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Gil Michard Gérald Ouzounian Christian Fouillac Gérard Sarazin 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》1979,43(1):147-155
We analized about 100 hot springs of different regions in France for dissolved Al. In an area where the chemical composition of the springs for major elements is about the same and the emergence temperatures are different, we usually observe correlations between dissolved Al and temperature. This correlation is positive in the case of high pH hot springs (Pyrénées). On the contrary, the correlation is negative for the CO2 rich waters of the Massif Central (Vichy). We also observe intermediate patterns, where Al concentrations are roughly independant of the temperature.Using a set of consistant values of thermodynamical data for ions and minerals of Al, we find that the observed correlations between Al and temperature are related to the solubility of a mineral which is generally kaolinite. 相似文献
H. G. Carrat 《Mineralium Deposita》1971,6(1):1-22
Résumé L'objet principal de cette note est l'étude des manifestations précoces, mais déjà décisives de la concentration de l'uranium au sein des roches ignées. Le comportement de cet élément s'y montre distinct de ceux du thorium et de l'étain. Le style de variation de l'uranium proche de celui du thorium dans les roches volcaniques et les granites à évolution calme, se trouve modifié dès les premières manifestations tectoniques cassantes des massifs granitiques, avec une mobilité brutalement accure. L'uranium se fixe alors dans les zones précocement fracturées et consolidées de la partie haute des massifs de granite à biotite. Il y forme des enrichissements faits pour l'essentiel d'une cristallisation très fine de minéraux de type uraninite, largement disséminée dans la roche, constituant une véritable préconcentration (âge présumé 280–300 M.A.). A une date plus tardive, soit à partir de la phase tectonique saalienne (250 M. A.), a eu lieu la concentration principale sous forme de pechblende filonienne. Il est alors formulé une opinion génétique selon laquelle l'uranium des filons proviendrait de celui des uraninites, préalablement lessivé, puis redéposé, sous l'influence de processus supergènes et hydrothermaux profonds.
The main subject of this note is the study of the early but already decisive occurrences of uranium concentration within igneous rocks. The behaviour of this element seems to be different from that of thorium and tin. The mode of uranium variation, similar to that of thorium in volcanic rocks and in quietly evolving granites, is modified by the first fracturing of the granitic systems, with an abruptly increased mobility.Then uranium becomes fixed in early broken and reconsolidated zones in the higher parts of biotite granite systems. It is mainly enriched as a very fine crystallisation of uraninite type minerals, widely scattered in the rock, making up a real preconcentration (presumed age 280–300 M.Y.). At a later date, i. e., since the saalian phase (250 M.Y.), the main concentration of pitchblende veins took place. Thus one is lead to the genetic conclusion that the uranium of the veins could proceed from uraninite previously leached, and then redeposited under the control of both supergene processes and hydrothermal processes of deep seated origin.相似文献
N Ennih D Laduron R.O Greiling E Errami H de Wall M Boutaleb 《Journal of African Earth Sciences》2001,32(4):501
The Zenaga Inlier shows a comprehensive record of the Eburnian and Pan-African Orogenies. The Eburnian is characterised by high-temperature regional metamorphism and complex magmatism. The early (Azguemerzi) granodiorite has an isotopic mantle signature and was emplaced diapirically during the Eburnian Orogeny causing local thermal metamorphism. The foliation observed in this granitoid is a result of the interference between its primary syn-emplacement foliation and the regional foliation under amphibolite-facies conditions. The northern part of Zenaga has been intruded by the leucocratic granites of Tazenakht. These granites are cut by mylonites and phyllonites, corresponding to the Pan-African shear zones and accompanied with sub-greenschist-facies metamorphism during the Pan-African Orogeny. The deformation was the result of a regional sinistral transpressive event. This study in the northern part of the West African Craton shows the superposition of the Pan-African on the Eburnian Orogeny and the presence of a major fault in the Anti-Atlas. 相似文献
M El-Baghdadi A El-Boukhari S Nadem A Benyoucef A Jouider 《Journal of African Earth Sciences》2001,32(4):635
