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A detailed study of the morphology and micro‐morphology of Quaternary alluvial calcrete profiles from the Sorbas Basin shows that calcretes may be morphologically simple or complex. The ‘simple’ profiles reflect pedogenesis occurring after alluvial terrace formation and consist of a single pedogenic horizon near the land surface. The ‘complex’ profiles reflect the occurrence of multiple calcrete events during terrace sediment aggradation and further periods of pedogenesis after terrace formation. These ‘complex’ calcrete profiles are consequently described as composite profiles. The exact morphology of the composite profiles depends upon: (1) the number of calcrete‐forming events occurring during terrace sediment aggradation; (2) the amount of sediment accretion that occurs between each period of calcrete formation; and (3) the degree of pedogenesis after terrace formation. Simple calcrete profiles are most useful in establishing landform chronologies because they represent a single phase of pedogenesis after terrace formation. Composite profiles are more problematic. Pedogenic calcretes that form within them may inherit carbonate from calcrete horizons occurring lower down in the terrace sediments. In addition erosion may lead to the exhumation of older calcretes within the terrace sediment. Calcrete ‘inheritance’ may make pedogenic horizons appear more mature than they actually are and produce horizons containing carbonate embracing a range of ages. Calcrete exhumation exposes calcrete horizons whose morphology and radiometric ages are wholly unrelated to terrace surface age. Composite profiles are, therefore, only suitable for chronological studies if the pedogenic horizon capping the terrace sequence can be clearly distinguished from earlier calcrete‐forming events. Thus, a detailed morphological/micro‐morphological study is required before any chronological study is undertaken. This is the only way to establish whether particular calcrete profiles are suitable for dating purposes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Calcrete‐coated remnants of landslide debris and alluvial deposits are exposed along the presently stable hillslopes of the Soreq drainage, Judea Hills, Israel. These remnants indicate that a transition from landslide‐dominated terrain to dissolution‐controlled hillslope erosion had occurred. This transition possibly occurred due to the significant decrease in tectonic uplift during the late Cenozoic. The study area is characterized by sub‐humid Mediterranean climate. The drainage hillslopes are typically mantled by thick calcrete crusts overlying Upper Cretaceous marine carbonate rocks. Using TT‐OSL dating of aeolian quartz grains incorporated in the calcrete which cements an ancient landslide deposit, we conclude that incision of ~100 m occurred from 1056 ± 262 to 688 ± 86 ka due to ~0·3° westward tilt of the region; such incision invoked high frequency of landslide activity in the drainage. The ages of a younger landslide remnant, alluvial terrace, and alluvial fan, all situated only a few meters above the present level of the active streambed, range between 688 ± 86 ka and 244 ± 25 ka and indicate that since 688 ± 86 the Soreq base level had stabilized and that landslide activity decreased significantly by the middle Pleistocene. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The variability of Quaternary landforms preserved in the Tabernas basin of southeast (SE) Spain raises numerous questions concerning the roles of external forcing mechanisms (e.g. tectonics and/or climate) and internal landscape properties (e.g. lithological controls) in the evolution of the basin‐wide fluvial system over Late Quaternary timescales. In this study, we apply the FLUVER2 numerical model to investigate the significance of these landscape controls upon patterns of landscape evolution. We highlight the complications of generating realistic input datasets for use in the modelling of long‐term landscape evolution (e.g. discharge and runoff datasets). Model outputs are compared to extensive field mapping of fluvial terraces, their sedimentary architecture and optically stimulated luminescence dating results of the terraces. The results demonstrate the significance of non‐linear rates of flexural tectonic uplift towards the west of the Tabernas Basin which have controlled base levels throughout the Quaternary and promoted the formation of a series of diverging fluvial terraces. Our numerical model results further highlight the importance of climate cycles upon river terrace formation. Basin‐wide aggradation events were modelled during the transition from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 to 5 and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) as supported by field evidence. This aggradational pattern supports the regional hypothesis of terrace formation during global glacial cycles and cold‐to‐warm stage transitions and supports the use of sea surface temperature climate proxy data in the modelling exercise. The availability of sediments derived from the surrounding hillslopes and adjacent alluvial fans explains the generation of substantial terrace aggradations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deformation structures, within some Quaternary calcretes of Botswana and South Africa, have been classified into five types. Type 1 folds are small-scale (< 2 m wavelength) anticlines in shale or sheet calcrete, separated by wedges of calcrete, polygonal in plan. The anticlines have resulted from horizontal expansion and buckling caused by the disruptive growth of the calcrete wedges. Type 2(a) folds are medium-scale, strongly convoluted features in sheet calcrete and bedrock and are attributed to the introduction of calcrete along major vertical joint planes. Type 2(b) folds are large wavelength (> 20 m), but low amplitude (< 1 m), anticlines in hardpan calcrete; structural evidence suggests dominantly horizontal compression within the hardpan due either to an overall increase in volume of the calcrete, or to the disruptive formation of calcrete in joints in the synclinal areas. The mineralogy of the calcretes is dominated by low-Mg calcite which may have inverted from a high-Mg form; the deformation in type 1 and 2 folds was probably caused by the disruptive and displacive growth of calcite during calcretization. Type 3 folds are saucer-shaped depressions in hardpan calcrete and may be due to the removal of soluble salts below the folded layer during or after calcretization. Finally, type 4 folds are small, diapiric anticlines resulting from the upward injection of swelling clays into calcrete or calcretized shale.  相似文献   

