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As the global economic environment becomes increasingly driven by the activities of transnational corporations (TNCs) from different national origins, the question of convergence as opposed to differentiation in patterns of internationalization among TNCs has begun to intrigue a number of researchers. In this paper, we examine the extent to which the strategic functions of Japanese and American TNCs in the Asia Pacific have converged over time. We draw from a recent survey of TNCs conducted in Hong Kong and Singapore. Detailed analysis of TNC functions in both the manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors suggests that convergence between Japanese and American TNCs has occurred most in the area of control-coordination functions among manufacturing firms, arising from a premium placed on intra-TNC organizational stability and isomorphism. On the other hand, substantial differentiation has occurred in functions that are associated with upstream and downstream processes, with Japanese TNCs emphasizing integration in marketing and manufacturing processes as well as forward integration. In contrast, American TNCs tend to focus on business and product development functions that enable them to exploit product and service differentiation.  相似文献   

Andrew Jones 《Geoforum》2002,33(3):335-350
The `global city hypothesis' proposed by Saskia Sassen - and subsequently developed by Manuel Castells and others in the theory of a globalized urban network - has in recent years formed the basis for the argument that power and control in transnational firms (TNCs) is primarily situated in global head-offices. Such offices are located in key urban centres such as London, New York or Tokyo where global managerial power is ultimately wielded and where senior managers make strategic decisions about transnational business activity. This paper takes issue with this theoretical legacy, arguing that the idea of strong centralised managerial power and control in contemporary TNCs is far more complex than this literature suggests. It explores how managerial control in some of the supposedly most globalized of business service industries - investment banking and management consultancy - cannot be understood as being centralised in global headquarter offices, and nor does it purely reside with a few senior managers at the top of the transnational organisation. Rather, it argues that managerial control in TNCs is diffused throughout a transnational network of management-level employees, and that strategic power in transnational firms resides with a larger and more dispersed group of actors than has been previously suggested. These arguments are developed through analysis of qualitative research into the managerial strategies and practices of senior business practitioners in the transnational investment banking and management consultancy industries. In presenting qualitative data from interviews with senior management in transnational corporate head offices, the paper thus examines the decision-making process of global management practice and unpacks the complex context in which transnational corporate strategy develops in such firms.  相似文献   

Jody Emel  Matthew T. Huber   《Geoforum》2008,39(3):1393-1407
Natural resource investment in the mining sector is often mediated through conflicts over rent distribution between corporate capital and landowner states. Recent rounds of neoliberal policy promoted by the World Bank have highlighted the need for landowner states to offer incentives in order to attract “high risk” capital investment. In Sub-Saharan Africa, in particular, countries have been pushed to offer attractive fiscal terms to capital, thereby lowering the proportion traditionally called rent. This paper examines how the concept of “risk” has been mobilized to legitimate such skewed distributional arrangements. While certain conceptions of social and ecological “risk” have been prevalent in political and social theoretic discourse on mining, such focus elides the overwhelming contemporary power of our notion of “neoliberal risk” – or the financial/market risks – in actually setting the distributional terms of mineral investment. We illustrate our argument by examining the nexus of World Bank mining policy promotion and Tanzanian policy in the late 1990s meant to attract foreign direct investment in gold production. In closing, we suggest that just as “risk” is used to legitimate attractive fiscal terms for investment, recent events highlight how skewed distribution of benefits may set into motion risks that corporate capital had not bargained for.  相似文献   

