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Marine overwash from the north a few centuries ago transported hundreds of angular cobbles and boulders tens to hundreds of meters southward from limestone outcrops in the interior of Anegada, 140?km east?Cnortheast of Puerto Rico. We examined two of several cobble and boulder fields as part of an effort to interpret whether the overwash resulted from a tsunami or a storm in a location where both events are known to occur. One of the cobble and boulder field extends 200?m southward from limestone outcrops that are 300?m inland from the island??s north shore. The other field extends 100?m southward from a limestone knoll located 800?m from the nearest shore. In the two fields, we measured the size, orientation, and spatial distribution of a total of 161 clasts and determined their stratigraphic positions with respect to an overwash sand and shell sheet deposit. In both fields, we found the spacing between clasts increased southward and that clast long-axis orientations are consistent with a transport trending north?Csouth. Almost half the clasts are partially buried in a landward thinning and fining overwash sand and none were found embedded in the shelly mud of a pre-overwash marine pond. The two cobble and boulder fields resemble modern tsunami deposits in which dispersed clasts extend inland as a single layer. The fields contrast with coarse clast storm deposits that often form wedge-shaped shore-parallel ridges. These comparisons suggest that the overwash resulted from a tsunami and not from a storm.  相似文献   

Shoreline changes since 1776, including two 30-yr periods separated by nearly 100 yr are documented from surveys, topographic maps, harbor charts, and aerial photographs for the southeastern corner of the island of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts (41°25′ N, 70°35′ W). From 1776 to 1969, a barrier beach has receded by more than 880 m, and average rate of 4.6 m/yr. A series of four detailed surveys from 1840 to 1886 document consistent shoreline retreat in this area of 3.1 m/yr.For the period 1938–1969, planimetry from aerial photographs and field observation indicate that more than 28 ha and nearly 3 × 106 m3 of foreland composed of till have washed away. A house, located 200 m from the cliff edge of the foreland in 1938 was only 56 m from the cliff edge in July 1972.Violent storms were associated with the opening of the bay behind the barrier beach in nearly the same location in 1856, 1886, 1938, and 1954. Easterly migration of the opening results in rapid erosion of the southeastern corner of the island (Wasque Point) and eventual closing of the opening.Field observation of the 1954 opening indicates that the mechanism of failure of the barrier beach is primarily by storm tide-induced subsidence. Subsequently, strong (up to 1.2 mps) easterly currents cause migration of the opening to the east and closure within 15 yr.A summary review of evidence for changes in sea level in the past is suggested in partial explanation for the consistent shoreline retreat described in this paper.  相似文献   

A Late Holocene cliff-top deposit of large boulders well above the limits of modern storm waves is described from the southern coast of the Atacama Desert (northern Chile). The largest moved boulder weighs >40 t and field data point to a flood height >18·5 m above high tide level and an inland penetration greater than 284 m from the cliff edge. The minimum flow velocity needed for particle entrainment was estimated as 10·1 ms−1 and the most likely processes of sediment deposition for different boulders were deduced. The boulder distribution, sorting and orientation of imbricated debris, together with the significant wave height of extreme storms reported and the occurrence of interplate earthquakes in the study area indicate that the deposit records a single event, interpreted here as a tsunami wave train rather than exceptional storm waves. The boulder field was dated to between the 13th and the 16th Centuries ce and possibly correlates with the 1420 Oei orphan tsunami, that affected the eastern coast of Japan. A magnitude of 8·8 to 9·4 has been estimated for the earthquake, which may be one of the larger events of a super-cycle of earthquakes in the southern Atacama Desert. These cycle-ending earthquakes involve large rupture areas (lengths in excess of 600 km) and highly destructive ocean-wide tsunamigenic events.  相似文献   

We report the first occurrence of ice-rafted dropstones in mid-oceanic sediments belonging to an ocean plate stratigraphy within a Neoproterozoic accretionary complex on Llanddwyn Island, Wales, UK. Dropstones of sandstone, chert, and basalt occur as matrix-supported exotic clasts in a 1 m-thick, hemi-pelagic mafic mudstone; the largest clast is 20 × 25 cm across. These dropstones occur specifically in hemi-pelagic mafic mudstone that is located at the structural top of ocean plate stratigraphy that records a ridge-trench transition; they are supplementary to dropstones associated with extensive tillites reported in shallow marine sequences of continental shelf facies and in back-arc basins.  相似文献   

