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We investigate the possible variation of c in the context of the present accelerating Universe as discovered through SN Ia observations and show that variability of c is not permitted under the variable Λ models.  相似文献   

Recently, a very strong correlation between the central surface density of stars and dynamical mass in 135 disk galaxies has been obtained. It has been shown that this central-surface-densities relation agrees very well with Modified Newtonian Dynamics(MOND). In this article, we show that if we assume the baryons have an isothermal distribution and dark matter exists, then it is possible to derive by means of the Jeans equation an analytic central-surface-densities relation connecting dark matter and baryons that agrees with the observed relation. We find that the observed central-surface-densities relation can also be accommodated in the context of dark matter provided the latter is described by an isothermal profile. Therefore, the observed relation is consistent with not only MOND.  相似文献   

The size distributions of 2D and 3D Voronoi cells and of cells of Vp(2,3),-2D cut of 3D Voronoi diagram-are explored, with the single-parameter (re-scaled) gamma distribution playing a central role in the analytical fitting. Observational evidence for a cellular universe is briefly reviewed. A simulated Vp(2,3) map with galaxies lying on the cell boundaries is constructed to compare, as regards general appearance, with the observed CfA map of galaxies and voids, the parameters of the simulation being so chosen as to reproduce the largest observed void size.  相似文献   

Recently, a tachyonic field was presented as a dark energy model to represent the present acceleration of the Universe. In this paper, we consider a mixture of tachyonic fluid with a perfect fluid. For this purpose we consider barotropic fluid and Generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG). We present a particular form of the scale factor. We solve the equations of motion to get exact solutions of the density, tachyonic potential and the tachyonic field. We introduce a coupling term to show that the interaction decays with time. We also show that the nature of the potentials vary, so the interaction term reduces the potential in both cases.  相似文献   

The distribution of element abundances with redshift in Damped Lyα (DLA) systems can be adequately reproduced by the same models reproducing the halo and disk components of the Milky Way Galaxy at different galactocentric distances. In this sense, DLA systems are well represented by normal spiral galaxies in their early evolutionary stages. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

On the basis of the law of conservation of energy, the variations of radiation energy as a result of the variations of the dimensions of the Universe and of the increase in total energy of the hypothetical false vacuum, the author introduces an assumption that the Universe is an actual subsystem of the infinite whole of reality. Analyzing the consequences of introducing this assumption into the standard model of the Universe, he comes to the conclusion that the Universe, with respect to its evolution, represents an ultrastable system consisting of a dynamic system of the de Sitter evolution phase with the Planck values and of a dynamic system of Friedmann's phase of evolution into which the dynamics of its partial subsystems is incorporated.  相似文献   

It is pointed out that Stephenson (1977) has used incorrect z, and has also made an arithmetical error, which invalidate his claims. Tests for randomness of quasar red-shifts clusters using correct z, have been carried out and it is shown that at least for clusters having three red shifts or more the distribution is highly non-random. The model of the Universe proposed by Stephenson does not in any way explain these red-shift clusters; it merely substitutes one paradox by another.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine how well the Sun and sunspots were observed during the Maunder Minimum from 1645 to 1715. Recent research has given us the dates of observations by Hevelius, Picard, La Hire, Flamsteed, and about 70 other observers. These specific observations allow a lower estimate of the fraction of the time the Sun was observed to be deduced. It is found that 52.7% of the days have recorded observations. There are additional 12 observers who provide general statements that no sunspots were observed during specific years or intervals despite diligent efforts. Taking these statements to mean, unrealistically, that every day during these intervals was observed, gives an upper estimate of 98% of the days. If the general statements are relaxed by assuming that 100 ± 50 days per year were actually observed by these diligent observers, than our best estimate is that 68%±7% of the days during the Maunder Minimum were observed. In short, this supports the view that the Maunder Minimum existed and was not an artifact of few observations. Some sunspots are probably still missed in modern compilations, but the existence of a prolonged sunspot minimum would not be threatened by their discovery in future research. Additional support for intense scrutiny of the Sun comes from a report of a white-light flare in 1705 and from the numerous reports of new sunspots entering the disk of the Sun.  相似文献   

