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The Tin Mountain pegmatite is a small, zoned granitic body that is extremely enriched in Rb and Li, but has moderate concentrations of Sr and Ba. These trace elements are modelled using granitic distribution coefficients in order to test the potentials of partial melting of metasedimentary rocks and fractionation of a less-evolved granitic melt to have produced the parental liquid to the Tin Mountain pegmatite. Batch melting of any reasonable metasedimentary source rock would likely have yielded melts that were either insufficiently enriched in Rb and Li to be the parental liquid, or that had Sr and Ba concentrations that were much higher than those estimated for the parental liquid. The modelling of simple fractional crystallization and equilibrium crystallization of a granitic melt within the compositional range of the spatially associated Harney Peak Granite gives calculated melt compositions with either lower Sr and Ba concentrations or inadequate Rb and Li enrichments, to be the parent liquid of the pegmatite. At least two variants from simple crystal-liquid fractionation models can, however, successfully account for the derivation of the parent liquid: 1) generation of a Rb-, Li-, Ba- and Sr-rich granitic melt (outside of the compositional range of the sampled portions of the Harney Peak Granite complex) by low degrees of partial melting of metasedimentary rocks found in the Black Hills, followed by moderate extents of fractional or equilibrium crystallization, 2) derivation from Harney Peak granite via a complex, multi-stage crystal-liquid fractionation process, such as progressive equilibrium crystallization.  相似文献   

An initial phase of an extensive geochemical study of pegmatites from the Black Hills, South Dakota, indicates potassium feldspar composition is useful in interpreting petrogenetic relationships among pegmatites and among pegmatite zones within a single pegmatite. The KRb and RbSr ratios and Li and Cs contents of the feldspars within each zoned pegmatite, to a first approximation, are consistent with the simple fractional crystallization of the potassium feldspar from a silicate melt from the wall zone to the core of the pegmatites. Some trace element characteristics (i.e. Cs) have been modified by subsolidus reequilibration of the feldspars with late-stage residual fluid.KRb ratios of the potassium feldspar appear to be diagnostic of the pegmatite mineral assemblage. The relationship between KRb and mineralogy is as follows: Harney Peak Granite (barren pegmatites) > 180; Li-Fe-Mn phosphate-bearing pegmatites = 90?50; spodumene-bearing pegmatites = 60?40; pollucitebearing pegmatites < 30. Although the KRb ratios suggest that the pegmatites studied are genetically related by fractional crystallization to each other and the Harney Peak Granite, overlapping RbSr ratios and the general increase in Sr and Ba with decreasing KRb indicate the genetic relationship is much more complex and may also be dependent upon slight variations in source (chemistry and mineralogy) material composition and degrees of partial melting.  相似文献   

Water quality impacts from mining in the Black Hills,South Dakota,USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The focus of this research was to determine if abandoned mines constitute a major environmental hazard in the Black Hills. Many abandoned gold mines in the Black Hills contribute acid and heavy metals to streams. In some areas of sulfide mineralization local impacts are severe, but in most areas the impacts are small because most ore deposits consist of small quartz veins with few sulfides. Pegmatite mines appear to have negligible effects on water due to the insoluble nature of pegmatite minerals. Uranium mines in the southern Black Hills contribute some radioactivity to surface water, but the impact is limited because of the dry climate and lack of runoff in that area.  相似文献   

