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Landslides are the main secondary effects of earthquakes in mountainous areas. The spatial distribution of these landslides is controlled by the local seismic ground motion and the local slope stability. While gravitational instabilities in arid and semi-arid environments are understudied, we document the landslides triggered by the Sarpol Zahab earthquake (November 12, 2017, Mw7.3, Iran/Iraq border), the largest event ever recorded in the semi-arid Zagros Mountains. An original earthquake-induced landslide inventory was derived, encompassing landslides of various sizes and velocities (from rapid disrupted rockfalls to slow-moving coherent landslides). This inventory confirms the low level of triggered landslides in semi-arid environments. It also displays clear differences in the spatial and volumetric distributions of earthquake-induced landslides, having 386 rockfalls of limited size triggered around the epicenter, and 9 giant (areas of ca. 106 m2) active and ancient deep-seated landslides coseismically accelerated at locations up to 180 km from the epicenter. This unusual distant triggering is discussed and interpreted as an interaction between the earthquake source properties and the local geological conditions, emphasizing the key role of seismic ground motion variability at short spatial scales in triggering landslides. Finally, the study documents the kinematics of slow-moving ancient landslides accelerated by earthquakes, and opens up new perspectives for studying landslide triggering over short (~?1–10 years) and long-time (~?1000–10,000 years) periods.


We explore the use of high-rate GPS, strong-motion records and their joint use for earthquake monitoring, the data collected during 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku earthquake was studied. We compared the recorded co-seismic movement, analyzed the displacements in both time-frequency domain. Meanwhile, the comparison of P wave detection was shown and the dynamic velocity waves were discussed. The results suggest that the GPS-only solution is good for low-frequency signal, and the strong-motion-only solution is good for high-frequency signal, thus, the integration of two datasets best complement the advantages of each, more details of co-seismic motions and broader frequency band of seismic signals. This is crucial for earthquake monitoring and early warning.  相似文献   

A shallow-focus (3.8?km deep) and low-magnitude (M L 3.8) earthquake occurred near Sheikhupura on August 08, 2010. Shaking was felt in parts of Potwar and northern Punjab but no associated damage has been reported. Tectonically, this earthquake occurred to the south of the Salt Range in the Punjab Seismic Zone (PSZ), a shallow-focus, moderate-level seismic zone characterized by steeply dipping strike-slip and extensional faults. The focal mechanism solution, using the seismological data of the United States Geological Survey and local observatory, shows an EW-trending fault plane dipping 710?N similar to the normal faults reported in the area previously. On the basis of the imposition of the stress field on the northward-moving Indian plate and the nature of the FMS of the previous and this earthquake, the Sheikhupura earthquake is considered as one of the intraplate earthquakes occurring frequently in the PSZ. The location of the event on the Bouguer gravity maps coincides with the zone of high gravity anomaly reflecting igneous intrusion(s) or, more likely, structural disturbances (i.e., extensional faulting in the basement).  相似文献   

To clarify the generating mechanism of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake (Mw 9.0) and the induced tsunami, we determined high-resolution tomographic images of the Northeast Japan forearc. Significant lateral variations of seismic velocity are visible in the megathrust zone, and most large interplate thrust earthquakes are found to occur in high-velocity (high-V) areas. These high-V zones may represent high-strength asperities at the plate interface where the subducting Pacific plate and the overriding Okhotsk plate are coupled strongly. A shallow high-V zone with large coseismic slip near the Japan Trench may account for the mainshock asperity of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake. Because it is an isolated asperity surrounded by low-velocity patches, most stress on it was released in a short time and the plate interface became decoupled after the Mw 9.0 earthquake. Thus the overriding Okhotsk plate there was shot out toward the Japan Trench and caused the huge tsunami.  相似文献   

The Maule, Chile, (Mw 8.8) earthquake on 27 February 2010 triggered deformation events over a broad area, allowing investigation of stress redistribution within the upper crust following a mega-thrust subduction event. We explore the role that the Maule earthquake may have played in triggering shallow earthquakes in northwestern Argentina and Chile. We investigate observed ground deformation associated with the Mw 6.2 (GCMT) Salta (1450 km from the Maule hypocenter, 9 h after the Maule earthquake), Mw 5.8 Catamarca (1400 km; nine days), Mw 5.1 Mendoza (350 km; between one to five days) earthquakes, as well as eight additional earthquakes without an observed geodetic signal. We use seismic and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) observations to characterize earthquake location, magnitude and focal mechanism, and characterize how the non-stationary, spatially correlated noise present in the geodetic imagery affects the accuracy of our parameter estimates. The focal mechanisms for the far-field Salta and Catamarca earthquakes are broadly consistent with regional late Cenozoic fault kinematics. We infer that dynamic stresses due to the passage of seismic waves associated with the Maule earthquake likely brought the Salta and Catamarca regions closer to failure but that the involved faults may have already been at a relatively advanced stage of their seismic cycle. The near-field Mendoza earthquake geometry is consistent with triggering related to positive static Coulomb stress changes due to the Maule earthquake but is also aligned with the South America-Nazca shortening direction. None of the earthquakes considered in this study require that the Maule earthquake reactivated faults in a sense that is inconsistent with their long-term behavior.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - A strong earthquake occurred on November 12, 2017, in Sarpol-e Zahab city, western Iran, with the moment magnitude ( $$M_{{\text{w}}}$$ ) of 7.3 and a focal depth of...  相似文献   

