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The regional dimension to the problems and potentialities posed by the introduction of new technologies is increasingly an issue which is being addressed within the EECs regional policy. This paper is concerned with one such new technology, advanced telecommunications, which is seen as playing a key role within emerging ‘information economies’. However, the evidence reviewed suggests that peripheral or otherwise less favoured regions may be relatively disadvantaged both by the geographically differentiated supply of new and advanced services and, most significantly, by the relatively low propensity of such regions to use and apply these services within economic enterprises. Some reasons for these patterns of adoption are considered, and the policy implications discussed within the context of the EEC's emerging policy response.  相似文献   

Cameroon's economic development is without doubt a story of success. Since independence, the country has been favoured by internal and external advantages but, as in most African countries south of the Sahara, the results of regional development policies — in spite of an existing and sound planning structure — are disappointing. Cameroon was always well-provided with the now fashionable ‘integrated’, ‘basic need-oriented’, ‘bottom-up’ and ‘development-from-within’ regional policy programmes. In discussing such a programme and proposing elements of a modified development strategy, it can, however, be argued that even the first step of creating a basic regional development project has been far from satisfactory. Further, in spite of government rhetoric, no regional development policy as normally defined exists. What does exist are regional effects of development projects. This prompts the question of whether it may be preferable to replace the term ‘regional development policy’, and to return to a ‘regionally based, comprehensively planned, project policy’, based on facts which first have to be collected and analysed.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the political significance of the spatial economic activities of states. Regional problems are often the result of social differences which frequently are expressed in regional consciousness and loyalties and in turn they often create potential political and social cleavages and thus affect the cohesion and viability of the state. Various aspects of regional development policies in both western and eastern European multinational states which involve the spatial distribution of economic activities are examined. Planning the economic and social life emphasizes the regional allocation of resources, the coordination of national plans with regional objectives and increased consideration of the problem of lagging regions. Most regional movements are a protest against neglect and demand more local control and autonomy, therefore regional policies must be geared to the modification of long standing grievances resulting from past policies. In countries where increased participation by its inhabitants in the economic and social policies of their respective countries has been a matter of national policy, regional grievances generally have been kept under control.  相似文献   

This article looks at the ‘region-specific’ economic development strategy which has emerged in Italy during the last fifteen years as a result of the creation of institutionalized regional government. It is argued that the decentralization of decision-making and administrative powers in the areas of territorial, economic and social planning has coincided with the reorientation of manufacturing to ‘service-intensive’ production and permitted the formulation of diversified roles by the regions in areas of policy-making vital to regional development. The article concludes with a discussion of the roles fulfilled by the regions in the promotion of region-specific products and services.  相似文献   

Michael Hebbert 《Geoforum》1982,13(2):107-120
This paper shows how regional policy in Spain has been doubly transformed in the past decade, on the one hand by the economic crisis which has affected the content of regional disparities, and on the other hand by the return to constitutional democracy which has substituted for the centralism of the Franco dictatorship a radical devolution of government to the regions. Many of the uncertainties which have surrounded this process derive from fears that in the Spanish context, where regionalism is strongest in the wealthier regions, devolution will increase disparities and not reduce them. The paper discusses the basis for such fears.  相似文献   

Recent policy initiatives for the inner cities and regions of Britain were reviewed in the context of the continued and deepening processes of metropolitan decentralisation of population and economic activity and of regional divergence in levels of economic well-being. The result is a policy focus on those areas considered as being on the margins of economic viability. Research evaluating past policy indicates only modest potential for the success of such a focus. Policies having a growth stimulation objective may be better centred outside these most marginal areas. Policies having a welfare objective may achieve greater efficiency if they have no particular spatial dimension.  相似文献   

Tony Gore 《GeoJournal》2008,72(1-2):59-73
Contemporary capitalist development facilitates the large-scale geographical reorganization of economic activity, involving both spatial clustering and decentralization. In the European Union the resulting regional disparities have provoked concerns about growing inequality on the one hand and poor competitiveness on the other. The concept of ‘territorial cohesion’ has been adopted to address such issues, with the need for co-operation across local, regional and national boundaries encouraged as a means of constructing more effective economic zones. This then raises the question whether the European Union’s own Structural Funds programme has been able to contribute to such collaborative working. Evidence from South Yorkshire/Sheffield in England and the Central Valleys/Cardiff in Wales suggests that any contribution is likely to be modest. Both areas were covered by Objective 1 programmes between 2000 and 2006, but differed markedly in the extent to which collaborative governance structures and processes developed. Key factors were the extent to which moves in this direction were already under way, and the extent to which management and decision-making were devolved from the centre to local and sub-regional actors.  相似文献   


