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Two controlled flow events were generated by releasing water from a reservoir into the Olewiger Bach, located near Trier, Germany. This controlled release of near bank‐full flows allowed an investigation of the fine sediment (<63 µm) mobilized from channel storage. Both a winter (November) and a summer (June) release event were generated, each having very different antecedent flow conditions. The characteristics of the release hydrographs and the associated sediment transport indicated a reverse hysteresis with more mass, but smaller grain sizes, moving on the falling limb. Fine sediment stored to a depth of 10 cm in the gravels decreased following the release events, indicating the dynamic nature and importance of channel‐stored sediments as source materials during high flow events. Sediment traps, filled with clean natural gravel, were buried in riffles before the release of the reservoir water and the total mass of fine sediment collected by the traps was measured following the events. Twice the mass of fine sediment was retained by the gravel traps compared with the natural gravels, which may be due to their altered porosity. Although the amount of fine sediment collected by the traps was not significantly related to measures of gravel structure, it was found to be significantly correlated to measures of local flow velocity and Froude number. A portion of the traps were fitted with lids to restrict surface exchange of water and sediment. These collected the highest amounts of event‐mobilized sediments, indicating that inter‐gravel lateral flows, not just surface infiltration of sediments, are important in replenishing and redistributing the channel‐stored fines. These findings regarding the magnitude and direction of fine sediment movement in gravel beds are significant in both a geomorphic and a biological context. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of sedimentation reduction at the Nakdong River Estuary Barrage (NREB) in Korea were quantitatively analyzed with respect to different sediment control methods using the calibrated and validated two-dimensional model. The countermeasures of sediment dredging, sediment flushing, channel geometry change, and a combination of flushing and channel geometry change were examined for the approach channel of the NREB. The flood event and channel geometries of the 3.8 km section upstream of the NREB surveyed before and after dredging in 2007 were used for modeling conditions. As a result, the half of sediments dredged in 2007 could be eliminated naturally by floods without dredging. The numerical simulation of sediment flushing indicated that the deposition height decreased in the entire simulation section with the minimum and maximum reductions from 0.3 m to 1.3 m in deposition height. The channel contraction method produced quantitatively the largest amount of sedimentation reduction and sediment flushing and dredging followed. Sedimentation reduction by a combination of flushing and channel contraction was up 10%compared to the individual method of channel contraction.  相似文献   

Compared to downstream fining of a gravel‐bedded river, little field evidence exists to support the process of downstream fining in large, fine sand‐bedded rivers. In fact, the typically unimodal bed sediments of these rivers are thought to produce equal mobility of coarse and fine grains that may discourage downstream fining. To investigate this topic, we drilled 200 sediment cores in the channel beds of two fine‐grained sand‐bedded reaches of the Yellow River (a desert reach and a lower reach) and identified a fine surface layer (FSL) developed over a coarse subsurface layer (CSL) in the 3‐m‐thick bed deposits. In both reaches downstream, the thickness of the FSL increased, while that of the CSL decreased. Comparison of the depth‐averaged median grain sizes of the CSL and the FSL separately in both reaches shows a distinct downstream fining dependence to the median grain size, which indicates that at a large scale of 600‐800 km, the CSL shows a significant downstream fining, but the FSL shows no significant trends in downstream variations in grain size. This result shows that fine sediment supply (<0·08 mm median grain size) from upstream, combined with lateral fine sediment inputs from tributaries and bank erosion, can cause a rapid fining of the downstream channel bed surface and can develop the FSL layer. However, in the desert reach, lateral coarse sediment supply (>0·08 mm median grain size) from wind‐borne sediments and cross‐desert tributaries can interrupt the FSL and coarsen the channel bed surface locally. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many urban rivers receive significant inputs of metal‐contaminated sediments from their catchments. Restoration of urban rivers often creates increased slack water areas and in‐channel vegetation growth where these metal‐contaminated sediments may accumulate. Quantifying the accumulation and retention of these sediments by in‐channel vegetation in urban rivers is of importance in terms of the planning and management of urban river restoration schemes and compliance with the Water Framework Directive. This paper investigates sediment properties at four sites across three rivers within Greater London to assess the degree to which contaminated sediments are being retained. Within paired restored and unrestored reaches at each site, four different bed sediment patch types (exposed unvegetated gravel, sand, and silt/clay (termed ‘fine’) sediments, and in‐channel vegetated sediments) were sampled and analysed for a range of metals and sediment characteristics. Many samples were found to exceed Environment Agency guidelines for copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) and Dutch Intervention Values for Cu and Zn. At all sites, sediments accumulating around in‐channel vegetation were similar in calibre and composition to exposed unvegetated fine sediments. Both bed sediment types contained high concentrations of pseudo‐total and acetic acid extractable metal concentrations, potentially due to elevated organic matter and silt/clay content, as these are important sorbtion phases for metals. This implies that the changed sediment supply and hydraulic conditions associated with river restoration may lead to enhanced retention of contaminated fine sediments, particularly around emergent plants, frequently leading to the development of submerged and emergent landforms and potential river channel adjustments. High pseudo‐total metal concentrations were also found in gravel bed sediments, probably associated with iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) oxyhydroxides and discrete anthropogenic metal‐rich particles. These results highlight the importance of understanding the potential effects of urban river restoration upon sediment availability and channel hydraulics and consequent impacts upon sediment contaminant dynamics and storage. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The process of dam removal establishes the channel morphology that is later adjusted by high-flow events. Generalities about process responses have been hypothesized, but broad applicability and details remain a research need. We completed laboratory experiments focused on understanding how processes occurring immediately after a sediment release upon dam removal or failure affect the downstream channel bed. Flume experiments tested three sediment mixtures at high and low flow rates. We measured changes in impounded sediment volume, downstream bed surface, and rates of deposition and erosion as the downstream bed adjusted. Results quantified the process responses and connected changes in downstream channel morphology to sediment composition, temporal variability in impounded sediment erosion, and spatial and temporal rates of bedload transport. Within gravel and sand sediments, the process response depended on sediment mobility. Dam removals at low flows created partial mobility with sands transporting as ripples over the gravel bed. In total, 37% of the reservoir eroded, and half the eroded sediment remained in the downstream reach. High flows generated full bed mobility, eroding sands and gravels into and through the downstream reach as 38% of the reservoir eroded. Although some sediment deposited, there was net erosion from the reach as a new, narrower channel eroded through the deposit. When silt was part of the sediment, the process response depended on how the flow rate influenced reservoir erosion rates. At low flows, reservoir erosion rates were initially low and the sediment partially exposed. The reduced sediment supply led to downstream bed erosion. Once reservoir erosion rates increased, sediment deposited downstream and a new channel eroded into the deposits. At high flows, eroded sediment temporarily deposited evenly over the downstream channel before eroding both the deposits and channel bed. At low flows, reservoir erosion was 17–18%, while at the high flow it was 31–41%.  相似文献   

Cohesive sediment dynamics in mountainous rivers is poorly understood even though these rivers are the main providers of fine particles to the oceans. Complex interactions exist between the coarse matrix of cobble bed rivers and fine sediments. Given that fine sediment load in such environments can be very high due to intense natural rainfall or snowmelt events and to man‐induced reservoir or dam flushing, a better understanding of the deposition and sedimentation processes is needed in order to reduce ecohydrological downstream impacts. We tested a field‐based approach on the Arc and Isère alpine rivers combining measurements of erosion and settling properties of river bed deposits before and after a dam flushing, with the U‐GEMS (Gust Erosion Microcosm System) and SCAF (System Characterizing Aggregates and Flocs), respectively. These measurements highlight that critical shears, rates of erosion, settling velocities and propensity of particles to flocculate are highly variable in time and space. This is reflective of the heterogeneity of the hydrodynamic conditions during particle settling, local bed roughness, and nature and size of particles. Generally the deposits were found to be stable relative to what is measured in lowland rivers. It was, however, not possible to make a conclusive assessment of the extent to which the dynamics of deposits after reservoir flushing were different from those settled after natural events. The absence of any relationships between erosion and deposition variables, making it impossible to predict one from another, underlined the need to measure all of them to have a full assessment of the fine sediment dynamics and to obtain representative input variables for numerical models. While the SCAF was found to be effective, an alternative to the U‐GEMS device will have to be found for the erodibility assessment in cobble bed rivers, in order to make more rapid measurements at higher shears. