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The Posht-e-Badam Block in Central Iran likely formed part of the Neoproterozoic Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). However, its Phanerozoic history is not well constrained. Zircon UPb ages, Hf isotopic compositions and whole-rock geochemistry of igneous rocks from the Bafq district were determined to constrain their source and tectonomagmatic evolution. Two magmatic cycles are identified; early Paleozoic events associated with the Cadomian Orogeny resulting from Proto-Tethys subduction beneath the northern margin of Gondwana, and Cenozoic volcanism related to the Alpine-Himalayan Orogeny and closure of Neo-Tethys. The main plutonic and volcanic rocks record early Cambrian ages. The Zarigan, Narigan and Chahcholeh granitoids, volcanic rocks of the lower Cambrian volcano-sedimentary unit (CVSU) and the Zarigan gabbro have remarkably similar ages of 536 to 528 Ma. The Zarigan and Chahcholeh granitoids and volcanic rocks of the CVSU have positive εHf(t) values of 1.4 to 9.3, with Hf model ages (Hf-TDMc) of 715–1034 Ma. They are mostly A2-types, although some samples show affinity to A1- and I-types, suggesting an asthenospheric mantle source, modified by various amounts of crustal assimilation. The Narigan granite records εHf(t) values of −3.8 - 3.1, with Hf-TDMc of 970 to 1255 Ma and displays I-type characteristics, formed through mixing of mantle-derived melts with predominantly Neoproterozoic crust. All rocks were generated in a post-collisional setting. The Esfordy syenite and mafic dikes are younger and essentially coeval, with weighted mean ages of 457 ± 5 Ma and 451–448 Ma, respectively. The Esfordy syenite has A1-type characteristics, indicating possible derivation in an intraplate rift environment and was likely plume-related. The mafic dikes have OIB-like characteristics. Mafic rocks related to closure of Neo-Tethys include the ca. 23 Ma Bahabad diorite that records εHf(t) values of −16.8 to 10.1 (Hf-TDMc = 241–283 Ma) and an OIB-like signature, indicating assimilation of crustal material by asthenospheric mantle-derived melt.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1635-1648
The Koushk zinc–lead deposit in the central part of the Zarigan–Chahmir basin, central Iran, is the largest of several sedimentary–exhalative (SEDEX) deposits in this basin, including the Chahmir, Zarigan, and Darreh-Dehu deposits. The host-rock sequence consists of carbonaceous, fine-grained black siltstone with interlayered rhyolitic tuffs. It corresponds to the upper part of the Lower Cambrian volcano-sedimentary sequence that was deposited on the Posht-e-Badam Block due to back-arc rifting of the continental margin of the Central Iranian Microcontinent. This block includes the late Neoproterozoic metamorphic basement of the Iran plate, overlain by rocks dating from the Early Cambrian to the Mesozoic. Based on ore body structure, mineralogy, and ore fabric, we recognize four different ore facies in the Koushk deposit: (1) a stockwork/feeder zone, consisting of a discordant mineralization of sulphides forming a stockwork of sulphide-bearing dolomite (quartz) veins cutting the footwall sedimentary rocks; (2) a massive ore/vent complex, consisting of massive replacement pyrite, galena, and sphalerite with minor arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite; (3) bedded ore, with laminated to disseminated pyrite, sphalerite, and galena; and (4) a distal facies, with minor disseminated and laminated pyrite, banded cherts, and disseminated barite. Carbonatization and sericitization are the main wall-rock alterations; alteration intensity increases towards the feeder zone. The δ34S composition of pyrite, sphalerite, and galena ranges from?+6.5 to?+36.7‰. The highest δ34S values correspond to bedded ore (+23.8 to?+36.7‰) and the lowest to massive ore (+6.5 to?+?17.8‰). The overall range of δ34S is remarkably higher than typical magmatic values, suggesting that sulphides formed from the reduction of seawater sulphate by bacteriogenic sulphate reduction in a closed or semi-closed system in the bedded ore, whereas thermochemical sulphate reduction likely played an important role in the feeder zone. Sulphur isotopes, along with sedimentological, textural, mineralogical, and geochemical evidences, suggest that this deposit should be classified as a vent-proximal SEDEX ore deposit.  相似文献   

