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In this paper we suggest that a construct known as “possible selves”, which has been developed in psychological literature, holds conceptual merits that are of use to a growing body of literature on youth transitions, and within it, an increasing interest in imagined futures. We highlight several benefits of possible selves that have emerged from our empirical research with young men in two English towns, Luton and Swindon. Research and theorization about youth futures has suggested that young people’s values and their perceived positions in society can be elicited and seen in their projections of themselves in the future. We conclude that possible selves provides a useful addition to this literature by offering a theorization of the link between imagined possibilities in the future and motivation to act in the present. We suggest that this construct opens the scope of empirical and theoretical enquiry into youth transitions and trajectories toward future possibilities.  相似文献   

In this paper, I analyze the connections made between women and water in a Rajasthani drinking water supply project as a significant part of drinking water’s commodification. For development policy makers, water progressing from something free to something valued by price is inevitable when moving economies toward modernity and development. My findings indicate that water is not commodified simply by charging money for it, but through a series of discourses and acts that link it to other “modern” objects and give it value. One of these objects is “women”. I argue that through women’s participation activities that link gender and modernity to new responsibilities and increased mobility for village women involving the clean water supply, a “traditional” Rajasthani woman becomes “modern”. Water, in parallel, becomes “new”, “improved” and worth paying for. Women and water resources are further connected through project staff’s efforts to promote latrines by targeting women as their primary users. The research shows that villagers applied their own meanings to latrines, some of which precluded women using them. This paper fills a gap in feminist political ecology, which often overlooks how gender is created through natural resource interventions, by concerning itself with how new meanings of “water” and “women” are mutually constructed through struggles over water use and its commodification. It contributes to critical development geography literatures by demonstrating that women’s participation approaches to natural resource development act as both constraints and opportunities for village constituents. It examines an under-explored area of gender and water research by tracing village-level struggles over meanings of latrines.  相似文献   

Pedogenic calcretes commonly exhibit clotted micrite, circum-granular calcite (grain coats) and microspar/spar veins. The three calcite-types with different dimensions were analyzed for their magnesium content to determine the relationship between crystal elongation and magnesium incorporation. The results show a very low MgO content for grain coats and microspars and high values for clotted micrite indicating that the ideal kinetic model does not hold true and several variables govern the end composition of calcites. The magnesium concentrations of meteoric calcites are genetically linked to the evolutionary history of the soil and climate. Grain coats, which are elongated calcites, contain the least amount of Mg and is related to the initial stages of pedogenesis wherein the limiting factor is the Mg/Ca ratio of the parent fluid. Lower magnesium contents arise due to smaller quantities of Mg being released during incipient weathering. Micrite morphology and composition is controlled by the greater availability of Mg ions through weathering, higher pCO2 in soil due to increased time-dependent soil respiration, which causes a rise in calcite precipitation rates and clay authigenesis. This in turn exerts a physical control on morphology by occluding pore space and providing numerous nuclei for calcite precipitation. The wide variability in spar cements is inherently controlled by inhomogeneties in parent fluid compositions with lower-than-micrite values on account of slower precipitation rates.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on what observers have perceived to be a failure of development leading to a ‘crisis of youth’ as increasing numbers of young people find it more difficult to gain education, access to health, a job and meet standard of living aspirations. For some, a possible escape is offered by migration to Europe, the United States or Australia, often illegally. For those remaining behind, however, international development agencies offer a ‘globalisation of solutions’ to employment, gender inequality and poverty through the millennium development goals and the programmes to attain them. In this paper we do not take the failures of development at face value but look at local contexts to present a more complex picture of the relation between education, work and social life. Based on fieldwork conducted in urban areas of The Gambia and Ghana, we argue that rather than education as a catch-all solution we need to give more attention to the costs incurred by and for young people in pursuing education and training, to the operation of and actual opportunities in labour markets, and to patterns of gender socialisation which give women limited scope to exercise agency. This paper explores key gender dimensions of work and education among low-income urban youth noting that despite on-going efforts to increase young women’s enrolment in schools and access to employment, gender inequalities have been far from eradicated. Our field interviews reveal how social expectations that women should perform the bulk of reproductive labour in their youth as well as in adulthood and constraints placed on young women’s personal freedom in respect of their social relationships reduce time dedicated to education and establish fewer contacts relevant to securing paid employment. The result is for men to end up with more educational qualifications, more skills, and higher-paying jobs, even if unemployment among young people in general remains a major problem.  相似文献   

