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Urban space is produced through material enactments performed by situated actors whose practices follow a determinative logic – a rationality – that links specific means to specific ends. The three papers in this special issue explore the divergent, contested, contingent, and relational character of rationalities through which urban geographies are produced on the ground.  相似文献   

城市群视角下空间联系与城市扩张的关联分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
焦利民  唐欣  刘小平 《地理科学进展》2016,35(10):1177-1185
在城市群发展的不同阶段,城市扩张表现出不同的时空特征。从城市群视角研究城市扩张的时空规律,对于理解城市扩张与城市群网络化组织结构之间的复杂耦合关系具有重要意义。本文以长江三角洲城市群为例,基于交通网络、引力模型和空间句法模型,结合1980、1990、2000和2010年Landsat遥感影像提取建设用地扩张信息,计算城市扩张强度与速度指标;采用核心城市可达性与空间相互作用力强度分析城市的交通网络区位;采用空间句法模型计算城市交通网络的通达性和城市在城市群交通路网中的地位。结果表明:城市扩张强度与核心城市可达性、核心城市空间相互作用力强度、空间句法变量指标呈正相关关系。城市扩张速度与上述指标在第一阶段(1980-1990年)和第二阶段(1990-2000年)呈正相关关系;但在第三阶段(2000-2010年)整体表现为负相关,分布在城市群外围、交通路网联系程度较低的城市扩张速度更快,呈现出空间收敛的趋势。表明城市群中的城市空间联系在城市扩张中起到重要但又不断演变的作用,研究结果对于长三角城市群规划和其他城市群城市扩张调控具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article examines the dislocations produced when competing understandings of public space come into contact. Focusing on Montpellier, France, where an urban renewal program has seen portions of the city-centre renovated, the article considers the breaking apart of a North African commercial cluster under the guide of French heritage protection. Arguing that such action is tiedto municipal urban politics and wider trajectories that place diverse identities in a separate category, I trace the process through which a plaza encompassed in the urban renewal program has been labelled as “empty” and “dead” space. Suggesting that the relocation of a well-used outdoor food market is an instance of public space being deliberately emptied of its social and civic function, I argue that such sites are better defined as “municipal spaces”, entities that are firmly in the realm of the state, rather than ones within the purview of diverse publics.  相似文献   

唐晓峰 《地理研究》2019,38(6):1290-1298
对传统北京城市空间进行分类考察,提出皇权空间、礼仪空间、睦邻空间、公共空间的概念,并讨论各自的治理特点,考察强权、礼制、伦理在不同空间治理中的表现,进而分析街道公共空间缺乏治理的背景原因。现代,上述空间出现了不同程度、不同方向的改变,而如何保护与继承优秀历史遗产,同时发展现代化城市空间,是当前北京城市治理具有挑战性的议题。  相似文献   

曹可心  邓羽 《地理科学进展》2021,40(11):1942-1955
城市更新是构建可持续城市和落实中国高质量发展战略的重要手段。为综合认知可持续城市更新时空演进路径和协同驱动机理,论文梳理了可持续城市更新研究概况,凝练其时空演进路径和区域差异,解析影响因素、驱动机理和典型空间响应模式,并从理论和政策维度进行研究展望。研究发现:① 可持续城市更新形成了从“发展瓶颈倒逼”到“可持续愿景牵引”的时空演进路径,同时在时序化进程、本地化过程与空间演进历程中表征出显著的区域差异性;② 综合地理环境影响可持续城市更新的空间模式,利益相关者决定可持续城市更新的组织模式,政府主导、市场主导和多元驱动等组织模式作用于不同时空尺度的功能空间形成了5类典型空间响应模式;③ 可持续城市更新未来研究需聚焦于全球可持续发展和国内高质量发展目标,定量厘清面向可持续城市更新的驱动因子、主控因素和协同机理,建立保障可持续城市发展的城市更新管控方法库与政策集。中国在实践中需要健全“国家—区域—城市”的多尺度管控制度,建立可持续目标导向的城市更新精细化管理系统,并完善多主体协同的城市更新参与机制。  相似文献   

