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When the Zionist executive abandoned Jewish rights to Trans-Jordanian Palestine, Jabotinsky established the Revisionist movement from which Etzel the Jewish right-wing underground movement in Palestine developed. This was the precursor of the Herut (Freedom) Party, from which the Likud party emerged in September 1973 to challenge the Labour Alignment (headed by the Israel Labour Party). Between the War of Independence (1948) and the signature of the Camp David accords (1978), the Government of Israel came under strong international pressure to solve the problem of the Arab refugees. During this time, dramatic changes took place in Herut's ideology and political status. In 1948, Herut was an outcast political party with a radical ideology, demanding the establishment of a Jewish Commonwealth on both sides of the Jordan. It perceived the Arab refugees to be a potential fifth column and the contiguous Arab states to be inimical. It strenuously opposed the Mapai led political Establishment's willingness to sign Armistice Agreements and make compromises with regard to Arab refugees. After Levi Eshkol replaced Ben-Gurion as the head of Mapai, Herut began to become part of the Israeli consensus and a member of the political Establishment. Herut served in Levy Eshkol's National Crisis Government before and during the 1967 war, and as the major force of Gahal, after the war. Concomitant with this, there were great changes in Herut's expressed ideology, chief among these were the tacit renunciation of trans-Jordan Palestine as part of the Jewish Commonwealth and the explicit acceptance of the Arab refugees as potential citizens of the State of Israel.  相似文献   

Water resources in the history of the Palestine-Israel conflict   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The quest for water resources by Zionist leaders started in the early years of the Zionist movement. Attempts were made to delimit Palestine according to rivers and headwaters. This quest has been independent of the political status of the territory of Palestine. The quest was intense in the early 1950s during the Johnston negotiations, and it became especially crucial after the 1967 occupation by Israel of the rest of Palestine, the West Bank. Lebanon's Litani river has been included in Israeli considerations, as well as the Jordan river's tributary the Yarmuk river. The Kingdom of Jordan's development plans for the latter may be compromised. Control of underground water resources in the West Bank is deemed essential to Israel, given their importance to the ground supply of pre-1967 Israel. Israel is unlikely to relinquish control of the water resources of the West Bank in the event of a political settlement.  相似文献   

S. Hasson  N. Gosenfield   《Geoforum》1980,11(4):315-334
Pragmatic geo-political considerations and a national ideology have guided both pre-1948 and post-1967 Jewish frontier settlements. Each settlement stage was characterized by penetration into remote areas on the periphery of older, established communities.In order to comprehend the development of Jewish frontier settlements, three factors must be analyzed: the historical geographic situation, the method of settlement, and the spatial network of the settlements themselves.Consequently, three waves of frontier settlements are explored in this research: (a) 1907–1916, which marked the first settlement attempt made by the Zionist Organization; (b) 1936–1939, when ‘Tower and Stockade’ settlements emerged as a reaction to the British partition plan; and (c) 1967 to the present, which followed the ‘Third Arab-Israeli’ war.  相似文献   

Fawzi Asadi Dr. 《GeoJournal》1990,21(4):375-383
A key objective of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in Palestine has been to render the economy of these regions dependent on the Israeli economy and thus hamper their economic development. Large areas of land have been confiscated or expropriated by the Israeli authorities to establish Jewish settlements. Other severe measures imposed include control of irrigation water and obstacles for the Arab agricultural and industrial sector in the Occupied Territories aimed at preventing Arab competition with Israeli products.Palestinian agriculturalists have met this challenge and have worked to achieve higher production levels in agriculture. Nonetheless, economic development there was blocked, and many agriculturalists sought employment inside Israel. The Intifada since December 1987 has aimed at encouraging Arab economic independence and intensification of efforts to meet national requirements of greater self-sufficiency in subsistence crops and stimulation of agriculture-related industries. The Intifada is thus functioning as a stimulus to development and economic viability.  相似文献   

