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High-resolution lunar radar map at 70-cm wavelength   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
New radar observations of the Moon in 1981–1984 were made using the 430 MHz (70 cm wavelength) radar at the Arecibo observatory, Puerto Rico. The new observations have produced a high resolution lunar radar map with radar cell-sizes near 2–5 km. This new resolution is a three-fold improvement over the previous mapping done in the late 1960's. Since the Arecibo radar antenna beam is only ten arc-minutes (about one-third of the width of the lunar disk), this new map is a mosaic of some eighteen observations. A radarmetric control between the various pieces of the mosaic was obtained via a beam-swing, limb-to-limb calibration.When the limb-to-limb calibration was combined with the mosaic, there were significant radar scattering differences across the maria. Eastern Mare Tranquillitatis and western Oceanus Procellarum have weaker echoes than other maria, while the central portion of Mare Serenitatis and northern Mare Imbrium have stronger echoes. There is a radar scattering difference across the southern terra as areas nearer Mare Orientale have stronger echoes than areas further from Mare Orientale.  相似文献   

The intensity distribution of lunar radar echoes has been mapped for two-thirds of the earth-visible lunar surface at a wavelength of 70 cm. The depolarizing effects of the lunar surface were observed by simultaneously receiving the radar echoes in opposite polarizations. These echoes were mapped with areal resolutions of 25–100 km2. Mappings with this resolution confirmed that the young craters have enhanced returns. A few craters were found to have enhanced echoes only from their rims. Backscattering differences were also observed between various areas within a mare, between different highland areas, and between maria and adjacent highlands. These scattering differences were interpreted with a simple model, which assumed that the surface backscattered with varying amounts of quasi-specular and diffuse power. Only an increase in the diffuse power was needed to give the numerical values of the enhancements.  相似文献   

Thomas W. Thompson 《Icarus》1978,36(2):174-188
A high-resolution map of lunar radar reflectivity has been obtained using delay-Doppler interferometry techniques and the 7.5 m (40 Mhz) radar at the Arecibo Observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. This new mapping, an extension of an earlier experiment, demonstrated an improvement of surface resolution to 25–40 km. The new map shows scattering behavior similar to other radar maps at 3.8 and 70 cm wavelengths. The maria backscatter less power than the terrae by factors of one-half to one-fourth, although a few terrae areas have the same low back-scatterer as the mare. The large young rayed craters like Tycho have backscatterer enhancement (over the environs) by about 1.5:1, a smaller difference than that observed at centimeter wavelengths. In addition, the mean scattering behavior of the Moon was measured for a range of angles from 10° to 67° and the new measurements differ little from previous measurements at 6 m wavelength. The radar map and mean backscatter data indicate that: (1) the average radar backscatter at 7.5 m wavelength for the large angles of incidence differs little from scatter at centimeter wavelengths; (2) the maria and terrae have a qualitatively similar scattering behavior although maria backscatter less power by factors of one-half to one quater; and (3) the large rayed craters show relatively small enhancements compared with enhancements at meter and centimeter wavelengths. Several different physical properties of the lunar surface could account for these results.  相似文献   

We present simulations of interferometers in Earth orbit and on the lunar surface to guide the design and optimization of space-based ultra-long wavelength missions, such as those pioneered by China’s Chang’e Program. We choose parameters and present simulations using simulated data to identify inter-dependencies and constraints on science and engineering parameters. A regolith model is created for the lunar surface array simulation, and the results show that the lunar regolith will have an undesirable effect on the observations. We estimate data transmission requirements,calculate sensitivities for both cases, and discuss the trade-off between brightness temperature sensitivity and angular resolution for the Earth orbit array case.  相似文献   

The entire earth-facing lunar surface has been mapped at a resolution of 2 km using the 3.8-cm radar of Haystack Observatory. The observations yield the distribution of relative radar backscattering efficiency with an accuracy of about 10% for both the polarized (primarily quasispecular or coherent) and depolarized (diffuse or incoherent) scattered components. The results show a variety of discrete radar features, many of which are correlated with craters or other features of optical photographs. Particular interest, however, attaches to those features with substantially different radio and optical contrasts. An anomaly near 63° is noted in the mean angular scattering law obtained from a summary of the radar data.  相似文献   