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a field investigation on river channel storage of fine sediments in an unglaciated braided river, the Bès River, located in a mountainous region in the southern French Prealps. Braided rivers transport a very large quantity of bedload and suspended sediment load because they are generally located in the vicinity of highly erosive hillslopes. Consequently, these rivers play an important role because they supply and control the sediment load of the entire downstream fluvial network. Field measurements and aerial photograph analyses were considered together to evaluate the variability of fine sediment quantity stored in a 2·5‐km‐long river reach. This study found very large quantities of fine sediment stored in this reach: 1100 t per unit depth (1 dm). Given that this reach accounts for 17% of the braided channel surface area of the river basin, the quantities of fine sediment stored in the river network were found to be approximately 80% of the mean annual suspended sediment yields (SSYs) (66 200 t year?1), comparable to the SSYs at the flood event scale: from 1000 t to 12 000 t depending on the flood event magnitude. These results could explain the clockwise hysteretic relationships between suspended sediment concentrations and discharges for 80% of floods. This pattern is associated with the rapid availability of the fine sediments stored in the river channel. This study shows the need to focus on not only the mechanisms of fine sediment production from hillslope erosion but also the spatiotemporal dynamics of fine sediment transfer in braided rivers. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Elaborate experiments were performed in a 30 m long, 0.5 m deep and 0.2 m wide laboratory flume to study the process of infiltration of fine sediment into the pores of coarse sediment forming the channel bed material. Different concentrations of suspended load of fine sediment of size 0.064 mm were passed over the channel bed made up of three different types of coarse sediments; two uniform and one nonuniform. The proportion of fine sediment infiltrated into the pores of bed material for each equilibrium concentration of suspended load of fine sediment in the flow was studied during several experimental runs. The proportion of fine sediment within the pores of bed material increased with an increase in the equilibrium concentration of suspended load of fine sediment in the flow. This process continued till the pores within the coarse sediment bed were filled up to the capacity with the fine sediment transported by the flow in suspension. The theoretical value was identified for limit for maximum proportion of fine sediment that can be present within the pores of bed material. On further increase in the concentration of suspended load of fine sediment in the flow, deposition of fine sediment occurs on the surface of the flume bed in the form of ripples of the fine sediment. This condition is defined as 'depositional condition'. Experimental observations on these and related aspects are presented herein.  相似文献   

A reliable estimation of sediment transport in gravel‐bed streams is important for various practical engineering and biological studies (e.g., channel stability design, bed degradation/aggradation, restoration of spawning habitat). In the present work, we report original laboratory experiments investigating the transport of gravel particles at low bed shear stresses. The laboratory tests were conducted under unsteady flow conditions inducing low bed shear stresses, with detailed monitoring of the bed topography using a laser scanner. Effects of bed surface arrangements were documented by testing loose and packed bed configurations. Effects of fine sediments were examined by testing beds with sand, artificial fine sand or cohesive silt infiltrated in the gravel matrix. Analysis of the experimental data revealed that the transport of gravel particles depends upon the bed arrangement, the bed material properties (e.g., size and shape, consolidation index, permeability) and the concentration of fine sediments within the surface layer of moving grains. This concentration is directly related to the distribution of fine particles within the gravel matrix (i.e., bottom‐up infiltration or bridging) and their transport mode (i.e., bedload or suspended load). Compared to loose beds, the mobility of gravel is reduced for packed beds and for beds clogged from the bottom up with cohesive fine sediments; in both cases, the bed shear stress for gravel entrainment increases by about 12%. On the other hand, the mobility of gravel increases significantly (bed shear stress for particle motion decreasing up to 40%) for beds clogged at the surface by non‐cohesive sand particles. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previously undocumented deposits are described that store suspended sediment in gravel‐bedded rivers, termed ‘fine‐grained channel margin’ (FGCM) deposits. FGCM deposits consist of sand, silt, clay, and organic matter that accumulate behind large woody debris (LWD) along the margins of the wetted perimeter of the single‐thread, gravel‐bed South River in Virginia. These deposits store a total mass equivalent to 17% to 43% of the annual suspended sediment load. Radiocarbon, 210Pb and 137C dating indicate that sediment in FGCM deposits ranges in age from 1 to more than 60 years. Reservoir theory suggests an average turnover time of 1·75 years and an annual exchange with the water column of a mass of sediment equivalent to 10% to 25% of the annual sediment load. The distribution of ages in the deposits can be fitted by a power function, suggesting that sediment stored in the deposits has a wide variety of transit times. Most sediment in storage is reworked quickly, but a small portion may remain in place for many decades. The presence of FGCM deposits indicates that suspended sediment is not simply transported downstream in gravel‐bed rivers in agricultural watersheds: significant storage can occur over decadal timescales. South River has a history of mercury contamination and identifying sediment sources and sinks is critical for documenting the extent of contamination and for developing remediation plans. FGCM deposits should be considered in future sediment budget and sediment transport modeling studies of gravel‐bed rivers in agricultural watersheds. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A record spanning almost 20 years of suspended sediment and discharge measurements on two reaches of an agricultural watershed is used to assess the influence of in‐channel sediment supplies and bed composition on suspended sediment concentrations (SSC). We analyse discharge‐SSC relationships from two small streams of similar hydrology, climate and land use but widely different bed compositions (one dominated by sand, the other by gravel). Given that sand‐dominated systems have more fine sediment available for transport, we use bed composition and the relative proportion of surface sand and gravel to be representative of in‐channel sediment supply. Both high flow events and lower flows associated with onset and late recessional storm flow (‘low flows’) are analysed in order to distinguish external from in‐channel sources of sediment and to assess the relationship between low flows and sediment supply. We find that SSC during low flows is affected by changes to sediment supply, not just discharge capacity, indicated by the variation in the discharge‐SSC relationship both within and between low flows. Results also demonstrate that suspended sediment and discharge dynamics differ between reaches; high bed sand fractions provide a steady supply of sediment that is quickly replenished, resulting in more frequent sediment‐mobilizing low flow and relatively constant SSC between floods. In contrast, SSC of a gravel‐dominated reach vary widely between events, with high SSC generally associated with only one or two high‐flow events. Results lend support to the idea that fine sediment is both more available and more easily transported from sand‐dominated streambeds, especially during low flows, providing evidence that bed composition and in‐channel sediment supplies may play important roles in the mobilization and transport of fine sediment. In addition, the analysis of low‐flow conditions, an approach unique to this study, provides insight into alternative and potentially significant factors that control fine sediment dynamics. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sediments are an essential habitat compartment in rivers, which is a subject to dynamic transport processes. In many rivers, the fine deposited sediments are contaminated with heavy metals and organic compounds. Contaminated deposits are considered as potential hot spots because of the risk of the mobilization under erosive hydraulic conditions. Numerical models for particulate contaminant transport are then necessary and can be applied to estimate and predict the potential impact of mobilized contaminants as an important contribution to sediment management. This paper focuses on the quantification of the amount of contaminated sediments resuspended during the extreme flood event in 1999 and the prediction of deposition one year after the flood event. To assess such erosive flood event, a 2D numerical transport model was developed to analyse the dynamics of erosion and sedimentation processes in the headwater of a cross dam at the Upper Rhine River. The dam consists of a weir, a hydropower plant, and a navigation lock. As the weir is operating only for flood management, a huge amount of sediment highly contaminated with the hexachlorobenzene (HCB) was deposited in the weir zone. Therefore, numerical simulations were performed to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of deposited contaminated sediments as depending on the river discharge and its distribution to the hydraulic structures. The numerical investigation presented here is taken as a retrospective analysis of the contaminated sediment dynamics in the headwater to improve future sediment management.  相似文献   

