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The Upper Cretaceous chalks of southern England are a thick sequence of rhythmically bedded, bioturbated coccolith micrites, deposited in an outer shelf environment in water depths which varied between 50 and 200–300 m. The products of sea floor cementation are widely represented in the sequence, and a series of stages of progressive lithification can be recognized. These began with a pause in sedimentation and the formation of an omission surface, followed by (a) growth of discrete nodules below the sediment-water interface to form a nodular chalk, erosion of which produced intraformational conglomerates. (b) Further growth and fusion of nodules into continuous or semicontinuous layers: incipient hardgrounds. (c) Scour, which exposed the layer as a true hardground. At this stage, the exposed lithified chalk bottom was subject to boring and encrustation by a variety of organisms, whilst calcium carbonate was frequently replaced by glauconite and phosphate to produce superficial mineralized zones. In many cases, the processes of sedimentation, cementation, exposure and mineralization were repeated several times, producing composite hardgrounds built up of a series of layers of cemented and mineralized chalk, indicating a long and complex diagenetic history. Petrographic study of early cemented chalks indicates lithification was the result of the precipitation of small crystals on and between coccoliths and coccolith fragments. By analogy with known occurrences of early lithification in Recent deeper water carbonates, the cement is believed to have been either high magnesian calcite or aragonite, and more probably the former. The vast scale of operations involved in the cementation process precludes carbonate in expelled pore fluids as the source of cement, whilst quantities of aragonite incorporated in sediment are also inadequate. This, plus the observed association of horizons of early lithification with pauses in sedimentation associated with omission surfaces suggests seawater as a source of cementing materials. Stratigraphic studies indicate that processes of early lithification leading to hardground formation proceeded to completion in intervals to be measured in tens or hundreds of years. Regional studies suggest that early lithification characterized relatively shallow water phases associated with regional regression over the whole of the area, whilst in detail, the distribution of mature mineralized hardground complexes is strongly correlated with sedimentary thinning and condensation over small areas and the buried flanks of massifs. Early cementation in more basinal areas is typically in the form of nodular developments and incipient hardgrounds, whilst day contents in excess of a few percent appear to have inhibited early lithification. The striking rhythmicity of hardgrounds and nodular chalks is no more than a particular expression of the overall rhythmicity of chalk sequences. The stage of early lithification reached in any instance is dependent on sediment type, the time interval represented by the associated omission surface and the degree of associated scour and erosion (if any). Chalk hardgrounds differ from most others described in the geological literature in their widespread distribution (individual hardgrounds may cover up to 1500 km2), the presence of striking glauconite and phosphate replacements of lithified carbonate matrices, their frequently sparse epifaunas, and boring infaunas dominated by clionid sponges. These differences reflect the deeper water shelf setting of the chalk, and the more open marine, oceanic circulatory system, both strikingly different from the setting of other, shallower water hardgrounds. Litho- and biostratigraphic variation in the chalk sequences of the area studied are summarized in an appendix.  相似文献   

New finds of siliceous microfossils, mainly diatoms, are reported from hard limestone levels in the Campanian cherty Mishash Formation, Negev, Israel. Twenty taxa were recognized, of which Melosira campaniensis and Trinacria negeviensis are new species. Representatives of Ebridians are reported for the first time from Cretaceous sediments. Calcareous nannofossils are usually few and poorly preserved. The diversity of the micro- and nannofossil assemblages vary through the succession and points to fluctuations in the palaeoenvironmental conditions from restricted to more normal marine. The moderate preservation of the opaline microfossils within the limestones is probably the result of early diagenetic lithification.  相似文献   