Earth, Moon, and Planets - Observations of lunar radio emission were made at 3.09 mm wavelength (97.1 GHz) from April 18 to May 20, 1971. Absolute brightness temperatures were measured for five...  相似文献   

A digital file of the lunar normal Albedo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A digital file of the normal albedo of the Moon has been produced at a resolution of about 1/550 of a lunar diameter (about 6.3 km). The file was produced from five photographs taken with the 61-cm reflector of the Northern Arizona University Astrophysical Observatory. No mosaicking was necessary. Spatial control is selenodetic rather than landmark-morphologic. Photometric control is provided through a combination of electrography and regular photoelectric photometry. Pixel photometric function corrections are employed. The file was provided as data base for the Lunar Consortium. Brief discussion of the scientific implications of the frequency histogram is offered, and the negligibility of lunar limb darkening below = 77° is affirmed. It is specifically desired not to withhold these data from publication while more significant and detailed scientific interpretation is carried on.  相似文献   

A study of the circular polarization structure of solar active regions has been made from data obtained at 3.5 mm wavelength, using the 36 ft diameter radio telescope of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Kitt Peak, Arizona. The angular resolution of the telescope at this wavelength is 1.2. All important active regions observed at 3.5 mm are bipolar in nature; the degree of polarization ranges from 1 to about 2%. These oppositely polarized components correspond with the Mt. Wilson magnetic regions of opposite polarity; the line of zero polarization delineates the neutral line between the regions of opposite polarity on magnetograms. The longitudinal magnetic fields at the level of 3.5 mm emission computed from the degree of polarization are found to be several hundred gauss.  相似文献   

A study of the circular polarization structure of solar active regions has been made from data obtained at 9.5 mm wavelength, using the 85 ft reflector and polarimeter at the Naval Research Laboratory Maryland Point Observatory. The angular resolution of the telescope at this wavelength is 1.6. All important active regions observed at 9.5 mm are bipolar in nature, the degree of polarization is about the same for both right and left circular components and it ranges up to about 4%. These oppositely polarized components correspond with the Mt. Wilson magnetic regions of opposite polarity; the line of zero polarization delineates clearly the neutral line between the regions of opposite polarity on magnetograms. Unipolar regions in magnetograms also show up as unipolar regions at 9.5 mm. Magnetic fields as low as 5–10 G on magnetograms manifest as distinctly polarized regions on 9.5 mm maps. A line of zero polarization seems to delineate the extent of absorption features observed at 9.5 mm in coincidence with H dark filaments.  相似文献   

Illumination conditions of the lunar polar regions using LOLA topography   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
E. Mazarico  G.A. Neumann  M.T. Zuber 《Icarus》2011,211(2):1066-1081
We use high-resolution altimetry data obtained by the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter instrument onboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to characterize present illumination conditions in the polar regions of the Moon. Compared to previous studies, both the spatial and temporal extent of the simulations are increased significantly, as well as the coverage (fill ratio) of the topographic maps used, thanks to the 28 Hz firing rate of the five-beam instrument. We determine the horizon elevation in a number of directions based on 240 m-resolution polar digital elevation models reaching down to ∼75° latitude. The illumination of both polar regions extending to ∼80° can be calculated for any geometry from those horizon longitudinal profiles. We validated our modeling with recent Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide-Angle Camera images. We assessed the extent of permanently shadowed regions (PSRs, defined as areas that never receive direct solar illumination), and obtained total areas generally larger than previous studies (12,866 and 16,055 km2, in the north and south respectively). We extended our direct illumination model to account for singly-scattered light, and found that every PSR does receive some amount of scattered light during the year. We conducted simulations over long periods (several 18.6-years lunar precession cycles) with a high temporal resolution (6 h), and identified the most illuminated locations in the vicinity of both poles. Because of the importance of those sites for exploration and engineering considerations, we characterized their illumination more precisely over the near future. Every year, a location near the Shackleton crater rim in the south polar region is sunlit continuously for 240 days, and its longest continuous period in total darkness is about 1.5 days. For some locations small height gains (∼10 m) can dramatically improve their average illumination and reduce the night duration, rendering some of those particularly attractive energy-wise as possible sites for near-continuous sources of solar power.  相似文献   