Nineteen volcanic and magmatic rock samples were collectecd from the Jinding leadzinc deposit and its surrounding areas in Yunnan.The ICP and AES analyses,feferred to the previous results,show that the metal minerals and altered rocks in the Jinding lead-zinc deposit display a decreasing trend of ∑REE from the early to late stages of mineralization,and similarities in REE distribution patterns,indicating that the ore fluids are characterized by high LREE enrichment,markedly negative δCe anomaly and slight δEu anomaly.These REE distribution paterns exhibit striking similarities to those of the Pliocene trachyte in the study area,both of which are similar in ∑REE,LREE/HREE ratio,δEu and δCe.The ore fluids besides the basin fluids in the deposit are also closely related to those associated with Pliocene trachyte magmas.  相似文献   

The rhyolitic dome in the Rangan area has been subjected to hydrothermal alterations by two different systems, (1) A fossil magmatic–hydrothermal system with a powerful thermal engine of a deep monzodioritic magma, (2) An active hydrothermal system dominated by meteoric water. Based on mineralogical and geochemical studies, three different alteration facies have been identified (phyllic, advanced argillic and silicic) with notable differences in REE and other trace elements behaviour. In the phyllic alteration zone with assemblage minerals such as sericite, pyrite, quartz, kaolinite, LREE are relatively depleted whereas HREE are enriched. The advanced argillic zone is identified by the presence of alunite–jarosite and pyrophyllite as well as immobility of LREE and depletion in HREE. In the silicic zone, most of LREE are depleted but HREE patterns are unchanged compared to their fresh rock equivalents. All the REE fractionation ratios (La/Yb)cn, (La/Sm)cn, (Tb/Yb)cn, (Ce/Ce1)cn and (Eu/Eu1)cn are low in the phyllic altered facies. (Eu/Eu1)cn in both advanced and silicic facies is low too. In all alteration zones, high field strength elements (HFSE) (e.g. Ti, Zr, Nb) are depleted whereas transition elements (e.g. V, Cr, Co, Ni, Fe) are enriched. Geochemically speaking, trace and rare earth elements behave highly selective in different facies.  相似文献   

The contents of REE tend to decrease from Ordovician to Tertiary strata with the average in the whole profile higher than that in the continental shell. REE distribution patterns in different rock types of various periods display some similarities, though their absolute REE contens are different from each other. All these rock types yield rightward declined V-shaped curves with negative Eu anomalies. Thus, their REE distribution patterns are parallel to each other. In addition, their REE parameters (δ Eu, Sm/Nd, ΣCe/ΣY, and La/Yb) only vary over a narrow range with small deviations. These features in REE stribution indicate a stabbe platform environment during sedimentation. The similarities in REEatterns since Palaeozoic imply a uniform chemical evolution of the Phanerozoic crust.  相似文献   

Representative samples of metagabbros, eclogites and a garnet peridotite from the Massif de Sauviat-sur-Vige (West Massif Central) have been analyzed for major and trace elements (including REE). The LREE enriched patterns are distinct from those of modern MORB but resemble those of continental or ocean island tholeiites. An intraplate tectoning setting is thus inferred. Geochemical modeling using REE and major element contents suggests that all the rock types might be related genetically by fractional crystallization, and, in some instances, by mixing of cumulates and differentiated liquid as in the case of the garnet peridotite. P, T estimates from microprobe analyses of coexisting garnet-clinopyroxene pairs yield about 820°C, and P > 15 kb for the eclogite facies metamorphism.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the most important source of water supply in Iran and understanding the geochemical evolution of groundwater is important for sustainable development of the water resources in Tabas area. A total of 29 samples of groundwater in Tabas area have been analyzed for ions and major elements. Groundwater of the study area is characterized by the dominance of Na–Cl water type. Groundwater was generally acidic to high alkaline with pH ranging from 5.42 to 10.75. The TDS as a function of mineralization characteristics of the groundwater ranged from 479 to 10,957 mg/l, with a mean value of 2,759 mg/l. The Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2? and HCO3 ? were mainly derived from the dissolution of calcite, dolomite and gypsum. The Cu, Pb and Zn ions are not mobile in recent pH–Eh, but these conditions controlled dissolved Se, V and Mo in groundwater. The As is released in groundwater as a result of the weathering of sulfide minerals like arsenopyrite.  相似文献   