The Precambrian inlier at Sidi Flah-Bouskour is cut by several successive intrusions of Neoproterozoic granitoids, whose zircon crystal morphology allows precise definition of granite types (Pupin, 1976, 1980, 1988) and, by inference, an assessment of tectonic settings. The first intrusion consists of gabbro, quartz-diorite and amphibole-granodiorite, belonging to the Pan-African B1 phase related to a pre-collision domain. It shows a calc-alkaline granodioritic composition. The second intrusion includes the Bouskour biotite-granite, which belongs to the high-K calc-alkaline suite emplaced at the time of the second Pan-African B2 phase in the context of syn-collision. These units are intruded by a Late Proterozoic pink granite followed by injection of submeridian sigmoidal cracks of rhyolitic dykes that represent the last Precambrian magmatic event in this area. 相似文献
J. Nicolas 《Mineralium Deposita》1968,3(1):18-33
Résumé En de nombreux secteurs du Sud-Est de la France, des brèches séparant la bauxite de son mur, des fossiles et des figures de sédimentation ont été découverts, au sein même de la bauxite: ces éléments prouvent que le minerai ne s'est pas formé au lieu même où on le trouve aujourd'hui. C'est un sédiment qui s'est déposé en milieu aqueux, sous forme de bauxite déjà constituée, après avoir subi un transport, en milieu aqueux également. Une étude pétrographique détaillée montre que ce transport s'est effectué par étapes au cours desquelles la bauxite a continué à subir le phenomène de latéritisation. Les bauxites sont le vestige d'anciens profils de latérite-bauxitique, ferrugineux et alumineux, cuirassés, qui ont été démantelés. La répartition verticale des différents niveaux de bauxite montre qu'ils peuvent, souvent, constituer des profils inversés de latérites primaires dont on peut interpréter le dépôt à la faveur de la théorie de la bio-rhéxistasie de H. Erhart. Les bauxites ont été piégées par des sédiments de nature lithologique et d'âges divers, qui constituent leurs toits et auxquels elles passent progressivement, ce qui confirme leur caractère sédimentaire.
In numerous areas of the South East of France breccias separating bauxite from its wall, fossiles and sedimentation textures have been discovered right in the bauxite, which prove that the ore has not been formed in the site where found now. It is a sediment which was deposited in aqueous flow. A detailed petrographic study demonstrates that this transportation has been made in different stages, the bauxite continuing to undergo the process of lateritization. The bauxites are the remnants of former profiles of ferruginous and aluminous laterites-bauxites which have been crustified and destroyed. These profiles are former laterite profiles which have been inverted. Their formation may be interpreted through the bio-rhexistasie theory of H. Erhart. The bauxites have been buried by sediments of different ages and composition which form their roofs and into which they pass progressively. This confirms their sedimentary nature.相似文献
Joaquı́n Garcı́a-Sansegundo Jordi Gavaldá Juan Luis Alonso 《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2004,336(11):1035-1040
The geological mapping of the Garonne Dome had already shown an angular unconformity between the Upper Ordovician and the underlying series. This paper presents data from a nearby location, Planelh deth Pas Estret, southeast of the Garonne Dome, where the unconformity can be seen at outcrop scale. The unconformity angles amount to up to 20°. This unconformity is interpreted as a result of an extensional event of pre-Upper Ordovician age. To cite this article: J. Garc??a-Sansegundo et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004). 相似文献
Using chemical potential diagrams and budget calculations, we show that the acquisition of solutes by surface water in granitic rocks under temperate climate corresponds with transformation of primary minerals into kaolinite or halloysite. This mineral controls aluminium solubility. 相似文献
Dr. F. Bergerat J. Bergues Dr. J. Geyssant 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1985,74(2):311-320
Résumé A la suite de l'étude des paléochamps de contrainte dans la plateforme de l'Allemagne du Sud, nous avons tenté une estimation des valeurs des contraintes tectoniques tertiaires à l'origine des systèmes de décrochements. Des essais de compression en laboratoire ont été réalisés sur des calcaires du Jura bâlois, franconien et souabe et sur des grès de la Forêt Noire; ils ont permis de construire les courbes intrinsèques à la rupture et à la fissuration. Nous avons choisi d'assimiler les contraintes nécessaires à l'initiation de la fissuration à celle responsable des ruptures naturelles à long terme. Les valeurs de ces paléo-contraintes tectoniques sont comprises entre 40 et 130 MPa, pour des contraintes lithostatiques de 5 à 20 MPa.