Observations of the total lunar eclipse were made at 3.4-mm wavelength (87.4 GHz) on March 24, 1978. Eclipsr cooling curves with the best S/N ratio among those published thus far were obtained for the three points (the mountain area near the crater of Hipparuchus, Sinus Medii, and Copernicus). Each of the curves can be decomposed into the three parts which apparently correspond to ingress, totality, and egress. The derived cooling rate and heating rate differ significantly at the three points.  相似文献   

The four colour photometric observations of 15 regions of the lunar surface are reported in this paper. They all confirm the reddening with increasing phase. Observed regions at wide range of phase show an appreciable colour opposition effect. Reddening factors obtained, are larger near full Moon, and smaller at larger phase angles.  相似文献   

Lunar meteorites provide important new samples of the Moon remote from regions visited by the Apollo and Luna sample return missions. Petrologic and geochemical analysis of these meteorites, combined with orbital remote sensing measurements, have enabled additional discoveries about the composition and age of the lunar surface on a global scale. However, the interpretation of these samples is limited by the fact that we do not know the source region of any individual lunar meteorite. Here, we investigate the link between meteorite and source region on the Moon using the Lunar Prospector gamma ray spectrometer remote sensing data set for the elements Fe, Ti, and Th. The approach has been validated using Apollo and Luna bulk regolith samples, and we have applied it to 48 meteorites excluding paired stones. Our approach is able broadly to differentiate the best compositional matches as potential regions of origin for the various classes of lunar meteorites. Basaltic and intermediate Fe regolith breccia meteorites are found to have the best constrained potential launch sites, with some impact breccias and pristine mare basalts also having reasonably well‐defined potential source regions. Launch areas for highland feldspathic meteorites are much less well constrained and the addition of another element, such as Mg, will probably be required to identify potential source regions for these.  相似文献   

Solar quiescent active regions are known to exhibit radio emission from discrete structures. The knowledge of their dimensions and brightness temperatures is essential for understanding the physics of quiescent, confined plasma regions. Solar eclipses of 10 August, 1980 and 26 January, 1990, observed with high sensitivity and high time resolution at 22 GHz, allowed an unprecedented opportunity to identify Fresnel diffraction effects during lunar occultations of active regions. The results indicate the presence of quiescent discrete sources smaller than one arcsecond in one dimension. Assuming symmetrical sources, their brightness temperatures were larger than 2 × 107 K and 8 × 107 K, for the 1980 and 1990 observations, respectively.In memoriam, 1942–1981.  相似文献   

A new liquefaction theory for the origin of the flat marial and Cayley areas on the lunar surface is described. It is supposed that the flat terrain in these areas resulted from periods in the development of the Moon when these regions, although not liquid, had a sufficiently low viscosity for the surfaces to relax more or less completely to a level form. To account for this low viscosity a model is developed in which, within these regions and for relatively short periods in the early history of the Moon, preferentially high temperatures were maintained close to the lunar surface. The paper examines in some detail the possibility that these high temperatures may have resulted from instabilities in the lunar heat flow pattern caused by the presence of a surface layer of very low thermal conductivity produced by the debris of early meteorite impacts.A comparison is made between current models for the formation of the lunar surface and the theory here proposed: the advantages of the latter are enumerated and discussed.Normally at Queen Mary College, University of London, England.  相似文献   

A review of the available spectral geometric albedo measurements for Mars was presented earlier for the spectral region 0.3 to 1.1μ. A new observational study has greatly increased the store of data, especially for small Martian regions and for the infrared spectral region 1.0 to 2.5μ. Here we combine the new data with data both from the earlier review and, for the infrared spectral region, from the literature. We present a more complete picture of Martian spectral reflectivity properties than was available. This study should provide a more firm basis upon which models of Martian surface composition can be built. At visible wavelengths the Mars dark area Syrtis Major is red rather than green or grey in color; the bright area Arabia is even redder than Syrtis Major. Absorption bands, which differ between bright and dark areas, appear in the reflection curves. The 1μ absorption feature for dark areas is confirmed and more completely described. A previously unreported absorption band near 0.95μ for bright areas appears along with several absorption features in the infrared. The geometric albedo for Arabia reaches a maximum of about 0.43 at 1μ. The Bond albedo for this same area reaches a maximum of 60%. The bright area Arabia is occasionally three times brighter than the dark area Syrtis Major at red wavelengths. Published infrared reflection data available for Mars are not in complete agreement. Changes in brightness and color of Arabia are discussed which are not in agreement with traditional darkening wave theory.  相似文献   

