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A large landslide formed at Maierato (Vibo Valencia District), Southern Italy, on 15 February 2010, at 1430?hours local time, when rapid failure occurred after several days of preliminary movements. The landslide has an area of 0.3?km2, a runout distance of 1.2?km and an estimated volume of about 10?Mm3. The landslide caused nearly 2,300 inhabitants to be evacuated, with high economic losses. The most probable trigger of the landslide was the cumulative precipitation over the preceding 20?days (having a return period of more than 100?years), which followed a long period of 4?C5?months of heavy rainfall (of about 150% of the average rainfall of the period). This report presents a summary of our findings pertinent to the landslide??s activities based on our field investigations. In particular, this report covers (1) details of land deformation caused by the landslide, (2) geology pertinent to landslide development, (3) identification of the landslide mechanism and its triggering factors based on the analysis of the boring core specimens and landform features, as well as the available video of the event, and (4) preliminary evaluation of the stability of the original slope before the landslide using the finite element-based shear strength reduction method. The aim of the paper was to describe the landslide and explain its mechanism of occurrence.  相似文献   

On 15 February 2010, a landslide of great dimensions occurred at Maierato (Calabria, Southern Italy) after a long rainy period. Although the zone was continuously affected by ground movements especially during the wet seasons, no monitoring system was installed before the occurrence of the landslide. However, many photos and two videos were taken during the failure process of the slope. In the present study, the available images are used to reconstruct the kinematics of the landslide. In addition, a finite element analysis is performed to define the main factors of triggering and to interpret the failure mechanism of the slope. This analysis is also based on the data from a site investigation carried out after the landslide to characterise the involved soils from a geotechnical viewpoint. The analysis also accounts for the strain-softening behaviour of some soils. The results have shown that the Maierato landslide was the reactivation of a pre-existing landslide body, which was caused by a significant increase in groundwater level.  相似文献   

The article deals with a tool for landslides susceptibility assessment as a function of the hydrogeological setting at different scales. The study has been applied to a test area located in Southern Italy. First, a 3D groundwater flow model was implemented for a large-scale area. The simulation of several groundwater conditions compared with the landslide activity map allows drawing a hydrogeological susceptibility map. Then, a slope scale analysis was carried out for the Cavallerizzo landslide. For this purpose, a 2D groundwater parametrical modeling was coupled with a slope stability analysis; the simulation was carried out by changing the values of the main hydrogeological parameters (recharge, groundwater supply level, etc.). The results enabled to connect the slope instability to some hydrogeological characteristics that are easy to survey and to monitor (e.g., rainfall, piezometrical level, and spring discharge), pointing out the hazard thresholds with regards to different triggering phenomena.  相似文献   

Numerous tornadoes have traversed southern Apulia in the course of the last five centuries, causing severe damage and a significant loss of life. Historical chronicles and newspaper articles allowed more than 30 tornadic events to be identified; in particular, 26 of these have occurred during the last two centuries. In all, 24 small towns and villages of southern Apulia suffered on at least one occasion the disastrous effects of being hit by a tornado.Collated data reveals that tornadoes generally form from May to December, with the most powerful events taking place in the month of September, followed by October and November. Tornadoes generally cluster in the southernmost area of the region and typically follow a path leading from the south-west to the north-east. Path length were observed to vary from 8 to 73km, and widths ranging from 60 to 850m.The metereological analysis carried out for the events occurred after 1950, even if based on a limited data set, reveals a few typical meteorological scenarios associated with the development of tornadoes over Salento.In southern Apulia tornadoes can be classified from levels A2 to A4 in accordance with the Damage Area Scale.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry of Roccamonfina volcano (Southern Italy)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This is the first hydro-geochemical investigation carried out on the Roccamonfina Volcanic Complex groundwaters. The chemistry of Roccamonfina waters is defined by water–rock and water–rock–gas interactions. In fact, interactions between rocks of the first eruptive high-K formations and circulating groundwaters are recognized by high K concentrations. On the other hand, inverse concentration of calcium versus alkali metals is related to two different rock interactions occurring in different areas of the volcano: (a) within the caldera where groundwaters flow within latite and pyroclastic formations releasing calcium, and (b) similarly at the base of the volcano where groundwaters flowing from surrounding carbonates got strongly enriched in Ca. These geochemical processes are also associated with K (SE of caldera) and Mg/Ca (in sites located at the NE base of the volcano) decrease. Completely different dynamics occurs at Riardo groundwaters (SE). Here waters are the result of a mix between the Roccamonfina deep aquifer and the carbonate aquifer of the Riardo plain. Rich-CO2 emissions make these waters strongly mineralized. Minor elements show a similar geochemical behavior of major ions and are crucial defining interactions processes. The evolution of Roccamonfina groundwaters is also evident along the simultaneous enrichment of Ba, Sr, and Ca. Ba increase is the result of deep local carbonate alteration enhanced by CO2 emissions and, the lower Sr/Ca ratio, from 10 to 2 (ppb/ppm), is also due to the same process. In the light of our results the Roccamonfina aquifer can be schematically divided into two main reservoirs: (a) a superficial aquifer which basically follows the volcanic structure morphology and tectonics and (b) a deeper reservoir, originating within the oldest Roccamonfina volcano ultra potassic lavas and then flowing into the carbonate aquifers of the neighboring plain. Eventually, the chemistry of the Roccamonfina aquifer does not show any specific and visible pollution, contrary to what happens in the volcano surrounding plains. In fact, only 14% of the samples we collected (206) show a NO3 content >30 mg/l. These sites are all located at the base of the volcano, near the plain.  相似文献   

