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不同阻尼体系地震能量输入及阻尼能量耗散计算分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文给出了复阻尼体系地震能量输入及阻尼能量耗散计算公式。利用天津、E1Centro、迁安记录及Mexico地震Cale记录计算了复阻尼及粘性阻尼体系的地震能量输入及阻尼能量耗散,并绘制了相应的时程曲线。计算所用阻尼比取0.1及0.05,周期分别取0.3s,0.5s,1s,1.5s及5s。通过计算我们观察到,除迁安记录外,在其它几个地震作用下,对固有周期小于1s的短周期结构,复阻尼体系能量输入及阻尼能量耗散时程曲线值高于相应的粘性阻尼体系(对迁安记录固有周期需小于0.5s)。对中周期结构,两组曲线相近,对于长周期结构,复阻尼体系的能量时程曲线值低于相应的粘性阻尼体系值。对于每个地震记录,有一个临界值,体系的固有周期小于此值时,不同阻尼模型的能量输入、阻尼能量耗散时程曲线值无大差异,当周期大于此值时,不同阻尼模型的能量输入及阻尼能量耗散时程曲线差异较大。复阻尼体系对周期的敏感程度远大于粘性阻尼体系。当周期不变,阻尼比增大时,在峰值点之后,复阻尼体系能量时程曲线基本无大的变化,粘性阻尼体系能量时程曲线有抬高趋势。  相似文献   

This paper describes shaking table tests of a multi-storey scale-model building structure subjected to seismic excitation and controlled by a semi-active fluid damper control system. The semi-active dampers were installed in the lateral bracing of the structure and the mechanical properties of the dampers were modified according to control algorithms which utilized the measured response of the structure. A simplified time-delay compensation method was developed to account for delays within the control system. The results of the shaking table tests are presented and interpreted and analytical predictions are shown to compare reasonably well with the experimental results. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The author has studied the transform method of complex stiffness, which is strongly dependent on frequency, to the time domain. In this paper, new transform methods that use only the real part or the imaginary part data are proposed. By applying them to example problems, it is confirmed that the accuracy of the proposed methods is almost high in both causal and noncausal cases. These methods can also be thought as a standby for the Hilbert transform, because the undefined part is easily calculated by the recovering complex function from the obtained impulse response. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

扇形铅粘弹性阻尼器性能的有限元分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐昕  周云  吴从晓 《地震学刊》2012,(4):444-451,480
设计了18组不同构造和参数的扇形铅粘弹性阻尼器(SLVD),采用ABAQUS软件对其进行有限元数值模拟分析,研究了铅芯个数、铅芯直径、铅芯布置形式、橡胶剪切模量、薄钢板与橡胶层厚度比及加载应变幅值对其耗能性能和阻尼特性的影响。分析结果表明:SLVD的耗能系数和等效阻尼比随着铅芯个数的增多、直径的增大而增大,随着橡胶剪切模量、应变幅值的增大而减小;铅芯布置形式应以双铅芯形式为宜,薄钢板和橡胶层的厚度之比应控制在0.4~0.5。  相似文献   

本文利用钢塑性滞回变形耗能的特性,提出了两种弧形钢耗能阻尼器,通过分析得出该阻尼器的设计公式,并建立了相应的力学模型.为验证两种弧形钢阻尼器的力学特性,进行了数值仿真和试验测试,并对比分析两种方法得到的结果.结果表明:弧形钢阻尼器具有较高的阻尼比和稳定的滞回特性,可以作为减震结构在桥梁、建筑领域推广应用.  相似文献   

消能减震结构设计参数研究与试验验证   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本文就消能减震结构设计参数,即消能部件的支撑刚度、层问最大阻尼力与结构层问屈服力比值等恢复力模型参数的选取进行了讨论.通过对消能装置的耗能特性理论分析,导出了消能装置产生的层间等效阻尼比与这些参数的关系曲线,建议了这些参数的合理取值范围.同时通过对两个消能减震试验结果的分析,验证了本文建议的参数取值的合理性.  相似文献   

提出了一种新型减震结构体系--楼板隔震消能结构体系.该结构体系的特点是:竖向荷载传递途径与传统结构相同,但在楼板与主体结构水平承重构件之间设置高阻尼隔震层,在楼板与主体结构竖向承重构件之间留出空隙,并在其中安装消能阻尼器,使结构在发生水平振动时楼板与主体结构之间能够发生一定的相对运动,产生隔震和消能作用,减小结构的地震反应.本文给出了单层楼板隔震消能结构的运动微分方程,以及基底输入谐和振动时的结构传递函数,并分析了结构参数对传递函数的影响.  相似文献   