We use InSAR to measure deformation and kinematics of the Mw = 4.9 Borujerd (2005/05/03) and Mw = 6.1 Chalan‐Chulan (2006/03/31) earthquakes that occurred in the Zagros fold‐and‐thrust belt. The focal mechanism of the 2006 event is consistent with right lateral strike‐slip motion and the event ruptured the Dorud‐Borujerd segment of the Main Recent Fault. An Envisat interferogram spanning the 2006 event shows peak ground deformation of 9 cm in the satellite line‐of‐sight along a 10 km long fault portion. The interferogram spanning the 2005 earthquake is rather related to atmospheric artefact than to ground deformation. Dislocation models of the 2006 Chalan‐Chulan event indicate dextral slip amounting to a maximum of 90 cm at a depth of 4 km. The predicted vertical displacements are in good agreement with differential levelling data. The 2006 event filled only a small part of the seismic gap located between large M = 7 events that occurred in 1909 and 1957.  相似文献   

The Balei earthquake of 6 January 2006 (Mw = 4.5) was felt over a large part of Transbaikalia. Judging by its updated source parameters (earthquake mechanism, seismic moment, and moment magnitude), the event was generated by the Balei–Darasun fault reactivated in the Cenozoic. Exhaustive macroseismic evidence has been collected for the first time from the study area. The reported results fill up the gap in the seismological knowledge of eastern Transbaikalia and can be used for seismic risk mapping and earthquake prediction.  相似文献   

Dhanya  J.  Raghukanth  S. T. G. 《Natural Hazards》2020,100(1):279-311
Natural Hazards - Flash flood is disastrous; it losses property and life. Its effect is intensified while it occurs in semiarid region because of less preparedness. The present case conferred about...  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探主孔流体地球化学异常与远强震的关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
2001年11月14日发生的昆仑山口西Ms8.1级地震和2004年12月26日发生的印度尼西亚苏门答腊Ms8.7级地震前后,中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)主孔流体组成出现明显的异常。两次远强震前后的流体异常幅度很大,并具有相似的演化趋势。异常始于震前2—7天,He、N2/O2、He/Ar、N2/Ar为负异常,Ar/O2为正异常。远强震前后流体异常特征与CCSD附近小震前后流体异常特征具有明显的区别,表明昆仑山口西Ms8.1级地震前后和苏门答腊Ms8.7级地震前后的CCSD主孔流体异常可能与两次远强震相关。认为CCSD主孔中的He、N2、Ar是记录远强震的敏感载体,可能记录了震前长周期波传播至CCSD主孔时激发的流体变化,反映了震源区的应力变化,也可能反映了区域构造活动乃至地球深部构造活动产生的场兆、源兆信息。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1313-1339

