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Relative bedload transport rate and hydraulic parameters were measured on two occasions in a reach of the braided, gravel-bedded Ohau River. Each reach contained a deep, fast-flowing chute leading to an area of diverging, shallow flow which contained a middle bar. The measurements are self-consistent, and indicate that, where flow is concentrated in a deep chute, shear stress is high, but where flow diverges, depth, slope and shear stress decrease. In the first survey, the bed was scoured in the chute and sediment transport rates were high, but where flow diverged sediment transport rate decreased. It appears that deposition leads to bar growth, bar growth in turn reduces slope and depth, deposition is encouraged, and the bar continues to grow vertically, laterally and upstream. In the second survey no sediment transport was observed, despite hydraulic conditions very similar to the first survey. The absence of sediment transport is attributed to the cessation of sediment supply to the river channel.  相似文献   

This paper investigates variability in bedload transport and channel morphology for 11 replicate experimental runs in an approximately 1:50 braided river model. The experiments, each of 90 h duration, were carried out in a 20 × 3m tilting flume. All the experiments started with the same initial conditions. Bedload transport was measured at 5 min intervals in a collection drum at the exit from the flume. The model showed reasonable hydraulic similarity when compared to prototype rivers. Results show that mean bedload transport rates for the 11 runs vary in the range 0·98 to 1·49gs?1 (mean + 1·21, coefficient of variation 11 per cent). Within-run transport rates commonly vary from close to zero, to two and occasionally three or four times the mean rate. Within the bedload series, several irregular phases of transport intensity can be observed, but time series analysis of the data show little underlying serial structure (an AR(2) autoregressive model is appropriate). Channel patterns are narrow/braided, are established quickly and remain relatively stable throughout the runs, although channel widths increase between 20 and 103 per cent over the 11 runs. Channel behaviour varies from aggradational to transitional between aggradation and degradation. Time-averaged bedload transport rate is weakly correlated with braiding intensity. In general, these results demonstrate that for a given set of controlling variables, bedload transport and channel morphology can be approximately replicated.  相似文献   

The relation between morphological change and patterns of variation in bedload transport rate in braided streams was observed by repeated, daily topographic surveys over a 25 day study period in a 60 m reach of the proglacial Sunwapta River, Alberta, Canada. There are two major periods of morphological change, each lasting several days and each involving the complete destruction and reconstruction of bar complexes. Bar complex destruction was caused by redirection of the flow and by downstream extension of the confluence scour zone upstream. Reconstruction involved accretion of unit bars on bar head, flank and tail and in one case was initiated by disection of a large, lobate unit bar. High rates of sediment movement, measured from net scour and fill of the cross-sections, coincided with these morphological changes. Sediment was supplied from both bed and bank erosion, and patterns and distances of transfer were highly variable. Rates of transport estimated by matching upstream erosional volumes with downstream deposition were much greater than those estimated from either a step-length approach or a sediment budget. Measurements of scour and fill and observations of morphological change indicate that step lengths (virtual transport distances) were typically 40–100m during a diurnal discharge cycle. Shorter step lengths occurred when transfer was confined to a single anabranch and longer steps involved channel changes at the scale of the entire reach. Sediment budgeting was used to describe the spatial patterns of sediment transport associated with the morphological changes and to estimate minimum daily reach-averaged transport rates. Mean bedload transport rates correlate with discharge, but with considerable scatter. The largest deviations from the mean relation can be tied to phases of channel incision, bank erosion, scour hole migration, bar deposition and channel filling apparently controlled by changes and fluctuations in sediment supply from upstream, independent of discharge. These are interpreted as field evidence of ‘autopulses’ or ‘macropulses’ in bedload transport, previously observed only in laboratory models of braided streams.  相似文献   

Among braided rivers developed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China at very high elevations(>3,500 m),the middle and lower reaches of the Lhasa River have been affected by comprehensive human activities mainly involving dam construction,urbanization,farming,afforestation,and mining.In the current study,the impacts of these human activities on hydrology and morphology of the four braided reaches downstream of a cascaded of two dams are investigated.The study period was divided into 1985-2006(...  相似文献   

