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采用文献计量学方法,运用CiteSpace和TDA等引文分析及可视化工具,对国内外"社会—生态系统恢复力"相关研究论文进行分析。构建检索式,得到1900—2017年WOS(Web of Science)期刊论文共10 315篇,对研究态势及热点进行梳理和分析。结果发现,系统恢复力研究可归纳为5个基本理论问题,即内涵、变化诱因、空间尺度、研究对象及响应措施。自1973年提出,该理论发展了近45年,借助知识图谱分析发现,形成了三大研究主题领域:内涵与理论、诱因与方法、适应与管理。分析研究热点时序演化发现,近20年来,以气候变化为诱因、以生态系统为对象的研究形成了最为完备的理论和方法体系;近10年来,社区和城市尺度的研究发展迅速成为热点;近5年来,社会学习和知识传播等适应对策得到关注。深化对同质社会经济单元的研究,开展案例研究与实地观测、实验和建模方法的融合是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

Resilience theory has gained considerable prominence with regard to the management of social-ecological systems and more recently climate change adaptation. Yet, how resilience is precisely understood, how its institutionalisation works and how organisations can operationalise principles for achieving resilience often remains vague. Therefore, the paper explores how institutional and organisational theory can enhance the understanding on resilience. Linking organisational institutionalism to resilience theory, the paper analyses in particular how resilience thinking can diffuse and translate into organisational action, and which challenges and barriers may exist. Empirical research on formal urban climate change adaptation in Vietnam is used to explore the important role of distinctive institutional features in a given culture, region or sector for shaping this process. It is argued that such context-specific institutional framework conditions are often underemphasised, thereby, hampering the transferability as well as operationalisation and implementation of resilience propositions. Relevant aspects include epistemological, ontological and normative dimensions. Linking the case study to neoinstitutional theory, recommendations are developed for increasing the intercultural transferability of resilience thinking into organisational practices.  相似文献   

The notion of Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems (ReSES) in balancing and sustaining development are increasingly breeding more multidisciplinary attentions from world scientists and government managers. However, with the tremendous growing in theoretical system, certain problems hinder the integration of theory and practice, such as the low degree of research recognition, lacking of unified paradigm, unevenly development of research topics, etc. Thus, it is an urgent need to sort out the construction, source and development in theory, and its gaps with practices. To identify the hotspot in current research, including the fundamental theories and methods, current focus and future trends, a bibliometric analysis integrating Citespace and TDA tools were made. Using searching queries on “system resilience”, 10 315 articles in Web of Science database were retrieved. Then, a series of contents were examined on these publications, including: topics division on co-occurrence network of keywords; journal and co-citation analysis of highly cited papers; trends by keyword burst analysis; changing of high-frequency categories and keywords. Several findings were achieved through scientometric analysis. Firstly, research on system resilience were summarized into five basic theoretical issues, namely, research objects, changes incentives, spatial and temporal scale, and adaptive measures. Secondly, by analyzing the knowledge atlas, it is found that the theory has developed for nearly 45 years since 1973. In the past 20 years, ecosystem resilience driven by climate changes has been one of the earliest and consistent research topics, and formed a well-developed theoretical framework. Over the past ten years, research on the system resilience on community and urban scale has rapidly become a hot topic. In the past five years, adaptation strategies such as social learning and knowledge dissemination have attracted increasing attentions. Overall, improving system simulation and scenario based adaptive management analysis can build the bridge of theoretical research and adaptive management practice.  相似文献   

