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在简单了解研究区的植被、气候状况的基础上 ,分析了内蒙古锡林郭勒和青海海北两种典型草地食草动物牙齿的δ1 3C值 ,测定了采样点表土有机质的δ1 3C值。锡林郭勒的表土有机质碳同位素组成略分散 ,且与植被和微环境密切相关。海北的表层土壤有机质碳同位素组成比较集中。两地的碳同位素组成都偏轻 ,是植被中C4植物含量少的反映。两地放牧动物的珐琅质δ1 3C值分别比当地植物偏重 12 .9‰和 13.5‰ ,或 14 .1‰和 14 .7‰。火灾等高温过程对动物牙齿的碳同位素组成可能没有显著影响  相似文献   

青藏高原现生禾本科植物的δ13C与降水的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭广猛 《地学前缘》2005,12(2):162-162
青藏高原是世界上海拔最高的高原,自然地理环境极为复杂,研究其土壤以及植被的有机碳同位素对于解释地质记录的环境意义、研究青藏高原地区古环境变化具有重要意义。吕厚远等(2001)对青藏高原198个表土有机碳同位素进行了分析,发现3500m以下有机碳同位素值随海拔高度增加而变轻,3500mk以上有机碳同位素值随海拔高度增加而变重,显示出有机碳同位素复杂的变化趋势。旺罗等(2003)对青藏高原现生禾本科植物的研究结果显示植物叶片的碳同位素值随海拔高度增加而变重,  相似文献   

辽宁暖和洞石笋δ13C记录的古气候环境意义初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
顾宁  吴江滢 《中国岩溶》2012,31(2):107-114
基于辽宁暖和洞石笋NH33铀系测年结果,利用900条年纹层及302个碳、氧同位素和灰度数据,建立全新世大暖期内近1000年的石笋δ13C与灰度序列(8638±60 - 7748±53 aBP)。碳同位素与灰度序列细节特征变化趋势上的一致性,证实了δ13C所指示的古气候意义。在百年尺度上,石笋δ13C主要响应于温度变化,由地表生物量的变化驱动。石笋δ13C序列可进一步划分为3个气候段:(1)8655 – 8366 aBP,气候偏热;(2)8366 – 8048 aBP,气候转冷;(3)8048 – 7756 aBP,气候相对温暖。这与同时段孢粉记录具有很好的一致性。其中,8366-8048aBP的冷期与北大西洋地区“8.2 kaBP冷事件”相吻合。石笋δ13C记录中也包含一定的非气候因素,主要由渗水速率变化引起围岩CaCO3溶解量的变化造成。将石笋δ13C和灰度数据进行回归分析,可有效地剔除这一水动力因素的影响。   相似文献   

13C and 1H NMR spectra were obtained for humic acids isolated from marine sediments. NMR shows great promise in identifying structural components of humic acids as some new and interesting structural features are identified. Aliphatic structures were found to constitute a much larger fraction of humic acids than previously thought, and they appeared to be highly branched. Although the aromatic content of terrestrial humic acid was found to be lower than expected, the aromaticity appears to be a specific discriminator of terrestrial/aquatic source types. A humic acid isolated from an anoxic algal sapropel was found to be composed predominantly of polyuronic acids and different than other aquatic sedimentary humic substances.  相似文献   

δ 13C values of crop and forest soils were measured 8 years after disposal of paper sewage sludge. The carbon transfer from paper sludge downward to the first humic layer is evidenced by a 13C-enrichnient of up to + 5.6‰ due to the input of 13C-enriched sludge carbonates. 13C/12C composition is thus a novel, sensitive parameter to follow the downward transfer of paper sludge carbon.  相似文献   

Carbon subsurface concentration profiles in olivine single crystals from San Carlos, Arizona, and the Sergebet Island. Red Sea, containing total carbon between 60–180 wt.-ppm, were analyzed by means of the 12C(d. p)13C nuclear reaction and by x-ray induced photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in combination with acid etching and with Ar+ ion sputtering respectively, between 200–930 K. The (d, p) analysis reveals equilibrium subsurface C profiles extending 1–2 μm or more into the bulk. Their steepness is a function of temperature. Typical mean C concentrations at 300 K in the resolvable layers, 0–0.6, 0.6–1.2, and 1.2–1.8 μm. are 1.8, and 0.6 wt.-%, corresponding to enrichment factors over the mean bulk C concentration of the order of 100, 40 and 30 respectively. In the topmost atomic layers analyzed by XPS the carbon is enriched by a factor of the order of 1000, decreasing with increasing temperature. The results suggest that the carbon is in a truly dissolved state and highly mobile, subject to a reversible subsurface segregation. Most probably local lattice strain associated with the solute C species provide the driving force for this diffusional process. The C diffusion coefficient was determined from the (d, p) data below 300 K: D= 10?13 exp(?7.8/RT) [m2· sec?1; KJ · mole?1] and from XPS data between 450–925 K: D = 10?14 exp(-6/RT) [m2 · sec?1; KJ · mole?1] The estimated error of the preexponential factors is ± one order of magnitude, that of the activation energies ±3.5 and ±2 KJ mole?1 respectively.  相似文献   