The current location of the border between Lebanon and Palestine, today's Israel, is a product of various competing forces. The Zionist Organization aspired to include the entire Galilee region up to the lower reaches of the Litani River (also known as the Kassimiyah River) within Palestine. The river itself was the desired northern border of the country. The Zionists supported their position by employing instrumental arguments that were largely related to the availability of water resources. On the other hand, residents of the upper Galilee, today's southern Lebanon, demanded that they be included with Lebanon. They used their trade links with Beirut, and cultural and familial ties with other parts of Lebanon to support their position. These instrumental and expressive arguments appear to have assisted in the demarcation of the border between Lebanon and Palestine. Currently, access to the water resources, not necessarily control over them, is likely to influence negotiations between Israel and Lebanon over the future of the Israeli-occupied security zone in southern Lebanon.  相似文献   

The dominance of the nucleated pattern among Jewish settlement in Palestine is not merely the outcome of central planning. The early colonies, established between 1882 and 1914, were already nucleated, although there was some experimentation with other patterns. The main type of settlement established in this period, with which the present study deals, was themoshava. This freeholder family-farm village was strongly nucleated, and practically all the types which were created after it reveal the impact of its nucleted spatial plan. The attempts to establish dispersed private farms were few, but, even so, their owners resided within the existingmoshavot. They were not, therefore, seperate settlements. Publicly funded training farms were also set-up, and an early, unsuccessful, attempt to establish a cooperative farm also dates to this period. But these were also not genuine settlements. There were, in addition, a number of workers' quarters which were attached to plantation centers or worker settlements attached to existingmoshavot. All these settlement types tended to be nucleated. The discussion of the reasons for the dominance of nucleation is based on an analysis of documents and other sources of the 1882–1914 period. The factors are cultural, communal, and ideological as well as economic. The need for grouping together was stimulated by security and religious needs, but also by lack of experience and insufficient familiarity with the land and its political system. Other factors were the intricate tenurial regulations and farm land use strategies. The availability of adequate documentation for this case provides a fairly unique opportunity for understanding the process of pattern formation.  相似文献   

Stanley Waterman 《GeoJournal》2006,65(1-2):113-123
No culture, no society, remains static but changes imperceptibly day by day. The struggle waged by western art music in Israel for survival is eerily suggestive of how Israeli society in general has changed since the early Zionists set the course for the creation of a Jewish nation-state. Once regarded as the civilized face and civilizing influence of the Jewish national endeavour in Palestine/Israel, its advocates claim ever more desperately that western art music in Israel is in a state of rapid decline. Yet public opinion surveys reveal that the Israeli public backs state support for arts and culture whether or not people participate in cultural activities. Despite this, the internal ethnic struggle for domination of the arts and culture world and the rearguard action by culture administrators are both in danger of being overtaken by the country’s exposure to global popular culture.  相似文献   

The prehistoric and preindustrial deforestation of Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Humans have transformed Europe's landscapes since the establishment of the first agricultural societies in the mid-Holocene. The most important anthropogenic alteration of the natural environment was the clearing of forests to establish cropland and pasture, and the exploitation of forests for fuel wood and construction materials. While the archaeological and paleoecological record documents the time history of anthropogenic deforestation at numerous individual sites, to study the effect that prehistoric and preindustrial deforestation had on continental-scale carbon and water cycles we require spatially explicit maps of changing forest cover through time. Previous attempts to map preindustrial anthropogenic land use and land cover change addressed only the recent past, or relied on simplistic extrapolations of present day land use patterns to past conditions. In this study we created a very high resolution, annually resolved time series of anthropogenic deforestation in Europe over the past three millennia by 1) digitizing and synthesizing a database of population history for Europe and surrounding areas, 2) developing a model to simulate anthropogenic deforestation based on population density that handles technological progress, and 3) applying the database and model to a gridded dataset of land suitability for agriculture and pasture to simulate spatial and temporal trends in anthropogenic deforestation. Our model results provide reasonable estimations of deforestation in Europe when compared to historical accounts. We simulate extensive European deforestation at 1000 BC, implying that past attempts to quantify anthropogenic perturbation of the Holocene carbon cycle may have greatly underestimated early human impact on the climate system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to apply the framework of transnationalism to the study of the Akron, Ohio Greek community through the spatio-temporal changes in the residential patterns. Church records for the period 1930 to 2005 form the basis of the study. The first Greek immigrants arrived in Akron, Ohio in the latter part of the nineteenth century and settled around the commercial zone in the central city. Additional immigrants, mostly young males with little education, arrived during the early decades of the twentieth century to seek employment in the growing industries, especially the tire factories. The establishment of a sizable colony made it possible to form a parish church in close proximity to the place of work. In addition to the place of worship, ethnic stores, and coffee houses became foci of ethnic life. Although this central city cluster was undergoing minor residential shifts to the suburbs, it was identifiable until the early 1970s. By then most of its immigrant residents as well as their American born children moved to the suburbs, especially in the northwestern part of the city, because of economic improvement. Post-1965 immigrants bypassed the central city cluster and settled in the suburbs. Anecdotal information suggests that these immigrants, individually and collectively as a group, maintain a variety of economic, social, and cultural connections with their place of origin as well as the Akron Greek community. Thus, transnationalism is an appropriate framework to study recent immigrants who maintain concurrent connections to the United States and Greece.  相似文献   

