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Seagrass protection and restoration in Florida’s Indian River Lagoon system (IRLS) is a mutual goal of state and federal programs. These programs require, the establishment of management targets indicative of seagrass recovery and health. We used three metrics related to seagrass distribution: areal coverage, depth limit, and light requirement. In order to account for the IRLS’s spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability, we developed coverage and depth limit targets for each of its 19 segments. Our method consisted of two steps: mapping the union of seagrass coverages from all availabe mapping years (1943, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1994, 1996, and 1999) to delineate wherever seagrass had been mapped and determining the distribution of depth limits based on 5,615 depth measurements collected on or very near the deep-edge boundary of the union coverage. The frequency distribution of depth limits derived from the union coverage, along with the median (50th percentile) and maximum (95th percentile) depth limits, serve as the seagrass depth targets for each segment. The median and maximum depth targets for the IRLS vary among segments from 0.8 to 1.8 and 1.2 to 2.8 m, respectively.Halodule wrightii is typically the dominant seagrass species at the deep-edge of IRLS grass beds. We set light requirement targets by using a 10-yr record of light data (1990–1999) and the union coverage depth limit distributions from the most temporally stable seagrass segments. The average annual light requirement, based on the medians of the depth limit distributions, is 33 ± 17% of the subsurface light. The minimum annual light requirement, based on of the 95th percentile of the depth distributions, is 20 ± 14%; the minimum growing season light requirement (March to mid September) is essentially the same (20 ± 13%). Variation in depth limits and light requirements, is probably due to factors other than light that influence the depth limit of seagrasses (e.g., competition, physical disturbance). The methods used in this study are robust when applied to large or long-term data sets and can be applied to other estuaries where grass beds are routinely monitored and mapped.  相似文献   

Due to the various influencing factors on river suspended sediment transportation, determining an appropriate input combination for developing the suspended sediment load forecasting model is very important for water resources management. The influence of pre-processing of input variables by Gamma Test (GT) was investigated on performance of Support Vector Machine (SVM) with two kernels; Radial Basis Function (RBF) and polynomial in order to forecast daily suspended sediment amount in the period between 1983 and 2014 at Korkorsar basin, northern Iran. The best input combination was identified using GT and correlation coefficient analysis. Then, the SVM model was developed and the suspended sediment amount was forecasted with RBF and polynomial kernels. The obtained results in testing phase showed that GT-SVM (RBF kernel) model can estimate suspended sediment more accurately with the lowest RMSE (14.045 ton/day), highest correlation coefficient (0.88) and highest NSEC coefficient (0.88) than SVM (RBF kernel) model (RMSE?=?18.36ton/day, \( {R}^2=0.79, \) \( NSEC=0.73 \)) and had a better performance than the other models. The results indicated that in forecasting the first nine maximum values of suspended sediment load, GT-SVM (RBF) had a higher capability than the other models and could provide a more accurate estimation from the maximum rate of suspended sediment. The results of this study showed the capability of identifying the priority of the input parameters can change GT to a useful and technical test for input variables pre-processing to forecast the amount of suspended sediments.  相似文献   

从气固两相流颗粒增强流体紊动的有关研究成果出发,结合悬移质和推移质的划分标准,推导出悬移质运动增强水流紊动强度的一个必要条件,并通过已有试验资料进行了验证。  相似文献   

This study looks into the impacts of Sarawak Barrage (located in Kuching City, State of Sarawa Malaysia) flushing and flooding-in operations on upstream total suspended solids (TSS). Water samples were collected from three upstream stations on 17th, 18th and 19th of August 2000. During flushing, it was observed that TSS levels increased over a distance of 11 km upstream. Maximum TSS recorded 250 mg/L at 1.5 km, 120 mg/L at 6 km, and 85 mg/L at 11 km upstream. During flushing, TSS levels increased with depth, and upstream turbulence intensities were indirectly proportional to distance from barrage. During flooding-in operation, TSS decreased from 249 to 155 mg/L at 1.5 km near the bottom, while surface TSS decreased from 86 to 58 mg/L. Generally, during flooding-in operation, TSS increased from 90 to 116 mg/L between 6 and 11 km. During flooding-in operation, maximum bottom TSS recorded 216 mg/L at 6 km upstream. Differences between bottom and mid-depth TSS levels were relatively minimal ranging from 19 to 45 mg/L, whilst the maximum difference between mid-depth and surface TSS was as high as 78 mg/L. After 9 hours of gate closure, a well-mixed regime prevailed from 6 to 11 km upstream with TSS ranged from 35 to 47 mg/L at all the monitoring points regardless of depths.  相似文献   

