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The variability of the sea surface temperature(SST) in the China seas has been studied in seasonal,interannual and interdecadal scales based on the monthly data of HadISST spanning from 1870 to 2007. The main results obtained are SST in the China offshore changes most actively at the seasonal scale with the intensity diminishing from north to south,as the temperature differences between summer and winter reaching 17 and 4 C in the northern and southern areas,respectively. Moreover,seasonal variation near the coastal regions seems relatively stronger than that far from the coastline;significant interannual variations are detected,with the largest positive anomaly occurring in 1998 in the overall area. But as far as different domains are concerned,there exists great diversity,and the difference is also found between winter and summer. Differed from the seasonal variations,where the strongest interannual variability takes place,resides to the south of that of the seasonal ones in the northern section,nevertheless in the South China Sea,the most significant interannual variability is found in the deep basin;interdecadal changes of summer,winter and annual mean SST in different domains likewise present various features. In addition,a common dominant warming in recent 20 a are found in the overall China offshore with the strongest center located in the vicinity of the Changjiang Estuary in the East China Sea,which intensifies as high as 1.3 C during the past 130 a.  相似文献   

孟庆佳  施建伟  刘娜  王凡 《海洋科学》2011,35(12):121-126
利用中国科学院海洋研究所“中国海洋科学数据库”历史资料并结合Pathfinder 卫星遥感资料, 对中国近海的海表面温度(SST)多年变化情况进行了分析讨论, 给出了变化趋势。针对1963~1996 年和1985~1996 年两个时间段, 对夏季和冬季中国近海SST 的长期变化趋势进行了分析。结果表明, 在中国近海除个...  相似文献   

使用卫星测高、海表温度以及中国沿海台站水位等数据,分析研究了ENSO对中国近海海平面影响的区域特征。结果表明:(1)赤道东太平洋海表温度与我国近海海平面存在显著的遥相关关系。相关系数自北至南呈梯度递增,分为3个影响明显的区域,分别是渤、黄海、东海和南海海域。南海海平面异常与赤道东太平洋区域的海表温度异常相关性最强,大部分区域的相关系数超过了0.6;东海海域海平面异常与赤道东太平洋海表温度的遥相关系数弱于南海,强于渤、黄海,大部分海域的遥相关系数超过了0.4;渤、黄海海域海平面异常与赤道东太平洋海表温度的遥相关系数最弱,但是大部分海域的遥相关系数超过了0.3,通过了显著性检验。(2)中国沿海海平面的季节变化与ENSO有明显的相关关系,且影响范围具有明显的区域特征,以长江口和台湾海峡为分界线分为长江口以北、长江口到台湾海峡以及台湾海峡以南3个区域。海平面的年振幅在厄尔尼诺年均出现偏低的现象,并且年振幅的极小值均出现在厄尔尼诺年。另外,海平面的年振幅对厄尔尼诺事件的响应与其强弱有关,在强厄尔尼诺事件中,响应区域和幅度较大,弱事件中,响应区域和幅度偏小。(3)南海、东海和渤、黄海这3个区域沿海的海平面变化均存在4~7 a的显著振荡周期,说明这3个区域的海平面均受ENSO的影响。其中,南海7 a周期的振荡幅度最大,约为1.5 cm;东海7 a周期的振荡幅度次之,约为1.3 cm;渤、黄海6 a周期的振荡幅度最小,不到1 cm。  相似文献   

The global surface temperature change since the mid-19th century has caused general concern and intensive study. However, long-term changes in the marginal seas, including the seas east of China, are not well understood because long-term observations are sparse and, even when they exist, they are over limited areas. Preliminary results on the long-term variability of sea surface temperature (SST) in summer and winter in the seas east of China during the period of 1957-2001 are reported using the Ocean Science Database of Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the coastal hydrological station in situ and satellite data. The results show well-defined warming trends in the study area. However warming and cooling trends vary from decade to decade, with steady and rapid warming trends after the 1980s and complicated spatial patterns. The distribution of SST variation is intricate and more blurred in the areas far away from the Kuroshio system. Both historical and satellite data sets show significant warming trends after 1985. The warming trends are larger and spread to wider areas in winter than in summer, which means decrease in the seasonal cycle of SST probably linked with recently observed increase of the tropical zooplankton species in the region. Spatial structures of the SST trends are roughly consistent with the circulation pattern especially in winter when the meridional SST gradients are larger, suggesting that a horizontal advection may play an important role in the long-term SST variability in winter.  相似文献   