A 54-m long core was raised from the bed of the Nal Sarovar, a large shallow lake located in the middle of the low-lying region linking the Gulfs of Kachchh and Khambhat, in western India. A three-layer sequence comprising: Zone-1 (top 3 m), predominantly silty-clay/clayey; Zone-2 (3–18 m), sandy; and Zone-3 (18–54 m), dominated by sticky silty-clay/clayey-silt with occasional thin sand layers and basalt fragments was identified. Smectite and illite are the dominant clay minerals with minor amounts of kaolinite and chlorite. Very high content of smectite (53–97%) in the clays of the lowermost zone (18–54 m) and the geomorphic features of the surrounding region suggested that the sediments were derived from the basaltic terrain of Saurashtra and/or via the Gulf of Khambhat. The clay content in the middle zone (3–18 m), dominantly sandy, is very low. Therefore, provenance for this zone was derived using heavy minerals in the sand fraction. The heavy mineral species in this zone suggested the mixed metamorphic and igneous terrain of Aravallis as the major source. The grain-size distribution of this zone closely matched with the sediments underlying the modern Sabarmati riverbed at Ahmedabad, suggesting fluvial depositional environment. Clays also dominate sediments of the topmost (0–3 m) zone with illite as the dominant (74–81%) specie followed by smectite suggesting derivation from the mixed metamorphic and igneous terrain of Aravallis.  相似文献   

Leone Melluso  John J. Mahoney  Luigi Dallai   《Lithos》2006,89(3-4):259-274
Near-primitive picritic basalts in the northwestern Deccan Traps have MgO > 10 wt.% and consist of two groups (low-Ti and high-Ti) with markedly different incompatible element and Nd–Sr–Pb isotope characteristics. Many elemental characteristics of the low-Ti picritic basalts are similar to those of transitional or normal ocean ridge basalts. However, values of ratios like Ba/Nb (13–30) and Ce/Pb (4–11), and isotopic ratios (e.g., εNd(t) + 0.3 to − 6.3, (207Pb/204Pb)t 15.63–15.75 at (206Pb/204Pb)t 18.19–18.84, δ18Oolivine as high as + 6.2‰) are far-removed from ocean-ridge-type values, indicating a significant contribution from continental crust. The crustal signature could represent crustal contamination of ascending magmas; alternatively, it could represent a minor component within the Indian lithospheric mantle of anciently subducted sedimentary material or fluids derived from subducted material. In contrast, the high-Ti picritic basalts are chemically and isotopically rather similar to recent shield lavas of the Réunion hotspot (e.g., εNd(t) + 2 to + 4) and to volcanic rocks along the postulated pre-Deccan track of this hotspot in Pakistan. Neither type of picritic basalt is parental to the voluminous flows comprising the bulk of the Deccan Traps. However, many of the Deccan primary magmas could have been derived from mixtures of a high-Ti-type, Réunion-like source component and a component more similar to, or even more incompatible-element-depleted than, average ocean-ridge mantle.  相似文献   