A 1:50 scale hydraulic model was designed, based on Froude number similarity and using hydrological and sediment data from a small braided gravel-bed river (the North Branch of the Ashburton River, Canterbury, New Zealand). Eighteen experiments were conducted; seven using steady flows, and eleven using unsteady flows. The experiments were carried out in a 20 m × 3 m tilting flume equipped with a continuous sediment feed and an automated data acquisition and control system. In all experiments water at 30°C was used to reduce viscosity-related scale effects. Analyses of the experimental data revealed that bedload transport rates in braided channels are highly variable, with relative variability being inversely related to mean bedload transport rate. Variability was also found to be cyclic with short-term variations being caused by the migration of bedforms. Bedload transport was found to be more efficient under steady flow than under unsteady flow, and it was postulated that this is caused by a tendency for channel form to evolve towards a condition which maximizes bedload transport for the occurring flow. Average bedload transport rate was found to vary with channel form, although insufficient measurements were made to define a relationship.  相似文献   

This work addresses the temporal dynamics of riparian vegetation in large braided rivers, exploring the relationship between vegetation erosion and flood magnitude. In particular, it investigates the existence of a threshold discharge, or a range of discharges, above which erosion of vegetated patches within the channel occurs. The research was conducted on a 14 km long reach of the Tagliamento River, a braided river in north‐eastern Italy. Ten sets of aerial photographs were used to investigate vegetation dynamics in the period 1954–2011. By using different geographic information system (GIS) procedures, three aspects of geomorphic‐vegetation dynamics and interactions were addressed: (i) long‐term (1954–2011) channel evolution and vegetation dynamics; (ii) the relationship between vegetation erosion/establishment and flow regime; (iii) vegetation turnover, in the period 1986–2011. Results show that vegetation turnover is remarkably rapid in the study reach with 50% of in‐channel vegetation persisting for less than 5–6 years and only 10% of vegetation persisting for more than 18–19 years. The analysis shows that significant vegetation erosion is determined by relatively frequent floods, i.e. floods with a recurrence interval of c. 1–2.5 years, although some differences exist between sub‐reaches with different densities of vegetation cover. These findings suggest that the erosion of riparian vegetation in braided rivers may not be controlled solely by very large floods, as is the case for lower energy gravel‐bed rivers. Besides flow regime, other factors seem to play a significant role for in‐channel vegetation cover over long time spans. In particular, erosion of marginal vegetation, which supplies large wood elements to the channel, increased notably over the study period and was an important factor for in‐channel vegetation trends. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The downstream diminution in sediment size in a braided reach of the proglacial Sunwapta River, Alberta, Canada, was examined statistically to identify the sources of the observed variation about an expected exponential relationship between clast size and distance. Major deviations from this hypothetical relationship, such as a relative increase in grainsize, may be attributed to the effects of tributary sediment inputs and downstream changes in channel behaviour, whilst local variation is associated with complex patterns of sediment deposition observed at a bar scale. A comparison of diminution coefficients, calculated for separate lithologies and for subreaches along the river, with those obtained from previous studies, is used as an indicator of river behaviour and sediment transport processes. It is shown that rates of diminution vary within the reach in response to differing rates of aggradation and to the backwater effects created by tributary alluvial fans. The relatively high values for the calculated diminution coefficients indicate that processes of differential transport are the main cause of the grain size decrease.  相似文献   

