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裴荣富 《地球科学》2002,27(1):72-80
“后工业”(post-industry)是知识经济或曰“新经济”的发展时代。这个时代的自然资源和一般劳动力资源,包括矿产资源在国民经济和社会发展中的基础地位逐渐为知识产权、市场网络、信息、创新环境等后天获得性资源,以及为创新人才的新“认知”(recognized intellect,RI)所代替。然而,据矿产资源分布及其成矿既具有一定的全球统一性又有区域的特殊性,以及不同国家(地区)对矿产资源勘查程度的不均衡性,特别是矿业活动与其他产业性质的不同,如何能按不同国家(地区)的具体发展状况,做好21世纪矿业向“后工业”发展势态的倾斜,达到适者生存和矿业可持续发展的目标是当代探讨的重大问题。在概括阐述了21世纪矿业发展势态、矿业活动特点及其自然属性的基础上,提出了矿业可持续发展的地质勘查和矿业活动决策支持系统的模拟,以及对当前紧缺铜矿资源可持续发展的新“认知”。  相似文献   

周斌 《甘肃地质》2011,(4):60-64
甘肃省是一个生态地质环境十分脆弱的省份。水土流失、土地荒漠化、土壤盐渍化等地质环境问题突出;森林及植被覆盖率低,涵养水源功能弱,环境自净能力差;环境污染现象严重。并且随经济的发展与资源的消耗,生态环境呈恶化之势,已直接影响着人民群众的生存和地方经济的发展。本文重点分析生态地质环境现状,为合理开发利用国土资源、制定地方经济发展规划、促进区域经济可持续发展和生态环境建设及保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

杨昌明  洪水峰 《地球科学》2001,26(2):213-216
建立矿产资源可持续发展指标体系是国民经济可持续发展的当务之急.焦点问题法评价准则为矿产资源可持续利用能力、矿产资源开发利用对环境的影响、矿业行业自身的可持续发展.并引进了一些新的动态指标: 资源竞争力、资源消耗力、资源承载力、资源结构力、资源破坏力、资源环保力和矿业发展力; 从而可以动态地考察矿产资源的可持续发展问题.   相似文献   

西北地区矿产资源开发的环境地质问题及其类型   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:10  
西北地区有着丰富的矿产资源,矿业经济已成为西北地区各省、区主要工业经济之一。由于历史原因,受政策、管理、技术及人为因素的影响,矿产资源开展导致了一系列环境地质问题,其类型主要为资源破坏、矿山地质灾害和环境污染。在西部大开发中,矿产资源开发是促进西北地区经济发展的重要方面,但是不能走“先开发,后治理”的老路,否则,恶化的矿区生态环境必将阻碍该地区社会经济的可持续发展,直辖市好合理开发利用矿产资源与环境保护的矛盾,是西部大开发中我们面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

湖北省矿产资源与经济可持续发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
姚书振  胡立山 《地球科学》1999,24(4):344-350
湖北省矿产资源丰富,具有矿产种类多、规模大、分布相对集中、供(伴)生矿多、部分大宗能源和急需矿产资源不足的特点。其中探明储量丰富,能满足经济发展需要,保证程度高的矿产资源有磷矿、岩盐、石膏、石灰岩、饰面石材等;储量较多,多经济发展需求大,保证程度不高的矿产资源为铁、铜等;储量少,保证程度差,社会发展需求量大的是煤、石油、天然气等能源资源,矿业经济已在湖北省经济发展中起着重要。同时,矿业活动也带来了  相似文献   