The finite strain of clasts (maximum aspect ratio varying from 2 to 40) in a deformed conglomerate from Dry Hill, Plymouth, Vermont, correlates inversely with the average grain size (300-150 μm) in the clast, suggesting that the operative deformation mechanism was grain-size sensitive. In a general way, the average quartz grain size appeared to be smaller in those clasts with higher volume of minerals other than quartz. Dislocation densities varied by as much as a factor of 10 from grain to grain within a clast, but the average dislocation density was relatively constant from clast to clast. If grain-size sensitivity of strength is accepted as a working hypothesis, other elements of the microstructure, such as grain flattening, grain morphology, and dislocation structure can be reconciled as happening either through a late, low strain, high stress pulse—if the current palaeostress indicators are correct to within a factor of 10 or as happening concurrently with the grain-size sensitive mechanism if the current palaeostress estimates are in error. The evidence from this study agrees with several previously published suggestions that grain-size sensitive deformation occurs in the crust for quartzose rocks with grain size of 100 to 300 μm at temperatures of 350 to 420°C.  相似文献   

Tromelin is a small coral reef island (1 km2) located in the Indian Ocean, approximately 440 km east of Madagascar and 580 km north of La Réunion. Despite the presence of a permanent Météo France weather station on Tromelin since the 1950 s, a detailed geomorhological study of the island has never been undertaken. In this paper, we describe results from the 2008 field season, which enabled us to map and describe seven geomorphological zones on the atoll. (1) Tromelin's bathymetry is characterised by a pronounced submarine slope, which attains depths of 1000 m at only 2.5 km from the island's coastline. This geomorphology is typical of volcanic hotspots. (2) A coral platform borders the emerged crown of the island. This platform is exposed at low tide and has been fashioned in an ancient Pleistocene substratum. The substratum has been eroded by abrasive marine action to its present shape since the stabilisation of relative sea level around 6000 years ago. Erosion of the reef yields most of the biogenic sediment supply to the island. (3) The upper foreshore is characterised by outcrops of beachrock. These formations show a stratfication in slabs and dip gently towards the sea in the same manner as the contemporary clastic sediments. (4) Tromelin's beaches are divided into three sub-units, which reflect the different energy dynamics around the island, in addition to the transfer of sediment from the windward to the leeward side: (i) the southern storm beaches are characterised by coral blocks reworked during episodic high-energy events; they form boulder ramparts. Four perched rampart ridges have been recorded at ∼1 m, ∼3 m, ∼4.5 m and ∼7 m above mean sea level; (ii) transitional beaches are observed between the south and the north, constituting storm blocks and coarse sands and gravels; and (iii) sandy beaches are noted on the northern leeward side, comprising rounded gravels and coarse sands. The northern tip of the island is characterised by a sand spit (∼125 × ∼225 m), whose geometry varies based on the seasonal and meteo-marine contexts. (5) On Tromelin, a number of dune formations are observed. These are best developed in the north of the island due to the south-north translation of clastic sediments by aeolian wind action, and the trapping of sands by the well-developed vegetation. The height of the dunes varies between 10 cm (the southern micro-dunes) to 250 cm in the Northeast of Tromelin. (6) Exceptional waves have deposited storm tracts up to 250 m from the foreshore zone, comprising coarse gravels and coral blocks. The storm tract deposits are most prevalent on the windward side of the island, due not only to the high-energy dynamics, but also to the absence of vegetation cover in this area. (7) The southern depression covers an area of ∼40,000 m2. At its lowest point it is only 1.2 m above sea level.  相似文献   

