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A model is proposed for the formation of lunar mascons which explains persistence of lunar mascons for more than 3 b.y., evidence for the volcanic activity 3.7-3.2 b.y. ago, and negative gravity anomalies surrounding the mascons. It is concluded that mascons have resulted from the perturbations introduced by the giant impacts into an otherwise spherically symmetric Moon; a giant impact enhances the rate of cooling beneath the impact site by introducing releatively low temperature to a deeper part of the Moon through forming a basin and also by removing substantial amount of radioactive material by means of ejecta. On the other hand, it reduces the rate of cooling beneath the surrounding highland by thermal insulation through extensive fracturing and covering by an ejecta blanketing. Consequently, the base of the lithosphere (100 km thick) beneath the highland remelts to a depth of about 80 km and this creates thermal stresses strong enough to open the fractures in the overlying region and to cause magmatization and volcanic activity. Persistence of the molten phase around 100 km depth for about 1 b.y. probably provides further differentiation and an upward concentration of low density material, giving rise to the observed negative gravity rings. On the other hand, the relatively cold lithosphere beneath the basin forms a layer strong enough to support the associated mascon.  相似文献   

Possible models for the thermal evolution of the Moon are constrained by a wide assortment of lunar data. In this work, theoretical lunar temperature models are computed taking into account different initial conditions to represent possible accretion models and various abundances of heat sources to correspond to different compositions. Differentiation and convection are simulated in the numerical computational scheme.Models of the thermal evolution of the Moon that fit the chronology of igneous activity on the lunar surface, the stress history of the lunar lithosphere implied by the presence of mascons, and the surface concentrations of radioactive elements, involve extensive differentiation early in lunar history. This differentiation may be the result of rapid accretion and large-scale melting or of primary chemical layering during accretion. Differences in present-day temperatures for these two possibilities are significant only in the inner 1000 km of the Moon and are not resolvable with presently available data.If the Apollo 15 heat flow is a representative value, the average uranium concentration in the moon is 65±15 ppb. This is consistent with achondritic bulk composition (between howardites and eucrites) for the Moon.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

Using data from the present gravitational potential and surface topography of the Moon, it is possible to determine a lower limit of about 5 b.y. for the relaxation time of the mascons. Assuming that the Moon has behaved as a Maxwellian viscoelastic body since the formation of the mascons, this relaxation time indicates a value of about 1027 poise for the viscosity of the lunar interior. Such a high viscosity implies that there has been no convection current inside the upper 800 km of the Moon since the formation of the mascons. Lunar Science Institute Contribution No. 99. The research in this paper was done while the author was a Visiting Scientist at the Lunar Science Institute, which is operated by the Universities Space Research Association under Contract No. NSR 09-051-001 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity of olivine and pyroxene is a strong function of the fugacity of oxygen in the atmosphere with which the mineral is in equilibrium. Lunar temperature profiles calculated from data on the electrical conductivity of these two minerals at oxygen fugacities similar to those which exist in the Moon indicate considerably higher temperatures for the lunar interior than obtained from conductivity data collected under normal atmospheric conditions. These high interior temperatures, the extensive differentiation associated with the formation of the lunar maria, and the radioactive element content of the Moon indicate that the Moon accreted at temperatures between 600 and 1000°C. Gravitational heating during accretion would lead to melting of at least the outer 200 km of the Moon and would produce conditions favourable to separation of a metal-sulfide melt sufficient to form a core of 200–300 km radius. Such a core would reach the center of the Moon within a few million years after accretion. This core could produce the remanent magnetization observed in the surface rocks. Dynamo action would cease with the cessation of convective motion within the core as the temperature of the surrounding mantle increased due to radioactive heating. With the radioactivity assumed in the present model and the high accretion temperature, this event would require less than 2 b.y., but more than 1.6 b.y.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