This paper traces how scientific research on wheat (Triticum) worked to establish Palestine as a region sought for colonization. Recent work in geography has refined our understanding of agricultural expansion as an outcome of colonization, however, this work leaves the place-making capacity of agricultural research largely unexplored. My claim is that rather than a byproduct of colonization, wheat research served to remake Palestine as a biophysical region in need of improvement and colonization. I show how a shift in the plant sciences from research in taxonomy to plant breeding corresponded to an agro-climatic shift on Palestine from an undesirable, arid region to a promising dryland agricultural region. In this way, wheat research drew Palestine and the United States into a wider effort to transform arid areas into agricultural drylands. Drawing on a previously unexplored episode of technical cooperation between researchers in the United States and Palestine, I argue that we must examine how wildness, native-ness, and agro-climatic suitability are scientifically constituted within and not apart from colonial conquest. In doing so, the paper calls for reconsideration within geography and political ecology of the place-making relationship between colonization and scientific practice.  相似文献   

The paper examines organizational and spatial responses of metropolitan retail trade in Israel to increases in demand. Since the late 1960s until 1984 Israel enjoyed continuous increases in incomes, rates of car ownership and dwelling sizes. These coincided with a suburbanization of population in the metropolitan areas of Tel-Aviv and Haifa. Consequently, there developed four new forms of retailing, namely ribbons in industrial areas, factory retail outlets, hypermarkets and shopping malls. Locational and other characteristics of these forms of commerce are discussed. Special criticism is pointed at an undifferentiated evolution of ribbons and outlets. I wish to thank Ms. Naomi Elad and Mr. Moshe Schmerler for field work in metropolitan Haifa and Tel-Aviv respectively.  相似文献   

David Newman 《GeoJournal》2001,53(3):235-246
Territory remains a central component of national identity in the contemporary political discourse between Israelis and Palestinians, both populations opposing power sharing within the same space, for fear of the other's domination. The contemporary political discourse relates to conflict management and the desire for separate spaces within which national identities are strengthened through territorial/national homogeneity. The Zionist national ideology of most Jewish citizens of Israel has strong territorial roots; hence they reject the post-Zionist post-nationalist ideology, regardless of whether they accept the possibility of change in Israel's territorial configuration or of a diminishment in the importance of the territorial dimension of national struggle. The rights of residency and citizenship even of second and third generation Jewish citizens remain linked with the territorial configurations of a State that will continue to be called Israel and have a national anthem expressing the aspirations of a single, exclusive, national group. But within territorial readjustment, issues of configuration may become less relevant and in it is this sense that post-Zionism focuses on a discourse of territorial pragmatism, rather than the disappearance of territory from the nationality-citizenship debate altogether. It is part of a process of re-territorialization and spatial reconfiguration of political and national identities, not a reversal of territorialization, if only because there is no such thing as a post-territorial notion of the organization of political power. The boundaries of national identity become more permeable, more inclusive, but they do not disappear altogether.  相似文献   

The determination of rates of land uplift in Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sivert Bakkelid 《Tectonophysics》1986,130(1-4):307-326
It is the task and the responsibility of the Geodetic Section within the Geographical Survey of Norway to establish and maintain the national horizontal and vertical geodetic primary control networks of that country.