Epigenetic gold mineralization occurs in the Marmato mining district, within the Calima Terrain of the Setentrional Andes, Colombia. Regional rocks associated with this mineralization include: graphite- and chlorite-schists of the Arquia Complex; metamorphosed during the Cretaceous, Miocene sandstones, shales and conglomerates of the Amagá Formation; as well as pyroclastic rocks (clasts of basalt, andesites and mafic lavas) and subvolcanic andesitic/dacitic bodies of the Combia Formation (9 to 6 Ma). The subvolcanic Marmato stock hosts mesothermal and epithermal low-sulfidation Au–Ag ores in the form of distensional veins, stockwork, and quartz veinlets within brecciated zones. Ore minerals are pyrite, sphalerite and galena with subordinate chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, argentite and native gold/electrum.Sericitized plagioclase from a porphyry dacite yielded a K–Ar age of 5.6 ± 0.6 Ma, interpreted as the age of ore deposition. This is in close agreement with the age of reactivation of the Cauca–Romeral Fault System (5.6 ± 0.4 Ma), which bounds the Calima Terrain. A porphyry andesite–dacite (6.7 ± 0.1 Ma), hosting the Au–Ag veins, shows a measured 87Sr/86Sr between 0.70440 and 0.70460, εNd between + 2.2 and + 3.2 and 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of 18.964 to 19.028; 15.561 to 15.570; and 38.640 to 38.745, respectively. The 87Sr/86Sr and εNd values of rocks from the Arquia Group range from 0.70431 to 0.73511 and − 12.91 to + 10.0, respectively, whereas the corresponding Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb) range from 18.948 to 19.652; 15.564 to 15.702; and 38.640 to 38.885, respectively. 87Sr/86Sr and εNd values obtained on sulfides from the gold quartz veins, which occur at shallow and intermediate levels, range from 0.70500 to 0.71210 and from − 1.11 to + 2.40. In the deepest veins, εNd values lie between + 1.25 and + 3.28 and the 87Sr/86Sr of calcite and pyrite fall between 0.70444 and 0.70930. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios of all mineralization are in the ranges 18.970 to 19.258; 15.605 to 15.726 and 38.813 to 39.208, respectively. Carbonates have an average 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70445, which is within the range of values measured in the host dacite. The Sr isotopic data indicate that carbonic fluids have a restricted hydrothermal circulation within the host igneous body, while the Sr, Pb and Nd isotopic compositions of the sulfides suggest that the fluids not only circulated within the Marmato stock, but also throughout the Arquia Complex, inferring that these rocks offer a potential target for mineral exploration. Based on geological and geochronological evidence, the epizonal Marmato gold ores formed during the Miocene to Pliocene, as a result of cooling of the Marmato stock and reactivation along a crustal-scale fault zone related to thermal processes in an accretionary oceanic–continental plate orogen.  相似文献   

Over the last two decades, accompanying their rapid economic development, many `mega-cities' in China have devoted themselves to changing their relationships to the global economy and some have aimed at attaining global (world) city status as a key future development goal. This paper examines the relationship between global (world) city status and the emerging world economic system, and discusses the intense competition between `mega-cities' in the Asia-Pacific region that Chinese cities will face in the 21st century, especially after the Asia financial crisis. It also explores the potential and possibility of achieving global or world city status in China. The main arguments are that only Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing have the possibility to attain leading positions in the global urban system in the future. Post-1997, it has been very important for the Chinese government to find a way to coordinate the functions of Hong Kong and the other major cities which allows them to operate smoothly together under quite different political systems. Finally, the authors analyse the relationships between these three metropolises and suggests some possibilities for coordinating their roles in the global urban system.  相似文献   

李一帆  黄颖 《江苏地质》2005,29(3):168-170
黑岚沟金矿7号脉赋存于黑云母花岗岩混合带中,全长800多m,矿脉呈雁行状排列。根据该矿脉的地质特征和开采条件,利用短木桩、锚杆、小型永久矿柱进行支护,改进了原采矿方法,并取得了较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

