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The goal of this work is to derive the physical properties of dust envelopes around post-AGB stars by means of radiative transfer calculations. The model spectral energy distributions (SEDs) have been compared with observational data of the post-AGB stars IRAS 10215-5916, 16342-3814, 17150-3224, and 19500-1709 in the wavelength range from 0.4 to 1300µm. The match between our model SEDs and the observational data is very satisfactory. As a result, we have obtained estimates of the inner and outer radii, the density, the temperature, and the mass of the envelopes of the four objects.  相似文献   

We present preliminary results obtained with the European Observation Network. This network consists of 9 observatories in the Czech Republic, Germany and Bulgaria and has been involved in the BACODINE activities since April 1, 1994. We also discuss related problems such as the background of unknown variable stars and suggest a strategy for work in this area.  相似文献   

We present radial velocity measurements proving the binary nature of all the known extremely Fe-deficient Post-ABG stars including HD 44179, the central star of the well known but poorly understood Red-Rectangle nebula. With the observed orbital parameters, it is more likely that the stars represent a particular stage in binary evolution, rather than a typical post-AGB evolutionary stage.  相似文献   

We have used the Ultra-High-Resolution Facility (UHRF) at the AAT, operating at a resolution of 0.35 km s−1 (FWHM), to observe K  i and C2 absorption lines arising in the circumstellar environment of the post-AGB star HD 56126. We find three narrow circumstellar absorption components in K  i , two of which are also present in C2. We attribute this velocity structure to discrete shells resulting from multiple mass-loss events from the star. The very high spectral resolution has enabled us to resolve the intrinsic linewidths of these narrow lines for the first time, and we obtain velocity dispersions ( b -values) of 0.2–0.3 km s−1 for the K  i components, and 0.54±0.03 km s−1 for the strongest (and best defined) C2 component. These correspond to rigorous kinetic temperature upper limits of 211 K for K  i and 420 K for C2, although the b -value ratio implies that these two species do not co-exist spatially. The observed degree of rotational excitation of C2 implies low kinetic temperatures ( T k≈10 K) and high densities ( n ≈106 to 107 cm−3) within the shell responsible for the main C2 component. Given this low temperature, the line profiles then imply either mildly supersonic turbulence or an unresolved velocity gradient through the shell.  相似文献   

The current state of knowledge about circumstellar matter of young stellar objects is briefly reviewed. It appears that some very young stars yet to accrete substantial amounts of mass may be seen through their dusty infalling envelopes even at optical wavelengths, because of the presence of holes or large departures from spherical symmetry in the envelopes. The evidence for this picture is summarized in the context of one wellstudied young star, HL Tau, indicating that much of the large-scale structure originally identified as a rotating disk is probably a flattened infalling envelope. Departures from spherical symmetry in protostellar clouds are likely to lead to quite flattened structures once collapse gets under way, further suggesting that infall in large-scale toroids may be a general feature of low-mass star formation. The best kinematic evidence for Keplerian disk rotation comes from optical and near-infrared high-resolution spectroscopy of the innermost regions of circumstellar disks. Disk masses are uncertain but are likely to be at least the order of minimum mass solar nebula models, if not much larger.  相似文献   

New high-resolution spectroscopic and medium-resolution spectropolarimetric data of the B[e] star HD 87643 are presented, complemented with optical broad- and narrow-band imaging. The spectrum of HD 87643 exhibits the hybrid characteristics well known to be representative of the group of B[e] stars; a fast wind with an expansion velocity in excess of 1000 km s−1 is measured in the hydrogen and helium lines, while a slower component is traced by lower excitation lines and forbidden lines. Clues to the geometry of the rapidly expanding circumstellar shell are provided by the startling polarization changes across Hα. Comparison with published schematic calculations indicates that the polarizing material is located in a slowly rotating, expanding disc structure. A hydrodynamical model is then presented, the results of which are consistent with the original two-wind concept for B[e] stars, and which exhibits kinematic properties that may well explain the observed spectral features in HD 87643. The model calculations use as input a B star undergoing mass loss, surrounded by an optically thick disc. The resulting configuration consists of a fast polar wind from the star and a slowly expanding disc wind. The model also predicts that the stellar wind at intermediate latitudes is slower and denser than in the polar region.  相似文献   

Some results from studies of the gas-grain chemistry in oxygen-rich circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) are presented.  相似文献   

We determine abundances from the absorption spectrum of the magnetic Herbig Ae star HD 190073 (V1295 Aql). The observations are primarily from HARPS spectra obtained at a single epoch. We accept arguments that the presence of numerous emission lines does not vitiate a classical abundance analysis, though it likely reduces the achievable accuracy. Most abundances are closely solar, but several elements show departures of a factor of two to three, as an earlier study has also shown. We present quantitative measurements of more than 60 emission lines, peak intensities, equivalent widths, and FWHM's. The latter range from over 200 km s–1(Hα, He D3) down to 10–20 km s–1(forbidden lines). Metallic emission lines have intermediate widths. We eschew modeling, and content ourselves with a presentation of the observations a successful model must explain. Low‐excitation features such as the Na I D‐lines and [O I] appear with He I D3, suggesting proximate regions with widely differing Te and Ne as found in the solar chromosphere. The [O I] and [Ca II] lines show sharp, violet‐shifted features. Additionally, [Fe II] lines appear tobe weakly present in emission (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the X-ray light curve in the 0.2–2.4 keV band based on fiveROSAT observations of SN1978K in NGC 1313. The X-ray emission is believed to arise from the interaction of the reverse shock and the expanding debris from the supernova. The reverse shock becomes established after the outgoing shock runs into circumstellar matter.  相似文献   