提出一种高层减震结构体系,将核心筒与外框架采用柔性滑动连接,并集中设置聚合阻尼减震系统,充分利用内部核心筒和外框架的侧向变形差耗散地震能量;建立了聚合阻尼减震结构的简化质点系模型,并得到地震作用下的位移传递公式;完成了模型结构的振动台模型试验,验证了聚合阻尼耗能减震结构的减震效果;最后通过工程算例分析得到了聚合阻尼耗能减震结构内核心筒、外框架的地震响应和减震效果,进一步探讨了地震作用下不同结构体系的塑性损伤状态,理论和试验研究结果表明聚合阻尼耗能减震结构可有效控制结构构件的塑性损伤。  相似文献   

综合考虑余震影响和结构损伤,提出一种基于损伤性能的消能减震结构抗震设计方法。为满足结构抵抗余震的性能要求,提出结合主余震的损伤性能目标。以Park-Ang双参数损伤模型为基础建立了结构层间损伤计算公式,通过损伤程度评估结构抗震性能,给出消能减震结构基于损伤性能的抗震设计流程。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new model for quantifying the damage in structural steel components subjected to randomly applied flexural/shear stress reversals, such those induced by earthquakes. In contrast to existing approaches that consider the damage as a combination of the global amount of dissipated energy and maximum displacement, the proposed model represents the damage by two parameters: (a) the total dissipated energy and (b) the portion of the energy consumed in the skeleton part of the load–displacement curve. These parameters are employed to define a single ‘damage index’, which measures the level between 0 (no damage) and 1 (failure). The proposed model takes into account that the ultimate energy dissipation capacity of the steel component is path‐dependent and can change throughout the entire response duration. The new model is derived from low‐cycle fatigue static tests of round steel rods and steel plates subjected to bending and shear. The accuracy of the model is verified experimentally through dynamic real‐time shaking table tests. From these tests, it is observed that the proposed model measures the level of damage at any stage of the loading process reasonably well and predicts the failure of the structural component accurately. The model can be easily implemented in a computer program to assess the level of seismic damage and the closeness to failure in new structures or to evaluate the safety of existing ones. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于经典Hilbert变换计算信号瞬时参数(如瞬时频率等),当信号中噪声较强时计算结果不能很好地刻划有效信号特征.本文提出了用小波变换求能量有限实信号对应的解析信号的一个定理,在此基础上给出了用小波变换计算信号瞬时参数的算法.理论分析及模型算例结果表明,本文提出的方法计算精度高且有较强的抗噪声能力.对地震记录的褶积模型,深入地分析了不同尺度下地震记录小波变换结果及其对应的瞬时参数含义,这对实际应用有重要意义.  相似文献   

小波变换与信号瞬时特征分析   总被引:83,自引:17,他引:66  
基于经典Hilbert变换计算信号瞬时参数(如瞬时频率等),当信号中噪声较强时计算结果不能很好地刻划有效信号特征.本文提出了用小波变换求能量有限实信号对应的解析信号的一个定理,在此基础上给出了用小波变换计算信号瞬时参数的算法.理论分析及模型算例结果表明,本文提出的方法计算精度高且有较强的抗噪声能力.对地震记录的褶积模型,深入地分析了不同尺度下地震记录小波变换结果及其对应的瞬时参数含义,这对实际应用有重要意义.  相似文献   

The unloading parameters of hysteretic models for RC members are given in terms of their shear-span-to-depth ratio and the viscous damping used to model other energy dissipation sources. They reflect the energy dissipation in full post-yield load cycles in 534 tests of rectangular or circular members. Pre-yield hysteretic energy dissipation—ignored if the model is elastic till yielding—amounts in the tests to a mean viscous damping around 8.5% and can be considered in nonlinear response-history analysis through a new model which combines constant elastic stiffness in virgin loading with hysteretic energy dissipation both before and after yielding. Models with linear behavior till yielding and hysteretic energy dissipation only after it come closer to the results of the new model if viscous damping is 5%.  相似文献   

新型SMA耗能器及结构地震反应控制试验研究   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
利用NiTi合金丝的超弹性性能,本文提出了两种新型SMA被动耗能器,分别称之为拉伸型SMA耗能器和剪刀型SMA耗能器.通过对耗能器的构造设计,安装在耗能器中的NiTi丝始终处于受拉状态,避免了合金丝在结构振动过程中受压屈曲.文中阐述了拉伸型SMA耗能器和剪刀型SMA耗能器的构造及工作原理,并将其安装在模型结构上进行了地震模拟振动台试验,验证了新型SMA耗能器的减振效果.  相似文献   

