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A simple one‐dimensional model is developed to quantitatively predict the change in elevation, over a period of decades, for vertically accreting floodplains. This unsteady model approximates the monotonic growth of a floodplain as an incremental but constant increase of net sediment deposition per flood for those floods of a partial duration series that exceed a threshold discharge corresponding to the elevation of the floodplain. Sediment deposition from each flood increases the elevation of the floodplain and consequently the magnitude of the threshold discharge resulting in a decrease in the number of floods and growth rate of the floodplain. Floodplain growth curves predicted by this model are compared to empirical growth curves based on dendrochronology and to direct field measurements at five floodplain sites. The model was used to predict the value of net sediment deposition per flood which best fits (in a least squares sense) the empirical and field measurements; these values fall within the range of independent estimates of the net sediment deposition per flood based on empirical equations. These empirical equations permit the application of the model to estimate of floodplain growth for other floodplains throughout the world which do not have detailed data of sediment deposition during individual floods. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A wide range of approaches has been adopted for collecting and reporting vertical accretion rates, hence evaluation of results from different catchments, or even from different reaches within the same basin, is difficult as they may not be directly comparable. The present study compares depth‐ and volume‐based estimates of sediment accumulation for well‐dated vertical accretion sequences at Broomhaugh Island in the Tyne basin, northern England. High resolution dating control (based on heavy metal stratigraphy and cartography) coupled with detailed reconstruction of channel geometry allows accumulation rates to be calculated for the last 300–400 years. The results show a marked disparity in the magnitude and pattern of vertical accretion rates between the two approaches. The average annual thickness of sediment increases progressively, with a six‐fold difference between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries. The volume figures are more consistent, with a two‐fold difference between the highest and lowest rates, both of which occurred in the twentieth century. A major control on vertical accretion is found to be changing channel shape and capacity. Enlargement of the channel by 76 per cent since the seventeenth century, associated with channel bed incision, has resulted in fewer overbank flows. Hence floods, with their associated suspended sediment loads, which once inundated the floodplain are now confined within the channel. The reduced areal extent of surfaces available for deposition has resulted in greater annual thickness of sediment accumulated, despite an overall reduction in volume. This study emphasizes that caution is needed when attempting to identify causal linkages between changes in sedimentation rates and catchment land use and/or climatic factors and the geomorphological setting of the site must be taken into account. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

European settlement of the Poverty Bay Region resulted in deforestation and conversion of > 90% of the landscape to pastureland. The resulting loss of vegetation triggered a rapid increase in hillslope erosion as widespread landslide complexes and gully systems developed on weak lithologic units in the Waipaoa Basin. To quantify the rate and volume of historic hillslope degradation, we used a 1956–2010 sequence of aerial photographs for a ~16 km2 catchment to map temporal changes in the spatial extent of active landslides. Then we created a ‘turf index’ based on the extent and style of pastoral ground disruption, which correlates with downslope velocity. Based on the movement of trees and other features, we assigned average velocities to the turf classes as follows: (1) minimal disrupted ground: 0.6 m/yr, (2) a mix of disrupted ground and intact blocks: 3.4 m/yr, and (3) no intact blocks or vegetation: > 6 m/yr. We then calculated the average annual sediment flux using these turf‐derived velocities, the width of the landslide‐channel intersection, and an average toe depth of 4.4 ± 1.3 m (mean ± standard deviation [SD]) from 37 field measurements. The resulting catchment averaged erosion rates are (mean ± SD): 29.9 ± 12.9 mm/yr (1956), 28.8 ± 13.7 mm/yr (1969), 13.4 ± 4.9 mm/yr (1979), 17.0 ± 6.2 mm/yr (1988), and 9.9 ± 3.6 mm/yr (2010). Compared with long‐term (post‐18 ka) erosion rates (1.6 mm/yr) and the long‐term uplift rate (~1 mm/yr) for this site, the 50‐year anthropogenically‐driven rate is an order of magnitude larger (~20 mm/yr). Previously, we measured an increase in erosion over the past 3.4 kyr (2.2 mm/yr), and here, we demonstrate this increase could be primarily due to human land‐use change – showing that a century of rapid erosion superimposed on the background geologic rate can profoundly skew the interpretation of erosion rates. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the result of measurements of floodplain sedimentation using sediment traps. The study was carried out on two embanked floodplains along the Rivers Rhine and Meuse in The Netherlands during a 3 day flood in January 1993. Raster maps of sediment accumulation were made by interpolating the measurements from the traps using block kriging. The sediment maps show clear patterns in sediment accumulation, together with the estimated interpolation errors. Average sediment accumulation ranges between 0·57 and 1·0 kg m?2. High sediment accumulation is found on the levees (4 kg m?2 or more) and on low lying areas (1·6 kg m?2); sediment accumulation decreases with distance from the main channel. The sedimentation patterns are related to floodplain topography and sediment transporting mechanisms. Sediment transport by turbulent diffusion as well as by convection can be recognized. Also, flood duration and the process of sediment settling out in ponding water in closed depressions are important. The applied method allows comparison of the results with raster-based sedimentation models.  相似文献   

The sediment delivery ratio was estimated for two periods (28 years and eight years) following reforestation of seven tributary catchments (0·33 to 0·49 km2) in the headwaters of the Waipaoa River basin, North Island, New Zealand. In these catchments, gully erosion, which largely resulted from clearance of the natural forest between 1880 and 1920, is the main source of sediment to streams. Reforestation commenced in the early 1960s in an attempt to stabilize hillslopes and reduce sediment supply. Efforts have been partially successful and channels are now degrading, though gully erosion continues to supply sediment at accelerated rates in parts of the catchment. Data from the area indicate that the sediment delivery ratio (SDR) can be estimated as a function of two variables, ψ (the product of catchment area and channel slope) and A g (the temporally averaged gully area for the period). Sediment input from gullies was determined from a well defined relationship between sediment yield and gully area. Sediment scoured from channels was estimated from dated terrace remnants and the current channel bed. Terrace remnants represent aggradation during major floods. This technique provides estimates of SDR averaged over periods between large magnitude terrace‐forming events and with the present channel bed. The technique averages out short‐term variability in sediment flux. Comparison of gully area and sediment transport between two periods (1960–1988 and 1988–1996) indicates that the annual rate of sediment yield from gullies for the later period has decreased by 77 per cent, sediment scouring in channels has increased by 124 per cent, and sediment delivered from catchments has decreased by 78 per cent. However, average SDR for the tributaries was found to be not significantly different between these periods. This may reflect the small number of catchments examined. It is also due to the fact that the volume of sediment scoured from channels was very small relative to that produced by gullies. According to the equation for SDR determined for the Waipaoa headwaters, SDR increases with increasing catchment area in the case where A g and channel slope are fixed. This is because the amount of sediment produced from a channel by scouring increases with increasing catchment area. However, this relationship does not hold for the main stem of the study catchments, because sediment delivered from its tributaries still continues to accumulate in the channel. Higher order channels are, in effect, at a different stage in the aggradation/degradation cycle and it will take some time until a main channel reflects the effects of reforestation and its bed adjusts to net degradation. Results demonstrate significant differences among even low order catchments, and such differences will need to be taken into consideration when using SDR to estimate sediment yields. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Along the lower reaches of the Waipaoa River, New Zealand, cross‐section survey data indicate there was a 23 per cent decrease in bankfull width and a 22 per cent reduction in channel cross‐section area between 1948 and 2000, as the channel responded to increased inputs of fine (suspended) sediment following deforestation of the headwaters in late C19 and early C20. We determined the bankfull discharge within a ~39 km long reach by routing known discharges through the one‐dimensional MIKE 11 flow model. The model runs suggest that the bankfull discharge varies between ~800 and ~2300 m3 s?1 and that the average recurrence interval is 4 ± 2 years on the annual maximum series; by contrast, the effective flow (360 m3 s?1) is equaled or exceeded three times a year. The variability in bankfull discharge arises because the banks tend to be lower in places where flood flows are constricted than in reaches where overbank flow is dispersed over a wide area, and because scour has counteracted aggradation in some locations. There is no downstream variation in Shields stress, or in relative shear stress, within the study reach. Bankfull shear stress is, on average, five times greater than the shear stress required to initiate motion. At the effective discharge it is more than twice the threshold value. The effective discharge probably has more relevance than the bankfull discharge to the overall picture of sediment movement in the lower reaches of the Waipaoa River but, because width is constrained by the stability and resistance of the bank material to erosion during high flows that also scour the bed, the overall channel geometry is likely determined by discharges at or near bankfull. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A combination of archaeological evidence, 14C dates, terrace mapping, heavy metal analysis, grain size analysis and historical maps is used in a detailed analysis of the alluvial history of the River Severn floodplain around Welshpool in mid-Wales, U.K. ‘Welshpool Gravels’ underlie a higher terrace surface up to 6–7 m above the present channel. They form a sequence of gravels at least 30 m in thickness. The upper surface is characterized by a series of braided palaeochannel patterns. These sediments were probably deposited at the end of the last glaciation as outwash, and are contemporaneous with other high, gravelly terrace deposits found in the Severn and other mid-Wales basins. Overlying the Welshpool Gravels on the contemporary floodplain are a variable thickness of finer sediments, the ‘Leighton Silts’. Morphological mapping and dating of two cut-offs to 2850 ± 60 a BP and 1190 ± 70 a BP indicates that a channel pattern similar to the present planform had formed by the mid to late Holocene. From this period, floodplain development has been dominated by a single-thread meandering channel with fine vertical sedimentation and limited lateral gravel accretion. Abandonment of extended lengths of channel formed by an avulsion mechanism is apparent. A combination of historical map data, 14C dates and the analysis for heavy metals in fine sediments, which were washed into the river system during mining, indicates that there has been at least 4 m of sedimentation since the early 17th century, but only in a central belt of varying width. Metal-rich waste, identified in the fine sediments of this zone of ‘Trehelig Silts’, indicates those areas which were most heavily sedimented during the peak of metalliferous mining in the 18th and 19th centuries. Although the near-channel margins appear to be superficially similar to the older floodplain, the spatial and vertical pattern of historic sedimentation is complex, and is not reflected in marked elevation differences. The division of sedimentation periods into these three broad time-spans (Late Quaternary Terraces, Late Holocene alluviation and avulsion, and the historical metal-mining period) shows that an apparently simple planar floodplain is in reality underlain by complex sedimentation units. Floodplain construction has involved the development of inset units, in cut-offs and adjacent to migrating channels, as well as the expected contrasts between in-channel and overbank environments. This has implications both for alluvial sedimentation modelling and for the identification of high-pollution zones on the floodplain. These cannot be predicted on the basis of simple ‘in-channel’ and ‘overbank’ environments given the historically complex evolution.  相似文献   

Although much is known about overall sediment delivery ratios for catchments as components of sediment production and sediment yield, little is known about the component of temporary sediment storage. Sediment delivery ratios focused on the influence of storm-related sediment storage are measured at Matakonekone and Oil Springs tributaries of the Waipaoa River basin, east coast of New Zealand. The terrace deposits of both tributaries show abundant evidence of storm-related sedimentation, especially sediment delivered from Cyclone Bola, a 50 year return rainfall event which occurred in 1988. The sediment delivery ratio is calculated by dividing the volume of sediment transported from a tributary to the main stream by the volume of sediment generated at erosion sites in the tributary catchment. Because