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The toxic effects of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and its related planar halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs) are mediated by the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). To investigate the potential sensitivity to PHAHs and the evolutional diversity of AHR in aquatic birds, AHR cDNAs were initially cloned and sequenced from the livers of a black-footed albatross (Diomedea nigripes) and a common cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). In this study, we report the identification of two distinct AHR paralog genes in these species. The two full-length AHR cDNAs from albatross were highly divergent (33% overall amino acid identity, and 60% identity in the N-terminal half). Phylogenetic analysis showed that one of them belongs to the AHR1 clade and the other one to the AHR2 clade, which has been identified only from fishes, but not yet from mammals and birds. Albatross AHR1 encoded a 861-residue protein with a predicted molecular mass of 96.7 kDa, and in the case of albatross AHR2, 925 amino acids and 100.7 kDa. From cormorant liver, the full-length AHR1 cDNA and the partial AHR2 cDNA were cloned. This result strongly suggests that bird species also possess two distinct AHR genes (AHR1 and AHR2). To our knowledge, this is the first report on the presence of an AHR2-like isoform in bird species as well as in fish.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonists possess anti-estrogenic activities and several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the interactions between AhR and estrogen receptor (ER) signalling pathways. In the present study, we show that 3,3'4,4'5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB126 - a dioxin-like AhR agonist) produced estrogenic responses in the absence of ER agonist, in fish in vitro system. We exposed salmon primary hepatocytes to PCB126 (1, 10 and 50 pM) and the ER agonist nonylphenol (NP; 5 and 10 microM) singly and also in combination. Vitellogenin (Vtg) and zona radiata proteins (Zr-proteins) levels were analysed by semi-quantitative ELISA. We observed that the protein levels of Vtg and Zr-proteins were significantly induced in a concentration-specific manner in cells treated with PCB126 and NP, singly or in combination. In general, these results show a novel aspect of dioxin-like PCB effect not previously demonstrated in fish system.  相似文献   

The number of harbour seals in Japan has been rebounding since protection began in the mid‐1980s. With the increase in seal numbers, increased conflict with fisheries has occurred through depredation and the belief that seals compete with fisheries for prey. However, competition can only be determined if the prey species and quantities seals consume over time are known. We studied the diet of harbour seals in Erimo, site of the largest population of harbour seals in Japan, from 2011 to 2012 and assessed the degree of prey overlap with local fisheries. We used both hard parts and DNA techniques to identify prey items in seal scats, and compared these results to local fisheries data. A total of 46 prey occurrences was detected by both methods, of which 17 matched between techniques at least to the family level. Hard parts methods identified five incidences of prey undetected by DNA methods in five scats (one incidence per scat). DNA methods identified 24 additional prey occurrences in 13 scats, for which no hard part evidence for that prey had been found. This more than doubled the total number of prey occurrences across the 15 scats compared. Overall, the most frequently occurring harbour seal prey were walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), sculpins and snailfishes. In contrast, the top three groups targeted by fisheries were codfishes, salmon and invertebrates. Many species common in the harbour seal's diet such as snailfishes and blennies were not targeted by fisheries. Fishes such as greenlings, sculpins, rockfishes and Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) were common in the diet of harbour seals, but made up a very small proportion of fisheries catches in Erimo. The importance of other prey species varied between seasons. Sculpins, greenlings and forage fishes were the top three prey groups for harbour seals in spring by percent modified frequency of occurrence, whereas the most important target groups by percentage mass caught by fisheries were codfishes, cephalopods and other invertebrates. Sculpins and rockfishes remained as important prey items for harbour seals in summer and autumn, in addition to codfishes, snailfishes and blennies. In contrast, the main groups caught by fisheries in summer were other fishes, particularly Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata) and various species of sharks and eels, and invertebrates. By autumn, Erimo fisheries had focussed on catching salmon. Salmon were taken by harbour seals as well during this period, but at a relatively lower frequency compared to other prey groups. The results of our study show that although harbour seals consumed several of the prey species targeted by fisheries, the relative importance of these species to seals and fisheries and the seasons in which they were targeted were different.  相似文献   

王诺  丁凯 《海洋通报》2019,38(2):202-209
渤海是斑海豹在我国唯一的繁殖地。研究结果表明,半个多世纪以来,渤海的斑海豹数量减少了80%。尽管我国20世纪末已将斑海豹列为国家Ⅱ级保护野生动物,采取了建立自然保护区等一系列措施,但在海洋生态环境持续恶化的情况下,其数量仍不断减少。近年来,随着海洋环境的改善,斑海豹的数量有了明显回升。本文从海冰面积、鱼类资源以及水质污染等方面分析了渤海海洋环境的状况,探讨了斑海豹数量变化的原因。本文研究可为我国有关部门在制定渤海环境保护政策时提供参考。  相似文献   

