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The total Green's function for two-point boundary-value problems can be related to the propagator for initial-value problems. A very simple expression for the Green's function is obtained when the unperturbed medium may be described by material with a constant gradient in quadratic slowness. The derivation requires a correct understanding of assumptions made in the propagator solution. Expressions are also obtained for Green's function in multilayered media.  相似文献   

Wave propagation in weakly anisotropic inhomogeneous media is studied by the quasi-isotropic approximation of ray theory. The approach is based on the ray-tracing and dynamic ray-tracing differential equations for an isotropic background medium. In addition, it requires the integration of a system of two complex coupled differential equations along the isotropic ray.
The interference of the qS waves is described by traveltime and polarization corrections of interacting isotropic S waves. For qP waves the approach leads to a correction of the traveltime of the P wave in the isotropic background medium.
Seismograms and particle-motion diagrams obtained from numerical computations are presented for models with different strengths of anisotropy.
The equivalence of the quasi-isotropic approximation and the quasi-shear-wave coupling theory is demonstrated. The quasi-isotropic approximation allows for a consideration of the limit from weak anisotropy to isotropy, especially in the case of qS waves, where the usual ray theory for anisotropic media fails.  相似文献   

Reflection coefficients for weak anisotropic media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction of plane elastic waves with a plane boundary between two anisotropic elastic half-spaces is investigated. The anisotropy dealt with in this study is of a general type. Explicit expressions for energy-related reflection and transmission coefficients are derived. They represent an approximation which is valid for a small deviation of the elastic parameters from isotropy.
Classical perturbation theory is applied on a 6times6 non-symmetric real eigenvalue problem to calculate first-order corrections for the polarization and stress of the plane waves. The explicit solution of the isotropic problem is used as a reference case. Degenerate perturbation theory is used to consider the splitting of the isotropic S -wave into two anisotropic qS-waves. The boundary conditions for two half-spaces in welded contact lead to a 6times6 system of linear equations. A correction to the isotropic solution is calculated by linearization. The resultant coefficients are functions of horizontal slowness, Lamé parameters and densities of the reference media, and of the perturbation of the elasticity tensors from isotropy.  相似文献   

Shear-wave splitting is analysed on data recorded by the High Resolution Seismic Network (HRSN) at Parkfield on the San Andreas fault, Central California, during the three-year period 1988-1990. Shear-wave polarizations either side of the fault are generally aligned in directions consistent with the regional horizontal maximum compressive stress, at some 70° to the fault strike, whereas at station MM in the immediate fault zone, shear-wave polarizations are aligned approximately parallel to the fault. Normalized time delays at this station are found to be about twice as large as those in the rock mass either side. This suggests that fluid-filled cracks and fractures within the fault zone are elastically or seismically different from those in the surrounding rocks, and that the alignment of fault-parallel shear-wave polarizations are associated with some fault-specific phenomenon.
Temporal variations in time delays between the two split shear-waves before and after a ML = 4 earthquake can be identified at two stations with sufficient data: MM within the fault zone and VC outside the immediate fault zone. Time delays between faster and slower split shear waves increase before the ML = 4 earthquake and decrease near the time of the event. The temporal variations are statistically significant at 68 per cent confidence levels. Earthquake doublets and multiplets also show similar temporal variations, consistent with those predicted by anisotropic poroelasticity theory for stress modifications to the microcrack geometry pervading the rock mass. This study is broadly consistent with the behaviour observed before three other earthquakes, suggesting that the build-up of stress before earthquakes may be monitored and interpreted by the analysis of shear-wave splitting.  相似文献   

There are three types of surfaces which are used for studying wave propagation in anisotropic media: normal surfaces, slowness surfaces and wave surfaces. Normal surfaces and slowness surfaces have been researched in detail. Wave surfaces are the most complicated and comparatively poorly known compared with the other two. Areas of complicated geometrical structure of the wave surfaces are located in the vicinity of conical acoustic axes. There is an elliptical hole on the quick shear wave surface and complicated folds and cusps on the slow shear wave surface. Decomposition of the slow shear wave surface into smooth sheets is used for the study of its geometrical structure. Complexity of shear wave surfaces can be expressed by the number of waves corresponding to a fixed ray. An original approach to the calculation of wave normals depending on ray direction is presented.  相似文献   

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