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Terrigenous sandstone formations of Mesopotamian geosyncline were investigated in order to reconstruct the palaeocurrents in the basin and to compare ancient and recent drainage systems. Direct and indirect methods were used; direct ones, as investigation of the dipping of cross bedding revealing directly the axis or direction of the currents, and indirect ones, as heavy mineral analyses, revealing the possible source areas.All the formations distributed in the southwestern flank of the geosyncline exhibit the palaeocurrents flowing from the southwest towards the northeast, i. e. towards the axis of the geosyncline. By contrast, all the formations distributed in the opposite flank of the geosyncline, exhibit also opposite current directions, i. e. from the northeast towards the southwest. This ancient current system resembles the recent situation; transversal basin filling from both sides towards the geosynclinal axis. In recent times oblong basin filling, executed by Twin rivers, Euphrates and Tigris, also takes place. They transport the material along the geosynclinal axis towards the remaining marine parts of the Mesopotamian geosyncline, represented by Persian Gulf.
Zusammenfassung Terrigene sandige Ablagerungen der mesopotamischen Geosynklinale wurden untersucht, um die Paläoströmungen in den Sedimentationsbecken zu rekonstruieren. Es wurden direkte (Untersuchung der Strömungsschichtung) und indirekte Methoden (Schwermineral- und Geröllanalysen) angewendet.Alle Formationen, welche am südwestlichen Rand der Geosynklinale liegen, zeigen Paläoströmungsrichtungen von Südwesten nach Nordosten. Dagegen zeigen die nordöstlichen Formationen umgekehrte Richtungen von Nordosten nach Südwesten, senkrecht zur Geosynklinalachse. Beide Paläoströmungen sind sehr ähnlich dem heutigen Bild. So können wir auch heute eine Querfüllung des Geosynklinalbeckens beobachten. Außerdem tritt heute auch eine Längsfüllung der Geosynklinale durch Euphrat und Tigris auf. Diese Flüsse transportieren das Material entlang der Geosynklinalachse zur rezenten marinen Restgeosynklinale, die heute den Persischen Golf bildet.

Résumé Les formations détritiques du géosynclinal Mésopotamique ont été étudiées en vue d'une réconstruction des paléocourants et d'une comparaison de la situation présente et ancienne. Des méthodes directes (études de la stratification croisée) et indirectes (études de minéraux lourds) ont été employées.Toutes les formations situées au bord sud-ouest du géosynclinal montrent des paléocourants dirigés du sud-ouest au nord-est. Au contraire, les formations du bord nord-est présentent la direction inverse. Les paléocourants ont toujours été dirigés perpendiculairement à l'axe du géosynclinal. Le système des paléocourants anciens ressemble au système contemporain. Le remplissage du bassin a toujours été transversal. Mais aujourd'hui le remplissage longitudinal existe aussi. Ce remplissage est effectué par les fleuves Euphrate et Tigre, qui transportent des matériaux détritiques dans le reste marin du géosynclinal Mésopotamique.

, . . — , - - - . , - -, . . . . , .

From the analysis of facies- and thickness distribution, and from the mapping of current directions in the flysch of the Polish Carpathian Mountains the following conclusions can be made.Source areas of detrital deposits were situated at first near the borders of the geosyncline, but at later stages a more important role was played by intrageosynclinal sources. The position of the marginal and intrageosynclinal sources was shifted during the sedimentary history of the basin from the west toward the east. Concurrently with the shift of the source areas also zones of maximal thickness were shifted. The detrital material was supplied in several sedimentary megarhythms, each beginning with coarse deposits and terminating with fine-grained sediments. This suggests intermittent sudden uplifts of source areas.The appearance and migration of the source areas is tentatively explained as not due to compressional stress but to the movements of the subcrustal material provoked by subsidence and isostatic readjustment.
Zusammenfassung Aus der Analyse von Faziesanordnung, Mächtigkeitsverteilung und Strömungsrichtungen im Flysch der polnischen Karpaten kann man folgende Schlüsse ziehen.Die Herkunftsgebiete der klastischen Sedimente lagen zunächst nahe den Rändern der Geosynkline. Später aber spielten intrageosynklinale Liefergebiete eine bedeutendere Rolle. Die Lage der randlichen und der intrageosynklinalen Liefergebiete verschob sich während der Ablagerungsgeschichte des Beckens von Westen nach Osten. Gleichlaufend wanderten die Gebiete größter Sedimentmächtigkeit. Das Abtragungsmaterial wurde in mehreren Sedimentations-Megarhythmen angeliefert, wovon jeder mit grobkörnigen Sedimenten beginnt und mit feinkörnigen endet. Das deutet intermittierende rasche Hebungen der Liefergebiete an.Es wird versucht, das Hervortreten und die Wanderung der Liefergebiete nicht durch Einengungstektonik zu erklären, sondern durch subkrustale Massenbewegungen, die durch Trogsenkung und isostatischen Ausgleich hervorgerufen wurden.

