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In the field of phylogenetic analyses, the rbcL gene encoded large subunit Ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco, EC4.1.1.39), which plays a crucial role in the process of photosynthesis for most terrestrial plants, has been considered to be conserved; however, recent controversy regarding rbcL conservation has appeared since it was proposed to be under natural selection within all principal lineages of land plants. In this study, by examining the variation of DNA and protein sequences among 17 species in the family Tamaricaceae, three nonsynonymous mutations were identified to be under positive selection. The favored sites were located in the alph-helix domains of Rubisco, with decreased hydrophobicity and increased entropy, which could facilitate CO2 penetration into the active site of Rubisco. We also found that the expression level of rbcL in different genotypes of Reaumuria soongarica shifted in response to various stresses such as drought, temperature, salt, and light. This study not only sheds light on the functional/structural features of Rubisco in the evolution scenarios from C3-like into C4 in Tamaricaceae but also provides useful information on directing genetic performance to enhance photosynthesis efficiency of desert plants for sustaining fragile desert ecosystems; furthermore, it promotes the ability to cope with desert aridification and global warming.  相似文献   

Caragana microphylla is the most dominant and constructive shrub species in the Horqin Sandy Land of northeastern China. We evaluated the level of genetic variation within and among C. microphylla populations sampled from three different temperature gradients in the Horqin Sandy Land by using inter-simple sequence repeat polymorphism (ISSR) molecular markers. The results show that eight ISSR primers generated 127 bands, of which 123 (96.85%) were polymorphic. At the species level, genetic diversity was relatively high (P = 96.85%, h = 0.3143, I = 0.4790). The highest genetic diversity was observed in the Subp6 population from low temperature regions, whereas the lowest diversity was found in the Subp2 population from high temperature regions. Six populations of C. microphylla clustered into two clades. These results have important implications for restoring and managing the degraded ecosystem in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

The alien grass Bromus tectorum dominates stable annual-plant communities that have replaced native shrub-perennial grass communities over much of the semi-arid western United States. We conducted field competition experiments between B. tectorum and a native grass, Elymus elymoides, on two sites to determine the effects of B. tectorum competition on perennial grasses, and the role of B. tectorum competition in the stability of B. tectorum-dominated communities. B. tectorum competition acting on seedling-stage E. elymoides plants greatly reduced first-year relative growth rates and biomass which, in turn, reduced second-year survival, biomass, and flowering. However, B. tectorum competition acting on older E. elymoides plants had much less effect, which may help to explain why intact perennial-plant communities are resistant to B. tectorum invasion. At the drier site, direct effects of B. tectorum competition were less, but competition and drier habitat combined to produce greater E. elymoides mortality.  相似文献   