Geological Indicators of Large Tsunami in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bryant  E. A.  Nott  J. 《Natural Hazards》2001,24(3):231-249
Tsunami waves can produce four general categories of depositional and erosional signatures that differentiate them from storm waves. Combinations of items from these categories uniquely define the impact of palaeo-tsunami on the coastal landscape. The largest palaeo-tsunami waves in Australia swept sediment across the continental shelf and obtained flow depths of 15–20 m at the coastline with velocities in excess of 10 m -1. In New South Wales, along the cliffs of Jervis Bay, waves reachedelevations of more than 80 m above sea-level with evidence of flow depths in excess of 10 m. These waves swept 10 km inland over the Shoalhaven delta. In northern Queensland, boulders more than 6 m in diameter and weighing 286 tonnes were tossed alongshore above cyclone storm wave limits inside the Great Barrier Reef. In Western Australia waves overrode and breached 60 m high hills up to 5 km inland. Shell debris and cobbles can be found within deposits mapped as dunes, 30 km inland. The array of signatures provide directional information about the origin of the tsunami and, when combined with radiocarbon dating, indicate thatat least one and maybe two catastrophic events have occurred during the last 1000 years along these three coasts. Only the West Australian coast hashistorically been affected by notable tsunami with maximum run-up elevations of 4–6 m. Palaeo-tsunami have been an order of magnitude greater than this. These palaeo-tsunami are produced most likely by large submarine slides on the continental slope or the impactof meteorites with the adjacent ocean.  相似文献   

Changes in sea-cliff morphologies along the 30-km-long Sharon Escarpment segment of Israel's weakly cemented Mediterranean eolianite cliff line were analyzed to gain quantitative insights into erosion characteristics associated with a high-energy winter storm (10–20 year return interval). Ground-based repeat LiDAR measurements at five sites along the cliff line captured perturbations of cliff stability by basal wave scouring during the storm, subsequent post-storm gravity-driven slope failures in the cliff face above, and return of the system to transient stability within several months. Post-storm erosion, which amounted to 70% of the total volume of cliff erosion documented, resulted in dramatic local effects of up to 8 m of cliff-top retreat. And yet, at the larger scale of the 30-km cliff line examined, erosion during the storm and the year that followed affected less than 4% of the cliff length and does not appear to be above the average cliff-length annual erosion implied by previously published decadal-scale retreat rates along this sea cliff. Our results do not support a direct association between strong storm events and elevated erosion and retreat at the cliff-line scale.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Atud diamictite in Wadi Kareim and Wadi Mobarak in the Eastern Desert of Egypt and the Nuwaybah formation in NW Saudi Arabia consist of poorly sorted, polymictic breccia, with clasts up to 1 m of granitoid, quartz porphyry, quartzite, basalt, greywacke, marble, arkose, and microconglomerate in fine-grained matrix. Stratigraphic relations indicate that the diamictite was deposited in a marine environment. Integrated field investigation, petrographic study and U–Pb SHRIMP zircon ages demonstrate that the Atud and Nuwaybah are correlative. The distribution of zircon ages indicate that ~750 Ma ages are dominant with a significant component of older materials, characterized by minor Mesoproterozoic and more abundant Paleoproterozoic and Neoarchean ages. Some matrix and metasedimentary clast zircons yield ages that are a few 10s of Ma younger than the age of the youngest clast (754 ± 15 Ma), suggesting Atud/Nuwaybah diamictite deposition ~750 Ma or slightly later, broadly consistent with being deposited during the Sturtian glaciation (740–660 Ma). The Paleoproterozoic and Neoarchean clasts have no source within the ensimatic Arabian–Nubian Shield. The distribution of the pre-Neoproterozoic ages are similar to the distribution of the pre-Neoproterozoic ages in Yemen and Saharan Metacraton, suggesting that these clasts have been transported hundreds of kilometers, maybe by ice-rafting. The Atud diamictite may represent important evidence for Cryogenian “Snowball Earth” in the Arabian–Nubian Shield.  相似文献   

