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Ian Burton 《Climatic change》1997,36(1-2):185-196
The paper explores the distinction between climate and climate change. Adaptation to current climate variability has been proposed as an additional way to approach adaptation to long-term climate change. In effect improved adaptation to current climate is a step in preparation for longer term climate change. International programs of research and assessment are separately organized to deal with natural disasters and climate change. There is no scientific concensus so far, that extreme events have changed in frequency on a world-wide basis, although some regional changes have occured. It is extremely unlikely that significant shifts in the means of weather distrbutions will take place without shifts in the tails. In some situations it may make more sense to focus on adaptation to extreme events and the tails of distributions. In other circumstances adaptation to the norms is the logical focus. The relationship between normal climate and climate change is examined in terms of single and complex variables and phenomena. It is proposed that the research communities studying adaptation to extreme events and adaptation to climate change work more closely together, perhaps in a newly organized joint research program.  相似文献   

南半球臭氧变化气候效应的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用一个陆气耦合的9层谱模式模拟了南半球臭氧减少所产生的气候效应。数值试验结果表明,南半球臭氧的减少不仅对南半球温度场的 大气环流有影响,而且对北半球的温度场结构和大气环汉也有一定的影响。其气候效应具有全球性。南半球臭氧减少总体上可以使平流层中层以上大气降温、平流层低层增温、对流层顶附近降温。此外,在北半球冬半年期间,南半球臭氧的减少可使南北半球的副热带西风急流都减弱,极锋急流都增强;在北半球夏半  相似文献   

气候变化对江苏省小麦生产的可能影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据国内外研究结果综合分析,得到CO2倍增时江苏省温度、降水的变化值,初步确定了CO2倍增时江苏省小麦生长季内的可能气候情景。分析未来CO2倍增时对小麦作物的直接影响、间接影响及紫外辐射影响。具体估算了温度升高、降水增加、CO2浓度上升、紫外辐射增强后江苏省小麦生育期不变和生育期缩短两种情景下的气候生产潜力,并由此分析了气候变暖对江苏省不同地区的利弊影响。结果表明:江北大部分地区小麦产量有所增加,  相似文献   

The growing interest in urbanization problems is stimulating detailed studies of their effects on local climate change in the developed world. The absence of such studies in developing countries is restricting many decisions to be made and applied by policymakers. In one developing country, Turkey, results of the study of four urban stations and their neighboring rural sites for the 1951-1990 time period reveal that there is a shift towards the warmer side in the frequency distributions of daily minimum and 21.00 hr temperature difference series. This shift is an indication of urban heat island. The maximum urban heat island intensity trend that is obtained from the temperature differences database agrees well with Oke's (1973) formula for European cities. Seasonal analysis of individual 21.00 hr temperature series suggests that the regional warming is strongest in spring and weakest in autumn and winter. Urban warming is detected to be more or less equally distributed over the year wi th a slight increase in the autumn months. The Mann-Kendall trend test is applied to the temperature difference series, and the urban heat island effect is found to be significant in all urban sites. On the other hand, almost no significant urban effect on precipitation can be detected.  相似文献   

植被变化对中国区域气候的影响II:机理分析   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
在利用区域气候模式(RegCM2)对中国植被变化的气候影响进行了数值模拟研究的基础上,该文着重对其中可能的机理进行了分析,结果表明植被变化对地-气系统的能量平衡具有重要影响.植被变化使地表释放的有效通量(感热+潜热)发生变化,同时有效通量中的感热、潜热分配,即波恩比亦会发生改变,从而导致大气湿静力能分布的变化,使大气层结及垂直运动发生相应改变,这会进一步影响到大气水汽输送情况,并与相应的垂直运动变化结合最终导致降水的变化.另外,由于植被变化造成的地表蒸散及土壤持水能力的变化,会使土壤含水量、地表径流等也发生明显的变化.  相似文献   

使用新版RegCM2区域气候模式,单向嵌套澳大利亚CSIROR21L9全球海-气耦合模式,在C02加倍情况下引人人为硫酸盐气溶胶直接气候效应,进行了其对中国气候变化影响的试验。结果表明,硫酸盐气溶胶的直接气候效应,对地面气温为降温作用,其中在冬半年和在南方更明显;对降水的影响为全国各月平均降水将以减少为主,年平均降水变化的基本特点为在中国东部以减少为主,西部以增加为主。但无论温度还是降水变化的数值都很小。  相似文献   

植被变化对中国区域气候的影响I:初步模拟结果   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:30  
利用区域气候模式(RegCM2)对中国植被变化的气候影响进行了模拟研究,结果表明江淮流域洪涝灾害增多及华北干旱的加剧可能是北方草原沙漠化与南方长绿阔叶林退化共同影响的结果,而且南方植被退化对其的影响似乎更严重.严重的植被退化会导致降水与植被退化之间的正反馈,易使退化区不断向外扩展且退化难以恢复.而程度较轻的植被退化,退化与降水减少之间是一种负反馈,当人为压力减弱后,退化较易恢复,但由于地表径流的增加,易导致洪涝灾害的发生.植被退化使气候变得更加恶劣,而北方草原植被增加使气候变得温和.但植树区外围的降水减少,易使新栽树林由外向内退化,说明目前的北方草原区气候似乎不支持在该地区出现大面积的森林.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Being an important composition of the atmosphere, aerosol attracts increasing attention from the scientific community in recent years, together with the radiative forcing it causes and effects it imposes on the climate system. The anthropogenic aerosol affects the climate both directly and indirectly. The climate is directly affected when solar shortwave radiation is scattered and absorbed in what is known as the 搖mbrella effect? which can be dated back to as early as mor…  相似文献   