The role of economic sectoral structure in regional growth and development is widely acknowledged. However, there has been scarce reflection on its role as a policy instrument, particularly for peripheral regions. In reaction, this paper investigates the role of economic sectoral structure as a policy instrument towards more resilient peripheral regions. Through a multiple country policy analysis, the paper determines to what degree economic sectoral structure is reflected in regional development policies of 18 countries with predominantly rural characteristics and lagging regions. Moreover, the role of economic sectoral structure towards more resilient regions is quantified and measured for a specific peripheral region case in South Africa as developing country exhibiting poor economic resilience. The paper highlights related variety as a key ingredient for a region to reach a state of dynamic stability between adaptation and adaptability towards enhanced long-term resilience capacity of the peripheral region. The research concludes that policy focus should support the maintenance of the sectors and industries of comparative advantage on the regional scale, but strongly focus on sectoral comparative advantage within the national scale (if present) to establish a more robust region. This will establish and strengthen the identified peripheral growth centres as centres of national competitiveness and specialisation. Primary policy actions as emanated from the literature and the multiple country policy analysis will promote more efficient sectoral composition as key towards more resilient peripheral regions. It is acknowledged that these policy actions must be informed by a detailed regional economic analysis for different peripheral regions to determine inherent and latent economic potential and link with interdependent industries. This paper will highlight that regional policy should become more explicit by exploiting the role of economic and natural resources as growth engines for the peripheral regional economy in a more effective way through a multi-centred territorial structure.


The volatility of British Columbia’s (BC’s) forest industries over the last three decades has not only reflected the immediate impacts of demand fluctuations arising from the broader vicissitudes of capitalist economies but the evolutionary implications of industrial and resource dynamics. The 1980s recession in particular marked a turning point in the evolutionary trajectory of BC’s forest industries, associated with global paradigmatic changes driven by flexibility imperatives, the maturation of the forestry resource cycle to the plateau or fall-down stage, and conflicts caused by environmental, social and trade protectionist opposition to vested industry interests. This paper focuses on the broad contours of the restructuring of BC’s forest industries since 1980. Conceptually, the paper elaborates a resource industry life-cycle model (RILCM) that integrates industry and resource cycle dynamics and the implications of economic crisis. Empirically, the analysis uses longitudinal output and employment data, summaries of the policy re-regulation of the BC forest economy since 1980, and comparative static plant-level data, 1980–2008. The analysis reveals the 1980s recession as a turning point in the transformation of BC’s forest industries, characterized by high levels of volatility and long-term decline in the main commodities. Industrial restructuring has also witnessed a fragmentation of production, the emergence of small firm dominated value-added activities, and broad changes to the coreperiphery structure of the forest industries within BC. It is argued that evolutionary approaches to economic geography need to incorporate resource peripheries and crisis and acknowledge the role of crisis and non-economic factors in shaping regional transformation.  相似文献   

Ke Cui  Timothy Sim 《Natural Hazards》2017,85(3):1577-1590
Older people are arguably one of the most vulnerable groups during a disaster. Existing studies either in China or in other countries predominantly focus on the more Western, pathology-based mental health approach in addressing the impact of disasters on older victims and their needs. However, the concept of ‘psychosocial’ recognises that problems caused by emergencies can simultaneously be of a social nature and a psychological one. This concept emerged from a growing critique on individual oriented mental health approach in disaster contexts. The present study was conducted to explore older people’s needs from a psychosocial perspective. The research site was a Chinese rural community located in the epicentre of ‘5.12’ Wenchuan earthquake (Ms = 8.0) occurred in 2008. The authors conducted content analyses on the qualitative in-depth interviews with 10 (5 males and 5 females) out of 30 older persons from this community. The findings revealed three major psychosocial problems: (1) constant fear of recurring debris flows; (2) sense of helplessness; and (3) disruption to previous social network. Indubitably, the participants reported family members and neighbours as their major sources of social support in emergency situations. This exploratory study argues that older people being exposed to disasters will not only develop psychological problems but also suffer disruption to their social support network and puts forward that empowering family and strengthening community cohesion are important initiatives for helping professionals to promote older people’s psychosocial well-being and enhance their resilience to natural disasters.  相似文献   

