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A detailed study of the morphology and micro‐morphology of Quaternary alluvial calcrete profiles from the Sorbas Basin shows that calcretes may be morphologically simple or complex. The ‘simple’ profiles reflect pedogenesis occurring after alluvial terrace formation and consist of a single pedogenic horizon near the land surface. The ‘complex’ profiles reflect the occurrence of multiple calcrete events during terrace sediment aggradation and further periods of pedogenesis after terrace formation. These ‘complex’ calcrete profiles are consequently described as composite profiles. The exact morphology of the composite profiles depends upon: (1) the number of calcrete‐forming events occurring during terrace sediment aggradation; (2) the amount of sediment accretion that occurs between each period of calcrete formation; and (3) the degree of pedogenesis after terrace formation. Simple calcrete profiles are most useful in establishing landform chronologies because they represent a single phase of pedogenesis after terrace formation. Composite profiles are more problematic. Pedogenic calcretes that form within them may inherit carbonate from calcrete horizons occurring lower down in the terrace sediments. In addition erosion may lead to the exhumation of older calcretes within the terrace sediment. Calcrete ‘inheritance’ may make pedogenic horizons appear more mature than they actually are and produce horizons containing carbonate embracing a range of ages. Calcrete exhumation exposes calcrete horizons whose morphology and radiometric ages are wholly unrelated to terrace surface age. Composite profiles are, therefore, only suitable for chronological studies if the pedogenic horizon capping the terrace sequence can be clearly distinguished from earlier calcrete‐forming events. Thus, a detailed morphological/micro‐morphological study is required before any chronological study is undertaken. This is the only way to establish whether particular calcrete profiles are suitable for dating purposes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We characterize the precipitation and groundwater in a mountainous (peaks slightly above 3000 m a.s.l.), semi‐arid river basin in SE Spain in terms of the isotopes 18O and 2H. This basin, with an extension of about 7000 km2, is an ideal site for such a study because fronts from the Atlantic and the Mediterranean converge here. Much of the land is farmed and irrigated both by groundwater and runoff water collected in reservoirs. A total of approximately 100 water samples from precipitation and 300 from groundwater have been analysed. To sample precipitation we set up a network of 39 stations at different altitudes (800–1700 m a.s.l.), with which we were able to collect the rain and snowfall from 29 separate events between July 2005 and April 2007 and take monthly samples during the periods of maximum recharge of the aquifers. To characterize the groundwater we set up a control network of 43 points (23 springs and 20 wells) to sample every 3 months the main aquifers and both the thermal and non‐thermal groundwater. We also sampled two shallow‐water sites (a reservoir and a river). The isotope composition of the precipitation forms a local meteoric water line (LMWL) characterized by the equation δD = 7·72δ18O + 9·90, with mean values for δ18O and δD of − 10·28‰ and − 69·33‰, respectively, and 12·9‰ for the d‐excess value. To correlate the isotope composition of the rainfall water with groundwater we calculated the weighted local meteoric water line (WLMWL), characterized by the equation δD = 7·40δ18O + 7·24, which takes into account the quantity of water precipitated during each event. These values of (dδD/dδ18O)< 8 and d‐excess (δD–8δ18O)< 10 in each curve bear witness to the ‘amount effect’, an effect which is more manifest between May and September, when the ground temperature is higher. Other effects noted in the basin were those of altitude and the continental influence. The isotopic compositions of the groundwater are represented by the equation δD = 4·79δ18O − 18·64. The groundwater is richer in heavy isotopes than the rainfall, with mean values of − 8·48‰ for δ18O and − 59·27‰ for δD. The isotope enrichment processes detected include a higher rate of evaporation from detrital aquifers than from carbonate ones, the effects of recharging aquifers from irrigation return flow and/or from reservoirs' leakage and enrichment in δ18O from thermal water. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River terraces represent important records of landscape response to e.g. base-level change and tectonic movement. Both these driving forces are important in the southern Iberian Peninsula. In this study, Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating was used to date two principal river terraces in the Tabernas Basin, SE Spain. A total of 23 samples was collected from the fluvial terraces for dating using quartz OSL. Sixteen of the samples could not be dated because of low saturation levels (e.g. typical 2xD0 < 50 Gy). The remaining seven samples (5 fossil and 2 modern analogues) were investigated using both multi-grain and single-grain analysis. Single grain results show that: (i) measurements from multi-grain aliquots overestimate ages by up to ∼ 4 ka for modern analogues and young samples (<5 ka), presumably because (ii) the presence of many saturated grains has biased the multi-grain results to older ages. Despite the unfavourable luminescence characteristics we are able to present the first numerical ages for two terrace aggradation stages in the Tabernas Basin, one at ∼16 ka and the other within the last 2 ka.  相似文献   