To prevent grounding of ships and collisions between ships in shallow coastal waters, an underwater data collection and communication network (ACME) using underwater sounds to encode and transmit data is currently under development. Marine mammals might be affected by ACME sounds since they may use sound of a similar frequency (around 12 kHz) for communication, orientation, and prey location. If marine mammals tend to avoid the vicinity of the acoustic transmitters, they may be kept away from ecologically important areas by ACME sounds. One marine mammal species that may be affected in the North Sea is the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina). No information is available on the effects of ACME-like sounds on harbour seals, so this study was carried out as part of an environmental impact assessment program. Nine captive harbour seals were subjected to four sound types, three of which may be used in the underwater acoustic data communication network. The effect of each sound was judged by comparing the animals' location in a pool during test periods to that during baseline periods, during which no sound was produced. Each of the four sounds could be made into a deterrent by increasing its amplitude. The seals reacted by swimming away from the sound source. The sound pressure level (SPL) at the acoustic discomfort threshold was established for each of the four sounds. The acoustic discomfort threshold is defined as the boundary between the areas that the animals generally occupied during the transmission of the sounds and the areas that they generally did not enter during transmission. The SPLs at the acoustic discomfort thresholds were similar for each of the sounds (107 dB re 1 microPa). Based on this discomfort threshold SPL, discomfort zones at sea for several source levels (130-180 dB re 1 microPa) of the sounds were calculated, using a guideline sound propagation model for shallow water. The discomfort zone is defined as the area around a sound source that harbour seals are expected to avoid. The definition of the discomfort zone is based on behavioural discomfort, and does not necessarily coincide with the physical discomfort zone. Based on these results, source levels can be selected that have an acceptable effect on harbour seals in particular areas. The discomfort zone of a communication sound depends on the sound, the source level, and the propagation characteristics of the area in which the sound system is operational. The source level of the communication system should be adapted to each area (taking into account the width of a sea arm, the local sound propagation, and the importance of an area to the affected species). The discomfort zone should not coincide with ecologically important areas (for instance resting, breeding, suckling, and feeding areas), or routes between these areas.  相似文献   

Bioaccumulation of endocrine disruptors in marine mammals positioned at the top of the food chain is of toxicological concern. Livers from four pups and ten adult harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) stranded in San Francisco Bay (SFB) and the Gulf of Maine (GOM) were analyzed for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and their hydroxylated metabolites (OH-PCBs). We used GC–ECD and GC–NCI/MS to investigate the presence of 28 PCBs and 8 OH-PCB metabolites, respectively. Σ28PCB concentrations (di- to octa-CBs) ranged from 1.81 to 35.9 μg/g lipid with a median of 6.53 for the seal pups and 2.31 to 249 μg/g lipid with a median of 28.9 for the adult seals. Σ8OH-PCB concentrations (penta- to hepta-OH-PCBs) ranged from 0.02 to 0.69 μg/g lipid with a median of 0.04 for the adult seals, i.e., at much lower concentrations than those for PCBs. Ratios of OH-PCBs to PCBs (0.24% on average) were comparable to those in beluga whale, but were lower than ratios in human livers. The OH-PCB profiles were slightly different between SFB and GOM seal livers, although similar PCB congener patterns were observed. Generally, 4-OH-CB107 was found predominantly in seal livers and was the only OH-PCB detectable in most of seal pup livers. This study provides information on OH-PCBs in seals, adding to the scarce exposure data for these chemicals.  相似文献   

Biomarkers of organochlorine exposure, such as the induction of cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A), can be used to assess the impact of environmental contaminants on the health of free-ranging marine mammal populations. The objective of the present study was to measure CYP1A in skin and liver biopsies obtained from live harbour seals (Phoca vitulina). Twelve harbour seal pups, aged three to five weeks, were captured from the Fraser River estuary, British Columbia, Canada, and temporarily held in captivity. Skin ( approximately 60 mg) and liver ( approximately 40 mg) biopsies, obtained while seals were under general anaesthesia, yielded sufficient tissue for the measurement of CYP1A by immunoblot analysis and ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity. A short-term exposure experiment, in which harbour seals (n=3) were treated orally with beta-naphthoflavone (BNF), resulted in increased hepatic and cutaneous CYP1A protein levels, consistent with observations in other mammals. This study is the first to measure CYP1A in skin and liver biopsies from live harbour seals and to report in vivo BNF-associated CYP1A induction in a marine mammal. The results demonstrate that microsamples collected using minimally-invasive techniques can provide toxicologically-relevant information form marine mammals.  相似文献   

Blubber of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) sampled from the Strait of Georgia, BC, in 1991 and 1992 contained higher concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) than did samples from Quatsino Sound on western Vancouver Island. The higher proportions of 1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorodibenzodioxin and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran in the Strait of Georgia samples probably reflect contamination arising from the discharge of effluents from bleached kraft mills. Higher concentrations of non-ortho- and mono-ortho substituted polychlorinated biphenyls were also found in the Strait of Georgia samples, probably as a result of general industrial activity in the region. Principal components analysis showed that residues were distributed differently between males and females. Within males, concentrations of PCDD, PCDF and PCBs appeared to increase with age. Toxic equivalents (TEQ) to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin in the Quatsino Sd. samples were close to the working guidelines for edible fish used by Health Canada; TEQ calculated for the Strait of Georgia samples exceeded these guidelines by up to a factor of five.  相似文献   