Panseok Yang  David Pattison 《Lithos》2006,88(1-4):233-253
The paragenesis of monazite in metapelitic rocks from the contact aureole of the Harney Peak Granite, Black Hills, South Dakota, was investigated using zoning patterns of monazite and garnet, electron microprobe dating of monazite, bulk-rock compositions, and major phase mineral equilibria. The area is characterized by low-pressure and high-temperature metamorphism with metamorphic zones ranging from garnet to sillimanite zones. Garnet porphyroblasts containing euhedral Y annuli are observed from the garnet to sillimanite zones. Although major phase mineral equilibria predict resorption of garnet at the staurolite isograd and regrowth at the andalusite isograd, textural and mass balance analyses suggest that the formation of the Y annuli is not related to the resorption-and-regrowth of garnet having formed instead during garnet growth in the garnet zone. Monazite grains in Black Hills pelites were divided into two generations on the basis of zoning patterns of Y and U: monazite 1 with low-Y and -U and monazite 2 with high-Y and -U. Monazite 1 occurs in the garnet zone and persists into the sillimanite zone as cores shielded by monazite 2 which starts to form in the andalusite zone. Pelites containing garnet porphyroblasts with Y annuli and monazite 1 with patchy Th zoning are more calcic than those with garnet with no Y annuli and monazite with concentric Th zoning. Monazite 1 is attributed to breakdown of allanite in the garnet zone, additionally giving rise to the Y annuli observed in garnet. Monazite 2 grows in the andalusite zone, probably at the expense of garnet and monazite 1 in the andalusite and sillimanite zones. The ages of the two different generations of monazite are within the precision of chemical dating of electron microprobe. The electron microprobe ages of all monazites from the Black Hills show a single ca. 1713 Ma population, close to the intrusion age of the Harney Peak Granite (1715 Ma). This study demonstrates that Y zoning in garnet and monazite are critical to the interpretation of monazite petrogenesis and therefore monazite ages.  相似文献   

Two isotopically distinct but otherwise chemically similar leucogranitesuites in the Proterozoic Horney Peak Granite, Black Hills,South Dakota, have contrasting light rare earth element (LREE)concentrations. Most samples of a relatively 18O-depleted suitehave LREE- enriched, chondrite-normalized patterns, typicalof melts derived from metasedimentary protoliths, whereas allsamples of the regionally significant, relatively 18O-enrichedsuite have LREE-depleted patterns. The latter patterns are interpretedto have resulted from disequilibrium melting of schists. Monaziteand perhaps other accessory minerals remained armored by biotiteand garnet which did not partake in the muscovite dehydration-meltingreaction that produced LREE-depleted melts. The REE concentrationsin the LREE-depleted samples are below saturation levels formonazite at reasonable melting temperatures and melt water contents,whereas the REE concentrations in the LREE-enriched samplesyield 700–800C monazite saturation temperatures, reasonablefor biotite dehydration-melting reactions. LREE depletions,analogous to those in the LREE-depleted granites, are also foundin leucosomes of partially molten schists, thought to be theprotolith for the granite. In contrast, the melanosomes holdthe accessory minerals and bulk of the LREEs. KEY WORDS: accessory minerals; leucogranites; Black Hills; monazite; partial melting *Corresponding author at Department of Geological Sciences, University of Missouri. Telephone: 314-884-6463. Fax: 314-882-5458. e-mail: geolpin{at}showme.missouri.edu.  相似文献   

Trace rare earth elements (REE) have been determined by radiochemical neutron activation analysis for tourmaline samples from an internally zoned, rare-element, granitic pegmatite, located in the Black Hills, South Dakota. The total REE concentrations range from 40 ppm–0.2 ppm, and are highest in tourmaline from the exomorphic halo (country rock) and pegmatite border zone. Chondrite-normalized patterns are highly fractionated from light REE to heavy REE; and REE concentrations decrease in tourmaline from the outer wall zone and first intermediate zone, through the inner wall zone and third intermediate zone, to lowest levels in the pegmatite core. The REEs, as recorded by tourmaline, appear to behave compatibly in this pegmatite system due to early crystallization of apatite and other possible “REE-sink” minerals. The large range of REE concentrations and differences in slopes of chondrite-normalized patterns probably also reflect significant changes in the structural state of the pegmatite melt, caused by changes in pH2O and other volatiles (B, F, P) as crystallization progressed. Tourmaline samples that appear to have been fluid-derived are HREE-depleted relative to coexisting silicate-melt-derived tourmaline. Tourmaline does not exhibit any strong preference for specific REEs, rather its REE content appears to reflect the REE content of the medium from which the tourmaline crystallized.  相似文献   

