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The composition of light hydrocarbon gases in the Orca Basin, an anoxic, hypersaline intraslope depression on the continental slope of the northern Gulf of Mexico, indicates that both methane and ethane are biogenic in nature with a C1(C2 + C3) ratio of 730 and a δ13C of methane of ?73%. relative to the PDB standard. The concentrations of methane (750 mM) and ethane (1300 mM) in the Orca Basin brine are higher than any other marine anoxic basin. These high levels result not from high rates of productivity, but from the long residence time of the brine in the basin, due to its high stability toward mixing with overlying seawater (Δσ1ΔZ = 3.2m). Both methane and ethane show well mixed distributions in the brine. These distributions probably result from convective mixing of the isohaline brine pool due to normal heat flow from the basin sediments. Methane and ethane maxima above the pycnocline at the brine/seawater interface reflect in situ production and/or consumption in the aerobic water column. Concurrent maxima in suspended particulate material distributions in this region suggest methane may be produced there in anaerobic microenvironments associated with the suspended matter. Reduced rates of anaerobic decomposition (including sulfate reduction) in the brine sediments are inferred from preserved Sargassum fronds in the sediments, vertical sulfate profiles in most cores, and the sediment organic carbon content which is two to three times higher in sediments below the high salinity brine than in the normal Gulf sediments nearby.  相似文献   

The reaction between hydrous iron oxides and aqueous sulfide species was studied at estuarine conditions of pH, total sulfide, and ionic strength to determine the kinetics and formation mechanism of the initial iron sulfide. Total, dissolved and acid extractable sulfide, thiosulfate, sulfate, and elemental sulfur were determined by spectrophotometric methods. Polysulfides, S42? and S52?, were determined from ultraviolet absorbance measurements and equilibrium calculations, while product hydroxyl ion was determined from pH measurements and solution buffer capacity.Elemental sulfur, as free and polysulfide sulfur, was 86% of the sulfide oxidation products; the remainder was thiosulfate. Rate expressions for the reduction and precipitation reactions were determined from analysis of electron balance and acid extractable iron monosulfide vs time, respectively, by the initial rate method. The rate of iron reduction in moles/liter/minute was given by d(reduction Fe)dt = kSt0.5(J+)0.5 AFeOOH1 where St was the total dissolved sulfide concentration, (H+) the hydrogen ion activity, both in moles/ liter; and AFeOOH the goethite specific surface area in square meters/liter. The rate constant, k, was 0.017 ± 0.002m?2 min?1. The rate of reduction was apparently determined by the rate of dissolution of the surface layer of ferrous hydroxide. The rate expression for the precipitation reaction was d(FeS)dt = kSt1(H+)1 AFeOOH1 where d(FeS)dt was the rate of precipitation of acid extractable iron monosulfide in moles/liter/minute, and k = 82 ± 18 mol?1l2m?2 min?1.A model is proposed with the following steps: protonation of goethite surface layer; exchange of bisulfide for hydroxide in the mobile layer; reduction of surface ferric ions of goethite by dissolved bisulfide species which produces ferrous hydroxide surface layer elemental sulfur and thiosulfate; dissolution of surface layer of ferrous hydroxide; and precipitation of dissolved ferrous specie and aqueous bisulfide ion.  相似文献   

Measurements of nutrients and trace metals are used to examine the processes controlling their distributions in the interstitial waters of Saanich Inlet. Samples were collected using both in situ and squeezing techniques with excellent agreement. Additional measurements of porosity, organic carbon and sedimentation rate by 210Pb are used in conjunction with the nutrient measurements to test the equation for the diagenesis of organic matter in fine-grained, organic-rich and rapidly-accumulating sediments.Organic carbon and sulfate decrease with depth in the sediment whereas ammonia and alkalinity increase. In the zone of sulfate reduction (0–20 cm) the rate constants for sulfate reduction (ks), ammonia production (kN) and organic carbon decomposition (kc) agree within a factor of two. Our calculations indicate, however, that this is fortuitous since the observed decrease in paniculate organic carbon is insufficient to account for the sulfate consumption. Sulfate must also be consumed by reaction with methane diffusing up from the underlying sediments. The rate constant for sulfate reduction using particulate organic carbon is lower than a modelled rate encompassing all organic species, including methane.The rate constant for ammonia production (kN) decreases by an order of magnitude when sulfate is completely depleted and methane production dominates.Thermodynamic calculations suggest that the interstitial waters are saturated or supersaturated with respect to all forms of iron ‘monosulfides’, apatite and rhodochrosite.  相似文献   

