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五株微囊藻毒素降解菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
有毒蓝藻产生的蓝藻毒素导致地表水的污染已是全球普遍的现象,最常见的毒素是能导致肝癌的肝毒素微囊藻毒素(MC),迄今为止尚无适用的MC驱除技术,微生物降解MC可能是一条有效的途径.本研究以铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806)所产生的MC为底物,从多个形成微囊藻水华的水体中分离获得能显著降解MC的细菌18株,相对降解能力从18.4%到48.2%.对其中5株MC相对降解能力较强的菌,通过形态特征和生理生化特征分析,鉴定出5株菌分别为:不动细菌属(Acinetobacter)、肠杆菌属(Enterobacter)、微杆菌属(Microbacterium)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)和弗拉特氏菌属(Frateuria),均不同于已报道的属种.  相似文献   

采用基于ITS序列的PCR-DGGE方法分析了太湖梅粱湾水华暴发过程中(6-11月)微囊藻的不同基因型组成的变化,同时利用针对微囊藻毒素合成酶基因mcyA和微囊藻特异性的16S rDNA部分核苷酸序列的引物,应用实时荧光定量PCR方法(qRT-PCR)分析水华样品中产毒微囊藻与总微囊藻的量.通过两者的比值反映产毒微囊藻丰度.结果表明,在发生水华的不同时期,微囊藻的基因型组成发生了变化,其中以8月末、9月和10月的基因型最多,基因型M5和M10存在于整个水华发展过程中.共检测到12种主要的基因型,每个基因型在水华的不同时期所占的比例互不相同.实时荧光定量PCR结果显示从6月到10月,产毒微囊藻的丰度呈增大的趋势,从0.750%增加到32.16%,而11月产毒微囊藻的丰度显著下降.  相似文献   

随着水体富营养化程度的加剧,淡水蓝藻水华在全球范围内频繁暴发.拟柱孢藻(Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii)作为一类有害水华蓝藻,具有一定的产毒能力和较强的入侵性,日渐受到人们的广泛关注.近年来,拟柱孢藻不断由热带、亚热带地区向温带地区扩张,并在众多水体中出现暴发现象,若其毒素进入到饮用水中,无疑将对人类健康造成潜在威胁.本文从拟柱孢藻的分布演变、生态生理特征、毒性、检测和去除等研究前沿方面进行了综述,并对相关研究领域进行展望,为进一步研究拟柱孢藻的生态毒理、有效控制和去除提供科学依据.  相似文献   

淡水鱼类可溶性谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(soluble glutathione S-transferase,sGST)在微囊藻毒素去毒代谢过程中起着关键作用,又被称为微囊藻毒素去毒酶.通过简并引物克隆鳙鱼肝脏sGST基因cDNA核心序列,应用5'-RACE和3'-RACE技术分别扩增该序列的5'末端和3'末端序列,最后通过序列拼接获得鳙鱼肝脏sGST基因cDNA全序列.序列分析结果表明,鳙鱼肝脏sGST基因cDNA全长934 bp,其中5'-UTR长104bp,3'-UTR长158 bp,编码区672 bp,编码223个氨基酸.鳙鱼与海水鱼类、鸟类、哺乳类等不同类群sGST的N-末端功能域氨基酸同源性较高,达75%左右,而C-末端功能域氨基酸同源性较低,仅为43.6%-55.9%,这与脊椎动物sGST的N-末端功能域均存在相同的GSH结合位点,而C-末端功能域存在不同的底物结合位点相一致.鳙鱼sGST的C-末端功能域的低同源性可能与其承担微囊藻毒素去毒代谢之特殊功能有关.  相似文献   

胡莲  郑志伟  杨志  杨晴  邹曦  万成炎  张云昌 《湖泊科学》2024,36(4):1025-1035
三峡水库蓄水以来,支流水华频发,尤以小江情况最为严重,给三峡库区的生态安全带来较大隐患。为探究支流水华暴发特征和主控因素,于2014-2021年小江水华暴发期间在小江高阳江段进行浮游植物及环境因子调查,并使用单因素方差分析、聚类分析、百分比相似性分析以及基于距离的线性模型等方法,对小江水华暴发期间浮游植物和环境因子在不同年份不同水层间的差异以及二者的关系进行研究。结果表明:小江水华暴发期内,浮游植物的种类数在43~70种之间,其中2015年蓝藻种类数明显减少,2018年以后硅藻种类数明显减少;采样期间浮游植物平均细胞密度在0.66×106~61.28×106 cells/L之间,同期表层细胞密度明显高于中层和底层;各层水体间水华微囊藻、铜绿微囊藻、不定微囊藻等10种藻的密度存在明显差异,是主要差异种;显著影响表层、中层和底层浮游植物群落结构变动的环境因子是水位的日平均变幅;水位的日平均变幅与藻类优势种拟合关系显示,当日水位下降幅度在0.5 m以上时,浮游植物平均密度会呈指数级减少。研究结果可为三峡库区支流水华的防控提供数据支持。  相似文献   