Lithospheric strength can be used to estimate the heat flow at the time when a given region was deformed, allowing us to constrain the thermal evolution of a planetary body. In this sense, the high (>300 km) effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere deduced from the very limited deflection caused by the north polar cap of Mars indicates a low surface heat flow for this region at the present time, a finding difficult to reconcile with thermal history models. This has started a debate on the current heat flow of Mars and the implications for the thermal evolution of the planet. Here we perform refined estimates of paleo-heat flow for 22 martian regions of different periods and geological context, derived from the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere or from faulting depth beneath large thrust faults, by considering regional radioactive element abundances and realistic thermal conductivities for the crust and mantle lithosphere. For the calculations based on the effective elastic thickness of the lithosphere we also consider the respective contributions of crust and mantle lithosphere to the total lithospheric strength. The obtained surface heat flows are in general lower than the equivalent radioactive heat production of Mars at the corresponding times, suggesting a limited contribution from secular cooling to the heat flow during the majority of the history of Mars. This is contrary to the predictions from the majority of thermal history models, but is consistent with evidence suggesting a currently fluid core, limited secular contraction for Mars, and recent extensive volcanism. Moreover, the interior of Mars could even have been heating up during part of the thermal history of the planet.  相似文献   

Most of the East European Craton lacks surface relief; however, the amplitude of topography at the top of the basement exceeds 20 km, the amplitude of topography undulations at the crustal base reaches almost 30 km with an amazing amplitude of ca. 50 km in variation in the thickness of the crystalline crust, and the amplitude of topography variations at the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary exceeds 200 km. This paper examines the relative contributions of the crust, the subcrustal lithosphere, and the dynamic support of the sublithospheric mantle to maintain surface topography, using regional seismic data on the structure of the crystalline crust and the sedimentary cover, and thermal and large-scale P- and S-wave seismic tomography data on the structure of the lithospheric mantle. For the Precambrian lithosphere, an analysis of Vp/Vs ratio at 100, 150, 200, and 250 km depths does not show any age-dependence, suggesting that while Vp/Vs ratio can be effectively used to outline the cratonic margins, it is not sensitive to compositional variations within the cratonic lithosphere.Statistical analysis of age-dependence of velocity, density, and thermal structure of the continental crust and subcrustal lithosphere in the study area (0–62E, 45–72N) allows to link lithospheric structure with the tectonic evolution of the region since the Archean. Crustal thickness decreases systematically with age from 42–44 km in regions older than 1.6 Ga to 37–40 km in the Paleozoic–Mesoproterozoic structures, and to ca. 31 km in the Meso-Cenozoic regions. However, the isostatic contribution of the crust to the surface topography of the East European Craton is almost independent of age (ca. 4.5 km) due to an interplay of age-dependent crustal and sedimentary thicknesses and lithospheric temperatures.On the contrary, the contribution of the subcrustal lithosphere to the surface topography strongly depends on the age, being slightly positive (+ 0.3 + 0.7 km) for the regions older than 1.6 Ga and negative (− 0.5–1 km) for younger structures. This leads to age-dependent variations in the residual topography, i.e. the topography which cannot be explained by the assumed thermal and density structure of the lithosphere, and which can (at least partly) originate from the dynamic component caused by the mantle flow. Positive dynamic topography at the cratonic margins, which exceeds 2 km in the Norwegian Caledonides and in the Urals, clearly links their on-going uplift with deep mantle processes. Negative residual topography beneath the Archean-Paleoproterozoic cratons (− 1–2 km) indicates either a smaller density deficit (ca. 0.9%) in their subcrustal lithosphere than predicted by global petrologic data on mantle-derived xenoliths or the presence of a strong convective downwelling in the mantle. Such mantle downflows can effectively divert heat from the lithospheric base, leading to a long-term survival of the Archean-Paleoproterozoic lithosphere.  相似文献   

A giant impact causes the lateral variations of the temperature distribution inside the Moon and it provides a thick lithosphere beneath the basin strong enough to support the mascon to be created in this region, and a thin lithosphere beneath the surrounding highland which supplies the lava filling of the basin.The Lunar Science Institute Contribution No. 132.  相似文献   

