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刘伟 《地学前缘》2002,9(4):423-428
耦合的质量传输和动力学限制的同位素交换模型综合考虑了平流、扩散、热液弥散 ,以及岩石与水之间的不平衡同位素交换等项因素。把耦合模型应用于 2个构造环境下的古热液系统 ,进而解释稳定同位素数据。对于造成环绕浅成侵入岩体分布的18O亏损环带的流体的流动几何学 ,以及浅部正断层流体流动的几何学 ,耦合模型提供了不同于单一同位素交换模型的解释。耦合模型也提供了关于同位素相对交换速率和同位素交换机制的信息。结果表明 ,断层带的动态重结晶促进了表面反应 ,进而便利了同位素交换 ;在化学不反应性和未变形的矿物中 ,同位素交换可能受制于固态条件下的扩散。  相似文献   

碾子山晶洞碱性花岗岩矿物-水氧同位素交换反应动力学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对黑龙江碾子山碱性花岗岩的全岩及其主要单矿物进行了氧同位素分析,结果表明,全岩和单矿物不仅δ^18O 值变化范围较大(全岩-2.4-2.0‰,石英0.0-5.8‰,碱性长石-3.8-0.1‰,磁铁矿-8.5-1.0‰),而且强烈亏损^18O。共生矿物之间表现出明显不平衡的氧同位素分馏特征,指示在花岗岩侵位之后与水之间发生了同位素交换,根据锆石和现代大气降水的氧同位素组成,对岩石与外来流体的δ^18O值进行了估计,多维矿水-岩反应时限约为0.3-3Ma,水/岩比(氧摩尔比)介于0.11-1.02之间。水-岩反应温度较高(约400度)和反应时间较长是导致石英δ^18O值降低的主要原因。  相似文献   

刘伟  贺伯初 《地质学报》1996,70(2):129-141,T001

刘伟  贺伯初  陈振胜 《地质学报》1996,70(2):129-141,T001
新疆阿尔泰阿拉尔花岗岩中共生石英、长石、黑云母的δ~(18)O值具有宽广的变化范围,3者表现出显著的~(18)O/~(16)O不平衡关系,尤其是石英、长石具有倒转△~(18)O_(石英-长石)关系(△~(18)O_(石英-长石)<0)。上述关系清楚地表明在花岗岩-水之间发生了~(18)O/~(16)O交换反应。根据质量平衡约束关系对岩石与外来流体的初始δ~(18)O值作了估计。由于花岗岩的初始δ~(18)O值被大大地改变了,简单运用全岩或者单矿物样品的δ~(18)O值判断岩浆来源的方法是不可靠的。水-岩之间的~(18)O/~(16)O交换反应并不伴随着岩石矿物学上的强烈蚀变效应,这种脱藕关系暗示着交换反应发生于较高温度即岩浆次固相-岩浆期后冷凝过程中。交换机制主要为扩散控制。定量模拟表明:阿拉尔岩体具有高流体流动速率(3×10~(-14)mol/s)、长水-岩反应时限(0.8-6Ma)、高水/岩值(0.79-6.14)。在造山带岩浆弧环境的中部地壳层次下,变质流体流动和环流是非常强烈的。  相似文献   

地壳流体—岩石氧氧同位素交换反应动力学研究现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
矿物-流体体系氧同位素交换反应动力学模型主要分为5种:封闭、“封闭”、一般开放、流体缓冲体系以及岩石缓冲体系。交换机制主要为扩散控制和表面控制。层状辉长岩上部、下部岩系辉石往往表现出不同的交换速率和交换程度,流体的初始δ^18O值也显示出较大的不均一性。花岗岩-流体氧同位素交换反应绝大多数为开放体系不平衡类型。中深成岩基与浅成岩体在有效反应时限、流体标准化渗透率方面不同。前寒武纪条带状硅质铁建造分  相似文献   

