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The results of the survey for multiplicity by Abt and Levy are used to estimate the fraction of solar-type stars having close companions more massive than 0.01 solar masses. Current knowledge of the multiplicity characteristics of solar-type stars does not require that the fraction be nearly unity.  相似文献   

Low-ionization nuclear emission regions (LINERs) are present in a large fraction of local galaxies, while their connection to the more luminous active galactic nuclei (AGN) remains elusive. We analyze the narrow band images obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in Hα [NⅡ] and/or [OⅢ] band for 23 LINERs and low luminosity Seyfert galaxies in the sample of the Palomar Optical Spectroscopic Survey of nearby galaxies in an attempt to resolve the structure of Narrow Emission Line Regions (NLRs) of these objects. In all cases, NLRs are well resolved and their morphology differs from object to object. Clumps, linear structure, spiral arms or a ring are detected in a large fraction of the objects, while there is no significant difference between Seyfert galaxies and LINERs. We find that the NLR size and the narrow line luminosity are strongly correlated for both LINERs and low luminosity Seyfert galaxies, and that the size of Hα [NⅡ] emission line region scales with Hα luminosity as RNLR∞L0.4±0.06Hα, consistent with an extension of the NLR size-luminosity relation defined for luminous Seyfert galaxies and quasars, to two orders of magnitude lower in luminosity and to lower activity levels. Our results suggest that NLRs in LINERs are similar to those of Seyfert galaxies, and they are powered by the central active galactic nucleus.  相似文献   

We present here an analysis of the X-ray properties of a sample of LINER galaxies observed with the ROSAT PSPC and HRI instruments. A spatial analysis shows that the bulk of the X-ray emission is consistent with arising from a point source; some extended emission appears at weak emission levels. The X-ray spectra are formally best described by a power law with photon indexΓx ≈ −2 or thermal emission from a Raymond-Smith plasma with highly subsolar abundances (Z ≤ 0.1).Several emission mechanisms that might contribute to the observed X-ray spectra are discussed. In particular, we take the very subsolar abundances derived from Raymond-Smith fits as an indication of a more complex emission mechanism, like the presence of a second hard component or plasma out of equilibrium. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The modern self-consistent photoionization model of planetary nebula luminescence is described. All of the processes which play an important role in the ionization and thermal equilibrium of the nebular gas are taken into consideration. The diffuse ionizing radiation is taken into account completely. The construction of the model is carried out for the radial distribution of gas density in the nebular envelope which is consistent with isophotal map of the nebula. The application of the model is illustrated on the example of the planetary nebulae BD+30°3639 and NGC 7293. It is shown that the continuum of the central star at 912 Å does not correspond to the blackbody spectrum but agrees with the spectrum of corresponding non-LTE model atmosphere. The radial distributions of electron density, electron temperature, and other parameters in the nebular envelopes are found.The evolution of the radial distribution of gas density in the planetary nebulae envelopes is investigated. Approximative analytical expression which describe both such distribution and its change with time is adjusted. It is shown that the nebular envelope is formed as a result of quiet evolution of the slow stellar wind of star-precursor, and the formation of the envelope begins from the decrease of star-precursor's mass loss rate. Obtained radial distributions of gas density in the envelopes of young nebulae rule out the idea that the planetary nebula is formed as a result of a rapid ejection of clear-cut envelope. So, there is no necessity for the superwind which is used for this purpose in theoretical calculations.A new method of the determination of planetary nebulae abundances is proposed. Unobserved ionization stages are taken into account with aid of the correlations between relative abundances of various ions which had been obtained from the grid of the photoionization models of planetary nebulae luminescence. Simple approximative expressions for the determination of He/H, C/H, N/H, O/H, Ne/H, Mg/H, Si/H, S/H, and Ar/H are found. The chemical composition of 130 Galactic planetary nebulae is revised. A comparative analysis of the abundances in the Galactic disk, bulge, and halo nebulae is carried out.  相似文献   