Further to the analysis of paleo-stress fields in the platform of Southern Germany, we try to calculate the values of tectonic stresses responsible for strike-slip faulting. Compressional laboratory experiments were made on limestones from Basel, Swabian and Franconian Jura and on sandstones from Black Forest. They allow to draw rupture curves and cracking curves. We choice to assimilate the necessary stresses to initiation of cracking to those responsible for natural, long-termed ruptures.The values of these tectonic paleo-stresses are comprised between 40 and 130 MPa, for lithostatic stresses of 5 to 20 MPa.
Zusammenfassung Nach der Darstellung der alten Spannungsfelder der süddeutschen Scholle werden die Spannungswerte für die tertiäre Tektonik an den verschiedenen Störungssystemen ermittelt. Im Labor wird die Festigkeit der Jurakalke aus der Gegend von Basel und der Fränkisch-Schwäbischen Alb und der Schwarzwälder Sandsteinen bestimmt. Aus diesen Daten können die Kurven der Bruchfestigkeit aufgestellt werden. Vergleicht man die im Labor gemessenen Spannungswerte mit den im Gelände ermittelten tektonischen Daten findet man Werte zwischen 40 und 130 MPa für die tektonischen Spannungen und 5–20 MPa für die Scherspannungen.相似文献
Sediments from the peat-bog La Muzelle (Massif des Ecrins, Iserc, France, alt. 2,150 m) were analyzed. The site was reached by a Pinus forest and an Abies forest during the Allerød and the Atlantic, and during the Bølling a shrubland was noted. Forests have been degrading into lawns without intermediary heath long before the appearance of the first signs of human action. The glacier has been receding ever since the Late Würm, except during the Younger Dryas when big frontal moraines were formed close to the peat-bog. The nature of the sediments allowed a determination of several frontal positions of the glacier. No notable re-advance could be evidenced during the Older or Oldest Dryas nor during the Holocene; only a minor oscillation may have occurred at the beginning of the Allerød. 相似文献
The discovery of a level of lithophaga in the entrance of the karstic spring of the ‘Fontaine de Vaucluse’ indicates a pre-Pliocene age and supports a Messinian origin for the present spring. To cite this article: É. Gilli, P. Audra, C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004). 相似文献
This work compares the quantities of labile metals removed from the Vire River (Normandy) sediments by a sequential extraction procedure to those liberated by single leaches (Mg(NO3)2, HCl and EDTA). Compared to the other extractions, Mg(NO3)2 underestimated the mobility results. The sequential procedure was the most aggressive, except for Ca and Pb. The hypothetic correlation between quantities of an element removed by single leaches and its fractionation in the sediment according to the sequential procedure was not satisfying. Finally, it should be underlined that enrichments of Cd, Pb and Zn were noticed in the Vire sediments. To cite this article: L. Leleyter, F. Baraud, C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005). 相似文献
Caradocian source rocks belonging to the Utica Group occur around and overlay the southeastern part of the Canadian Shield from the Ottawa embayment, in the southwestern part of St. Lawrence Lowlands, to the Anticosti Island basin. The kerogen of the source rocks is mainly made up of amorphous organic matter (transmitted light), resembling a solid bitumen framework in reflected light, and contains a small portion of zooclasts (graptolites and chitinozoans). The kerogen is often too mature to have preserved the structure of the original constituents, except those of graptolites and chitinozoans. Otherwise, UV fluorescent colonial alga and tasmanites are observed.In the eastern half of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, stratigraphic and tectonic burial is the main control of source rock thermal maturation. From an area located 50 km west of Quebec City, the estimated vitrinite reflectance (Ro-Std) of the source rock increases in both northeastern (Montmorency Falls) and southwestern (St. Maurice River) directions, from Ro-Std of 1.2 to 1.5 and 1.7%, respectively. The source rocks of the Ottawa embayment and Montreal area (western half of the basin) are overmature due to hydrothermal and igneous activities (2.3%<Ro-Std<2.8%).. In Chicoutimi and Lac Saint-Jean outliers, the source rocks show reflectances between 0.9 and 1.2%, slightly less than reflectance values in the Quebec City area (Ro-Std between 1.2 and 1.5%). On Anticosti Island, the thermal maturation is related to burial only and increases downdip of the inclined platform, from the northeast toward the southwest (Ro-Std between 0.9 and 2.1%).These observations suggest that the St. Lawrence platform and the southeastern Canadian Shield were buried by at least 3.5 km of Paleozoic strata prior to erosion to Grenville basement. This implies that most potential hydrocarbon fields are presumably also lost by erosion.