The Nd, O and Sr isotopic characteristics of Precambrian metasedimentary, metavolcanic and granitic rocks from the Black Hills of South Dakota are examined. Two late-Archean granites (2.5-2.6 Ga) have Tdm ages of 3.05 and 3.30 Ga, suggesting that at least one of the granites was derived through the melting of significantly older crust. Early-Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks have Tdm ages that range from 2.32 to 2.45 Ga. These model ages, in conjunction with probable stratigraphic ages ranging from 1.9 to 2.2 Ga, indicate that mantle-derived material was added to the continental crust of this region during the early-Proterozoic. Previous studies of the Harney Peak Granite complex have reported U-Pb and Rb-Sr ages of about 1.71 Ga and most granite samples examined in this study have Sr isotopic compositions consistent with that age. Two granite samples taken from the same sill, however, give two-point Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd ages of 2.08 ±0.08 and 2.20 ±0.20 Ga (∑2200Nd = −15.5), respectively. In addition, whole-rock and apatite samples of the spatially associated Tin Mountain pegmatite give a Sm-Nd isochron age of 2000 ±100 Ma (∑2200Nd = −5.8 ±1.8).

The Sm-Nd, O and Rb-Sr isotopic systematics of these granitic rocks have been complicated to some degree by both crystallization and post-crystallization processes, and the age of the pegmatite and parts of the Harney Peak Granite complex remain uncertain. Processes that probably complicated the isotopic systematics of these rocks include derivation from heterogeneous source material, assimilation, mixing of REE between granite and country rock during crystallization via a fluid phase and post-crystallization mobility of Sr. The Nd isotopic compositions of the pegmatite and the Harney Peak Granite indicate that they were not derived primarily from the exposed metasedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

The mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry of the Proterozoic Harney Peak Granite, Black Hills, South Dakota, were examined in view of experimentally determined phase equilibria applicable to granitic systems in order to place constraints on the progenesis of peraluminous leucogranites and commonly associated rare-element pegmatites. The granite was emplaced at 3–4 kbar as multiple sills and dikes into quartz-mica schists at the culmination of a regional high-temperature, low-pressure metamorphic event. Principally along the periphery of the main pluton and in satellite intrusions, the sills segregated into granite-pegmatite couplets. The major minerals include quartz, K-feldspar, sodic plagioclase and muscovite. Biotite-{Mg No. [Molar MgO/(MgO+FeO)]=0.32-0.38} is the predominant ferromagnesian mineral in the granite's core, whereas at the periphery of the main pluton and in the satellite intrusions tourmaline (Mg No.=0.18–0.48) is the dominant ferromagnesian phase. Almandine-spessartine garnet is also found in the outer intrusions. There is virtually a complete overlap in the wide concentration ranges of SiO2, CaO, MgO, FeO, Sr, Zr, W of the biotite- and tourmaline-bearing granite suites with no discernable differentiation trends on Harker diagrams, precluding the derivation of one suite from the other by differentiation following emplacement. This is consistent with the oxygen isotope compositions which are 11.5 ± 0.6 for the biotite granites and 13.2 ± 0.8 for the tourmaline granites, suggesting derivation from different sources. The concentrations of TiO2 and possibly Ba are higher and of MnO and B are lower in the biotite granites. The normative Orthoclase/Albite ratio is extremely variable ranging from 0.26 to 1.65 in the biotite granites to 0.01–1.75 in the tourmaline granites. Very few sample compositions fall near the high-pressure, watersaturated haplogranite minima-eutectic trend, indicating that the granites for the most part are not minimum melts generated under conditions with =1. Instead, most biotite granites are more potassic than the water-saturated minima and eutectics and in analogy with experimentally produced granitic melts, they are best explained by melting at 6 kbar, <1 and temperatures 800°C. Such high temperatures are also indicated by oxygen isotope equilibration among the constituent minerals (Nabelek et al. 1992). Several of the tourmaline granite samples contain virtually no K-feldspar and have oxygen isotope equilibration temperatures 716–775°C. Therefore, they must represent high-temperature accumulations of liquidus minerals crystallized under equilibrium conditions from melts more sodic than the water-saturated haplogranite minima or during fractionation of intruded melts into granite-pegmatite couplets accompanied by volatile-aided differentiation of the alkali elements. The indicated high temperatures, <1, the relatively high TiO2 and Ba concentrations and the relatively low values of the biotite granites suggest that they were generated by high-extent, biotite-dehydration melting of an immature Archean metasedimentary source. The ascent of the hot melts may have triggered low-extent, muscovite-dehydration melting of schists higher in the crust producing the high-B, low-Ti melts comprising the periphery of the main pluton and the satellite intrusions. Alternatively, the different granite types may be the result of melting of a vertical section of the crust in response to the ascent of a thermal pulse, with the low- biotite granites generated at a deeper, hotter region and the high- tourmaline granites at a higher, cooler region of the crust. The low-Ti and high-B concentrations in the high- melts resulted in the crystallization of tourmaline rather than biotite, which promoted the observed differentiation of the melts into the granitic and pegmatitic layers found along the periphery of the main pluton and the satellite intrusions.  相似文献   