Adaptive governance is the use of novel approaches within policy to support experimentation and learning. Social learning reflects the engagement of interdependent stakeholders within this learning. Much attention has focused on these concepts as a solution for resilience in governing institutions in an uncertain climate; resilience representing the ability of a system to absorb shock and to retain its function and form through reorganisation. However, there are still many questions to how these concepts enable resilience, particularly in vulnerable, developing contexts. A case study from Uganda presents how these concepts promote resilient livelihood outcomes among rural subsistence farmers within a decentralised governing framework. This approach has the potential to highlight the dynamics and characteristics of a governance system which may manage change. The paper draws from the enabling characteristics of adaptive governance, including lower scale dynamics of bonding and bridging ties and strong leadership. Central to these processes were learning platforms promoting knowledge transfer leading to improved self-efficacy, innovation and livelihood skills. However even though aspects of adaptive governance were identified as contributing to resilience in livelihoods, some barriers were identified. Reflexivity and multi-stakeholder collaboration were evident in governing institutions; however, limited self-organisation and vertical communication demonstrated few opportunities for shifts in governance, which was severely challenged by inequity, politicisation and elite capture. The paper concludes by outlining implications for climate adaptation policy through promoting the importance of mainstreaming adaptation alongside existing policy trajectories; highlighting the significance of collaborative spaces for stakeholders and the tackling of inequality and corruption.  相似文献   

The capacity to adapt is a critical element of the process of adaptation: it is the vector of resources that represent the asset base from which adaptation actions can be made. Adaptive capacity can in theory be identified and measured at various scales, from the individual to the nation. The assessment of uncertainty within such measures comes from the contested knowledge domain and theories surrounding the nature of the determinants of adaptive capacity and the human action of adaptation. While generic adaptive capacity at the national level, for example, is often postulated as being dependent on health, governance and political rights, and literacy, and economic well-being, the determinants of these variables at national levels are not widely understood. We outline the nature of this uncertainty for the major elements of adaptive capacity and illustrate these issues with the example of a social vulnerability index for countries in Africa. To cite this article: W.N. Adger, K. Vincent, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   


In this paper, we develop and apply a multi-dimensional vulnerability assessment framework for understanding the impacts of climate change-induced hazards in Sub-Saharan African cities. The research was carried out within the European/African FP7 project CLimate change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa, which investigated climate change-induced risks, assessed vulnerability and proposed policy initiatives in five African cities. Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) was used as a main case with a particular focus on urban flooding. The multi-dimensional assessment covered the physical, institutional, attitudinal and asset factors influencing urban vulnerability. Multiple methods were applied to cover the full range of vulnerabilities and to identify potential response strategies, including: model-based forecasts, spatial analyses, document studies, interviews and stakeholder workshops. We demonstrate the potential of the approach to assessing several dimensions of vulnerability and illustrate the complexity of urban vulnerability at different scales: households (e.g., lacking assets); communities (e.g., situated in low-lying areas, lacking urban services and green areas); and entire cities (e.g., facing encroachment on green and flood-prone land). Scenario modeling suggests that vulnerability will continue to increase strongly due to the expected loss of agricultural land at the urban fringes and loss of green space within the city. However, weak institutional commitment and capacity limit the potential for strategic coordination and action. To better adapt to urban flooding and thereby reduce vulnerability and build resilience, we suggest working across dimensions and scales, integrating climate change issues in city-level plans and strategies and enabling local actions to initiate a ‘learning-by-doing’ process of adaptation.


In this paper, we develop and apply a multi-dimensional vulnerability assessment framework for understanding the impacts of climate change-induced hazards in Sub-Saharan African cities. The research was carried out within the European/African FP7 project CLimate change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa, which investigated climate change-induced risks, assessed vulnerability and proposed policy initiatives in five African cities. Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) was used as a main case with a particular focus on urban flooding. The multi-dimensional assessment covered the physical, institutional, attitudinal and asset factors influencing urban vulnerability. Multiple methods were applied to cover the full range of vulnerabilities and to identify potential response strategies, including: model-based forecasts, spatial analyses, document studies, interviews and stakeholder workshops. We demonstrate the potential of the approach to assessing several dimensions of vulnerability and illustrate the complexity of urban vulnerability at different scales: households (e.g., lacking assets); communities (e.g., situated in low-lying areas, lacking urban services and green areas); and entire cities (e.g., facing encroachment on green and flood-prone land). Scenario modeling suggests that vulnerability will continue to increase strongly due to the expected loss of agricultural land at the urban fringes and loss of green space within the city. However, weak institutional commitment and capacity limit the potential for strategic coordination and action. To better adapt to urban flooding and thereby reduce vulnerability and build resilience, we suggest working across dimensions and scales, integrating climate change issues in city-level plans and strategies and enabling local actions to initiate a ‘learning-by-doing’ process of adaptation.  相似文献   