氧同位素研究对于示踪流体—岩石相互作用过程中流体的时间累积流量(或流体/岩石比)、流动方向和组成具有重要意义。基于质量平衡原理可以建立“封闭”体系和开放体系的氧同位素交换模型。“封闭”体系又可分为封闭、批式挥发和瑞利挥发体系。瑞利挥发较批式挥发造成岩石更大的^18O亏损,但在地质过程中两者差异并不显著。开放体系连续模型中氧同位素迁移的机制包括扩散称散和平流。由流体流动速率和扩散称散系数定义的Peclet数决定了上述两种机制在一定尺度上对氧同位素迁移的相对贡献。流体—岩石交换受表面动力学控制,当交换速率快于流体流动时,可认为流体和岩石达到了氧同位素分馆平衡,反之则没有达到平衡。由流体流动速率和流体—岩石反应速率常数定义的Damkoehler数决定了反应接近平衡的程度。如果采用多种矿物相监控,则矿物内部分馆可有效地区分这两种反应模型。对流体—岩石相互作用过程中氧同位素变化的地球化学动力学进行了系统评述,其原理和模型也可扩展到对其他元素的研究。  相似文献   

地壳流体-岩石氧同位素交换反应动力学研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
矿物-流体体系氧同位素交换反应动力学模型主要分为5种:封闭、"封闭"、一般开放、流体缓冲体系以及岩石缓冲体系。交换机制主要为扩散控制和表面控制。层状辉长岩上部、下部岩系辉石往往表现出不同的交换速率和交换程度,流体的初始δ18O值也显示出较大的不均一性。花岗岩-流体氧同位素交换反应绝大多数为开放体系不平衡类型。中深成岩基与浅成岩体在有效反应时限、流体标准化渗透率方面不同。前寒武纪条带状硅质铁建造分为低级变质地带(Ⅰ组)和高级变质地带(Ⅱ组),前者多为典型的开放体系不平衡类型,石英反应程度低;后者则接近平衡,石英反应程度高。造山带低级变质地体流体-岩石18O交换主要是在岩石缓冲体系下进行的。流体循环与质量传输机制主要有:平流、扩散、扩散-平流复合机制。  相似文献   

大别山中生代侵入岩氧同位素结果表明它们受到了岩浆期后亚固相水—岩相互作用的扰动。为了确定水—岩交换过程中的有关参数,本文利用交换反应动力学模型分别对大别山中生代主簿源、天柱山和团岭花岗岩以及沙村和椒子岩辉长岩矿物—水氧同位素交换反应动力学进行了定量计算,并估计了水—岩反应有效时限、流体流动速率和水/岩值。多维矿物相—水氧同位素交换反应动力学定量模拟结果表明,大别山主簿源、天柱山和团岭花岗岩岩浆期后亚固相水-岩反应的有效时限约为0.3~3 Ma,流体流动速率约为1×10-15~3×10-14mol/s,水/岩值为0.27~0.78;沙村和椒子岩辉长岩岩浆期后亚固相水-岩反应的有效时限约为0.02~0.4 Ma,流体流动速率约为1.6×10-14~4.8×10-13mol/s,水/岩值为0.11~0.33。  相似文献   

流体-岩石相互作用的研究突破了静止的固体地球观。开放体系、不平衡和动力学的研究构成了以地球内部流体为目标的前缘领域。矿物-流体体系氧同位素交换反应动力学模型主要分为5种:封闭、“封闭”、单向流动开放体系、流体缓冲体系和岩石缓冲体系。18O/16O交换机制主要为扩散控制和表面控制,后者通常伴随着强烈的矿物蚀变反应,前者则缺乏之。花岗岩-流体体系主要包括浅成系统、深成和/或者长期活动系统以及均一化平衡系统。花岗岩-流体氧同位素交换反应大多属于开放体系不平衡类型。同变形期流体-岩石相互作用的本质在于变形与流体化学反应的藕合作用。流体循环与质量传输机制主要包括平流或渗透、扩散以及平流-扩散复合机制。  相似文献   

The mechanism of re-equilibration of albite in a hydrothermal fluid has been investigated experimentally using natural albite crystals in an aqueous KCl solution enriched in 18O at 600°C and 2 kbars pressure. The reaction is pseudomorphic and produces a rim of K-feldspar with a sharp interface on a nanoscale which moves into the parent albite with increasing reaction time. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) diffraction contrast and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) show that the K-feldspar has a very high defect concentration and a disordered Al, Si distribution, compared to the parent albite. Raman spectroscopy shows a frequency shift of the Si-O-Si bending vibration from ~476 cm−1 in K-feldspar formed in normal 16O aqueous solution to ~457 cm−1 in the K-feldspar formed in 18O-enriched solution, reflecting a mass-related frequency shift due to a high enrichment of 18O in the K-feldspar silicate framework. Raman mapping of the spatial distribution of the frequency shift, and hence 18O content, compared with major element distribution maps, show a 1:1 correspondence between the reaction rim formed by the replacement of albite by K-feldspar, and the oxygen isotope re-equilibration. The textural and chemical characteristics as well as the kinetics of the replacement of albite by K-feldspar are consistent with an interface-coupled dissolution-reprecipitation mechanism.  相似文献   