Display-site selection by houbara bustards was studied in Mori, Xinjiang, China during the breeding seasons from April to June 2000. Most of the habitats chosen for displaying were short sub-shrubby and open areas close to high shrub patches. The displaying males clearly prefer low covered areas and avoid densely covered and high vegetation sites. The vegetation density and number of plant species at display sites were significantly lower from that at randomly selected sites. The average distance to the closest shrub patch was significantly shorter at display sites than at random sites. Plant species richness, vegetative density, vegetative cover and distance to the shrub patches are possibly the most important factors that determined the display-sites selection of houbara bustard.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is an increasingly prevalent molecular biological technology which uses a short and conserved DNA fragment to facilitate rapid and accurate species identification. Kalidium species are distributed in saline soil habitat throughout Southeast Europe and Northwest Asia, and used mainly as forage grass in China. The discrimination of Kalidium species was based only on morphology-based identification systems and limited to recognized species. Here, we tested four DNA candidate loci, one nuclear locus (ITS, internal transcribed spacer) and three plastid loci (rbcL, matK and ycf1b), to select potential DNA barcodes for identifying different Kalidium species. Results showed that the best DNA barcode was ITS locus, which displayed the highest species discrimination rate (100%), followed by matK (33.3%), ycf1b (16.7%), and rbcL (16.7%). Meanwhile, four loci clearly identified the variant species, Kalidium cuspidatum (Ung.-Sternb.) Grub.var. sinicum A. J. Li, as a single species in Kalidium.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the effect of rain enrichment on soil respiration rate of a Nitraria sphaerocarpa community, we measured soil respiration rate in bare and vegetated areas in a hyperarid area (Dunhuang) during the growing season. Results show that rain enrichment can increase bare and vegetated soil respiration rates. The more rainfall enrichment, the greater the increment and the longer duration time effect for soil respiration rate. 200% (16 mm) and 300% (24 mm) of rain enrichment can significantly increase bare soil respiration rates by 90% and 106% (P〈0.01), respectively. By contrast, areas with 100% (8 mm), 200% (16 mm) and 300% (24 mm) of rain enrichment can significantly increase shrub area respiration rates by 68%, 157% and 205% (P〈0.01), respectively. The response time of bare and vegetated soil respiration to rainfall enrichment is asynchronous. Response variable of soil respiration in vegetated soil is higher (118%) than in bare soil. There was significant positive correlation between soil respiration rate and soil water content during the growing season (P〈0.01). For every 1 mm increment of precipitation, soil respiration rate increased by 0.01 and 0.04 pmol/(m2.s), respectively in vegetated and bare soils.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of Calanus species was examined near Franz Josef Land archipelago in August 2006 and 2007. Surface and bottom water temperatures exceeded the average multiannual values. Calanus species dominated the total mesozooplankton abundance and biomass, accounting for 818 ± 178 individuals m−3 (mean ± SE) and 803 ± 163 mg wet weight (WW) m−3, respectively, in 2006. In 2007, the values were much lower (153 ± 29 individuals m−3 and 192 ± 17 mg WW m−3, respectively), reflecting the weaker influence of warm Atlantic water that year. Calanus glacialis dominated the Calanus populations, contributing 95% and 60% of the biomass in 2006 and 2007, respectively. Older copepodite stages (CIV–CV) predominated in the C. finmarchicus (69% and 76%, respectively) and C. hyperboreus populations (80% and 77%, respectively), whereas young copepodites (CI–CIII) were predominant in C. glacialis (45% and 59%, respectively). A clear negative relationship between the average water temperature and the total Calanus biomass was observed in 2006, whereas a positive correlation between these parameters was observed in 2007. The distributions of three Calanus species off Franz Josef Land were mainly associated with hydrological conditions and circulation patterns.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to examine the effects of large-scale climatic changes on biomass and biomass allocation in Leymus chinensis on an 11 longitude gradient along the North-east China Transect (NECT) in 2000. Ten sites, selected for plant sampling along the gradient, experienced approximately uniform theoretical radiation, but differed in precipitation and geographical elevation. The total biomasses, vegetative shoot biomass and reproductive shoot biomass of the species increased from the west to the east with the decrease of aridity or the increase of precipitation, but that of rhizome biomass decreased in the spatial ranging from 116° to 120° E. Vegetative shoot biomass allocation increased from the west to the east along the gradient; rhizome allocations, however, dropped significantly. Unlike those of rhizome and vegetative shoot, reproductive shoot biomass allocations at the two ends were remarkably lower than that in the middle of the gradient. In general, the total and component biomass and their allocations showed strong correlation with precipitation or aridity index along the gradient.  相似文献   

The summer diet of Little Owls (Athene noctua) in Minqin Desert Experimental Research Station of northwestern China was analysed. A total of 293 individuals representing seven species of rodents, one bird, three reptiles, two families of invertebrates and unidentified invertebrates were identified in 113 pellets and 29 prey remains collected during June and July of 2005. By frequency, invertebrates constituted 77.5% of the diet, mammals 17.8%, reptiles 3.8% and birds 1.0%. In term of biomass consumption, mammals comprised 93.7% of the diet, invertebrates 3.9%, birds 1.9% and reptiles 1.1%. The results suggested that the Little Owls were active at day and night and fed mainly on rodents and beetles related to the desert habitats.  相似文献   

Populations of two ornamental exotic species, Kalanchoe daigremontiana and Stapelia gigantea, have been recently detected inside a protected area containing arid ecosystems in Venezuela. We indirectly tested their invasive potential by characterizing their reproductive biology and recruitment patterns and comparing our estimates against Baker's Law and reproductive profiles reported for invasive plants. K. daigremontiana is autogamous, produces >16,000 seeds per plant and also reproduces clonally. Despite low seed viability (17.9%) and germination rates (11.9%), seeds were present in the seed bank. Plantlets of asexual origin showed high survival (75–100%) compared to seedlings of sexual origin (10%). S. gigantea is self-incompatible, xenogamous and produces close to 1500 seeds per m2 of plant tissue. Seed viability (77%) and germination rates (62%) were high, but this species is not represented in the seed bank. It has a vegetative growth. A combination of reproductive and recruitment attributes, which match those considered in Baker's Law and others reported for invasive plants, confer K. daigremontiana and S. gigantea the potential to invade Neotropical arid zones; the former mainly through selfing and production of numerous asexual plantlets, and the latter through an association with a locally abundant pollinator and production of wind dispersed seeds.  相似文献   