Yaffa Truelove 《Geoforum》2011,42(2):143-152
This article demonstrates how a feminist political ecology (FPE) framework can be utilized to expand scholarly conceptualizations of water inequality in Delhi, India. I argue that FPE is well positioned to complement and deepen urban political ecology work through attending to everyday practices and micropolitics within communities. Specifically, I examine the embodied consequences of sanitation and ‘water compensation’ practices and how patterns of criminality are tied to the experience of water inequality. An FPE framework helps illuminate water inequalities forged on the body and within particular urban spaces, such as households, communities, streets, open spaces and places of work. Applying FPE approaches to the study of urban water is particularly useful in analyzing inequalities associated with processes of social differentiation and their consequences for everyday life and rights in the city. An examination of the ways in which water practices are productive of particular urban subjectivities and spaces complicates approaches that find differences in distribution and access to be the primary lens for viewing how water is tied to power and inequality.  相似文献   

Monica V. Ogra   《Geoforum》2008,39(3):1408-1422
Human–wildlife conflict (HWC) is a growing problem for communities located at the borders of protected areas. Such conflicts commonly take place as crop-raiding events and as attack by wild animals, among other forms. This paper uses a feminist political ecology approach to examine these two problems in an agricultural village located at the border of Rajaji National Park in Uttarakhand (formerly Uttaranchal), India. Specifically, it investigates the following three questions: What are the “visible” and “hidden” costs of such conflict with wildlife? To what extent are these costs differentially borne by men and women? How do villagers perceive any such differences? Survey and interview data were collected from over 100 individuals in the study site over a period of 9 months in 2003–2004. It was found that for participants in this study, costs of HWC included decreased food security, changes to workload, decreased physical and psychological wellbeing, economic hardship, and at times an increase in illegal or dangerous activities. The research also showed that although women in the study area bore a disproportionate burden of these effects, roughly half of survey respondents perceived that men and women were equally affected. A possible explanation for this gap considers the relationships between gendered uses of space, work, status, and identity. The findings illustrate the importance of addressing both visible and hidden costs of HWC for members of park communities and support a call for increased gender-sensitivity in HWC research.  相似文献   

Emma Mawdsley 《Geoforum》2006,37(3):380-390
One of the defining changes India has experienced over the last decade has been the social and political consolidation of the Hindu Right. Critics point to its chauvinist ideologies, the discrimination and violence against religious minorities, and the neglect of the poor. This paper examines the parallels between the discourses of the Hindu Right and those of neo-traditionalist environmentalists. Similarities include gendered and social conservatism; superficial hermeneutic analyses of ancient texts; partial and ‘romantic’ histories; and the essentialisation of science and of East and West. The paper concludes by suggesting that environmental scholars and activists cannot afford to be innocent of the implications of their ideas and assumptions given the social and political contexts of Hindu nationalism in contemporary India.  相似文献   

The Palaeo-Proterozoic Ghingee granite is an anatectic granite formed in high grade granulite terrain by ultrametamorphism. The compositional variations both in major and trace elements observed in this granite (SiO2 : 64.16-73.81; Fe2O3 : 0.12-2.19; FeO : 0.12-2.80; MgO : 0.10-2.19; CaO : 1.66-4.71; K2O : 1.09-5.09; Ba: 223-1883 ppm; Cr : 4-60 ppm) are attributed to a) source rock heterogeneity and b) the tectonic disturbances that might have abruptly ended the anatectic melting process. The granite is compositionally similar to Perur, Closepet and Hyderabad granites and is formed during Archaean-Proterozoic transition by anatectic and crustal remelting processes.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the changes brought about by the ‘reforms’ in water currently under way in many parts of the world. Three particular reforms in the state of Maharashtra in western India are discussed - the commercialization of a parastatal body, the concept of self-sufficiency as it plays out in the context of urban local bodies, and the working of the regulatory body in water. The analysis of these reforms shows how, in common with neoliberal projects elsewhere, changes in institutional practices are resulting in changes in subjectivities, foreclosing alternatives, and leading to attempts to ‘depoliticize’ the water arena. At the same time, there are differences between the regulatory experience of Maharashtra and regulation in other locales, which offers insights into how neoliberalism works in a context where water reforms have emerged relatively late.  相似文献   