A controlled reservoir release from Llyn Celyn to the Afon Tryweryn, Wales, U.K., has been used to study suspended load and turbidity variations. Turbidity was monitored continuously at two sites and 235 suspended solids samples were obtained at these and three additional sites during the passage of the release wave. The results are compared with data for a natural tributary flood event. The reservoir release data relate to sediment source depletion and reflects changing sources along the channel. Close to the dam, fine organic matter dominates the seston which scanning electron microscopy revealed to be predominantly allochthonous organic matter, with algal fragments and inorganic diatom frustules, derived from the periphyton of the channel bed. Coulter Counter analysis showed the seston to be relatively coarse with a median particle-size of 20 μm. Within 3 km of the dam, however, minerogenic particles dominate the sediment load of which more than 90 per cent is finer than 10 μm. This represents the flushing of channel-bed accumulations derived from tributary sources. The relationships between suspended sediment concentration and turbidity during the release are characterized by a marked, anticlockwise hysteresis. This contrasts with the clockwise hysteresis for the tributary flood event, but the different relationships cannot be explained by particle-size variations alone; seston composition also appears to be an important control.  相似文献   

The summit plateau of The Storr (719 m) in northern Skye is mantled by a sheet of aeolian sediment up to 2·9 m thick, covering an area of 33 000 m2 with a volume of 41 000 m3. The deposits are of massive, poorly sorted sand with significant components of silt and fine gravel, and contain clasts up to 109 mm in length. The thickness and coarseness of the deposits decline westwards and northwards away from the highest cliffs, implying that the sediment comprises particles dislodged from rockwalls and blown upwards in an accelerating vertical or near-vertical airflow, settling through a lower-velocity flow onto the plateau surface where they are trapped by vegetation. Radiocarbon dating of soils buried under and within the deposits suggests that accumulation began after 7·2–6·9 calendar ka BP but before 5·6–5·3 calendar ka BP , and was probably initiated by exposure of the present rockwall by a massive landslide at c. 6·5 ± 0·5 calendar ka BP . Pollen analyses of buried organic horizons suggest that a vegetation mat dominated by grasses and sedges was present throughout the period of sediment deposition. Sediment accumulation over much of the plateau averaged 10–20 mm per century throughout the late Holocene, but reached c. 60 mm per century in the area of the thickest deposits. The volume of the deposits implies the removal of 420–480 mm of rock (averaged over the face) during the late Holocene, and suggests that small-scale granular disaggregation and release of small clasts constitute a major component of rockwall retreat under present conditions. The origin of the Storr deposits suggests that plateau-top aeolian sediments on other Scottish mountains accumulated in a similar way, but have been eroded and redeposited on lee slopes following breakage of vegetation cover. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spatial and seasonal distributions of organic matter and fine grains were tested as possible determinants of fauna distribution in bed sediment of a Hercynian gravel stream. Invertebrate densities and the amounts of fine grains and organic carbon were assessed in freeze-core samples taken along 70 cm depth profiles at three different positions in the stream channel. Sampling was conducted on five occasions of low discharge over two years. The variability in invertebrate community composition was analysed using Detrended Correspondence Analysis with posterior projection of explanatory variables; Variation Partitioning was used to estimate the independent and shared effects of the explanatory variables. We found that the best predictors of the invertebrate community were spatial variables (depth, position in the channel) and then variables influenced by seasonal patterns (surface water temperature and discharge). The influence of organic matter and fine grain content was significant only after eliminating spatial autocorrelation. High amounts of organic matter, randomly accumulated in the sediment, improved the model by explaining high fauna densities. The fine grain content was not a limiting factor to fauna at our study site. It is possible that the large amount of mica flakes in the sediment has caused the arrangement of grains with a pore space sufficient for fauna even when fine grain content was high.  相似文献   

A combination of archaeological evidence, 14C dates, terrace mapping, heavy metal analysis, grain size analysis and historical maps is used in a detailed analysis of the alluvial history of the River Severn floodplain around Welshpool in mid-Wales, U.K. ‘Welshpool Gravels’ underlie a higher terrace surface up to 6–7 m above the present channel. They form a sequence of gravels at least 30 m in thickness. The upper surface is characterized by a series of braided palaeochannel patterns. These sediments were probably deposited at the end of the last glaciation as outwash, and are contemporaneous with other high, gravelly terrace deposits found in the Severn and other mid-Wales basins. Overlying the Welshpool Gravels on the contemporary floodplain are a variable thickness of finer sediments, the ‘Leighton Silts’. Morphological mapping and dating of two cut-offs to 2850 ± 60 a BP and 1190 ± 70 a BP indicates that a channel pattern similar to the present planform had formed by the mid to late Holocene. From this period, floodplain development has been dominated by a single-thread meandering channel with fine vertical sedimentation and limited lateral gravel accretion. Abandonment of extended lengths of channel formed by an avulsion