Des roches mères caradociennes, appartenant au Groupe d'Utica, sont trouvées autour et sur la partie sud-est du Bouclier canadien, du sous-bassin de la région d'Ottawa, dans la partie sud-ouest des basses-terres du Saint-Laurent jusqu'au bassin de l'île d'Anticosti. Le kérogène de ces roches mères est principalement constitué de matière organique amorphe (lumière transmise) ayant l'aspect d'un treillis fait de bitume solide lorsqu'il est observé en lumière incidente et contient une petite proportion de zooclastes (graptolites et chitinozoaires). Ce kérogène est souvent trop mature pour avoir préservé la structure originale de ses constituants, sauf celle des graptolites et des chitinozoaires. Dans le cas contraire, on observe des colonies algaires et des tasmanites fluorescentes à la lumière ultraviolette.Dans la moitié est des basses-terres du Saint-Laurent, l'enfouissement stratigraphique et tectonique contrôle la maturation thermique de la roche mère. D'un point situé à 50 km à l'ouest de Québec, la réflectance standardisée à celle de la vitrinite (Rh-Std) de la roche mère augmente tant vers le nord-est (Chutes Montmorency) que vers le sud-ouest (rivière Saint-Maurice), et varie entre 1,2 et 1,5 ou 1,7% respectivement. D'autre part, les roches mères des régions d'Ottawa et de Montréal (ouest du bassin) sont supramatures à cause d'activités hydrothermales et ignées (2,3%<Rh-Std<2,8%). Dans les buttes témoins du Saguenay et du Lac-Saint-Jean, les roches mères montrent des valeurs de la Rh-Std comprises entre 0,9 et 1,2%, légèrement inférieures à celles de la région de Québec (Rh-Std entre 1,2 et 1,5%). Dans l'île d'Anticosti, la maturation thermique est surtout reliée à l'enfouissement et s'accroît en direction de l'approfondissement de la plate-forme, du nord-est vers le sud-ouest (Rh-Std entre 0,9 et 2,1%).Ces observations suggèrent que la plate-forme du Saint-Laurent et le sud-est du Bouclier canadien furent enfouis sous au moins 3,5 km de strates paléozoïques avant que ces dernières soient érodées au niveau du socle grenvillien. Ceci implique que la majorité des gisements potentiels d'hydrocarbures furent probablement aussi perdus par érosion. 相似文献15.
Dr. C. Levillain 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1980,27(3):209-223
Résumé On a étudié statistiquement les variations de (OH+F) dans 392 micas (muscovites, biotites, micas lithiques). Dans les muscovites et les micas lithiques alumineux l'écart du nombre de (OH+F) à la valeur théorique apparait dû à des erreurs de dosage de H2O+. Dans les micas lithiques ferreux on observe une moyenne de 4,62 (OH+F)/maille. Cet excès en (OH+F), exprimé en oxonium H3O+, correspond au déficit en cations XII. Dans les micas ferromagnésiens (biotites, phlogopites) on observe un déficit en (OH+F) (x = 3,59). On rend compte de ce déficit en supposant que Fe3+ présent dans la structure est dû à une oxydation in situ par déprotonation.Les conséquences quant aux erreurs introduites sur le nombre de cations lors du calcul de la formule structurale sont discutées.
Avec 5 figures 相似文献
Statistical study of (OH+F) content of muscovites, biotites, and lithium micas
Summary A statistical study of the variations of (OH+F) content of 392 micas (muscovites, biotites, lithium micas) has been undertaken. In muscovites and lithium-aluminium micas, the fluctuation of (OH+F) content can be explain by analytical errors in determination of H2O+ and F. In ferrous lithium micas the mean content of (OH+F) is 4.62 at. per unit cell. Converted to oxonium H3O+, this excess is equal to the K+ deficiency. Biotites and phlogopites are hydroxyl deficient (x = 3,59). This can be explained if it is assumed that all Fe3+ present is due to auto-oxydation of Fe2+ with loss of H+ to maintain charge neutrality.A discussion of the cationic variations introduced in the calculation of the structural formulae is given.