We have calculated the circumstellar extinction curves produced by dust grains which absorb and scatter the stellar radiation in the shells of pre-main-sequence stars. A Monte Carlo method was used to model the radiative transfer in non-spherical shells. The dependence on the particle size distribution and the dust shell parameters has been examined.The application of the theoretical results to explain the extinction and polarization of the Herbig Be star HD 45677 shows that the dust shell is not disk-like and that very small grains are absent in it.  相似文献   

We present 7 mm and 3.5 cm wavelength continuum observations towards the Herbig AeBe star HD169142 performed with the Very Large Array (VLA) with an angular resolution of ≃1 arcsec. We find that this object exhibits strong (≃4.4 mJy), unresolved (≲1 arcsec) 7 mm continuum emission, being one of the brightest isolated Herbig AeBe stars ever detected with the VLA at this wavelength. No emission is detected at 3.5 cm continuum, with a 3σ upper limit of ≃0.08 mJy. From these values, we obtain a spectral index α≳ 2.5 in the 3.5 cm to 7 mm wavelength range, indicating that the observed flux density at 7 mm is most likely dominated by thermal dust emission coming from a circumstellar disc. We use available photometric data from the literature to model the spectral energy distribution (SED) of this object from radio to near-ultraviolet frequencies. The observed SED can be understood in terms of an irradiated accretion disc with low mass accretion rate,     , surrounding a star with an age of ≃10 Myr. We infer that the mass of the disc is ≃0.04 M, and is populated by dust grains that have grown to a maximum size of 1 mm everywhere, consistent with the lack of silicate 10 μm emission. These features, as well as indications of settling in the wall at the dust destruction radius, led us to speculate that the disc of HD169142 is in an advanced stage of dust evolution, particularly in its inner regions.  相似文献   

We report the results of our study of magnetic fields in a sample of 15 Be stars using spectropolarimetric data obtained at the European Southern Observatory with the multi-mode instrument FORS 1 installed at the 8m Kueyen telescope. We detect weak photospheric magnetic fields in four stars, HD56014, HD148184, HD155806, and HD181615. We note that for HD181615 the evolutionary status is not obvious due to the fact that it is a binary system currently observed in the initial rapid phase of mass exchange between the two components. Further, we notify the possible presence of distinct circular polarisation features in the circumstellar components of Ca II H&K in three stars, HD58011, HD117357, and HD181615, hinting at a probable presence of magnetic fields in the circumstellar mass loss disks of these stars. We emphasize the need for future spectropolarimetric observations of Be stars with detected magnetic fields to study the temporal evolution of their magnetic fields and the correlation of magnetic field properties with dynamical phenomena taking place in the gaseous circumstellar disks of these stars. (© 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present a phenomenological study of highly ionized, non-photospheric absorption features in high spectral resolution vacuum ultraviolet spectra of 23 hot DA white dwarfs. Prior to this study, four of the survey objects (Feige 24, REJ 0457−281, G191−B2B and REJ 1614−085) were known to possess these features. We find four new objects with multiple components in one or more of the principal resonance lines: REJ 1738+665, Ton 021, REJ 0558−373 and WD 2218+706. A fifth object, REJ 2156−546, also shows some evidence of multiple components, though further observations are required to confirm the detection. We discuss possible origins for these features including ionization of the local interstellar environment, the presence of material inside the gravitational well of the white dwarf, mass loss in a stellar wind and the existence of material in an ancient planetary nebula around the star. We propose ionization of the local interstellar medium as the origin of these features in G191−B2B and REJ 1738+665, and demonstrate the need for higher-resolution spectroscopy of the sample, to detect multiple interstellar medium velocity components and to identify circumstellar features that may lie close to the photospheric velocity.  相似文献   

Lenorzer et al. introduce ratios of hydrogen infrared recombination lines as a diagnostic tool to constrain the spatial distribution and physical condition of circumstellar material around hot massive stars. They demonstrate that the observed line flux ratios Hu14/Brα and Hu14/Pfγ from different types of objects associated with circumstellar material, such as Be stars, B[e] stars, and Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) stars are well separated in a diagnostic diagram. In this paper, we investigate this diagnostic tool using a non-LTE disc code developed by Sigut & Jones focusing on Be discs. We find good agreement between the empirical and predicted locations of Be stars in the Hu14/Brα versus Hu14/Pfγ diagram and show that indeed this diagnostic tool can be used to constrain basic properties of the discs of these stars.  相似文献   

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