CPMAS 13C NMR spectra of two estuarine sedimentary humic acids were recorded on a Bruker WP-SY 200 spectrometer. Both samples were found to contain similar aromatic and aliphatic carbon fractions. The sedimentary humic acids have unusually high methoxyl contents and more than one type of methoxyl is indicated. The high methoxyl content may be related to relatively low values for estuarine sedimentary humic acid-metal complexes. Carbohydrate contents of the humic acid samples were also found to be low.  相似文献   

Cross plarization magic-angle spinning 13C NMR spectra have been obtained on oil shales representing a variety of geologic ages, origins, depositional environments, and source locations. The spectra show variations in the aliphatic and aromatic carbon distributions of the oil shales and reveal correlations between aliphatic carbon contents and potential shale oil yields. Hints of additional fine structure are present in the spectra of some samples, and examples are given of the spectral resolution that may be obtainable on other solid samples of geochemical interest.  相似文献   

Cross polarization, magic-angle spinning 13C NMR measurements have been made on raw oil shales that represent a variety of geologic ages, origins, depositional environments and source locations. A high degree of correlation was established between the fraction of aliphatic carbon measured by 13C NMR, and the genetic potential, calculated from Fischer assay data. The correlation is independent of the type of kerogen in the raw shale, and its degree of evolution. A short discussion on the validity of various correlations between physical/chemical properties of oil shales and Fischer assay oil yields is given.  相似文献   

Six oil shales and their kerogen concentrates have been studied using 13C CP/MAS NMR techniques to study the distribution of organic carbon species. It is found that if the aromatic and aliphatic regions are divided at about 80 or 100 ppm, the apparent aromaticities of a raw shale and its kerogen concentrate are in good agreement. The presence of oxygen-substituted carbons in the raw shales and their depletion in the kerogen concentrates are observed and discussed.  相似文献   

To obtain information on the contribution of aromatic fragments to the chemical structure of humic substances, we carried out a study on the [1H]NMR and [13C]NMR spectra of humic and fulvic acids and their oxidative degradation products extracted from an Andosol soil.[1H]NMR spectra of all organic fractions present considerable adsorption between 7.4 and 8.8 ppm, due to the presence of aromatic protons.The percentages of aromatic protons in respect to the total amount of protons are as follows: FA 20%, HA 19%, degraded FA < 12%, degraded HA 14%. The values indicate that the contribution of aromatic structures to the humic substances is significant, also considering that they are highly substituted.The degraded fractions contain smaller amounts of aromatic protons, because degradation causes the opening of the aromatic rings. Thus results obtained from the degradation do not seem to be reliable for defining the importance of aromatic structures in humic substances.Also the [13C]NMR spectra show signals in the aromatic region which derive from unsubstituted carbon atoms, while signals originating from tertiary carbon atoms merge with the noise. We believe that, at present, [1H]NMR spectroscopy is more suited for studying the role played by aromatic compounds in organic soil fractions.  相似文献   

Carbon content (0.02–0.68% organic), carbonate content (0–69.7%) and carbonate 13C abundances (?7.5?+2.3‰) were obtained on samples from the Swaziland sediments of South Africa, which are among the oldest known sedimentary rocks on earth (> 3·109 years old). The carbon chemistry of these sediments may serve as evidence for early life and/or for products of chemical evolution. The variation of organic and carbonate carbon concentrations in different sedimentary horizons seems to be controlled by differences in depositional and diagenetic histories. The carbonate δ 13C values did not vary significantly from the ordinary range of Phanerozoic limestone values.  相似文献   

河北沧州地区第四纪地下水36Cl示踪   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对华北平原沧州地区第四纪地下水中宇宙成因核素36CI进行的测定,其浅层咸水的36Cl/Cl值为57×10-15,证实了该区浅层地下水的盐化成因主要是蒸发浓缩所造成.该区深层地下水中大气成因的36Cl所占的份额为33%~30%,系由上覆咸水下移所致.  相似文献   

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