The Tabernas desert, an extensive badlands area in Almeria province (south‐east Spain), is characterized by a high variability in soil surface cover and soil properties along with important topographical contrasts giving rise to a wide range of hydrological behaviour. A double approach through field monitoring and modelling has been used to ascertain the influence of soil‐surface variability on the overall hydrological response. Small plots were monitored for 3 years to assess runoff from the different surface types. Data provided by the long‐term monitoring of three small catchments formed by different soil surfaces were used to find out the specific contribution of each soil surface to the catchment runoff. A simple spatially distributed model was built to predict runoff generation based on the infiltration rate of each soil‐surface type (defined as terrain units with the same cover, the same soil type and on the same landform). Plot results prove that the soil surface units within the study area behave differently in terms of hydrological response to natural rainfall. These responses are explained by the types of cover, topographical characteristics and soil properties. When runoff events are simple (with one or two runoff peaks), the modelled hydrographs reproduce the hydrographs observed reasonably well, but in complex events (with several runoff peaks) the adjustment is not as good. The model also shows the influence of the spatial distribution of soil surfaces on the overall runoff, aiding exploration of the spatial hydrological relationships among different landscape units. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


A case study is presented for the application of statistical and geostatistical methods to the problem of estimating groundwater quality variables. This methodology has been applied to the investigation of the detrital aquifer of the Bajo Andarax (Almería, Spain). The use of principal components analysis is proposed, as a first step, for identifying relevant types of groundwater and the processes that bring about a change in their quality. As a result of this application, three factors were obtained, which were used as three new variables (VI: sulphate influence; V2: thermal influence; and V3: marine influence). Analysis of their spatial distribution was performed through the calculation of experimental and theoretical variograms, which served as input for geostatistical modelling using ordinary block kriging. This analysis has allowed a probabilistic representation of the data to be obtained by mapping the three variables throughout the aquifer for each sampling point. In this way, one can evaluate the spatial and temporal variation of the principal physico-chemical processes associated with the three variables VI, V2 and V3 implicated in the groundwater quality of the detrital aquifer.  相似文献   

花东海盆浊流沉积的磁性特征及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对取自台湾以东花东海盆GX168孔的浊流沉积物进行系统的岩石磁学研究,揭示其沉积学和岩石磁学特征,分析其物源和形成机制.研究结果显示,剖面上共识别出12层浊流沉积物,其分布存在规律,下部350~700 cm共发育11层浊流沉积物,而0~350 cm仅出现1层浊流沉积物.浊流沉积物粒径明显较背景沉积物粗,石英、长石含量更高,底部与下伏背景沉积呈突变接触,顶部与上覆背景沉积呈渐变接触,内部发育典型的正粒序韵律结构.浊流沉积物和背景沉积物具有相似的磁学特征,两者均以磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物类型,且磁铁矿颗粒均以准单畴和多畴颗粒为主.同时,两者也存在一定差异,浊流沉积物中磁铁矿较背景沉积物更为富集,磁化率和饱和等温剩磁更强,磁铁矿粒径更粗,这与浊流沉积物原始沉积区更靠近物源区有关.花东海盆浊流沉积形成的诱发机制可能是末次冰期以来频发的海平面波动造成陆坡之上沉积物重力失稳,导致陆坡沉积物向海盆搬运.  相似文献   