长孢藻是具有产多种蓝藻毒素及异味物质潜在能力的丝状异形胞蓝藻.为了探究长孢藻的生物学特性,我们从江西柘林湖分离24株长孢藻,经形态鉴定分成4个种类,分别为浮游长孢藻(Dolichospermum planctonicum)、近亲长孢藻(D. affine)、卷曲长孢藻(D. circinale)、螺旋长孢藻(D. spiroides). 16S rRNA基因序列表明柘林湖长孢藻与日本等地区的长孢藻高度相似,但只有近亲长孢藻与日本近亲长孢藻在分子系统进化树上聚为一支.基于16S-23S rRNA之间高变异性的ITS序列分析,4种长孢藻的D1-D1'螺旋结构相同,藻丝为直型的浮游长孢藻、近亲长孢藻与藻丝为弯型的卷曲长孢藻、螺旋长孢藻的Box-B、V3螺旋结构差异较大.通过对毒素和异味的分子生物学检测显示24株长孢藻均不产毒,但是4株浮游长孢藻及1株卷曲长孢藻含有土腥素合成基因.本研究不仅对柘林湖水华蓝藻的多样性以及潜在生态风险提供科学的基础资料,也在流域层面上为鄱阳湖的水生态系统研究和保护提供了一定的科学基础.  相似文献   

张民  史小丽  阳振  陈开宁 《湖泊科学》2021,33(4):1051-1061
随着我国湖泊治理力度的加大,太湖和巢湖的营养盐水平,特别是氮水平近年来明显下降,如2007年以后太湖总氮和近年来巢湖的氨氮水平都呈现下降趋势,但是2个湖泊水华蓝藻的优势种却向相反的方向演化,太湖的长孢藻(Dolichospermum)比例在增加,而巢湖的长孢藻比例却在降低,为阐明这种变化过程和驱动因素,本研究利用太湖(19932015年)和巢湖(2012 2018年)的历史数据分析了2个湖泊中的水华蓝藻——微囊藻(Microcystis)和长孢藻生物量的历史变化过程,并结合营养盐数据分析了影响2种水华蓝藻变动的驱动因素.结果显示:太湖和巢湖的微囊藻生物量多年来始终保持高位波动,近年来均有升高的趋势,这与2个湖泊磷的高位波动具有明显的相关性,磷是决定微囊藻生物量长尺度变化的主要驱动因素;太湖的长孢藻生物量呈现较大波动变化,2007年以后明显升高,巢湖的长孢藻生物量则明显下降,氮与长孢藻生物量呈现负相关关系,而且这种负相关仅在低磷浓度时具有显著性.微囊藻生物量对磷浓度变化敏感的正反馈响应是其水华形成的重要机制之一,在高温高磷条件下,微囊藻可以快速繁殖,并竞争性排除长孢藻,从而形成优势;而长孢藻可以通过温度生态位和固氮两种方式占据优势,在氮浓度相对较低,且温度低于微囊藻形成水华的温度范围时,长孢藻可以依靠温度生态位的优势形成水华,而在氮限制的条件下,即使在夏季高温时,长孢藻依然可以利用固氮作用形成水华,但是关键的温度阈值和开始固氮的氮浓度阈值仍不清楚.基于2种水华蓝藻对营养盐变化响应的差异,建议在进行蓝藻水华治理、污染削减过程中,应针对不同水华蓝藻的特性进行分时段分类别的营养盐控制策略.  相似文献   

利用不同倾斜仪和应变仪检测地球自由振荡的对比与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孟方杰  张燕 《中国地震》2018,34(1):133-140
中国地震局地壳形变观测台网布设有垂直摆倾斜仪、钻孔倾斜仪、洞体应变仪、分量式钻孔应变仪与体应变仪等地形变观测仪器。这些观测仪器均记录到了2011年日本M_W9.0大地震激发的自由振荡信号。本文分别利用单台数据和多台数据叠积,检测到_0S_3~_0S_(30)全部的球型自由振荡基频振型和_0T_3~_0T_(20)全部的环型自由振荡基频振型及部分谐频振型。此外,通过对这些检测结果的对比,分析了它们对不同自由振荡类型、不同频段的振型检测能力。分析发现垂直摆倾斜仪对球型自由振荡的检测结果最佳,且由于在低频段有较高的噪声干扰,钻孔倾斜仪无法检测到低阶的球型自由振荡。对于环型自由振荡的检测,分量式钻孔应变仪检测结果最佳。  相似文献   