The effect of ionic interactions of the major components of natural waters on the oxidation of Cu(I) and Fe(II) has been examined. The various ion pairs of these metals have been shown to have different rates of oxidation. For Fe(II), the chloride and sulfate ion pairs are not easily oxidized. The measured decrease in the rate constant at a fixed pH in chloride and sulfate solutions agrees very well with the values predicted. The effect of pH (6 to 8) on the oxidation of Fe(II) in water and seawater have been shown to follow the rate equation
-d in [Fe(II)]/dt = k1β1αFe/[H+] + k2β2αFe/[H+]2
where k1 and k2 are the pseudo first order rate constants, β1 and β2 are the hydrolysis constants for Fe(OH)+ and Fe(OH)0. The value of αFE is the fraction of free Fe2+. The value of k1 (2.0 ±0.5 min?1) in water and seawater are similar within experimental error. The value of k2 (1.2 × 105 min?1) in seawater is 28% of its value in water in reasonable agreement with predictions using an ion pairing model.For the oxidation of Cu(I) a rate equation of the form
?d ln [Cu(I)]/dt = k0αCu+ k1β1αCu[Cl]
was found where k0 (14.1 sec?1) and k1 (3.9 sec?1) are the pseudo first order rate constants for the oxidation of Cu+ and CuCl0, β1 is the formation constant for CuCl0 and αCu is the fraction of free Cu+. Thus, unlike the results for Fe(II), Cu(I) chloride complexes have measurable rates of oxidation.  相似文献   

The relative reactivities of pulverized samples (100–200 mesh) of 3 marcasite and 7 pyrite specimens from various sources were determined at 25°C and pH 2.0 in ferric chloride solutions with initial ferric iron concentrations of 10?3 molal. The rate of the reaction:
FeS2 + 14Fe3+ + 8H2O = 15Fe2+ + 2SO2?4 + 16H+
was determined by calculating the rate of reduction of aqueous ferric ion from measured oxidation-reduction potentials. The reaction follows the rate law:
?dmFe3+dt = k(AM)mFe3+
where mFe3+ is the molal concentration of uncomplexed ferric iron, k is the rate constant and AM is the surface area of reacting solid to mass of solution ratio. The measured rate constants, k, range from 1.0 × 10?4 to 2.7 × 10?4 sec?1 ± 5%, with lower-temperature/early diagenetic pyrite having the smallest rate constants, marcasite intermediate, and pyrite of higher-temperature hydrothermal and metamorphic origin having the greatest rate constants. Geologically, these small relative differences between the rate constants are not significant, so the fundamental reactivities of marcasite and pyrite are not appreciably different.The activation energy of the reaction for a hydrothermal pyrite in the temperature interval of 25 to 50°C is 92 kJ mol?1. This relatively high activation energy indicates that a surface reaction controls the rate over this temperature range. The BET-measured specific surface area for lower-temperature/early diagenetic pyrite is an order of magnitude greater than that for pyrite of higher-temperature origin. Consequently, since the lower-temperature types have a much greater AM ratio, they appear to be more reactive per unit mass than the higher temperature types.  相似文献   

