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利用红山数字地震台和邯郸数字台网记录到的2001年3月~2006年7月近震波形资料,采用Aki的尾波单次散射模型计算了邯郸—邢台地区不同尾波窗长的Qc值,窗长为20s时该区域的平均值为Qc=78f0.92,40s时Qc=144f0.88。在研究范围内呈现出北高南低的态势。  相似文献   

The earlyP wave coda (5–15 sec after the first arrival) of underground explosions at the Nevada Test Site is studied in the time domain using 2082 teleseismic short-period recordings, with the intent of identifying near-source contributions to the signals in the frequency range 0.2–2.0 Hz. Smaller magnitude events tend to have relatively high coda levels in the 0.4–0.8 Hz frequency band for both Yucca Flat and Pahute Mesa explosions. Coda complexity in this low-frequency passband is negatively correlated with burial depth for Pahute Mesa events but is only weakly correlated with depth for Yucca Flat events. Enhanced excitation of relatively long-period scattered waves for smaller, less deeply buried events is required to explain this behavior. Coda complexity in the 0.8–1.1 Hz band is positively correlated with magnitude and depth for Pahute Mesa events, but has no such dependence for Yucca Flat events. This may result from systematic variations between the spectra of direct signals and coda arrivals caused bypP interference for the largest events, all of which were detonated at Pahute Mesa. Another possible explanation is a frequency-dependent propagation effect on the direct signals of the larger events, most of which were located in the center of the mesa overlying strong lateral velocity gradients in the crust and upper mantle. Event average complexity varies spatially for both test sites, particularly in the 0.8–1.1 Hz band, providing evidence for frequency-dependent focussing or scattering by near-source structure. Both the direct arrivals and the early coda have strong azimuthal amplitude patterns that are produced by defocussing by mantle heterogeneity. The direct arrivals have stronger coherent azimuthal patterns than the early coda for Pahute Mesa events, indicating more pronounced deep crustal and shallow mantle defocussing for the direct signals. However, for Yucca Flat events the direct arrivals have less coherent azimuthal patterns than the coda, suggesting that a highly variable component of near-source scattering preferentially affecting the downgoing energy is superimposed on a pattern produced by mantle heterogeneity that affects the entire signal. This complicated behavior of the direct arrivals may be the result of triplications and caustics produced by the complex basement structure known to underlie the Yucca Flat test site. The presence of strong azimuthal patterns in the early coda indicates that source strength estimates based on early coda are subject to biases similar to those affecting estimates based on direct arrivals.  相似文献   

基于Sato模型,采用2016年3月至2018年6月内蒙古东北部及临近地区发生的526次地震事件,挑选M_L≥2.0、记录清晰且信噪比较高的102次地震事件,拟合得到内蒙古东北部地区尾波Q值,得到Q_C(f)=(64.74±29.09)f(0.8925±0.0765);Q值与依赖指数η成反比,且该区北部Q值偏高,南部Q值偏低,可能与地质构造及地震活动性有关。  相似文献   

基于Sato模型,采用2016年3月至2018年6月内蒙古东北部及临近地区发生的526次地震事件,挑选ML ≥ 2.0、记录清晰且信噪比较高的102次地震事件,拟合得到内蒙古东北部地区尾波Q值,得到QCf)=(64.74 ±29.09)f(0.8925 ±0.0765);Q值与依赖指数η成反比,且该区北部Q值偏高,南部Q值偏低,可能与地质构造及地震活动性有关。  相似文献   

Estimation of seismic wave attenuation in the shallow crust in terms of coda wave Q structure previously investigated in the vicinity of Cairo Metropolitan Area was improved using seismograms of local earthquakes recorded by the Egyptian National Seismic Network. The seismic wave attenuation was measured from the time decay of coda wave amplitudes on narrow bandpass filtered seismograms based on the single scattering theory. The frequency bands of interest are from 1.5 to 18 Hz. In general, the values obtained for various events recorded at El-Fayoum and Wadi Hagul stations are very similar for all frequency bands. A regional attenuation law Q c = 85.66 f 0.79 was obtained.  相似文献   

利用首都圈地震数字台网2009年1月至2016年3月记录的地震波形资料,采用Sato尾波单次散射模型,固定尾波窗长,计算唐山地区尾波Q值,时间和空间上分析Q值分布特征,结果显示,Q值在空间分布上呈现明显的横向不均匀性,在较长孕震时间上呈现降低—升高—降低—发震的过程,且中强震易发生在Q值高低值交界区偏高值一侧,震群易发生在Q值相对较低区域。  相似文献   

