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Based on a well-established bio- and sequence-stratigraphic framework, a narrow time window in the Bimammatum ammonite zone (Late Oxfordian) is investigated in six Swiss Jura sections representing a shallow-water carbonate platform. From the detailed facies and microfacies analysis of oncoid-rich (Hauptmumienbank Member) and ooid-rich (Steinebach Member) limestones, a microfacies classification is established, depositional environments are interpreted, and a depositional model for the Swiss Jura platform is proposed. The sequence- and cyclostratigraphic interpretation has been performed for the transgressive part of the medium-scale sequence Ox6+, independently for each section, with a very high time resolution at the scale of elementary depositional sequences. The good correlation of the elementary and small-scale sequences between the six studied sections and the similar number of elementary sequences in all sections strongly suggest that allocyclic processes were involved in their formation. The hierarchically stacked depositional sequences (small-scale and elementary sequences) result from orbitally controlled sea-level changes with periodicities of 100 and 20 kyr, respectively. Thickness variations in the correlated small-scale and elementary sequences imply variable sedimentation rates, probably resulting from differential subsidence due to the activity of tectonic blocks. The tectonically controlled platform morphology contributed significantly to the general pattern of depositional environments and, combined with high-frequency sea-level fluctuations, created a complex facies distribution in time and space on the Swiss Jura carbonate platform.  相似文献   

The Middle Berriasian deposits of the Jura platform in Switzerland and France have already been well studied in terms of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and different orders of depositional sequences (large-, medium-, and small-scale) have been defined. The hierarchical stacking pattern of the sequences and the time span represented by the investigated interval imply that sea-level fluctuations in the Milankovitch frequency band as well as differential subsidence caused the observed changes of accommodation on the Jura platform. The present study focuses on three small-scale sequences within the transgressive interval of a large-scale sequence. The initial flooding of the platform is marked by a facies change from supra- and intertidal (Goldberg Formation) to shallow-marine subtidal deposits (Pierre Chatel Formation). Detailed logging and facies analysis of 11 sections allow recognizing small environmental changes that define elementary sequences within the well-established small-scale sequences and distinguishing between autocyclic and allocyclic processes in sequence formation. It is concluded that the small-scale sequences correspond to the 100-ka orbital eccentricity cycle, while allocyclic elementary sequences formed in tune with the 20-ka precession cycle. Based on the correlation of elementary and small-scale sequences it can be shown that the Jura platform has been flooded stepwise by repeated transgressive pulses. Differential subsidence and pre-existing platform morphology further controlled sediment accumulation and distribution during the transgression. The combination of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy then enables the reconstruction of hypothetical palaeogeographic maps in time increments of a few ten thousand years.  相似文献   

During the Late Jurassic, accelerated ocean-floor spreading and associated sea-level rise were responsible for a worldwide transgression, which reached its maximum in the Late Kimmeridgian. In many Western European basins, this major sea-level rise led to the formation of marly and condensed sections. In the Swiss Jura, however, a shallow carbonate platform kept growing and only subtle changes in the stratigraphic record suggest an increasingly open-marine influence. Field observations and thin-section analyses reveal that the central Swiss Jura was at that time occupied by tidal flats and by more or less open marine lagoons where shoals and bioherms developed. The evolution through time of sedimentary facies and bed thicknesses permits the definition of small-, medium-, and large-scale depositional sequences. The diagnostic features of these sequences are independent of scale and seem largely controlled by the Kimmeridgian second-order transgression. A high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic correlation with biostratigraphically well-dated hemipelagic and pelagic sections in the Vocontian Basin in France reveals that: (i) The most important increase in accommodation recorded in the Kimmeridgian of the central Swiss Jura occurs in the Eudoxus ammonite zone (Late Kimmeridgian) and corresponds to the second-order maximum flooding recognized in many sedimentary basins. (ii) The small- and medium-scale sequences have time durations corresponding to the first and second orbital eccentricity cycle (i.e. 100 and 400 ka, respectively), suggesting that sedimentation on the platform and in the basin was at least partly controlled by cyclic environmental changes induced by insolation variations in the Milankovitch frequency band. The comparison of the high-resolution temporal framework defined in the Swiss Jura and Vocontian Basin with the sequence-stratigraphic interpretation realized in other Western European basins shows that the large-scale sequence boundaries defined in the Kimmeridgian of the Swiss Jura appear in comparable biostratigraphic positions in most Western European basins. Discrepancies that occur are probably because of local or regional tectonics.  相似文献   