Robert L. Younkin 《Icarus》1974,21(3):219-229
The irradiance of Titan has been measured from 0.50 to 1.08μ in 30 Å band-passes spaced 0.01–0.02μ apart. Geometric albedos have been computed at the wavelenghts of measurement using a standard solar flux distribution after Labs and Neckel. The maximum value of pλ(0) is 0.37 at 0.68, 0.75, and 0.834μ, the minimum value, in the centers of the strongest methane absorption bands, is 0.10 at 0.887 and 1.012μ.The brightness of Titan at the time of the present measurements has been compared with that of previous modern photoelectric measurements. Within the apparent consistency of the different photoelectric systems, the brightness of Titan appears to undergo changes with time.A provisional curve of the geometric albedo from 0.30 to 4.0μ has been made by combining the present results with those of other authors, i.e., relative measurements of Titan from 0.30 to 0.50μ, and measurements of Jupiter and Saturn from 1.08 to 4.00μ. The latter are used to estimate the strengths of the methane absorption bands of Titan in that spectral range. The bolometric geometric albedo, p1(0), is computed to be 0.21. A variety of current measurements of Titan indicate a substantial atmosphere, suggesting a value of the phase integral q = 1.30 ± 0.20. The bolometric Bond albedo, A1, is then 0.27 ± 0.04, giving an effective radiative temperature Te= 84 ± 2°K.The absorption band contours of Titan have been compared with those of Jupiter and Saturn at the same resolution. The bands of the planets are known to be due primarily to methane, and they show a very regular relationship, with those of Saturn being consistently deeper and wider. For Titan, the strengths of the bands are equal or less than those of Jupiter in the band centers, while the wings are stronger than those of Saturn.Previous photoelectric and photographic spectra have been examined for evidence of temporal variation of the methane path length in the atmosphere of Titan. Differences in measurement techniques prohibit detection of small differences. The only potential differences beyond experimental uncertainties are those of Kuiper (1944) and Harris (mid-fifties). Taking Kuiper's results at face value, Titan appears to have a shorter methane path length in 1972. Harris's results can be reconciled only by the doubtful hypothesis of an almost complete absence of methane at that time.  相似文献   

Understanding the structure of and dynamic processes in the deep interior of planets is crucial for understanding their origin and evolution. An effective way to constrain them is through observation of rotation and subsequent simulation. In this paper, a numerical model of the Moon’s rotation and orbital motion is developed based on previous studies and implemented independently. The Moon is modeled as an anelastic body with a liquid core. The equations of the rotation were nonlinear and the Euler angles are cross coupled. We solve them numerically via the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF) and multi-steps Adams-Bashforth-Moulton (ABM) predictor-corrector numerical integration. We have found that adequate accuracy is maintained by taking twelve steps per day using eleventh differences in the integrating polynomial. The lunar orbital and rotational equations are strongly coupled, so we integrated the rotation and motion simultaneously. We refer to other planetary informations from the newest planetary and lunar ephemeris INPOP17a, which is reported had fitted the longest LLR (Lunar Laser Ranging) observation data. Using the model GL660B from GRAIL (Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory) mission, we firstly compare our numerical results with the INPOP17a to prove the reasonability of our model. After that we apply the lunar gravity model CEGM02 determined from Chang’E-1 mission and SGM100h from SELENE mission to our model, the difference between results from CEGM02 and GL660B are less than \(-0.20 \sim0.15\) arc-second, and \(-0.25 \sim0.20\) arc-second for GL660B and SGM100h. Compared to SGM100h, the results show that the low degree and order coefficients (less than 6 from this paper) of lunar gravity field were improved in CEGM02 as expected. It is the first time to demonstrate that these models can be applied to lunar rotation model. These results manifest that a development of the gravity field measure will help us to know the rotation motion more precisely.  相似文献   

The photometric observations of the lunar surface during lunar eclipses were carried out on four nights between 1972 to 1978, using the 91 cm reflector of the Dodaira Station of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory. The photometry was performed in B-, V-, and R-colours, and arranged in accordance with the angular distance from the centre of the Earth's shadow. The results do not show any large systematic differences between the four nights, showing no support for Danjon's proposition.  相似文献   

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