Redox reactions between Fe2+ in solution and Mn-oxides are proposed as a mechanism for concentration of Mn in sediments both during weathering and diagenesis in marine sediments, e.g. the formation of Mn-nodules.If such a mechanism is to be effective, then reaction rates between Fe2+ and Mn-oxides should be fast. The kinetics and stoichiometry of the reaction between dissolved Fe2+ and synthetically prepared birnessite (Mn7O13·5H2O) were studied experimentally in the pH range 3–6.Results show a stoichiometry which at pH < 4 conforms to a simple reaction between Fe2+ and birnessite, releasing Mn2+ and Fe3+ to the solution. At pH > 4 FeOOH is precipitated and excess Fe2+ consumption compared to the theoretical stoichiometry is observed. The excess Fe2+ consumption is not due to a formation of a quantitative MnOOH layer but rather to adsorption.Reaction kinetics are very fast at pH < 4 and change at pH 4 to a slower mechanism. At pH > 4 the reaction is fast initially until 17% of the bimessite has dissolved and changes then to a slower stage. The later stage can be described by the equation: J = km0(H+)?0.45[Fe2+]γ(mm0)β where J is the overall rate of Mn2+ release, m0 and m the mass of birnessite at time t = 0 and t > 0, β = 6.76?0.94 pH and γ has values of 0.76 at pH 5 and 0.39 at pH 6. The rate constant k is 7.2·10?7 moles s?1 g?1 (moles/1)?0.31 at pH 5 and 9.6·10?8 moles s?1 g?1 (moles/1)0.06 at pH 6.Diffusion calculations show that the rate is controlled by surface reaction and it is tentatively proposed that the availability of vacancies in octahedral [MnO6]sheets of the birnessite surface could be rate controlling. It is concluded that reactions between Fe(II) and birnessite, and probably other Mn-oxides, are fast enough to be important in natural environments at the earth surface.  相似文献   

Natural malachite is a well defined solid demonstrating reproducible solubility behavior over a wide range of pH. The following equilibrium constants associated with the malachite dissolution equilibrium at 25°C, 1 atm were determined:
Ksp = a2cu2+aCO32?K2wa2H+ = 3.5 ± 0.6 × 10?34
(infinite dilution)
K1sp = [Cu2+]2[CO2?3]K2wa2H+ = 10. ± 0.2 × 10?32
(0.72 ionic strength)
K′sp = m2Cu2+mCOsu2?3K2wa2H+ = 1.3 ± 0.1 × 10?28
(36.9‰ salinity seawater). The temperature dependence of a “mixed” equilibrium constant, Ksp+, of the form:
K2sp = [Cu2+]2mCO2?3K2wa2H+
has been measured at I = 0.72, yielding the relationship:
log K2sp = (? 9.8 ± 0.03) × 104(1T°K) + (1.52 ± 0.09)
within a 5–25°C temperature range. The effect of pressure on the solubility of malachite in water and seawater was estimated from partial molar volume and compressibility data. For 25 °C at infinite dilution K'sp (1000 bar)K'sp(0) = 240 and in seawater K′sp(1000)K'sp(0) = 44.Comparison of stoichiometric and apparent malachite equilibrium constants has been used to estimate the extent of copper(II) ion interaction at the ionic strength of seawater. In dilute carbonate medium (total alkalinity, TA = 2.4 meq/kg H2O, pH 8.3), 2.9% of total dissolved copper exists as the free copper(II) ion and in seawater (S = 36.9%., TA = 2.3 meq/kg H2O, pH = 8.1), [Cu2+]T(Cu) is 3.1%.Total dissolved copper levels of approximately 450–750 nMol/Kg are necessary to attain malachite saturation conditions in the open ocean. Observations of malachite particles suspended in seawater must be explained by precipitation or solid phase substitution reactions from localized environments rather than by direct precipitation from bulk seawater.  相似文献   

The partitioning of germanium between forsterite (Fo) and liquids in the diopside-anorthiteforsterite join was investigated by electron microprobe analysis of Ge-doped samples equilibrated at 1300°–1450°C. Germanium is somewhat incompatible in Fo relative to the haplobasaltic melts, with a grand mean for all simple partition coefficients (DFo-lGe) of 0.68 ± 0.06. For the melt composition range studied, DFo-lGe is virtually constant in isothermal series of experiments, and shows only minor overall temperature dependence. The exchange reaction partition coefficient KD = (Mg2GeO4)Fo(SiO2)l(Mg2SiO4)Fo(GeO2)l] is near unity in all cases, with a grand mean of 0.93 ± 0.11. One exploratory run at 20 kbar yielded a distinctly lower partition coefficient (DFo-lGe = 0.54 ± 0.04), which confirms the negative pressure dependence predicted by the thermodynamics of Ge ai Si exchange.These new data indicate that absolute Ge enrichment must occur in terrestrial magmas undergoing olivine fractionation, while GeSi remains nearly constant.  相似文献   