The variability of Quaternary landforms preserved in the Tabernas basin of southeast (SE) Spain raises numerous questions concerning the roles of external forcing mechanisms (e.g. tectonics and/or climate) and internal landscape properties (e.g. lithological controls) in the evolution of the basin‐wide fluvial system over Late Quaternary timescales. In this study, we apply the FLUVER2 numerical model to investigate the significance of these landscape controls upon patterns of landscape evolution. We highlight the complications of generating realistic input datasets for use in the modelling of long‐term landscape evolution (e.g. discharge and runoff datasets). Model outputs are compared to extensive field mapping of fluvial terraces, their sedimentary architecture and optically stimulated luminescence dating results of the terraces. The results demonstrate the significance of non‐linear rates of flexural tectonic uplift towards the west of the Tabernas Basin which have controlled base levels throughout the Quaternary and promoted the formation of a series of diverging fluvial terraces. Our numerical model results further highlight the importance of climate cycles upon river terrace formation. Basin‐wide aggradation events were modelled during the transition from Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 to 5 and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) as supported by field evidence. This aggradational pattern supports the regional hypothesis of terrace formation during global glacial cycles and cold‐to‐warm stage transitions and supports the use of sea surface temperature climate proxy data in the modelling exercise. The availability of sediments derived from the surrounding hillslopes and adjacent alluvial fans explains the generation of substantial terrace aggradations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Isotope signatures in precipitation from the Global Network for Isotopes in Precipitation around the Mediterranean basin and literature data are compared with isotopic data from a large karstic aquifer in southeast Spain to explain the origin and type of the precipitation events dominating recharge. Analysis of the deuterium excess d at the scale of the Mediterranean basin and at the regional scale allows us to understand the isotopic context of the study area: Campo de Dalias and the Sierra de Gador (Almería province). The origin of precipitation can be determined from its d value. The d value changes as a function of the initial evaporation condition. It depends on the relative humidity and temperature during the evaporation producing the water vapour of the clouds. The water vapour, which dominates the study area, is generated in two areas: the Atlantic Ocean (d = 10‰) and the western Mediterranean basin (d = 15‰). With increasing precipitation volume, the western Mediterranean character dominates. These heavier storms contribute mainly to recharge, as illustrated by the d value of 13·6‰ in deep groundwater of the Campo de Dalias. Weighted d values increase with the volume of precipitation, giving a significant relationship for the southern and eastern coasts of the Iberian Peninsula. This selectivity of d to monthly precipitation was used to estimate the return period of precipitation leading to aquifer recharge at 0·9–4·9 years. Moderate rainfall, which occurs more frequently, still represents ~60–90% of the total precipitation. One of the challenges to meet ever‐growing water demands is to increase recharge from moderate events yielding intermediate quantities per event, but forming the bulk of the annual precipitation. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A genetic and evolutionary model is established for saline depressions in continental areas. These depressions are located in arid or subarid areas, and are developed on low permeability geological mediums (K<10 mm/day) with a lack of streams reaching the small lakes. The phenomenon of evaporation is fundamental, since it is the basic requirement for the presence or absence of a free water surface in the lake, and also for depression of the phreatic surface, which causes inflow of groundwater towards the lake. With these conditions, the proposed model includes the following stages: (i) initiation of the close depression; (ii) deepening of the depression; (iii) formation of the lake basin and the end of the deepening; and (iv) levelling and lateral extension of the lake basin. The combined effects of groundwater flows and aeolian action offer a coherent explanation for the origin and evolution both of the closed depressions found in the Ebro Valley, and of the salt lakes that subsequently form. The processes described form morphologies of oval shape with the main axis parallel to the direction of the wind, flat floors and evaporitic sedimentation, although they act on geological materials with different lithologies. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abundant palynological fossils are found from the drill core in the west slope of Songliao Basin, the first full coring borehole that drilled throughout the Neogene. Two Palynological assemblages are recognized according to their vertical distributions, i.e., the late early Miocene–middle Miocene assemblage from the Da'an Formation named as Caryapollenites simplex-Momipites coryloides-Celtispollenites sp.-Tsugaepollenites igniculus, and the late Miocene-early Pliocene assemblage from the Taikang Formation named as Artemisiaepollenites minor-Betulaceoipollenites sp.-Carpinipites sp.-Polypodiaceaesporites sp. On the basis of the composition of each assemblage, we infer that the climate was warm-temperate to sub-tropic during the late early Miocene–middle Miocene and the vegetation was mainly deciduous broadleaved forest and subordinate coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest with few understory ferns, and probably some shallow fresh water wetlands. The climate then turned cooler and drier in the late Miocene–early Pliocene, represented by the development of xerophytic herbs and temperate plants, although the canopy of the forest remained relatively stable. The results significantly improve the understanding of the Cenozoic palynostratigraphy in the Songliao Basin, and provide new data for both stratigraphical correlation and paleovegetational and paleoclimatical analysis in adjacent area.  相似文献   