We present an updated paleomagnetic pole from the Gwalior Sills in the Bundelkhand craton within the Northern India Block (NIB). Geochronological results from baddeleyite grains from one of the sills yielded an age of 1719 ± 7 Ma which together with a previously published age indicates the emplacement of sills between 1712 and 1756 Ma (∼1730 Ma). The paleomagnetic pole calculated from additional sites in this study, combined with previous studies, falls at 13.5°N, 173.7°E (A95 = 3.6°, K = 98) indicating near equatorial latitudes for northern India. Limestone sampled a few meters above the contact with the sill exhibits similar directions consistent with having been baked by the sill. The pole does not resemble any younger poles from Peninsular India and receives a reliability score of R = 5. Dykes in the Singhbhum craton are slightly older (1765 Ma) and indicate low paleolatitudes for the Southern Indian Block (SIB). Although the Gwalior and Singhbhum poles data indicate low latitudes for both the NIB and SIB, they are statistically different and indicate that a rotation of at least 65° is required to bring the poles into accord. We propose that the NIB and SIB were in proximity but were separated by an ocean basin. We propose the name Gotosindhu (‘Ancient Sea’) for the body of water separating the NIB and SIB. We also review previous models for the assembly of the Columbia supercontinent during this time and critically examine the position of the NIB/SIB in those reconstructions.  相似文献   

Panvel Basin of Raigarh district, Maharashtra, India is the study area for groundwater quality mapping using the Geographic Information System (GIS). The study area is typically covered by Deccan basaltic rock types of Cretaceous to Eocene age. Though the basin receives heavy rainfall, it frequently faces water scarcity problems as well as water quality problems in some specific areas. Hence, a GIS based groundwater quality mapping has been carried out in the region with the help of data generated from chemical analysis of water samples collected from the basin. Groundwater samples show quality exceedence in terms of chloride, hardness, TDS and salinity. These parameters indicate the level of quality of groundwater for drinking and irrigation purposes. Idrisi 32 GIS software was used for generation of various thematic maps and for spatial analysis and integration to produce the final groundwater quality map. The groundwater quality map shows fragments pictorially representing groundwater zones that are desirable and undesirable for drinking and irrigation purposes.  相似文献   

Three apparently disparate themes (groundwater, farmers and politics) interweave in this account of how groundwater-related policies in India have very little to do with the scarcity, depletion or quality of groundwater, and more to do with rural politics manifested, among other things, in terms of the presence or absence of farmer lobbies. Examples from two states of India, the water-abundant state of West Bengal and water-scarce state of Gujarat, were investigated using readily available data, analysis of the literature, interviews and fieldwork. In the case of West Bengal, although there is no pressing groundwater crisis, the government of West Bengal (GOWB) was able to successfully implement strict groundwater regulations along with a drastic increase in electricity tariff. More importantly, GOWB was able to implement these without any form of visible farmer protest, though these measures negatively affected farmer incomes. On the other hand, in Gujarat, where there is a real and grave groundwater crisis, the government of Gujarat has neither been able to implement strict groundwater regulations, nor has it been able to increase electricity tariff substantially. Thus, through the lens of ‘political ecology’ the contrasting case of these two Indian states is explained.
Aditi Mukherji (PhD Student)Email: Phone: +44-1223-477186