Hydraulic modelling principles, together with a knowledge of channel pattern thresholds, allow the development of a small scale model of a gravel braided stream with flow characteristics and equivalent dimensions of a natural river. The forms and processes of natural gravel braided rivers are reproduced by imposing a constant flume discharge and slope, and maintaining approximate equilibrium with an adjustable sediment feed. Beginning from a straight trough, braiding is initiated by development of a series of alternating bars and scour pools which produce bends of increasing amplitude, leading finally to channel division. These lobate bars accrete downstream by deposition of bed material at their margins, often in the form of avalanche faces. Together with the scour pools with which they are necessarily closely associated, these bars are the fundamental elements of the channel pattern. Channel migration and division is a response to the development of bars, and these adjustments leave portions of the originally active bars in the form of exposed and eroded remnants. Complex flats built from these lobate forms show varying degrees of preservation of the original depositional units, but the model allows observation of the systematic construction of some flats. Sorting of sediment on active bars with avalanche faces shows a distinct fining downstream. This may be the result of the accretion of fining upwards avalanche faces along the bar margins rather than a ‘winnowing out’ of fine material. The processes and forms observed in the model appear to be very similar to those occurring in natural gravel braided streams during peak flows.  相似文献   

Measurements of the primary and secondary velocity components were máde in two, active, braided river anabranch confluences with a simple Y-shaped plan form, in the gravelly Sunwapta River (D50 of approximately 30 mm). Flow velocity was measured at regularly-spaced intervals using a bidirectional electromagnetic current meter and the measured downstream and cross-stream velocities were converted to primary and secondary velocities to yield the secondary circulation. The primary (downstream) velocity field shows two high velocity streams from the two tributaries which merge (and, in some cases, accelerate) into a single high velocity core over the thalweg. Primary flow velocity declines as the flow expands and diverges at the downstream end of the confluence. The secondary circulation is dominated by two helical cells, back-to-back, plunging over the thalweg and diverging at the bed. This is the first confirmation of this flow structure in confluences, based on field measurements. The strength of the secondary cells declines downstream through each confluence, and laterally away from the thalweg area in cross-section. There is also a tendency for one cell, from the larger of the tributaries, to override the other. The secondary and primary flow structure and strength differs slightly between the two confluences and this is reflected in differences in scour hole form.  相似文献   

Previous analyses have identified the active width of braided rivers, the bed area over which bed load flux and short‐term morphological change occurs, as an important element of braiding dynamics and predictions of bed load flux. Here we compare theoretical predictions of active width in gravel‐bed braided rivers with observations from Sunwapta River, and from a generic physical model of gravel braided rivers, to provide general observations of the variation in active width, and to develop an understanding of the causes of variation. Bed topography was surveyed daily along a 150 m reach of the pro‐glacial Sunwapta River for a total of four weeks during summer when flow was above threshold for morphological activity. In the laboratory, detailed digital elevation models (DEMs) were derived from photogrammetric survey at regular intervals during a constant discharge run. From the field and flume observations there is considerable local and circumstantial variation in active width, but also a general trend in average active width with increasing discharge. There is also a clear relationship of active width with active braiding index (number of active branches in the braided channel network), and with dimensionless stream power, which appears to be consistent across the range of data from field and physical models. Thus there is a link between active width and the river morphology and dynamics, and the possibility of a general relationship for estimating active width from channel pattern properties or reach‐scale stream power values, from which approximate bedload flux calculations may be made. The analysis also raises questions about differences between hydraulically‐based numerical model computations of instantaneous active width and observation of time‐integrated morphological active width. Understanding these differences can give insight into the nature of bedload transport in braided rivers and the relationship to morphological processes of braiding. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1980s中期以来,黄河下游游荡段经常出现畸形河湾,分析其演变过程及特点对游荡段治理具有重要意义.本研究采用黄河下游游荡段的遥感影像和实测断面地形资料,描述了不同畸形河湾的演变过程并分析其河湾形态参数和断面形态的变化.研究表明,黄河下游游荡段的畸形河湾具有演变周期短、扭曲程度较大和易发生自然裁弯等特点.游荡段不同位置畸形河湾的演变特点不同:游荡段上段的畸形河湾演变缓慢,裁弯历时长;中段的畸形河湾演变速率较高,河湾扭曲程度大;下段的畸形河湾演变速率高,容易发生自然裁弯.河湾形态参数可反映畸形河湾的演变过程,其变化特点与畸形河湾的形成和裁弯过程相对应.在畸形河湾形成过程中,曲率半径和河湾间距减小,弯曲度、水流夹角和河湾振幅增大.游荡段3个畸形河湾弯曲度的最大值分别为1.20、2.10和1.61,反映了不同畸形河湾的扭曲程度.“Ω”形畸形河湾裁弯后的曲率半径、水流夹角、河湾振幅和河湾间距约为其演变过程中最值的605%、59%、27%和133%.“M”形畸形河湾裁弯后水流夹角、河湾振幅和河湾间距约为其最值的37%、83%和152%.在畸形河湾形成时期,伊洛河口断面位于畸形河湾凹岸侧的滩地以94 m/a的速率崩塌.裁弯后,河槽冲刷,两岸滩地崩退,河槽展宽速率为148 m/a.河床底部的冲刷从深泓点逐渐向两边发展.  相似文献   