The origin of third-order depositional sequences remains debatable, and in many cases it is not clear whether they were controlled by tectonic activity and/or by eustatic sea-level changes. In Oxfordian and Berriasian–Valanginian carbonate-dominated sections of Switzerland, France, Germany and Spain, high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic analyses show that the sedimentary record reflects Milankovitch cyclicity. Orbitally induced insolation changes translated into sea-level fluctuations, which in turn controlled accommodation changes. Beds and bedsets formed in rhythm with the precession and 100-kyr eccentricity cycles, whereas the 400-kyr eccentricity cycle contributed to the creation of major depositional sequences. Biostratigraphical data allow the correlation of many of the 400-kyr sequence boundaries with third-order sequence boundaries recognized in European basins. This implies that climatically controlled sea-level changes contributed to the formation of third-order sequences. Furthermore, this cyclostratigraphical approach improves the relative dating of stratigraphic intervals.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous sections in northern Sinai are composed of the Risan Aneiza (upper Barremian-middle Albian) and the Halal (middle Albian-lower Cenomanian) formations. The facies reflect subtle paleobathymetry from inner to outer ramp facies. The inner ramp facies are peritidal, protected to open marine lagoons, shoals and rudist biostrome facies. The inner ramp facies grade northward into outer ramp deposits. The upper Barremian-lower Cenomanian succession is subdivided into nine depositional sequences correlated with those recognized in the neighbouring Tethyan areas. These sequences are subdivided into 19 medium-scale sequences based on the facies evolution, the recorded hardgrounds and flooding surfaces, interpreted as the result of eustatic sea level changes and local tectonic activities of the early Syrian Arc rifting stage. Each sequence contains a lower retrogradational parasequence set that constituted the transgressive systems tracts and an upper progradational parasequence set that formed the highstand systems tracts. Nine rudist levels are recorded in the upper Barremian through lower Cenomanian succession at Gabal Raghawi. At Gabal Yelleg two rudist levels are found in the Albian. The rudist levels are associated with the highstand systems tract deposits because of the suitability of the trophic conditions in the rudist-dominated ramp.  相似文献   

The Oxfordian sedimentary successions studied in the Swiss Jura, in Normandy, and in the Soria and Cazorla regions of Spain display complex facies evolution and stacking patterns. Based on biostratigraphy and absolute age dating, it is suggested that the shallow-water depositional settings in the Jura, Normandy, and the Soria region as well as the deeper-water environments in the Cazorla region, recorded climatic and sea-level fluctuations in the Milankovitch frequency band. Beds and bedsets corresponding to 20-, 100-, and 400-ka cyclicities can be identified. Facies evolution inside such small-scale sequences and also in the larger sequences of million-year scale is interpreted in terms of sequence stratigraphy. Superposition of high-frequency cyclicity on a longer-term sea-level trend led to multiplication of diagnostic surfaces: sequence-boundary and maximum-flooding zones in the large-scale sequences can thus be defined. These zones are correlated between closely spaced sections, but also from the Swiss Jura to Normandy and to Spain. The narrow time lines given by Milankovitch cyclicity then allow comparison of facies evolution in the different regions on a scale of 100 ka or less. By filtering out local effects of differential subsidence and sediment supply, a long-term sea-level curve valid for the northwestern margin of the Tethys ocean can be reconstructed for the Middle to Late Oxfordian. Differential subsidence is implied from varying thicknesses of the sequences as well as from the distribution of siliciclastics which have been channelized through depressions. Tilted blocks, reduced sedimentation, or increased input of siliciclastics appearing at the same time in all study areas point to a widespread regional tectonic event. Distribution through the sequences of climate-dependent facies components such as corals, ooids, palynomorphs, and siliciclastics indicates that climate changes were dependent on atmospheric circulation patterns and thus on paleolatitude. Rainy periods and related increase of siliciclastics in the Swiss Jura were more abundant during low sea-level stands, whereas in the Soria region they coincided with sea-level highs. Through the combination of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy, and supported by biostratigraphy and absolute dating, it becomes possible to analyze paleoenvironmental changes in a very narrow time framework.  相似文献   