The igneous events of two geosynclines within the N.S.W. portion of the Tasman Orthogeosyncline are compared, not according to the actual ages of the igneous rocks, but on the basis of their position with respect to the development of the geosyncline. Thus, Cambrian volcanic rocks in one depositional area are compared with Lower Devonian in the other, Ordovician and Silurian with Middle Devonian‐Lower Carboniferous, and Devonian with Permian. Intrusive rocks are fitted into this scheme, and their ages discussed. Such a comparison reveals an apparent igneous cycle, and speculations on the cause of such a cycle are outlined.  相似文献   

非一 《地质科学》2001,36(2):256
 谢鸣谦教授的《拼贴板块构造及其驱动机理》(以下简称《拼贴》)从板块观点对中国东北及邻区的大地构造进行了深入的探讨,书中提出的“微板块”与“拼贴”两词是讨论该区大地构造演化的关键词和核心内容。从书中体现出的学术思想看,作者并不唯板块是从。论述板块,但不拘泥于板块,反映出他对唯学说论的超越。岩石圈演化是客观存在,人们立足于局限的时间和空间试图去探知久远的岩石圈演化,不可能轻易得出结论;岩石圈演化的复杂性,决定它不可能成为某一学派绝对认识的试验场。这可能是作者必须拓宽视野的最根本的出发点,故《拼贴》一书熔断块构造、槽台学说和板块理论于一炉。  相似文献   

The burial metamorphism of the Andean geosynclinal deposits of Central Chile is studied. The stratigraphic units under consideration, Lower Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous and/or Lower Tertiary in age, have an accumulated thickness of 15,000 to 28,000 m, cover an area of nearly 2,500 km2, and consist predominantly of basic and acid lavas, ignimbrites and volcanic-clastic sediments, deposited in marine and continental environments. Unconformities break up the sequence into several stratigraphic-structural units.A specific burial metamorphic pattern, or series, characterizes each of the units. Each series consists of a succession of mineral assemblages, the metamorphic grade increasing downwards. The isograds are essentially parallel to the bedding planes. The grade range in each series covers different intervals between the zeolite and greenschist facies. Each unconformity corresponds to a mineralogie break in the alteration, higher grade assemblages generally overlying lower grade assemblages. The downward increase in metamorphic grade as well as the mineralogie breaks seem to be unrelated to the volcanic versus sedimentary character and to the continental versus marine depositional environment of the rocks.The repeated pattern of burial metamorphism between unconformities suggests a history consisting of several burial metamorphic episodes, each taking place prior to a folding period and leaving unaffected the underlying units, which were apparently sealed up by the previous episode. This mechanism provides an explaination for the presence of such low-grade burial metamorphic facies at the bottom of a stratigraphic column as thick as that of the Andean Geosyncline.
Zusammenfassung Die Auswirkungen der Versenkungsmetamorphose auf die Ablagerungen der andinen Geosynklinale in Mittel-Chile wurden untersucht. Die betrachteten stratigraphischen Einheiten, unterer Jura bis obere Kreide und/oder unteres Tertiär, haben eine kumulative Mächtigkeit von 15 000 bis 28 000 m; sie bedecken ein Gebiet von fast 2500 km2 und bestehen in der Hauptsache aus basischen und sauren Laven, Ignimbriten und vulkanoklastischen Sedimenten, die unter marinen und kontinentalen Bedingungen abgelagert wurden. Diskordanzen unterteilen die Abfolge in mehrere stratigraphisch-strukturelle Einheiten.Jede Einheit ist in einer besonderen, für die Versenkungsmetamorphose typischen Abfolge von Mineralgesellschaften geprägt. Der Grad der Metamorphose steigt mit zunehmender Tiefe. Die Isograden verlaufen im wesentlichen parallel zu den Schichtflächen. Die Bandbreite jeder der metamorphen Mineralgesellschaften bedeckt verschiedene Intervalle zwischen der Zeolith- und Grünschiefer-Fazies. Jeder Diskordanz entspricht auch ein Sprung in der mineralogischen Zusammensetzung, wobei die höhergradigen Mineralgesellschaften in der Regel die tiefergradigen überlagern. Der mit der Tiefe zunehmende Grad der Metamorphose und die Sprünge in der mineralogischen Zusammensetzung scheinen von dem vulkanischen bzw. sedimentären Charakter der Gesteine ebenso unabhängig zu sein wie von deren marinen bzw. kontinentalen Bildungsbedingungen.Die sich wiederholenden Muster der Versenkungsmetamorphose zwischen den Diskordanzen lassen vermuten, daß mehrere Metamorphosen stattfanden, wobei jede einzelne Umwandlung vor einer Faltungsperiode ablief und die unterlagernden Einheiten unverändert ließ, die anscheinend durch die vorangegangene Metamorphose versiegelt wurden. Dieser Mechanismus liefert eine Erklärung für die niedriggradigen Fazies der Versenkungsmetamorphose im Liegenden einer so mächtigen stratigraphischen Abfolge wie der der andinen Geosynklinale.