This article presents the modeling of hydrothermal characteristics and suspended solids in a long and large-volume reservoir with a highly fluctuating water level. A laterally averaged two-dimensional hydrothermal and water quality model was configured for the Shihmen Reservoir in northern Taiwan. The model was validated with measured data of water surface elevation, water temperature, and concentration of suspended solids in 2006. The results show that the numerical model was able to reproduce the measured data. The validated model was then used to investigate the effects of water withdrawal schemes at different depths and to estimate the residence time in the reservoir. When water is withdrawn from a great depth, the relatively warm water from the upper layers can replace that in the deep layers, thereby facilitating heat transfer from the surface to the deeper layer. Bottom-water withdrawal results in a lower concentration of suspended solids compared with withdrawal from depths of 20 and 40 m. The simulated results show that the residence time is approximately 154 days in the Shihmen Reservoir.  相似文献   

The present research was carried out by using artificial neural network (ANN), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), cokriging (CK) and ordinary kriging (OK) using the rainfall and streamflow data for suspended sediment load forecasting. For this reason, the time series of daily rainfall (mm), streamflow (m3/s), and suspended sediment load (tons/day) data were used from the Kojor forest watershed near the Caspian Sea between 28 October 2007 and 21 September 2010 (776 days). Root mean square error, efficiency coefficient, mean absolute error, and mean relative error statistics are used for evaluating the accuracy of the ANN, ANFIS, CK, and OK models. In the first part of the study, various combinations of current daily rainfall, streamflow and past daily rainfall, streamflow data are used as inputs to the neural network and neuro-fuzzy computing technique so as to estimate current suspended sediment. Also, the accuracy of the ANN and ANFIS models are compared together in suspended sediment load forecasting. Comparison results reveal that the ANFIS model provided better estimation than the ANN model. In the second part of the study, the ANN and ANFIS models are compared with OK and CK. The comparison results reveal that CK was a better estimation than the OK. The ANFIS and ANN models also provided better estimation than the OK and CK models.  相似文献   

Studies of seagrass meadows have shown that the production of algal epiphytes attached to seagrass blades approaches 20% of the seagrass production and that epiphytes are more important as food for associated fauna than are the more refractory seagrass blades. Since epiphytes may compete with seagrasses for light and water column nutrients, excessive epiphytic fouling could have serious consequences for seagrass growth. We summarize much of the literature on epiphytegrazer relationships in seagrass meadows within the context of seagrass growth and production. We also provide insights from mathematical modeling simulations of these relationships for a Chesapeake BayZostera marina meadow. Finally we focus on future research needs for more completely understanding the influences that epiphyte grazers have on seagrass production.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distributions of salinity, dissolved oxygen, suspended particulate material (SPM), and dissolved nutrients were determined during 1983 in the Choptank River, an estuarine tributary of Chesapeake Bay. During winter and spring freshets, the middle estuary was strongly stratified with changes in salinity of up to 5‰ occurring over 1 m depth intervals. Periodically, the lower estuary was stratified due to the intrusion of higher salinity water from the main channel of Chesapeake Bay. During summer this intrusion caused minimum oxygen and maximum NH4 + concentrations at the mouth of the Choptank River estuary. Highest concentrations of SPM, particulate carbon (PC), particulate nitrogen (PN), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorous (TP) and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) occurred in the upper estuary during the early spring freshet. In contrast, minimum soluble reactive phosphate (SRP) concentrations were highest in the upper estuary in summer when freshwater discharge was low. In spring, PC:PN ratios were >13, indicating a strong influence by allochthonous plant detritus on PC and PN concentrations. However, high concentrations of PC and PN in fall coincided with maximum chlorophyll a concentrations and PC:PN ratios were <8, indicating in situ productivity controlled PC and PN levels. During late spring and summer, DIN concentrations decreased from >100 to <10 μg-at l?1, resulting mainly from the nonconservative behavior of NO3 ?, which dominated the DIN pool. Atomic ratios of both the inorganic and total forms of N and P exceeded 100 in spring, but by summer, ratios decreased to <5 and <15, respectively. The seasonal and spatial changes in both absolute concentrations and ratios of N and P reflect the strong influence of allochthonous inputs on nutrient distributions in spring, followed by the effects of internal processes in summer and fall.  相似文献   