Presence of groundwater flow in the ‘Somontano de Huesca’ Area, derived from low‐permeability detrital Tertiary rocks, is considered. A groundwater flow model is constructed for these Tertiary rocks. This model explains both water flow through them and the chemical characteristics of the water. Groundwater flow has clear surface manifestations: it causes wetlands (which are called ‘paules’ in the area) with sodic waters, it produces saline, sodic or alkaline soils, and it produces modifies the chemical composition of rivers in Somontano. Irrigation has increased the volume of filtered water, especially in the interfluve areas, causing the extension of the wetlands in the valley thalwegs, and also the greater movement of salts has increased the problems of saline and/or sodic soils in the area. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study is to explore the feasibility of GRACE-based estimation of a groundwater storage change in a data-poor region using a case study of the Ngadda catchment in the Lake Chad Basin. Although the Ngadda catchment has only one set of in situ time series data of groundwater from 2006 to 2009 and a limited number of groundwater measurements in 2005 and 2009, GRACE-based groundwater storage change can be evaluated against the in situ groundwater measurements combined with specific yield data. The cross-correlation analysis in the Ngadda catchment shows that maximum rainfall reached in July and August, whereas both the maximum total water storage anomaly and the maximum groundwater storage anomaly occurred 2months later. Whereas the mean annual amplitude of total water storage anomaly is about 17cm from both the average total water storage anomaly from three mascon products and the one from three spherical harmonic products, the mean annual amplitude of soil moisture storage anomaly is substantially varied from 5.58cm for CLM to about 14cm for NOAH and Mosaic. The goodness-of-fit tests show that CLM soil moisture produces the closest estimation of groundwater storage anomaly to the in situ groundwater measurements. The present study shows that GRACE-based estimation for groundwater storage anomaly can be a cost-effective and alternative tool to observe how groundwater changes in a basin scale under the limitation of modelling and in situ data availability.  相似文献   

Based on the study of groundwater isotope(2H and 18O, 34S, 15N, 3H, 14C) in Changzhou, Wuxi and Suzhou area, it is found that the deep confined groundwater has no pollution on the whole, whereas the shallow groundwater is polluted to a different degree in the area. The deep confined aquifers (main exploitation aquifers) in Changzhou area and in Wuxi and Suzhou area likely belong to two different aquifers. The main exploitation aquifers in Changzhou area are not connected with those in Wuxi and Suzhou area, or they are connected but not expedited. The lateral run-off of groundwater is at present directed to the exploitation center because of overexploitation of the deep groundwater for a long time, but the flowing speed of groundwater is still extremely slow. The deep confined groundwater is in a close to half close state. The 14C age of groundwater varies from 10000 a BP to 38000 a BP, with the oldest groundwater found at the nearest exploitation center (along the line of three cities of Changzhou, Wuxi and Suzhou) and the youngest at the furthest exploitation center.  相似文献   

