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The Dhanbad district in Bihar, feces acate water scareity and is chronically drought prone. The groundwater resources in the area have not been fully exploited. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the groundwater prospective zones, Landsat-5 MSS data of band-2 and band-4 and false colour composite of band 2, 3, 4 were interpreted visually to differentiate different hydromarphogeological units and to delineate the major trends of lineaments. The different geomorphic features identified are linear ridges, residual hills, pediplain, buried pedtment and dissected pediplain, besides lineaments. The study shows that the pediplain and buried pediments are promising zones for groundwater prospecting.  相似文献   

In the present study efforts have been made to evaluate ground water potential zones for ground water targeting using IRS-IC LISS-II1 geo-coded data on 1:50,000 scale. The drainage, geology, geomorpholgoy and lineament information has been generated and integrated to evaluate hydro-geomorphological characteristics of the Gairnukh watershed, Bhandara district, Maharashtra for delineation of ground water potential zones. The analysis reveals that the deep valley fills with thick alluvium have excellent, shallow valley tills and deeply weathered pediplains with thin alluvium have very good and moderately weathered pediplains in the geological formations of Tirodi Gneiss and Sausar Groups have god ground water potential and these units are highly favourable for ground water exploration and development. Shallow weathered pediments in geological formations of Tirodi Gnesis and Sausar Groups are marked under moderate ground water potential zone. Shallow weathered pediplains in geological formations of Tiridi Gneiss and Sausor Groups are grouped under limited ground water potential category, except along the fractures/lineaments. Structural hills in geological formations of Tirodi Gneiss and Sausar Groups have poor ground water prospects. Inselbergs and Linear ridges in geological formations of Tirodi Gneiss are grouped under very poor ground water prospects zone. The good inter-relationship was found among the geological units, geomorphological units, lineament density, hydro-geomorphological zones and ground water yield data.  相似文献   

采用Arc Hydro Tools软件以及GIS空间分析功能,以浙江省瓯江流域为例,基于ASTER GDEM开展水系自动提取研究,并分河流等级、分地貌、多指标地评价水系精度,探索1∶25万水系自动更新的可行性.  相似文献   

Desertification is a global challenge being experienced across countries irrespective of their levels of development. Desertification is a complex negative process involving both natural and human components in terms of their socio-economic attainments. Hence, for identification and assessment of the process, pattern, magnitude and possible impacts of desertification, a multi-disciplinary approach with inter-disciplinary framework of analysis is essential. This study has made such an attempt to develop a comprehensive desertification vulnerability assessment Model on the basis of multi-variate Principal Component Analysis along with the Geographic Information System framework by using natural and socio-economic resources data inputs from census, satellite data and other sources. Bellary district, located in a rapidly growing southern state of India, Karnataka which is afflicted with various natural and development issues such as droughts, backwardness, haphazard mining, over irrigation, and associated effects of land degradation, siltation and water pollution has been chosen for the study. The inter-disciplinary framework based desertification vulnerability assessment model has assessed that 1379.198 km2 area (15.55%) of Bellary district is prone to desertification (based on the satellite data IRS LISS III data of Dec 2005, Feb 2006, March 2006 and April 2006). In addition, 3229.337 km2 (36.40%) is under moderate vulnerability which is fragile. Hence, unless proper development intervention and conservation measures are taken well in advance, almost more than half of Bellary district (51.95%) will be vulnerable to desertification. Spatially, the talukas that are seriously affected and that require development intervention on high priority are: Sandur, Kudligi, Hospet and Bellary which are the prime talukas of the district.  相似文献   

The general tendency of mapping groundwater resource using remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques involve assigning higher weightage to geomorphology. But this cannot be used as a thumb rule everywhere, especially an area where many ductile and brittle zones are prevalent. The influence of texture and structure of sheared rocks might play a control over retaining and permitting groundwater to flow. Attur valley is characterized by the presence of many shear zones and faults and hence the rocks are highly fissile within the shear zones. The present study tries to establish a new ranking and weightage scheme and hence a new spatial model for groundwater resource mapping in shear zone area like Attur Valley. This spatial model can be verified with field data such as water level data, pump test and resistivity data.  相似文献   

In the present study, landforms and soils have been characterized in Borgaon Manju watershed of basaltic terrain located in Akola district, Maharashtra, Central India. Terrain characterization using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data (90 m) and IRS-P6 LISS IV data in conjunction with adequate field surveys shows nine distinct landforms. Soil resource inventory shows fourteen soil series in the study area. Soils formed on gently sloping (3–8 %) subdued plateau are very shallow (23 cm), moderately well drained, moderate (15–40 %) surface stoniness, severely eroded, clayey and slightly alkaline in reaction, whereas, the soils formed on level to nearly level (0–1 %) slope in the main valley are very deep (>150 cm), well drained, very slight (<3 %) surface stoniness, moderately eroded with clayey surface and moderately alkaline in reaction. Soils in the watershed are grouped into Lithic Ustorthents, Vertic Haplustepts, Calcic Haplustepts, Typic Haplustepts, Typic Haplusterts and Sodic Calciusterts. The study demonstrates that the analysis of SRTM elevation data and IRS P6–IV data in Geographic Information System (GIS) with adequate field surveys helps in characterization of landforms and soils in analysis of landscape-soil relationship.  相似文献   