Resilience to natural hazards: a geographic perspective   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
Resilience is increasingly used as an approach for understanding the dynamics of natural disaster systems. This article presents the origin of resilience and provides an overview of its development to date, which draws on the wide literature on ecological science, social science, social–environmental system and natural hazards. From a geographic perspective, the model of disaster resilience of “Loss–Response” of Location (DRLRL) was created and disaster resilience was defined from three dimensional mode, which focused on the spatial, temporal scale of resilience and attributes of hazard-affected bodies. A geographic approach was put forward to measure the disaster resilience, including two properties of inherent resilience and adaptive resilience and a case study was implemented in order to validate this approach. This perspective would offer greater potential in application of resilience concept, especially in the process of integrated risk management and disaster recovery.  相似文献   

The paper presents contributions to the widespread resilience paradigm from a social science perspective. Certain aspects of social systems, especially their symbolic dimension of meaning, need to be taken into account in the endeavor to research coupled social–ecological systems. Due to the symbolic dimension, disasters are defined as the failure of future expectations, and social resilience is defined as the social system property of avoiding or withstanding disasters. In relation to this, three capacities of social systems (adaptive, coping, and participative) that constitute resilience are presented. The adaptive capacity is the property of a system in which structures are modified to prevent future disasters, whereas the coping capacity is the system’s property of coping with calamitous processes that occurred in the past. The participative capacity is a measure of the system’s ability to change its own structures with regard to interventions by other systems, decreasing the system’s resilience. The concept of resilience provides important epistemological and political insights and can help overcome an orientation tied together with the concept of vulnerability that blocks social capacities for the mitigation of disasters.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between local institutions and adaptation to climate variability in four semi-arid villages in India. Based on a qualitative survey, it draws attention to the constraints that farming households face, the role of institutions, and the implications for their capacities to adapt. Using an institutional framework, the study examines the role of local institutions in facilitating community adaptation to perceived climate variability. It was found that at the institutional and community level farmers rely on government schemes that provide social safety nets and the private sector such as moneylenders as sources of adaptation options regarding access to credit. Serious constraints emerged, however, in terms of adaptation to what may be a more challenging future. These constraints were further explored by means of grounded theory. The lack of collective feeling and action has hindered bargaining for better market prices and the development of alternate livelihood options. The need for better financial inclusion and access to more formal systems of finance is necessary to increase the overall adaptive capacity of households. During crisis situations or climatic shocks, the absence of these systems means the sale of household assets and resources especially among small and landless groups of farmers. Overall, rural households perceive that public, civic, and private institutions play a significant role in shielding them against the adverse effects of climate variability. The perceived importance of different institutions is, however, different across different categories of farmers, women, and labourers.  相似文献   


Tsunamic events are a frequent hazard to coastal towns. Despite this, the extent to which resilience models can be applied to coastal towns as well as the aspects that should be considered when doing so have not been fully evaluated. There is little information regarding the specific indicators that allow cities to better cope and adapt to the impacts of tsunamis, and this information is especially scarce for developing countries such as Chile. The main objective of this study is to develop a resilience model to explore the extent to which local characteristics influence the resilience of Chilean coastal communities to tsunami hazards. Accordingly, this study presents the Coastal Community Resilience model (The CORE model) for exploring the adaptive capacity of coastal areas affected by tsunamis. This model was then applied to fourteen coastal villages, distributed within four towns, three communes, and two regions of Chile. Data comprising 21 indicators that address the physical, environmental, and social resilience aspects of the villages were obtained on-site and from governmental and municipality databases; these data were then subjected to multivariate analysis in order to determine which indicators most and least affect resilience and whether indicators affect resilience positively or negatively. Variation in resilience among the villages was explained by similarities and differences in the administrative-political, urban, rural, and indigenous characteristics of the study areas. In addition to these results, we discuss land use planning considerations to build community resilience, and we provide insight into the utility of the resilience model proposed here. Overall, our findings shed light on gaps in planning policies and opportunities for planning coastal resilient communities, particularly for those where data of explicit indicators are scarce like in Chile and other developing countries.


Vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation are three fundamentally inter-related concepts among such research communities as global environmental/climatic change, social–ecological and disaster risk science. However, their mutual relationships are still unclear so far particularly in the field of disaster risk reduction, which to some extent blocks the reasonable risk analysis and scientific decision making. This paper performed a brief overview on the basic definitions and evolution processes of vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation, and tentatively categorized past diverse thoughts of their relationships into three modalities, such as, vulnerability preference, resilience preference, and overlapped relationships. From a “hit-damage-recovery-learning cycle” insight and based on an empirical case study, we put forward two conceptual frameworks to address the relationships of vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation within the disaster risk domain, and we further discussed their broader implications in terms of disaster risk management and social–ecological sustainability. In an attempt to bring together the analytical frameworks of vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation, this study indicates that a sustainable adaptation strategy to the unavoidable disasters or changes should not only seek to reduce the vulnerability of a social–ecological system, but also to foster its resilience and adaptive capacity to future uncertainties and potential risks.  相似文献   

Despite massive investment in flood control infrastructure (FCI), neither cities nor rivers have been well served—flooding continues to challenge cities around the world, while riverine ecosystems are degraded by FCI. Although new flood hazard management concepts have shifted the focus away from FCI, many cities continue to count on FCI to prevent flood damage. It is assumed that existing built-up areas can only count on FCI, as large-scale retreat is often impossible. However, flood adaptation—retrofitting the built environment to prevent damage during flooding—as an option is often ignored. This paper argues against the continual use of FCI to prevent flood damage by reviewing FCI’s established problems. The paper examines human–river interactions associated with FCI, focusing on the feedback mechanisms in the interactions, with a case study on the Lower Green River (LGR) valley in King County, Washington, USA. An urban ecology research model is employed to organize the case study, where interactions between floodplain urbanization, FCI, flow and sediment changes, flood risk, and riverine ecosystem are explored and two feedback mechanisms—river adjustment and flood risk perception—are explicitly addressed. The resulting complex dynamics, in terms of cross–scale interactions, emergence, nonlinearity, and surprises, are synthesized and limitations of FCI outlined. Flood adaptation is explored as a plausible alternative to flood control to nurture flood resilience. A management scenario of flood adaptation for the City of Kent—the largest municipality in the LGR valley—is developed to discuss the implications of flood adaptation on flood risk and river restoration.  相似文献   

21世纪中国的城市化特点及其生态环境挑战   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
城市化是世界范围的历史进程。中国的城市化虽然起步较晚,但是由于速度快、规模大、资源能源消耗高,从而带来一系列水环境和热环境问题。系统梳理了在全球气候变化和城市化的双重压力下,中国城市面临的水资源短缺与水污染、日益严重的城市热岛和生态水文灾害等生态环境挑战,提出要以城市生态水文学的理论和手段,解决城市生态环境问题,提升中国的城市化质量,实现宜居城市。  相似文献   

Urbanization is a worldwide historical process. Although China's urbanization started late, it is fast, large in scale, high in resource and energy consumption, and leads to a series of water and thermal environment problems. This paper systematically sorted out the ecological environment challenges faced by Chinese cities under the dual pressures of global climate change and urbanization, such as water shortages and water pollution, increasingly serious urban heat island issues and ecological hydrological disasters. It proposed to solve the problem of urban ecological environment with the theory and means of urban ecohydrology, improve the quality of urbanization in China, and realize livable cities.  相似文献   