the sediment delivery volume is unknown, it can be calculated as the difference between sediment generation volume and sediment storage volume in the channel reach of the tributary. The volume of sediment generated from erosion sites in each tributary catchment was calculated from measurements made on aerial photographs dating from 1960 (1:44 000) and 1988 (1:27 000). The volume of sediment stored in the tributary can be calculated from measurements of cross-sections located along the tributary channel, which are accompanied by terrace deposits dated by counting annual growth rings of trees on terrace surfaces. Sediment delivery ratios are 0·93 for both Matakonekone catchment and Oil Springs catchment. Results indicate that Oil Springs catchment has contributed more than twice the volume of sediment to the Waipaoa River than the Matakonekone catchment (2·75 × 106 m3 vs 1·22 × 106 m3). Although large volumes of sediment are initially deposited during floods, subsequent smaller flows scour away much of these deposits. The sediment scouring rate from storage is 1·25 × 104 m3 a−1 for Matakonekone stream and 0·83 × 104 m3 a−1 for Oil Springs stream. Matakonekone and Oil Springs channels respond to extreme storms by instantaneously aggrading, then gradually excavating the temporarily stored sediment. Results from Matakonekone and Oil Springs streams suggest a mechanism by which event recurrence interval can strongly influence the magnitude of a geomorphic change. Matakonekone stream with its higher stream power is expected to excavate sediment deposits more rapidly and allow more rapid re-establishment of storage capacity. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Long‐term aggradation of the Waiho River, South Westland, New Zealand, has now raised the head of its alluvial fan to unprecedented elevations. In its natural state the river would, like all other major rivers in the area, be somewhat incised into its fanhead. The only relevant factor able to account for the aggradation is the presence of control banks (‘stopbanks’ in local parlance) that restrict the ability of the river to move over the whole of its natural fanhead. A 1 : 3333 scale physical hydraulic model (a ‘microscale’ model) was used to study this situation. An alluvial fan was generated in the model and allowed to develop to equilibrium with steady inputs of water and sediment within boundaries geometrically similar to those of the natural unrestricted Waiho River. The boundaries were then altered to represent the presence of the stopbanks, and the fan allowed to continue evolving under the same water and sediment inputs. The model fanhead aggraded in a spatial pattern similar to that recorded on the Waiho. Taking into consideration the limitations of microscale modelling, these results indicate that the aggradation in the Waiho is a result of the lateral restriction of the river by stopbanks. This poses fundamental questions about the variables that control the behaviour of alluvial fans. The results also suggest that microscale modelling can be used to make reliable quantitative predictions of the effects of engineering works on rivers, in spite of the low level of dynamic similarity with the prototype compared to that in larger‐scale models. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Periodic submersion and exposure due to the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) alter the soil properties and plant characteristics at different elevations within the water level fluctuation zone (WLFZ), possibly influencing the soil detachment capacity (Dc), but the vertical heterogeneity of this effect is uncertain. Soil samples were taken from 6 elevation segments (5 m per segment) along a slope profile in the WLFZ of the TGR to clarify the vertical heterogeneity of Dc. Scouring experiments were conducted at 5 slope gradients (17.6%, 26.8%, 36.4%, 46.6%, and 57.7%) and 5 flow rates (10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 L min−1) to determine Dc. The results indicate that the soil properties and biomass parameters of the WLFZ exhibit strongly vertical heterogeneity. Dc fluctuates with increasing elevation, with maximum and minimum average values at elevations of 145–150 m and 165–170 m, respectively. Linear equations accurately describe the relationships between Dc and hydrodynamic parameters, for which the shear stress (τ), stream power (ω), and unit energy of water-carrying section (E) perform much better than the unit stream power (U). Furthermore, a clear improvement is achieved when using a general index of flow intensity to estimate Dc. Furthermore, Dc is significantly and negatively correlated with the mean weight diameter (MWD, p < 0.05) and organic matter content (p < 0.01) but not significantly correlated with other soil properties (p > 0.05). The rill erodibility at elevations of 145–150 m and 170–175 m is greater than that at other elevations. The critical hydraulic parameters were highest in the 165–170 m segments. Both the rill erodibility and the critical parameters fluctuate vertically along the sloping surface. This research highlights the vertical heterogeneity of Dc and is helpful for better understanding the mechanisms responsible for soil detachment in the WLFZ of the TGR.  相似文献   