The stratigraphically oldest remains of ornithomimid theropod dinosaurs are known from the Cenomanian Khodzhakul Formation and the Turonian Bissekty Formation of Uzbekistan. The ornithomimid from the Bissekty Formation is documented by more than 800 isolated bones that represent much of the skeleton. It shows at least three unambiguous synapomorphies of Ornithomimidae: length of anterior cervical centra three to five times greater than transverse width; low and rounded fibular crest of tibia; metatarsal III pinched between metatarsals II and IV; and proximal end of metatarsal III not visible in anterior view. Phylogenetic analysis, based on a dataset with 568 morphological characters and including all known ornithomimosaurian taxa, places the ornithomimid from the Bissekty Formation near the base of the ornithomimid radiation, between Archaeornithomimus asiaticus and Sinornithomimus dongi.  相似文献   

Santonian-Lower Campanian and Lower Maastrichtian phosphatic chalks in northern France, southern England and Belgium are Europe's largest sedimentary phosphatc deposits. The stratigraphy, sediment-ology, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of the lithofacies are reviewed and new data presented. Depositional and diagenetic models for phosphatic chalk deposits are developed using published experimental work and from observations of modern high- and low-productivity phosphogenic systems. It is concluded that phosphatic chalks were deposited in well-oxygenated, current-swept environments. Phosphatization required a delicate balance to be maintained between moderate organic carbon and carbonate sedimentation rates, reduced bulk sediment accumulation rate and an enhanced rate of bioturbation. Precipitation of carbonate-fluorapatite (francolite) accompanied the bacterially mediated decomposition of organic matter, occurring within centimetres of the sediment-seawater interface, and taking place preferentially within microbial bodies and coatings. In addition to the organically derived component, pore water phosphate levels were enhanced by phosphate absorbed on ferric oxyhydroxides which was liberated during iron reduction. Mineralization was probably a dominantly post-oxic process, but occurred in a thick sediment mixed layer in which marine organic matter was undergoing intense mixed aerobic and anaerobic microbial degradation. Phosphogenesis occurred predominantly on the NE margins of the Anglo-Paris Basin where shallower sea floors and suitable palaeoceanographic conditions prevailed. Phosphogenic episodes were limited by sea level fluctuations'which controlled the effectiveness of the erosional currents that formed and maintained the phosphatic basins and may have stimulated local productivity.  相似文献   

Vertebrate remains from the Upper Cretaceous (Santonian) Ajka Coal Formation (Bakony Mountains, western Hungary) are described. Macro- and microfossils collected from two boreholes and from isolated chunks of sediment/matrix dumped on spoil heaps of the Jókai Mine represent pycnodontiform and lepisosteiform fishes, bothremydid turtles, the mosasauroid Pannoniasaurus inexpectatus, the crocodyliforms cf. Theriosuchus, Iharkutosuchus makadii and cf. Allodaposuchus, as well as ankylosaurian and theropod dinosaurs. This unit was deposited in a swampy lacustrine environment, in contrast with the neighbouring and contemporaneous floodplain deposit of the vertebrate-bearing Csehbánya Formation at Iharkút. Despite significant environmental differences, the faunal composition of the Ajka Coal Formation assemblage completely overlaps with that of the Csehbánya Formation, suggesting the occurrence of the same semi-aquatic and terrestrial species in both settings. The ankylosaurian remains further strengthen the previous view that ankylosaurus preferred wetland habitats such as fluvial systems and coastal regions.  相似文献   

 During the Cenozoic, in the western Paris Basin, atmospheric weathering of the chalks with flints of the Upper Cretaceous led to the creation of clay with flints. A reconstitution of the chalks lost to dissolution is proposed and is based on the determination of the age of the parent chalks of the clay with flints and the quantification of the thickness of dissolved chalk. The chalks affected by weathering range in age from Turonian to Maastrichtian, thus confirming the deposition of calcareous sediments in the western Paris Basin up to the Maastrichtian. Chalk weathering took place in situ, as indicated by the preservation of the stratigraphic succession of the chalk in the clay with flints profiles. Weathering led to the dissolution of 20–200 m of chalk, with regional variations. The weathering rate varies between 2.1 and 14.5 m/Ma. Received: 20 July 1998 / Accepted: 1 July 1999  相似文献   