Facies analysis of Severn Main terrace sediments at Eardington, Shropshire is instructive in determining aspects of the sedimentary environment at a ‘proximal’ location in the terrace. Evaluation of the structural and directional properties of the gravels indicates that the terrace is a composite feature comprising two units. The lower unit is notable for the widespread occurrence of large sandy facies, a near absence of massive gravel facies, and the presence of large, locally derived, lithoclasts in excess of 1 m in diameter. Facies associations observed indicate the existence of in-channel bars and large channels with bedforms at the dune-plane bed transition. The directional properties of the unit indicate flows parallel to the main valley axis and although the unit is unlike previously reported examples it is interpreted as being the product of a proximal low sinuosity environment. The upper unit is composed mainly of multistorey, coarse, massive gravel units with limited interbedded sand facies. Fabric analysis indicates progradation of the unit from the west. The facies sequence is similar to those encompassed by facies models proposed for proximal alluvial fan deposits and therefore, on structural and directional grounds, the upper unit is interpreted as an alluvial fan deposit which prograded into the main Severn valley from the adjacent Mor Brook tributary. The implications of the composite nature of the terrace at this point are considered both in terms of terrace correlation and palaeohyrological estimation.  相似文献   

Two distinct types of alluvial fans occur in the Bow River Valley, Alberta, Canada: fluvially dominated and debris flow dominated. Large, gently sloping fans dominated by fluvial processes are associated with large and less rugged drainage basins, and small rugged basins have produced small, steep fans dominated by debris flow processes. Quantitative analysis demonstrates that strong fan-basin morphometric relationships occur despite a short fan history. Statistical analysis of fan area-basin area relationships indicate that debris flow fan areas do not increase in size as quickly as contributing basins. The relationship of fluvial fan area to basin area is not statistically significant. However, this relationship is probably affected by fan erosion. Examination of fan slope to basin ruggedness relationships indicates that fan slope increases more rapidly than basin ruggedness for both fan types. This is likely related to non-linear discharge and sediment size effects on fluvial fans, and reworking of larger fan surfaces by fluvial processes on debris flow fans.  相似文献   