The main critiques of the term ‘region’ were directed in the 1950s against the ‘uniqueness’ of the region: being not repetitive, it was considered not to be of general value. In the author's opinion the term ‘uniqueness’ was misinterpreted: a region is made unique by the unique relationship between natural, cultural, economic, political and social elements existing in it. However, as these relationships are repetitive, or some at least can be repeated, regional geography is of general value. If the geographical study of a region invests its efforts and interests in functions, processes and relationships between the elements existing in a region, the concept of a region becomes, in fact, a concept of a system, with epistemological and methodolgical consequences. A model of ‘region as a system’ is the approach taken in this paper. Such an approach can resolve some basic problems of geography: the dichotomy between natural and anthropic elements of the region, which cannot be treated except by a systems approach; the tension existing between ‘space’ and ‘place’, which is perpetuated by the dichotomy between regional and systematic geography. Through a systems approach, the choice of a scale appropriate to a particular study can be directed by a distinction between system and subsystem; inclusion or exclusion of an element in the study of a region is not an arbitrary one, but depends on its relevance to the processes within the region. Perhaps the ‘personality of the region’, so often misinterpreted by scorners of regional geography, can be accepted as a legitimate part of the regional output.  相似文献   

Very few analysts have identified the broader material circumstances within South Africa which have provided the direct pre-conditions for the present crisis. This paper describes some of these economic factors and indicates the extent and depth of the present crisis. Housing, transport, employment and education provide the focus given their direct links to black protest. Having provided this context for the present unrest the paper then briefly explores the key aspects of the present government's ‘reforms’. The state and capital's policies of ‘controlled’ urbanization and the privatization of the social bases of reproduction are subjected to critical examination. The conclusion reached is that these reforms fail to address the nature of the crisis and as such are unlikely to succeed.  相似文献   

Europe has come to recognize that its regions have a major role to play in achieving its cohesion and competitiveness objectives. EU policies and Structural Fund principles are therefore increasingly geared towards enhancing regional capacities. Regions across Europe are responding, with varying results so far. The Randstad, in the Netherlands, presents itself as a ‘far from best’ example. Despite continued and serious attempts to strengthen capacities and institutions, the region still lacks effective governance. This paper explores the question why it is next to impossible to establish a framework for effective governance in the Randstad and distils some lessons for other regions in Europe.  相似文献   

The objective of this critical review is twofold. Firstly, we intend to tackle a number of assumptions that view the Greek crisis as the result of a marked resistance to (neoliberal) structural reforms and the failure to engage constructively with the challenges of globalisation. Instead, we argue that Greece was set on a neoliberal trajectory much before the crisis erupted, and that it is precisely this sustained neoliberalisation process – rather than its absence – that lays behind much of Greece’s current troubles. Secondly, we attempt an assessment of the prospect that SYRIZA’s victory may be signalling the start of a counter-neoliberal mobilisation. Drawing on the work of Brenner and others, we identify four alternative scenarios – capitulation, divorce, compromise, transformation – and discuss their implications for Greece and the Eurozone.  相似文献   

A large part of the work in economic geography and other social sciences surrounding globalization processes has focused on the prospects of economic growth due to the establishment of global production chains and the rise of new clusters of industrial activity. In recent years, much less attention has been paid to former growth industries and regions that have suffered from the negative consequences of internationalization processes. This paper will explore the cases of two chemical regions, i.e. southern Hessen, Germany and Rhône-Alpes, France. Both regions were forced to undergo drastic restructuring since the mid 1990s due to the merger of the chemical groups Hoechst and Rhône-Poulenc into Aventis. The paper argues that it is beneficial to develop a relational perspective of economic action and interaction in order to better understand these regional transformations and restructuring processes and their consequences. Instead of investigating the development of activities, which became the core operations at Aventis, we will focus on other activities that were considered less important and, consequently, split off. In analyzing the logic of restructuring and the associated changes in regional supplier relations, this paper aims to contribute to a relational understanding of economic globalization and its associated threats to regional development by focusing on agents who are subject to negative restructuring consequences.  相似文献   