正Objective The Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary(K–Pg boundary)marks the beginning of the Cenozoic,and is one of the most important geological boundaries.Charophytes are usually very abundant in the non-marine strata near the K–Pg boundary,and the change in the charophyte flora can help to recognize the K–Pg boundary.The position of K–  相似文献   

Sampling of Cenomanian fossil-rich horizons within the La Luna Formation of two localities in the Zulia and Trujillo states (northern Venezuela) yielded numerous shark teeth belonging to various species within the order Lamniformes (Mackerel sharks). Twelve lamniform species were identified including three new species (Squalicorax lalunaensis sp. nov., Squalicorax moodyi sp. nov., Acutalamna karsteni gen. et sp. nov.) and the genus Microcarcharias gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate with the peculiar morphology of the small-sized odontaspidid M. saskatchewanensis. Other taxa reported here include Cretoxyrhina mantelli, Cretolamna sp., cf. Nanocorax sp. and five Squalicorax species left in open nomenclature. This is the first report of chondrichthyans from the mid-Cretaceous of Venezuela and one of the few records of this group from the Cenomanian of South America. The composition of these assemblages suggests some degree of endemism in the La Luna Sea but also possible connexions with the Western Interior Seaway. One of the most striking features of these assemblages is the high anacoracid diversity (eight species) despite the corresponding outer shelf/upper slope palaeoenvironments of the La Luna Formation. The high diversity of these opportunistic predators is probably related to the high diversity of medium to large marine vertebrates that provided food resources.  相似文献   

There exists a major gap in the fossil record of tyrannosauroid theropod dinosaurs spanning the early part of the Late Cretaceous. We report on skeletal remains referable to Tyrannosauroidea indet. from the Turonian Bissekty Formation at Dzharakuduk in the central Kyzylkum Desert of Uzbekistan. Phylogenetic analysis of the hypodigm places the Bissekty tyrannosauroid as a non-tyrannosaurid tyrannosauroid more basal than the Campanian tyrannosauroids Appalachiosaurus and Bistahieversor from North America.  相似文献   

New theropod remains with abelisaurid affinities from the Upper Cretaceous (Anacleto Formation, lower Campanian), NW Patagonia, Argentina, are here described. The specimen (MPCN-PV 69) consists of a partial premaxilla, fragmentary vertebrae, proximal portion of both humeri, distal portion of the pubis, and an incomplete pedal ungual. Characters linking with Abelisauridae are a premaxilla with a subquadrangular body, externally ornamented, and paradental plates with a striated surface; and humerus with bulbous proximal head, conical internal tuberosity, and reduced greater tubercle. The humerus is similar to those of Carnotaurus and Aucasaurus, due to the presence of a bulbous head and a discontinuity between the head and the internal tuberosity, but also differs from both taxa in the more distal location of the greater tubercle with respect to the internal tuberosity. Aucasaurus also comes from Anacleto Formation, but differences in the humeri suggest that MPCN-PV 69 is a different taxon. The phylogenetic analysis performed supports the affiliation to Abelisauridae, but fails to determinate a more precise relationship with others abelisaurids. However, a majority rule consensus of the analysis shows a position within Brachyrostra. Despite being fragmentary, MPCN-PV 69 probably represents a new abelisaurid from the Anacleto Formation, thus increasing the knowledge and diversity of Late Cretaceous South American abelisaurids.  相似文献   

Actinopterygian remains have been recovered from Upper Cretaceous (lower Campanian to lower Maastrichtian) marginal marine deposits of the Adaffa Formation in northwestern Saudi Arabia. The fossils comprise gars (Lepisosteidae), pachycormids (cf. Protosphyraena sp.), indeterminate pycnodontiforms, enchodontid teleosts (cf. Enchodus sp.) and other indeterminate Teleostei. This assemblage is significant because it includes a novel occurrence for the Middle East (Pachycormidae) together with taxa (Lepisosteidae, Pycnodontiformes, Enchodontidae) that have been previously recorded from Late Cretaceous faunas elsewhere in the Mediterranean Tethyan region.  相似文献   