<正>In the present study,we present the occurrence and emplacement of chromite ore deposits from two abandoned mines(Kankavali[Janoli]and Wagda) in the Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra,India.These ores,that occurred as lenses and are associated with metamorphic and ultrabasic rocks,consist of octahedral grains of chromite,while clinochlore is present between the interstices of these grains.The Kankavali(Janoli) and Wagda ores revealed a dominance of Cr_2O_3 followed by FeO and variable proportions of A1_2O_3,MgO,and SiO_2.The former deposits have a slightly higher Cr_2O_3(average 52 wt%) and FeO(~18 wt%) than those from Wagda(Cr_2O_3~50 wt%,FeO~25 wt%).The similar Cr~# values(0.73 for Kankavali[Janoli],0.74 for Wagda) correspond to those reported for typical podiform-type chromite deposits.We suggest that the ores were emplaced as phacoliths in folded outcrops with a steep easterly dip and a northwest-southeast trend.We postulate the continuation of the fold structure from Janoli to Wagda(~4.5 km apart) and the probable (sporadic) occurrence of chromite along this stretch.The possibility of the contribution of chromite grains from these areas to the coastal placer deposits cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Watershed development in India is being adopted increasingly as an integrated mechanism of addressing ecological concerns, particularly in dryland areas. Increasing groundwater recharge constitutes one of the principal objectives of watershed-development programmes because many parts of India face acute shortages of groundwater resources on which rural livelihood depends. A combination of hydrogeological mapping and drainage analysis can form an important tool for planning of watershed-development programmes. Studies on the Kurzadi watershed from the Deccan volcanic province in west-central India illustrate how this technique is useful in selecting sites for artificial recharge of groundwater.The Kurzadi river basin includes three third-order sub-basins that are compared for relative variability in surface-material permeability. Domains of high surface permeability typically indicate relatively higher length ratios and lower drainage density and stream frequency. In the Kurzadi watershed, drainage parameters reveal areas for recharge-related measures and areas where surface-water augmentation measures can be undertaken, even on lower, second-order streams.
Resumen En la India, se está adoptando el desarrollo de cuenca de forma creciente como un mecanismo integrado para abordar las inquietudes ecológicas, particularmente en zonas áridas. El aumento de la recarga a los acuíferos constituye uno de los objetivos principales de los programas de desarrollo de cuenca, porque muchas zonas de la India deben afrontar períodos acusados de escasez de recursos de aguas subterráneas, de los que dependen los asentamientos rurales. La combinación de cartografía hidrogeológico y de análisis del drenaje puede significar una herramienta importante para la planificación de los programas de desarrollo de cuenca. Los estudios efectuados en la cuenca de Kurzadi, en la Provincia Volcánica de Deccan (región central-occidental de India) ilustran la utilidad de esta técnica con el objeto de seleccionar emplazamientos adecuados para la recarga artificial de acuíferos.La cuenca del río Kurzidi incluye tres subcuencas de tercer orden que han sido comparadas con respecto a la variabilidad relativa de la permeabilidad en superficie. Los dominios de alta permeabilidad superficial son indicadores típicos de relaciones de longitud relativamente mayores y de menor densidad de drenaje y frecuencia de curso fluvial. En la cuenca de Kurzadi, los parámetros de drenaje revelan áreas de medidas relacionadas con la recarga y áreas en las que se puede emprender medidas de aumento de agua superficial, incluso en cursos fluviales menores, de segundo orden.

Résumé En Inde, la mise en valeur de bassins versants est en train d'être pris en compte de plus en plus comme un mécanisme intégrateur de problèmes concernant l'écologie, en particulier dans les régions sèches. L'accroissement de la recharge des nappes constitue l'un des principaux objectifs des programmes de mise en valeur des bassins versants, parce que de nombreuses régions de l'Inde doivent faire face à une grave pénurie de ressources en eau souterraine, dont dépendent les moyens d'existence en zones rurales. Une combinaison de cartographie hydrogéologique et d'analyse du drainage peut constituer un outil important de planification des programmes de développement des bassins. Des études sur le bassin de Kurzadi, dans la province volcanique du Deccan, dans le centre-ouest de l'Inde, illustre combien cette technique est utile pour décider des sites de recharge artificielle de nappe.Le bassin de la rivière Kurzadi est formé de trois sous-bassins de troisième ordre dont on a comparé la variabilité relative de la perméabilité de surface. Des domaines de forte perméabilité de surface dénotent bien des rapports de longueurs relativement plus forts et une densité de drainage et une fréquence de cours d'eau plus faibles. Dans le bassin de la rivière Kurzadi, les paramètres du drainage révèlent des zones convenant à des mesures relatives à la recharge et des zones où des mesures d'augmentation de l'eau de surface peuvent être entreprises, même sur des cours d'eau plus petits, de second ordre.