Thermal evolutions of the terrestrial planets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The thermal evolution of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus and hypothetical minor planets is calculated theoretically, taking into account conduction, solid-state convection, and differentiation. An assortment of geological, geochemical, and geophysical data is used to constrain both the present day temperatures and thermal histories of the planets' interiors. Such data imply that the planets were heated during or shortly after formation and that all the terrestrial planets started their differentiations early in their history. Initial temperatures and core formation play the most important roles in the early differentiation. The size of the planet is the primary factor in determining its present day thermal state. A planetary body with radius less than 1000 km is unlikely to reach melting given heat source concentrations similar to terrestrial values and in the absence of intensive early heating such as short half-life radioactive heating and inductive heating.Studies of individual planets are constrained by varying amounts of data. Most data exist for the Earth and Moon. The Moon is a differentiated body with a crust, a thick solid mantle and an interior region which may be partially molten. It is presently cooling rapidly and is relatively inactive tectonically.Mercury most likely has a large core. Thermal calculations indicate it may have a 500 km thick solid lithosphere, and the core may be partially molten if it contains some heat sources. If this is not the case, the planet's interior temperatures are everywhere below the melting curve for iron. The thermal evolution is dominated by core separation and the high conductivity of iron which makes up the bulk of Mercury.Mars, intermediate in size among the terrestrial planets, is assumed to have differentiated an Fe–FeS core. Differentiation and formation of an early crust is evident from Mariner and Viking observations. Theoretical models suggest that melting and differentiation of the mantle silicates has occurred at least up until 1 billion years ago. Present day temperature profiles indicate a relatively thick (250 km) lithosphere with a possible asthenosphere below. The core is molten.Venus is characterized as a planet similar to the Earth in many respects. Core formation probably occurred during the first billion years after the formation. Present day temperatures indicate a partially molten upper mantle overlain by a 100 km thick lithosphere and a molten Fe–Ni core. If temperature models are good indicators, we can expect that today, Venus has tectonic processes similar to the Earth's.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May 1978.  相似文献   

Assuming that the lateral variations of density in the lunar crust, the crustal density anomalies, are responsible for the lateral undulations of the lunar gravitational potential, we compute these anomalies for four different lunar models, which include an entirely solid Moon and three different solid lunar models with partially molten layers located within 600 km depth. The stress differences created by the density anomalies are determined for these models. It is found that, since the formation of the mascons, the entirely solid lunar model should have supported stress differences of the order of 70 bars while in the case of the other models, the solid layer overlying the partially molten one should have supported stress differences of more than 100 bars. The high stress differences associated with the partially molten models lead us to conclude that these models are not proper ones, and thus the Moon has always been solid since the formation of the mascons. Lunar Science Institute Contribution No. 97. The research in this paper was done while the author was a Visiting Scientist at the Lunar Science Institute, which is operated by the Universities Space Research Association under Contract No. NSR 09-051-001 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

Heat convection, being a more general theory than conduction theory, compels one to give reasons for using the latter theory as the basis of thermal evolution studies. Such reasons are supplied by considerations of material rheology.The specific case of the thermal regime of the Moon is first considered as a steady state problem. It is demonstrated that no plausible creep resistance of lunar material and heat generation is compatible with a purely conductive theory of lunar thermal evolution. The most plausible, steady state models give convective cores extending to within 200–300 km of the surface. The radial temperature gradients in such cores is virtually confined to a thermal boundary layer but averages to about a tenth of degree/km. The (steady) central temperature for the most plausible lunar rheologies lie between 600–1000°C. Such models are compatible with the first interpretations of lunar magnetometry. The case for considering the lunar thermal state as such a quasi-static state is discussed.It is also predicted that in very local zones the viscous dissipation of the general circulation produces much higher temperatures. Chemical differentiation and seismicity would have their origin in such low viscosity zones.  相似文献   