Ruzmaikin  Alexander 《Solar physics》2000,192(1-2):49-57
Solar Physics - Understanding the solar dynamics and the origin of active regions depends crucially on our knowledge of the magnetic fields deep within the convection zone. Can we determine...  相似文献   

The Howardite–Eucrite–Diogenite (HED) suite is a family of differentiated meteorites that provide a unique opportunity to study the differentiation of small bodies. The likely parent-body of this meteorite group, (4) Vesta is presently under study by the Dawn mission, scrutinizing its surface in the visible and NIR infrared range. Here, we discuss how well the magmatic trends observed in HED might be retrieved from NIR spectroscopy, by studying laboratory spectra of 10 HED meteorites together with spectra from the RELAB database. We show that although an exsolution process did occur for most eucrites (i.e. decomposition of a primary calcic pyroxene into a high-Ca and low-Ca pyroxene), it does not affect the “bulk pyroxene” trend retrieved from the location of the pyroxene crystal field bands (Band I with a maximum of absorption around at about 1 μm and Band II around 2 μm). Absolute values of the chemical composition appears however to deviate from the expected chemical composition. We show that mechanical mixture (i.e. impact gardening) will produce a linear mixing in the pyroxenes band position diagram (Band I position vs Band II position). This diagram also reveals that howardite are not pure mixtures of an average eucrite and average diogenite. Because asteroid surfaces are expected to show topography, we also study the effect of observation geometry on the NIR spectra of an eucrite and a diogenite by measuring the bi-directional reflectance spectra from 0.4 to 4.6 μm. Results show that these meteorites tend to act as forward scatterers, leading to a decrease of integrated band area (relative to the continuum) at high phase angles. The position of the two strong crystal field bands shows only small variability with observation geometry. Retrieval of the magmatic trends from the Band I vs Band II diagram should not be affected by observation geometry effects. Finally we performed NIR reflectance measurement on olivine diogenites. The presence of olivine can be suggested by using the Band Area Ratio vs Band I diagram, but this phase might affect the retrieval of pyroxene composition from the position of Band I and Band II.  相似文献   

Yngve Öhman 《Solar physics》1985,96(1):209-212
It is suggested, that effects of total reflection and refraction may appear sometimes in various objects on the Sun in connection with grazing incidence towards layers formed by magnetic fields and perhaps also by electrostatic double layers or shock waves. It seems possible that such effects may influence sometimes the contrast of bright structures as well as dark structures at selective wavelengths as well as in white light.  相似文献   

In the present work we examined the hypothesis that, a core mass function (CMF), such as the one deduced for cores in the Orion molecular cloud (OMC), could possibly be the primogenitor of the stellar initial mass function (IMF). Using the rate of accretion of a protostar from its natal core as a free parameter, we demonstrate its quintessential role in determining the shape of the IMF. By varying the rate of accretion, we show that a stellar mass distribution similar to the universal IMF could possibly be generated starting from either a typical CMF such as the one for the OMC, or a uniform distribution of prestellar core masses which leads us to suggest, the apparent similarity in shapes of the CMF and the IMF is perhaps, only incidental. The apodosis of the argument being, complex physical processes leading to stellar birth are crucial in determining the final stellar masses, and consequently, the shape of stellar mass distribution. This work entails partial Monte-Carlo treatment of the problem, and starting with a randomly picked sample of cores, and on the basis of classical arguments which include protostellar feedback and cooling due to emission from warm dust, a theoretical distribution of stellar masses is derived for five realisations of the problem; the magnetic field, though, has been left out of this exercise.  相似文献   