本文利用WF循环单剪试验系统,完成大应变下,不同含水率和不同正应力下非饱和砂土的循环剪切试验,并分析了不同正应力条件下,含水率对非饱和砂土动力特性影响的规律.试验结果表明,剪应变y≥2%,含水率对非饱和砂土动力特性的影响显著:(1)含水率对非饱和砂土滞回曲线的影响存在临界含水率,无论正应力大小,低于临界含水率时,滞回曲线相差不大,而高于临界含水率时,滞回曲线随含水率的增大迅速衰减;(2)峰值剪应力随含水率的变化存在相同的临界含水率,无论正应力大小,当含水率低于临界含水率时,峰值剪应力随含水率增大变化较小,而当含水率高于临界含水率时,峰值剪应力随含水率增大而减小,且正应力越大衰减得越明显;(3)阻尼比随含水率的变化也存在临界含水率.  相似文献   

采用ETABS软件对高层钢框架-混凝土核心筒黏滞阻尼减震结构进行多遇地震作用下的时程反应分析,研究了不同阻尼力比和不同高度结构的减震性能,通过与规范反应谱值对比,探讨了消能减震结构剪重比降低的可行性.以一工程为例,采用PERFORM-3D软件分析了结构在罕遇地震作用下的减震性能.研究结果表明:黏滞阻尼减震结构可对建筑物在地震作用中的反应进行有效控制,提高了结构的安全性能,但是同时会使结构的楼层剪力减小,使结构的剪重比达不到规范的要求,但其安全性能比规范要求提高更多;阻尼力比r至少为0.1时,才能降低减震结构的剪重比限值的要求.  相似文献   

The Asymmetric Friction Connection (AFC) remains elastic during moderate earthquake shaking but slides and dissipates energy through friction during severe earthquake shaking. The sliding friction forces developed are dependent on the clamping force in the connection which is provided by fully tensioned bolts which pass through slotted holes. During sliding these bolts are subject to moment and shear as well as axial force. Moment–shear–axial force interaction reduces the clamping axial force on the sliding interfaces thereby reducing the sliding shear resistance (Vss). Two methods to evaluate the moment–shear–axial force interaction have been proposed so that the sliding shear strength can be quantified, but as yet, these methods are not robust. This paper describes the results of 60 tests undertaken to improve the two methods, namely the moment–shear–axial force bolt model and the effective coefficient of friction method, for AFCs with high hardness steel shims. The bolts were M16 to M30 bolts and cleat thicknesses ranged from 12 mm to 25 mm. It is shown that either method may be used in design as the results obtained are similar. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据基础隔震理论,在钢筋沥青隔震礅的基础上,提出一种新型钢结构隔震礅,设计和制作了缩尺房屋模型,并对其进行振动台试验.通过对隔震结构模型的动力特性、地震响应及能量平衡分析,绘制试验过程中的加速度及能量时程曲线,研究钢隔震礅应用于低层框架结构的减震耗能能力.大量工程实例可以看出该隔震礅隔震效果显著,制作简单、价格低廉、耐...  相似文献   

针对现有附加有效阻尼比计算方法存在的问题,本文从能量的角度揭示了阻尼比对结构影响的机理。从结构设计的角度,提出一种在时程分析下基于楼层剪力的消能减震结构等效阻尼比计算方法。对布置黏滞阻尼器和软钢阻尼器的消能减震模型,采用本文提出的等效阻尼比计算方法,建立等效结构进行结构响应对比。结果表明,由该计算方法得到的等效阻尼比能够准确地评估阻尼器在结构中的耗能效果,建立的等效结构能够准确反映消能减震结构实际情况。基于楼层剪力的等效阻尼比计算方法通过等效结构楼层剪力大于或等于消能减震结构楼层剪力判断迭代完成,该方法计算过程不涉及阻尼器参数及结构形式,适用于所有阻尼器类型与结构类型。计算得到的等效结构进行设计能够确保结构设计的安全。  相似文献   

用同一个单层钢框架结构模型,分别做成传统结构体系和楼板隔震消能结构体系。模型在每一种结构体系下分别做模拟地震振动台试验,先后在x向按7度小震和大震烈度输入E l Centro波、Taft波和天津波,比较单层钢框架模型在两种结构体系下的地震反应。试验结果表明,采用楼板隔震消能结构体系能够显著减小结构的加速度反应和底部剪力反应。  相似文献   

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