The relative potency of polycyclic aromatic compounds as aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) agonists in fish was determined using data on CYP1A induction or AhR binding for 74 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocycles in teleost, avian, or mammalian systems from 18 published papers. Each PAH was assigned a fish potency factor relative to the potency of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin as an AhR agonist. Two and three ring unsubstituted PAHs were generally inactive in fish, avian, and mammalian systems. Benzo[k]fluoranthene and indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene were consistently the most potent PAHs, with fish potency factors of 0.001-0.002. Common structural features associated with higher potency PAHs included 4-6 rings containing fluoranthene or phenanthrene structures with an exposed bay region. These results show that PAHs can have similar potency as many dioxin-like PCBs, and AhR mediated toxicity should be considered in assessing the risks of PAHs in fish.  相似文献   

The marine aquaculture industry suffers losses due to pinniped attacks which damage net enclosures and fish stocks. Acoustic harassment devices (AHDs) emit loud sounds which are intended to deter pinnipeds from approaching aquaculture enclosures. At present, many AHDs emit sounds in the 8-20 kHz frequency range. It is not known whether sounds of higher frequencies have a deterrent effect on seals. Therefore five captive harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) were subjected to four series of tone pulses together spanning a broad frequency range (8, 16, 32 and 45 kHz). Pulse duration was 250 ms and pulse interval was 5s. Each of the four sounds was made deterrent by increasing the amplitude. The seals reacted by swimming away from the sounds. The displacement effect of each sound was judged by comparing the animals' surface positions, and number of surfacings, during ten 45 min baseline periods with ten 45 min test periods per frequency (one frequency per day in rotation, 40 sessions in total). The seals were displaced by all four frequencies throughout the 40 trial days. The seals came to the surface more often when the test tones were produced than in the baseline periods. The initial displacement distances did not change over the 40 test days. This suggests that operating AHDs for only short periods will be more effective and less likely to result in habituation by the seals than operating them continuously. The discomfort threshold sound pressure level (SPL) was established for each of the four pulse frequencies. The acoustic discomfort threshold SPL is defined as the boundary SPL between the area that the animals generally occupied during the transmission of the sounds and the area that they generally did not enter during sound transmission. The discomfort threshold SPL may depend on the context.  相似文献   

1 Introduction T he translationally controlled tum or protein(TC TP) w as firstdescribed as a grow th-related proteinin m ouse E hrilisch ascites tum or cells and ery-throleukem ia cells (Y enofsky etal., 1983). Subse-quently, TC TP w as founded to be present in m anycells (Sanchez etal., 1997; G ross etal., 1989; C hunget al., 2000; V ercoutter-Edouart et al., 2001) exceptthe hum an kidney cell(Sanchez etal.,1997;G achetetal., 1999). H om ologues of TC TP have been reportedfrom sever…  相似文献   

Blubber samples, taken through the entire blubber column, were collected from three different anatomical locations on ringed seals (Phoca hispida). The outer and inner layers of these samples were analysed for concentrations of sigma PCBs (sum of the analysed congeners, polychlorinated biphenyls) and p,p'-DDE (4,4'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene). No significant differences were found in blubber thickness or in per cent extractable lipid when comparing age- and sex-groups, or in extractable lipid content when comparing anatomical locations of the blubber or blubber depth. No significant differences were found between the three different anatomical locations with respect to the concentrations of sigma PCBs or p,p'-DDE. However, the concentrations of both sigma PCB and p,p'-DDE were significantly higher in the outer blubber layer compared to the inner. Higher levels of both sigma PCB and p,p'-DDE were found in males compared to females and juveniles in both the inner and outer parts of the blubber column. The most commonly used blubber sampling devices are biopsy tools that penetrate only the outer layer of the blubber. Analyses of such samples will not reflect the real body burden of organochlorines. Standard methods for sampling blubber of marine mammals should be developed so that comparative studies and longitudinal monitoring programs of pollutants in marine mammals can be conducted in a meaningful way.  相似文献   

Subantarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus tropicalis) appear as stragglers on New Zealand coasts. Four records are noted, the most recent at Antipodes Island in December 1989.  相似文献   

The potential of the first line of the active oxygen-scavenging system, partial cDNA encoding Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) was isolated in three aquatic mollusc species: Ruditapes decussatus (marine clam), Dreissena polymorpha (continental water mussel) and Bathymodiolus azoricus (hydrothermal vent mussel). These SOD cDNA fragments were amplified by PCR with degenerate oligonucleotide primers derived from the amino acid sequence conserved in the Cu/Zn-SOD from several other organisms. A partial cDNA of CuZn-SOD was obtained for R. decussates (510 bp), D. polymorpha (510 bp) and B. azoricus (195 bp). The deduced amino acid sequence showed high similarity among the three mollusc species (57-63%) and among other species (50-65%). The residues involved in coordinating copper (His-47, 49, 64, 121) and zinc (His-64, 72, 81 and Asp-84) were well conserved among the three Cu/Zn-SOD sequences.  相似文献   

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