A hydrogeological conceptual model has been developed that describes the hydrothermal system of Suio Terme (central Italy). The studied area is located along the peri-Tyrrhenian zone of the central Apennines, between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic carbonate platform sequences of the Aurunci Mountains and the volcanic sequences of the Roccamonfina. A multi-disciplinary approach was followed, using new hydrogeological surveys, the interpretation of stratigraphic logs of boreholes and water wells, and geophysical data—seismic sections, shear-wave velocity (Vs) crustal model and gravimetric model. The collected information allowed for construction of a conceptual hydrogeological model and characterization of the hydrothermal system. The Suio hydrothermal system is strongly influenced by the Eastern Aurunci hydrostructure. Along the southeastern side, the top of the hydrostructure sinks to ?1,000 m relative to sea level via a series of normal faults which give origin to the Garigliano graben. Geological and hydrogeological data strongly suggest the propagation and mixing of hot fluids, with cold waters coming from the shallow karst circuit. The aquitard distribution, the normal tectonic displacements and the fracturing of the karst hydrostructure strongly influence the hydrothermal basin. Carbon dioxide and other gasses play a key role in the whole circuit, facilitating the development of the hydrothermal system. The current level of knowledge suggests that the origin of the Suio hydrothermalism is the result of interaction between the carbonate reservoir of the Eastern Aurunci Mountains and the hot and deep crust of this peri-Tyrrhenian sector, where the Roccamonfina volcano represents the shallowest expression.  相似文献   

In an introductory section the problems of constructing a geologic time scale and the role of magnetic reversals and Milankovitch cycles in geochronology are outlined. Results of a detailed cyclostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic study of the Valanginian/Hauterivian part of the pelagic limestone section at Cismon in the Southern Alps are presented and used in conjunction to estimate the duration of magnetic subchrons between CM10N and CM8. The new estimates are shorter than in most published time scales by a factor of two to three. More research along these lines may make a revision of the Early Cretaceous time scale necessary.  相似文献   

Hydrogeological and geophysical surveys confirm that the aquifers of the Capoterra plain in Sardinia (Italy) constitute a complex, multilayer system. In the north-east of the plain, this system is composed of a shallow aquifer of recent alluvium and a deeper aquifer separated from the former by a clay layer; in the south-west there is no separation between the two aquifers. The deepest and most important member of the multilayer aquifer system is situated at the transition from Quaternary to Miocene sediments. With respect to deep structures and stratigraphy, several differentiations inside the Miocene sedimentary filling, whose overall thickness is in the order of 300 m, have been found. The combined interpretation of several datasets allows the Capoterra plain to be reliably modelled from surface to a depth of several hundreds of metres and provides the possibility of finding deeper groundwater resources. Concerning the latter, since Miocene materials are known to be impermeable in the middle of the plain, in contrast to the aquifers hosted in the Quaternary sediments and alluvium, the probability of finding fresh water at a depth of less than 350–400 m is very low. The condition of seawater intrusion affecting the aquifers is also elucidated.  相似文献   