Resumen En este trabajo se describe el metamorfismo de sepultamiento en los depósitos del Geosinclinal Andino. Las unidades estratigráficas estudiadas son de edad jurásica inferior a cretácica superior y/o terciaria inferior, tienen un espesor acumulado de 15.000 a 28.000 m, cubren un area de aproximadamente 2.500 km2 y consisten predominantemente de lavas básicas y ácidas, ignimbritas y rocas sedimentario-volcánicas, depositadas en ambiente marino y continental.Cada una de las unidades estratigráficas está caracterizada por una serie metamórfica de sepultamiento específica. Cada serie consiste de una sucesión de asociaciones minerales con un grado de metamorfismo que aumenta hacia abajo. Las isogradas son esencialmente paralelas a los planos de estratificación. El rango de grado metamórfico de cada serie abarca diferentes intervalos entre las facies de zeolita y esquistos verdes. Cada discordancia corresponde a una discontinuidad mineralógica en la alteración en la que generalmente las asociaciones de mayor grado metamórfico cubren asociaciones de menor grado. El aumento de grado hacia abajo, lo mismo que las discontinuidades mineralógicas, parecen ser independientes tanto del carácter sedimentario o volcánico como del ambiente continental o marino de la depositación.La repetición de series metamórficas de sepultamiento entre discordancias, indica varios episodios metamórficos, cada uno de ellos anterior al plegamiento de la unidad afectada; al mismo tiempo, cada episodio metamórfico dejó sin afectar las unidades subyacentes, las que aparentemente habrían sido selladas por el episodio anterior.Este mecanismo explicaría la presencia de una facies metamórfica tan baja como la que existe en el fondo de una columna estratigráfica tan potente como la del Geosinclinal Andino.

. . 15000 28000 . 2500 2. , - , . . , , , , . . , . — , : , — . , , , — .