Population density and species diversity of microfungal communities were investigated in the rhizosphere soil of the halophytic plant Zygophyllum qatarense inhabiting saline and nonsaline habitats of the arid desert environment of Bahrain. Unlike the nonsaline habitat which is situated in the physiographic zone of multiple escarpment and backslopes, the saline site is located in the coastal lowlands and is featured by high chloride content, electrical conductivity, total soluble salts and low organic matter. Soils of both habitats are sandy, slightly alkaline, poor in nutrient sources, low in water-holding capacity and mainly dominated by a salt-tolerant flora. Quantification of data for the recovery of fungi were based on colony identification and counts by a series of ten-fold dilutions plate method, using various natural, synthetic and selective media. A total of 2780 isolates, fluctuating between 25 and 1109 per sample, were recovered during the present study among all habitats, seasons and plant sizes. Grouping of these isolates has resulted in a maximum of 28 fungal taxa varied between 5 and 15 species, of which 24 were hyphomycetes, 3 ascomycetes and one was an unknown species. All the recorded species in this study, excluding the genus Fusarium, are newly reported from the arid terrestrial habitats of Bahrain. Of the encountered fungi,Cladosporium sphaerospermum was the most dominant and frequent genus, among all plant sizes, followed by Penicillium citrinam and Aspergillus fumigatus, a finding with consistent documented data from similar arid Sahara ecosystems. Examination of data, supported by analysis of relative density values, percentage recovery rates, polar ordination and diversity indices revealed that the nonsaline habitat during the dry period yielded the highest isolate frequency, species abundance, and diversity when compared with the saline habitat. Moreover, a progressive increase in colony occurrence and species diversity was equivalently associated with increment in plant size in the nonsaline habitat. Apparently, the vast majority (moderate to low occurrence class) of the reported species are rhizosphere indigenous saprophytic cellulose-decomposers, whilst the sparse taxa (high occurrence class), e.g. C. sphaerospermum, are regarded as thermo-osmotolerant. Comparison of species richness among samples suggests that small plants inhabiting nonsaline habitats during the wet and dry season were richest in species composition. It is proposed that inter- and intra-specific variation in fungal community between the above habitats reflect not only the influence of plant age and season but also extends to critical multi-soil edaphic and biotic factors involving essentially soil moisture, salinity and root growth dynamic and exudates.  相似文献   

Domestication of wild plants needs efforts focused particularly on the development of the theoretical basis of plant responses to environmental conditions. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of radiation on seedling growth and physiology of Prosopis alba, P. chilensis, P. flexuosa and P. glandulosa. Seedlings were grown in a greenhouse and randomly assigned to three light environments: full-sun, 52% sun, and 38% sun. No significant differences were found in the rate of leaf appearance and plant height 60 days after the light treatments began. Instantaneous CO2uptake was not affected by the light environment during leaf development and did not differ among species. Variations in radiation availability resulted in significant differences in biomass accumulation, shoot/root ratio, protein and total non-structural carbohydrates contents. The practice of shading seedlings reduces the chances of survival ofProsopis due to an increase of the shoot/root ratio and a reduction of total biomass, stored carbohydrates, and the C:N balance.  相似文献   

High soil temperatures influence seedling emergence as well as the performance of plant organs and yields. Temperatures of above 40°C were recorded in the topsoil of the Ferralsols of the semi-arid areas of SE-Kenya during the rainy season. Experiments were conducted in the climatological laboratory of the University of Trier, Germany, on two legumes (green grams and common beans var. kathika), grown by smallholder farmers in the study area under varying soil temperature conditions. The main objective was to examine the effect of soil temperature on various parameters: seedling emergence, crop water requirements, leaf area index and phenology of the two legumes. The simulated climatological laboratory conditions were similar to those at Kiboko, SE-Kenya. This study confirmed that under high soil temperature conditions, green grams are well adapted to semi-arid and hot tropical lowlands as well as lower midlands due to low water requirements, high seedling emergence rates and good yield performance. However, kathika beans were very susceptible to the simulated extreme climatic environment. By means of crop simulation modelling, a temporal differentiation for potential growth of green grams is presented for the long and short rains according to different rainfall conditions (ENSO, antiENSO, normal) over a period of 31 years.  相似文献   