Solubilities of methane in multisalt solutions at 550 psia and 25°C can be predicted from single-salt salting coefficients. The ionic strength contribution of the ith salt, Ii, is multiplied by its molal salting coefficient, kmi, in the following summation over all salts:
logMoMs = ∑i kmiIi
where mo and ms are molal methane solubilities in distilled water and the salt solution, respectively, at the T, P and methane fugacity of interest.This equation predicts methane solubility in multisalt brines containing Na+, K+, Mg+2, Ca+2, Cl?, SO4?2 and CO3?2 ions. kmi values reported by Stoessell and Byrne (1982b) can be used in solubility predictions in brines at earth surface conditions. Prediction in reservoir brines would require determination of kmi, for the different salts at reservoir temperatures and pressures.  相似文献   

Equations are developed for calculating the density of aluminosilicate liquids as a function of composition and temperature. The mean molar volume at reference temperature Tr, is given by Vr = ∑XiV?oi + XAV?oA, where the summation is taken over all oxide components except A12O3, X stands for mole fraction, V?oi terms are constants derived independently from an analysis of volume-composition relations in alumina-free silicate liquids, and V?oA is the composition-dependent apparent partial molar volume of Al2O3. The thermal expansion coefficient of aluminosilicate liquids is given by α = ∑Xi\?gaio + XA\?gaAo, where \?gaio terms are constants independent of temperature and composition, and \?gaoA is a composition-dependent term representing the effect of Al2O3 on the thermal expansion. Parameters necessary to calculate the volume of silicate liquids at any temperature T according to V(T) = Vrexp[α(T-Tr)], where Tr = 1400°C have been evaluated by least-square analysis of selected density measurements in aluminosilicate melts. Mean molar volumes of aluminosilicate liquids calculated according to the model equation conform to experimentally measured volumes with a root mean square difference of 0.28 ccmole and an average absolute difference of 0.90% for 248 experimental observations. The compositional dependence of V?oA is discussed in terms of several possible interpretations of the structural role of Al3+ in aluminosilicate melts.  相似文献   

While gibbsite and kaolinite solubilities usually regulate aluminum concentrations in natural waters, the presence of sulfate can dramatically alter these solubilities under acidic conditions, where other, less soluble minerals can control the aqueous geochemistry of aluminum. The likely candidates include alunogen, Al2(SO4)3 · 17H2O, alunite, KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6, jurbanite, Al(SO4)(OH) · 5H2O, and basaluminite, Al4(SO4)(OH)10 · 5H2O. An examination of literature values shows that the log Ksp = ?85.4 for alunite and log Ksp = ?117.7 for basaluminite. In this report the log Ksp = ?7.0 is estimated for alunogen and log Ksp = ?17.8 is estimated for jurbanite. The solubility and stability relations among these four minerals and gibbsite are plotted as a function of pH and sulfate activity at 298 K. Alunogen is stable only at pH values too low for any natural waters (<0) and probably only forms as efflorescences from capillary films. Jurbanite is stable from pH < 0 up to the range of 3–5 depending on sulfate activity. Alunite is stable at higher pH values than jurbanite, up to 4–7 depending on sulfate activity. Above these pH limits gibbsite is the most stable phase. Basaluminite, although kinetically favored to precipitate, is metastable for all values of pH and sulfate activity. These equilibrium calculations predict that both sulfate and aluminum can be immobilized in acid waters by the precipitation of aluminum hydroxysulfate minerals.Considerable evidence supports the conclusion that the formation of insoluble aluminum hydroxy-sulfate minerals may be the cause of sulfate retention in soils and sediments, as suggested by Adams and Rawajfih (1977), instead of adsorption.  相似文献   

