将其具体化为估计输入的修正条件,文中给出了一类反演算法。理论分析及算例表明,该算法具有稳定的收敛特性以及良好的反演效果。 相似文献
The paper deals with the representation of dissipative effects by means of equivalent viscous forces. A brief review of the classical analytical treatment of the subject is first presented devoting particular attention to the topics of hysteretic and modal damping. The problem of forming viscous matrices in the case of systems which are non-homogeneous from the point of view of dissipation is then addressed; soil–structure systems are first considered and some accepted techniques for forming the structure contribution to the viscous matrix are reviewed. A different technique is then proposed which avoids some of the drawbacks of the previously quoted methods. In the final section of the paper it is shown how this technique is easily applicable also in the case of systems having internal concentrated dampers of viscous type, this being a situation which is difficult to tackle with usual criteria. 相似文献
BP神经网络在新一代地震预报专家系统中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
简介了新一代地震预报专家系统NGESEP,BP神经网络模型及其算法,同盱BP神经网络具有很强的非线怀映射功能,它可以很好地反映震前出现异常的种类和异常时间与未来地震震级之间的较强非线性关系,在NGESEP系统中可以从实例库中提取典型震例并通过BP网络进行学习,实际震例检验表明系统对未来地震震级的预测取得较好理想的结果。 相似文献
Export coefficient modelling was used to model the impact of agriculture on nitrogen and phosphorus loading on the surface waters of two contrasting agricultural catchments. The model was originally developed for the Windrush catchment where the highly reactive Jurassic limestone aquifer underlying the catchment is well connected to the surface drainage network, allowing the system to be modelled using uniform export coefficients for each nutrient source in the catchment, regardless of proximity to the surface drainage network. In the Slapton catchment, the hydrological pathways are dominated by surface and lateral shallow subsurface flow, requiring modification of the export coefficient model to incorporate a distance–decay component in the export coefficients. The modified model was calibrated against observed total nitrogen and total phosphorus loads delivered to Slapton Ley from inflowing streams in its catchment. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to isolate the key controls on nutrient export in the modified model. The model was validated against long-term records of water quality, and was found to be accurate in its predictions and sensitive to both temporal and spatial changes in agricultural practice in the catchment. The model was then used to forecast the potential reduction in nutrient loading on Slapton Ley associated with a range of catchment management strategies. The best practicable environmental option (BPEO) was found to be spatial redistribution of high nutrient export risk sources to areas of the catchment with the greatest intrinsic nutrient retention capacity. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
神经网络在油气评价和预测方面的研究现状 总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9
人工神经网络是近年来迅速发展的信息处理技术之一,其模式分类能力和复杂函数逼近能力,正被广泛应用于油气勘探信息的定性和定量评价中,本文对目前神经网络在油气评价和预测中的研究现状作一简要综述。 相似文献
本文介绍国际岩石圈计划Ⅱ-4任务组关于地球岩石圈和软流圈结构多学科3-D模拟的基本研究思路和具体研究步骤,并概略介绍了结构数据库的建设和改进。 相似文献
The integration of a two-dimensional, raster-based rainfall–runoff model, CASC2D, with a raster geographical information system (GIS), GRASS, offers enhanced capabilities for analysing the hydrological impact under a variety of land management scenarios. The spatially varied components of the watershed, such as slope, soil texture, surface roughness and land-use disturbance, were characterized in GRASS at a user-specified grid cell resolution for input into the CASC2D model. CASC2D is a raster-based, single-event rainfall–runoff model that divides the watershed into grid cell elements and simulates the hydrological processes of infiltration, overland flow and channel flow in response to distributed rainfall precipitation. The five-step integration of CASC2D and GRASS demonstrates the potential for analysing spatially and temporally varied hydrological processes within a 50 square mile semi-arid watershed. By defining possible land-use disturbance scenarios for the watershed, a variety of rainfall–runoff events were simulated to determine the changes in watershed response under varying disturbance and rainfall conditions. Additionally, spatially distributed infiltration outputs derived from the simulations were analysed in GRASS to determine the variability of hydrological change within the watershed. Grid cell computational capabilities in GRASS allow the user to combine the scenario simulation outputs with other distributed watershed parameters to develop complex maps depicting potential areas of hydrological sensitivity. This GIS–hydrological model integration provides valuable spatial information to researchers and managers concerned with the study and effects of land-use on hydrological response. 相似文献