An investigation of seagrass-epiphyte controlling factors was conducted within aThalassia testudinum meadow in Florida Bay from March 2000 to April 2001. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using water column nutrient concentrations, temperature, salinity, and turbidity, and gastropod grazer abundances, seagrass leaf area index, and leaf turnover rate data to explain the variation in total epiphyte standing stock, epiphyte chlorophylla, and epiphyte autotrophic index. Turbidity was positively correlated with total epiphyte standing stock and accounted for the most variation. Observations of adhered sediment onT. testudinum leaves and the combination, of increased total epiphyte standing stocks and low autotrophic indices observed in February and April 2001 suggest that the settling of resuspended sediments following turbidity events is one of the temporal mechanisms for increased epiphyte accumulation. Total epiphyte standing stock was also negatively correlated with the abundance of a robust gastropod grazer community dominated byTurbo castanea, Tegula fasciata, andModulus modulus. Distinct temporal size cohorts ofT. castanea andT. fasciata throughout the study period suggest recruitment in spring and an annual lifespan. Nutrient concentrations can also account for some of the temporal variation in total epiphyte standing stock, epiphyte chlorophylla, and autotrophic index. The low variation ofT. testudinum leaf turnover rates was unable to account for any of the variation in the epiphyte parameters.  相似文献   

Transport of hydrophobic organic pollutants in rivers is mainly coupled to transport of suspended particles. Turbidity measurements are often used to assess the amount of suspended solids in water. In this study, a monitoring campaign is presented where the total concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), the amount of total suspended solids (TSS), and turbidity was measured in water samples from five neighboring catchments in southwest Germany. Linear correlations of turbidity and TSS were obtained which were in close agreement to the literature data. From linear regressions of turbidity versus total PAH concentrations in water, mean concentrations of PAH on suspended particles could be calculated and these varied by catchment. These values furthermore comprise a robust measure of the average sediment quality in a given catchment. Since in the catchments investigated in this study, PAH concentrations on suspended particles were stable over a large turbidity range (1–114 Nephelometric Turbidity Units), turbidity could be used as a proxy for total PAHs and likely other highly hydrophobic organic pollutants in river water if the associated correlations are established. Based on that, online monitoring of turbidity (e.g., by optical backscattering sensors) seems very promising to determine annual pollutant fluxes.  相似文献   

Computation of the grain-size distribution of the suspended load above a sand bed must take into consideration: (1) sorting processes from the bed to the bed layer and (2) sorting between the bed layer and suspension. Grain-size distributions of the bed layers above sand beds of three different types have been computed in this work, both by the Einstein and the Gessler methods. Using these as references, suspended load distributions have been obtained in each case by the Rouse suspension equation. A new formula has also been developed in partial modification of Hunt's method for direct computation of bed load and suspended load from a bed's grain-size distribution and flow parameters. Comparison of the computed data with actual observations in laboratory flumes show that no one method is particularly superior to the others, but the present method is advantageous because it affords direct computation of the suspended load from a bed's grain-size distribution, without going through an intermediate stage (bed load). The possible sources of error in each of the methods have been discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the prediction of suspended sediment load in a gauging station in the USA by neuro-fuzzy, conjunction of wavelet analysis and neuro-fuzzy as well as conventional sediment rating curve models. In the proposed wavelet analysis and neuro-fuzzy model, observed time series of river discharge and suspended sediment load were decomposed at different scales by wavelet analysis. Then, total effective time series of discharge and suspended sediment load were imposed as inputs to the neuro-fuzzy model for prediction of suspended sediment load in one day ahead. Results showed that the wavelet analysis and neuro-fuzzy model performance was better in prediction rather than the neuro-fuzzy and sediment rating curve models. The wavelet analysis and neuro-fuzzy model produced reasonable predictions for the extreme values. Furthermore, the cumulative suspended sediment load estimated by this technique was closer to the actual data than the others one. Also, the model could be employed to simulate hysteresis phenomenon, while sediment rating curve method is incapable in this event.  相似文献   