The trends of the sea surface temperature(SST) and SST fronts in the South China Sea(SCS) are analyzed during2003–2017 using high-resolution satellite data. The linear trend of the basin averaged SST is 0.31°C per decade,with the strongest warming identified in southeastern Vietnam. Although the rate of warming is comparable in summer and winter for the entire basin, the corresponding spatial patterns of the linear trend are substantially different between them. The SST trend to the west of the Luzon Strait is characterized by rapid warming in summer, exceeding approximately 0.6°C per decade, but the trend is insignificant in winter. The strongest warming trend occurs in the southeast of Vietnam in winter, with much less pronounced warming in summer. A positive trend of SST fronts is identified for the coast of China and is associated with increasing wind stress. The increasing trend of SST fronts is also found in the east of Vietnam. Large-scale circulation, such as El Ni?o, can influence the trends of the SST and SST fronts. A significant correlation is found between the SST anomaly and Ni?o3.4 index, and the ENSO signal leads by eight months. The basin averaged SST linear trends increase after the El Ni?o event(2009–2010), which is, at least, due to the rapid warming rate causing by the enhanced northeasterly wind. Peaks of positive anomalous SST and negatively anomalous SST fronts are found to co-occur with the strong El Ni?o events.  相似文献   

张琪  龙景超 《海洋预报》2021,38(1):80-86
通过HadSST3原始观测数据和HadISST1重组数据,分析了东中国海海温在增暖停滞期(1998-2014年)的变化特征.研究表明:两组数据的海温变化特征和程度相似.在增暖停滞期,渤海、黄海和东海海温线性趋势主要表现为负,降温最多的集中在长江口附近,约-1℃.渤海、黄海及东海部分区域的净热通量对海温降低起正作用,而在...  相似文献   

台风背景下海浪对海表流场和海表温度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海浪作为海-气界面中重要的物理过程,对海洋上混合层的近表面分布具有重要作用。本文以台风"威马逊"和"麦德姆"为背景,基于FVCOM耦合模式模拟了台风浪及上层海洋的响应过程,探讨了海浪对海表流场和海表温度的影响。结果表明耦合模式能够较准确地模拟出有效波高,台风过境后海表流场在海浪的作用下反映出与台风相对应的气旋性特性,改变的流场量级可达0.4 m/s;海表温度出现不同程度的下降,最大降温约4℃,最大降温中心与流场变化区域相对应,且降温区相对台风路径呈显著的"右偏性"。最大降温滞后台风中心过境2 d左右,恢复时间一般超过10 d,与实况相吻合。  相似文献   

Sea surface cooling induced by tropical cyclones (TCs) is an important component of air-sea interactions. Using coordinate transformation and composite analysis...  相似文献   

通过对OISST资料1982—2017年中国近海海表面温度(SST)分析,发现2017年中国渤、黄、东海海表温度较常年偏高0~1.5℃,南海海表温度接近常年。2017年渤海海表温度是近36 a来最热的一年,达到14.4℃,黄海第二以及东海第三热的年份,整个中国近海海表温度的平均是历史第二高的年份。渤、黄、东海海表温度1—8月份达到或接近极端高温情况,之后海表温度降低并达到常年同期以下。对中国近海不同海区海表温度和陆地气温相关分析表明:不同海区受陆地气温影响区域不同,同时海表温度与陆地相关区域随着季节而变化。从2017年平流输运、净热通量、热含量和陆地大气温度影响等方面来看,造成渤、黄、东海海表温度偏高的主要原因是黑潮流速增强导致平流热输送增加,0~700 m热含量增加以及我国陆地区域气温的异常偏高,净热通量对其海表温度升高起抑制作用。  相似文献   

A slowdown of sea surface height(SSH) rise occurred in the Nordic(GIN) seas around 2004.In this study,SSH satellite data and constructed steric height data for the decades before and after 2004(i.e.,May 1994 to April 2014)were used for comparative analysis.The findings indicate that the rate of slowdown of SSH rises in the GIN seas(3.0 mm/a) far exceeded that of the global mean(0.6 mm/a).In particular,the mean steric height of the GIN seas increased at a rate of 4.5 mm/a and then decreased at a slower pace.This was the main factor responsible for the stagnation of the SSH rises,while the mass factor only increased slightly.The Norwegian Sea particularly experienced the most prominent slowdown in SSH rises,mainly due to decreased warming of the 0–600 m layer.The controlling factors of this decreased warming were cessation in the increase of volume of the Atlantic inflow and stagnation of warming of the inflow.However,variations in air-sea thermal flux were not a major factor.In the recent two decades,mean halosteric components of the GIN seas decreased steadily and remained at a rate of 2 mm/a or more because of increased flow and salinity of the Atlantic inflow during the first decade,and reduction in freshwater inputs from the Arctic Ocean in the second decade.  相似文献   