《Sedimentary Geology》2001,139(3-4):261-283
We have estimated abundance and distribution of automicrite, marine cements and skeletal grains in the Triassic Sella massif, an isolated platform flanked by steep (25–35°) clinoforms. 108 samples were taken at constant intervals from measured sections of the major zones of the platform edifice: the platform top, margin–upper slope, and lower slope. In a first step, carried out in the field and on hand specimen, purely detrital deposits were separated from automicrite facies, i.e. beds with automicrite, cement-filled, primary vugs and admixtures of skeletal carbonate and lithoclasts. In the second step, samples with automicrite facies were thin-sectioned and point counted. The categories used for point counting were (a) automicrite, (b) vugs and cement, (c) microspar or neomorphic spar, (d) skeletal grains and (e) internal sediments. At the platform top 46% of samples are pure detrital deposits, 27% consist of automicrite facies and 27% are too strongly altered by dolomitization to allow classification. At the margin–upper slope 68% of samples consist of automicrite facies, 22% are pure detrital sediments and 10% are strongly altered. At the lower slope 63% are detrital deposits, 10% automicrite facies and 27% are extensively dolomitized. The most important contributors to the automicrite facies are automicrite (41% on the platform top, 29% on the margin–upper slope, 28% on the lower slope) and early marine cement (35% on the platform top, 48% on the margin–upper slope, 27% on the lower slope). The amount of skeletal grains is less than 10%.The automicrite facies stabilized the platform margin and upper slope. Automicrite, abundant early marine cements and micro-organisms such as Tubiphytes, formed a rigid framework, thus substituting for the lack of a metazoan reef. On the upper slopes, the framework of automicrite facies stabilized the slope but intermittently. The automicrite layers are frequently dissected by sediment-filled fractures or are broken into clasts. We assume that they slid on the layers of loose detritus. Bigger slides turned into rubbly debris flows that formed metre-thick breccias at the lower slope and the proximal basin floor. The planar shape and steep angle of the clinoforms indicate that the large-scale geometry of the slope was not controlled by the automicrite but rather by non-cohesive layers of sand and rubble piled up to the angle of repose.The production mode of the Sella is comparable of that of a (mud) mound factory. This factory was highly productive: in 1 Ma, the platform aggraded over 300 m and prograded over 2000 m in all directions.  相似文献   

The Alburni massif (1742m a.s.l.) stretches NW–SE, about 23km long and 9–10km wide, covering 246km2 with an average elevation of about 940m a.s.l. This massif, with more than 500 caves, is the most important karst area in southern Italy. The karst channel network is hierarchically organized: some channels feed a major spring (1m3/s) with a very short transit time while others communicate directly with the basal water table related to other springs (Q > 3m3/s).There are several dolines and swallow holes just above the basal water table and in the urbanized areas; for years a swallow hole directly transferred pollutants into the aquifer. The contamination vulnerability map shows that the prevalent vulnerability degree ranges from high to very high, due to the widespread karstification of the area and to the presence, on the plateau, of large vegetated areas with gentle slopes favouring fast infiltration.Hence it is important to ascertain the human impact on the area and the consequent contamination risk of the aquifer of the Alburni karst area. Three main layers were created to assess groundwater contamination risk: the vulnerability map, the hazard map, and the value map.The groundwater contamination risk map stresses the importance in a park area of aquifer vulnerability, which strongly influences the risk: indeed, the prevalent moderate degree of risk in the final map depends on the high vulnerability and the low hazard degree. However, in the future it is crucial to take into account the nature of the agricultural land use allowed in the park, which could increase the hazard degree and consequently the risk degree.  相似文献   