mechanism is apparent. A combination of historical map data, 14C dates and the analysis for heavy metals in fine sediments, which were washed into the river system during mining, indicates that there has been at least 4 m of sedimentation since the early 17th century, but only in a central belt of varying width. Metal-rich waste, identified in the fine sediments of this zone of ‘Trehelig Silts’, indicates those areas which were most heavily sedimented during the peak of metalliferous mining in the 18th and 19th centuries. Although the near-channel margins appear to be superficially similar to the older floodplain, the spatial and vertical pattern of historic sedimentation is complex, and is not reflected in marked elevation differences. The division of sedimentation periods into these three broad time-spans (Late Quaternary Terraces, Late Holocene alluviation and avulsion, and the historical metal-mining period) shows that an apparently simple planar floodplain is in reality underlain by complex sedimentation units. Floodplain construction has involved the development of inset units, in cut-offs and adjacent to migrating channels, as well as the expected contrasts between in-channel and overbank environments. This has implications both for alluvial sedimentation modelling and for the identification of high-pollution zones on the floodplain. These cannot be predicted on the basis of simple ‘in-channel’ and ‘overbank’ environments given the historically complex evolution.  相似文献   

Sediment distribution is investigated applying grain size analysis to 279 surface samples from the transitional zone between high mountains (Qilian Shan) and their arid forelands (Hexi Corridor) in north‐western China. Six main sediment types were classified. Medium scale (103 m) geomorphological setting is carefully considered as it may play an important role concerning sediment supply and availability. A tripartite distribution of sedimentological landscape units along the mountain to foreland transition is evident. Aeolian sediments (e.g. loess and dune sands) are widespread. They are used to identify aeolian transport pathways. The mU/fS‐ratio (5–11 µm/48–70 µm) among primary loess opposes the two grain size fractions being most sensitive to varying accumulation conditions. The first fraction is attributed to long‐distance transport in high suspension clouds whereas the latter represents local transport in saltation mode. The ratio shows strong correlation with elevation (R2 = 0.77). Thus, it indicates a relatively higher far‐traveled dust supply in mountainous areas (>3000 m above sea level [a.s.l.]) compared to the foreland. The contribution of westerlies to high mountain loess deposits is considered likely. Hereby, the influence of the geomorphological setting on grain size composition of aeolian sediments becomes apparent: the contribution from distant dust sources is ubiquitous in the study area. However, the far‐distance contribution may be reduced by the availability of fine sand provided in low topography settings. Plain foreland areas support fine sand deflation from supplying river beds, allowing the formation of sandy loess in foreland areas and intramontane basins. In contrast, high mountain topography inhibits strong sand deflation into loess deposits. Eastern parts of the Hexi Corridor show higher aeolian sand occurrence. In contrast, the western parts are dominated by gravel gobi surfaces. This is attributed to higher sand supply in eastern parts provided by the Badain Jaran Desert and fluvial storages as sand sources. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Channelization of the severely polluted Odra and Vistula Rivers in Poland induced intensive accumulation of fine‐grained deposits rich in organic matter and heavy metals. These sediments have been identified in vertical profiles in a narrow zone along river banks both in groyne‐created basins and on the floodplain. Grain size, organic matter, zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) content and cesium‐137 (137Cs) was used for sediment dating and, stratigraphy and chemistry have been diagnostic features for these deposits, named industrial alluvium. In the most polluted river reaches stabilized by bank reinforcements and groynes, 2‐m‐thick slack water groyne deposits are composed of uniform strata of polluted silts with organic matter content over 10%, Zn content over 1000 mg/kg and average Cu and Pb over 100 mg/kg. The average rate of sediment accretion in groynes is higher than on the floodplain and reaches 5 cm/yr. Stratification which appears at higher levels in the groyne fields and on the levees reflects a change from in‐channel to overbank deposition and is typified by dark layers separated by bright, sandy, and less polluted strata. Stratified, 4‐m‐thick, sediment sequences have been found in groyne fields of incised river reaches. The average rate of sediment accretion in these reaches is of the order of 5 cm/yr. In stable and relatively less polluted river reaches, vertical‐accretion organic deposits are finely laminated and the average rate of deposition amounts to a few millimeters per year. Investigations indicate that groyne construction favors conditions for long‐term storage of sediments at channel banks. For this reason, groynes should be considered as structures that efficiently limit sudden release of sediment‐associated heavy metals stored in channels and in floodplains of the historically polluted rivers. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Western Namibia is a significant global source of atmospheric mineral dust. We investigate the relationship between dust and source sediments, assessing the sustainability of dust flux. Remote sensing studies have highlighted specific ephemeral fluvial systems as important contributors to dust flux, including highlighting sections of valleys that are the origins of dust plumes in the period 2005–2008. Little is known however about the specific within‐valley dust sediment sources, particularly whether dust is derived from modern ephemeral channel floors or older valley fill sediments, many of which have been reported in the region. As part of a region‐wide analysis of aeolian dust flux, we investigate the sediment properties of atmospheric dust samples and valley sediments from the Huab valley, one of the principal regional dust sources. Trapped dust samples contain up to 88% very fine sand and silt when collected samples are disaggregated prior to analysis. Valley fill surface samples comprise 80% very fine sand and silt, and the surface of the modern ephemeral channel 30%. Valley fill sediments were sampled at depths up to 3.6 m below the present surface and reveal Holocene depositional ages from 0.6 ± 0.03 ka back to 9.79 ± 0.73 ka. These sediments contain 30% to 6% very fine sand and silt, with levels decreasing with depth and age. Aeolian bedforms in the valley system (nebkhas on the fill surface and climbing dunes on valley margins) indicate that aeolian processes under the influence of strong seasonal easterly winds likely result in dust being winnowed out of the valley fill surfaces, with sandy bedforms being constructed from the coarser component of the fill sediments. The volume of valley fill sediment suggests dust sourced from Holocene sediments is likely to continue into the future regardless of flow conditions in the modern channel system. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tsunami Sediment Characteristics at the Thai Andaman Coast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes and summarizes the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami sediment characteristics at the Thai Andaman coast. Field investigations have been made approximately 3 years after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami event. Seven transects have been examined at five locations. Sediment samples have been collected for grain-size analyses by wet-sieve method. Tsunami sediments are compared to three deposits from coastal sub-environments. The mean grain-size and standard deviation of deposits show that shoreface deposits are fine to very fine sand, poorly to moderately well sorted; swash zone deposits are coarse to fine sand, poorly to well sorted; berm/dune deposits are medium to fine sand, poorly to well sorted; and tsunami deposits are coarse to very fine sand, poorly to moderately well sorted. A plot of deposit mean grain-size versus sorting indicates that tsunami deposits are composed of shoreface deposits, swash zone deposits and berm/dune deposits as well. The tsunami sediment is a gray sand layer deposited with an erosional base on a pre-existing soil (rooted soil). The thickness of the tsunami sediment layer is variable. The best location for observation of the recent tsunami sediment is at about 50–200 m inland from the coastline. In most cases, the sediment layer is normally graded. In some cases, the sediment contains rip-up clasts of muddy soils and/or organic matter. The vertical variation of tsunami sediment texture shows that the mean grain-size is fining upward and landward. Break points of slope in a plot of standard deviation versus depth mark a break in turbulence associated with a transition to a lower or higher Reynolds number runup. This can be used to evaluate tsunami sediment main layer and tsunami sediment sub layers. The skewness of tsunami sediment indicates a grain size distribution with prominent finer-grain or coarse-grain particles. The kurtosis of tsunami sediment indicates grain-size distributions which are flat to peak distribution (or multi-modal to uni-modal distribution) upward. Generally, the major origins of tsunami sediment are swash zone and berm/dune zone sands where coarse to medium sands are the significant material at these locations. The minor origin of tsunami sediment is the shoreface where the significant materials are fine to very fine sands. However, for a coastal area where the shoreface slope is mild, the major origin of tsunami sediment is the shoreface. The interpretation of runup number from tsunami sediment characteristics gets three runups for the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami at the Thai Andaman coast. It corresponds to field observations from local eyewitnesses. The 1st runup transported and deposited more coarse particles than the following runups. Overall, the pattern of onshore tsunami sediment transportation indicates erosion at swash zone and berm/dune zone, followed by dynamic equilibrium at an area behind the berm/dune zone and after that deposition at inland zone until the limit of sediment inundation. The total deposition is a major pattern in onshore tsunami sediment transportation at the deposition zone which the sediment must find in the direction of transport.  相似文献   

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