The effects of seagrass bed geometry on wave attenuation and suspended sediment transport were investigated using a modified Nearshore Community Model (NearCoM). The model was enhanced to account for cohesive sediment erosion and deposition, sediment transport, combined wave and current shear stresses, and seagrass effects on drag. Expressions for seagrass drag as a function of seagrass shoot density and canopy height were derived from published flume studies of model vegetation. The predicted reduction of volume flux for steady flow through a bed agreed reasonably well with a separate flume study. Predicted wave attenuation qualitatively captured seasonal patterns observed in the field: wave attenuation peaked during the flowering season and decreased as shoot density and canopy height decreased. Model scenarios with idealized bathymetries demonstrated that, when wave orbital velocities and the seagrass canopy interact, increasing seagrass bed width in the direction of wave propagation results in higher wave attenuation, and increasing incoming wave height results in higher relative wave attenuation. The model also predicted lower skin friction, reduced erosion rates, and higher bottom sediment accumulation within and behind the bed. Reduced erosion rates within seagrass beds have been reported, but reductions in stress behind the bed require further studies for verification. Model results suggest that the mechanism of sediment trapping by seagrass beds is more complex than reduced erosion rates alone; it also requires suspended sediment sources outside of the bed and horizontal transport into the bed.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out in Haraz basin (Iran) that is located in south of the Caspian Sea. The goal of this study was to establish correlations amongst total suspended solids concentration (TSS) and turbidity with total pollutant concentrations to evaluate the dissolved and particle-bound concentrations of major toxic metals. It also aimed to validate TSS and/or turbidity measurements as proxies to monitor pollutant fluxes. Eight metals, namely nickel, lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, cobalt, arsenic and strontium were analyzed for dissolved and total concentrations in water at ten locations within the catchment. TSS and turbidity were also measured. Sampling campaigns were designed to cover both the rainy (December) and the dry (May) season within the basin. The robust relationship between TSS (202–1212 mg/l) and turbidity (63–501 NTUs) in both seasons warranted their interchangeable potential as proxies within the observed ranges. Total element concentrations were plotted in separate attempts versus TSS and turbidity for all locations and both events. Very good linear correlations were attained where the slopes represent the metals concentration on suspended solids and the intercept the dissolved concentration in water. The results achieved by these linear regressions were in very good agreement with independently measured values for dissolved concentration and concentrations on river bed sediments taken at the same locations. This demonstrates that turbidity and/or TSS measurements may be used for monitoring of metal loads if once calibrated against total concentration of metals. The results also revealed that in the lower Haraz catchment metal concentrations on suspended and river bed sediment were homogeneously distributed along the investigated river stretch. This is assumed to be due to intensive gravel and sand mining activities in the upper and middle part of the catchment.  相似文献   

Grain-size frequency distributions of suspended loads at different flow velocities and over sand beds of four different grain-size patterns were studied in a laboratory flume. The proportion of bed material which went into suspension increased with decrease of grain-size in each case, but the modes of the suspended loads occurred in the size classes intermediate between the coarsest and the finest. With increase of flow velocity, as also with decrease of the bed's mean grain-size, the total amount of material in suspension markedly increased, mainly due to addition of particles to the medium size classes. The coarsest grains in the bed resisted erosion due to their weight, whereas the finest ones were either not available in sufficient quantities or resisted erosion due to their homogeneity. The finest of the erodible grains which were abundantly available in bed were therefore, lifted up in large quantities. This size sorting took place at or near the bed surface and was closely related to the process of bed form migration. Large accumulation of medium sized particles in suspension at high velocities led to lognormal grain-size distributions when the nature of the bed (source) material was suitable. At lower velocities, or over other types of bed materials, the phi (log)-probability plots of cumulative grain-size distributions of the suspended loads resolved into a number of straight lines. Mixtures of linear segments on phi-probability graphs therefore, need not necessarily indicate different modes of sediment transportation, as is commonly believed, but might reflect the conditions of flow and the nature of the source material.  相似文献   