Major elements, trace elements and 87Sr/86Sr data are reported for the Quaternary potassic alkaline rocks from the Mts. Ernici volcanic area (Southern Latium — Italy). These rocks are represented by primitive types which display high Mgv, low D.I., variable degrees of silica undersaturation and different K2O contents which allowed the distinction of a potassium series (KS) and a high potassium series (HKS). All the analyzed samples have high LIL element contents and high 87Sr/86Sr which ranges between 0.707–0.711. They also have fractionated REE patterns. The KS rocks have lower LIL element concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr ratios than the HKS rocks with a large compositional gap between the two series. Minor but still significant isotopic and trace element variations are also observed within both KS and HKS. The genesis cannot be completly explained either by crystal liquid fractionation, mixing or assimilation processes or by different degrees of equilibrium partial melting from a homogeneous source, thus indicating that both the KS and HKS consist of several geochemically and isotopically distinct magma types. The data suggest that the KS and HKS magmas originated by low degrees of melting of a garnet peridotite mantle heterogeneously enriched in LIL elements and radiogenic strontium, possibly accompanied by disquilibrium melting of some accessory phases. The occurrence of a geochemical anomaly within the mantle is believed to be due to fluid metasomatism probably generated by dehydration of a lithospheric slab subducted during the Late Tertiary development of the Apennine Chain.  相似文献   

A significant part of Campania is extensively covered by volcaniclastic soils, deriving from the alteration of airfall-sedimented formations of layered ashes and pumices that were ejected by Campi Flegrei and Mt. Somma–Vesuvius during explosive eruptions. Where such soils cover steep slopes cut in carbonate bedrock, landforms depend essentially on the morpho-evolution of such slopes prior to the deposition of the volcaniclastic soils, because these are generally present only as thin veneers, up to a few meters of total thickness. Historical records and local literature testify that, in this part of Campania, landslides that originate on carbonate slopes covered by such soils and terminate at their foot or at gully outlets are frequent, following critical rainfall events. Such landslides can be classified as complex, occurring initially as debris slides, but rapidly evolving into debris avalanches and/or debris flows. The localization of the initial sliding areas (i.e. “sources”) on the slopes depends on both the spatial distribution of characters of the soil cover and the spatial distribution of the triggering rainfall events. It therefore appears reasonable to separate the two aspects of the problem and focus on the former one, in order to attempt an assessment of soil sliding susceptibility in the event of landslide-triggering rainfall. In this paper, some results of the application of a method aimed at such an assessment are presented. The method, called SLIDE (from SLiding Initiation areas DEtection), is based on the concept that, for a spatially homogeneous soil cover and a spatially homogeneous landslide-triggering rainfall sequence, different values of threshold slope gradient for limit equilibrium conditions exist, depending on morphological characters of the soil cover, such as its continuity and planform curvature. The method is based on the assessment of (1) soil cover presence, (2) discontinuities within soil cover, (3) slope gradients and curvature, by means of good resolution DEMs. It has been applied to sample carbonate slopes of Campania, where landslides originated either repeatedly or recently. Results are encouraging, and a soil sliding susceptibility map of a large area, based on a simplified version of method, is also presented.  相似文献   

Three Palaeozoic sequences belonging to three different basins crop out in the Calabrian–Peloritan Arc. Their age covers the time span from middle (?) Cambrian to early Carboniferous. The sequences comprise terrigenous, volcanic and carbonate rocks, and show low-grade metamorphism. The basement is of pre-middle Cambrian age, crops out in the Calabrian–Peloritan Arc, and was metamorphosed prior to the opening to the Palaeozoic basins. The Palaeozoic basins existed no later than the middle Carboniferous, with inferred maximum crustal extension in the Cambro-Ordovician. By Devonian time, the tectonic regime was compressional overall with middle Devonian island-arc type volcanic activity that continued until the closure of the basins. Approximately 330 Myr, the Palaeozoic sequences experienced low-pressure greenschist facies metamorphism and continuing subduction controlled the Variscan tectonogenesis with 280 Myr island-arc type intrusive magmas. Subduction ceased and late-stage 280–270 Myr granitic magmas were emplaced during continental collision. The crustal sector carrying the Palaeozoic basins is interpreted as comprising fragments of an active continental margin, one of the several microplates, located at the southern margin of the Euro-Asia continent which faced a large (at least 1500 km in width) ocean basin.  相似文献   

The seismic hazard of Sannio-Matese is calculated using a new seismogenetic zoning of southern Italy of seven areas and different, azimuth-dependent, attenuation laws. Various approaches (Gumbel's first and third asymptotic distribution, Cornell) lead to similar results for the different exposure times considered (100 and 200 years) and probability levels (37 and 68%). The present seismic regulation proposed in 1980 by the Italian National Council for Researches, and based on a different approach, is, in general, confirmed by the results.  相似文献   