Avec 5 figures 相似文献
M. Feist 《Cretaceous Research》1981,2(3-4)
La découverte de nouveaux gisements dans le Sud de la France révèle la persistance, dans le Cénomanien, d'Embergerella cruciata, Atopochara restricta et A. brevicellis (Clavatoraceae). Une parenté entre les genres Embergerella (Barrémien-Cénomanien) et Septorella (Maastrichtien) est envisagée sur la base d'une nouvelle interprétation de la structure de l'utricule. Pour la première fois, des représentants de la famille des Characeae sont décrits dans le Cénomanien: Peckisphaera revesti n. sp. et le Turonien: Mesochara fusiformis n. sp. Indications biostratigraphiques: dans l'état actuel des connaissances sur les flores de Charophytes du Crétacé moyen, seul le Cénomanien est bien caractérisé, par A. multivolvis à laquelle s'ajoute maintenant une nouvelle association de quatre espèces; l'Albien et le Turonien, pour lesquels des précisions sont apportées, restent toutefois encore mal individualisés.The discovery of new localities in the South of France shows that Embergerella cruciata, Atopochara restricta and A. brevicellis (Clavatoraceae) continued into the Cenomanian. A relationship between the genera Embergerella (Barremian-Cenomanian) and Septorella (Maastrichtian) is suggested on the basis of a new interpretation of the structure of the utricle. Representatives of the family Characeae are described for the first time, Peckisphaera revesti n. sp. in the Cenomanian and Mesochara fusiformis n. sp. in the Turonian. Biostratigraphic information: in the present state of knowledge of Middle Cretaceous Charophyte floras, only the Cenomanian is well characterized, by A. multivolvis to which is now added a new association of four species. Although new information is presented on the Albian and Turonian, they are still inadequately understood. 相似文献
F. Robaszynski 《Cretaceous Research》1981,2(3-4)
Cette note donne une présentation des résultats obtenus par le Groupe de Travail européen des foraminifères planctoniques de 1976 à 1978.The results obtained by the European MCE working group on planktic foraminifera are summarized. A total of 49 species were revised, referable to the genera Planomalina, Rotalipora, Hedbergella, Whiteinella, Archaeoglobigerina, Praeglobotruncana, Dicarinella and Marginotruncana. 相似文献
Prof. Dr. M. Roubault Dr. H. de la Roche 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1966,55(2):301-316
The granitic “Lys-Caillaouas” Massive outcrops on 50 km2 in the paleozoic series of the axial zone, situated in the North West of the Maladetta. It is known for its apparent stratified formations, emphasized by pelitic (Northern and French part of the Massive) and calcareous (Southern and Spanish part) enclaves. Its “emplacement” by syncinematic intrusion of a “granite magma” was formerly postulated with reference to the then wide-spread theory of magmas and “magmatical phases” of orogeneses. However care had not been taken to examine if this scheme would take into account the particular features of this Massive as they appear through a detailed study. Starting from entirely different points of view, the authors do not think it permissible, as a method of thinking, to consider a priori the granite as extraneous to the formations in which it crops out. For this reason, starting with the mainly structural observations of M.Clin (1959), which were completed by recent mapping done by a geological group of Nancy, they have undertaken in the “Lys-Caillaouas” massive and in its vicinity, a comparative geochemical study of the paleozoic basement of the axial zone and of the igneous formations therein enclosed. These different igneous facies, from porphyroblastic granites to quartz diorite, countain enclaves, some of them mainly pelitic and others calcareous. Besides these facies are arranged in sequences and in folded structures well related to those of the paleozoic host formation. These two facts clearly show:
- -the sedimentary origin of the most apparent differenciations of the igneous complex.
- -the “keeping in place“ of sedimentary horizons during the granitization which is an observed fact and not a hypothesis as is the case with the “emplacement” of granites.
Marie-Françoise Bonifay 《Quaternary Research》1980,14(2):251-262
This study is the first test of correlation between the results obtained on the large Plio-Pleistocene European faunas and the main climatic stages (cold as well as temperate) demonstrated in marine isotopic records. In particular, there are cold stages which often explain the disappearance of some species, as well as climatic events that promote the substitution of some species by other groups. A rather evident parallelism appears between the European succession of large faunal associations and paleoclimatic stages revealed in oceanic areas, but some discordance occurs in the later periods. Faced with the great diversification of the Quaternary faunas, probably due to the multiplicity of climatic environments, and with global information from oceanic records, only local biostratigraphic studies will allow precise reconstruction of the different biotopes. 相似文献