2Facies zonation of the Paleozoic basement of West Siberian geosyncline and its surroundings is presented. Facies megazones are distinguished according to types of sedimentation. Analysis of lateral and successive sedimentary sequences shows that the available data are insufficient to map the facies distribution over the whole territory of the geosyncline for short time slices. Only the Late Devonian section is supported by data sufficient for the proposed facies zonation. Five megazones, I, II, III, IV, and V, are distinguished in the westward direction. First three megazones make up a single lateral facies succession and represent sedimentary environments on and around the Siberian continent. Megazone IV includes shallow-water volcanic and sedimentary rocks that compose the Kazakhstan continent bounded by Early and Middle Carboniferous sutures in the west and east. Megazone V comprises fold-thrust (island arc) complexes of the eastern Urals. The main events in the geologic history of the region were associated with the interaction of two major crustal masses (Siberian and East European continents) and the young Kazakhstan continent in the oceanic space called the Paleoasian ocean. Only few fragments of this space occur in the present-day framework of the territory, the greatest part being sunk in subduction zones, especially in the large zone of the Main Uralian Fault.Production and accumulation of organic matter in pre-Mesozoic deposits occurred on continental shelves, which are most promising for Precambrian and Paleozoic oil and gas.  相似文献   

Shabogamo gabbro, an olivine gabbro, intrudes the metamorphosed sedimentary rocks in the Wabush Lake map area, southern part of the Labrador geosyncline. In close spatial relation to this intrusive is an amphibolite schist that appears conformable with these meta-sediments. Field evidence is by itself insufficient to demonstrate whether this amphibolite schist is a metamorphosed sediment or whether it is genetically related to this olivine gabbro. Since large amphibolite schist bands occur in the Smallwood Mine, determination of the origin and relation of the amphibolite schist to the olivine gabbro is of special importance because this will determine ore potential at depth in this mine.Initial ratios of Sr87/Sr86 (0.704±0.001) in these two rock types are singularly not conclusive to demonstrate a common origin. Until recently, geologists associated the Shabogamo gabbro with igneous activities of the Grenville orogeny, but a minimum age of 1,600±130 m. y. of biotite in this intrusive shows that it should be associated with an earlier orogeny. Moreover the minimum biotite age of 1,050±140 m. y. of the amphibolite schist also approximates the time since the Grenville orogeny in this area.On the strength of all investigations on these two rock types, it is concluded that the amphibolite schist is a metamorphic derivative of the olivine gabbro.
Zusammenfassung Durch geologische Felduntersuchungen ist es nicht möglich, eine genetische Verwandtschaft zwischen einem Amphibolitschiefer und einem Olivingabbro im südlichen Labrador-Trog (Wabush Lake) festzustellen.Da Amphibolitschiefer-BÄnder auch in der Smallwood Mine vorkommen, ist es von ökonomischer Bedeutung, festzustellen, ob beide Gesteinsarten genetisch verwandt sind oder ob die Schiefer sedimentÄrer Herkunft sind. Im ersten Fall könnte diese Annahme Erzreserven im Untertageabbau vermindern. Im zweiten Fall — also einer syngenetischen Ablagerung mit der Eisenformation — wÄre der Amphibolitschiefer viel Älter als der Olivingabbro, wobei sich das Problem der Erzreserven anders stellt, da die Smallwood Mine in einer Synklinale liegt.Ein Ergebnis dieser Forschung deutet an, da\ die IsotopenverhÄltnisse (Sr87/ Sr86: 0,704±0,001 Gesamtgestein in beiden Gesteinsarten) allein nicht die Felduntersuchungen bekrÄftigen oder entkrÄften können. Zugleich ergibt das Alter des Biotit im Amphibolitschiefer einen unteren Grenzwert der Grenville Orogenese von 1,050±140 Millionen Jahren und das Alter des Biotit im Olivingabbro einen unteren Grenzwert seiner Intrusion von 1,600±130 Millionen Jahren in diesem Gebiet.Die Schlu\folgerungen aus den Ergebnissen dieser Untersuchung laufen darauf hinaus, da\ der Amphibolitschiefer ein metamorphes Produkt aus dem Olivingabbro ist.