利用 SeaWiFS卫星遥感叶绿素质量浓度及TRMM微波遥感海表温度产品,研究了南海海表叶绿素a的季节变化特征及其同海表温度的关系。研究结果表明,南海叶绿素质量浓度具有很强的季节变化:通常低叶绿素质量浓度(<0.12 mg. m-3)出现在弱风、高海表温度(>28 °C)的春、夏季节;高叶绿素质量浓度(>0.13 mg·m-3)出现在有较强风速和较低海表温度(<27 °C)的冬季。线性回归分析显示,南海叶绿素质量浓度同海表温度呈显著负相关关系。尽管在南海南部、南海中部、南海西部及吕宋西北部4个代表子区域的显著性有所差异,但都暗示温度变化所反映的垂向层化调控了营养盐质量浓度和浮游植物量变化。可见,温度可能是影响海洋上层稳定程度及垂向交换强度的重要指标,从而可能调控营养盐及浮游植物的变化。  相似文献   

本文使用循环平稳经验正交函数(CSEOF)方法分析了南海海面高度(SCS-SSH)的时空变化模态,并对它们与太平洋海盆尺度振荡的关系进行了探讨分析。结果表明,SCS-SSH的第一个CSEOF模态是季节变化模态,其变化强度受到一个与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)有关的低频信号的调制,即在厄尔尼诺期间季节变化的幅度减弱(最大可降低30%,1997/98)而在拉尼娜期间季节变化增强。SCS-SSH的第二个CSEOF模态是年际-年代际尺度的低频变化模态,其空间模态的月与月之间的差异微弱,而时间模态和太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)指数高度相关。然后,我们使用独立成分分析(ICA)方法提取了太平洋中的五个主要振荡成分,并检验了它们对SCS-SSH变化的各自影响。分析表明,纯粹的ENSO模态(类似于太平洋东部型ENSO)对SCS-SSH的低频变化的影响比较微弱,而ENSO的红化模态(类似于太平洋中部型ENSO)对SCS-SSH的低频变化具有明显影响。由于ENSO的红化模态是PDO信号的一个主要成分,这一结果解释了为什么在影响SCS-SSH的低频变化上PDO比ENSO更重要。径向鞍型振荡模态、黑潮延伸体处的增温模态、以及赤道的降温模态也由ICA方法提取出来,但它们对SCS-SSH低频变异的影响微弱。进一步的分析表明,太平洋的涛动信号可能以不同的方式来影响南海海面高度变化和海表温度变化。  相似文献   

应用ROMS数值模式配置基本实验模拟了2004年到2006年中国东部海域海平面的季节变化。模拟结果与TOPEX/Poseidon(T/P)卫星高度计观测结果基本一致,海平面年较差从中国沿岸到黑潮路径逐渐变小。将数值模式的风应力项去掉,配置对比实验。与基本实验结果对比发现,对比实验海平面仍然具有季节变化,但是闽浙沿岸和苏北沿岸海平面春夏季异常偏低、秋冬季异常偏高现象消失,中国沿岸向太平洋的海平面变化减弱。春季和秋季,渤、黄海和黑潮附近海平面异于东海的现象减弱。对比实验海平面的年较差的数值明显减小,从近岸向黑潮海平面年较差渐变的过程消失。整个渤黄海的海平面年较差近似。对比实验海平面年较差占基本实验海平面年较差比率从近岸向黑潮路径逐渐增大。  相似文献   

中国海和泰国湾海域海平面的经向涛动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李立 《海洋学报》2014,36(9):7-17
卫星高度计遥感海面高度距平资料(1992-2012年)的分析结果证实中国海(渤、黄、东海及南海)和泰国湾作为一个半封闭的狭长水域,其海平面存在显著的南北经向涛动。涛动呈现明显的季节性,冬季南高北低,夏季北高南低,以渤海和泰国湾的海平面高差作为涛动的测度,其多年平均波动幅度达63 cm,较差超过80 cm。时间序列分析显示,在季节尺度上这一涛动几乎完全受东亚季风的支配,表明东亚季风的局地强迫是造成季节涛动的主要原因。进一步的分析发现,除季节波动之外研究海域海平面的经向涛动还存在明显的年际变化。不过,与季节尺度的波动有所不同,经向涛动的年际变化不仅是东亚季风区局地作用的结果,而且与太平洋海盆尺度的大气强迫有关,其作用与季风在同一数量级。涛动的年际变化大致滞后各气候因子两个月。采用多输入线性模型做偏相关分析筛选的结果显示,除东亚季风指数之外,研究海域的海平面涛动指数主要与太平洋的南方涛动指数(SOI)和西太平洋遥相关指数(WP)相关。这表明外部强迫既来自热带,也来自中纬度。南方涛动所导致的赤道海域海平面的东西向年际涛动,以及中纬度西风急流年际波动对西北太平洋海平面的作用,都有可能导致研究海域海平面经向涛动的年际变化,其机制有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