Provided that relative crustal movements take place within Norway, they will cause deformations to these networks. There is no geodetic proof that any horizontal deformations of the surface layer of the crust take place in continental Norway and there is no established geological evidence of such movements either. In 1984, a small geodetic control network was established and measured for the first time across a possibly active fault. It is not expected that horizontal movements will cause any serious problems in the maintenance of the horizontal network. Vertical movements of the ground, however, are causing us problems both in the establishment and in the maintenance of a national height system.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the use of the provision of public housing in Israel as a political measure, in addition to its benign role of providing shelter. In the early stages of Jewish settlement in the country the Right controlled most towns and cities, while Labour was engaged in building a rural base. As urban growth attracted many of the newly arrived workers, Labour found it necessary to become politically active in the urban sphere. This has been done through the provision of a variety of services, among which was the provision of housing with a view to recruiting their political support. Two strategies were adopted. One was the penetration of existing towns by building public housing estates, the other was the establishment of new urban centres. These strategies have enabled Labour to attain local political hegemony in many cities, but while the provision of public housing proved to be as effective political tool in the short run, it has failed to secure a lasting impact.  相似文献   

African education controlled by the state's Department of Education and Training has collapsed. Insufficient spending, low standards and persistent student boycotts have made township schools undesirable places of learning. African students with any financial means now seek secondary education at multi-racial private schools in affluent white suburbs or at street-academies in the centre of Johannesburg. The establishment of schooling services for African pupils in the traditionally white central business district contributes to the wider process of desegregation of South Africa's major urban area, Johannesburg.  相似文献   

Michael Feige 《GeoJournal》2001,53(3):323-333
Kiryat-Arba and Jewish Hebron are communities planted in the most heated front of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This paper examines how the Hebron Jewish settlers' collective memory interprets the `truth' of Hebron as a typical Israeli Place that reveals Zionism in its purest form. Today the populations of Kiryat-Arba and of the Hebron Jewish enclaves number about 5,000 and 500, respectively. Kiryat-Arba functions as an economic and educational centre for the nearby Jewish settlements in the region. Rejecting the segregative concept of a separate Jewish settlement overlooking Hebron, the settlers treat Kiryat-Arba as part of Hebron. Some 70,000 Palestinians live in Hebron, many more residing in neighbouring towns and villages, cutting Hebron – Kiryat–Arba off from the nearest Jewish urban centres of Jerusalem and Beer-Sheva. The settlers initiated the narrative of `Return' to the city after the massacre of Jews in 1929 in the city, as the key symbol Symbolically, the first place Hebron Jews reidentified with was its ancient Jewish graveyard. Today, IDF soldiers protect settlers and their visitors who want to tour Hebron. The huge gulf between `metaphorical Hebron' as a symbolic centre and `actual Hebron' as a poor development town creates tensions fuelling violent events. The Jews in Hebron take the Israeli logic of `Place' making to its extreme, thus testing concepts of Israeli territoriality. If Israeli society rejects Hebron as a `Place' constructed from intense memories and violent national encounters, it would leave the Hebron Jews out of the so-called Israeli normalcy.  相似文献   

Yosseph Shilhav 《GeoJournal》2001,53(3):247-259
This paper concerns the internal political controversy that polarises the concepts of sanctity and sovereignty over Eretz Yisrael (The Land of Israel; Palestine). The controversy has deep religious roots in the history of the Jewish people's bonds with their country. The historical elements of which derive from a longing for religious perfection, which included observing Commandments associated with the Land. The destruction of the Temple, the Exile and the devastation of Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel broke the chain of such continued observance. Polarisation of the concepts of Sanctity and Sovereignty accentuates the problem of the relation between political sovereignty and national bonds with it. The association of religious affinity with the relatively recent phenomenon of Nation-State sovereignty led many to see religious connotations in political sovereignty. The traditional, religious bond with Eretz-Yisrael, which many of the more secular Israeli public also feel, has existed for generations; conversely, national sovereignty continually changes form, not always conforming to traditional, religious perceptions of dominion over the Land. This raises problems about the link between Jewish religious laws and the political world. Abandoning the knit between national sovereignty and religious bonds may lead to the loss of religious and cultural bonds. The conflict between beliefs and opinions on the one hand and new objective circumstances on the other leads to confrontations that may cause serious harm. Time becomes critical and expediting the processes of appeasement and adaptation is a matter of redoubled importance.  相似文献   