总结了近期对LINERs的一些研究结果,通过对LINERs在各波段上表现出的一些特性讨论了LINERs的几种模型,重点讨论了LINERs是典型的AGN的可能性。结论为具有如下至少一个特征的LINERs可能是典型的AGN:(1)有宽的发射线成分;(2)有双峰宽Hα线发射;(3)有硬的X射线的连续谱;(4)有点状紫外源;(5)有致密封电核和喷流。  相似文献   

Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory; I. V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 405–413, May–June, 1990.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy》2003,8(4):337-370
We summarize the main results from MODEST-1, the first workshop on MOdeling DEnse STellar systems. Our goal is to go beyond traditional population synthesis models, by introducing dynamical interactions between single stars, binaries, and multiple systems. The challenge is to define and develop a software framework to enable us to combine in one simulation existing computer codes in stellar evolution, stellar dynamics, and stellar hydrodynamics. With this objective, the workshop brought together experts in these three fields, as well as other interested astrophysicists and computer scientists. We report here our main conclusions, questions and suggestions for further steps toward integrating stellar evolution and stellar (hydro)dynamics.  相似文献   

The Galactic centre contains a low-ionization nebula that has been previously interpreted as plasma photoionized by relatively cool O stars. We consider the possibility that this material is instead ionized by more energetic continua and described by a relatively low ionization parameter (ratio of ionizing photon to nucleon density). We find that the predicted spectrum is more sensitive to ionization parameter and cloud density than to details of the ionizing continuum shape. The Galactic centre spectrum can be generated by stars with a range of temperatures irradiating clouds with multiple components of differing densities. The present calculations also show that optical emission from many LINERs (low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions) can be generated by relatively hot, yet normal O stars embedded in gas clouds similarly characterized by a range of densities.  相似文献   

Gaetano Belvedere 《Solar physics》1985,100(1-2):363-383
The unified sight of solar and stellar activity has revealed a worthwhile concept under several aspects, gaming in the last decade the increasing favour of observers and theorists, and the term solar-stellar connection has recently been introduced to point out the complementarity of solar and stellar observations in the background of the basic role played by the magnetic field.The great development of stellar activity observations suggests a much wider scenario than it were possible to imagine even a few years ago and stimulates theoretical work, most of which is in the framework of the - dynamo theory.Although dynamo theory seems to be plausible and successful in capturing the fundamental mechanism of solar and stellar activity, several uncertainties and intrinsic limits do still exist and are discussed together with alternative or complementary suggestions.Further, it is stressed the relevance of nonlinear problems in dynamo theory — as magnetoconvection, growth and stability of flux tubes against magnetic buoyancy, hydromagnetic global dynamos — to improve our understanding of both small and large scale interaction of rotation, turbulent convection and magnetic field, and of the transition from linear to nonlinear regime. Finally, recent dynamo models of stellar activity are critically reviewed, as to the dependence of activity indexes and cycles on rotation rate and spectral type.Open problems to be solved by future work are outlined, pointing out the role of ever increasing stellar data in widening out our comprehension of the dynamo operation modes, which seem to depend on stellar structure, rotation and age.  相似文献   

The Stripe82 has been repeatedly observed by SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) from 1998 to 2004, so as to provide us with opportunities to investigate the light variations of related objects. In this work, 29 broad-line LINERs (low-ionization nuclear emission line regions) in the Stripe82 are selected from the catalog LMCC (Light-Motion Curve Catalogue) to study their light variations. By comparing with the photometric measurements of the normal galaxies in LMCC, four candidates which possibly have light variations are picked up. Finally, after further veri?cations, it is found that there are two LINERs (SDSS J004828.80-001241.5 and SDSS J030203.53+005159.5) exhibiting relatively obvious light variations.  相似文献   