Primary and placer gold mining sites in southern Ethiopia were studied to see the contribution of mining to the accumulation of metals in different environmental media. Sediment, water and plant samples were analyzed for Al, Mn, Fe, As, Ni, Cr, Cu, Co, Pb, W, Sb, Mo, Zn and V. Water parameters (pH, Eh, TDS, anions and cations) were also measured. The sediment analyses results show that the most abundant metals are Ni (average 224.7 mg/kg), Cr (199 mg/kg), Cu (174.2 mg/kg), V (167.3 mg/kg), Zn (105.5 mg/kg), Pb (61.5 mg/kg) and As (59.7 mg/kg) in the primary gold mining sites while the placer sites show high concentration of V (average 301.2 mg/kg), Cr (260.4 mg/kg), Zn (179 mg/kg), Ni (113.4 mg/kg), Cu (46.7 mg/kg), As (32.2 mg/kg) and Co (31 mg/kg). The metals Cu, Ni, W, Cr, As and Pb in primary and Sb, W, Cr, Ni, Zn, As and Mo in placer gold mining sites have geoaccumulation indexes (I geo) from one to four indicating considerable accumulation of these metals. Waters from both primary and placer mining sites are near neutral to alkaline. Arsenic (average 92.8 μg/l), Ni (276.6 μg/l), Pb (18.7 μg/l), Sb (10.7 μg/l), Mn (1 mg/l), Fe (8.3 mg/l) and Al (23.8 mg/l) exceeded the guideline value for drinking water. Plants show high concentration of Cr (average 174.5 mg/kg), Ni (163.5 mg/kg), Zn (96 mg/kg) and W (48 mg/kg). Zinc, W, Mo, Ni and Cr show the maximum biological absorption coefficient (BAC) ranging 0.4–1.7, 0.1–104.6, 1.1–2.6, 0.2–1.6 and 0.2–3.6, respectively, and the results suggest bioaccumulation of these elements in plants. The minerals especially sulfides in the ore aggregate are the ultimate source of the metals. The release of the metals into the environmental media is facilitated (in addition to normal geologic processes) by human activities related to gold mining.  相似文献   

Mining firms stimulate local and national economies but this comes at a certain cost. In the light of increasing public concern, external costs of environmental degradation and social disruption are no longer of pure academic interest. The assessment of mining projects on the grounds of sustainable development is critical in order to decide whether the exploitation of mineral resources is socially desirable. In practice, few steps have been taken towards this end. In this paper, a case study is illustrated that provides the means for evaluating the social worthiness of mining projects. The analysis, which is the first of its kind in Greece, deals with a major problem of the mining industry: the gold debate on the grounds of green economics. The assessment is based on the social cost–benefit approach. Well-established techniques (e.g. benefit transfer) and innovative approaches have been adopted to overcome various practical problems  相似文献   

A reconnaissance investigation of mercury contamination associated with historic gold mining in North Carolina, USA, revealed high concentrations of mercury in channel and floodplain sediments downstream from the Gold Hill mining district. The most intense period of mining activities in this region occurred in the 1840s and 1850s when mercury amalgamation was used to recover fine gold particles from milled ore. This paper evaluates mercury concentrations measured in active channel sediments and two cores recovered from historic floodplain deposits of the lower portion of Dutch Buffalo Creek. Mercury concentrations in these cores range from 0.01 to 2.2 mg/kg, with maximum concentrations more than 35 times background levels. A later peak in copper concentrations is associated with the operation of a large copper mine between 1899 and 1906. Following the most intense periods of mining, both mercury and copper concentrations decrease upcore to constant levels of about twice pre-mining background concentrations. Results suggest that vertical trends in mercury and other trace metals provide a useful tool for interpreting rates of historic floodplain sedimentation in the Piedmont of North Carolina.  相似文献   

Using structured telephone interviews this research focuses on how Canadian migrants living in the United States experience and describe home. We argue that the globalisation of peoples’ lives, transnationalism and the concomitant creation of transnational social spaces have greatly affected the meaning of home for migrants. The understandings of home that result reflect the reality of living in social worlds that span two countries and the development of decentred multiple attachments and feelings of belonging in more than one place. In response to these circumstances Canadian migrants experience home as multi-dimensional, pluri-local, and characterized by regular movement across the U.S.–Canada border. When asked specifically about feeling at home upon re-entry to the U.S. many respondents answered yes. However, many interviewees qualified their answers by describing home in different ways and associating different aspects of their lives with each country. Canada as home was most often described in terms of family, while home in the U.S. was associated with work. Respondents also differentiated between feeling at home once they reached their residence as opposed to feeling unwelcome at the U.S. border.  相似文献   