Résumé Le gabbro Shabogamo de la région du lac Wabush a envahi les roches métasédimentaires de la fosse du Labrador. Un schiste à amphibole, l'une des gangues de la mine de fer Smallwood, a une étroite association spatiale avec cet intrusif mais semble interstratifié avec les métasédiments. Cependant seules les relations de terrain ne peuvent permettre de démontrer si ce schiste est un métasédiment ou s'il est un facies altéré du gabbro à olivine. L'origine du schiste amphibolitique est importante à reconnaÎtre puisqu'elle permettra de prédire le potentiel économique en profondeur de l'exploitation.Contrairement à ce qui avait été conclu précédemment, le gabbro Shabogamo n'a pas été mis en place durant l'orogénie Grenville. En effet le rapport isotopique Sr87/Sr86 (0.704±0.001) de la biotite indique que le gabbro a un âge minimum de 1,600±130 millions d'années. Par contre la biotite du schiste à amphibole donne à la roche un âge de 1,050±140 millions d'années. De plus, l'analyse pétrographique et chimique des deux roches indique qu'elles sont génétiquement reliées. On croit donc que le gabbro Shabogamo appartient probablement au système orogénique Hudsonien mais qu'il fut métamorphisé localement en schiste amphibolitique durant l'orogénie Grenville. Il faudra alors s'attendre, à la mine Smallwood, à une baisse considérable du tonnage du minerai avec la profondeur.

- — Wabush Lake — - .. . Smallwood, - , . . -, . . , , , Smallwood . , Sr87/Sr86: 0,704±0,001 , . (1,050±140 ), - 1,600±130 . , -.

Epigenetic gold-quartz and scheelite-quartz lodes in Otago and other parts of the New Zealand geosyncline crosscut quartzofeldspathic and metavolcanic rocks of the pumpellyite-actinolite and greenschist facies. The lodes, which commonly strike north-west, are spatially associated with a 30 km wide belt of metavolcanic schists, with associated piemontite and sideritic schists, which parallels the axis of the geosyncline. Oxygen isotope and uncorrected fluid inclusion data for Glenorchy and Bendigo material give the range 230–350°C for lode formation, over 100°C lower than the metamorphic temperature of the country rock, and this indicates that substantial uplift and unloading had occurred prior to the hydrothermal emplacement of the lodes. A model is developed to account for the origin of the lode mineralization. A recent oxygen isotope study of the Glenorchy lodes suggested that the ore-bearing fluid was derived from rocks at depth over 150°C hotter than the lode formation temperature, and this is consistent with an origin by dehydration reactions at the greenschist to amphibolite transition. Hydraulic fracturing, induced by rapid uplift and unloading of the pile, allowed fluid migration to higher crustal levels where ore-deposition occurred. The spatial association of the lodes with the metavolcanic suite suggests that metals were derived by trace-leaching from the volcanic suite at the water source, or during migration, whilst tungsten may have been leached from associated manganiferous metasediments which commonly contain high anomolous concentrations of tungsten. Ore deposition occurred in response to lowering of temperature and pressure during fluid migration, and wall-rock interactions, particularly where lower oxygen fugacities were imposed by wall-rocks on the hydrothermal phase.  相似文献   

The Adelaide System forms the uppermost Precambrian sequence in South Australia and the Wooltana Volcanics lie near its base. Though affected by Palaeozoic metamorphism, the least‐altered samples give a minimum age of 850 ± 50 m.y., so that the base of the System is about 900 m.y. old or more. The unmetamorphbsed Roopena Volcanics of northeastern Eyre Peninsula are 1,345 ± 30 m.y. old and if correlated with the Wooltana Volcanics the base of the system becomes about 1,400 m.y. old. The data for the Wooltana Volcanics are consistent with this, provided that even the least‐altered total‐rock samples were open systems during the later metamorphism. Ages of basement in the Mount Painter and Olary districts (1,600 m.y.) and data for Willouran shales overlying the Wooltana Volcanics can fit both minimum and maximum estimates for the Volcanics.

Lower Cambrian shales give a range of 530–690 m.y.; though some Palaeozoic isotopic movement occurred, the ages are approximately correct. Shales from the top of the Torrensian Series range from 660–840 m.y. (700 m.y. preferred value). If the base of the system is at 1,400 m.y., this is surprisingly young. It suggests either a hiatus between the Wooltana Volcanics and the Torrensian or that the correlation of the former with the Roopena Volcanics is wrong (and that the base is at about 900 m.y.). Alternatively, the shales may be abnormally updated.