基于中国大陆GPS测网(1994~1996年)、福建GPS测网(1995~1997年)和跨断层形变测量网(1982~1998年)、精密水准网(1973~1980年)以及近数十年来的震源机制资料,综合定量地研究了中国大陆东南缘-福建及其边缘海现时地壳运动.发现:此区域同大陆整体以11.2 mm/a速度较均匀地向SE方向运动;同时还存在着一种由泉州湾指向大陆内部,主方向NW 并向两翼扩展,其平均速度为3.0mm/a的运动.地壳形变测定的现时应变场与震源机制应力场以及地质学推测的构造应力场三者相符.区域应力场主压应力方位为NW(NWW)-SE(SEE).在此应力场作用下,NE向断层呈压性运动,NW向断层呈张性运动.以泉州湾、晋江——永安NW 向断裂为界,地壳运动呈现分区特性:闽西南及闽粤交界区为上升区、闽东北区为下降区,前区的应变率和断层活动量均高于后区.本研究区受到喜马拉雅碰撞带侧向传递运动和西太平洋俯冲带挤压的共同作用;前者导致的运动量大于后者,但前者均匀后者不均匀.因此,本区强震的孕育发生与西太平洋俯冲带的关系更直接.  相似文献   

To investigate the relative importance of mesoscale physical events, such as upwellings and physical and chemical variables during an algae bloom of Prorocentrum minimum, 25 sampling sites were established offshore of the Navachiste Lagoon Complex on the east side of the Gulf of California. Samples were analyzed for phytoplankton concentration, water chemistry, and temperature during November 1999, January, March, April, May, and August 2000. Satellite imagery of sea surface temperature (SST) for April 2000 was processed to obtain a synoptic view of the area during the extraordinary bloom of P. minimum in the open waters of the Gulf of California. The bloom was associated with change of oceanographic conditions from moderate winds to calm period, temperature increase and high nitrate (NO3-N) and ammonia (NH4+-N) content in the offshore waters. Depletion of these nutrients during the bloom suggests that this species uses both types of nitrogen substrates. Cysts in the northernmost sampling stations in January and March indicate that upwelling water, rich in nitrates, also carried a seed stock population of P. minimum. SST patterns in the satellite imagery suggest wind-forcing as the responsible mechanisms triggering the algal bloom offshore of the Navachiste Lagoon Complex.  相似文献   

The proliferation of algae on disturbed coral reefs has often been attributed to (1) a loss of large-bodied herbivorous fishes, (2) increases in sea water nutrient concentrations, particularly phosphorus, and (3) a loss of hard coral cover or a combination of these and other factors. We performed replicated small-scale caging experiments in the offshore lagoon of Glovers Reef atoll, Belize where three treatments had closed-top (no large-bodied herbivores) and one treatment had open-top cages (grazing by large-bodied herbivores). Closed-top treatments simulated a reduced-herbivory situation, excluding large fishes but including small herbivorous fishes such as damselfishes and small parrotfishes. Treatments in the closed-top cages included the addition of high phosphorus fertilizer, live branches of Acropora cervicornis and a third unmanipulated control treatment. Colonization, algal biomass and species composition on dead A. palmata "plates" were studied weekly for 50 days in each of the four treatments. Fertilization doubled the concentration of phosphorus from 0.35 to 0.77 microM. Closed-top cages, particularly the fertilizer and A. cervicornis additions, attracted more small-bodied parrotfish and damselfish than the open-top cages such that there was moderate levels of herbivory in closed-top cages. The open-top cages did, however, have a higher abundance of the chemically and morphologically defended erect algal species including Caulerpa cupressoides, Laurencia obtusa, Dictyota menstrualis and Lobophora variegata. The most herbivore-resistant calcareous green algae (i.e. Halimeda) were, however, uncommon in all treatments. Algal biomass increased and fluctuated simultaneously in all treatments over time, but algal biomass, as measured by wet, dry and decalcified weight, did not differ greatly between the treatments with only marginally higher biomass (p < 0.06) in the fertilized compared to open-top cages. Algal species composition was influenced by all treatments with a maximum between-treatment Bray-Curtis similarity of only 29%. The fertilized cages showed rapid colonization by a mixed turf community largely composed of the filamentous brown (Hincksia mitchelliae) and green (Enteromorpha prolifera) species. Algal cover in the fertilized cages leveled at 80% after 20 days compared to less than 50% in the other treatments. There was no evidence that A. cervicornis suppressed algal colonization compared to the unmanipulated controls. Instead, the herbivore susceptible Padina sanctae-crucis was the most abundant algae followed by Jania capillacea in this treatment in contrast to the more chemically defended Dictyota menstrualis that dominated the unmanipulated controls. We conclude that A. cervicornis was not suppressing algae as a group and its loss cannot account for the observed changes in algal abundance in most reefs except for creating space. In contrast, A. cervicornis appears to attract aggressive damselfish that may reduce herbivory by larger herbivores. Phosphorus enrichment can lead to rapid colonization of space by filamentous turf communities but not high biomass and dominance of erect frondose algae within 50 days. Moderate levels of herbivory by large-bodied herbivores promoted moderately herbivore-resistant erect brown and green algae that are commonly reported on disturbed reefs. Consequently, all the studied factors influenced algal communities but seldom as commonly predicted.  相似文献   