Facing natural disasters is a priority challenge for cities, exacerbated by increases in urban population and climate change. Improving the resilience of cities is a critical need for the international community and especially for territories exposed to multiple risks, such as Chile. Although disasters are always tragic, the recovery and reconstruction post-disaster may provide a unique opportunity to prevent future suffering, enhancing the resilience of local communities. This paper presents the analysis of two Chilean reconstruction programmes applied in Mehuin and Dichato, after the earthquake and tsunami of 22 May 1960 and 27 February 2010, respectively. In both cases, reconstruction programmes were supported by the Chilean Government, but using different approaches: one focused on providing housing for people injured in the earthquake, while the other also included urban amenities and services. This article proposes an urban morphology analysis framework; in addition, it presents the assessment of the two case studies before and after a disaster, thus evaluating their resilience. By comparing urban morphology resilience pre- and post-disaster, a discussion about the effectiveness of two reconstruction approaches is presented. Finally, conclusions and recommendations to better integrate resilience into urban planning are proposed, with the aim of opening the discussion about how to make cities more resilient to natural disasters.  相似文献   

Flood disasters and its consequent damages are on the rise globally. Pakistan has been experiencing an increase in flood frequency and severity along with resultant damages in the past. In addition to the regular practices of loss and damage estimation, current focus is on risk assessment of hazard-prone communities. Risk measurement is complex as scholars engaged in disaster science and management use different quantitative models with diverse interpretations. This study tries to provide clarity in conceptualizing disaster risk and proposes a risk assessment methodology with constituent components such as hazard, vulnerability (exposure and sensitivity) and coping/adaptive capacity. Three communities from different urban centers in Pakistan have been selected based on high flood frequency and intensity. A primary survey was conducted in selected urban communities to capture data on a number of variables relating to flood hazard, vulnerability and capacity to compute flood risk index. Households were categorized into different risk levels, such as can manage risk, can survive and cope, and cannot cope. It was found that risk levels varied significantly across the households of the three communities. Metropolitan city was found to be highly vulnerable as compared to smaller cities due to weak capacity. Households living in medium town had devised coping mechanisms to manage risk. The proposed methodology is tested and found operational for risk assessment of flood-prone areas and communities irrespective of locations and countries.  相似文献   

结合长江三角洲地区,探讨分形理论、人工神经网络(Kohonen网络)在城镇体系研究中的应用问题:运用分形理论,计算长江三角洲地区城镇体系规模结构分形分布的分维数和城镇体系空间结构的关联维数,并分析其规模结构和空间结构的分形结构特征;运用Kohonen神经网络模型,对长江三角洲地区的城市进行城市职能分类,分析其职能结构;提出长江三角洲地区城镇体系的发展对策,同时分别评述分形理论和Kohonen网络方法在城镇体系研究中存在的优势与不足,并提出其改进方法。  相似文献   

滨海城市地区地质环境是特色及与地质灾害的成生联系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李相然 《地质与勘探》2000,36(1):65-67,84
分析了我国滨海城市地区地质环境的地域分异规律,研究了它与地质灾害的成生联系。  相似文献   

以玉龙雪山地区为例,基于关联性、全面性与合理性、可操作性原则,结合玉龙雪山地区冰冻圈变化的特点与主要影响,从生态、水资源、经济与社会系统4个方面遴选了20个指标,构建了生态-经济系统对冰冻圈变化的适应能力评价体系,运用层次分析法和多目标线性加权函数法建立了冰冻圈变化适应能力指数模型,对玉龙雪山地区冰冻圈变化适应能力进行了综合评价.结果表明:就子系统而言,1980-2008年除水资源系统的适应能力呈下降态势外,生态、经济与社会系统对冰冻圈变化的适应能力均呈上升趋势.水资源总量减少是水资源系统适应能力降低的主要影响因素.玉龙雪山地区冰冻圈变化的综合适应能力增强,经济系统对综合适应能力的贡献达到37%,居首位,其次为社会系统,为29%.旅游业发展驱动下的生态环境保护,地区经济实力增强,交通设施建设,居民收入增加共同助推了该地区综合适应能力的提升.  相似文献   

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