The characteristic of seismic coda wave attenuation in Yunnan area in 7 frequency-bands range from 1 Hz to 20 Hz was estimated by using the local earthquake's waveform data recorded from 22 Yunnan digital seismic stations.Coda attenuation Q-c1 of each station was firstly calculated by single scattering method. Then, mean free path Le and seismic albedo Bo of each station were calculated, and scattering attenuation Q-1s and intrinsic attenuation Q-1i were separated from total attenuation Q-1t by multiple lapse time window analysis based on the multiple scattering model in uniform random isotropic scattering medium. The attenuating characteristics in Yunnan show that most value of Le are in 10~30 km, with maximal within 2~6 Hz;Bo are about 0.5 at 1~2 Hz, but less than 0.5at other frequency-bands, which means Q-1i is comparable with Q-1s at 1~2 Hz, and after 1~2 Hz, Q-1i is greater than Q-1s and dominates the attenuation process. Q-1c is close to Q-1i at other frequency bands except 1~2 Hz.Results show that Q-1 especially Qs-1 varies spatially, Q-1 in eastern Yunnan zone is a bit higher than in northwestern Yunnan zone;northwestern Yunnan zone higher than southwestern Yunnan zone. Comparing with other results in global, Qs-1 in Yunnan is lower than the global average value among these results, Q-1i is higher than the global average value, and Q-1t lies the middle among these results.  相似文献   

Research on coda Q distribution in Beijing and its surrounding regions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ResearchoncodaQdistributioninBeijinganditssurroundingregionsYun-ShengMA(马云生),Tian-ZhongZHANG(张天中)andHuan-ShengZHANG(张焕生)(Inst...  相似文献   

选取2016年3月—2019年6月内蒙古地震监测台网记录的925条内蒙古东北部及邻近地区地震数据,从中挑选133次ML≥2.0且记录清晰、信噪比较高的地震事件,利用Sato模型、Aki模型,分别计算该区域地震尾波平均Q值,并拟合得到Q值对频率的依赖关系,其中:(1) Sato模型:QC(f)=(64.11±29.15) f (0.8914±0.0772);(2) Aki模型:QC(f)=(258.4±65)f (0.6815±0.1435)。结果表明,利用2种模型计算的该区域地震尾波Q值分布具有一致性,且Q值与依赖指数η成反比关系,分析认为,尾波Q值高低分布与地震活动性及地质构造有关。  相似文献   

利用山东数字地震台网和青岛数字地震台网的地震波形资料,基于单次散射模型的尾波小波包分析方法,计算了青岛地区4个台站附近的尾波Q值,拟合得到青岛地区及附近海域尾波Q值随频率的变化关系为:Q=123.5×f^0.9;并对2003年6月青岛市王哥庄的4级震群序列的Q值进行计算分析,结果表明,在震群期间Q值变化不大。  相似文献   

AttenuationcharacteristicsofcodawavesandestimationofQcvaluesineasternChina黄才中,葛焕称,江铁鹰Cat-ZhongHUANG;Huan-ChengGEandTie-YingJI...  相似文献   

A simple model of single acoustic scattering is used to study the dependence of the shape of local earthquake coda on the anelastic and scattering structures of the lithosphere. The model is applied to the coda of earthquakes located near Stone Canyon, central California, and provides an explanation for the features observed in the data, which include an interesting temporal variation in the coda shape. A surficial layer with aQ of 50 and thickness of 10 or 25 km underlain by a zone with aQ of 1000 extending to the bottom of the lithosphere, together with a scattering scale length,a, that varies with depthz according to the relationa=0.3 exp[-(z/45)2] are found to constitute the simplest structure of the medium compatible with the coda data and with body and surface wave attenuation data. The profile of heterogeneity sizes implies that the scattering strength increases strongly with depth, a constraint required by the necessity to boost the energy of the later coda without forcing the intrinsicQ to be excessively high in the uppermost mantle. This constraint is viewed as an artifact of the single scattering model which overstimates the scattering coefficient due to the neglect of multiple scattering. The observed temporal variation of the signal is difficult to explain by a simple change of the intrinsicQ at some depth. Rather, it is suggested that the scattering properties at depth changed with time through a variation of the fractional rms velocity fluctuation on the order of one percent.  相似文献   

For short-period near-earthquake records in eastern China, from the empirical attenuation formula of coda ground motion amplitudeA with timeτ: lgA=G−2. 235 lgτ, using the single scattering theory modified with epicentral distance, we obtain the curve family of corrected coda amplitudeA c(r,t), andω/2Q c values for each time interval of coda. From this,Q c(f,h) values, which correspond to each observational average frequency and sampling depth, are calculated. The results substantially agree with those observationalQ c values in Yunnan, Beijing and central Asia.  相似文献   