Analysis of the distribution and fractionation of rare earth elements in the groundwater of the Sikhote Alin fold region reveals that their concentrations, geochemistry, and fractionation ability vary in different groundwater types depending on many factors, including the pH–Eh parameters and mineralization of the solutions and the composition of the host rocks. The results of monitoring of changes in the REE concentrations in the groundwater of the region over ten years provides the opportunity to establish the range of their variations. Inorganic forms of REE migration are rated for all geochemical types of water in the meteoric–surface–ground water system.  相似文献   

The total rare-earth element values(ΣREE)of loess in the Xinjiang region vary over a range of 128-200 ppm ,with an average of 153ppm .The average REE content of loess lies between the earth‘s crust (155ppm) and sedimentary rocks(151ppm).The Xinjiang loess,with the REE distribu-tion patterns characterized by negative slopes ,is rich in the Ce-family elements, and has a distribu-tion pattern characteristic of sedimentary rocks.The North Xinjiang loess is relatively depleted in Tb,but rich in Yb and Lu.The South Xinjiang loess is relatively rich in light rare-earth elements.This is full proof that the Xinjiang loess comes partly from weathered materials(clay rock,sandstone)in the region studied.The REE distribution patterns in the Xinjiang loess are similar to those in the precipitated dust and Aeolian sand,indicating the same material source.The REE distribution pat-terns in the Xinjiang loess are also similar to those in loess from the middle Yellow River Valley,China and Taskent,the former USSR.This implies that loesses of the three locations(Xinjiang,the mid-dle Yellow River Valley and Taskent) come from a common material source.But the REE patterns in the Xinjiang loess are different from those in wall rocks (volcanic rock,K-bearing volcanic rock).Generally ,LREE/HREE,Eu/Eu* and Ce/Ce* ratios reflect the features of parent materials of loess,indicating that the parent rocks were probably in the early stage of alkaline weathering and the weathered materials existed in an oxidation environment with basic mediums under arid-climatic conditions before transport.As a result,the migration ability of the REE is weak.  相似文献   

中天山地块发育有大量的暗色岩墙,主要走向为北北西。对中天山暗色岩墙进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,获得的年龄为304.8±1.5Ma,表明其形成于晚石炭世。这些暗色岩墙具有较高的Si O2,较低的Mg、Cr、Ni含量。它们富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、Th),亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti),显示俯冲相关特征。上述特征暗示,中天山暗色岩墙可能是由俯冲板片流体交代的地幔楔部分熔融形成的。这一发现表明,准噶尔洋的闭合应该发生在晚石炭世之后。  相似文献   

尹继元    陈文  肖文交    张斌  蔡克大  孙敬博  张彦  杨静  杨莉  刘新宇  沈泽 《地质通报》2015,34(08):1470-1481
中天山地块发育有大量的暗色岩墙,主要走向为北北西。对中天山暗色岩墙进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年,获得的年龄为304.8±1.5Ma,表明其形成于晚石炭世。这些暗色岩墙具有较高的SiO2,较低的Mg、Cr、Ni含量。它们富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Ba、Th),亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Ti),显示俯冲相关特征。上述特征暗示,中天山暗色岩墙可能是由俯冲板片流体交代的地幔楔部分熔融形成的。这一发现表明,准噶尔洋的闭合应该发生在晚石炭世之后。  相似文献   

Nd and Sr isotopic compositions as well as trace element concentrations have been determined on a suite of alkali basalts from the Massif Central, in France. Samples show a typical enrichment in incompatible elements. In particular, the REE patterns exhibit a strong fractionation characterized by a (LaYb)N ratio of about 20. The YbN content is about 10 times chondrite. The 143Nd144Nd ratios exhibit a range from 0.512775 to 0.512989, values quite comparable to those from oceanic island basalts. The 87Sr86Sr ratios vary between 0.70338 and 0.70458 and are anti-correlated with the Nd isotopic ratio.The isotopic and the trace element (in particular REE) data have been used in order to quantitatively model the genesis of the alkali basalts. Among the several types of models tested here, the most likely one appears to be the model of mantle metasomatism. A semi-quantitative approach shows that the source of alkali basalts from the Massif Central was metasomatized prior to melting. In such a model, the basalts could be produced by rather high degrees of partial melting (such as 10 or 15%) of the metasomatically enriched mantle.  相似文献   