Solubilities of amorphous silica in several aqueous electrolyte solutions up to 300°C (Marshall, 1980a; Chen and Marshall, 1982) fitted the Setchénow equation, log(s0s) = D·m as described earlier (Marshall, 1980b) where s0 and s are molal solubilities of silica in pure water and salt solution, respectively, m is the molality of salt, and D is a proportionality constant related to the particular salt and temperature. It is now shown that, to a first approximation, the D parameters for various salts at the same temperature are additive. For instance, D(NaCl) ? D(KCl) = D(NaNO3) ? D(KNO3) or D(MgSO4) = D(MgCl2) + D(Na2S04) ? 2D(NaCl). It also follows that (s0s) = i(Dimi).This additivity principle was used to estimate amorphous silica solubilities in mixed NaCl-Na2SO4, NaCl-MgCl2, NaCl-MgSO4, Na2SO4-MgCl2, Na2SO4-MgSO4, and MgCl2-MgSO4 aqueous solutions up to 300°C. The method produces results that agree reasonably well with experimental values and would be useful for predicting silica solubilities, for example, in seawater and its hydrothermal concentrates and in geothermal energy applications.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope fractionation by seventeen species of marine phytoplankton, representing the classes of Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Prasinophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Haptophyceae and Dinophyceae have been determined in laboratory culture experiments using bicarbonate enriched artificial sea water. The ΔHCO3? values (ΔHCO3? = δ13C of algae vs HCO3?) range from ?22.1 to ?35.5%. Nitzschia closterium shows the smallest fractionation of ? 22.1% and Isochrysis galbana, the greatest of ?35.5%,. Since these algae were cultured under identical laboratory conditions, the wide range of ΔHCO3? values is seemingly due to the presence of different metabolic pathways within these organisms.A temperature dependent fractionation of 0.36% per °C with decreasing temperatures was measured for Skeletonema costatum whereas, smaller temperature dependencies of ?0.13, +0.15 and ?0.07%. per °C were observed for Dunaliella sp., Monochrysis lutheri and Glenodinium foliaceum, respectively.The consistency of ΔHCO3? values of Skeletonema costatum, Dunaliella sp. and Monochrysis lutheri grown at salinities of 22, 26, 32 and 36% indicates that natural salinity variations have negligible effects on the isotopic composition of marine phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Studies of the pedogenic iron oxyhydroxides in suites of latest Holocene to middle Pleistocene soils formed on fluvial deposits of the transverse ranges, southern California, indicate that the content and composition of iron oxyhydroxide change in a systematic manner. Analysis of total secondary free iron oxides (dithionite extractable, Fe2O3d) and ferrihydrite (oxalate extractable, Fe2O3o) shows that (1) a single-logarithmic model (Y = a + b log X) or double logarithmic model (log Y = a + b log X), where Y is the total mass of pedogenic Fe oxides (g/cm2-soil column) and X is soil age, describes the rate of increase in Fe2O3d with time; (2) the Fe2O3d content correlates linearly with soil reddening and clay content; (3) the Fe2O3oFe2O3d ratio, which indicates the degree of Fe oxide crystallinity, is moderately high to very high (0.22–0.58) in middle Holocene to latest Pleistocene soils and progressively decreases to less than 0.10 in older soils; (4) the value of the Fe2O3oFe2O3d ratio also appears to be infuenced by climate; and (5) temporal changes in Fe oxide content and mineralogy are accompanied by related, systematic changes in clay mineralogy and organic matter content. These relationships are attributed to a soil environment that must initially favor ferrihydrite precipitation and/or organic matter-Fe complexation. Subsequent transformation to hematite causes increasingly intense reddening and a concomitant decrease in the Fe2O3oFe2O3d ratio. The results demonstrate that iron oxide analysis is useful for numerical age studies of noncalcic soils and shows potential as an indicator of paleoclimates.  相似文献   