The paper describes the variation pattern of magnetic susceptibility of Lameta sediments and isotopic variation of organic13C from Chui Hill, Bergi, Kholdoda, Pisdura and Girad. The susceptibility pattern and a negative carbon isotopic anomaly allows fixation of the K/T boundary at these localities and they differ in these aspects from the inter-trappean sediments at Anjar. Paleomagnetic measurements of the Anjar sediment and the overlying basalt flow demonstrate reversed polarity. The Lameta sediments with dinosaur nests at Kheda and the overlying intertrappean sediments are of normal polarity. The clay layers at Anjar, associated closely with Ir-enrichments, are strongly leached, rhyolitic bentonites containing low-quartz paramorphs after high-quartz with glass inclusions. It is concluded, that the inter-trappean lake deposits at Anjar were deposited in the early part of magnetochron 29R and are unrelated to the K/T boundary.  相似文献   

This paper examines, first, the conditions under which irrigating farmers are being alienated from their water through a state-led process of dispossession, and then, second, details the dialectical process of farmers’ resistance to these efforts. The paper advances recent scholarship on water grabbing and ‘accumulation by dispossession’ by drawing on a case from northwestern India to explore the connections between non-agrarian economic growth, irrigated agriculture and farmer livelihoods. Specifically, it examines an urban water infrastructure development project that aims to provide water to Jaipur, the Indian state of Rajasthan’s capital city, through the appropriation of an existing rural dam/reservoir complex built for irrigation and redirecting it to domestic, commercial and industrial uses. Drawing on an examination of policy documents and interviews with farmers and state planners, this paper argues that these transfers must be understood as a supply-side solution to support economic growth, where the lack of stable water supplies is a barrier to capital accumulation. The paper contributes to critical scholarship by showing that the processes underpinning water’s reallocation are specific acts of ongoing ‘dispossession’ through extra-economic means under advanced neoliberal capitalism, which alienates water away from peasant producers towards new centers of capital accumulation, dialectically creating peasant resistance to these efforts.  相似文献   

The southernmost occurrence of the early Maastrichtian larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) in Tethys is known from the Kallankuruchchi Formation in the Cauvery Basin, SE India, represented by Lepidorbitoides-Siderolites assemblages. The systematics, age and paleobiogeography of Lepidorbitoides here have as yet remained unresolved due to lack of information particularly on the nepionic arrangement, whereas their links with the Western Tethyan and Caribbean biogeographic domains were speculated. Lepidorbitoides, studied from the same level in seven samples in two separate areas, invariably possess quadriserial nepionts and adauxiliary chamberlets, whose mean number ranges from 3.79 to 4.67. The ratio between the sample means of the internal diameter of deuteroconch and protoconch varies between 1.72 and 1.86. The equatorial layer in the early stage consists of arcuate chambers with basal stolons, and ogival-to spatulate chamberlets with annular and oblique stolons in the later stages. These features are consistent with the phylogenetically advanced members of the Western Tethyan Lepidorbitoides lineage, such as L. minor (Schlumberger) and L. socialis (Leymerie), and all samples were assigned to the transitional development stages of these species based on the morphometry. The taxonomic status of some Lepidorbitoides species, originally described from the Kallankuruchchi Formation and widely adopted in previous works, such as L. blanfordi (Rao) and L. inornata (Rao), are not justified. We extend the geographic range of Western Tethyan Lepidorbitoides to southern India.  相似文献   

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