连续台风对海表温度和海表高度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用多卫星观测资料,分析了2008年9月3个连续台风前后的海表温度(SST)和海表高度距平(SSHA)的时空变化特征,并探讨了影响其变化的主要因子。结果表明:(1)3个台风引起了强烈的上升流(1×10-5~150×10-5 m/s),海表显著降温(1~6 ℃),海表高度也有不同程度降低(10~50 cm);(2)台风引起的SST最大降温中心与SSHA负值或中尺度冷涡的区域中心十分吻合,同时台风使得先前存在的海洋中尺度冷涡得到加强;(3)同一区域台风对SST影响程度大小受台风的强度、移动速度以及台风对海面强迫时间等因素控制;(4)在原先SSHA为正值的海域,3个台风连续强迫下使得局地洋面形成一个SSHA为负值的中尺度涡,这与单一"打转"台风强迫海洋生成中尺度涡的现象不同。因此,对于西北太平洋海域而言,频发的台风在中尺度涡生消演变过程中的影响应不容忽视。  相似文献   

海水三维温度场是海洋研究和海洋工程领域中最重要的数据资料之一。本研究基于量纲分析法获得海面参数和海水内部温度剖面之间的函数关系,进而提出了一种利用海面温度和海面动力高度反演大洋月平均三维温度场的方法。本研究基于该方法估算了西太平洋海域0~1 000 m深度范围月平均三维温度场,并将反演结果与基于Argo资料获得的三维温度场进行了比较,其结果证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

厄尔尼诺和台风共同影响下的7月份黄、东海海温变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张守文  王辉  姜华  宋春阳  杜凌 《海洋学报》2017,39(12):32-41
基于历史海温数据和台风路径数据,研究了厄尔尼诺/拉尼娜(El Niño/La Niña)背景下7月份中国近海海温变化特征。结果表明:7月黄、东海海温异常与El Niño/La Niña有显著相关关系,OISST和GODAS海温数据与Niño3指数同步相关系数分别为-0.32和-0.45。El Niño年7月,黄、东海海表温度异常低于-0.5℃的概率超过60%;La Niña年7月,黄海海温异常高于0.5℃的概率约有60%;正常年7月,海温异常的空间分布与El Niño年相反,但量值偏低。El Niño年7月,中国近海及邻近区域大气异常能够给局地带来更多降水;同时,受El Niño背景场的影响,入侵黄、东海的台风强度更强、影响时间更长。大尺度的降水和台风活动的影响是导致黄、东海海温异常降低的重要原因。因此,分析和预测7月份中国近海海温异常,在充分考虑El Niño/La Niña背景场的基础上,需要结合局地的大尺度降水和台风的影响同时分析,这为特定背景下结合不同时间尺度上的因素共同分析中国近海海温变化提供了一种思路。  相似文献   

利用TOPEX高度计风速资料,实现了对太平洋海面粗糙度(z0)的计算。1997~1999年正是厄尔尼诺与拉尼娜事件发生时期,作者研究了1997~1999年z0在ENSO期间的变化后发现:(1)EI Nion发生期间赤道附近z0最大值在A,C,B 3个站点上移动;最小值在B,A 2个站点上移动。(2)Li Nina发生期间赤道附近z0最小值在A站点,最大值主要在B站点上。Li Nina发生期间,1999年15个站点z0均大于正常年份和EI Nion发生期间的15个站点z0。(3)ENSO期间,四季z0与正常年份相比都有显著改变。  相似文献   

2000-2008年期间南海海面温度的年际与空间变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对2000-2008年更高空间分辨率的南海海面温度(SST)的卫星遥感数据进行经验正交函数(EOF)分析,着重研究21世纪以来整个南海海域SST年际变化的时空变异,并探讨了其与南海海面风场和海面高度的关系,以及期间南海发生的两次负异常事件的特点和成因.SST年际变化的第一模态表现为全海盆同相变化,年际振荡主要发生在...  相似文献   

Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the southwestern South China Sea have been reconstructed for the past 160 ka using the Uk37 paleothermometer from the core MD01-2392. The temperature differences between glacial times (MISs 6 and 2) and interglacial times (MISs 5.5 and 1) are 2.2~2.5 ℃. Younger Dryas event during the last deglaciation was documented in both the planktonic foraminiferal δ18O and SST records. After MIS 5.5, SSTs displayed a progressive cooling from 28.6 to 24.5 ℃, culminating at the LGM. During this gradual cooling period, warm events such as MISs 5.3, 5.1 and 3 were also clearly documented. By comparison of SST between the study core and Core 17954, a pattern of low or no meridional SST gradients during the interglacial periods and high meridional SST gradients during the glacial periods was exhibited. This pattern indicates the much stronger East Asian winter monsoon at the glacial than at the interglacial periods. Spectral analysis gives two prominent cycles: 41 and 23 ka, with the former more pronounced, suggesting that SSTs in the southern SCS varied in concert with high-latitude processes through the connection of East Asian winter monsoon.  相似文献   

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