郑鑫  王文静  盛彦清 《湖泊科学》2023,35(6):1917-1926
水体富营养化极易引起湖泊水库如藻类水华等水生态系统环境问题。氮素作为初级生产力的限制性生源要素之一,认识其在水华形成过程中潜在作用至关重要。本研究选取胶东半岛低碳高氮水库水体进行模拟实验,通过添加不同剂量硝态氮,探究高硝态氮输入对库区水体藻类和细菌群落结构的影响。结果表明:(1)当硝态氮作为唯一氮源,随着培养时间延长,硝态氮浓度显著下降,亚硝态氮和氨氮浓度逐渐升高,表明微藻和细菌共同作用可能将硝态氮转化为亚硝态氮和氨氮;(2)当硝态氮浓度为6 mg/L时,藻类叶绿素a浓度达到最高值,随着硝态氮浓度升高,叶绿素a浓度则会降低;(3)添加硝态氮后,蓝藻门成为优势藻类,绿藻门次之;变形菌门相对丰度显著升高。研究结果为低碳高氮类水体暴发蓝绿藻水华及有效防控提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

Zhao J  Cao W  Yang Y  Wang G  Zhou W  Sun Z 《Marine pollution bulletin》2008,56(10):1795-1801
A moored optical buoy was deployed in the Pearl River estuarine waters for a 15-day period. A four-day algal bloom event occurred during this study period. Both chlorophyll a concentration and algal cell density (a proxy for biomass) changed dramatically before and after the event. The chlorophyll concentration at a 2.3 m depth rose from 5.15 mg/m−3 at 15:00 h on August 19 to 23.62 mg/m−3 at 9:00 h on August 21, and then decreased to 3.24 mg/m−3 at 15:00 h on August 24. The corresponding cell density ranged from 1.57 × 105 to 1.76 × 106 cells/L. We used normalized fluorescence line height (NFLH) and normalized fluorescence intensity (NFI) in order to determine fluorescence activity. Combined with the in situ sampling dataset, we were able to correlate natural fluorescence (NFLH and NFI) with chlorophyll a concentrations, and found correlation coefficients of 0.72 and 0.75, respectively. We also found correlations between natural fluorescence and cell density, with correlation coefficients of 0.71 and 0.65, respectively. These results indicate that applying continuous time series of natural fluorescence can reflect changes in biomass. This technique will prove extremely useful for in situ and real-time observations using an optical buoy. Although there are still problems to solve in the real-time observation of natural fluorescence in algal bloom events, we discuss the primary factors affecting fluorescence signals and suggest possible methods for mitigating these issues.  相似文献   