Based on detailed analyses of facies evolution and stacking pattern of Berriasian carbonate-dominated sections in the Swiss Jura Mountains, the Swiss Ultrahelvetic and the French Vocontian Trough, a high-resolution platform-to-basin correlation is proposed. Biostratigraphical tie points are furnished by ammonites, dinoflagellates, calpionellids, and ostracod-charophyte assemblages. The hierarchical stacking of small-scale depositional sequences reflects Milankovitch cyclicity: sequences corresponding to the 20-, 100-, and, locally, 400-ka orbital cycles can be identified. Elementary (20 ka) sequences on the platform generally consist of one bed of shallow subtidal to intertidal, high- or low-energy carbonate facies, whereas on the slope and in the basin they are commonly developed as limestone-marl couplets. These elementary sequences group into small-scale composite sequences reflecting the first orbital eccentricity cycle (100 ka), which in turn build up large-scale (3rd-order) composite sequences. One 3rd-order sequence has been analysed in detail: according to the cyclostratigraphic interpretation, it took ?2 Myr to form, which is in accordance with the duration of the corresponding ammonite subzones. Sequence-stratigraphic and cyclostratigraphic platform-to-basin correlation shows that for about 900 ka the platform was exposed or only partly flooded, whereas on the slope and in the basin, lowstand deposits with channel fills and slumps accumulated. With rising sea level, accommodation space gradually increased on the platform and a thickening-upward sequential pattern with transgressive facies developed, while in the basin the facies still had lowstand characteristics with thick and nodular limestone beds. This situation lasted about 700 ka. The following 300 ka were characterized by sediment starvation and increased bioturbation on the platform, and by more marly, transgressive sediments on the slope and in the basin. The maximum-flooding phase is more or less isochronous on the platform and in the basin, although the surface with the best-developed maximum-flooding features may be displaced by one or two small-scale composite sequences because of superimposed high-frequency sea-level fluctuations, and/or local variations in substrate morphology and sediment distribution. Third-order highstand conditions prevailed for only about 100 ka. The combination of cyclostratigraphy and high-resolution sequence stratigraphy, constrained by good biostratigraphy, is thus a powerful tool for detailed stratigraphical correlation over long distances and from one sedimentary environment to another.  相似文献   

Detailed investigation of facies and sedimentary structures reveals that, during the Middle Oxfordian to Late Kimmeridgian, the shallow carbonate platform of the Swiss and French Jura Mountains recorded high-frequency sea-level fluctuations quite faithfully. The cyclostratigraphic analysis within the established biostratigraphic and sequence-chronostratigraphic framework implies that the resulting hierarchically stacked depositional sequences formed in tune with the orbital cycles of precession (20 kyr) and eccentricity (100 and 400 kyr). The astronomical time scale presented here is based on the correlation of 19 platform sections and 4 hemipelagic sections from south-eastern France where good biostratigraphic control is available. The cyclostratigraphic interpretation suggests that the interval between sequence boundaries Ox4 and Kim1 (early Middle Oxfordian to earliest Kimmeridgian) lasted 3.2 myr and that the Kimmeridgian sensu gallico has a duration of 3.2 to 3.3 myr. The astronomical time scale proposed here is compared to time scales established by other authors in other regions and the discrepancies are discussed. Despite these discrepancies, there is a potential to estimate the durations of ammonite zones and depositional sequences more precisely and to better evaluate the rates of sedimentary, ecological and diagenetic processes. Editorial handling: Hanspeter Funk, Helmut Weissert, Stefan Bucher  相似文献   