At present there is a tendency for the roles, in the economy, of the environment and natural resources to be interrelated. Economic factors have increasingly been affected by environmental impact in spatial economic organisation (ETO). The growth of production results in the constant increased consumption of natural resources. New sources (of inferior quality in the developed regions or in the regions with extreme conditions), formerly not exploited area now used. At the same time the following tendencies can be observed: increased concentration of production, more complicated branch structure, growth in number of manufacturing industries, decline in the share of mining in industrial output. This tendency is accompanied by the spatial disjunction of technologically interconnected industries (dealing with mining and processing of raw materials) and by the formation of new industrial integrations (not dealing directly with natural resources utilization). In this complicated situation the investigation of natural resources and of the environmental role in the spatial organisation of the economy is becoming of special relevance. In the author's opinion while investigating this problem the type of social system should be considered, as well as the level of development of productive forces and the combination of regional nature and economic conditions. Three aspects of investigation—branch, spatial and functional—are proposed. The analysis of natural resources and environmental impact the spatial organisation of the economy in each of mentioned aspects should be performed on different scales—local, regional, national and international levels. The approach to problem investigation is based on the analysis of data about the USSR. and exemplified. The investigators recommend the application of Soviet experience in this field by the geographers of other countries.  相似文献   

科技进步为金属矿产资源的勘查开发、获取供应提供理论指导和技术支持,并在很大程度上决定着地矿产业的可持续发展。在21世纪绿色矿业的崛起和新的循环经济模式下矿业文明的振兴更是离不开现代科学技术,二者相辅相成,这对巩固我国可持续发展的资源基础意义重大。对于我国的资源开发供应,资源保障是前提基础,科学技术是方法手段,环境效益是发展目标,三者应协同推进,不可偏废。  相似文献   

稀土元素在永磁材料等新材料领域有着广泛的应用,被世界各主要国家列为战略资源.从资源、生产格局上看,近年来随着世界范围内稀土探矿热潮的出现以及中国稀土资源的大量开发,中国稀土资源优势地位正逐渐降低;美国等西方国家大力推动中国之外稀土矿山和冶炼分离项目的建设,全球稀土生产格局或将发生变化.从消费方面看,稀土消费可被归为永磁...  相似文献   

龙胜县矿产资源丰富,经多年的开发利用,基本形成了以滑石为龙头,辅以金、铅锌、温泉的资源开发格局。为了正确处理好矿产资源开发与生态保护、矿业经济与生态经济建设的关系,通过对龙胜县矿产资源开发利用形势的调查研究,阐述了在规范龙胜县的矿业活动及调整矿业经济结构方面的思路。指出以矿山开采企业为主体的龙胜矿业经济体系,其资源开发利用层次不高,经济效益不理想,产生的环境影响也比较大。认为调整矿业产业结构,改变矿业经济不合理增长方式,已成为保障矿业经济可持续健康发展的首要任务。  相似文献   

The link between natural resources and economic development is more and more regarded as a fact today even though the whole process of development is only partially understood. The awareness has now spread to the developing countries of the world where resources have yet to be developed to bring about an improvement in standards of living especially for rural populations, as well as a general improvement in the quality of life for the people. Unfortunately many of the resources of these countries are still to be surveyed and development planning is often based on flimsy, inadequate or even unreliable natural resource data. The improvement of data base for resource planning would go a long way to ensure more knowledge about natural resources in developing countries and better use and management of the available resources. There are economic, technological and environmental difficulties to be overcome before more efficient natural resource utilization in these countries could be achieved. The role of population growth in resource realization is still clouded with an inconclusive debate. But even more important is the need for technological assistance and the application of modern technology to food and agriculture and to other resources to ensure a better life for the populations of developing countries. Developments in agriculture will need the greatest attention since it is a primary resource which provides employment for large proportions of the population, food for the rural and urban populations and exportable surpluses required for the purchase of industrial goods for use in the other sectors of the economy. The activities of transnational corporations distort developments in agriculture and mining in many developing countries and many of these countries are today making greater moves to realize full sovereignty over their natural resources as a first step towards more efficient and meaningful planning for economic growth and development. Energy resources, and in particular the development of new and renewable sources of energy, present one of the greatest challenges to developing countries. Examples of the development of rural energy systems in China and India are promising to open the way to alternative forms of energy for the rural masses of other similarly placed developing countries. Finally, new developments in the natural resources debate concerned with the sharing of the resources of the oceans as seen in the Law of the Sea Conference are a pointer to a more equitable approach to the use of global resources for the continued development of the developed as well as the developing countries of the world.The view expressed in this paper are those of the author alone and do not necessarily represent those of the United Nations University.  相似文献   