Quaternary sedimentation in the Moshaweng dry valley of southeastern Botswana is evaluated on the basis of geomorphological evolution and sedimentological analyses. Stratigraphic evidence reveals an upper surface (1095 m) containing abundant sil‐calcrete, an intermediate surface (1085 m) in which sil‐calcrete underlies nodular calcrete and lower (1075 m) surface in which sil‐calcrete and nodular calcrete are interbedded. This subdivision is reflected in the geochemical composition of the sediments which show an overall trend of decreasing SiO2 content (and increasing CaCO3 content) with depth from the highest to the lowest surface levels. The calcretes and sil‐calcretes represent modifications of pre‐existing detrital Kalahari Group sand and basal Kalahari pebbles which thinned over a Karoo bedrock high. Modification took place during wet periods when abundant Ca++‐rich groundwater flowed along the structurally aligned valley system. With the onset of drier conditions, water table fluctuations led to the precipitation of nodular calcretes in the phreatic layer to a depth of about 20 m. A major geochemical change resulted in the preferential silicification of the nodular calcrete deposits. Conditions for silica mobilization may be related to drying‐induced salinity and in situ geochemical differentiation brought about by pebble dissociation towards the top of the sediment pile. As calcretization and valley formation progressed to lower levels, silica release took place on a diminishing scale. Thermoluminescence dating infers a mid‐Pleistocene age for sil‐calcrete formation suggesting that valley evolution and original calcrete precipitation are much older. Late stage dissolution of CaCO3 from pre‐existing surface calcretes or sil‐calcretes led to the formation of pedogenic case‐hardened deposits during a time of reduced flow through the Moshaweng system possibly during the upper or late Pleistocene. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relative importance of tectonics, climate, base level and source lithology as primary factors on alluvial‐fan evolution, fan morphology and sedimentary style remain in question. This study examines the role of catchment lithology on development and evolution of alluvial megafans (>30 km in length), along the flanks of the Kohrud Mountain range, NE Esfahan, central Iran. These fans toe out at axial basin river and playa‐fringe sediments towards the centre of basin and tectonics, climatic change and base‐level fluctuations, were consistent for their development. They formed in a tectonically active basin, under arid to semiarid climate and a long term (Plio‐Pleistocene to Recent) change from wetter to drier conditions. The key differences between two of these fans, Soh and Zefreh fans, along the west and south flanks of this mountain range, is that their catchments are underlain by dissimilar bedrock types. The source‐area lithologies of the Soh and Zefreh fans are in sedimentary and igneous terrains, respectively, and these fans developed their geometry mainly in response to different weathering intensities of their catchment bedrock lithologies. Fan surface mapping (based on 1/50000 topographic maps, satellite images, and fieldwork), reveals that the geomorphic evolution of these fans differs in that the relatively large‐scale incision and through trenching of the Soh fan is absent in the Zefreh fan. Whereas the limited sediment supply of the Soh fan has resulted in a deep incised channel, the Zefreh fan has remained aggradational with little or no trenching into proximal to medial fan surface due to its catchment bedrock geology, composed mainly by physically weathered volcaniclastic lithology and characterized by high sediment supply for delivery during episodic flash floods. Sediment supply, which is mainly a function of climate and source lithology, is a dominant driver behind the development of fan sequences in alluvial megafans. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Semi‐alluvial stream channels eroded into till and other glacial sediments are common in areas of extensive glacial deposition such as the Great Lakes region and northern interior plains of North America. The mechanics of erosion and erosional weakness of till results in the dominance of fluvial scour and mass erosion due to spontaneous fracture at planes of weakness under shearing flow. There have been few controlled tests looking at erosional mechanisms and resistance of till in river channels. We subjected small blocks of till to unidirectional flows in a laboratory flume to measure the threshold shear stress for erosion and observed the erosion mechanics. Critical shear stress for erosion varied from 7 to 8 Pa for samples with initial saturated moisture content in which a combination of fluvial scour and mass cracking/block erosion dominated. When dried, micro‐fissures occurred in the sample and erosional resistance of the till was extremely low at <1 Pa with erosion appearing to be by fluvial scour. When mobile gravel was added to the test conditions, the gravel reduced the erosion threshold slightly because of the enhanced scour around and below the gravel particles and the tendency for the gravel to aid in crack enlargement. Thus a partial or thin gravel cover over the till may provide no protection from erosion. The erosion processes and effects reflect the complex and contingent mechanics and properties of till, and suggest that the erosion characteristics of till bed semi‐alluvial channels differ from abrasion or plucking dominated processes in more resistant bedrock. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River basins in south‐western USA are some of the most extensively studied arid land fluvial systems in the world. Since the early 1960s their hydro‐climatic histories have been reconstructed from the analysis of alluvial cut‐and‐fill cycles, while from the late 1970s there have been investigations of slackwater deposits and palaeostage indicators for large floods in stable‐boundary bedrock reaches. However, no studies have regionally integrated Holocene fluvial histories from these two different types of fluvial environments. The current study combines the alluvial archive with flood records from bedrock reaches to generate a probability‐based 12,000 year record of flooding in south‐western USA. Using more than 700 14C‐dated fluvial units, the analysis produces a high resolution (centennial) flood record. Seven episodes of increased flooding occurred at 11,250–10,400, 8800–8350, 8230–7600, 6700–5700, 5600–4820, 4550–3320 and 2000–0 cal. BP. Bedrock reaches are found to record more frequent floods during the middle to late Holocene, while in alluvial rivers more flood units are dated to the early and middle Holocene. These differences are primarily the result of selective preservation with alluvial reaches tending to erode during periods characterised by very large floods. Episodes of major Holocene flooding recorded in slackwater deposits within bedrock systems correspond with periods of increased precipitation in the region and lower temperatures. In contrast, within alluvial rivers above‐average flooding probabilities, as well as regionally extensive channel entrenchment episodes, match with reduced annual precipitation and lower temperatures. The results of this study clearly demonstrate the value of the Holocene fluvial archive for reconstructing regional, short‐term hydro‐climatic change in south‐western USA. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对柴达木盆地西部大浪滩-黑北凹地、察汗斯拉图凹地、昆特依凹地和马海凹地发现的新类型砂砾型深层卤水钾盐矿床进行卤水化学成份和微量元素系统测试和分析、相关同位素测试,经综合分析和研究后认为,砂砾型深层卤水钾盐矿床为溶滤-沉积成因类型,其形成受第四纪砂砾层和古近纪以来古岩盐层的控制.其成矿模式为:盆地西部从始新世至上新世...  相似文献   