To aid the effectiveness of water developments, patterns of deer visiting water sources and the responses of deer to disturbance were examined. Deer visited water sources day and night, but not all deer at water sources drank. Thus, the assumption that radio-telemetry locations within arbitrary distances of water indicate drinking events may lead to overestimates of watering frequency. Human disturbance did not preclude or seriously impede use of water by deer. Deer reacted by adjusting the amount of time spent at water sources, moving away from water to return later and/or increasing the frequency with which they drank.  相似文献   

We studied the feeding ecology of the Andean hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus chinga) in three areas with different land use in Patagonia. Two areas were heavily grazed by sheep or horses and wild exotic herbivores and the third area was lightly grazed by cattle. In each area, we assessed skunk diet, prey abundance and carrion availability. Skunks were generalist feeders, with invertebrates composing the bulk of their diet, but also consumed small vertebrates and carrion. Differences in diet composition were found among areas, mainly because skunks consumed more beetle larvae in the sheep area and more cricetines and spiders in the exotic-herbivore area. All prey but rodents were significantly more abundant in spring and summer than in fall and winter, but skunk diets were similar among seasons. In the sheep area, where the soil was most disturbed, we found reduced abundances of invertebrate prey and rodents. High consumption of beetles during autumn and winter when these were least abundant and in the sheep area indicates that skunks had a preference for beetles and their larvae. We conclude that Andean hog-nosed skunks in Patagonia might be negatively affected by reductions of their main prey due to soil and plant alterations by livestock.  相似文献   

Three provenances ofPappophorum caespitosum, a forage native grass from the temperate arid region of Argentina, were studied to gain a physiological knowledge of the seasonal organic N status in response to adequate water supply and water stress conditions; and to assess the extent to which variations in the N status between these provenances arise under different water regimes. Plant part samples were analysed for free and bound organic N fractions. Water shortage resulted in a significant depression of plant growth in all provenances. Total N concentration declined along the annual cycle in both water treatments, but it was higher under water stress. The size of the free N pool was very large, suggesting that it may act like an osmoticum. Nitrogen use efficiency increases along the growing period, while the rate of N intake and the specific leaf N content decrease. Variability was found between provenances in most of the physiological and biochemical traits examined under both water regimes.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of moderate (14 cm) vs. severe (7 cm) defoliation on tiller recruitment and mortality within the interior and on the perimeter of weeping lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) tussocks. Tiller number per marked shoot within the interior was significantly greater in plants defoliated at 14-cm stubble height than at 7-cm stubble height (2·37 vs. 0·43, p<0·05) 28 weeks after defoliation; likewise, tiller number per marked shoot was also greater on the perimeter of tussocks in the higher stubble than the lower stubble defoliation treatment (5·10 vs. 2·03, p<0·05). Tiller natality increased significantly 4 weeks after defoliation except for tillers cut to 7-cm stubble height within the interior of tussocks where tiller natality reached a peak at 4·5 weeks after defoliation. During the later stages of canopy development, tiller numbers per marked shoot gradually declined as tiller mortality increased. Tillers began senescing 13 weeks after defoliation, and the senescence rate was 52% greater in the 7-cm stubble height treatment than in the 14-cm stubble height treatment (2·33 vs. 1·53, p<0·0001). Within the interior of tussocks, number of the marked tillers more than doubled under the 14-cm stubble height treatment, whereas the plants lost 57% of the monitored tillers under the 7-cm stubble height treatment. We concluded that the central dieback process in weeping lovegrass is accelerated by severe defoliation.  相似文献   

The diet of the Barn Owl (Tyto alba) is well known in different habitats but a lack of data persists for arid and subarid environments. We provide preliminary information on food selection of barn owls in Tunisia by the analysis of the composition of pellets. The diet consists largely of rodents and the three-toed Jerboa (Jaculus jaculus) that accounted for more than 50% of total prey biomass. Results suggest that barn owls show a nonrandom tendency toward rodent species especially small and young individuals.  相似文献   

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