We have reinvestigated the mid-Cretaceous plume pulse in relation to paleo-oceanic plateaus from accretionary prisms in the circum-Pacific region, and we have correlated the Pacific superplume activity with catastrophic environmental changes since the Neoproterozoic. The Paleo-oceanic plateaus are dated at 75–150 Ma; they were generated in the Pacific superplume region and are preserved in accretionary prisms. The volcanic edifice composed of both modern and paleo-oceanic plateaus is up to 10.7 × 106 km2 in area and 19.1 × 107 km3 in volume. The degassing rate of CO2 (0.82 − 1.1 × 1018 mol/m.y.) suggests a significant impact on Cretaceous global warming. The synchronous occurrence of paleo-oceanic plateaus in accretionary complexes indicates that Pacific superplume pulse activities roughly coincided at the Permo-Triassic boundary and the Vendian–Cambrian boundary interval. The CO2 expelled by the Pacific superplume probably contributed to environmental catastrophes. The initiation of the Pacific superplume contributed to the snowball Earth event near the Vendian–Cambrian boundary; this was one of the most dramatic events in Earth's history. The scale of the Pacific superplume activity roughly corresponds to the scale of drastic environmental change.  相似文献   

A total of 240 three-component recordings from 80 rockbursts, which occurred in various coal mines in the Ostrava-Karviná Coal Basin (Czech Republic) between 1993 and 2005, was used to examine the decrease in maximum particle velocities ui (m/s) with a scaled distance of d = d/√E (m/√J) or d/3√E (m/3√J) and the rate of predominant frequencies of body waves. The energetic span of rockbursts was within the interval of E = 6.2 × 103 − 5.0 × 108 J, while calculated hypocentral distances d of four underground seismic stations varied from 0.6 to 7 km. The slopes b of regression straight lines for the maximum particle velocities ui (m/s) of P- and S-waves in the bilogarithmic scale correspond to the values of − 1.004, − 1.297, − 1.183 and − 1.527. The results of the linear regression are as follows:
Pmax-waves ui = 1.184 × 10− 4 × d− 1.004 (m/s) (square root scaling)
Pmax-waves ui = 3.055 × 10− 3 × d− 1.297 (m/s) (cube root scaling)
Smax-waves ui = 5.280 × 10− 4 × d− 1.183 (m/s) (square root scaling)
Smax-waves ui = 2.397 × 10− 2 × d− 1.527 (m/s) (cube root scaling).
The evaluation of the abovementioned dynamic parameters was based on seismic events data gathered in the database of the regional seismic array, and calculations were carried out either by using special programs applied as part of the automated data processing in the computation center, or by usual linear regression approaches. The aim of the detailed analysis of the maximum particle velocity and predominant frequencies was a) to set up input data from underground seismological observations for laboratory experiments dealing with the comparison of rock mass behaviour under modeled laboratory conditions simulating manifestation of rockbursts, and b) to incorporate particle velocity into the design of support in order to control damage and evident devastation of workings by rockbursts. The investigation of peak particle velocities was based on the recognition that they are the best criterion to assess vibration damage to surface structures and in mines.  相似文献   

A 28-m-long section situated on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, Russia (74°N, 113°E) was extensively sampled primarily for the purpose of magnetostratigraphic investigations across the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary. The section consists predominantly of marine black shales with abundant siderite concretions and several distinct siderite cemented layers. Low-field magnetic susceptibility (k) ranges from 8 × 10− 5 to 2 × 10− 3 SI and is predominantly controlled by the paramagnetic minerals, i.e. iron-bearing chlorites, micas, and siderite. The siderite-bearing samples possess the highest magnetic susceptibility, usually one order of magnitude higher than the neighboring rock. The intensity of the natural remanent magnetization (M0) varies between 1 × 10− 5 and 6 × 10− 3 A/m. Several samples possessing extremely high values of M0 were found. There is no apparent correlation between the high k and high M0 values; on the contrary, the samples with relatively high M0 values possess average magnetic susceptibility and vice versa. According to the low-field anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), three different groups of samples can be distinguished. In the siderite-bearing samples (i), an inverse magnetic fabric is observed, i.e., the maximum and minimum principal susceptibility directions are interchanged and the magnetic fabric has a distinctly prolate shape. Triaxial-fabric samples (ii), showing an intermediate magnetic fabric, are always characterized by high M0 values. It seems probable that the magnetic fabric is controlled by the preferred orientation of paramagnetic phyllosilicates, e.g., chlorite and mica, and by some ferromagnetic mineral with anomalous orientation in relation to the bedding plane. Oblate-fabric samples (iii) are characterized by a bedding-controlled magnetic fabric, and by moderate magnetic susceptibility and M0 values. The magnetic fabric is controlled by the preferred orientation of phyllosilicate minerals and, to a minor extent, by a ferrimagnetic fraction, most probably detrital magnetite. Considering the magnetic fabric together with paleomagnetic component analyses, the siderite-bearing, and the high-NRM samples (about 15% of samples) were excluded from further magnetostratigraphic research.  相似文献   