本文用错格实数傅里叶变换的拟谱法的数值模拟方法分析了地震波在冲积扇、盆地等不均匀地震构造体区域的传播过程和地面运动分布. 结果表明, 地震波由岩石区进入盆地结构后,在盆地内上下多次反射振荡,对地面建筑物可能形成多次连续的振动和破坏,仅有极少量地震波能量返回岩石区域中,这是防灾研究中值得注意的地面运动特征;地震波在盆地边界地质构造条件下,形成的地震波体波与次生面波动的叠加干涉形成了大振幅的地面运动,它可能导致建筑物的极大破坏;破坏峰值的空间位置可能远离岩石和盆地沉积层的边界或者地震断层的位置.  相似文献   

济阳坳陷第三系隐蔽藏储层预测配套技术   总被引:17,自引:15,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用沉积学、层序地层学理论分析和研究沉积相特征,得出探区内发育的储层主要有冲积扇、河流、三角洲、浊积扇和滩坝五大沉积体系,提出了上第三系”水流控砂”、下第三系”坡槽控砂”的沉积模式,得到储层按构造带分布的规律.隐蔽性油气藏以”断导”模式成藏,与储层发育相匹配形成四个大的隐蔽性油气藏群.研究地震储层描述方法的适应性和敏感性,利用正、反演类比方法研究地震反射特征,实现了地震相和沉积相的转换.剖析典型的油气藏类型,分析成功的经验,总结失败的教训,得到了针对河流、冲积扇、三角洲、滩坝和浊积扇的描述流程和配套技术系列.  相似文献   