Purbeckian carbonates in the Swiss and French Jura (Goldberg Formation, lower Berriasian) comprise shallow-subtidal, intertidal, supratidal, low-energy, high-energy, marine, brackish, freshwater, and hypersaline facies. These facies are arranged in small (0–2–1.5 m thick) sequences which display a dominant shallowing-upward component, and which form the fundamental units of the highly structured Purbeckian sedimentary record. Six types of small-scale sequences can be recognized. A: intertidal to supratidal overprinting of shallow lagoonal facies; B: algal-marsh sequence with frequent dolomitization; C: sabkha sequence, often associated with collapse breccia; D: tidal-flat sequence with desiccation features; E: lacustrine sequence; F: terrestrial overprinting of subtidal or intertidal facies. Episodic event deposits such as tempestites are superimposed] Thin transgressive beds which rework elements of the underlying facies are frequently found at the base of the sequences. Green marls and black pebbles are common at the top and indicate long subaerial exposure. The sequences are often incomplete, as subtidal facies may be absent, or their upper part can be eroded. Lateral facies changes are common, which is due to the very shallow and partly emergent Purbeckian platform where various depositional environments were juxtaposed. However, many sequence boundaries are well developed and can be correlated over large parts of the study area. The Purbeckian shallowing-upward sequences were generated by climatically controlled sea-level changes. Autocyclic processes occurred locally, but were overprinted by drops of sea-level affecting the entire platform. The small-scale sequences are most probably related to the 20 000-year cycle of the precession of the equinoxes. Larger sequences with usually well-developed emersion surfaces are attributed to the 100 000 and 400 000-year eccentricity cycles of the Earth's orbit. Identification and correlation of sequence boundaries makes it possible to set up a framework of isochronous surfaces (which often cut across facies boundaries), and thus to interpret in detail the palaeogeographic, sedimentological and diagenetic evolution of the Purbeckian peritidal carbonate environments.  相似文献   

The Lower Jurassic Mashabba Formation crops out in the core of the doubly plunging Al-Maghara anticline, North Sinai, Egypt. It represents a marine to terrestrial succession deposited within a rift basin associated with the opening of the Neotethys. Despite being one of the best and the only exposed Lower Jurassic strata in Egypt, its sedimentological and sequence stratigraphic framework has not been addressed yet. The formation is subdivided informally into a lower and upper member with different depositional settings and sequence stratigraphic framework. The sedimentary facies of the lower member include shallow-marine, fluvial, tidal flat and incised valley fill deposits. In contrast, the upper member consists of strata with limited lateral extension including fossiliferous lagoonal limestones alternating with burrowed deltaic sandstones. The lower member contains three incomplete sequences (SQ1-SQ3). The depositional framework shows transgressive middle shoreface to offshore transition deposits sharply overlain by forced regressive upper shoreface sandstones (SQ1), lowstand fluvial to transgressive tidal flat and shallow subtidal sandy limestones (SQ2), and lowstand to transgressive incised valley fills and shallow subtidal sandy limestones (SQ3). In contrast, the upper member consists of eight coarsening-up depositional cycles bounded by marine flooding surfaces. The cycles are classified as carbonate-dominated, siliciclastic-dominated, and mixed siliciclastic-carbonate. The strata record rapid changes in accommodation space. The unpredictable facies stacking pattern, the remarkable rapid facies changes, and chaotic stratigraphic architecture suggest an interplay between allogenic and autogenic processes. Particularly syndepositional tectonic pulses and occasional eustatic sea-level changes controlled the rate and trends of accommodation space, the shoreline morphology, the amount and direction of siliciclastic sediment input and rapid switching and abandonment of delta systems.  相似文献   

This paper presents examples of various large tidal sandbodies from the Eocene Roda Sandstone in the southern Pyrenees and the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene in the East China Sea. An attempt is made to summarize the geometric variability of these large tidal sandbodies in relation to the sediment supply and tidal discharge of the depositional system. Transverse sand bars were developed in low-sinuosity, high-gradient channels with high influxes of coarse sediments and water from fluvial systems. Tidal point bars were formed in meandering low-gradient estuarine channel where tidal influence was stronger and sediment was finer than those of the transverse sand bar. A tidal delta complex was built up at the estuary mouth with an abundant sediment supply and an increased tidal discharge. Tidal sand ridges were formed when relict fluvial or deltaic sands were eroded and reworked by strong tidal currents during subsequent sea-level rise.