张锦高  马宏岩 《地球科学》1999,24(4):339-343
发展需要消耗资源,我国资源供给形势严峻。可持续发展是我国经济发展的必然选择,资源持志开发和利用是实现可持续发展的关键。实现这一点,一方面要充分发挥市场机制在资源配置中的基础作用,另一方面要加强对资源开发和利用的宏观调控作用,保证资源的有效供给。  相似文献   

Agriculture stands alone among resource sectors in Western industrialized countries as having the fastest growth in production/productivity during post-war years. Yet that growth in productivity and accompanying high levels of sufficiency has been at the expense of such goals as adequate income, community stability and resource/environmental conservation. In the process, agriculture has mimicked trends in the economy as a whole through increased segmentation and differentiation, throughput of non-renewable resources and divergence of natural and economic processes. Within the context of prevailing policies and market forces in OECD countries in general and Canada in particular, this paper evaluates the problems facing the sector and the nature of the trade-offs being made in the pursuit of high-input agriculture. It is argued that, while agri-business and market forces are generally responsible for a weakening of the links between environment and economy, numerous market distortions, precipitated by agricultural policy, do much the same. To achieve a better balance among the production and consumption functions of the land and to achieve an approach to future agricultural production which is sustainable will require changes in many of the rules, standards and conventions influencing the growth of food and fibre. From a policy perspective, the main task ahead is to redesign and implement programs which will encourage new ‘opportunity sets’ for the economic and competitive viability of the farmer and agricultural system, while at the same time meeting the nutritional needs of society and ensuring the protection of important environmental services and amenity values.  相似文献   

王强  王凯胜 《吉林地质》2001,20(4):41-45
在“九五”期间我省经济取得了飞速的发展,“十五”期间我省经济将继续保持快速稳定的发展势头。省委、省政府贯彻国家“十五”规划,结合我省自身情况提出了跨越式发展的战略发展模式.作为经济发展的支柱产业-矿业也必须在跨越式发展战略指引下寻求更好的发展模式。结合我省矿业特点:1.矿产品种类较多,品种相对齐全;2.伴生、共生矿产多;3.贫矿多、富矿少;4.矿产资源地域分布差异很大,造成我省矿产品需求与供给的矛盾;同时,由于技术水平所限,矿产品开采利用与技术水平提高的矛盾也非常明显;另外随着改革开放的进一步深入,矿业发展模式与体制改革之间的矛盾也非常明显。为了实现跨越式发展,在此提出了相关的解决方法。如提高资源利用效率,加大高新技术的引进,提高勘探技术、开采技术等等。同时,在矿业实现跨越式发展也应该注意一些问题,矿业发展的环境保护问题,矿业的可持续性问题等。  相似文献   

矿业经济在广西与东盟的经济互动中占有重要的地位。广西与东盟矿业企业的合作保持良好的态势,但同时广西与东盟矿业经济在互动中也存在资源开发技术、服务体系、融资及周边环境的挑战等问题,应尽快发展矿产资源跨国合作的投资机构,建立矿业科技服务平台及矿产资源交易平台,充分利用广西的区位优势进一步扩大与东盟国家之间的矿业合作,实现广西-东盟矿业经济跨越式发展。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区水资源供需平衡的估算模型研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张永勤  缪启龙  彭补拙 《水文》2002,22(2):6-9,18
从地表热量平衡、水量平衡的基本理论出发,结合长江三角洲地区的气象、水文、土壤等资料建立了区域水资源量估算模型,计算了该地区的地表水、地下水及水资源总量;同时建立了用水系统的各个子模型,即根据本区农业生产状况建立了农业耗水的物理模型,由工业和生活用水量的变化,结合地区经济发展、人口增加等情况,建立了工业和生活用水的统计模型。利用实际资料进行了模型检验,对本地区未来水资源供需平衡状况进行了分析和预测。  相似文献   