Metre-scale lithologic cycles, visible in core and on logs from Maastrichtian chalks of the Dan Field, were examined to determine their mechanisms of deposition and relation to hydrocarbon production. The lower parts of cycles consist of porous, cream-coloured, largely non-stylolitic, commonly laminated chalk with limited bioturbation (mainly escape burrows). Cycles are capped by thinner intervals of white to grey, hard, stylolitic chalk with concentrations of bioclastic material, intense burrowing and few preserved primary sedimentary structures. The cycle caps contain nearly twice as much Mg as compared to the more porous parts of cycles and also have slightly larger δ18O values (?4·1‰ for the caps; ?4·4‰ for porous zones). There is a significant reduction of average cycle thickness, as well as total thickness of the Maastrichtian chalk section, from SW to NE across the Dan Field. The cycle thinning largely results from a reduced thickness of porous chalks from the lower parts of cycles and thus is reflected in lower average porosity and permeability on the NE side of the field. These data indicate that episodic winnowing removed fine-grained constituents from highstanding northeastern areas. Porous cycle bases were deposited at relatively high rates that precluded complete bioturbation; preserved laminae, coupled with escape burrows, reflect episodic sediment influx in areas that flank the seafloor highs. Cycle tops apparently accumulated more slowly (throughout the region, but especially on seafloor highs), perhaps because of reduced productivity of planktic organisms. Slower sedimentation allowed more complete bioturbation and destruction of sedimentary structures, and also led to incipient high-magnesium calcite seafloor cementation (sufficient to yield firmer sediment and enhanced burrow preservation, but not to form true hardgrounds). Thus, the elevated magnesium contents and reduced porosity of the cycle caps reflect very early diagenetic processes that were only partially modified by burial diagenesis. Rates of chalk deposition, as inferred from physical and geochemical evidence, appear to be a significant control on reservoir characteristics in North Sea chalks. The highest average porosities and permeabilities are found in areas with the highest sediment accumulation rates where seafloor diagenesis is minimized. Topographic depressions at the time of sedimentation can thus be expected to have the best production characteristics, and synsedimentary topographic highs should have the thinnest sections and the poorest petrophysical properties.  相似文献   

Leaves of Dalembia jiayinensis sp. nov. are reported from the Santonian Yong'ancun Formation exposed along the Heilongjiang (Amur) River in Jiayin County, Northeast China. The leaves are compound, odd-pinnate, consisting of five leaflets. Leaflets are pinnately-lobed, trilobate or unlobed, elliptic, oblong, elliptic-rhomboid or ovate in outline, with blunt or rounded apex and the leaflet base is variable being cuneate, slightly decurrent, truncate or slightly cordate and sometimes asymmetric. Margin is entire or lobed. Lobes are short, simple, decreasing upwards, with wide and rounded sinuses. Apices of the lobes are usually rounded, sometimes notched. Venation is pinnate or palmately-pinnate, craspedodromous or semi-craspedodromous. The new species D. jiayinensis extends both the geographical and stratigraphic ranges of the genus Dalembia. This is the first occurrence of Dalembia in China and the most southern and youngest (Santonian) occurrence of this genus.  相似文献   

Skeletal remains of indeterminate therizinosauroid dinosaurs are present in the Cenomanian Khodzhakul Formation and common in the Turonian Bissekty Formation of Uzbekistan. At least two taxa are present in the Bissekty Formation based on different frontal and humerus morphotypes. Phylogenetic analysis based on a dataset with 348 morphological characters and including all known therizinosaurian taxa places the Bissekty taxa as derived non-therizinosaurid therizinosauroids. The Bissekty therizinosauroids are more derived than Alxasaurus elesitaiensis in the extensive pneumatization of the postcranial axial skeleton, the absence of teeth in the anterior portion of the dentary, the weak development or even absence of pits for the collateral ligaments on the manual phalanges, and the subtriangular medial aspect of the distal end of the humerus, with the entepicondyle positioned well medial to the ulnar condyle. They are less derived than Therizinosauridae in the presence of a basisphenoid recess, the absence of pneumatic openings on the anterior caudal vertebrae, the distal end of metacarpal III not being ginglymoid in dorsal view, and the separation of the femoral head from the neck of that bone by a raised ventral rim.  相似文献   