Weathered quartz grus and stream transported quartz of the Harney Peak Granite, Black Hills, South Dakota, contain low concentrations of Rb (generally 0.3–6.8 ppm) and Sr (0.2–2.0 ppm) and variable Sr isotopic ratios (0.759–1.070).Six of seven single grains of large composite quartz grus which recently entered the weathering environment define an apparent isochron age (about 1800 Myr) and initial 87Sr86Sr ratio (0.7066) that approximate the whole-rock isochron age (1707 Myr) and initial ratio (0.7143) of the Harney Peak Granite. Apparently the Rb-Sr systematics of these grains were not significantly altered during initial weathering. Leached fluid inclusion material from a ca. 2 g aggregate of composite quartz grains contains very little Rb or Sr (0.019 and 0.17 μg, respectively) and has a very low 87Sr86Sr ratio (0.739). The Rb and Sr content of the quartz grains appears to be concentrated in minute, heterogeneously-distributed mineral inclusions.Five aggregates of more completely weathered, small non-composite quartz grains produce a widely scattered pattern on an isochron diagram with all samples plotting below the 1707 Myr isochron. Examination by SEM of these grains shows solution and precipitation features on their relatively large effective surface areas. The differential precipitation of Rb is believed to have been the major perturbating chemical process during weathering.Three aggregates of stream quartz grains define an apparent isochron age of 1777 Myr and an initial 87Sr86Sr ratio of 0.720 that suggest the initial ‘igneous’ Rb-Sr characteristics of the stream quartz were re-attained during their transportation, probably as a result of removal of the outer weathered surface by abrasion. The apparent resistance to chemical weathering of stream quartz and quartz which has just entered the weathering environment suggests that this mineral may be extremely useful in studies of provenance and the geochronology of strongly weathered terranes.  相似文献   

The extent of historical U mining impacts is well documented for the North Cave Hills region of Harding County, South Dakota, USA. While previous studies reported watershed sediment and surface water As and U concentrations up to 90× established background concentrations, it was unclear whether or how localized changes in sediment redox behavior may influence contaminant remobilization. Five pore-water equilibration samplers (peepers) were spatially and temporally deployed within the study area to evaluate seasonal solid–liquid As and U distributions as a function of sediment depth. Pore-water and solid phase As and U concentrations, Fe speciation, Eh and pH were measured to ascertain specific geochemical conditions responsible for As and U remobilization and transport behavior. At a mine overburden sedimentation pond adjacent to the mine sites, high total aqueous As and U concentrations (4920 and 674 μg/L, respectively) were found within surface water during summer sampling; however pond dredging prior to autumn sampling resulted in significantly lower aqueous As and U concentrations (579 and 108 μg/L, respectively); however, both As and U still exceeded regional background concentrations (20 and 18 μg/L, respectively). At a wetlands-dominated deposition zone approximately 2 km downstream of the sedimentation pond, pore-water geochemical conditions varied seasonally. Summer conditions promoted reducing conditions in pore water, resulting in active release of As(III) to the water column. Autumn conditions promoted oxidizing conditions, decreasing pore-water As (Aspw) 5× and increasing Upw 10×. Peak U pore-water concentrations (781 μg/L) were 3.5× greater than determined for the surface water (226 μg/L), and approximately 40× background concentrations. At the Bowman–Haley reservoir backwaters 45 km downstream from the mine sites, As and U pore-water concentrations increased significantly between the summer and autumn deployments, attributed to increased Fe reduction processes. Geochemical modeling suggests solid-phase Fe reduction promotes the liberation of pore-water As and U via suppressing the formation of thioarsenite. Intermittent hydrological processes facilitate As and U transport and deposition throughout the watershed, while biogeochemical-influenced redox changes cycle As and U between pore and surface water within localized environments.  相似文献   