Since the sediment supply and the tidal discharge of the depositional system were closely related to the eustatic sea-level change and basin subsidence, i.e. the relative sea-level change, special attention will be given to the relationship between geometric variability of tidal sandbodies and the sequence stratigraphic framework in which various sandbodies occurred. Three orders of eustatic sea-level fluctuations can be recognized. The third-order eustatic sea-level cycle, together with basin subsidence, controlled the development of systems tracts and the occurrence of different tidal sandbodies, such as estuary and tidal flat facies during the late stage of a LSW systems tract (type 1 sequence) or a SM systems tract (type 2 sequence); tidal point bar facies, tidal delta facies or tidal sand-ridge facies during a TR systems tract; estuary facies during an early HS systems tract; and fluvial sand bar facies in a late HS systems tract and the early stage of a SM or LSW systems tract. There are also the fourth-order and fifth-order eustatic fluctuations, which are superimposed on the third-order eustatic changes and have important control on the build-up, abandonment and preservation of composite and single tidal sandbodies, respectively.

Since the deposition of tidal sandbodies is very sensitive to eustatic sea-level changes, recognition of various tidal sandbodies is important in sequence stratigraphy analyses of sedimentary basins and in the facies prediction of clastic sediments in basin modelling.  相似文献   

Few studies exist in the geologic literature that show the distribution of seismic facies and depositional sequences within a lacustrine basin. The Pannonian Basin of Central Europe offers a unique opportunity to evaluate the influence of the eustatic signal on lacustrine deposition.

Seismic stratigraphie and sedimentological studies indicate that the Middle Miocene-Early Pliocene infill of the transtensional Pannonian Basin was formed by large delta systems. Systematic sequence stratigraphie analysis of 6000 km of reflection seismic data and more than 100 hydrocarbon exploration wells in Hungary allowed the identification of twelve third-order sequence boundaries in the late Neogene sedimentary fill. This number of depositional sequences corresponds to that of the published global eustatic curve for this time period. Furthermore, based on magnetostratigraphic and radiometric data, the ages of these depositional sequences can be tentatively correlated with the global eustatic curve.

The Pannonian Basin became isolated from the world sea at the Sarmatian/Pannonian (11.5 Ma) boundary and formed a large lake. The stratal patterns and sedimentary facies of individual systems tracts within the lacustrine sequences display the same characteristics as marine depositional sequences. The relatively low rate of thermal subsidence and the high rate of sediment supply resulted in a good sequence resolution. Within the third-order sequences higher-order sequences can be recognized with an average duration of about 0.1–0.5 Ma.  相似文献   

During early Carboniferous times a major sea-level rise led to the development of an extensive carbonate ramp over what is now South Wales. Differential subsidence and sea-level changes resulted in distinctive facies sequences in the ramp succession and a model is offered which recognizes three distinct geomorpho-tectonic settings; inner, mid- and outer ramp. The inner ramp zone occurs in the more landward part of the province and was an area undergoing little or no subsidence. The sequence is dominated by oolitic grainstones and peritidal limestones representing shoal and back shoal environments. The peritidal units are transgressive deposits consisting of stacked asymmetrical shallowing-up cycles. The sequence contains many subaerial breaks and tectonic uplift resulted in base-level changes and fluvial incision. The mid-ramp zone sequence is intermediate in thickness between the inner and outer ramp successions and consists mainly of bioclastic limestones deposited below fairweather wave base. Sedimentation periodically exceeded sea-level rise and subsidence, and regressive (progradational) oolitic sand bodies developed, the thickest of which are stacked units with up to four individual sand bodies. Storm processes were of major importance in this setting. The outer ramp zone is represented by a thick sequence of muddy bioclastic limestones deposited below storm wave base and major Waulsortian reef-mounds also developed. None of the shallowing phases seen in the other ramp zones can be detected in this sequence. Subsidence and eustatic sea-level rise seem to have been the major controls on deposition but the recognition of eustatic sea-level falls is difficult. The detailed facies model for ramp carbonates presented here may be applicable elsewhere in the geological record.  相似文献   