The effects of large-scale fluctuations on small-scale isothermal modes at the epoch of recombination are analysed. We find the following. (a) Albeit the fact that primordial fluctuations were at this epoch still well in the linear regime, a significant non-linear radiation hydrodynamic interaction could have taken place. (b) Short-wavelength isothermal fluctuations are unstable. Their growth rate is an exponential function of the amplitude of the large-scale fluctuations and is therefore very sensitive to the initial conditions. (c) The observed cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) fluctuations are of order of the limit above which the effect should be significant. Thus, depending on their exact value, the effect may be negligible or lead to structure formation out of the isothermal fluctuations within the period of recombination. (d) If the cosmological parameters are within the prescribed regime, the effect should be detectable through induced deviations in the Planck spectrum. (e) The sensitivity of the effect to the initial conditions provides a tool to set limits on various cosmological parameters with emphasis on the type and amplitude of the primordial fluctuation spectrum. (f) Under proper conditions, the effect may be responsible for the formation of sub-globular-cluster sized objects at particularly high redshifts. (g) Under certain circumstances, it can also affect horizon-sized large-scale structure.  相似文献   

We attempt to propose a method for automatically detecting the solar filament chirality and barb bearing. We first introduce the concept of an unweighted undirected graph and adopt the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm to recognize the filament spine. Then, we use the polarity inversion line(PIL) shift method for measuring the polarities on both sides of the filament, and employ the connected components labeling method to identify the barbs and calculate the angle between each barb and the spine to determine the bearing of the barbs, i.e., left or right. We test the automatic detection method with Hα filtergrams from the Big Bear Solar Observatory(BBSO) Hα archive and magnetograms observed with the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager(HMI) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory(SDO). Four filaments are automatically detected and illustrated to show the results. The barbs in different parts of a filament may have opposite bearings. The filaments in the southern hemisphere(northern hemisphere) mainly have left-bearing(rightbearing) barbs and positive(negative) magnetic helicity, respectively. The tested results demonstrate that our method is efficient and effective in detecting the bearing of filament barbs. It is demonstrated that the conventionally believed one-to-one correspondence between filament chirality and barb bearing is not valid.The correct detection of the filament axis chirality should be done by combining both imaging morphology and magnetic field observations.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a situation where the wavelength dependence of the intrinsic linear polarization of stellar radiation matches that of the interstellar linear polarization described by the Serkowski law. Such a situation can arise when the radiation from a star with a dipole magnetic field is scattered in a circumstellar plasma shell with a uniform electron density distribution. As a result, we have estimated the magnetic field strength at the photospheric phase of Supernova 1999gi. We show that the existence of intrinsic polarization in Galactic stars disguised as interstellar polarization is possible in principle.  相似文献   

The Moon does not seem to be a place for a biologist. However, it offers the possibility of unravelling a better understanding of the conditions for habitability on the Earth and the conditions for life on the early Earth. It will be a place where much of the life sciences technologies required to establish a permanent human presence in space can be tested to complete reliability. Specifically, a long-term life sciences laboratory on the Moon can be used to investigate three areas of science that are currently poorly understood: (1) the linearity or non-linearity of the effects of different magnitudes of space environmental stresses on organisms, particularly gravity; (2) the effects of cumulative environmental effects both in individual organisms and across generations, (3) the synergistic effects of different space environmental parameters on organisms. The close proximity and scientific importance of the Moon makes it a useful permanent location and staging post for the human expansion into space.  相似文献   

Large-scale magnetic fields in galaxies are thought to be generated by a turbulent dynamo. However, the same turbulence also leads to a small-scale dynamo which generates magnetic noise at a more rapid rate. The efficiency of the large-scale dynamo depends on how this noise saturates. We examine this issue, taking into account ambipolar drift, which obtains in a galaxy with significant neutral gas. We argue as follows.
(i) The small-scale dynamo generated field does not fill the volume, but is concentrated into intermittent rope-like structures. The flux ropes are curved on the turbulent eddy scales. Their thickness is set by the diffusive scale determined by the effective ambipolar diffusion.
(ii) For a largely neutral galactic gas, the small-scale dynamo saturates, as a result of inefficient random stretching, when the peak field in a flux rope has grown to a few times the equipartition value.
(iii) The average energy density in the saturated small-scale field is subequipartition, since it does not fill the volume.
(iv) Such fields neither drain significant energy from the turbulence nor convert eddy motion of the turbulence on the outer scale into wave-like motion. The diffusive effects needed for the large-scale dynamo operation are then preserved until the large-scale field itself grows to near equipartition levels.  相似文献   

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