Summary Homogenization temperatures and salinity data are documented for fluid inclusions present in quartz from a Palaeozoic alkaline to peralkaline granite intrusion. A wide range of salinities (3.8 to 60.6 wt% NaCl equivalent) and homogenization temperatures (25.8 to 537 °C) indicates a sequential entrapment of different fluids, whereby the detected salinities decreased as a direct result of decreasing homogenization temperatures. Fluids were saturated with NaCl at 537°C and the development of hydrothermal solutions occurred at 1 100 ± 300 bars. Hydrothermal activity and the release of volatiles, F and B, during granite crystallization resulted in phlogopitization and tourmalinization of intruded metapelites. Volatile degassing, the presence of hypersaline hydrothermal fluids and contamination on the periphery of the intrusives by aluminous sediments led to the transport of K, Rb, Li, Mg, Cs, Be and Ta via halogen complexes from the granite system into the metapelitic aureole.
Eine Untersuchung von Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen am Tourmaline Hill Granite, Umberatana, Südaustralien: Hinweise auf hydrothermale Aktivität und Nebengesteinsmetasomatose
Zusammenfassung Homogenisationstemperaturen und Salinitätsdaten von Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen in einer paläozoischen alkalinen-peralkalinen Granitintrusion sind dokumentiert. Eine weite Spanne von Salinitätsdaten (3.8 bis 60.6 Gewichts% NaCl äquivalent) und Homogenisationstemperaturen (25.8 bis 537 °C) deutet einen aufeinanderfolgenden Einschluß von fluiden Phasen an, wobei die Salinitäten mit verringerten Homogenisationstemperaturen abnahmen. Die Fluida waren bei 537°C mit NaCl gesättigt; hydrothermale Aktivität und der Verlust von Gasen, F und B, während der Granitkristallisation verursachte Phlogopitisierung und Turmalinisierung der intrudierten Metapelite. Entgasung, hochsaline hydrothermale Lösungen und Kontamination am Rande der Intrusionen durch Al-reiche Sedimente führte zum Transport von K, Rb, Li, Mg, Cs, Be und Ta als Halogen-Komplexe von der Granitintrusion in die metapelitische Kontaktaureole.