Climatic, oceanographic and ecological changes that control the formation and deposition of sediment in shallow and deep depositional environments commonly occur with periodicities of a few 10 000 years. Consequently, in order to interpret sedimentary sequences in the geological past, high time resolution is required. This is best obtained by cyclostratigraphy. Three sections have been studied in the Oxfordian of north-eastern Spain: one represents a shallow, siliciclastic-carbonate platform with repetitive subaerial exposures, one an intraplatform basin with sponge bioherms, and one a swell where iron ooids and glauconite formed. The platform section displays a well-defined stacking pattern of depositional sequences; the deeper-water sections are well dated by ammonites. The correlation between the three sections is a best-fit solution integrating biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy. It is concluded that the small-scale depositional sequences formed in tune with the 100-ka orbital eccentricity cycle. An additional factor was differential subsidence that ruled basin morphology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Upper Triassic platform-margin deposits of the Carnian Prealps fail to show the succession of the two global sea-level lowerings predicted for the Norian and Rhaetian by the Haq global sea-level curve. In both cases a relative sea-level rise occurs, a discrepancy that can be explained by an increase in tectonically controlled subsidence, a consequence of the plate-scale rifting in the NW Tethys Gulf preceding oceanic spreading in the Jurassic. Pulses of tectonic subsidence followed by relative quiescence are capable of generating depositional sequences similar in gross geometry and duration to the third-order eustatic cycles of Haq et al . The Late Triassic part of the Exxon global sea-level curve, partly derived from correlatable strata within the same palaeogeographical domain, is likely to reflect pulses of tectonically induced subsidence rather than eustatic sea-level changes.  相似文献   

The Dakota Formation in southern Utah (Kaiparowits Plateau region) is a succession of fluvial through shallow-marine facies formed during the initial phase of filling of the Cretaceous foreland basin of the Sevier orogen. It records a number of relative sea-level fluctuations of different frequency and magnitude, controlled by both tectonic and eustatic processes during the Early to Late Cenomanian. The Dakota Formation is divided into eight units separated by regionally correlatable surfaces that formed in response to relative sea-level fluctuations. Units 1–6B represent, from bottom to top, valley-filling deposits of braided streams (unit 1), alluvial plain with anastomosed to meandering streams (2), tide-influenced fluvial and tide-dominated estuarine systems (3A and 3B), offshore to wave-dominated shoreface (4, 5 and 6A) and an estuarine incised valley fill (6A and 6B). The onset of flexural subsidence and deposition in the foredeep was preceded by eastward tilting of the basement strata, probably caused by forebulge migration during the Early Cretaceous, which resulted in the incision of a westward-deepening predepositional relief. The basal fluvial deposits of the Dakota Formation, filling the relief, reflect the onset of flexural subsidence and, possibly, a eustatic sea-level rise. Throughout the deposition of the Dakota Formation, flexure controlled the long-term, regional subsidence rate. Locally, reactivation of basement faults caused additional subsidence or minor uplift. Owing to a generally low subsidence rate, differential compaction locally influenced the degree of preservation of the Dakota units. Eustasy is believed to have been the main control on the high-frequency relative sea-level changes recorded in the Dakota. All surfaces that separate individual Dakota units are flooding surfaces, most of which are superimposed on sequence boundaries. Therefore, with the exception of unit 6B and, possibly, 3B, most of the Dakota units are interpreted as depositional sequences. Fluvial strata of units 1 and 2 are interpreted as low-frequency sequences; the coal zones at the base and within unit 2 may represent a response to higher frequency flooding events. Units 3A to 6B are interpreted as having formed in response to high-frequency relative sea-level fluctuations. Shallow-marine units 4, 5 and 6A, interpreted as parasequences by earlier authors, can be divided into facies-based systems tracts and show signs of subaerial exposure at their boundaries, which allows interpretation as high-frequency sequences. In general, the Dakota units are good examples of high-frequency sequences that can be misinterpreted as parasequences, especially in distal facies or in places where signs of subaerial erosion are missing or have been removed by subsequent transgressive erosion. Both low- and high-frequency sequences represented by the Dakota units are stacked in an overall retrogradational pattern, which reflects a long-term relative sea-level rise, punctuated by brief periods of relative sea-level fall. There is a relatively major fall near the end of the M. mosbyense Zone, whereas the base of the Tropic shale is characterized by a major flooding event at the base of the S. gracile Zone. A similar record of Cenomanian relative sea-level change in other regions, e.g. Europe or northern Africa, suggests that both high- and low-frequency relative sea-level changes were governed by eustasy. The high-frequency relative sea-level fluctuations of ≈100 kyr periodicity and ≈10–20 m magnitude, similar to those recorded in other Cenomanian successions in North America and Central Europe, were probably related to Milankovitch-band, climate-driven eustasy. Either minor glacioeustatic fluctuations, superimposed on the overall greenhouse climate of the mid-Cretaceous, or mechanisms, such as the fluctuations in groundwater volume on continents or thermal expansion and contraction of sea water, could have controlled the high-frequency eustatic fluctuations.  相似文献   