Low concentrations of Th and Fe in the Yamato (Y)-86032 bulk meteorite support earlier suggestions that Y-86032 comes from a region of the moon far distant from the Procellarum KREEP Terrain (PKT), probably from the lunar farside. 39Ar–40Ar, Rb–Sr, Sm–Nd, and Sm-isotopic studies characterize the chronology of Y-86032 and its precursors in the mega regolith. One of the rock types present in a light gray breccia lithology is an anorthosite characterized by plagioclase with An 93, i.e., more sodic than lunar FANs, but with very low 87Rb/86Sr and 87Sr/86Sr similar to those of FANs. (FAN stands for Ferroan Anorthosite). This “An93 anorthosite” has Nd-isotopic systematics similar to those of nearside norites. A FAN-like “An97 anorthosite” is present in a second light-colored feldspathic breccia clast and has a more negative εNd value consistent with residence in a LREE-enriched environment as would be provided by an early plagioclase flotation crust on the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO). This result contrasts with generally positive values of εNd for Apollo 16 FANs suggesting the possibility of assymetric development of the LMO. Other possible explanations for the dichotomy in εNd values are advanced in the text. The Y-86032 protolith formed at least 4.43 ± 0.03 Ga ago as determined from a Sm–Nd isochron for mineral fragments from the breccia clast composed predominantly of An93 anorthosite and a second clast of more varied composition. We interpret the mineral fragments as being predominatly from a cogenetic rock suite. An 39Ar–40Ar age of 4.36–4.41 ± 0.035 Ga for a third clast composed predominantly of An97 anorthosite supports an old age for the protolith. Initial 143Nd/144Nd in that clast was −0.64 ± 0.13 ε-units below 143Nd/144Nd in reservoirs having chondritic Sm/Nd ratios, consistent with prior fractionation of mafic cumulates from the LMO. A maximum in the 39Ar–40Ar age spectrum of 4.23 ± 0.03 Ga for a second sample of the same feldspathic breccia clast probably reflects some diffusive 40Ar loss. Lack of solar wind and lunar atmosphere implanted Ar in the light gray breccia clast allows determination of an 39Ar/40Ar age of 4.10 ± 0.02 Ga, which is interpreted as the time of initial brecciation of this litholgy. After correction for implanted lunar atmosphere 40Ar, impact melt and dark regolith clasts give Ar ages of 3.8 ± 0.1 Ga implying melt formation and final breccia assembly 3.8 Ga ago. Some breccia lithologies were exposed to thermal neutron fluences of 2 × 1015 n/cm2, only about 1% of the fluence experienced by some other lunar highlands meteorites. Other lithologies experienced neutron fluences of 1 × 1015 n/cm2. Thus, Y-86032 spent most of the time following final brecciation deeply buried in the megaregolith. The neutron fluence data are consistent with cosmogenic 38Arcos cosmic ray exposure ages of 10 Ma. Variations among differing lithologies in the amount of several regolith exposure indicators, including cosmogenic noble gas abundances, neutron capture induced variations in Sm isotopic abundances, and Ir contents, are consistent with a period of early (>3.8 Ga ago) lunar regolith exposure, subsequent deep burial at >5 m depth, and ejection from the moon 7–10 Ma ago.  相似文献   