A comparison of the lunar frontside gravity field with topography indicates that low-density ( 2.9 g cm–3) types of rock form a surface layer or crust of variable thickness: 40-60 km beneath terrae; 20-40 km beneath non-mascon maria; 0-20 km beneath mascon maria. The observed offset between lunar centers of mass and figure is consistent with farside crustal thicknesses of 40-50 km, similar to frontside terra thicknesses.The Moon is asymmetric in crustal thickness, and also in the distribution of maria and gamma radioactivity. Early bombardment of the Moon by planetesimals, in both heliocentric and geocentric orbits, is examined as a possible cause of the asymmetries. The presence of a massive companion (Earth) causes a spin-orbit coupled Moon to be bombarded non-uniformly. The most pronounced local concentration of impacts would have occurred on the west limb of the Moon, when it orbited close to the Earth, if low-eccentricity heliocentric planetesimals were still abundant in the solar system at that time.A very intense bombardment of this type could have redistributed crustal material on the Moon, thinning the west limb crust appreciably. This would have caused a change in position of the principal axes of inertia, and a reorientation of the spin-orbit coupled Moon such that the thinnest portion of its crust turned toward one of the poles. Erupting lavas would have preferentially flooded such a thin-crusted, low-lying area. This would have caused another readjustment of principal moments, and a reorientation of the Moon such that the mare areas tipped toward the equator. The north-south and nearside-farside asymmetries of mare distribution on the present Moon can be understood in terms of such a history.Paper dedicated to Prof. Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April 1973.  相似文献   

Estimates of lava volumes on planetary surfaces provide important data on the lava flooding history and thermal evolution of a planet. Lack of information concerning the configuration of the topography prior to volcanic flooding requires the use of a variety of techniques to estimate lava thicknesses and volumes. A technique is described and developed which provides volume estimates by artificially flooding unflooded lunar topography characteristic of certain geological environments, and tracking the area covered, lava thicknesses, and lava volumes. Comparisons of map patterns of incompletely buried topography in these artificially flooded areas are then made to lava-flooded topography on the Moon in order to estimate the actual lava volumes.This technique is applied to two areas related to lunar impact basins; the relatively unflooded Orientale basin, and the Archimedes-Apennine Bench region of the Imbrium basin. Artificially flooding the Orientale basin to the Cordillera Mountains (outer basin ring) produces a lava fill geometry with two components; (a) thebasin interior (within the inner Rook ring) where the area covered is small but lava thicknesses are large (6–8 km), and (b) thebasin, edges where larger areas are covered but thicknesses are less, averaging about 2 km. Detailed examination of the Archimedes-Apennine Bench area (Imbrium basin edge) also shows average thicknesses in this region of basins of approximately 2 km.On the basis of these analyses it is concluded that early flooding of the basin interior places a major load on the lithosphere in the same geographic region where mascon gravity anomalies are concentrated. Mare ridges and arches are concentrated at the outer edge of the region of thickset fill and appear to be related to tectonic activity accompanying basin loading and downwarping. Lava thicknesses in most areas of flooded, impact basins (>2 km) exceed the thickness of lava where vertical mixing of underlying non-mare material is possible. Thus, vertical mixing is not likely to have been an important process in mare deposits within flooded impact basins. Thickness estimates derived from this technique exceed those derived from the morphometry of buried or partially buried craters by at least a factor of two. Examination of the assumptions employed in the latter technique show several sources of variability (e.g., initial rim height variability in a fresh crater) which may result in significant underestimation of lava thicknesses.  相似文献   