The Gawler Range Volcanics of Eyre Peninsula have been dated accurately at 1,535 ± 25 m.y. and illitic shale from the penecontemporaneous Corunna Conglomerate gives nearly the same value. These ages indirectly set a maximum for the age of the base of the system, as stratigraphy suggests that they are older. Granites underlying the Gawler Range Volcanics are about 1,600 m.y. old; some may be 1,800 m.y. old.

Final Palaeozoic metamorphism in the northern Flinders Ranges was at 465 m.y. The ages of several post‐orogenic intrusions are given.  相似文献   

In the Pine Creek Geosyncline, fast moving, annually recharged, low-salinity ground waters dissolve uranium- and magnesium-enriched gangue minerals from mineralized aquifer rocks. The level of dissolved uranium depends on prevailing pH, Eh, salinity and degree of adsorption, which limits its effectiveness as an exploration indicator. Near each known deposit, leaching of magnesium-enriched gangue minerals produces ground waters with very similar major-element concentration plots, the shape of which constitutes a mineralized aquifer “signature”. Gangue minerals also supply high levels of Mg2+ (expressed as NMg = [Mg2+]/[Ca2+ + Mg2+ + Na+ + K+] in milliequivalents per litre) to contained ground waters, NMg > 0.8 being common in ground waters from mineralized aquifers at each Pine Creek Geosyncline deposit. Data from Ranger One No. 3 ore body illustrates how progressive mixing of waters from mineralized and unmineralized aquifers causes graded reductions in NMg, which, when plotted onto a ground plan, delineate a hydrogeochemical aureole.High NMg (> 0.8) coincides with high uranium concentration (> 20 μg/l of U) in ground waters near Nabarlek and Ranger. Because pH-Eh conditions in aquifers at Jabiluka depress uranium solution, < 10 μg/l of U is present, although NMg values are generally > 0.8. To date NMg has always been < 0.8 in nonmineralized aquifer waters, whereas uranium may be > 50 μg/l in ground waters from felsic igneous aquifers, which can be identified as uneconomic by low (< 0.4) NMg, and by a fixed relationship between uranium and co-leached species such as F- and soluble salts.Measurements of pH, Eh, salinity, Fe(II), Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cl, SO4, total carbonate, phosphate, F-, Cu, Pb, Zn and U in waters from 48 percussion holes in and near the Koongarra ore bodies have been related to mineralogy recorded in drill logs. The composition of waters from 20 holes near and along strike from known mineralization, fitted the mineralized aquifer “signature”, had NMg > 0.8 and uranium up to 4100 μ/l. These data confirm the use in this region of NMg as a hydrogeochemical indicator of uranium mineralization; they also indicate additional zones of possible mineralization.  相似文献   

Consideration of the paleogeography and large and small structures in the outer part (the Sakawa Fold Belt) of the Paleozoic—Mesozoic geosyncline of Japan suggests that the main part of the Japanese Islands has grown up not from an arc—trench system but from a marginal sea basin—microcontinent system: the Chichibu Geosyncline and the Kurosegawa — Ofunato Island Arc, Minor structures are superposed in a complicated way and they are analyzed in terms of the concepts of tectonic level and multiple deformation.Stratigraphic evidence shows that an early deformation was pre-middle Triassic in the Chichibu Terrain but northwards in the Sambagawa terrain it may have continued until early Cretaceous in relation to minor scale subduction within the marginal basin. A late Cretaceous phase of deformation produced the greatest crustal shortening in the microcontinent area of the Kurosegawa Tectonic Zone and was nearly contemporaneous with the intrusion of granitic rocks in the Ryoke Zone Younger secondary eugeosynclines were developed by progressive encroachment on the arc—trench gap south of the Kurosegawa zone from late Permian times onwards.  相似文献   

浅谈数字国土工程建设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐世武  刘秀珍 《地球科学》2002,27(3):323-325
数字国土工程属于国家的基础建设, 涉及内容广泛, 它的目标是通过国土资源的信息化实现资源的合理利用, 进而促进国民经济的可持续性发展; 数字国土工程涉及海量数据的生产、传输、更新等, 需要宽带网络和“3S”集成技术及相关领域理论成果的支持; 数字国土工程的数据多样性决定了必须制定统一的数据库建设标准, 才能实现系统的资源共享; 工程的模型是多维的, 支持国土规划、土地管理、矿产开发决策等, 能够切实保护国土资源; 工程建设必须遵循长期规划与阶段目标统一的原则.   相似文献   