Morphodynamics in sand‐bed braided rivers are associated with simultaneous evolution of mid‐channel bars and channels on the braidplain. Bifurcations around mid‐channel bars are key elements that divide discharge and sediment. This, in turn, may control the evolution of connected branches, with effects propagating to both upstream and downstream bifurcations. Recent works on bifurcation stability and development hypothesize major roles of secondary flow and gradient advantage. However, this has not been tested for channel networks within a fully developed dynamic braided river. A reason for this is a lack of detailed measurements with sufficient temporal and spatial length, covering multiple bifurcations. Therefore we used a physics‐based numerical model to generate a dataset of bathymetry, flow and sediment transport of an 80 km river reach with self‐formed braid bars and bifurcations. The study shows that bar dissection due to local transverse water surface gradients is the dominant bifurcation initiation mechanism, although conversion of unit bars into compound bars dominates in the initial stage of a braided river. Several bifurcation closure mechanisms are equally important. Furthermore, the study showed that nodal point relations for bifurcations are unable to predict short‐term bifurcation evolution in a braided river. This is explained by occurrence of nonlinear processes and non‐uniformity within the branches, in particular migrating bars and larger‐scale backwater‐effects, which are not included in the nodal point relations. Planform morphology, on the other hand, has predictive capacity: bifurcation angle asymmetry and bar‐tail limb shape are indicators for near‐future bifurcation evolution. Remote sensing data has predictive value, for which we developed a conceptual model for interactions between bars, bifurcations and channels in the network. We conducted a preliminary test of the conceptual model on satellite images of the Brahmaputra. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Historical archives of grey‐scale river channel imagery are extensive. Here, we present and test a methodology to extract detailed quantitative topographic data from such imagery of sand‐bed rivers. Extracting elevation information from rivers is difficult as they are characterized by a low relative relief (<4 m); the area of interest may be spatially extensive (e.g. active channel widths >500 m in large braided rivers); the rate of change of surface elevation is generally low except in the vicinity of individual channel banks where the rate of change is very high; there is the complication that comes from inundation; and there may be an added complication caused by blockage of the field of view by vegetation. Here, we couple archival photogrammetric techniques with image processing methods and test these for quantification of sand‐bed braided river dynamics, illustrated for a 500 m wide, 3 km long reach of the South Saskatchewan River, Canada. Digital photogrammetry was used to quantify dry areas and water edge elevations. A methodology was then used to calibrate the spectral signature of inundated areas by combining established two media digital photogrammetric methods and image matching. This allowed determination of detailed depth maps for inundated areas and, when combined with dry area data, creation of complete digital elevation models. Error propagation methods were used to determine the erosion and deposition depths detectable from sequential digital elevation models. The result was a series of elevation models that demonstrate the potential for acquiring detailed and precise elevation data from any historical aerial imagery of rivers without needing associated calibration data, provided that imagery is of the necessary scale to capture the features of interest. We use these data to highlight several aspects of channel change on the South Saskatchewan River, including bar movement, bank erosion and channel infilling. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bedload pulses in gravel-bed rivers have been widely reported in recent years and attempts have been made to relate them to channel morphology. Bedload transport and channel morphology were measured in a small-scale generic model of braided gravel-bed streams. Two experiments are described in which braided channels developed in a 14 m × 3 m sand tray. Total bedload output from the tray was weighed every 15 minutes. Stream bed geometry was surveyed every four hours. Pulses were observed in the bedload output time series, and were qualitatively related to the channel morphology immediately upstream of the measuring section. The Bagnold (1980) bedload equation generally overpredicts measured bedload transport rates when applied to channels that were in equilibrium or aggrading. Underprediction occurred when applied to degrading channels. Aggradation was associated with channel multiplication and bar deposition. Channel pattern simplification occurred when degradation took place, and bars emerged from the water flow. Development of phases of aggradation and degradation is dependent upon the three-dimensional geometry of the stream beds. Spatial and temporal feedback loops can be identified, enabling links between channel morphology and bedload transport rate to be directly identified.  相似文献   