富营养化导致的藻类水华是水源地水库面临的主要生态问题之一。探究水源水库中水华暴发成因并开展污染物溯源研究,是预防水华暴发的重要前提。本文选择鄱阳湖流域赣江水系吉安市某典型水源水库为研究对象,通过分析无水华期和水华暴发期水环境特征及其演变规律,探讨了水华暴发的成因及其促发条件,并针对识别出的主要污染因子,开展了同位素溯源研究。结果表明:(1)水库水华暴发的主要原因为水体总氮浓度显著升高(由0.77 mg/L升高至1.57 mg/L),超出了国际公认的水华暴发总氮阈值(0.5~1.2 mg/L),加之夏季高温(32℃)、水库库容量较低,促进了水华暴发;(2)无水华期,水库表层水总氮主要赋存形态为硝酸盐氮(占比>90%),水华暴发期,表层水总氮主要赋存形态由硝酸盐氮转变为有机氮(占比~86%),氮赋存形态转化的主要原因为藻类同化吸收作用;(3)硝酸盐氮、氧同位素示踪结果表明,水库硝酸盐氮主要来源于上游稻田流失的氮肥(负荷贡献率64.45%),其次为上游山区土壤氮流失(14.08%)、大气沉降(12.35%)和农村生活污水(9.12%),因此水库总氮优先控制污染源为上游稻田流失的氮肥。  相似文献   

This project was undertaken to provide information about the composition and fate of brevetoxins in concert with the multidisciplinary study, ECOHAB-FL, of Karenia brevis blooms in the Gulf of Mexico. Brevetoxin composition was provided for water samples collected during and in the absence of K. brevis blooms from November 1998, through September 2002. The identity and concentration of the most abundant brevetoxins were determined using high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet diode array detection (HPLC-DAD). The analytical methods changed in 2002 to the use of a mass spectrometer for brevetoxin identification and quantitation. The most abundant brevetoxins observed during blooms were PbTx-1, -2 and -3. PbTx-2 was the most abundant toxin observed in viable bloom situations with an abundance of K. brevis cells. Starting with the 2000 cruises, a distinction was made between intra-cellular toxins (inside viable K. brevis cells) and extra-cellular brevetoxins (dissolved brevetoxins outside of the cell). An important observation was the change in composition of the major brevetoxins from intra-cellular to extra-cellular toxins. The most abundant intra-cellular toxin was PbTx-2, whereas the most abundant brevetoxin recovered from the extra-cellular (dissolved) fraction in the water was PbTx-3. The abundance of PbTx-3 relative to PbTx-2 generally increased as a bloom aged, indicating the conversion of PbTx-2 to -3 as cells lysed, and the persistence of PbTx-3 in the water after cell death.  相似文献   

Periodical algal blooms result in deposition and release of phosphorus (P) from the sediment into the water. Therefore, during seasonal changes when algal particles begin to settle to the bottom, understanding the behavior and distribution characteristics of the P in sediment is the most important key to manage the water quality of the Saemangeum Reservoir. In this study, the variation of water quality and sediment composition including chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and P was investigated to determine the interaction between water and sediment. The study focused primarily on algal particle sedimentation that affects the P release and mineralization of sediment. The Chl-a concentration in water showed a sharp decline in October when the algae began to die in the fall, and afterward the concentration of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total P (TP) in the sediment increased due to the sedimentation of decaying algal particles in November. During the same period of time, the readily bio-available P (RAP) in the sediment showed a drastic increase in the upper region where the Chl-a concentration of water was high. In sequence, the high RAP zone shifted from the upper region to the lower region in the early winter. The RAP shift was considered to be derived from the physical flow of the overlying water from which the decomposing algae settled on the surface of the sediment. The Saemangeum Reservoir was constructed recently; therefore, all the types of inorganic P fractions except soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) that exist on the bottom surface of the lake and the marsh's sediment layer were not sufficient to significantly influence the overlying water. On the other hand, the released P from the algae was distinct and sensitive to the seasonal change. In conclusion, the algal particle sedimentation was important to control eutrophication rather than P release from the mineralized inorganic P of the sediment surface layer in the Seamangeum Reservoir.  相似文献   

比较了太湖、巢湖、滇池("三湖")1981-2010年间的气象要素,1987-2015年间的水质要素,2000-2013年间的年内水华起始日期与持续时间,以及与水华相关的已有研究情况.其中,气象要素包括气温、日温差、风速、风向、气压、降水、相对湿度等;水质要素包括水温、总氮浓度、总磷浓度、水体综合营养指数等.对比结果表明,云贵高原湖泊滇池因其冬、春季节气温较高且日温差较大等气象特征,以及总磷浓度较高等水质特征,相比于东部平原湖泊太湖、巢湖而言更易发生水华,且在"三湖"中水华年内起始日期最早,持续时间最长.然而,目前有关滇池水华的研究相对于"三湖"中的太湖却远远不足.鉴于滇池所处湖区的独特气象、水质特征,平原水华湖泊的研究结果难以有针对性地指导其水华控制,亟需提高滇池水华研究的系统性与深度.只有因地制宜,方有希望逐步有效控制、减轻、乃至消除滇池水华.  相似文献   

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