The Picacho gold deposit, located in southeasternmost California, is a low-grade gold deposit in a nearly flat-lying denudational fault of regional extent and probable Oligocene age. The deposit is hosted by intensely fractured and faulted Mesozoic leucogranite and by chloritic augen gneiss and schist, and is overlain unconformably and in fault contact by unmineralized late Oligocene Quechan volcanic rocks. The deposit is structurally characterized by normal and normal-oblique faults of low to high dip at shallow depths in the mine, merging downward with a synchronous, low-dipping ore-stage extensional fault system (the Chocolate Mountains/Gatuna Fault) of probable Oligocene age in deeper portions of the deposit. The fault system was infiltrated during much of its active life by hot, dilute, highly exchanged meteoric water having temperatures of 170°–210° C, salinity <2 wt% NaCl equivalent and calculated δ18Ofluid between −2.6‰ and 5.2‰. This main-stage fluid precipitated quartz, pyrite, and specular hematite, accompanied by silicification and sericitization. Auriferous ore-stage pyrite was precipitated late in the fault evolution probably by mixing of reducing ore fluid with relatively oxidized main-stage fluid during regional Oligocene extension on the Chocolate Mountains/Gatuna Fault. The Picacho deposit is characterized by a gold–arsenic–antimony geochemical signature consistent with bisulfide complexing of gold in reducing fluid, in contrast with typical denudation fault-hosted base-metal-rich deposits associated with high-salinity fluids elsewhere in the southwestern United States. The deposit is overprinted by Miocene normal faults having a wide range of dips. These postore faults are associated with red earthy hematite precipitation, pyrite oxidation, and supergene enrichment of gold. Editorial handling: L. Meinert  相似文献   

The abandoned Hg mine in Podljubelj was in operation with interceptions from 1557 to 1902. The entire operating period yielded about 110 000 tons of ore, from which 360 tons of Hg was produced. The objective of the research project was to establish the contents and spatial distribution of Hg in soils and stream sediments in the vicinity of the mine. On an area of 88 ha the soil was sampled in a 100 × 100 m grid. Two soil horizons (0–5 cm and 20–30 cm) were sampled in order to distinguish between geogenic and anthropogenic Hg sources. It was established that on an area of about 9 ha Hg content in soil exceeds The New Dutchlist action value for Hg (10 mg/kg). Total Hg concentrations in soil samples vary between 0.17 and 719 mg/kg, with a mean of 3.0 mg/kg. Mercury contents in stream sediments range from 0.065 to 1.4 mg/kg, with a mean of 0.64 mg/kg. The highest determined value in soils was found in the area around the former roasting furnace, where the ore was processed. Increased Hg concentrations were also found on the mine waste dump (108 mg/kg). Mercury contents in soils generally decrease with soil profile depth and with the distance from the mine and from the roasting furnace location. Mercury also appears in higher concentrations along the road that runs through the valley, which results from the use of Hg-bearing ore residues in road construction. The average enrichment factor (EF) of Hg in topsoil with respect to subsoil is 3.3. Calculated enrichment factors show higher values also for Cd (3.2), Pb (2.7), Ca (2.4) and P (1.9). The average enrichment factor of Hg in topsoil with regard to the established Slovenian soil averages (EFslo) is 19. EFslo of other determined chemical elements do not exceed 3.0.  相似文献   