MARIA MUTTI 《Sedimentology》1994,41(3):621-641
The Ladinian Calcare Rosso of the Southern Alps provides a rare opportunity to examine the temporal relationships between tepees and palaeokarst. This unit comprises peritidal strata pervasively deformed into tepees, repeatedly capped by palaeokarst surfaces mantled by terra rossa. Palaeokarsts, characterized by a regional distribution across the Southern Alps, occur at the base and at the top of the unit. Local palaeokarsts, confined to this part of the platform, occur within the Calcare Rosso and strongly affected depositional facies. Tepee deformation ranges from simple antiformal structures (peritidal tepees) to composite breccias floating in synsedimentary cements and internal sediments (senile tepees). Peritidal tepees commonly occur at the top of one peritidal cycle, in association with subaerial exposure at the cycle top, while senile tepees affect several peritidal cycles, and are always capped by a palaeokarst surface. Cements and internal sediments form up to 80% of the total rock volume of senile tepees. The paragenesis of senile tepees is extremely complex and records several, superimposed episodes of dissolution, cement precipitation (fibrous cements, laminated crusts, mega-rays) and deposition of internal sediments (marine sediment and terra rossa). Petrographical observations and stable isotope geochemistry indicate that cements associated with senile tepees precipitated in a coastal karstic environment under frequently changing conditions, ranging from marine to meteoric, and were altered soon after precipitation in the presence of either meteoric or mixed marine/meteoric waters. Stable isotope data for the cements and the host rock show the influence of meteoric water (average δ18O= - 5·8‰), while strontium isotopes (average 87Sr/86Sr=0·707891) indicate that cements were precipitated and altered in the presence of marine Triassic waters. Field relationships, sedimentological associations and paragenetic sequences document that formation of senile tepees was coeval with karsting. Senile tepees formed in a karst-dominated environment in the presence of extensive meteoric water circulation, in contrast to previous interpretations that tepees formed in arid environments, under the influence of vadose diagenesis. Tepees initiated in a peritidal setting when subaerial exposure led to the formation of sheet cracks and up-buckling of strata. This porosity acted as a later conduit for either meteoric or mixed marine/meteoric fluids, when a karst system developed in association with prolonged subaerial exposure. Relative sea level variations, inducing changes in the water table, played a key role in exposing the peritidal cycles to marine, mixed marine/meteoric and meteoric diagenetic environments leading to the formation of senile tepees. The formation and preservation in the stratigraphic record of vertically stacked senile tepees implies that they formed during an overall period of transgression, punctuated by different orders of sea level variations, which allowed formation and later freezing of the cave infills.  相似文献   

In the hangingwall of the Valsugana Line (north side), the most important Neogene overthrust of the Venetian Alps, two major palaeostructural pre-thrusting elements are recognizable, the Atesina Platform to the west and the Carnico-Bellunese Basin to the east. These palaeostructures, which are oblique to the overthrust, are demonstrated by variations in thickness of the sedimentary cover. The present structural framework of the hangingwall of the Valsugana Line, with the crystalline basement more uplifted toward the west, is genetically related to these pre-thrusting Permo-Mesozoic structural elements. The apparent variation in throw along the Valsugana Line is mainly a result of these palaeostructural geometries, and was not, for example, produced by a lateral hangingwall ramp.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a finite element stability analysis performed on a sea-cliff affected by a deep notch. The cliff is about 200 m long with height ranging between 8 and 19 m. The notch at the cliff base is about 1 m above sea level, nearly stretching along the entire cliff toe. Detailed geo-structural and geo-mechanical surveys were performed in situ, and rock samples were tested in laboratory. The relevant physical and mechanical properties were used for determining rock mass strength parameters. A finite element approach was implemented using a two-dimensional elasto-plastic finite-element stress analysis program. The stability analysis shows that the notch causes increasing shear strains spreading from the notch end towards the top cliff. Decreasing strength reduction factors affect the cliff as the notch reaches increased depth into the rock mass, and when its depth is about 2 m the analysis results do not converge. At this stage, an uninterrupted shear plane develops along which a roughly prismatic rock block can slide and then topple.  相似文献   

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