Fan-deltas are formed in mountain lakes, contributing to changes in shorelines' shapes and filling lake basins with sediments. Factors that condition sediment delivery to the lakes and the formation of fan-deltas are not fully understood. This study aims to identify processes forming fan-deltas in mountain lakes based on the sedimentary architecture of a fan-delta filling Zelené Kežmarské Lake (Slovakia). Our study is based on ground-penetrating radar and seismic refraction surveys conducted over the lake and debris-flow fans in its vicinity, and grain-size analyses of the surface deposits. The internal structure of the fan-delta comprises foreset deposits representing the fan-delta lobes. Mouth bars were identified in the near-shore zone. The fan-delta is built of sands and silty sands whereas an alluvial debris-flow dominated fan west of the lake contains gravels. A general trend of downslope fining of the fan surface sediments, disturbed by zones of coarse gravels, was identified in the surficial sediments forming the fan. The fan-delta was formed by depositional events in humid periods, alternating with dry periods featured with a small or no deposition. The lake-level steadily rose in the humid periods and remained stable in dry periods. The contrast between the coarse sediments forming the alluvial debris-flow dominated fan, and sands forming the fan-delta was caused by a selective deposition. Coarse gravels in the fan were mobilized in humid periods but did not reach the lake-shore. The reason was a basement rock ridge situated parallel to the lake shore. Sands were delivered to the fan-delta in humid periods owing to frequent high-energy flows. A deposition of silts took place in dry periods. The studied fan-delta might preserve the sedimentary record of three humid periods from the last 200 years. However, further studies are needed to establish the timing of the fan-delta formation.  相似文献   

This study attempts to investigate the distribution of ventifacts in Qatar. It is believed that ventifacts are confined to the areas within about 5 km of the Miocene or Mio-Pliocene Hofuf formations and the spreads of continental gravels derived from them. Three hypotheses were formulated: (1) Ventifacts in Qatar are confined to areas within about 5 km of the Hofuf formations and the spreads of continental gravels derived from them. The distribution of ventifacts within these areas varies according to the nature of the ground surface; (2) The most active ventifaction areas are where the continental gravels merge with the Eocene limestone because of the increase in saltation particle speed in these areas where bedrock or bare limestone is exposed; (3) The unit area ratio of ventifact to non-ventifact pebbles varies inversely with the total amount of pebbles. To test these hypotheses, nine land class categories were identified in the three major Hofuf formations. Line transects were carried out from randomly selected stations near the middle of the Hofuf formations. Along each transect systematic sampling was carried out at 200 m intervals. The data were processed using a WANG MVP 2200 computer with software developed for the project. It was found that ventifacts tend to concentrate on the outer edges of the continental gravels in areas of limestone outcrop and limestone pavement. Higher areas have big gravel counts and a low ratio of ventifacts while the low-lying plains have small gravel counts and a higher ratio of ventifacts. In certain areas ‘ventifact fields’ were found where the density of ventifacts was as high as 30 per m2. Many of the ventifacts in these fields were buried beneath the surface suggesting that the ventifaction predates the present site conditions. Other high ventifact density areas were discovered where the ventifacts have collected in shallow depressions or hollows on the limestone plateaux. Water action has washed these ventifacts, a high proportion of which are dreikanters, into the hollows, where they have been partially buried in fine alluvial silts. These ‘ventifact graveyards’ are generally only a few metres wide but contain large numbers of fine specimens.  相似文献   

Ganyanchi (Salt Lake)basin, located in the central part of the Haiyuan Fault, northeastern corner of the Tibetan plateau, is the largest pull-apart basin along this fault. Due to its location in northeastern Tibet, the Ganyanchi Basin preserves an important sedimentary record of tectonism and climate change associated with progressive growth of the Tibetan plateau. The sediments of this basin also contain abundant information regarding the deformational history of the bounding strike-slip fault, i.e., the Haiyuan Fault. Therefore, a detailed study on the depository history of the Ganyanchi Basin is of great importance. Earlier studies only focused on regional geological mapping and paleoseismic research, however, no sedimentologic or chronological work has been done in the Ganyanchi pull-apart basin. To address this problem, we drilled a 328m-deep borehole, named HY-C8, at the south of the cross-basin fault and near the active depocenter, and employ magnetostratigraphic analyses and seismic reflection data to constrain the age and to deduce the evolving history of the basin. The deep borehole profile shows that the stratigraphy of the basin can be divided into three main units (Unit Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ), which began to deposit at about 2.76, 2.33 and 1.78Ma, respectively. The grain size of the deposits manifests an upward thinning trend, which probably implies the profile is a characteristic retrogradational sequence. The magnetic susceptibility results indicate that the playa lake probably was formed at about 1.78Ma ago, the corresponding playa-lake deposits recorded more than eight high susceptibility sections, which are most likely due to the iron sulfides (such as melnikovite, pyrrhotine etc.)that were usually produced in high-lake-level and reduction conditions. A combination of boreholes and shallow seismic reflection data indicates that the Ganyanchi Basin is mainly controlled by the cross-basin fault and its northern boundary fault, and the depocenter, probably deeper than 550m, lies in between these two faults. Finally, the sedimentary facies of the Ganyanchi Basin experienced a four-stage evolving history:eluvial facies (before~2.76Ma)to alluvial fan facies (about 2.76~2.33Ma)to distal alluvial fan facies (2.33~1.78Ma)to playa lake facies (1.78Ma~present). Based on accumulation rates, the stage of playa lake can be divided into two subchrons, and the depositional rates of subchrons 2 (about 0.78Ma~present)is as high as 232.5m/Ma, which probably was caused by the activity along the cross-basin fault in the Ganyanchi Basin.  相似文献   