With 4 Figures and one Plate  相似文献   

Zircons in basement rocks from the eastern Wyoming province (Black Hills, South Dakota, USA) have been analyzed by ion microprobe (SHRIMP) in order to determine precise ages of Archean tectonomagmatic events. In the northern Black Hills (NBH) near Nemo, Phanerozoic and Proterozoic (meta)sedimentary rocks are nonconformably underlain by Archean biotite–feldspar gneiss (BFG) and Little Elk gneissic granite (LEG), both of which intrude older schists. The Archean granitoid gneisses exhibit a pervasive NW–SE-trending fabric, whereas an earlier NE–SW-trending fabric occurs sporadically only in the BFG, which is intruded by the somewhat younger LEG. Zircon crystals obtained from the LEG and BFG exhibit double terminations, oscillatory zoning, and Th/U ratios of 0.6±0.3—thereby confirming a magmatic origin for both lithologies. In situ analysis of the most U–Pb concordant domains yields equivalent 207Pb/206Pb ages (upper intercept, U–Pb concordia) of 2559±6 and 2563±6 Ma (both ±2σ) for the LEG and BFG, respectively, which constrains a late Neoarchean age for sequential pulses of magmatism in the NBH. Unzoned (in BSE) patches of 2560 Ma zircon commonly truncate coeval zonation in the same crystals with no change in Th/U ratio, suggesting that deuteric, fluid-assisted recrystallization accompanied post-magmatic cooling. A xenocrystic core of magmatic zircon observed in one LEG zircon yields a concordant age of 2894±6 Ma (±2σ). This xenocryst represents the oldest crustal material reported thus far in the Black Hills. Whether this older zircon originated as unmelted residue of 2900 Ma crust that potentially underlies the Black Hills or as detritus derived from 2900 Ma crustal sources in the Wyoming province cannot be discerned. In the southern Black Hills (SBH), the peraluminous granite at Bear Mountain (BMG) of previously unknown age intrudes biotite–plagioclase schist. Zircon crystals from the BMG are highly metamict and altered, but locally preserve small domains suitable for in situ analysis. A U–Pb concordia upper intercept age of 2596±11 Ma (±2σ) obtained for zircon confirms both the late Neoarchean magmatic age of the BMG and a minimum age for the schist it intrudes. Taken together, these data indicate that the Neoarchean basement granitoids were emplaced at 2590–2600 Ma (SBH) and 2560 Ma (NBH), most likely in response to subduction associated with plate convergence (final assembly of supercontinent Kenorland?). In contrast, thin rims present on some LEG–BFG zircons exhibit strong U–Pb discordance, high common Pb, and low Th/U ratios—suggesting growth or modification under hydrothermal conditions, as previously suggested for similar zircons from SE Wyoming. The LEG–BFG zircon rims yield a nominal upper intercept date of 1940–2180 Ma, which may represent a composite of multiple rifting events known to have affected the Nemo area between 2480 and 1960 Ma. Together, these observations confirm the existence of a Paleoproterozoic rift margin along the easternmost Wyoming craton. Moreover, the 2480–1960 Ma time frame inferred for rifting in the Black Hills (Nemo area) corresponds closely to a 2450–2100 Ma time frame previously inferred for the fragmentation of supercontinent Kenorland.  相似文献   

Tourmaline-rich rocks are common in the lowgrade, interior portions of the Barberton greenstone belt of South Africa, where shallow-marine sediments and underlying altered basaltic and komatiitic lavas contain up to 50% tourmaline. The presence of tourmaline-bearing rip-up clasts, intraformational tourmalinite pebbles, and tourmaline-coated grains indicates that boron mineralization was a low-temperature, surficial process. The association of these lithologies with stromatolites, evaporites, and shallow-water sedimentary structures and the virtual absence of tourmaline in correlative deep-water facies rocks in the greenstone bels strengthens this model.Five tourmaline-bearing lithologic groups (basalts, komatiites, evaporite-bearing sediments, stromatolitic sediments, and quartz veins) are distinguished based on field, petrographic, and geochemical criteria. Individual tourmaline crystals within these lithologies show internal chemical and textural variations that reflect continued growth through intervals of change in bulk-rock and fluid composition accompanying one or more metasomatic events. Large single-crystal variations exist in Fe/Mg, Al/Fe, and alkali-site vacancies. A wide range in tourmaline composition exists in rocks altered from similar protoliths, but tourmalines in sediments and lavas have similar compositional variations. Boron-isotope analysis of the tourmalines suggest that the boron enrichment in these rocks has a major marine evaporitic component. Sediments with gypsum pseudomorphs and lavas altered at low temperatures by shallow-level brines have the highest 11B values (+2.2 to-1.9); lower 11B values of late quartz veins (-3.7 to-5.7) reflect intermediate temperature, hydrothermal remobilization of evaporitic boron. The 11B values of tourmaline-rich stromatolitic sediments (-9.8 and-10.5) are consistent with two-stage boron enrichment, in which earlier marine evaporitic boron was hydrothermally remobilized and vented in shallow-marine or subaerial sites, mineralizing algal stromatolites. The stromatolite-forming algae preferentially may have lived near the sites of hydrothermal discharge in Archean times.  相似文献   