High groundwater salinity has become a major concern in the arid alluvial plain of the Dunhuang Basin in northwestern China because it poses a significant challenge to water resource management. Isotopic and geochemical analyses were conducted on 55 water samples from springs, boreholes and surface water to identify potential sources of groundwater salinity and analyse the processes that control increasing salinity. The total dissolved solid (TDS) content in the groundwater ranged from 400 to 41 000 mg/l, and high TDS values were commonly associated with shallow water tables and flow‐through and discharge zones in unconfined aquifers. Various groundwater contributions from rainwater, agricultural irrigation, river water infiltration and lateral inflows from mountains were identified by major ions and δD and δ18O. In general, HCO3? and SO42? were the dominant anions in groundwater with a salinity of <2500 mg/l, whereas Cl? and SO42? were the dominant anions in groundwater with a salinity of >2500 mg/l. The major ion concentrations indicated that mineral weathering, including carbonate and evaporite dissolution, primarily affected groundwater salinity in recharge areas. Evapotranspiration controlled the major ion concentration evolution and salinity distribution in the unconfined groundwaters in the flow‐through and discharge areas, although it had a limited effect on groundwater in the recharge areas and confined aquifers. Agricultural irrigation increased the water table and enhanced evapotranspiration in the oasis areas of the basin. TDS and Cl became more concentrated, but H and O isotopes were not enriched in the irrigation district, indicating that transpiration dominated the increasing salinity. For other places in the basin, as indicated by TDS, Cl, δD and δ18O characteristics, evaporation, transpiration and water–rock interactions dominated at different hydrogeological zones, depending on the plant coverage and hydrogeological conditions. Groundwater ages of 3H, and δD and δ18O compositions and distributions suggest that most of the groundwaters in Dunhuang Basin have a paleometeoric origin and experienced a long residence time. These results can contribute to groundwater management and future water allocation programmes in the Dunhuang Basin. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Combustion metamorphic (CM) rocks (clinker and paralava) occur in abundance in the eastern and southern margins of the Goose Lake in Western Transbaikalia and form five fields. The sections we studied in natural outcrops exposed in numerous gullies and in quarries comprise the full range of CM varieties from low-grade to fused paralavas and clinkers. The tridymite-plagioclase-cordierite and tridymite-cordierite paralava and clinker have medium to high K/Ca ratios (∼2.5–4.5 wt.%) with K restricted to K-rich (∼4–6 wt.% K2O) high-silica glass, making the bulk samples suitable for 40Ar/39Ar dating.Regional-scale combustion metamorphic events were triggered by reactivation of faults in the Goose Lake Basin causing repeated erosion of gently dipping coal-bearing sediments that exposed coal beds to oxidation resulting in their spontaneous ignition. Geological evidence indicates that the earliest natural coal fire and formation of CM rocks occurred at the end of the Early Cretaceous. Geological and preliminary geochronological data indicate that large-scale coal fires occurred in the Early Pleistocene (no later than 1.8 ± 0.4 Ma ago) and in Late Pleistocene (0.02 ± 0.01 Ma and 0.03 ± 0.03 Ma).  相似文献   

The late Paleozoic postcollisional granitoids, mafic-ultramafic complexes, and volcanic rocks are extensively distributed around the Junggar Basin; they are generally characterized by positive εNd(t) values, implying that the magmas were mantle-derived and contaminated with crustal materials to some extents. The emplacement of mantle-derived magmas and their differentiates in the upper crust is the expression of deep geological processes at shallow level, while much more mantle-derived magmas were underplated in the lower crust and the region near the crust-mantle boundary, being component part of basement of the Junggar Basin. The postcollisional mafic-ultramafic complexes would not be generated by re-melting of residual oceanic crust, which was considered as the basement of the Junggar Basin, unless very high degrees of partial melting occurred. Even if old continental crust had been present before collision, it would have been strongly modified by the mantle-derived magma underplating. This interpretation is compatible with the existing geophysical data. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos. 4900031 and 49272103)  相似文献   


Most climate change projections show important decreases in water availability in the Mediterranean region by the end of this century. We assess those main climate change impacts on water resources in three medium-sized catchments with varying climatic conditions in northeastern Spain. A combination of hydrological modelling and climate projections with B1 and A2 IPCC emission scenarios is performed to infer future streamflows. The largest reduction (34%) in mean streamflows (for 2076–2100) is expected in the headwaters of the two wettest catchments, while lower decreases (25% of mean value for 2076–2100) are expected in the drier one. In all three catchments, autumn and summer are the seasons with the most notable projected decreases in streamflow, of 50% and 30%, respectively. Thus, ecological flows in the study area might be noticeably influenced by climate change, especially in the headwaters of the wet catchments.  相似文献   