局地云量变化气候效应的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
钱云  钱永甫 《高原气象》1994,13(2):169-177
本文用统计得到的东半球夏季平均云量资料,利用改进的云-辐射计算模式,在三维有限区域模式中模拟局地云量变化的气候效应。模拟结果表明,高原地区和热带辐合带云量变化造成的气候效应都主要表现在青藏高原地区。在低反照率时,高原地区云量减少使该地区地表加热,引起高低空气压系统加强;高反照率时结果相反。热带辐合带云量减少会引起青藏高原地区降温和气压系统减弱。  相似文献   

The paper deals with problems of temporal and spatial variability of snow cover duration, of correlation between snow cover and winter mean air temperature patterns and of the impact of climate change on the snow cover pattern in Estonia. Snow cover fields are presented in form of IDRISI raster images. Snow cover duration measured at ca 100 stations and observation points have been interpolated into raster cells. On the base of time series of raster images, a map of mean territorial distribution of snow cover duration is calculated. Estonia is characterized by a great spatial variability of snow cover mostly caused by the influence of the Baltic Sea. General regularities of snow cover pattern are determined. A 104-year time series of spatial mean values of snow cover duration is composed and analyzed. A decreasing trend and periodical fluctuations have detected. Standardized principal component analysis is used for the time series of IDRISI raster images. It enables to study the influence of different factors on the formation of snow cover fields and territorial extent of coherent fluctuations. Correlation between snow cover duration and winter mean air temperature fields is analyzed. A spatial regression model is created for estimation of the influence of climate change on snow cover pattern in Estonia. Using incremental climate change scenarios (2 °C, 4 °C and 6 °C of warming in winter) mean decrease of snow cover duration in different regions in Estonia is calculated. According to results of model calculation, the highest decrease of snow cover duration will be take place on islands and in the coastal region of West Estonia. A permanent snow cover may not form at all. In the areas with maximum snow cover duration in North-East and South-East Estonia, that decrease should be much lower.  相似文献   

本文在分析100多年来北半球平均气温长期变化基本特征的基础上,讨论了北半球气温变化对我国气候变化的影响。结果表明,我国大范围气温距平与北半球平均气温有显著的正相关,长江中下游和华北平原的温度距平值平均为北半球平均气温距平的1.4-1.6倍。还表明,我国降水距平分布与北半球气温变化也有一定的联系。在北半球平均气温偏高和偏低年份,欧亚地区500hPa环流特征的差异是显著的。这表明,我国大范围气候距平与北半球平均气温距平的统计相关是有一定的物理基础的。  相似文献   

中国近百年气候变化的自然原因讨论   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:11  
白爱娟  翟盘茂 《气象科学》2007,27(5):584-590
本文分析了近百年来中国气候变化的概况,讨论了影响中国气候变化的自然因素大气环流和海温,此外还叙述了有关大气气溶胶、大气污染等人为因素对中国气候变化影响的研究进展。结果指出:北极涛动、东亚季风这两个大气环流因素对中国气候异常变化有至关重要的作用,同时El Nino和La Nina事件和太平洋年代际振荡的海表温度异常变化也对中国气候产生了一定的影响。但是有关大气气溶胶和大气污染物对中国气候的影响作用还有待于进一步研究,自然原因仍然是影响中国气候变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

岩石圈强迫对气候变化的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文总结了本专题自1991年来所进行的工作,主要研究了多年平均地表层热流场的基本特征,季地温距平场与降水量的相关。“地热涡”,西太平洋强震与地转减慢及El Nino的联系,我国地震与旱涝关系,高原季风与高原的隆起等问题,提出一些新结果。  相似文献   

江西省应对气候变化政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为应对全球气候变化,各级政府纷纷提出应对气候变化的战略和政策。以江西气候变化和影响事实为基础,分析和总结了目前江西省应对气候变化所采取的政策,包括农业政策、林业政策、水资源管理政策及防灾减灾政策等,得出了政府是应对气候变化的领导者、组织者和政策的制定者的结论,认为政府在应对气候变化行动中具有重要的引导作用。  相似文献   

阻塞高压活动的气候变化及其对中国某些地区旱涝的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
张培忠  杨素兰 《气象学报》1996,54(5):633-640
用1965年到1990年共26a逐日500hPa天气图统计了北半球阻塞高压的活动特征,证实北半球有两个大的活动区。这两个区都有季节和年际变化,总次数有逐年减少趋势。研究了冷暖年份阻塞高压活动的差别,发现与26a平均值相比,暖年次数偏少,冷年偏多,冷暖年之差很显著,在地理分布上有很好的反相关。分析了厄尔尼诺年阻塞高压分布特点,发现厄尔尼诺年乌拉尔山地区阻塞高压较常年显著偏少。内蒙古地区和江淮流域的旱年和多雨年,东半球阻塞高压的地区和数量分布都呈相反趋势。  相似文献   