This paper maps the carbonate geochemistry of the Makgadikgadi Pans region of northern Botswana from moderate resolution (500 m pixels) remotely sensed data, to assess the impact of various geomorphological processes on surficial carbonate distribution. Previous palaeo‐environmental studies have demonstrated that the pans have experienced several highstands during the Quaternary, forming calcretes around shoreline embayments. The pans are also a significant regional source of dust, and some workers have suggested that surficial carbonate distributions may be controlled, in part, by wind regime. Field studies of carbonate deposits in the region have also highlighted the importance of fluvial and groundwater processes in calcrete formation. However, due to the large area involved and problems of accessibility, the carbonate distribution across the entire Makgadikgadi basin remains poorly understood. The MODIS instrument permits mapping of carbonate distribution over large areas; comparison with estimates from Landsat Thematic Mapper data show reasonable agreement, and there is good agreement with estimates from laboratory analysis of field samples. The results suggest that palaeo‐lake highstands, reconstructed here using the SRTM 3 arc‐second digital elevation model, have left behind surficial carbonate deposits, which can be mapped by the MODIS instrument. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geomorphological response to an extreme flood: A case from southeast Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
On 28–29 September 1980 an extreme storm of 150 mm of rain in c. 5 hours caused a flash flood near Tabernas in a semi-arid area in southern Spain. With the rainfall total approximating the mean annual rainfall the recurrence interval is estimated to be 25–100 years. Flood peak discharges have been estimated from a mountain source area across an alluvial fan and the geomorphological response to the storm described. Channel adjustment differed between channels in the fanhead trench and those unconfined channels on the fan surface. The implications of the spatial pattern of erosional an depositional feaures for landform adjustment in semi-arid regions are discussed.  相似文献   

利用航片判读和野外核查相结合的途径确定了六棱山北麓晚第四纪时期的基本地貌单元及其形成时代,研究了六棱山北麓断裂的地貌学和构造学分段性特征,通过对断错地貌面的地形剖面的高精度实测,获得了表征六棱山北麓断裂作用时空不规则性的定量资料──晚第四纪断层滑动速率随时间的涨落特性,指出距今1.56~0.76万a时段是六棱山北麓断裂作用的强烈活跃期  相似文献   

The Somme Valley, Northern France, is famous for its archaeological sequence, where numerous rich Palaeolithic sites, such as Saint-Acheul, the type site of the Acheulian, have been discovered. The archaeological levels are often directly associated with fossil alluvial sediments of the River Somme or with slope deposits, including loess and palaeosols. In the middle reaches of the valley, near Amiens, the system of fossil-stepped fluvial terraces is particularly well developed and preserved, and occurs on 10 alluvial formations. These terraces, from +5 to +55 m above the present-day valley bedrock, allow the study of the environmental changes and the human settlement of this area through the Pleistocene.

Since 1988, ESR dating was systematically applied on bleached quartz extracted from the fossil fluvial deposits, in order to better describe the geological evolution of the stepped system. More recently, U-series/ESR dating has also been performed on teeth collected from the different terrace deposits. Here we present a synthetic review of the main ESR results, and propose an ESR chronology for the geological evolution of the Somme fluvial system and for the Middle Pleistocene human settlement of northern France.  相似文献   

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