Several approaches have been used to estimate the ice shell thickness on Callisto, Ganymede, and Europa. Here we develop a method for placing a strict lower bound on the thickness of the strong part of the shell (lithosphere) using measurements of topography. The minimal assumptions are that the strength of faults in the brittle lithosphere is controlled by lithostatic pressure according to Byerlee's law and the shell has relatively uniform density and thickness. Under these conditions, the topography of the ice provides a direct measure of the bending moment in the lithosphere. This topographic bending moment must be less than the saturation bending moment of the yield strength envelope derived from Byerlee's law. The model predicts that the topographic amplitude spectrum decreases as the square of the topographic wavelength. This explains why Europa is rugged at shorter wavelengths (∼10 km) but extremely smooth, and perhaps conforming to an equipotential surface, at longer wavelengths (>100 km). Previously compiled data on impact crater depth and diameter [Schenk, P.M., 2002. Nature 417, 419-421] on Europa show good agreement with the spectral decrease predicted by the model and require a lithosphere thicker than 2.5 km. A more realistic model, including a ductile lower lithosphere, requires a thickness greater than 3.5 km. Future measurements of topography in the 10-100 km wavelength band will provide tight constraints on lithospheric strength.  相似文献   

The effects of higher modes of convection on the thermal evolution of a small planetary body is investigated. Three sets of models are designed to specify an initially cold and differentiated, an initially hot and differentiated, and an initially cold and undifferentiated Moon-type body. The strong temperature dependence of viscosity enhances the thickening of lithosphere so that a lithosphere of about 400 km thickness is developed within the first billion years of the evolution of a Moon-type body. The thermally isolating effect of such a lithosphere hampers the heat flux out of the body and increases the temperature of the interior, causing the solid-state convection to occur with high velocity so that even the lower modes of convection can maintain an adiabatic temperature gradient there. It is demonstrated that the effect of solid-state convection on the thermal evolution of the models may be adequately determined by a combination of convection modes up to the third or the fourth order harmonic. The inclusion of higher modes does not affect the results significantly.  相似文献   

The early thermal evolution of Moon has been numerically simulated to understand the magnitude of the impact-induced heating and the initially stored thermal energy of the accreting moonlets. The main objective of the present study was to understand the nature of processes leading to core–mantle differentiation and the production and cooling of the initial convective magma ocean. The accretion of Moon was commenced over a time scale of 100 yr after the giant impact event around 30–100 million years in the early solar system. We studied the dependence of the planetary processes on the impact scenarios, the initial average temperature of the accreting moonlets, and the size of the protomoon that accreted rapidly beyond the Roche limit within the initial 1 yr after the giant impact. The simulations indicate that the accreting moonlets should have a minimum initial averaged temperature around 1600 K. The impacts would provide additional thermal energy. The initial thermal state of the moonlets depends upon the environment prevailing within the Roche limit that experienced episodes of extensive vaporization and recondensation of silicates. The initial convective magma ocean of depth more than 1000 km is produced in the majority of simulations along with the global core–mantle differentiation in case the melt percolation of the molten metal through porous flow from bulk silicates was not the major mode of core–mantle differentiation. The possibility of shallow magma oceans cannot be ruled out in the presence of the porous flow. Our simulations indicate the core–mantle differentiation within the initial 102 to 103 yr of the Moon accretion. The majority of the convective magma ocean cooled down for crystallization within the initial 103 to 104 yr.  相似文献   