黄河下游河道悬移质泥沙与床沙交换计算研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在前人研究成果的基础上,根据挟沙水流任一粒径组泥沙在输移过程中质量守恒原理,建立了一维非恒定挟沙水流悬移质泥沙和床沙交换基本方程;通过引入平衡冲淤物粒径的概念,建立了河床处于淤积与冲刷时冲淤物粒径的计算公式,并提出了一套完整的一维非恒定挟沙水流悬移质泥沙和床沙交换计算方法。将该成果引入黄河下游一维扩展泥沙数学模型中,采用黄河下游1977年高含沙洪水与1999年汛后至2002年汛前冲刷系列进行了验证。结果表明,该方法能较好地模拟悬沙与床沙的交换过程,克服分组挟沙力方法的缺陷,使得非均匀沙计算理论上更加完善,应用上更加方便。  相似文献   

The partitioning of the total sediment load of a river into suspended load and bedload is an important problem in fluvial geomorphology, sedimentation engineering and sedimentology. Bedload transport rates are notoriously hard to measure and, at many sites, only suspended load data are available. Often the bedload fraction is estimated with ‘rule of thumb’ methods such as Maddock’s Table, which are inadequately field‐tested. Here, the partitioning of sediment load for the Pitzbach is discussed, an Austrian mountain stream for which high temporal resolution data on both bedload and suspended load are available. The available data show large scatter on all scales. The fraction of the total load transported in suspension may vary between zero and one at the Pitzbach, while its average decreases with rising discharge (i.e. bedload transport is more important during floods). Existing data on short‐term and long‐term partitioning is reviewed and an empirical equation to estimate bedload transport rates from measured suspended load transport rates is suggested. The partitioning averaged over a flood can vary strongly from event to event. Similar variations may occur in the year‐to‐year averages. Using published simultaneous short‐term field measurements of bedload and suspended load transport rates, Maddock’s Table is reviewed and updated. Long‐term average partitioning could be a function of the catchment geology, the fraction of the catchment covered by glaciers and the extent of forest, but the available data are insufficient to draw final conclusions. At a given drainage area, scatter is large, but the data show a minimal fraction of sediment transported in suspended load, which increases with increasing drainage area and with decreasing rock strength for gravel‐bed rivers, whereby in large catchments the bedload fraction is insignificant at ca 1%. For sand‐bed rivers, the bedload fraction may be substantial (30% to 50%) even for large catchments. However, available data are scarce and of varying quality. Long‐term partitioning varies widely among catchments and the available data are currently not sufficient to discriminate control parameters effectively.  相似文献   

通过2013年6-9月对唐古拉山冬克玛底冰川流域河水的逐日定时样品采集,并结合流域水文与气象资料,对径流的总溶解固体(TDS)和悬移质的变化特征进行分析。结果表明:2013年消融期的平均气温为3.7℃,消融期降水量为546 mm,7月和8月两个月径流量占消融期总径流量的63%。消融期逐日的TDS变化范围为31~140 mg·L-1,平均值为60 mg·L-1,TDS随径流变化显著,表现为消融强烈时(7-8月) TDS浓度较低,消融初期(6月)和末期(9月)时TDS浓度较高;径流中TDS与悬移质浓度(SSC)变化表现出相反变化趋势,即消融强烈时悬移质浓度较高,而消融初期与末期悬移质浓度较低,消融期平均悬移质浓度为122.8 mg·L-1,流量-SSC时序关系表现为以顺时针滞后事件为主。2013年冬克玛底冰川流域消融期的化学侵蚀总量和物理侵蚀总量分别为2.214×103 t和6.722×103 t,化学侵蚀与物理侵蚀率的比值为0.33。  相似文献   

Since 1850, there has been an overall decrease in excess of 70 percent in the suspended load transported by the Lower Mississippi River. A decrease of 25 percent between the earliest measurements and 1950 may be partly the result of a decline in discharge and partly the result of a change in land use practices. The largest decrease occurred in 1952–53 following construction of major main-stem reservoirs on the Missouri River. Similar construction on the Arkansas River has resulted in a further decrease in 1962–63. The decrease in suspended load, combined with the artificial levee construction program and the overall enhancement of the river channel for navigation has been accompanied by an accelerating decline in land area of the Louisiana coastal zone from 17 km2/yr in 1913 to 102 km2/yr in 1980.  相似文献   

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