A combination of numeric hydrodynamic models, a large-clast inverse sediment-transport model, and extensive field measurements were used to discriminate between a tsunami and a storm striking Anegada, BVI a few centuries ago. In total, 161 cobbles and boulders were measured ranging from 1.5 to 830?kg at distances of up to 1?km from the shoreline and 2?km from the crest of a fringing coral reef. Transported clasts are composed of low porosity limestone and were derived from outcrops in the low lying interior of Anegada. Estimates of the near-bed flow velocities required to transport the observed boulders were calculated using a simple sediment-transport model, which accounts for fluid drag, inertia, buoyancy, and lift forces on boulders and includes both sliding and overturning transport mechanisms. Estimated near-bed flow velocities are converted to depth-averaged velocities using a linear eddy viscosity model and compared with water level and depth-averaged velocity time series from high-resolution coastal inundation models. Coastal inundation models simulate overwash by the storm surge and waves of a category 5 hurricane and tsunamis from a Lisbon earthquake of M 9.0 and two hypothetical earthquakes along the North America Caribbean Plate boundary. A modeled category 5 hurricane and three simulated tsunamis were all capable of inundating the boulder fields and transporting a portion of the observed clasts, but only an earthquake of M 8.0 on a normal fault of the outer rise along the Puerto Rico Trench was found to be capable of transporting the largest clasts at their current locations. Model results show that while both storm waves and tsunamis are capable of generating velocities and temporal acceleration necessary to transport large boulders near the reef crest, attenuation of wave energy due to wave breaking and bottom friction limits the capacity of storm waves to transport large clast at great inland distances. Through sensitivity analysis, we show that even when using coefficients in the sediment-transport model which yield the lowest estimated minimum velocities for boulder transport, storm waves from a category 5 hurricane are not capable of transporting the largest boulders in the interior of Anegada. Because of the uncertainties in the modeling approach, extensive sensitivity analyses are included and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

Water injection experiments were performed in 1997, 2000 and 2003 at the 1800 m borehole near the fracture zone of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. During these experiments, a contraction of about 10− 8–10− 7 was observed with three-component strainmeters at a bottom of the 800 m borehole, 70 m southwest of the 1800 m borehole. We estimated hydraulic properties of the fracture zone near the Nojima fault by using the strain data to investigate a healing of the fault during the postseismic stage. We calculated pore pressure changes due to the water injection using Darcy's equation and obtained strain changes due to the pore pressure changes as elastic deformations of the crust. The calculated strain changes have a nearly agreement with the observed strain changes. Hydraulic conductivity in 1997, 2000 and 2003 was determined to be 0.9 ± 0.2 × 10− 6, 0.8 ± 0.2 × 10− 6 and 0.4 ± 0.1 × 10− 6 m/s, respectively. The reduced hydraulic conductivities in 2000 and 2003 suggest that the fractures had been healing.  相似文献   

Several methods were evaluated and compared for the estimation of pyrite oxidation rates (POR) in waste rock at Mine Doyon, Quebec, Canada. Methods based on data collected in situ, such as the interpretation of temperature and oxygen concentration profiles (TOP) measured in the waste rock pile and pyrite mass balance (PMB) on solid phase samples were compared with the oxygen consumption measurements (OCM) in closed chamber in the laboratory. A 1-D analytical solution to a gas and heat transport equation used temperature and oxygen profiles (TOP) measured in the pile for the preliminary POR estimates at a site close to the slope of the pile (Site 6) and in the core of the pile (Site 7). Resulting POR values were 1.1 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1 and 1.0 × 10− 10 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1 for the slope site and the core site, respectively. Oxidation rates based on pyrite mass balance (PMB) calculations for solid samples were 2.21 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1 and 2.03 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1, respectively, for the same slope and core sites, but the difference between sites was within the error margin. The OCM measurements in the laboratory on fresh waste rock samples yielded higher POR values than field methods, with average oxidation rate of 6.7 × 10− 8 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1. However, the OCM results on weathered and decomposed material from the rock stockpile (average oxidation rate 3.4 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1) were consistent with results from the field-based estimates. When POR values based on fresh material are excluded, the remaining POR values for all methods range from 1.0 × 10− 10 to 3.4 × 10− 9 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1. The lowest estimated value (1.0 × 10− 10 mol(O2) kg− 1 s− 1) was based on TOP estimates in the interior of the pile where oxygen transport was limited by diffusion from the surface. These results suggest that small-scale OCM laboratory experiments may provide relatively representative values of POR in the zones of waste rock piles in which oxygen transport is not dominated by diffusion.  相似文献   