J.L. Whitford-Stark 《Icarus》1981,48(3):393-427
Nectaris is an 820-km-diameter, multiring impact basin located on the near side of the Moon. The transient cavity is estimated to have been less than 90 km in depth and materials were excavated from a depth of less than 30 km. About 2 km thickness of impact melt is believed to line the cavity center. The impact event probably took place at about 3.98 ± 0.03 × 109 years ago. Nectaris ejecta forms a substantial proportion of the surface materials at the Apollo 16 site. Inter-ring plains deposits were deposited after the formation of the Nectaris basin. The most persuasive origin for the smooth plains is one of extrusives overlain by a thin veneer of ejecta. Basaltic fragments within Apollo 16 samples are believed to have been largely derived from Nectaris. A titanium-rich Apollo 16 mare basalt fragment has an age of 3.79 ± 0.05 × 109 years but, although some relatively titanium-enriched basalts occur in southern Nectaris, titanium-rich basalts are nowhere seen at the surface of the mare. The earliest recognized eruptives appear to be low-titanium (perhaps VLT) basalts found as pyroclastic materials on Daguerre and in the Gaudibert region. The majority of the surface basalts are of intermediate composition (possibly similar to Apollo 12 basalts) and have an age of approximately 3.6 × 109 years. The basalt fill is estimated to have a minimum thickness of 3 km. Flood-style eruptions appear to have been the main form of extrusion. Mare ridges exhibit a strong north-south preferential alignment and appear to postdate basalt emplacement. The lack of basin-related graben in Nectaris is consistent with a thick lithosphere. The basin ring structure is best preserved in the southwest and least preserved in the northeast. This is believed to result from horizontal variations in the crust and lithosphere thicknesses and from the influence of the preexisting Fecunditatis and Tranquillitatis basins; the ring structure is best preserved where the lithosphere was thickest. Floor-fractured craters within Nectaris are intimately associated with the basalt fill both in terms of age and location. Theophilus ejecta, small craters, and Tycho rays, combined with subsidence and mare ridge development, were the only modifying influences on Nectaris since the termination of basalt eruptions.  相似文献   

Lucas Reindler 《Icarus》2003,162(2):233-241
A self-gravitating, elastic, spherical thick shell model is used to derive the present state of the lateral variations of density and stress differences within the lunar lithosphere. The model is allowed to deform under the load of an initial surface topography and internal density distribution, such that the resulting deformed body gives rise to the observed surface topography and gravity specified by the spherical harmonics of degree up to 70. Two main models are considered, Model A and Model B, with elastic lithospheres of thickness 300 and 210 km, respectively. Model A displays density perturbations of generally less than ±200 kg/m3 within the crustal layers, reducing rapidly to less than ±20 kg/m3 at the base of the lithosphere. The density perturbations in Model B are similar in the crust and marginally higher at the base of the lithosphere. The major stress differences in the mantle are associated with the mascon basins and are found to reach maximums of 8-10 MPa within the lower lithosphere (150-270 km) of Model A and maximums of 12-16 MPa at 150 to 180 km depth for Model B. A moderate correlation exists between the modeled stress distributions and shallow moonquake epicenters. However, the overall results of this study imply that other remnant stresses, due to processes other than density perturbations, exist and play a critical role in the large shallow moonquakes.  相似文献   

Global data sets of images, topography and gravity are available for Mars from several orbiter missions. At the eve of new global data from Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), the capabilities of 3D geophysical modelling based on areal topography and gravity data combined with geologic-tectonic image interpretation is demonstrated here. A unique structure is chosen for the model calculations: the Alba Patera volcanic complex at the northern border of the Tharsis rise. Five groups of graben are discriminated: Ceraunius Fossae, Catenae, Tantalus Fossae (radial group) radial to the Tharsis rise, mainly associated to the formation of Tharsis, and Alba and Tantalus Fossae (circular group), younger than the other graben and circular around Alba Patera. Combining 3D elastic flexure of the lithosphere due to a 3D topographic surface load with 3D gravity models results in a rather thick lithosphere (150–200 km) and thick crust (60–100 km). In another model estimate it has been assumed that the circular grabens are induced by the stresses from the surface load of Alba Patera. In a first order calculation the surface stresses under a point load have been determined resulting in a good correlation of the stress maximum with the location of the circular grabens for a 50-km thick lithosphere. This is in accordance with earlier results from this method, but in contradiction with the thick lithosphere derived from flexure-gravity models. One possibility for this contradiction may be that the different models represent two evolutionary points of Alba Patera. (1) The correlation of stresses with the circular grabens may represent an older stage of evolution with a thinner lithosphere. (2) The flexure-gravity models represent a younger to present stage with a thick lithosphere. The results of the lithosphere thicknesses are compared with an admittance calculation and different thermal evolution models which determine comparable thicknesses (150 km). More detailed models including 3D stress models should wait for new data sets from MGS. The results from the lineament analysis and geophysical modelling are summarized in an evolution model for Alba Patera.  相似文献   