The angular diameter of a star can be estimated from interferometric observations by fitting the data with the visibility function for a uniformly illuminated disc and then using published correction factors to convert the uniform-disc angular diameter to the limb-darkened angular diameter. The correction factors are strictly valid only for monochromatic light. We investigate the effect of using a broad bandwidth, and present a simple method for calculating broad-band correction factors from the monochromatic factors.
The technique of fitting the data with a uniform-disc visibility function is only useful for stars with compact atmospheres and 'typical' limb-darkening profiles. It should not be applied to stars with extended atmospheres or that show extreme limb darkening. These stars have visibility functions that are qualitatively different from a uniform-disc visibility function, so they can be distinguished observationally from compact-atmosphere stars.  相似文献   

Two applications of von Zeipel's method to the stellar three-body problem eliminate the short period terms and establish two new integrals of the motion beyond the classical integrals. The remaining time averaged problem with only the second order Hamiltonian has one additional integral and can be solved. The motion with the third order averaged Hamiltonian included is more complex, in that there may be additional resonances, and the additional integral does not exist in all cases.  相似文献   

We present a brief overview of the theory of stellar winds with a strong emphasis on the radiation-driven outflows from massive stars. The resulting implications for the evolution and fate of massive stars are also discussed. Furthermore, we relate the effects of mass loss to the angular momentum evolution, which is particularly relevant for the production of long and soft gamma-ray bursts. Mass-loss rates are not only a function of the metallicity, but are also found to depend on temperature, particularly in the region of the bi-stability jump at 21 000 Kelvin. We highlight the role of the bi-stability jump for Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) stars, and discuss suggestions that LBVs might be direct progenitors of supernovae. We emphasize that radiation-driven wind studies rely heavily on the input opacity data and linelists, and that these are thus of fundamental importance to both the mass-loss predictions themselves, as well as to our overall understanding of the lives and deaths of massive stars.  相似文献   

The equation governing the equilibrium of a centrally-symmetric, self-gravitating distribution of matter is obtained by assuming that matter is described by magnetofluid and it is shown that the equation of stellar structure described by an ideal fluid is recovered when magnetic fieldh is vanishing  相似文献   

Exact radially-dependent particular solutions to the hydrodynamic equations for a disk galaxy are found. The mass density is calculated for a known Schwarzschild distribution function and also a distribution function is calculated from a known mass density.  相似文献   

We summarize the main physical assumptions and numerical procedures adopted by the FRANEC code to compute stellar models in all the evolutionary phases at hydrostatic and thermal equilibrium. An application to the Standard Solar Model is also briefly presented.  相似文献   

This paper describes the OSCROX stellar oscillation code for the calculation of the adiabatic oscillations of low degree ? of a spherical star. There are two principal versions: one in Lagrangian variables (oscroxL), the second in Eulerian variables (oscroxE). The Lagrangian code does not require values of the Brunt Väisälä frequency or equivalently the density gradient. For ?=1 the oscillation equations have both an exact integral and an exact partial wave solution, and codes oscroxL1 and oscroxE1 incorporate these exact solutions. The difference in the frequencies obtained with the various codes gives some estimate of the uncertainty in the results due both to limited accuracy of hydrostatic support of the stellar model, and the limited accuracy of the integration of the oscillation equations. We compare the results of the different methods by calculating the frequencies in the range 20–2500 μHz of a model of a 1.5 M main-sequence star (ModelJC) kindly provided by J. Christensen-Dalsgaard for the purposes of cross comparison of codes, a modified version of this model (ModelJCA) with improved hydrostatic support, and of a highly accurate n=3 polytropic model of a star with the same mass and radius. For the polytropic model the frequencies as calculated by all codes agree to within 0.001 μHz, whereas for the 1.5 M main sequence model the frequency differences reach a maximum of 0.04 μHz, due primarily to the limited accuracy of hydrostatic support in the model; this is reduced to 0.01 μHz for ModelJCA.  相似文献   

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