广东气候变暖若干特征及其对气候带变化的影响   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
对广东省近50年的气温资料统计结果表明,广东省陆面气温增暖率为0.16℃/10年,低于全国和全球陆面增暖率;气候变暖的时空特征表现为冬季和春季明显大于夏季和秋季,沿海地区明显大于内陆地区,气候带向北移动的趋向明显,北热带区域面积在扩大,南亚热带区域面积在缩小,中亚热带区面积相对稳定。分析认为,在全球气候变暖的背景下,广东气候变暖具有地方性特征,主要是受大气环流、海温和人类活动等方面的综合影响。  相似文献   

Tne global change of climate and its influence on the cropping system in China have been investigatedin this paper.It is found that the temperature was increased during the last decade and the precipitationdecreased in northern China and increased in southern China during the last 30 years.The sea level hasbeen rising by about 21—26 cm in the coastal areas south of 30°N in China during the last 100 years.The most of results as simulated by the general circulation models(GCMs)show that the temperature increasewould amount to about 2°—4°C in the most parts of China and precipitation and soil moisture might bedecreased in northern China and increased in sourthern China due to doubling of carbon dioxide(CO_2).The effects of doubled CO_2 on growth period and climatic yield capability in China have been estimatedroughly.It is shown that the regions of the growth period in China would be moved northward about fivedegrees latitude and the climatic yield capability might be increased by about 10% in the most parts of China.  相似文献   

Four accelerated sea level rise scenarios, 30 and 100 cm by the year 2100, and 10 and 30 cm by the year 2030, have been assumed as boundary conditions (along with some wind climate changes) for the entire Polish coast, under two recent programmes completed in 1992 and 1995. Three adaptation strategies, i.e., retreat, limited protection and full protection have been adopted and compared in physical and socio-economic terms. Over 2,200 km2 and 230,000 people are found vulnerable in the most severe case of 100-cm rise by 2100. The total cost of land at loss in that case is estimated at nearly 30 USD billion (plus some 18 USD billion at risk of flooding), while the cost of full protection reaches 6 USD billion. Particular features of vulnerability and adaptation schemes have been examined as well, including specific sites and the effects of not only sea level rise but also other climate change factors, and interactions with other climate change studies in Poland. Planning of coastal zone management facing climate change can be facilitated by the use of a GIS-supported coastal information and analysis system. An example of the application of such a system for a selected Polish coastal site is shown to illustrate the most recent smaller-scale research activities undertaken in the wake of the overall assessment of the vulnerability to climate change for the entire Polish coastal zone.  相似文献   

新疆积雪对气候变暖的响应   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:38  
李培基 《气象学报》2001,59(4):491-501
积雪对全球变暖的响应是当前正在争论的问题.文中通过地面气象台站和SMMR微波卫星遥感两种积雪资料所建立的两个独立的积雪序列的一致性,证明前者在表现新疆积雪长期变化能力方面具有可靠性.阐明了积雪年际变化特征及其与冬季气温和降水量年际波动的关系,检验了积雪长期变化趋势.研究表明,虽然近50a来新疆冬季变暖十分显著,尤其20世纪90年代为最温暖的时期,但是积雪并未出现持续减少的现象;积雪长期变化表现为显著的年际波动过程叠加在长期缓慢的增加趋势之上.积雪年际波动是冬季降水量和气温两者年际波动共同作用的结果;冬季气温和降雪量变化受不同的欧亚环流振荡所控制;积雪增加趋势与降雪量趋势相一致,这可能是由于全球变暖导致海洋蒸发量增加,以及在寒冷干燥气候下积雪对降雪量变化更为敏感的缘故.  相似文献   

The climatic effects of the atmospheric boundary aerosols are studied by the use of a three-dimensional climatemodel.Simulated results show that the climate states both at the surface and in the atmosphere change remarkably whenthe aerosols with different optical thicknesses and properties are introduced into the atmospheric boundary layer of themodel.The aerosols absorb and scatter the solar shortwave radiation,therefore,they reduce the solar energy reachingthe ground surface and decrease the surface and the soil temperatures.The temperature in the boundary layer increasesbecause of the supplementary absorption of radiation by the boundary aerosols.In the atmosphere,the temperatures atall isobaric surfaces rise up except for the 100 hPa level.The atmospheric temperatures below the 500 hPa level aredirectly influenced by the boundary aerosols,while the atmospheric temperatures above the 500 hPa level are influencedby the heating due to convective condensation and the changes in the vertical motion field.Cyclonic differential circula-tions appear over the desert areas at the low levels,and anticyclonic differential circulations exist at the upper levels inthe horizontal flow fields.The vertical motions change in correspondence with the differential circulations.The changesin precipitation are directly related to that of vertical motions.The mechanisms of climate effects of the boundaryaerosols are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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