近年来中国以互联网技术为核心的信息通讯技术(ICT)发展迅速,对居民的社会经济活动、生活方式等产生了深刻影响。本文利用问卷调查、微信访谈等方式调查了北京5个典型城中村,利用多元无序多分类logistic回归模型验证信息渠道对城中村居民居住和迁移空间的影响,结果表明:城中村住房市场非正规化从信息源头切断了居民通过互联网获取住房信息的渠道,加上城中村居民选择新住所具有就业导向和以地缘—血缘为纽带聚集的特征,信息渠道对城中村居民的居住迁移距离没有显著影响;受“就业锚点”、“距离衰减定律”和非正规就业影响,信息渠道对城中村居民近距离就业迁移也没有显著影响,但在更大空间范围内,城中村居民能通过招聘网站、社交网络等网络渠道获取就业信息,ICT的发展丰富了他们的信息获取渠道,扩大了就业空间选择,一定程度上减轻了时空制约。本文加深了关于ICT对居民日常活动空间影响、技术进步与社会平等关系的理解,丰富了居民时空间行为研究。  相似文献   


The aim of the article is to present and discuss functions of public monuments in relation to different dimensions of geographical space. The authors discuss public spaces, monuments, public art, based on a mixed-method approach and an analysis of scientific literature as the main research method. The theoretical discussion is supplemented with the results of Internet searches and an analysis of media supplements, and specific examples are given, including some from Poland. An additional method was autoethnography, which involved an analysis of cultural phenomena based on the authors’ experience. The analysis revealed that monuments were part of public art and thus enriched public spaces in cities. They fulfilled different important functions: artistic, symbolic, commemorative, political, social, religious, marketing, and mixed. Additionally, the monuments reflected the contemporary transformation of ideas and social orders and therefore also reflected contemporary urban debates. They were products of social relations, powers, ideas, identities, and the collective memory reflected in the urban spatial structure of cities. The authors conclude that the examples presented in the demonstrate that monuments perform various functions in urban public spaces. From a spatial perspective, the role of monuments depends on their different impacts on people’s perceptions and interpretations of space.  相似文献   

城市群空间性质的透视与中原城市群的构建   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
区域是地理学理论建构的核心论题。在地理学发展进程中,对区域的论争主要围绕地域空间、网络空间和空间的生产展开,并呈现出由单一维度向多维度转变的趋势。城市群空间是一种新的区域空间,具有地域空间、网络空间、空间的生产与建构等多重属性。空间具有社会性和历史建构性,对空间的关注正从空间中的生产向空间本身的生产转变。空间生产离不开权力运作,空间是话语建构的产物。中国对城市群概念的认知和范围界定的争议源于区域概念的多重属性。以中原城市群的构建过程为实证案例,提出了中原城市群构建过程中存在的问题,围绕"城市群究竟是什么?"这一核心论题,透视了城市群空间的多重性质。最后,针对单一维度的局限性,提出了认知和界定城市群的多维度框架,包括领土(Territory)、地方(Place)、尺度(Scale)、网络(Network)和功能(Function)五个方面,并指出了今后进行城市群研究需要关注的理论重点。  相似文献   