Planimetric change was measured on daily hydrographs over two meltwater seasons using time-lapse images of the proglacial, gravel, braided, Sunwapta River, Canada. Significant planimetric change occurred on 10–15 days per year. Area of planimetric change correlated with peak and total daily meltwater hydrograph discharge. A clear threshold discharge can be identified below which no planform activity occurs, an intermediate range over which change occurs conditionally, and a peak flow range at which significant change always occurs. Field conditions were reproduced in a physical model in a laboratory flume. Photogrammetric DEMs of bed morphology and measurements of bedload output were made for each hydrograph experimental run. The physical model results for planimetric change had a threshold discharge for change, and trend with discharge, similar to the field data. The model data also show that planimetric change correlates strongly with volumes of erosion/deposition measured from successive DEMs, and with bedload transport rate. The relation between planimetric change and topographic change is also apparent from previous cross-section surveys at the field site. The results highlight the planimetric dynamics of braiding rivers in relation to discharge forcing, and the relationship between planimetric change, morphological change, and bedload transport in braided rivers. This also points to the potential use of measurements of planimetric change from time-lapse imagery as a low-cost method for high-frequency monitoring for braiding dynamics and also a surrogate for bedload transport measurement. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ugo Moisello 《水文研究》2002,16(13):2667-2684
The maximum depth of a river section is schematized as a non‐stationary continuous‐parameter continuous stochastic process, with a three‐parameter lognormal distribution. Two processes, represented by a first‐order and a second‐order differential equation, are considered. Non‐stationarity is accounted for by the mean, the other parameters being assumed constant. The continuous processes are then discretized as AR(1) and ARMA(2,1) processes respectively, and used for computing the conditional probability (which is of practical interest) for a given maximum depth not to be exceeded in a period of given length. The models are applied to the River Po (Italy) and the AR(1) model is found to be preferable. An analysis of the effect of discretizing the parameter is also carried out, considering the second‐order model and the conditional probability, for which analytical results for the continuous‐parameter model are available. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reports the application of a two‐dimensional hydraulic model to a braided reach of the Avoca River, New Zealand. Field measurements of water surface elevation, depth and velocity obtained at low flow were used to validate the model and to optimize the parameterization of bed friction. The main systematic trends in the measured flow variables are reproduced by the model. However, field data are characterized by greater spatial variability than model output reflecting differences in the scale of processes measured in the field and represented by the model. Additional model runs were conducted to simulate flow patterns within the study reach at five higher discharges. The purpose of these simulations was to evaluate the potential for using two‐dimensional hydraulic models to quantify the reach‐scale hydraulic characteristics of braided rivers and their dependence on discharge. Changes in flow depth and velocity with increasing discharge exhibit trends that are consistent with the results of previous field investigations, although the tendency for the wetted area of the braidplain within particular depth and velocity categories to remain fixed as discharge rises, as has been noted for several braided rivers in New Zealand, was not observed. Modelled shear stress frequency distributions fit gamma functions that incorporate a distribution shape parameter, the value of which follows clear systematic trends with rising discharge. These results illustrate both the problems of, and potential for, using two‐dimensional hydraulic models in braided river applications. This leads to something of a paradox in that while such models provide a means of generating hydraulic information that would be difficult to obtain in the field at an equivalent spatial resolution, they are, due to the problems inherent to data collection, difficult to validate conclusively. Despite this limitation, the application of spatially distributed models to investigate relationships between discharge and reach‐scale form and process variables appears to have considerable potential. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hans A. Einstein initiated a probabilistic approach to modelling sediment transport in rivers. His formulae were based on theory and were stimulated by laboratory investigations. The theory assumes that bed load movement occurs in individual steps of rolling, sliding or saltation and rest periods. So far very few attempts have been made to measure stochastic elements in nature. For the first time this paper presents results of radio‐tracing the travel path of individual particles in a large braided gravel bed river: the Waimakariri River of New Zealand. As proposed by Einstein, it was found that rest periods can be modelled by an exponential distribution, but particle step lengths are better represented by a gamma distribution. Einstein assumed an average travel distance of 100 grain‐diameters for any bed load particle between consecutive points of deposition, but larger values of 6·7 m or 150 grain‐diameters and 6·1 m or 120 grain‐diameters were measured for two test particle sizes. Together with other available large scale field data, a dependence of the mean step length on particle diameter relative to the D50 of the bed surface was found. During small floods the time used for movement represents only 2·7% of the total time from erosion to deposition. The increase in percentage of time being used for transport means that it then has to be regarded in stochastic transport models. Tracing the flow path of bed load particles between erosion and deposition sites is a step towards explaining the interactions between sediment transport and river morphology. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Rhine bifurcation at Pannerden forms the major distribution point for water supply in the Netherlands, distributing not only water and sediment but also flooding risks and navigability. Its morphological stability has been a concern for centuries. We present experiences from more than two decades of numerical morphological modelling of this bifurcation with a gravel–sand bed and a meandering planform. Successive computations have shown the importance of upstream approach conditions, the necessity to include physical mechanisms for grain sorting and alluvial roughness, and the need to assume a thicker active layer of the river bed than is suggested by laboratory flume experiments using a constant discharge. The active layer must be thicker in the model to account for river bed variations due to higher‐frequency discharge variations that are filtered out in morphological modelling. We discuss limitations in calibration and verification, but argue that, notwithstanding these limitations, 2D and 3D morphological models are valuable tools, not only for pragmatic applications to engineering problems, but also for revealing the limitations of established knowledge and understanding of the relevant physical processes. The application of numerical models to the Pannerden bifurcation appeared to reveal shortcomings in established model formulations that do not pose particular problems in other cases. This application is therefore particularly useful for setting the agenda for further research. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies, which allow wireless detection of individual buried or immersed tracers, represent a step forward in sediment tracking, especially passive integrated transponders (PIT tags) that have been widely used. Despite their widespread adoption in the scientific community, they typically have low efficiency when deployed in river systems with active bedload transport or deep wet channels, attributed to their technical specifications. A recent evaluation of active ultra-high frequency transponders (a-UHF tags) assessed their larger detection range and provided a methodology for their geopositioning. In this study, we test five different survey methods (one including an unmanned aerial vehicle [UAV]) in a sediment tracking study, and compare them in terms of recovery rate, field effort, geopositioning error, and efficiency. We then tested the method on a larger reach following a Q5 flood and performed cross-comparisons between active and passive RFIDs. The results confirmed that the a-UHF RFID technology allowed rapid (1.5 h ha−1) survey of a large area (<34 ha) of emerged bars and shallow water channels with recovery of a high percentage of tracers (72%) that had travelled large distances (mean ≈ 1000 m; max ≈ 3400 m). Moreover, the tracers were identified with low geopositioning error (mean ≈ 7.1 m, ≤1% of their travel distance). We also showed that a UAV-based survey was fast (0.38 h ha−1), efficient (recovery rate = 84%), and low error (mean ≈ 4.2 m). Thus, a-UHF RFID technology permits the development of a variety of survey methods, depending on the study objectives and the human and financial resources available. This allows field efforts to be optimized by determining an appropriate balance between the high equipment cost of a-UHF tracers and the resulting reduced survey costs. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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