A comprehensive Landslide Susceptibility Zonation (LSZ) map is sought for adopting any landslide preventive and mitigation measures. In the present study, LSZ map of landslide prone Ganeshganga watershed (known for Patalganga Landslide) has been generated using a binary logistic regression (BLR) model. Relevant thematic layers pertaining to the causative factors for landslide occurrences, such as slope, aspect, relative relief, lithology, tectonic structures, lineaments, land use and land cover, distance to drainage, drainage density and anthropogenic factors like distance to road, have been generated using remote sensing images, field survey, ancillary data and GIS techniques. The coefficients of the causative factors retained by the BLR model along with the constant have been used to construct the landslide susceptibility map of the study area, which has further been categorized into four landslide susceptibility zones from high to very low. The resultant landslide susceptibility map was validated using receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showing an accuracy of 95.2 % for an independent set of test samples. The result also showed a strong agreement between distribution of existing landslides and predicted landslide susceptibility zones.  相似文献   

以山西省遥感地质找矿为例,以区域地质和成矿理论为基础,通过对ETM+遥感图像进行控矿构造要素、控矿环形要素、色调异常、找矿标志、蚀变矿化异常等遥感要素的解译和研究,从宏观上总结了区域性大型断裂与成矿的关系,提出区域遥感地质找矿模型;在微观上圈定了遥感最小预测区,为矿产资源潜力评价和找矿预测提供重要线索和依据。所取得的成果和经验可为今后山西省的遥感地质找矿工作打下基础。  相似文献   

Study of drainage pattern of Jharia Coalfield as observed on IRS-IA LISS II image shows that the region is drained by 11 streams with general flow direction to north east to south east and ultimately joining to trunk river Damodar. The perennial river Damodar flows from west to east and approximately marks the southern limit of the famous Jharia Coalfied. The average stream length in the region varies from 15 km to 110 km with average hasin area from 10 km2 to 150 km2. The general pattern is essentially a coarse dendritc with very gentle (0 to 1%) to sluggish stream flow condition over a gentle sloping (1 to 3%) topographic surface characteristic of old age streams in matured erosion terrain (Paleo-pediplain).  相似文献   

黎夏  叶嘉安 《遥感学报》1999,3(3):215-219,247
提出利用遥感和GIS来获得合理的城市发展布局和减少浪费土地资源的新方法。该模型是根据环境经济学资源分配原理和可持续发展理论,通过遥感和GIS的综合来实现。模型的核心就是保证在时间和空间上合理地安排土地资源。由此评价了珠江三角洲东莞市近年来的土地开发,获得了有意义的结果。并通过模型的运算,给出了规划期内的土地利用的优化方案,以减少浪费土地资源的现象。  相似文献   

黎夏  叶嘉安 《遥感学报》1999,3(3):2-219,T001
提出利用遥感和 G I S来获得合理的城市发展布局和减少浪费土地资源的新方法。该模型是根据环境经济学资源分配原理和可持续发展理论,通过遥感和 G I S的结合来实现。模型的核心就是保证在时间和空间上合理地安排土地资源。由此评价了珠江三角洲东莞市近年来的土地开发,获得了有意义的结果。并通过模型的运算,给出了规划期内的土地利用的优化方案,以减少浪费土地资源的现象。  相似文献   

利用ALOS-1(2007-2010)、Sentinel-1A(2017-2018)存档数据对山西交城-清徐地区的地面沉降进行监测。结合小基线和永久散射体技术优点,在增加时间采样密度的基础上利用二维线性回归分析得到研究区域的形变速率和时间序列。经同期GPS观测结果校核表明:交城-清徐地区持续发生地面沉降,但山区和平原区域形变的空间分布、量级不同,引起形变原因也不同。平原地带沉降空间分布受构造断裂控制,断裂带两侧呈现明显的差异性形变,且最大沉降速率为-200 mm/a,沉降的主要原因是地下水超采,但经治理后地面沉降灾害有所缓解,表现为沉降速率小于-30 mm/a。山区主要由于矿产资源的长期开采,沉降中心不断向南移动,最大形变速率为-462 mm/a。  相似文献   