This article examines the regulation of urban public space through a study of the role of the family unit in past and present urban development in Singapore. Since the founding of modern Singapore 50 years ago, the nuclear family has remained the preferred social institution for state policies and subsequent regulation of education, housing, employment, health, leisure, social welfare and even neighborhood development. Drawing on primary government documents and field work and interviews with current and displaced small business owners on a commercial street in Chinatown, the article demonstrates how a “softer” version of spatial regulation emerged from an intersection of state commercial development policies that favored small, family-owned businesses and the extension of a family-based moral social order applied to the surrounding public spaces. The result is the regulation of Chinatown’s streets and sidewalks became inextricably bound up with the everyday operations of family-run businesses. More recently, state interest in creating an entertainment-based global Singapore has jeopardized this arrangement, as corporate gentrification threatens to displace family ownership of small businesses.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(8):838-856
Urban society in colonial and early postcolonial Indonesia was stratified along ethnic and class lines. This stratification was given concrete shape in the urban residential landscape. Our article starts from the working hypothesis that under the impact of decolonization the changing social status system was reflected in a changing residential pattern. We offer empirical evidence to weigh the relative validity of the from-race-to-class-segregation thesis during colonization against the class-segregation-throughout-decolonization thesis. On the basis of our findings, we argue that the second thesis presents the more accurate depiction of urban society. Looking at spatial segregation, decolonization was characterized by continuity. Decolonization by itself was therefore insufficient to alter sociospatial inequality in postcolonial Indonesian cities.  相似文献   

受人文地理“情感转向”思潮的影响,城市公共空间研究开始关注情感对空间的构建作用,情感空间的营造与城市空间的治理存在一定的耦合关联。本文以广州市区的宣传类户外广告为例,援引情感地理与空间治理的相关理论,采用访谈、文本分析等方法,探讨宣传类户外广告在营造情感氛围过程中与城市空间的内在关联,进而讨论情感氛围与城市空间治理的联系。研究发现,户外广告尤其是宣传类户外广告通过视觉表征生产情感空间,由身体-街区-城市三个尺度构成情感化的公共空间,置身城市公共空间的个体在宣传类户外广告的话语作用下重构对城市空间的想象,产生“归属感”“认同感”和“安全感”等情感,并通过视觉、情感等非表征形式使居民在自我审视中加深群体文化认同,使空间治理内化。研究将情感地理的研究放置在城市这一中观尺度,通过广州市区宣传类户外广告的讨论丰富了情感地理的实证研究,同时对拓展情感地理研究的尺度与视角进行了有益探索。  相似文献   


This study examines the restructuring of urban space brought about by Shanghai Expo. The focus is on how the municipal government strategically makes use of this mega-event program to proactively implement two entrepreneurial spatial policies, namely economic restructuring and population decentralization. Specifically, it critically investigates the omnipotent government’s policies in terms of industrial relocation and residential resettlement leading up to the Shanghai Expo. Shanghai’s entrepreneurial city building, at the metropolitan level, has long been associated with the optimization of spatial structure. The empirical findings reveal that the negotiations involved in relocating enterprises were tougher when they took place within the state system, as compared to those between the government and foreign or private sectors. At the same time, social groups remained excluded from decision-making processes for resettlement, and there was a downscaling of governance, which contributed to improved efficiency of the resettlement work. The Shanghai municipal government was key to the restructuring and entrepreneurial city building, engaging, on the one hand, in negotiations on spatial relocation with central state-owned enterprises (SOEs) at the level of the central government and mobilizing, on the other hand, lower-tier government authorities to deliver the resettlement plan. This paper argues that the development of the entrepreneurial city in Shanghai depends essentially on the way local government implemented the policy and that an integrated approach is significant to attaining the goals and objectives.  相似文献   

城市群是城市地理学的重要研究领域,对城市群的实体空间进行界定识别是研究城市群的前提和基础。城市群作为众多城镇的集群,前人对城市群的空间识别主要是以城市为单元进行的,缺少对识别单元空间形态的考虑。城市群实体空间的形态具有自相似性,空间分形特征可作为自相似性的表征工具,通过对空间分形特征的分析、识别及提取,可以实现对空间对象基于形态的客观测度。本文借鉴单个城市其边界的相关识别方法,从不同尺度的空间最小可识别单元出发,测度城市群城镇空间形态的分形特征,并据此提出了城市群城镇的客观识别方法。该方法利用城镇的空间分形特征识别归属于城市群的城镇,通过空间最小可识别单元的变化得到不同的城镇规模并获取城市群城镇的空间分形特征,再以此为基础对空间分形特征的存在范围进行识别,将其映射于空间最终实现对城市群城镇的识别,进而得到城市群在空间上的分布状况。本文将该方法应用于京津冀城市群,基于2016年Landsat卫星遥感影像,实现了对京津冀城市群构成城镇的识别,为界定城市群的实体空间提供了一次有益尝试。  相似文献   