The metasedimentary-volcanic series of the Wutai and Hutuo groups experienced regional metamorphism and thus turned into moderate-to low-grade metamorphic rocks.REE abundances and REE distribution patterns in the Shizui and Taihuai Subgroup metasedimentary-volcanic rocks are typical of the Archean,whereas the Gaofan Subgroup and the Hutuo Group show post-Archean REE geochemical char-acteristics.Five types of REE distribution pattern are distinguished:(1)rightward inclined smooth curves with little REE anomaly(Eu/Eu*=0.73-0.95) and heavy REE depletion (e.g.the Late Archean metasedimentary rocks);(2)rightward inclined V-shaped curves with sharp Eu anoma-ly (Eu/Eu*=0.48-0.76) and slightly higher ∑REE (e.g.the post-Archean metasedimentary rocks);(3) rightward inclined steep curves with negative Eu anomaly(Eu/Eu*=0.73-0.76) and the lowest ∑REE (e.g.the post-Archean dolomites);(4)rightward inclined,nearly smooth curves with both positive Eu anomaly and unremarkable positive Eu anomaly(Eu/Eu*=0.95-1.25)(e.g.the meta-basic volcanic rocks);and (5) rightward inclined curves with Eu anomaly(Eu/Eu*=1.09-1.19)and heavy REE depletion(e.g.the meta-acid volcanic rocks).Strata of the two groups are considered to have been formed in an island-arc belt-an instable continental petrogenetic environment.  相似文献   

Our studies show that the granite bodies (γ 5 2 − 1 and γ 5 3 ) which constitute the Huangsha-Tieshanlong composite granitic intrusion in Jiangxi are characterized by their similarities in mineral assemblage, petrochemistry, trace element and REE distribution pattern. The values of ΣREE, ΣLREE, ΣHREE, ΣCe/ΣY, δEu and La/Yb apparently decrease from γ 5 2 − 1a to γ 5 2 − 1b , γ 5 3 and γ 5 3 . It is shown that the early Yenshanian W(Ta, Nb)-bearing granite (γ 5 2 − 1 ) and late Yenshanian Ta, Nb-bearing granite (γ 5 3 ) may have been derived from the differentiation and evolution of granitic magmas due to repeated remelting of the crust and their earlier and later intrusion. Although the earlier (γ 5 2 − 1b and later (γ 5 3 ) albitized Ta, Nb-bearing granites show some obvious differences in REE content, their δEu values and La/Yb ratios are similar to each other. Therefore, it may be concluded that the early and late Ta, Nb-bearing granites were derived from a congenetic magma.  相似文献   

Described in this paper are the fundamental characteristics of mineralization of gold ores in the Sandu-Danzhai Hg-Sb-Au ore belt of Guizhou Province,Through systematic sampling of the industrial orebody and alteration zone,the total amount of the rare-earth elements,that of the light rare-earth elements,Eu depletion and other parameters are clarified.There have been distinguished two types of REE distribution patterns:the“Clay type“and the “quartz type“ .High-grade orebodies are closely related with silicification,illitization and pyritization.The seven-component diagram of the REEs of even numbers in the periodic table(Bal-asov,1966)is capable of distinguishing ore-bearing from ore-barren deposits.  相似文献   

吴敏  许成  王林均  宋文磊 《矿物学报》2011,31(3):478-484
庙垭碳酸岩位于东秦岭武当山隆起的西南缘,呈岩株状产出,主要由方解石组成,富含稀土矿物,是我国大型轻稀土矿床。该区全岩的C.O同位素数据δ18O=11%o~12.49%o,δ13c=-3.79%。~5.68%0,落在了初始火成碳酸岩的范围之外,表明可能受到高温分离作用的影响。流体包裹体相态较单一,主要由气液两相包裹体和气液三相包裹体组成,均一温度120~400℃,为中低温,盐度为3.89%o一10.48%o为中低盐度,这与典型的碳酸岩中流体包裹体具有相似的特征。通过与牦牛坪典型的岩浆热液脉型REE矿床在C—O同位素、包裹体及微量元素的对比研究,发现两者的成因机制并不相同,庙垭稀土矿床是典型的岩浆型,缺少萤石等热液矿脉,大量矿物的分离结晶,特别是方解石的堆积结晶作用,导致其方解石具有相对较低的均一温度和盐度,这也使碳酸岩岩浆更富集REE,有利于REE成矿。  相似文献   