A methodology is developed in this paper to include soil–structure interaction effects in optimal structural control, General Multi-Degree-Of-Freedom (MDOF) structural models are considered. The SSI transfer functions for ground motion and control force in the physical space are presented first, followed by a methodology for using system identification techniques to find an equivalent fixed-base model of an MDOF SSI system. An iterative technique is applied to combine these methods for the determination of optimal control gains. The control effectiveness of considering soil–structure interaction is investigated for the controlled SSI system. It is found that the control algorithm considering SSI effects is more effective than the corresponding control algorithm assuming a fixed-base system model. In addition, the advantage of applying this methodology is observed to be more prominent in the cases where the SSI effects are more significant. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Comprehensive empirical data of the response of unstable streams over a range of environmental conditions are unavailable. In this study, as a substitute for empirical data, a physically based numerical model of channel evolution is used in a range of numerical simulation experiments designed to predict the sensitivity of channel response to changes in control variables. The scope of the study is limited by the scope of the numerical model which applies to straight, sand-bed streams with cohesive bank materials that have been destabilized by sediment starvation and evolve towards equilibrium through bed degradation followed by channel widening. Results are presented for stable and unstable channel conditions. Stable channel depths are most sensitive to channel discharge, though the critical threshold shear stress for the entrainment of cohesive bank materials and discharge are both significant in determining the width. The sediment load, channel gradient, bank material cohesion, size of failed bank material aggregates and the initial bank height have sensitivities an order of magnitude smaller than discharge for both width and depth. Variations in bed material characteristics within the sand-size range are found to have little impact on simulated stable channel morphology. For unstable channels, the relative dominance of parameter sensitivities is examined in the context of an empirical-conceptual model of channel evolution proposed by Thorne and Osman (1988), to highlight the relationships between parameter dominance, time, and the processes and forms characterizing individual stages of channel evolution. Rates of change with time of width and depth sensitivity parameters for five tested independent variables (discharge, sediment supply, channel gradient, bank material cohesion and bed material size) are found to vary as a function of time, such that different stages of channel evolution are characterized by variations in the relative dominance of tested variables. The results support the hypothesis proposed by Thorne and Osman (1988) that the critical bank height required to initiate mass-wasting and widening may be regarded as a geomorphic threshold. 相似文献
人工神经网络是用来模拟人脑智能特点和结构的一种模型,具有很强的非线性映射功能.把它引用到地震前兆观测数据的分析处理中,可为前兆观测更好地服务于地震分析预报开辟出一条新路,也是对人工神经网络方法应用的推广.本文分析了时间序列的可预测性,给出了用人工神经网络预测地震前兆混沌时间序列的方法,并以江宁台和徐州台SQ 型地倾斜仪观测及溧阳台体应变观测的时间序列为例,对其作了预测和处理.结果表明:用该方法处理达到的精度能满足实际工作的需要,因而该方法在今后的实际地震分析预报工作中具有重要应用价值. 相似文献
将自组织神经树模型应用于地震综合预报,并以滇西南地震区的地震资料为例进行了实际判别计算,预测的成功率达100%。结果表明,自组织神经树方法性能良好,可望成为一种有效的地震预报方法。 相似文献
根据断层错动资料和小地震的平均震源机制解结果,运用弹性力学的叠加原理,对临汾裂谷作三维有限元模拟,反演其构造应力场。结果表明,临汾裂谷现今主要受南东东—北西西向引张力作用,辅之以北东—南西方向的挤压,同时在裂谷的中心叠加有底层拖曳的深部作用。 相似文献
采用塑化松香作为岩石圈延性下层的相似材料,进行了板内塑性流动网络及多层构造变形的物理模拟实验。延性单层模型的实验表明,在边界挤压或“高原”重力势的作用下,依赖于延性层粘度的高低不同,主要形成剪切网络、压性褶皱以及二者过渡型式等一级构造。在延性/脆性双层模型中(脆性上层和延性下层分别相当于岩石圈上、下层),边界驱动力的远程传递,主要借助于延性下层的网络状流动,岩石圈下层(含下地壳和岩石圈地幔)的剪切网络,即塑性流动网络,控制着板内构造变形,导致脆性上层内剪切破裂网络、逆推断裂、纵向张裂以及其它次级断裂和褶皱的发育。实验还表明,上、下层之间非连续分布的软弱夹层(模拟壳内低速、高导层)并不妨碍下层塑性流动网络的扩展,但影响牵引力的向上传递及上层构造变形的强弱分布 相似文献
从人工神经网络的基本原理出发,建立了边坡抗震抗滑稳定性评判的人工神经网络模型。选择四川和云南地区的70个边坡实例作为学习样本,对BP算法进行了学习和检验。实例计算表明,BP网络性能良好,所建立的模型预测精度高,具有一定的工程实用价值。神经网络法是一种有效可行的新方法。 相似文献