The evidence of coseismic uplift on the dynamic, wave-dominated Hua-tung coast fringing the active Coastal Range (eastern Taiwan) has been equivocal, due to complex controls by wave and terrestrial sediment over morphological and ecological systems of the coast. This study, by applying radiocarbon dating methods, demonstrates coseismic-uplift nature of the coast by finding synchronously killed intertidal organisms (mostly boring shell Jouannetia sp.) stranded at different sites of the coast with distinct physiographic characters. Based on these data, together with evidence from wave-cut notch sequences, two coseismic-uplift systems are recognized. One centers around the northern-middle part of the coast and yields events with uplift amounts of maximal 3–6 m and an average recurrence interval of at least several hundred years. The most recent activity of this system, influencing at least 70 km of coast, occurred at ~ 0.9 ka. The earthquake generating this event also triggered extensive landslides/debris flows in the region. Another system, exemplified by the uplift associated with the 2003 Cheng-kung earthquake, centers on the southern part of the coast and yields uplift of likely < 1 m every < 0.2 ky. Two pre-historic events of this system are identified as occurring at ~ 0.7 ka and ~ 1.1 ka. These two coseismic-uplift systems are consistent in position with two anticlinal structures defined by long-term uplift of the coast. However, the areas subjected to maximal coseismic uplift are located off where the climaxes of long-term uplift occur, implying that the latter areas have been uplifted mainly by aseismic and/or relatively frequent/small-magnitude coseismic motion.  相似文献   

The turbidite dominated, Oligo-Miocene Pindos foreland basin of western mainland Greece contains two thick (60–72 m), matrix supported conglomerates. The conglomerates are ungraded and contain three clast types: (1) polymict, rounded, extrabasinal clasts (long axes 3–50 cm); (2) tightly folded, intrabasinal clasts (long axes 1–10 m); and (3) tabular, largely undeformed, intrabasinal blocks (long axes 18–300 m). Clasts are isolated within a slit dominated matrix. These chaotic, matrix supported conglomerates are interpreted as mega-debris flow deposits. During transport, extrabasinal clasts were supported by a combination of matrix cohesion and clast dispersive pressure, folded intrabasinal clasts were supported by a combination of buoyancy (Archimedes principle) and clast dispersive pressure. The large tabular clasts were transported by gravity sliding/gliding within the flow on films at high pore fluid pressure. These different clast support mechanisms were active simultaneously within the Pindos mega-debris flow deposits. As a result, the deposits have no systemic vertical stratigraphy, in contrast to many described large scale mass flow deposits. The mega-debris flow deposits are significantly thicker than most described ancient siliciclastic debris flow deposits and provide an ancient analogue for the thick Recent siliciclastic debris flow deposits on continental margins.  相似文献   

Coastal boulder deposits and chevrons are two features whose origin have triggered controversial discussions. Boulders are often used as indicators of past tsunamis and storms, with the former interpretation in many cases preferred due to the clast size. Chevrons, defined as large parabolic sand bodies, were previously attributed to (mega-)tsunami, potentially caused by oceanic impacts, because of their dimensions, height above sea level and alignment of the central axis. This study documents that chevrons along the Quobba coast in Western Australia are parabolic dunes and not related to tsunami inundation; their age is consistent with an arid period at about 3·9 to 2·3 ka when the sea level was 1 to 2 m higher than today. The internal age distribution proves an inland migration. Weakly developed soil horizons represent phases of intermittent dune stabilization and later reactivation. The calculated velocities required for wind transport and the prevailing wind directions are consistent with on-site meteorological parameters. The boulders at Quobba are most likely to be remnants of in situ platform denudation that produces shell hash, coral clasts and boulders. An unknown portion of the boulders was certainly moved by tropical cyclones. A previously proposed tsunami origin is unsustainable because the observed features can be explained by processes other than tsunamis. Boulders were tilted during gravitative platform collapse, standing water caused dissolution of the boulder bottoms, creating ‘pseudo-rockpools’, consequently not applicable as upside-down criteria, and ages of attached encrusting organisms document their colonization at higher sea level and (sub)recent frequent inundation by wave splash during rough seas.  相似文献   

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