Indian agriculture is trapped in a complex nexus of groundwater depletion and energy subsidies. This nexus is the product of past public policy choices that initially offered opportunities to India’s small-holder-based irrigation economy but has now generated in its wake myriad economic, social, and environmental distortions. Conventional ‘getting-the-price-right’ solutions to reduce these distortions have consistently been undermined by the invidious political economy that the nexus has created. The historical evolution of the nexus is outlined, the nature and scale of the distortions it has created are explored, and alternative approaches which Indian policy makers can use to limit, if not eliminate, the damaging impacts of the distortions, are analysed.  相似文献   

Kees Terlouw 《GeoJournal》2012,77(5):707-721
Regions and regional identity have become more important over the last decades. At the same time regions have become less discernable as distinct historically rooted spatial entities. Globalisation and the decline of collective identities through individualisation transform both this regional reality and how regions are conceptualised. This article analyses the shifts in types of regional identities used by regional administrations in an increasingly competitive environment. It uses the contrast between ‘thick’ traditional and historical rooted well-established regional identities, and ‘thin’ regional identities which are more transitory and focus more on economic competitiveness. These concepts are used to analyse the regional identity of regional administrations in Northwest Germany and the Netherlands. Hybrid regional identities combining a locally specific mix of thick and thin elements of regional identity, and which link up with regional identities at other relevant scales, appear to be the most effective regional identities for regional administrations facing the challenges of both globalisation and the decline in collective identities.  相似文献   

In the global South informality constitutes one of the leading issues for urban policy makers. The planning challenges around informality are particularly relevant in urban Africa as most Africans make their livelihoods in the informal economy. This paper examines issues of state policy responses to informality through the lens of street traders. Under scrutiny are policy responses towards street trading in Mozambique’s capital, Maputo, a city that has experienced the advance of informalization. It is argued that the dominant approach towards informal trading across urban Africa is of a ‘sanitising’ policy response by the local state which is rooted upon traditions of modernist urban planning in search of ‘ordered development’. The research discloses that in Maputo national and municipal authorities have adopted a more tolerant approach to the informal economy, mainly because it provides a livelihood to so many of the city’s poor and because of potential social unrest likely to be triggered by a repressive approach. In Maputo the core narrative is of an urban informal economy viewed by officials as an important livelihood for the city’s poor, albeit one which is subject both to periodic harassment and encouragement to ‘formalize’. The analysis represents a contribution to the expanding corpus of writings on Africa’s informalising cities and specifically concerning policy responses towards street trading.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the relationship that occurs between the level of economic growth and the standard of living of Poland's population, using a regional approach. As an indicator of the degree of economic development national income is adopted. The social aspect of regional development is characterized by means of an analysis of the structure of the standard of living expressed in terms of two principal components, representative of a set of 34 empirical indicators. Interest is centred on the spatial interdependence between the value of net output in a regional pattern and the structure of the standard of living expressed in terms of the first principal component. This first component includes the main elements which affect the quality of people's lives, but it refers primarily to highly urbanized regions. In the light of the obtained results it can be stated that the influence of economic growth on the standard of living exhibits clear regional variations, with the relation assuming different forms depending on the structure of the standard of living. It seems that, although economic growth is closely connected with the quality of life, its impact is modified by regional conditions and resources, i.e. by the way a combination of socio-economic development factors is fitted into the situation of particular regions.  相似文献   

The growth of urban settlements along the Natal coast serves as a case study with which to evaluate the South African government's emerging concept of ‘planned urbanization’. Changing emphases in South African urban and regional policy are situated within the context of the contemporary legitimacy crisis of the South African state. Data on the experience of urbanization on the Natal coast, and particularly black perceptions of this experience, are presented. Recent government proposals dealing with urbanization—particularly the newly legislated Regional Services Councils—are assessed against this background.  相似文献   

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