The 13C12C fractionation factors (CO2CH4) for the reduction of CO2 to CH4 by pure cultures of methane-producing bacteria are, for Methanosarcina barkeri at 40°C, 1.045 ± 0.002; for Methanobacterium strain M.o.H. at 40°C, 1.061 ± 0.002; and, for Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum at 65°C, 1.025 ± 0.002. These observations suggest that the acetic acid used by acetate dissimilating bacteria, if they play an important role in natural methane production, must have an intramolecular isotopic fractionation (CO2HCH3) approximating the observed CO2CH4 fractionation.  相似文献   

The stability of the amphibole pargasite [NaCa2Mg4Al(Al2Si6))O22(OH)2] in the melting range has been determined at total pressures (P) of 1.2 to 8 kbar. The activity of H2O was controlled independently of P by using mixtures of H2O + CO2 in the fluid phase. The mole fraction of H2O in the fluid (XH2O1fl) ranged from 1.0 to 0.2.At P < 4 kbar the stability temperature (T) of pargasite decreases with decreasing XH2O1fl at constant P. Above P ? 4 kbar stability T increases as XH2O1fl is decreased below one, passes through a T maximum and then decreases with a further decrease in XH2O1fl. This behavior is due to a decrease in the H2O content of the silicate liquid as XH2O1fl decreases. The magnitude of the T maximum increases from about 10°C (relative to the stability T for XH2O1fl= 1) at P = 5 kbar to about 30°C at P = 8 kbar, and the position of the maximum shifts from XH2O1fl ? 0.6 at P = 5 kbar to XH2O1fl? 0.4 at P = 8 kbar.The H2O content of liquid coexisting with pargasite has been estimated as a function of XH2O1fl at 5 and 8 kbar P, and can be used to estimate the H2O content of magmas. Because pargasite is stable at low values of XH2O1fl at high P and T, hornblende can be an important phase in igneous processes even at relatively low H2O fugacities.  相似文献   

The electrocatalytic activity of galena, pyrite and Co3S4 for oxygen reduction has been studied by potentiostatic methods. Open circuit potentials of the sulphide electrodes have also been measured as a function of pH in nitrogen, air and oxygen atmospheres and also in the presence of H2O2 and ethyl xanthate. The adsorption of xanthate on sulphides was followed by observing bubble attachment to the electrodes.The catalytic activity for oxygen (or H2O2) reduction (the cathodic currents), the electrode potentials and the xanthate adsorption as shown by bubble attachment within certain pH limits, all varied as Co3S4 > pyrite (≈ PbS in H2O2) ? PbS indicating considerable dependence of the redox processes in flotation on the d - electron character of the sulphides.In the absence of oxygen, xanthate is probably bonded to the water structure of the surface through hydrogen-bonding, thus keeping the surface hydrophilic. Such adsorption reduces the electrode potential and inhibits oxygen reduction.  相似文献   

The geochemical processes operating on metals in anoxic marine waters influence metal mobility and mode of transport to the sediments in a manner different from that observed in oxic regimes. In order to better understand these processes, dissolved and particulate Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Cd concentrations were determined in the water column of a permanently anoxic basin, Framvaren Fjord, Norway. Class specific behavior determines the degree to which these metals are involved in the processes of redox cycling at the O2H2S interface and metal sulfide precipitation in the sulfidic water. Metal sulfide precipitation influences the magnitude of metal enrichment in the sediments. The transition metals, Mn, Fe, and Co, show active involvement in redox cycling, characterized by dissolved maxima just below the O2H2S interface. Nickel concentrations appear unaffected by processes influencing the profiles of the other metals. The metals, Cu, Zn, and Cd, display a dramatic solubility decrease across the interface, are not involved in redox cycling, and are enriched in the sediments relative to a lithogenic component by factors of 11, 105, and 420, respectively. Ion activity products of the metals and sulfide provide evidence that chemical equilibria with a pure metal sulfide solid phase is not the dominant process controlling dissolved metal concentrations in the sulfide containing waters.  相似文献   

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