The Gilt Edge Superfund Site is a former heap-leach gold mine that currently is being remediated in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Mine runoff water is treated before release from the site. The field pH, before treatment, is about 3; the water contains arsenic at low levels and some trace metals at elevated levels, in addition to total dissolved solids concentrations of more than 1,900 mg/L. In the Keystone area of the Black Hills, naturally occurring arsenic has been detected at elevated concentrations in groundwater samples from wells. The City of Keystone’s Roy Street Well, which is not used currently, showed arsenic concentrations of 36 parts per billion and total dissolved solids of 320 mg/L. With field samples of water from the Gilt Edge site, a limestone-based method was successful in reducing trace metals concentrations to about 0.001 mg/L or less; at the Keystone site, the limestone method reduced arsenic levels to about 0.006 mg/L. The results are significant because previous research with the limestone-based method mainly had involved samples prepared with distilled water in the laboratory, in which interference of other ions such as sulfate did not occur. The research indicates the potential for broader applications of the limestone-based removal method, including scale-up work at field sites for water treatment.  相似文献   

The Fairpoint Member of the Fox Hills Formation (upper Maastrichtian) in Meade County, South Dakota, USA, contains an osteichthyan assemblage indicative of transitional to marine shoreface deposits. The fauna consists of: Lepisosteus sp., Paralbula casei, Cylindracanthus cf. C. ornatus, Enchodus gladiolus, Hadrodus sp., and indeterminate osteichthyans with probable affinities to the Siluriformes and Beryciformes. The Fairpoint fauna is of limited species diversity and in this character mirrors many other Upper Cretaceous North American osteichthyan assemblages. Comparison to Upper Cretaceous chondrichthyan diversity and consideration of the structure of Cretaceous marine food webs suggest that osteichthyans are strongly under-represented in the Upper Cretaceous of North America. The small size and poor preservation potential of many Upper Cretaceous North American osteichthyans probably account for much of this observed paucity. Fairpoint osteichthyans are members of families that survive the Cretaceous–Paleocene boundary extinction event. Some of these genera and families are still extant and occur in a wide array of modern fresh, brackish, and shallow marine environments.  相似文献   

Terry et al. (2001) proposed that the Fox Hills Formation in the area of Badlands National Park, southwestern South Dakota, USA, contains the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary, marked by a thick layer of contorted bedding called the Disturbed or Disrupted Zone (DZ). Examination of the ammonites from just below this layer yields Hoploscaphites nicolletii (Morton, 1842), H. spedeni (Landman and Waage, 1993), Discoscaphites gulosus (Morton, 1834), D. conradi (Morton, 1834), and Sphenodiscus lobatus (Tuomey, 1856). The abundance of Discoscaphites and the presence of a coarsely ornamented specimen of H. spedeni suggest that this assemblage corresponds to the upper part of the H. nicolletii Zone in the type area of the Fox Hills Formation. No ammonites are present above the DZ, but previous analyses of the dinoflagellates from just below, within, and above the DZ by Palamarczuk et al. (2004) are consistent with the ammonite results. Together, these fossils indicate that the interval just below and above the DZ represents the upper part of the lower upper Maastrichtian (≈ middle upper Maastichtian). Belemnites are present in the strata just below the DZ and occur as guards either isolated in the matrix or associated with fragmentary ammonites in concretions composed of soft sandy marl. The belemnites are assigned to Belemnitella bulbosa Meek and Hayden, 1857a, and B. badlandsensis n. sp., which is characterized by an unusually large fissure angle. The distribution of ammonites and lithofacies at this time reveals that the western shoreline of the Western Interior Seaway trended northeast–southwest across western South Dakota and adjacent parts of North Dakota. Based on an examination of the oxygen isotopes of the belemnites and scaphites in this area, the seawater temperature was nearly constant along the coast, approximately 17–20 °C. A comparison of the contact between the Pierre Shale and Fox Hills Formation at various localities in the Western Interior Basin indicates that this contact rises in the section toward the east, reflecting the final retreat of the Seaway during the late Maastrichtian.  相似文献   

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