In this paper we show evidences of the fractal nature of the 3-D inhomogeneities in the lithosphere from the study of seismic wave scattering and discuss the relation between the fractal dimension of the 3-D inhomogeneities and that of the fault surfaces. Two methods are introduced to measure the inhomogeneity spectrum of a random medium: 1. the coda excitation spectrum method, and 2. the method of measuring the frequency dependence of scattering attenuation. The fractal dimension can be obtained from the inhomogeneity spectrum of the medium. The coda excitation method is applied to the Hindu-Kush data. Based on the observed coda excitation spectra (for frequencies 1–25 Hz) and the past observations on the frequency dependence of scattering attenuation, we infer that the lithospheric inhomogeneities are multiple scaled and can be modeled as a bandlimited fractal random medium (BLFRM) with an outer scale of about 1 km. The fractal dimension of the 3-D inhomogeneities isD 3=31/2–32/3, which corresponds to a scaling exponent (Hurst number)H=1/2–1/3. The corresponding 1-D inhomogeneity spectra obey the power law with a powerp=2H+1=2–5/3. The intersection between the earth surface and the isostrength surface of the 3-D inhomogeneities will have fractal dimensionD 1=1.5–1.67. If we consider the earthquake fault surface as developed from the isosurface of the 3-D inhomogeneities and smoothed by the rupture dynamics, the fractal dimension of the fault trace on the surface must be smaller thanD 1, in agreement with recent measurements of fractal dimension along the San Andreas fault.  相似文献   

龙滩水库地区P波、S波和尾波衰减   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
利用发生在龙滩水库地区的144次ML≥1.0地震资料,研究了该地区地壳介质的衰减特征,并采用尾波归一化方法分别估算了P波、S波的品质因子QP和QS,用单次反散射模型计算了尾波品质因子QC.结果表明,该地区上述3个值与频率的依赖关系分别为QP(f)=(7.43±0.78)f(1.05±0.06),QS(f)=(13.08±3.20)f(1.76±0.15),QC(f)=(50.52±2.71)f(1.13±0.03),总体呈现低QO和高η值的特点.在所研究的频带范围1—16Hz内,QS/QP比值均大于1,表明该地区体波衰减中散射可能起着较大作用.QC与QS的比较结果表明,在小于8Hz时,QS<QC;而大于8Hz时,则QS>QC.这可能是由于介质的多次散射作用的结果.  相似文献   

The site effect of coda waves for four types of basement under 6 stations was studied by using the local earthquakes from digital seismograph network of West Yunnan Experimental Site. Results from the band 0.75 to 24 Hz showed that the site effect was abviously interrelated with not only the frequency but also the site condition of the station. For those stations which sited on the hard-rock, such as Jianchuan (limestone), Shuanglang (limestone), Qiaohou (sandstone) and Eryuan (metamorghic rock), the site amplification as a function of frequency was similar in shape and the changes in amplification were flat. A typical behavior of sediment was measured at Qina station. The site amplification remained high at low frequency, but turned to a low level as frequency increased. However, in contrast to Qina, the variations of site amplification at Yangbi station were quite different. Such different behavior between the two sites could be caused by the difference in sediment thickness under valley basins. It could be seen that the site amplification pattern of horizontal motion approached approximately to the vertical despite of some differences. The Fourier spectra of small earthquakes also showed the character of site. It can be expected that the site response has an important effect on the shape of the spectra and that the size of the magnitude is not likely responsible for the spectra recorded at the same site. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, Supp., 1993.  相似文献   

宁夏及邻区尾波Q值分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用宁夏9个台站1986年后记录的宁夏及邻区132次地震的200条DD-1仪模拟记录,对宁夏及邻区的分区尾波Q值进行了研究,结果表明,分区尾波Q值主要与地质构造有关。Q值相对较低的区域为吉兰泰盆地,银川盆地南段的吴忠,灵武,阿拉善左旗西南,中卫至海原之间,吴忠,灵武至盐池之间;相对较高的区域为乌海及附近,贺兰山,永宁至大武口之间。  相似文献   

Two large earthquakes (an earthquake doublet) occurred in south-central Turkey on February 6, 2023, causing massive damages and casualties. The magnitudes and the relative sizes of the two mainshocks are essential information for scientific research and public awareness. There are obvious discrepancies among the results that have been reported so far, which may be revised and updated later. Here we applied a novel and reliable long-period coda moment magnitude method to the two large earthquakes. The moment magnitudes (with one standard error) are 7.95±0.013 and 7.86±0.012, respectively, which are larger than all the previous reports. The first mainshock, which matches the largest recorded earthquakes in the Turkish history, is slightly larger than the second one by 0.11±0.035 in magnitude or by 0.04 to 0.18 at 95% confidence level.  相似文献   

基于单次散射模型,利用山东数字地震台网数字地震波形资料,计算了山东地区13个频段的Qc值。结果表明,在1.0—20Hz(短周期)或0.05—20HIz(宽频带)频率范围内,Qc随频率的变化近似服从幂函数关系Qc^mQ0f^q,拟合得到山东地区尾波Qc值随频率的变化关系为Qc(f)=118.7±26.8f^0.94±0.14,并且选取的流逝时间越长,即时间窗越靠后,Q值一般也越大。  相似文献   

The contribution of multiple scattering to the coda waves for three-dimensional elastic medium is investigated by extending the computational procedures developed earlier for the two-dimensional medium. It is shown that the effects of multiple scattering start to become important at a shorter lapse time,t c = 0.65(n 0σu)?1, than in the two-dimensional case (t c = 0.8(n 0σu)?1).  相似文献   

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