论化学矿产资源开发中存在的矛盾与待解决的问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人口、资源、环境是国际社会所面临的重要问题。资源的合理配置是21世纪可持续发展的一个关键问题。化学矿产与其它矿产资源一样,形势严峻。在开发利用过程中存在着资源短缺与资源浪费、国家和地区、当前和长远、开采与保护、开发与环境污染等5个矛盾。要实施可持续发展战略,必须正确处理这些矛盾。急待解决的主要问题有:提高国民素质和全社会节约意识、确实贯彻矿产保护法、加强矿产基地建设、提高机械化程度、适应市场化经济、稳定地质科研队伍等。  相似文献   

赵剑畏  高德云 《江苏地质》1996,20(3):137-145
江苏矿产资源总的特点是大多数非金属矿产比较充裕,能源及重要金属矿产相对不足。省内矿业配套,但存在勘查跟不上采选,开采满足不了冶炼与深加工,规模偏小,效益及集约化程度较低等问题。江苏矿业发展战略,要服从服务于全国总的产业政策,开发开放的总体布局,服从“科教兴省”、“经济国际化”、“区域共同发展”、“海上苏东”的战略及沿江,沿海,沿桥布局的战略,体现大矿业的思想,真正使矿业经济步上按市场经济体制运行和  相似文献   

Conclusions As developing countries expand both agricultural and industrial activities over the coming decade, sensitive management of the limited available freshwater resources will become increasingly important. If their supplies consist solely of ground water, then some water deficit countries could end up by mining a non-renewable resource as it takes many thousands of years to replenish deep fossil groundwater stocks. Conservation and careful husbandry of existing stocks must therefore be carried out if the growing human populations of arid lands are to be protected from famine and poverty.The arid zones may provide more than sufficient food in a sustainable system despite the harsh natural conditions. In arid areas rainfall is low, biological cycling is limited by low soil moisture and evapotranspiration is high. The absence of leaching by infiltration results in a large active pool of nutrients and the addition of water by irrigation allows this potential fertility to be realised. Given the high insolation of desert lands and a man-made continuous water supply it is possible to obtain 2–4 crop harvest a year. However, the success of any future development is ultimately in the hands of the governments who control the management of water resources.Until recently pollution of the sea was relatively localised. It has now become a problem globally around coasts and even affects the open ocean. Enclosed and semi-enclosed seas are most vulnerable to degradation of their ecosystems and the Golf region has proved to be no exception to this, sensitivity exacerbated by weak currents and political instability leading to increasing oil pollution.The pollution in the Gulf is at its most harmful in the biologically diverse and productive areas around coastlines where pollution tends to concentrate and where human welfare is also most at risk. The outbreak of cholera and other waterborne disease in Iraq immediately following the Gulf war highlights the exceptional reliance people throughout the Gulf States must place of fresh water supplies. Continuing political instability in the region and its associated environmental damage will not, therefore, only threaten wildlife or fisheries but may threaten human welfare as water supplies are limited or decline in quality and industry, agriculture and health all suffer the consequences.  相似文献   

矿产资源是国民经济和社会发展的重要物质基础,矿产资源的勘探、开发利用对国民经济的持续发展起到重要的保障和促进作用.而我国矿业企业正处于一个全新的发展时期,上市难度大,还需不断完善矿业资本市场,加速发展矿业资本市场风险投资以解决日益凸昱的资金缺乏问题,促进我国矿业企业发展为具有国际竞争力的矿业集团.  相似文献   

煤矿区可持续发展中的环境问题与对策   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
煤炭作为一种不可再生资源,长期的开发活动已经引起了与我国国民经济可持续发展不协调的诸多环境问题,并且这些问题也已成为影响我国社会,经济和区域发展的综合性制约因素,因此有必要从煤矿区可持续发展角度,系统地认识和分析各环境霜素的制约与联系,采取系统性,持续性的环境保护对策,使煤矿区环境得到持续性改善。  相似文献   

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