为提高地下水与地表水交换量计算结果的准确性,本文利用水力联系、水头差、水温、氡-222、氢氧稳定同位素构建综合识别方法(HHTRO),对新汴河宿州段地下水与地表水水量交换进行识别,并计算交换量。计算结果表明:研究河段单位河长地表水补给地下水的水量变化范围为8.69~366.82 m3/(d·m),地下水补给地表水的水量变化范围为0.72~120.90 m3/(d·m);研究河段左岸为地下水补给地表水,单位河长净补给量为45.26 m3/(d·m);河段右岸为地表水补给地下水,单位河长净补给量为214.33 m3/(d·m);研究河段地下水与地表水水量交换以地表水补给地下水为主,地表水补给地下水的比例为55.14%。本研究可推动地下水与地表水交换量计算方法的发展,为流域或区域水资源评价提供必要的理论方法。  相似文献   

Reaction‐transport modelling shows that a lateral, metre‐scale pattern in dolomite abundance can form during replacive dolomitization of calcite and aragonite precursors by Mississippian, Triassic and modern seawaters advecting at >20 cm year?1 in low temperature (≤60°C) hydrogeological systems. The modelled pattern develops best in beds >1 m thick with a relatively uniform nucleate density and a low variance in reactive surface area (for example, grainstones). These conditions suggest that a lateral pattern in dolomite abundance should be expected in dolomites formed by any shallow hydrodynamic system that advects dolomitizing fluid horizontally, including the down‐gradient portion of a reflux system, the oceanward reaches of geothermal (Kohout) convection systems, and the seaward reaches of a seawater entrainment zone below a freshwater aquifer. However, even in those systems, a pattern will not form in all dolomites. Pattern will be muted in thinner (≤ ca 50 cm thick) beds and non‐emergent where the precursor had a high variance in reactive surface area (for example, a skeletal wackestone) and/or large variation in nucleate density. Pattern also did not form at temperatures above ca 60°C, which implies that pattern should not be expected in dolomites formed at intermediate to deep burial depths. As the patterns are horizontal, they also should not be expected where dolomitizing fluids moved vertically (for example, reflux immediately below a brine source). Pattern metrics (short‐range correlation length, and wavelength and amplitude of the longer cyclic component) vary with flow rate, fluid chemistry, bed thickness, porosity, grain size, temperature and the flow complexity (one‐dimensional, two‐dimensional or three‐dimensional) within the bed. However, no modelled pattern produced metrics larger than those documented on dolomite outcrops. The results thus constrain the length scales of porosity and permeability variance to include in petrophysical models of dolomite reservoirs, as well as the geological scenarios in which to consider metre‐scale lateral petrophysical variability.  相似文献   

In the process of geothermal exploitation and utilization, the reinjection amount of used geothermal water in super-deep and porous reservoir is small and significantly decreases over time. This has been a worldwide problem, which greatly restricts the exploitation and utilization of geothermal resources. Based on a large amount of experiments and researches, the reinjection research on the tail water of Xianyang No. 2 well, which is carried out by combining the application of hydrogeochemical simulation, clogging mechanism research and the reinjection experiment, has achieved breakthrough results. The clogging mechanism and indoor simulation experiment results show: Factors affecting the tail water reinjection of Xianyang No. 2 well mainly include chemical clogging, suspended solids clogging, gas clogging, microbial clogging and composite clogging, yet the effect of particle migration on clogging has not been found; in the process of reinjection, chemical clogging was mainly caused by carbonates (mainly calcite), silicates (mainly chalcedony), and a small amount of iron minerals, and the clogging aggravated when the temperature rose; suspended solids clogging also aggravated when the temperature rose, which showed that particles formed by chemical reaction had a certain proportion in suspended solids.  相似文献   

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