A.E. Ringwood 《Icarus》1976,28(3):325-349
Recent hypotheses of lunar evolution hold that the Moon was extensively or completely melted and differentiated about 4.6 b.y. ago, resulting in formation of the plagioclase-rich lunar highlands underlain by a great thickness of complementary ferromagnesian cumulates. Mare basalts are interpreted as being formed by subsequent remelting of these cumulates. These hypotheses are tested experimentally in the cases of several bulk compositions which have been proposed for the Moon—those of Taylor and Jakes, Ganapathy and Anders, Wänke and co-workers, and Anderson. An extensive experimental investigation of melting equilibria displayed by the Taylor-Jakes model at high pressures and temperatures is presented. This permits a quantitative evaluation of the manner in which a model Moon with this composition would crystallize and differentiate under conditions of (i) total melting throughout, and (ii) total melting only of an outer shell a few hundred kilometers thick. A detailed study is made of the capacity of the cumulates underlying the crust in these models to produce mare basalts by a second stage of partial melting. A wide range of experimentally based arguments is presented, showing that for both cases, partial melting of such cumulates would produce magmas with compositions quite unlike those of mare basalts. In order to minimize these difficulties, bulk lunar compositions containing substantially smaller abundances of involatile components (e.g. CaO, Al2O3, TiO2) relative to major components of intermediate volatility (e.g. MgO, SiO2, FeO) than are specified in the Taylor-Jakes model, appear to be required. Other bulk lunar composition models proposed by Ganapathy and Anders, Wänke and co-workers and Anderson, were similarly tested in the light of experimental data. All of these are far too rich in (Ca and Al) relative to (Mg + Si + Fe) to yield, after melting and differentiation, cumulates capable of being parental to mare basalts. Moreover these compositions, whdn melted and differentiated, appear incapable of matching the composition of the pyroxene component of the lunar highland crust.A brief discussion of the petrogenesis of mare basakts is presented. The most promising model is one in which only the outer few hundred kilometers of the Moon were melted and differentiated around 4.6 b.y. ago. Continued radioactive heating of the deep undifferentiated lunar interior provided a second generation of primitive magmas up to 1.5 b.y. after the early melting and differentiation. These primitive magmas participated in assimilative interactions with late-stage differentiates formed near the crust-mantle boundary during the 4.6 b.y. differentiation. These interactions might explain some trace element and isotopic characteristics of mare basalts. The model possesses some attractive characteristics relating to the thermal evolution of the Moon.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that lunar volcanism started before the emplacement of the mare fills ( b.p.) and lasted for probably more than 3.0 Ga. While the early volcanic activity is relatively easy to understand from a thermal point of view, the late stages of volcanism are harder to explain, because a relatively small body like the Earth's Moon is expected to cool rapidly and any molten layer in the interior should solidify rather quickly. We present several thermal evolution models, in which we varied the boundary conditions at the model surface in order to evaluate the influence on the extent and lifetime of a molten layer in the lunar interior. To investigate the influence of a top insulating layer we used a fully three-dimensional spherical shell convection code for the modelling of the lunar thermal history. In all our models, a partial melt zone formed nearly immediately after the simulation started (early in lunar history), consistent with the identification of lunar cryptomare and early mare basalt volcanism on the Moon. Due to the characteristic thickening of the Moon's lithosphere the melt zone solidified from above. This suggests that the source regions of volcanic rock material proceeded to increasing depth with time. The rapid growth of a massive lithosphere kept the Moon's interior warm and prevented the melt zone from fast freezing. The lifetimes of the melt zones derived from our models are consistent with basalt ages obtained from crater chronology. We conclude that an insulating megaregolith layer is sufficient to prevent the interior from fast cooling, allowing for the thermal regime necessary for the production and eruption of young lava flows in Oceanus Procellarum.  相似文献   

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