The nature, magmatic evolution, and geodynamic setting of both inner and outer Makran ophiolites, in SE Iran, are enigmatic. Here, we report mineral chemistry, whole-rock geochemistry, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotope composition of mantle peridotites and igneous rocks from the Eastern Makran Ophiolite (EMO) to assess the origin and tectono-magmatic evolution of the Makran oceanic realm. The EMO includes mantle peridotites (both harzburgites and impregnated lherzolites), isotropic gabbros, diabase dikes, and basaltic to andesitic pillow and massive lava flows. The Late Cretaceous pelagic limestones are found as covers of lava flows and/or interlayers between them. All ophiolite components are somehow sheared and fragmented, probably in Cenozoic time, during the emplacement of ophiolite. This event has produced a considerable extent of tectonic melange. Tectonic slices of trachy-basaltic lavas with oceanic island basalt (OIB)-like signature seal the tectonic melange. Our new geochemical data indicate a magmatic evolution from fore-arc basalt (FAB) to island-arc tholeiite (IAT)-like signatures for the Late Cretaceous EMO lavas. EMO extrusive rocks have high εNd(t) (+8 to +8.9) and isotopically are similar to the Oman lavas. This isotopic signature indicates a depleted mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle source for the genesis of these rocks, except isotopic gabbros containing lower εNd(t) (+5.1 to +5.7) and thus show higher contribution of subducted slab components in their mantle source. High 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb isotopic ratios for the EMO igneous rocks also suggest considerable involvement of slab-derived components into the mantle source of these rocks. The variable geochemical signatures of the EMO lavas are mostly similar to Zagros and Oman ophiolite magmatic rocks, although the Pb isotopic composition shows similarity to the isotopic characteristic of inner Zagros ophiolite belt. This study postulates that the EMO formed during the early stages of Neo-Tethyan subduction initiation beneath the Lut block in a proto-forearc basin. We suggest subduction initiation caused asthenospheric upwelling and thereafter melting to generate the MORB-like melts. This event left the harzburgitic residues and the MORB-like melts interacted with the surrounding peridotites to generate the impregnated lherzolites, which are quite abundant in the EMO. Therefore, these lherzolites formed due to the refertilization of mantle rocks through porous flows of MORB-like melts. The inception of subduction caused mantle wedge to be enriched slightly by the slab components. Melting of these metasomatized mantle generated isotropic gabbros and basaltic to andesitic lavas with FAB-like signature. At the later stage, higher contribution of the slab-derived components into the overlying mantle wedge causes formation of diabase dikes with supra-subduction zone – or IAT-like signatures. Trachy-basalts were probably the result of late-stage magmatism fed by the melts originated from an OIB source asthenospheric mantle due to slab break-off. This occurred after emplacement of EMO and the formation of tectonic melange.  相似文献   

Pavlenko  O. V. 《Doklady Earth Sciences》2017,476(2):1238-1244
Doklady Earth Sciences - Based on the records of KiK-net vertical arrays, models of soil behavior down to depths of ~100–200 m in the near-fault zones during the Tohoku earthquake are...  相似文献   

The first experience in application of the method of curvature analysis of structural functions for data processing of deformation monitoring conducted in the South-Baikal geodynamical polygon within the margins of the seismoactive Baikal Rift Zone is presented. On the basis of the obtained results, the validity of analysis for seismic events on the basis of synergetical methodology and effectiveness of application of the methodology used for estimation of the dynamical state of the lithosphere and detection of midterm precursors of strong earthquakes is shown.  相似文献   

We investigate the hitherto unexplained wave which inundated the village of Dwarskersbos, South Africa, in the early hours of August 27, 1969, in the absence of any seismic disturbance or major meteorological storm. A field survey, based on the interview of nine elderly witnesses still residing in the community, documented maximum run-up of 2.9 m, concentrated on an extremely short segment of coastline, less than 2 km in length. These characteristics are incompatible with generation by a seismic source (which, at any rate, should have been felt by the population). A landslide source, located at the only canyon featuring a steep enough ocean floor, is also ruled out since a numerical simulation fails to reproduce the concentration of the wave at Dwarskersbos. By contrast, the wave can be explained as a “meteo-tsunami” resulting from resonance between a meteorological squall propagating at 18 m/s in the azimuth \(\hbox {N101}^{\circ }\hbox {E}\) and a gravity wave propagating in the shallow waters off the eastern shore of St. Helena Bay. This is confirmed by numerical simulation under the formalism of Proudman (Dynamical oceanography. Methuen, London, 1953), which provides a satisfactory model of the distribution of run-up along the beach.  相似文献   

Greek-Turkish boundary near the cities Kos and Bodrum has been shaken on July 20, 2017 by a Mw6.6 earthquake. The mainshock is located offshore and did not generate an on-land surface rupture. Analyzing pre- and post-earthquake continuous/survey-type static GPS observations, we investigated co-seismic surface displacements at 20 sites to characterize source parameters and slip-distribution of the mainshock. Fault plane solutions as well as co-seismic slip distribution have been acquired through the inversion of co-seismic GPS displacements modeling the event as elastic dislocations in a half space. Fault plane solution shows a southward dipping normal-type fault segment extending a depth down to ~12 km, which remains within the brittle upper crust. Results from the distributed slip inversion show that the mainshock activated a ~65 km fault section, which has three high slip patches, namely western, central and eastern patches, where the coseismic slips reach up to 13, 26, and 5 cm, respectively. This slip pattern indicates that the pre-earthquake coupling, which is storing the slip deficit, occurred on these three patches.  相似文献   

Understanding the source mechanism of earthquakes may be the key to predict earthquakes. The testing of radioactive radiations and reactionary hypothesis of gases before and after quake events can help predict and monitor earthquake occurrence. In this study, the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and the column ozone (O3) were applied to evaluate the December 26, 2003 earthquake of Bam city in western Iran. The results show that ozone concentration (column density) decreased about 30 DU and or 807?×?10E15/cm2 molecules. Using high-resolution AIRS data for the study area, we were able to discriminate gases that formed and changed before the main shock at least a day before the occurrence of the quake in Bam.  相似文献   

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