In the course of the last 50 years, the landscape in Israel has undergone major changes, due to accelerated urbanization following population growth. These processes had increased the pressure on the open land, especially in areas of urban expansion. Recognizing that Governments and local Municipalities had failed to stop the consequent loss of public open spaces, not only in Israel but worldwide, had lead recently many communities to adopt new solutions in the form of private open spaces. In this article we present a “step ahead of time”: a case of privately owned land, set aside as public green area during the 1920s in a neighborhood called “Ahuza Herbert Samuel” (Herbert Samuel, the first High Commissioner of Palestine under the British Mandate), located in the City of Haifa, in Northern Israel. The roots of this unique phenomenon during the 1920s could be linked to several sources of influence: Colonial town planning concepts, the emergence of garden cities and garden suburbs and most importantly to concepts brought in by the leaders of the immigrant community coming from Rumania. Photogrammetric and GIS analysis of this phenomenon had revealed that it had prevailed throughout 75 years of constant and massive increase in the demand for built-up areas in Israel in general and in Ahuza neighborhood in particular. The success in preserving these open areas gains current relevance in view of recent trends in the Western world of allocating privately owned green areas for public use.  相似文献   

复杂地质条件下基坑支护灌注桩施工技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
许厚材 《探矿工程》2012,39(11):54-57
北京政泉花园工程地质条件复杂,填土层中分布有各种旧管线、旧混凝土基础、混凝土块以及基坑支护留在土层中的土钉和钢绞线等地下障碍物,灌注桩附近有需要进行保护的管线,施工难度大。结合工程实际,采用人工挖孔、长螺旋钻孔后插钢筋笼施工技术。实践表明,该施工工艺能够有效处理浅层地下障碍物和保护地下管线,同时具有施工简单、安全、质量可靠性高,缩短工期等优点,并从根本上排除了泥浆污染和泥浆处理等环保问题,具有明显的经济效益与社会效益。介绍了该施工技术的施工工艺流程、操作要点。  相似文献   

The past decade has seen an increase in the number of significant natural disasters that have caused considerable loss of life as well as damage to all property markets in the affected areas. In many cases, these natural disasters have not only caused significant property damage, but in numerous cases, have resulted in the total destruction of the property in the location. With these disasters attracting considerable media attention, the public are more aware of where these affected property markets are, as well as the overall damage to properties that have been damaged or destroyed. This heightened level of awareness has to have an impact on the participants in the property market, whether a developer, vendor seller or investor. To assess this issue, a residential property market that has been affected by a significant natural disaster over the past 2 years has been analysed to determine the overall impact of the disaster on buyer, renter and vendor behaviour, as well as prices in these residential markets. This paper is based on data from the Brisbane flood in January 2011. This natural disaster resulted in loss of life and partial and total devastation of considerable residential property sectors. Data for the research have been based on the residential sales and rental listings for each week of the study period to determine the level of activity in the specific property sectors, and these are also compared to the median house prices for the various suburbs for the same period based on suburbs being either flood affected or flood free. As there are 48 suburbs included in the study, it has been possible to group these suburbs on a socio-economic basis to determine possible differences due to location and value. Data were accessed from realestate.com.au, a free real estate site that provides details of current rental and sales listings on a suburb basis, RP Data a commercial property sales database and the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The paper found that sales listings fell immediately after the flood in the affected areas, but there was no corresponding fall or increase in sales listings in the flood-free suburbs. There was a significant decrease in the number of rental listings follow the flood as affected parties sought alternate accommodation. The greatest fall in rental listings was in areas close to the flood-affected suburbs indicating the desire to be close to the flooded property during the repair period.  相似文献   

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