城市作为人口集聚和社会经济活动的主要载体,也是生产、生活、生态空间的矛盾集中地。本文在城市“三生”空间优化理论框架指导下,构建了城市“三生”空间优化评估指标体系与评估模型,分析2015年中国289个地级及以上城市的“三生”空间质量水平的总体特征和空间分布规律。结果表明:城市“三生”空间质量指数总体处于较低水平,空间格局上从东南沿海向西部和东北地区递减;东北地区的生产空间质量塌陷尤为明显,西部地区生活空间质量堪忧,生态空间质量则与地方的自然生态条件和污染治理相关;生产和生活空间优化之间相辅相成,但不乏城市生产和生态空间质量反差较大;“三生”空间质量水平与人口规模、行政等级之间呈倒U型相关,即规模在1000万~1500万间的城市更利于实现“三生”空间优化,城市“三生”空间质量水平与人均GDP正向相关,职能综合城市和城市群地区城市“三生”空间质量水平更高。  相似文献   

Research on urban processes under capitalism and the resulting transformations of urban space is caught in a socio-spatial dualistic debate, which neglects the continuum and relativities of space. The author aims to extend this debate through an in-depth review and critique of the main perspectives on socio-spatial relations. He argues that in capitalist urban processes urban space plays a dual role as both the public sphere and arena of capital accumulation. However, importantly, this dual role has led to the multidimensional nature of the publicness of space which, in turn, collaboratively results in increasingly blurred boundaries between ‘public’ and ‘private’ in cities. To grapple with the new features of urban space for theory and empirical research, the article offers an alternative property rights approach. Rather than treating space as monolithic, the proposed property rights approach puts the case for analysing space as a continuum. On this basis, the author discusses how that approach can be used for empirical research.  相似文献   

2002-2012年长春市城市功能空间耦合研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
申庆喜  李诚固  周国磊  马佐澎 《地理研究》2015,34(10):1897-1910
以长春市多年用地现状图和统计资料为数据源,以ArcGIS和SPSS软件为分析工具,引入静态耦合度和动态耦合度概念,从居住空间视角对长春市城市功能空间耦合的空间差异特征进行了动态研究,分析了城市功能空间耦合的动力机制。研究发现:① 长春市城市空间扩展仍未摆脱圈层扩张的窠臼,居住空间表现出过高的扩张强度,是城市功能空间低耦合近域扩展的重要原因;② 城市功能空间耦合的地域差异显著,核心区动、静态耦合度均高于外围,城市功能空间处于重构期,外围则处于低耦合的快速扩张状态;③选取耦合度指标通过聚类分析方法将中心城区划分为高耦合比较成熟、高耦合趋于成熟、高耦合新兴、低耦合比较稳定、低耦合新兴和低耦合特殊城市功能空间六类。  相似文献   

在辨析城市空间破碎化概念基础上,以空间破碎化在城市方面研究为主题对1998—2016年间SCI和SSCI数据库中相关文章进行文献计量,对城市空间破碎化研究的内容、方法和进展开展评述。从研究主题看,相关研究多以土地利用、生物多样性保护、环境可持续发展为主题展开,遥感和GIS技术应用是主要的技术趋势。从测度方法看,以土地功能碎化与景观破碎化测度为主,采用景观格局分析的方法,涉及多种景观维度或指数的综合运用。从城市空间相关的研究来看,以现象描述为主,主要着眼于城市内部空间重组,探讨不同类型空间破碎化的表现、产生原因和应对思考。未来城市空间破碎化研究应综合多学科的视角和方法,从空间上一体化运行的相关实体要素出发研究城市空间破碎化内涵、测度方法,结合空间大数据挖掘应用的新技术新方法开展系统综合的研究。  相似文献   