This paper contributes a field study of suspended sediment transport through aquatic vegetation. The study was run over a 3 month period which was selected to coincide with scheduled weed cutting activities. This provided the opportunity to obtain data points with no vegetation cover, as well as to investigate the effects of weed cutting on Suspended Sediment Concentrations (SSC), particle size distributions and river hydraulics. Aquatic vegetation cover was quantified through remote sensing with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and biomass estimated from ground truth sampling. SSC was highly dependent on aquatic vegetation abundance, and the distance upstream that had been cleared of aquatic vegetation. The data indicates that fine sediment was being trapped and stored by aquatic vegetation, then likely remobilised after vegetation removal. Investigation of suspended sediment spatial dynamics illustrated changes in particle size distribution due to preferential settling of coarse particles within aquatic vegetation, for example D50 decreased from 36.08 μm to 15.64 μm after suspended sediment travelled 304.2 m downstream and passed ~3700 kg of aquatic vegetation biomass. Hydraulic resistance in the study reach (parameterized by Manning's n) dropped by over 70% following vegetation cutting. Prior to cutting hydraulic resistance was discharge dependent (likely due to vegetation pronating at higher flows), while post cutting hydraulic resistance was approximately invariant of discharge. Aerial surveying captured interesting changes in aquatic vegetation cover prior to vegetation cutting, where some very dense regions of aquatic vegetation were naturally removed (without any high flow events) leaving behind unvegetated riverbed and fine sediment. The weed cutting boat had a lower impact on SSC than was originally expected, which indicates that it may offer a less damaging solution to aquatic vegetation removal in rivers than some other approaches such as mechanical excavation. This paper contributes valuable field data (which are generally scarce) on the research topic of flow-vegetation-sediment interactions, to supplement laboratory and numerical studies.  相似文献   

Channel meander dynamics in fluvial systems and many tidal systems result from erosion of concave banks coupled with sediment deposition on convex bars. However, geographic information system (GIS) analysis of historical aerial photographs of the Skagit Delta marshes provides examples of an alternative meander forming process in a rapidly prograding river delta: deposition‐dominated tidal channel meander formation through a developmental sequence beginning with sandbar formation at the confluence of a blind tidal channel and delta distributary, proceeding to sandbar colonization and stabilization by marsh vegetation to form a marsh island opposite the blind tidal channel outlet, followed by narrowing of the gap between the island and mainland marsh, closure of one half of the gap to join the marsh island to the mainland, and formation of an approximately right‐angle blind tidal channel meander bend in the remaining half of the gap. Topographic signatures analogous to fluvial meander scroll bars accompany these planform changes. Parallel sequences of marsh ridges and swales indicate locations of historical distributary shoreline levees adjacent to filled former island/mainland gaps. Additionally, the location of marsh islands within delta distributaries is not random; islands are disproportionately associated with blind tidal channel/distributary confluences. Furthermore, blind tidal channel outlet width is positively correlated with the size of the marsh island that forms at the outlet, and the time until island fusion with mainland marsh. These observations suggest confluence hydrodynamics favor sandbar/marsh island development. The transition from confluence sandbar to tidal channel meander can take as little as 10 years, but more typically occurs over several decades. This depositional blind tidal channel meander formation process is part of a larger scale systemic depositional process of delta progradation that includes distributary elongation, gradient reduction, flow‐switching, shoaling, and narrowing. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hans A. Einstein initiated a probabilistic approach to modelling sediment transport in rivers. His formulae were based on theory and were stimulated by laboratory investigations. The theory assumes that bed load movement occurs in individual steps of rolling, sliding or saltation and rest periods. So far very few attempts have been made to measure stochastic elements in nature. For the first time this paper presents results of radio‐tracing the travel path of individual particles in a large braided gravel bed river: the Waimakariri River of New Zealand. As proposed by Einstein, it was found that rest periods can be modelled by an exponential distribution, but particle step lengths are better represented by a gamma distribution. Einstein assumed an average travel distance of 100 grain‐diameters for any bed load particle between consecutive points of deposition, but larger values of 6·7 m or 150 grain‐diameters and 6·1 m or 120 grain‐diameters were measured for two test particle sizes. Together with other available large scale field data, a dependence of the mean step length on particle diameter relative to the D50 of the bed surface was found. During small floods the time used for movement represents only 2·7% of the total time from erosion to deposition. The increase in percentage of time being used for transport means that it then has to be regarded in stochastic transport models. Tracing the flow path of bed load particles between erosion and deposition sites is a step towards explaining the interactions between sediment transport and river morphology. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The inner shelves of active, energetic continental margins are frequently defined as regions of sediment segregation and fine-sediment bypassing. The Waiapu River, North Island, New Zealand presents an opportunity to study fine-sediment segregation and strata formation in a spatially constrained, highly energetic, aggradational setting, with one of the highest sediment yields on earth. We present evidence that the inner shelf of the Waiapu River plays a significant role in both the fate of fine-grained (<63 μm) riverine sediments and the formation of continental margin stratigraphy. Results obtained from high-resolution interferometric bathymetry and high-frequency seismic mapping ground-truthed by cores show significant stratigraphic spatial variation preserved on the Waiapu inner shelf. This spatial variation is likely controlled by spatially-distinct sediment deposition and resuspension processes as well as antecedent geology. Two distinct depositional regions are interpreted as: (1) surface plume-dominated with partial resuspension, characterized by acoustically transparent seismic reflection profiles and muddy sands; and (2) event-layer dominated, characterized by thickly laminated sediments. A modern-day bathymetric low overlying an observed paleochannel may influence the fate of hyperpycnal flows transiting the shelf via bathymetric steering. Fining-upward sequences found over the entire shelf are interpreted to represent deforestation-induced sedimentation that has overwhelmed the ability of the energetic system to resuspend and segregate fine sediments. We conclude that the primary control on strata formation on the inner shelf of the Waiapu River is local sediment supply.  相似文献   

Jiongxin Xu 《水文科学杂志》2013,58(10):1926-1940

The tributary–trunk stream relationship is investigated with respect to hyperconcentrated flows and coupled wind–water processes in the Yellow River, China. Ten small tributaries that drain only 3% of the total drainage area of the trunk stream transport large amounts of relatively coarse sediment from the desert to the trunk stream during hyperconcentrated floods. The resultant strong sedimentation often jams the trunk stream, leading to serious disasters. This study reveals the cause of this interesting phenomenon and proposes countermeasures for disaster reduction. A typical sediment-jamming event (SJE) in July 1989 was thoroughly analysed based on the observational data, including the beginning, development and final stages of the event. An index of the geomorphologic effectiveness of the tributary on the trunk stream and a number of indices describing SJEs and the influencing factors are adopted, based on which a discrimination relationship for the occurrence of SJEs is established and some statistical relationships are also established. The SJE’s hydrological and geomorphologic impacts are discussed at short timescales (from several days to one month) and at long time scales (up to 46 years). The results may help to gain a new insight into the study of the tributary–trunk stream relationship, and provide useful information for sediment management and disaster-reduction planning in the drainage basin. Countermeasures are suggested to reduce the channel sedimentation and the risk of sediment-jamming disaters.
Editor M.C. Acreman Associate editor Q. Zhang  相似文献   

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