湖南安化留茶坡硅质岩的REE地球化学特征及其意义   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
湖南安化留茶坡硅质岩沉积在埃迪卡拉纪末期(551~542 Ma)的深水盆地中,它们具有如下REE地球化学特征:和PAAS相比,∑REE含量很低(8.6x10-6~18x10-6,平均13.6x10-4),Y/Ho比值较高(33.6~43.9,平均37.4),接近现代海水的Y/Ho比值(44);正的La异常(LaN/CeN平均为1.46),中等负的Ce异常(平均0.65).弱的正Eu异常(平均1.1),正的Gd异常(平均1.07),正的Y异常(平均1.22),LREE和MREE相对于HREE亏损(LaN/YbN平均为0.17,GdN/YbN平均为0.45),显示出和现代海水相似的REE特征.而与海底热液流体及与热液有关的碧玉的REE特征明显不同.这些表明留茶坡硅质岩受陆源碎屑及热液流体的影响很小.留茶坡硅质岩是由风化作用大量带人海洋的溶解的硅质化学沉积而成的.生物作用促进了海水中溶解硅质的沉淀.  相似文献   

The Eocene dyke swarm with east-west general trend intrudes the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks in ~25 km north of the Khur city (Central Iran). Some of the studied dykes can be followed for over 7 km, but the majority of exposures in the area are less than 5 km long. The dykes commonly exhibit a chilled contact with the wall rocks. These dykes are trachybasalt and basalt in composition. The trachybasalt dykes are much more abundant. The basaltic dykes cross cut the trachybasalt dykes in some locations, indicating that trachybasalt dykes are older than the basaltic ones. Primary igneous minerals of the basaltic dykes are olivine (chrysolite), clinopyroxene (diopside, augite), plagioclase (labradorite), sanidine, magnetite, orthopyroxene (enstatite), spinel and phlogopite, and secondary minerals are zeolite (natrolite and mesolite), chlorite (diabantite), calcite and serpentine. The trachybasalt dykes are composed of clinopyroxene (diopside), plagioclase (labradorite), sanidine, mica (biotite and phlogopite), amphibole (magnesio-hastingsite) and magnetite as primary minerals, and chlorite and calcite as secondary ones. Whole rocks geochemical data of the studied dykes indicate their basic and calc-alkaline nature and suggest that these two set of dykes were derived from the same parental magma. The chondrite-normalized REE patterns and the primitive mantle-normalized multi-elemental diagram of the Khur dykes show enrichment of light rare earth elements (LREE) relative to heavy rare earth elements (HREE), and negative anomalies of high field strength elements (HFSE) (e.g. Ti, Nb and Ta). These rocks show enrichment of the large ion lithophile elements (LILE) (e.g. Cs, Ba, Th and U) and depletion of the HREE and Y relative to MREE, Zr and Hf. In the chondrite-normalized REE diagram, the basalts show elevated REE abundances relative to the trachybasalt samples. Geochemical analyses of the studied samples suggest a spinel lherzolite from the mantle as the source rock and confirm the role of subduction in their generation. The chemical characteristics of the Khur dykes resemble those of continental arc rocks, and they were possibly formed by subduction of the Central-East Iranian microcontinent (CEIM) confining oceanic crust and decompression melting of a lithospheric subcontinental mantle spinel lherzolite enriched by subduction.  相似文献   

贵州织金含稀土磷矿储量大,种类多,其中硅质磷块岩型稀土矿出露在地表,磷与稀土品位均比较高,最易开发。为更好地利用硅质磷矿岩型稀土矿,需要查明矿石性质,研究其稀土浸出规律。研究结果表明:稀土主要赋存在胶磷矿中,在胶磷矿中均匀分布,具有类质同象替代的特征,物理选矿不能分选稀土,只能采用化工或冶金方法提取。在磨矿细度-0.074 mm 80%、20%盐酸液固比为2.3、酸过量系数为1.0、室温搅拌浸出60 min,搅拌强度800r/min,稀土浸出率达到94.65%,磷的浸出率达到98.91%,胶磷矿中类质同象替代的稀土随磷一起被浸出,稀土与磷呈现同步浸出的规律。本研究取得良好的技术指标,为后续稀土的提取研究工作打下一定的基础。  相似文献   

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