Rosemary  Hickey-Vargas 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):653-665
Abstract Basalts and tonalites dredged from the Amami Plateau in the northern West Philippine Basin have the geochemical characteristics of intraoceanic island arc rocks: low 87Sr/86Sr (0.70297–0.70310), intermediate 143Nd/144Nd (0.51288–0.51292), moderate light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment (La/Yb = 4.1–6.6) and high La/Nb (1.4–4.3). The incremental heating of hornblende from tonalites yielded well‐defined plateaus and 40Ar/39Ar isochron ages of 115.8 ± 0.5 Ma and 117.0 ± 1.1 Ma, while plagioclase yielded disturbed Ar release patterns, with ages ranging from 70 to 112 Ma. Taken together, these results show that the Amami Plateau was formed by subduction‐related magmatism in the Early Cretaceous period, earlier than indicated by prior K/Ar results. The results support tectonic models in which the West Philippine Basin was opened within a complex of Jurassic–Paleocene island arc terranes, which are now scattered in the northern West Philippine Basin, the Philippine Islands and Halmahera. The Amami Plateau tonalites and basalts have higher Sr/Y and lower Y and 87Sr/86Sr compared with younger tonalitic rocks from the northern Kyushu–Palau Ridge and the Tanzawa complex, which were formed by the subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Philippine Sea Plate. Based on the geochemical characteristics of the basalts, the Early Cretaceous subduction zone that formed the Amami Plateau may have been the site of slab melting, which suggests that a younger and hotter plate was being subducted at that time. However, the Amami tonalites were probably formed from basaltic magma by fractional crystallization or by partial melting of basaltic arc crust, rather than by melting of the subducted slab.  相似文献   

Abstract The Korean peninsula is widely regarded as being located at the relatively stable eastern margin of the Asian continent. However, more than 10 Quaternary faults have recently been discovered in and reported from the southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula. One of these, the Eupchon Fault, was discovered during the construction of a primary school, and it is located close to a nuclear power plant. To understand the nature and characteristics of the Quaternary Eupchon Fault, we carried out two trench surveys near the discovery site. The fault system includes one main reverse fault (N20°E/40°SE) with approximately 4 m displacement, and a series of branch faults, cutting unconsolidated Quaternary sediments. Structures in the fault system include synthetic and antithetic faults, hanging‐wall anticlines, drag folds, back thrusts, pop‐up structures, flat‐ramp geometries and duplexes, which are very similar to those seen in thrust systems in consolidated rocks. In the upper part of the fault system, several tip damage zones are observed, indicating that the fault system propagates upward and terminates in the upper part of the section. Pebbles along the main fault plane show a preferred orientation of long axes, indicating the fault trace. The unconformity surface between the Quaternary deposits and the underlying Tertiary andesites or Cretaceous sedimentary rocks is displaced by this fault with a reverse movement sense. The stratigraphic relationship shows normal slip sense at the lower part of the section, indicating that the fault had a normal slip movement and was reversely reactivated during the Quaternary. The inferred length of the Quaternary thrust fault, based on the relationship between fault length and displacement, is 200–2000 m. The current maximum horizontal compressive stress direction in this area is generally east‐northeast–west‐southwest, which would be expected to produce oblique slip on the Eupchon Fault, with reverse and right‐lateral strike‐slip components.  相似文献   


Anthropic pressures deteriorate river water quality, so authorities need to identify their causes and define corrective actions. Physically based water quality models are a useful tool for addressing physicochemical pollutants, but they must be calibrated with an amount of data that is often unavailable. In this study, we explore the characterization of a model to design corrective interventions in a context of sparse data. A calibration indicator that is both simple and flexible is proposed. This approach is applied to the Middle Tagus Basin in central Spain, where the physicochemical concentration of pollutants is above legal standards. We quantify the effects of the main existing pressures (discharge from wastewater treatment plants, agricultural diffuse pollution and a major inter-basin water transfer) on the receiving waters. In particular, the study finds that wastewater treatment plant effluent concentrations should be reduced to up to 0.65 mg/L of ammonium and 0.55 mg/L of phosphate to achieve the environmental goals. We propose and prioritize a set of policy actions that would contribute to the good status of surface water bodies in the region.  相似文献   

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