壳体构造──一种综合大地构造学新概念   总被引:4,自引:11,他引:4  
壳体是为了把历史大地构造学和动力大地构造学两方面的研究目的、对象及研究方法的优点综合起来,融为一体,以期较全面地研究地球构造问题而建立的一种大地构造单元概念。其特色是同时包含有演化与运动涵义、发展观点与联系观点并重、时空兼顾。它兼具上述两类大地构造单元的性质、特征和功能,是属于历史动力综合大地构造学的构造单元概念。一方面,它虽由历史大地构造单元如地槽区、地台区和地洼区组成,但强调了在空间上迁移的动态而与之有别;另一方面,它与动力大地构造单元的板块概念,虽作为岩石圈块体在形式上近似,但强调了它在时间上演化的动态,以及还有许多其他方面的特点而与之不同。  相似文献   

盆山耦合概念及机制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
造山带和沉积盆地的耦合关系是当前大陆动力学研究的热点之一,这既有经济上的动机,也是科学规律的必然,因为盆地和造山带的对照研究要比分别孤立的研究它们有效的多。所谓盆山的耦合关系(coupling)是指受控制于统一的地球动力学系统,而运动方式成镜像或其它相协调的方式形成的一对盆地和造山带。耦合关系所反映的实际上是一种成因和运动机制上的联系,统一的地球动力学背景是盆山耦合的原因和基础,它们是地球内部各层圈相互作用综合调整的结果。因此,同时性和同一地质作用过程是盆山耦合的两个重要特点,也是盆山耦合体系划…  相似文献   

城市水安全是保障城市本身及其所处区域可持续发展的物质基础.城市水安全概念、内涵与特征的科学全面认识是其后续研究的理论基础.本文从水安全的概念与内涵研究现状入手,归纳出其内在本质,并在此基础上进行分析,结合城市特征,给出了基于"综合涉水资源"状态的城市水安全的概念,指出了城市水安全内涵包括自然、生态环境、社会经济和人文四个方面的属性,分析了城市水安全所具有的主观性、层次性、多样性、可持续性、时空性,动态性、可控性等特征.  相似文献   

Feedback, one of the most fundamental processes existing in nature, is present in almost all dynamic systems. Feedback concepts have been utilized almost exclusively by engineers. Nevertheless, this theory is applicable to formulating and solving problems in geology, particularly in the ore-forming systems. Feedback is distinctly operative in the generation of two groups of mineral deposits: (i) Mineral deposits showing rhythmic structures/textures, such as layered chromite deposits, re-opened veins with banded structure/texture, Mississippi Valley-type deposits with alternate bands/crusts of barite and galena, proximal volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits with mineralized layers of breccia clasts, and banded iron formations with alternate silica and magnetite and/or hematite bands, and (ii) mineral deposits lacking visible rhythmic structures/textures, but showing evidence of rhythmic process(es), such as in porphyry base metal deposits. There is an alternation of positive and negative feedback mechanisms in the ore-forming systems discussed here, which implies the involvement of feedback loops of negative sign.  相似文献   

从板块构造到地体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从板块构造的发生、发展到地体概念的提出,论述了地体解析和拼贴构造,并根据中国东部的地体研究,特别是中国东北那丹哈达地体和日本美浓地体的对比研究,论述了亚洲东部中生代构造发展史,认为在侏罗纪时,亚洲大陆边缘的地体拼贴活动已经开始,形成了拼贴沉积的复合地体;白垩纪时由于大陆边缘的侧向挤压和离散作用,这些地体产生左行运动和变形;早第三纪晚期由于日本海的扩张,形成了弧形的日本列岛。  相似文献   

在企业信息化管理存在各种解决方案的情况下,要对症下药。知识管理百勘察设计单位选择的信息化管理的理念。  相似文献   

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