汪明峰  周媛 《地理研究》2022,41(2):373-289
近年来,旧城更新形成的文化创意产业园向旅游目的地转型已成为普遍趋势。既有研究对文创园区和旅游地形成的空间生产机制有所挖掘,但对文创产业园旅游转向的内生性动力的认识有待深入。本文结合列斐伏尔的三元空间理论和福柯的权力空间思想,采用实地调研、深度访谈与半沉浸式观察相结合的综合方法,从宏观-微观互动的角度对田子坊文创旅游空间的生产和演化机制进行研究。结果表明:① 各行动主体基于社会关系和空间主权形成权力-空间关系;② 为实现增长的集体目标,城市政府引导了具有生产性逻辑的空间制度设计,并与微观行动者进行权力的分配与互动,形成空间规训和生产机制;③ 在表征的空间中,商户的日常生活实践通过多样化的服从与抵抗的能动性策略,形成差异化的微观空间生产,推动文创旅游的空间实践与演化。研究还针对文创园区旅游化进程中存在的问题提供了治理启示。  相似文献   

国土空间规划中城镇空间和城镇开发边界的划定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高晓路  吴丹贤  周侃  廖柳文 《地理研究》2019,38(10):2458-2472
在2016年国务院印发的《省级空间规划试点方案》所提出的“开展基础评价”和“绘制规划底图”两项主要任务中,城镇适宜性的评价与城镇空间、城镇开发边界的划定属于核心内容,同时也是一项具有较强探索性的工作。以国家对国土空间规划的基本设想为依据,对城镇空间和城镇开发边界的概念和内涵、空间关系、相关规则进行深入探讨,确定了城镇适宜性评价与城镇空间、城镇开发边界划定的主要思路和技术路线。结合福建省空间规划的案例,分析了城镇适宜性评价与城镇空间、城镇开发边界划定的过程、方法和结果。不同于以往各部门开展的空间性规划,城镇空间和城镇开发边界的划定建立在资源环境承载能力和国土空间开发适宜性的基础评价之上,这使得城镇开发建设活动的空间布局在资源环境本底方面得到合理保障,城镇空间和城镇开发边界的划定也有了较为科学、客观的依据。此外,把基础底图的研制与城镇发展潜能、城镇开发指向的评估,以及开发建设的规模管控、空间管控、开发强度管控系统地整合起来,使得规划底图的随意性得到了较好的控制。实践表明,本文的思路和技术方法是合理可行的,这一尝试可为空间规划理论和方法体系的完善提供参考。  相似文献   

After the January 2011 revolution, new and unpermitted constructions on previously empty land went up across Cairo at striking speed. This paper explores a case of such land encroachments carried out by waste collectors in the neighbourhood of Manshiet Nasser in Cairo, Egypt. It begins with theoretical debates about the production of urban space, arguing that the de Certeauian paradigm, in which urban marginals poach or hijack others' spaces evanescently, fails to account for the way such encroachments produce permanent new spaces rhizomatically alongside the pre‐existing order. The paper then turns to a close examination of the events in Manshiet Nasser. Although in a broad view the actors are marginals living in the ‘informal’ city, the conditions enabling the encroachments were such that only the wealthiest and most powerful members of the ‘community’ benefitted. In a context of generalized ‘illegality’, the squatters rely on practical norms and de facto recognitions to obtain some degree of tenure security. Since these efforts rely on and play off legal norms even as the squatters violate them, the paper argues that property rights in this context should be understood not in classificatory terms based on the legal/illegal binary, but rather through a trajectory of ‘becoming‐legal’: a ‘line of flight’ that approaches legality asymptotically.  相似文献   

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