A weathered accumulation of turtle eggs, interpreted as remnants of a single clutch composed of at least 16 turtle eggs (MOR 710) from the Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) Judith River Formation of north-central Montana, USA, represents a new oospecies Testudoolithus zelenitskyae. This ootaxon is diagnosed by the following unique combination of characters: spherical eggs 34–39 mm in diameter, 660–760 μm thick eggshell, shell unit height-to-width ratio of 3.15:1–5.5:1, and domed shell units. Estimated egg mass indicates that the egg-laying adult likely possessed a carapace 35.0–54.4 cm in length. Similarities between T. zelenitskyae oosp. nov. and Adocus sp. eggs, along with comparable body size, suggest that this taxon might have produced MOR 710. One egg exhibits abnormal multilayered eggshell, likely resulting from prolonged egg retention by the female turtle. At least five of these eggs, including the multilayered specimen, preserve embryonic remains that demonstrate a late stage of embryonic development. This suggests that death occurred just prior to hatching.  相似文献   

DANIELA FONTANA 《Sedimentology》1991,38(6):1085-1095
The Upper Cretaceous Pietraforte Formation, an allochthonous unit of the Ligurian domain in the northern Apennines, provides a case study of the importance of detrital carbonate grains for provenance determination in sandstones. The Pietraforte Formation is composed of turbidite sandstones with subordinate conglomerate, deposited in an external sector of the Ligurian ocean, close to the Adriatic margin. The sandstones have a lithic composition, characterized by abundant sedimentary and metasedimentary rock fragments (35–56% of the terrigenous framework), little feldspar (<7%) that is almost exclusively plagioclase, and a high ratio of fine- to coarse-grained polycrystalline quartzose grains to total quartzose grains (average Qp/Qt=0.37). Carbonate rock fragments dominate the lithic association of both sandstones and conglomerates and provide the most detailed information for provenance determination. They are composed primarily of dolostones and a wide variety of limestones containing identifiable age-diagnostic microfossils. Fossils and rock textures of carbonate clasts document the erosion of Upper Triassic to Lower Cretaceous shelf and pelagic carbonate units which can be matched with Mesozoic rock types present in the Tuscan domain of the northern Apennines. Compositional results constrain the source of the Pietraforte Formation sandstones to the western margin of the Adriatic plate, from uplifted sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks of the Tuscan domain and its low-grade metamorphic basement. Coeval intrabasinal sources provided additional supplies to the depositional basin of the Pietraforte Formation; this intrabasinal supply consists of shelf carbonate allochems, planktonic foraminifera and argillaceous rip-up clasts. The presence of carbonate grains from shallow-water environments may indicate the existence during deposition of marginal shelf areas favourable for carbonate allochem production.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe previously unpublished trionychid turtle material, consisting of skull fragments, from the Late Cretaceous (late Turonian) Bissekty Formation of the Dzharakuduk locality in Uzbekistan. This material is assigned to two taxa: the skull-based Khunnuchelys kizylkumensis Brinkman et al. (1993, Can. J. Earth Sci. 30, 2214-2223) and Trionychini indet. Two specimens which cannot be confidently attributed to these two taxa are considered Trionychidae indet. In addition to these trionychid taxa known from skulls, the Dzharakuduk turtle assemblage includes at least two shell-based taxa, Aspideretoides cf. A. riabinini and “Trionyx” cf. “T.” kansaiensis. For this and other Late Cretaceous localities of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan, we suggest the probable skull-shell associations of Khunnuchelys spp. with “Trionyxkansaiensis-like forms and Trionychini indet. with Aspideretoides-like forms.  相似文献   