甘肃阳山金矿田载金矿物特征及金赋存状态研究   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
毛世东  杨荣生  秦艳  郭俊华 《岩石学报》2009,25(11):2776-2790
采用电子探针分析,详细研究了甘肃阳山类卡林型金矿田原生矿石中不同成矿阶段载金矿物的Au、As、S、Fe等元素含量及其分布规律,确定含砷黄铁矿和毒砂是最重要的载金矿物,发现不同成矿阶段的黄铁矿具有不同的成分特点;沉积成岩期黄铁矿为草莓状、胶状,砷和金含量最低,分别为0.10%和0.08%;热液成矿期早阶段黄铁矿粒度较粗(0.40~1.00mm),是较高温度(270~300℃)下缓慢结晶的产物,其砷和金含量较低,分别为0.27%和0.09%;热液成矿期主阶段(包括M1,M2和M3亚阶段)黄铁矿粒度微细(0.05~0.20mm),是210~270℃条件下快速结晶的产物,砷和金含量最高,M1亚阶段分别为3.45%As和0.11%Au,M2亚阶段分别为3.88%As和0.14%Au.在含砷黄铁矿中,金可能有自然金和离子金两种存在方式.沉积成岩期和热液成矿期早阶段低砷黄铁矿中金主要以纳米级自然金(Au~0)颗粒形式分布,而在热液成矿期主阶段含砷黄铁矿中金主要以Au+的形式存在.当热液中As活度高时,含砷黄铁矿在快速生长条件下,其生长面的空穴和缺陷较多,有利于热液中Au(HS)~0络合物通过吸附反应直接进入含砷黄铁矿生长表面.此外,主阶段流体的硫化和沸腾作用均可导致H_2S的减少,有利于形成砷黄铁矿和Au沉淀富集.  相似文献   

文继祖 《地质与勘探》2022,58(3):619-628
湘中芭蕉冲金矿区为低山丘陵地球化学景观区,位于羌塘-扬子-华南板块东北缘,区内已查明4个工业矿体,矿体受断裂构造控制。本文以该矿为基础进行湖南省中低山丘陵景观区土壤地球化学找矿研究,以供同行参考。在该区完成土壤地球化学测量30 km,采集土壤样品1435件,样品采集深度在30~40 cm,部分采集深度为40~50 cm,成分均为土壤B层。利用多元统计学方法,对Au、Ag、Pb、Zn、As、Sb、Hg七种元素进行R聚类分析、因子分析及地球化学参数统计,确定Au、Ag为主成矿元素,Pb、As为找矿指示元素,运用衬值异常推断了隐伏构造位置,圈定单元素异常39处,综合异常区6处。通过地质工程查证,证明了衬值异常推测的含金构造的存在,发现芭蕉冲F_(2)含金构造和工业矿体,实现该区域的找矿突破。  相似文献   

内蒙古安家营子金矿与侵入岩的关系及其地球动力学意义   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
位于华北陆块北缘金矿成矿带的安家营子中型金矿属赤峰-朝阳金矿化集中区。金矿体主要赋存于安家营子花岗岩岩体内。区内广泛分布着与金矿化相伴生的流纹斑岩脉。与金矿化密切相关的安家营子花岗岩具有轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损、较低的^87Sr/^86Sr初始比值、Ba—Sr含量高等特点,暗示该花岗岩浆形成深度较大。这些特点与我国胶东地区与金矿有关花岗岩的特征非常相似,但区别于较早期的喀喇沁花岗岩和成矿后的流纹斑岩脉。锆石U—Pb年龄表明,安家营子花岗岩侵位时代为132—138Ma,而穿切矿体的流纹斑岩岩脉的成岩时代为124.9—126,5Ma,进而金矿成矿时代可以限定在126.132Ma。这一年龄结果与华北克拉通中生代动力学体制发生转折的时间相吻合。研究表明,早中生代前后华北东部曾发生了动力学机制的重大转折,如挤压向伸展转变和岩石圈的减薄达到高峰导致岩浆作用增强等。华北克拉通绝大多数金矿床集中形成于这一转折时期暗示成矿作用可能与深部作用过程有关,即早白垩世地慢物质-能量强烈上涌的同时,使金等威矿元素活化迁移至地壳层次,并在有利的构造部位富集成矿。  相似文献   

福建雷潭金矿地质特征及找矿预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷潭金矿处于华南褶皱系闽东断拗带的周宁-华安断隆带中段,成矿作用与石英闪长岩和断裂构造密切相关;矿体受NE、NW、近EW向断裂带控制;围岩蚀变以硅化、绢英岩化、黄铁矿化最为重要,它们与金矿密切相关。文章较详细地阐述了区域成矿地质背景和矿床地质特征,总结了矿床的控矿因素,指出了进一步找矿方向。  相似文献   