Metre-scale siliciclastic–carbonate cycles are the basic depositional motif of the lower Miocene Guadagnolo Formation outcropping in the central Apennines. The mechanisms which formed the mixed-lithology cycles are still a matter of debate. The mixed siliciclastic–carbonate system discussed in this paper provides a new case study to illustrate the role of orbital forcing in controlling the facies evolution and cyclic stacking of small-scale sequences deposited on the outer sector of a ramp. Two sections are discussed that display mixed siliciclastics and carbonates arranged in upward-shallowing cycles. Each cycle shows an upward decrease in the terrigenous input and a parallel increase in benthic fauna. Time-series analyses indicate the cyclic carbonate-terrigenous pattern to be largely controlled by orbital forcing in the Milankovitch frequency band. Coupling of climate change and sea-level fluctuations in tune with orbital cycles are proposed as driving mechanisms.  相似文献   

苏文博  李志明 《沉积学报》1999,17(3):345-354
通过对上扬子地台东南缘奥陶纪碳酸盐台地、台缘斜坡和盆地三个不同相区典型剖面的沉积学、生物地层学及岩石地层学等方面的综合研究,在该地区奥陶系中识别出时限为2~ 5 M a的18个正层序和相应的19次海退事件,将其与塔里木、华北及北美、澳洲等大陆对比结果表明,上扬子地台东南缘奥陶纪的绝大部分三级以上海退事件及沉积层序有着良好的全球可比性。  相似文献   

中国中西部前陆盆地大多具有陆内俯冲造山形成的特点,层序地层学在这类前陆盆地中的应用是一个值得研究的新领域。对川北前陆盆地上三叠统须家河组5条露头剖面和1条测井剖面进行详细沉积相分析和层序地层划分,同时阐述了沉积相迁移规律、层序界面类型、层序发育特征及基准面变化;将川北前陆盆地上三叠统须家河组划分为4个三级层序(TS1,TS2,TS3和TS4)。大竹、开江一带须家河组沉积厚度为400~600m,4个层序发育完整;向北东至万源一带地层变薄至100余m,保存残留不全的须家河组只能归为1个三级层序(TS4)。在露头剖面和测井剖面层序地层划分的基础上建立的层序地层格架表明:TS1—TS2以曲流河及曲流河三角洲沉积体系为主,盆地处于稳定坳陷和慢速充填的欠补偿状态,TS3—TS4以冲积扇、辫状河及辫状河三角洲沉积体系为主,盆地处于强烈坳陷和快速充填的过补偿状态。沉积相的时空叠置样式受北部秦岭造山带构造活动的制约作用较为明显。  相似文献   

Two stratigraphic sections of the Hamam Formation (Bathonian Stage, Middle Jurassic) exposed in the western part of Wadi Zarqa region, northwestern Jordan, are described and interpreted on the basis of palynoflora and facies analysis in order to reconstruct their depositional environments and sequence stratigraphic framework, which not discussed before. Five facies associations have been identified in the Hamam Formation characterized by a mixed carbonate–siliciclastic ramp setting, ranging from incised fluvial valley fill facies, beach foreshore restricted inner ramp to high-energy shoals and mid-ramp settings. The palynoflora includes well-preserved miospore assemblages which are recorded only from the incised fluvial valley fill facies for the first time and yielded 64 miospore species belonging to 40 genera. Most of these taxa are long-ranging and have been reported from Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks worldwide, except Callialasporites dampieri, Murospora florida, Granulatisporites jurassicus, Piceites expositus, Pityosporites parvisaccatus, Leptolepidites verrucatus, and Protopinus scanicus which have short ranges in the Middle Jurassic. Furthermore, these rocks are rich in shallow-marine Neo-Tethys macro-invertebrates supporting a Bathonian age. Two third-order depositional sequences bounded by three regional unconformities at the Bajocian–Bathonian and Bathonian–Callovian stage boundaries as well as within the Bathonian are defined based upon facies characteristics and stratal geometries. A regional correlation of sequence boundaries of similar age indicates that they are eustatic in origin.  相似文献   

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