Facies and sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Kometan Formation (Upper Cretaceous) were studied from Kometan village, Kurdistan region of northeastern Iraq. Lithologically, the formation consists of 44 m of white weathering, light grey, thin to medium-bedded highly fractured limestones with chert nodules. Petrographic study of the carbonates shows that both skeletal and non-skeletal grains were present. The skeletal grains include a variety of planktonic foraminifera (including Oligostegina), calcispheres, ostracods, pelecypods, larva ammonite, and echinoderms. Non-skeletal grains include peloids only. Three main microfacies types are distinguished in the studied formation. The results of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of the studied carbonate samples show negative values of δ18O. These indicate that the seawater was warm with low salinity during precipitation of the carbonates in the Kometan Formation in northeastern Iraq. The positive δ13C values of carbonate samples, in the middle part of the formation, reflect the widespread deposition of organic-rich marine sediments during a transgression and deepening of the basin. Petrographic, facies and stable isotopic analyses revealed that the Kometan Formation was deposited in a warm, basinal, pelagic (open marine) environment with low salinity. The Kometan Formation consists of one complete third-order depositional sequence, separated by a sequence boundary (SB) of type 2. The third-order sequence is subdivided into a transgressive systems tract (TST) and highstand systems tract (HST). This reflects episodes of transgression and still stands of the relative sea level. The TSTs are topped by maximum flooding surface (MFS) characterized by deepening-/fining-upward parasequences implying a retrogradational stacking pattern. The HST is marked by shallowing-/coarsening-upward parasequences implying a progradational stacking pattern.  相似文献   

The results of Barnum Brown's 1937 expedition to the Almond Formation of Wyoming consisted of two unidentified ceratopsian skulls and a partial hadrosaurid specimen (AMNH 3651). The hadrosaurid is here attributed to the Maastrichtian genus Saurolophus, verifying previous biostratigraphic correlations of this formation using ammonite zones. Fossiliferous lower Maastrichtian formations occurring latitudinally between those of Alberta, Canada, and southwestern Texas, USA, such as the Almond Formation, are essential for testing the effects and duration of apparent hadrosaurid faunal segregation earlier in the Campanian, and indirectly aiding in the placement of faunal boundaries that are currently unknown for the late Campanian. The discovery of Saurolophus in Wyoming, a close relative of the Campanian genus Prosaurolophus, affirms that the segregation of hadrosaurid faunas established in the late Campanian (~75 Ma) continued for at least 3 million years. Combining occurrences of Saurolophus from Mongolia and the Moreno Formation of California with those of Alberta, Canada, this genus appears to have had one of the largest geographic ranges of any equivalent clade of hadrosaurid dinosaur, although species level distributions are still uncertain.  相似文献   

A recently discovered articulated partial skeleton of Ornithomimus from the Upper Cretaceous Dinosaur Park Formation of Alberta, Canada is remarkable in the extent and quality of preservation of integumentary structures including feathers. It is the first ornithomimid to preserve a tail bearing extensive plumaceous feathers that are slightly more elongate in comparison to those present on the remainder of the body. However, the underside of the tail and the hind limb distal to the middle of the femur appear devoid of plumage. Overall, the plumage pattern in Ornithomimus is similar to that of Struthio camelus (ostrich) and other large palaeognaths, indicating a probable function in thermoregulation. The specimen also preserves the body outline around the legs, including a skin contour anterior to the femur, analogous to skin webs in extant birds. Whereas the knee web of birds bridges the knee to the abdomen, in Ornithomimus it spans from the mid-femoral shaft to the abdomen, and is herein referred to as an anterior femoral web. This is the first report of such soft tissue structures in non-avian theropods. It may indicate that the resting position of the femur was positioned more anteroventrally in ornithomimids than in most theropods, and in that sense may have been transitional to the situation in modern birds.  相似文献   

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