利用空间信息系统所提供的强大空间数据处理和分析能力,并将之与统计分析软件包的统计分析功能进行有效的集成,建立了基于空间统计分析的可持续发展定量分析评价模型(SBSA)。从在缅甸中部Myingyan县的应用实例来看,该模型能够提示影响Myingyan县可持续发展能力的主导因子,通过对这些因子和可持续发展综合指数的定量化、空间化的分析,为政府部门规划区域综合发展方案,制定发展政策提供很好的决策支持。  相似文献   

为了评估遥感反演叶绿素a浓度的精度,以2004年8月19日太湖38个水质样本数据和同步Hyperion卫星遥感影像数据为基础,借鉴四波段半分析算法,结合空间数据不确定性原理,构建了基于四波段半分析算法的“带模型”.通过研究与探讨可知,当叶绿素a浓度为10~20 μg/L和50~100 μg/L时,叶绿素a浓度的反演误差...  相似文献   

Estimating the water budgets of large basins is a challenge because of the lack of data and information. It becomes more complicated in endorheic basins that consist of separate land and water phases. The application of remotely-sensed data is one solution in this regard. The present study addresses this issue and develops a modeling framework to evaluate a water budget based on remotely-sensed data for endorheic basins. To explore the methodology, Lake Urmia basin was selected as a case study. The lake water level has declined steeply since 1995 and stakeholders have agreed to allocate 3100 MCM of water per year to the lake. This makes it necessary to monitor river inflow into the lake to fulfill the agreement. Gauging stations have been employed around the lake, but they could not account for shortages such as water uptake below the stations. To do this, separate water budgets for the water body and the land were required. More specifically, it was necessary to estimate actual evapotranspiration (ET a ) from freshwater (E f ) and saltwater (E s ) estimated using the SEBAL model. Different methods were applied to estimate soil moisture, groundwater exploitation, and surface-groundwater inflow into the lake. A comparison of the observed and estimated amounts showed good agreement. For instance, the coefficient of determination for the observed/reported and estimated ET a and E f were 0.83 and 0.84, respectively. The average annual inflow was estimated to be 2.2 BCM/year for 2002–2008 using the RS model, which is about 84 % of the total inflow from the last recording stations before the lake and shows influence of water exploitation after these stations. Future study should focus on increasing temporal and spatial resolution of the method  相似文献   

利用资源一号02 C卫星数据,对长兴县进行半年度土地利用变化动态遥感监测,并尝试在土地执法监察中开展应用研究。在02 C遥感影像数据处理(配准、纠正、融合)基础上,采用计算机自动识别结合目视判读的人机交互式解译方法,从融合影像上提取新增建设用地变化信息并形成监测成果。研究表明:利用02 C星高分辨率2.36 m数据与多光谱10 m数据的融合影像,能够较好地识别新增建设用地变化情况,并能较为准确地提取变化信息。研究结果显示:遥感监测结果能够为土地执法监管提供可靠的数据支撑,作为整改查处工作的依据。02 C星在国土资源土地监管方面具有较好地应用潜力。实证研究有效促进县级土地监管水平迈上新台阶,利用国产02 C卫星和高科技手段对提高土地执管能力具有现实意义和作用。  相似文献   

An insight into the geomorphic evolution of any area can be obtained by detailed landform mapping. In the present study, an area in the Middle Ganga Plain has been selected for the study using mainly remote sensing data. Various fluvial landforms have been mapped and the changes in planform of rivers over approximately 50 years have been evaluated. Both fluvial processes and tectonic activities are considered to have collectively influenced the migration of the rivers in this region. Digital enhancements of Landsat MSS and TM data are found to be quite useful in identification and mapping of subtle fluvial palaeofeatures. The present study demonstrates the utility of remote sensing in examining the geomorphic evolution of the area.  相似文献   

国土资源信息核心元数据的研究   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
国土资源信息核心元数据是建立运行在国土资源数据交换网络上的国土资源信息目录的基础和重要组成部分,也是目前数字国土工程中实现国土资源数据共享的重要途径。分析了国内外地理信息元数据标准的发展状况,根据国土资源信息核心元数据确定的原则和描述要求,确定了国土资源信息核心元数据的主要内容,提出了以通用建模语言UML类图作为国土资源信息核心元数据的结构设计,用数据字典详细定义核心元数据的组成,以构成国土资源信息核心元数据的完整描述的设计方法。  相似文献   

Urban models are evolving to require more and more detailed data that in many cases have to be spatially disaggregated from larger zones. This paper deals with the disaggregation of statistical data in an urban context in which land use data are available at a less detailed level. With the availability of land use data, the traditional approach of areal weighting is improved with an areal and land use weighted approach. This weighted approach is further elaborated to include homogeneous weight zones (HWZ) so as to reflect general geographical variations among the same land use type. A case study in Wuhan, China has demonstrated the effectiveness of the doubly weighted approach within the specified context.  相似文献   

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