Water conflicts are a significant issue in northern Chile, especially when linked to neoliberal economic activities – mainly mining – on the lands of indigenous peoples. In fact, political ecology tends to accentuate the ways in which their communities unite around a water-based territoriality and/or cultural politics when faced with ‘threatening’ outsiders. However, internal differentiation has become especially relevant to enable a more nuanced appreciation of local struggles and claims. Taking a political ecology of water perspective, this article analyses in what ways Intergenerational Dynamics (hereafter IGDs) shape the way indigenous communities articulate their collective vision of development when dealing with mining companies. In addition, it examines to what extent IGDs shape the key elements that constitute different positions regarding territory, and also assesses how such dynamics reflect age-related traditional interests and cultural senses of identity and territoriality.  相似文献   

胶东蓬莱金矿区流体包裹体和氢氧同位素地球化学研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
蓬莱地区金矿床以石英脉型为主,其次是蚀变岩型;成矿条件与著名的玲珑金矿床相似。金主要产于黄铁矿和多金属硫化物石英脉中。流体包裹体研究表明,金矿床中主要存在两种类型的流体包裹体:CO2-H2O包裹体和中低盐度的NaCl—H2O溶液包裹体。CO2-H2O包裹体气相以CO2为主,可含少量CH4、H2S、CO。其中,黄铁绢英岩的石英中含有丰富的CO2-H2O包裹体,而黄铁矿石英脉和多金属硫化物石英脉中富CO2与富H2O的CO2-H2O包裹体共存。显微测温结果显示,黄铁绢英岩中的CO2-H2O包裹体的均一温度范围为230℃~300℃;而黄铁矿和多金属硫化物石英包裹体的均一温度为220℃-390℃,鉴于这些包裹体是从不混溶的CO2-H2O流体中捕获的,因此它们的温度下限220℃~250℃左右,应该看作是它们的形成温度。成矿早期流体为富含挥发份(流体密度0.92~0.985g/cm^3)、中低盐度(4.15%~5.23%NaCleqv)的流体:到主成矿期逐渐演化为温度升高,盐度变化范围大(1.02%~15.5%NaCleqv),水溶液以NaCl为主,气体仍以CO2为主,但可含少量的CH4、H2S、CO及有机质等的流体(流体密度0.32~0.99g/cm^3);成矿期后的流体盐度、温度及CO2含量降至最低。本区矿床中石英的占δ^18O值变化在13.8‰-18.3‰,成矿流体的占δ^18O值在4、9‰-10.9‰之间,流体包裹体中占D变化范围很小,从-78‰变化到-101‰,主要集中在-78‰~-88‰之间。由此表明成矿流体以岩浆水为主,伴有大气降水的参与。在主成矿期成矿流体表现出明显的多期、多来源特征。温度降低和流体不混溶是导致金等成矿元素沉淀和富集的重要机制。  相似文献   

胶东乳山英格庄金矿碲化物的发现及其意义   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文通过电子探针微束分析,在胶东牟平-乳山成矿带内的英格庄金矿发现碲银矿、辉碲铋矿,并在胶东地区首次发现楚碲铋矿,该矿物系列以复杂的连生关系呈细小片状产出于白云石及石英矿物颗粒间。碲化物电子探针化学成分结果显示本区碲化物普遍贫碲。依据碲化物及其共生矿物的产出关系和矿物化学成分,推测其形成顺序为黄铁矿→镍黄铁矿→辉碲铋矿→楚碲铋矿→碲银矿。依据碲化物矿物共生组合对体系中碲化物形成时的fTe2fS2进行了限定,log fTe2范围为-19.5~-11.2,log fS2上限为-16.8;并试图对碲的来源及其地质意义进行探讨,认为英格庄金矿中碲化物的发现揭示了深成幔源的信息,鉴于碲与金相近的地球化学特征和密切关系,认为金矿赋矿围岩荆山群和昆嵛山杂岩体提供成矿物质来源的可能性不大,而早白垩世的构造-岩浆活动特别是壳幔物质的交换过程与金成矿关系更为密切。  相似文献   

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